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Springer Die LEAN BACK Perspektive: Leadership heute – 42 inspirierende Wege erfolgreicher Frauen
Mit „Lean in“ brachte Sheryl Sandberg Selbstverständlichkeit in das Thema Frauen und Führung. Sich einbringen, die Hand heben und sich trauen können sind wichtige Teile des Erfolgsrezeptes von Frau-sein. „Lean back“ greift dieses Verständnis auf und erweitert es um einen balanceschaffenden Gegenimpuls: Sich zurücklehnen, Kraft aus sich heraus schöpfen, auf sich vertrauen und wissen, was gut für einen ist, das ist der Brennstoff des Erfolgs. Nur wer Abstand gewinnt, sieht das große Ganze. Lean back bedeutet nicht, sich einfach entspannt zurückzulehnen sondern das Einnehmen der richtigen Haltung und Perspektive, um als Frau maximale Wirkung zu entfalten. Lean back und Lean in sind wie das Ying und Yang von Führung und Erfolg. Das eine kann ohne das andere nicht bestehen und nur zusammen entwickelt sich die Dynamik, die notwendig ist, um nachhaltig erfolgreich zu sein. In Lean back kommen Frauen in Führungspositionen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen und Industrien zu Wort. Sie beschreiben ihre Erfahrungen und teilen ihre Lebens- und Berufsgeschichten. „Frau in Führung“ kann viele Gesichter haben. Viele Wege führen nach Rom – es gibt nicht das eine Rezept, nur viele spannende Lebensentwürfe und -wege. Lean back bietet eine Vielfalt an Rollenmodellen und bietet damit eine erweiterte Perspektive.Im Fokus von Lean back liegen die Arbeit an der eigenen Haltung und das Persönlichkeitswachstum für Frauen, die Verantwortung übernehmen wollen.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Traumatic events are more than a narrative or singular event in a person's life; the body remembers traumatic events and can experience them over and over, even after many years have passed. This book shows how trauma-sensitive yoga can be used in individual therapy and in groups to overcome trauma, by calming the nervous system and helping people to come out of dissociative states. The book also shows teachers how to detect when certain postures trigger anxiety, and offers ways to support healing in general yoga classes.Drawing on her experience as both trauma therapist and yoga teacher, the author focuses on the body-mind connection and presents asanas and breathing exercises that can help traumatised patients re-engage and take control of their bodies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy: Economic, Institutional and Management Approaches
Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy analyses the interplay of technological, institutional, market and management factors in the dynamics of energy systems. The book aims to inform national and international policies to promote low carbon innovation.Featuring chapters by leading international experts, this book explores how innovation in energy systems will provide a core contribution to achieving national and international energy policy goals, including energy security and long-term reductions in CO2 emissions. The book elaborates approaches to understanding innovation from different disciplinary perspectives and illustrates these through case studies of national and sectoral energy systems. These cover a range of technologies including photovoltaics, wind power, fuel cells, microgeneration, combined heat and power, and efficiency standards, for both energy and transport services. It contributes to greater mutual learning between approaches as international academics from economic, institutional and management backgrounds share and analyse their respective approaches, knowledge and insights.The explicitly multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach will appeal to academic researchers and postgraduate students interested in energy systems and policy. It will also be of interest to policymakers involved in promoting low carbon innovation, and strategic management thinkers in energy firms and consultancies.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Space and Place in Alice Munro's Fiction: A Book with Maps in It
New essays engaging with the developing field of literary geography to devote attention to the "regional" settings of Munro's stories and how they affect her characters' development or stasis. Alice Munro, the 2013 Nobel Prize laureate in Literature, has revolutionized the architecture of the short story. This collection of essays on Munro engages with literary geography, an emergent interdisciplinary field that is located at the interface between human geography and literary studies and is one of the most salient manifestations of the ongoing spatial turn in the arts and humanities. Critical readings of Munro's stories have labeled her literary production "regional," since she sets the majority of her short stories in the area of rural Ontario where she grew up. Until now, however, little attention has been devoted to the role of that location in the stories and tothe way that particular setting interacts with her characters' development or stasis. This collection contains eleven essays organized in two parts: first, Conceptualizing Space and Place: Houses, Landscapes, Territory; and second, Close Readings of Space and Place. Contributors: Corinne Bigot, Lynn Blin, Giuseppina Botta, Fausto Ciompi, Ailsa Cox, Christine Lorre-Johnston, Robert McGill, Claire Omhovère, Anca-Raluca Radu, Eleonora Rao, Caterina Ricciardi. Christine Lorre-Johnston is a senior lecturer in English at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Eleonora Rao teaches English and American literatures at the University of Salerno.
Guilford Publications Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Presenting an innovative framework for tailoring cognitive-behavioral interventions to each client's needs, this accessible book is packed with practical pointers and sample dialogues. Step by step, the authors show how to collaborate with clients to develop and test conceptualizations that illuminate personal strengths as well as problems, and that deepen in explanatory power as treatment progresses. An extended case illustration demonstrates the three-stage conceptualization process over the entire course of therapy with a multiproblem client. The approach emphasizes building resilience and coping while decreasing psychological distress. Special features include self-assessment checklists and learning exercises to help therapists build their conceptualization skills.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Astronomers, Scribes, and Priests: Intellectual Interchange between the Northern Maya Lowlands and Highland Mexico in the Late Postclassic Period
Rutgers University Press Glamour in a Golden Age: Movie Stars of the 1930s
Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer, Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo, William Powell and Myrna Loy, Jean Harlow, and Gary Cooper-Glamour in a Golden Age presents original essays from eminent film scholars that analyze movie stars of the 1930s against the background of contemporary American cultural history.Stardom is approached as an effect of, and influence on, the particular historical and industrial contexts that enabled these actors and actresses to be discovered, featured in films, publicized, and to become recognized and admired-sometimes even notorious-parts of the cultural landscape. Using archival and popular material, including fan and mass market magazines, other promotional and publicity material, and of course films themselves, contributors also discuss other artists who were incredibly popular at the time, among them Ann Harding, Ruth Chatterton, Nancy Carroll, Kay Francis, and Constance Bennett.
Little, Brown & Company The Very Fairy Princess: A Spooky, Sparkly Halloween
Gerry is in search of the PERFECT costume - one that will look just right with her wings and crown. Her imagination runs wild, and she decides on a flowing angel outfit (complete with a sparkly halo, of course). Gerry and her friends are so excited for the big day... until an accidental spill threatens to ruin EVERYTHING! What is a fairy princess to do? Thankfully, Gerry knows just how to save Halloween, and also shows what it means to be a good friend. From the mother-daughter team of Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton comes another heartwarming story in the #1 New York Times bestselling Very Fairy Princess series.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Book of the City of Ladies and Other Writings
"Fresh, accurate, and engaging, this new translation of the Book of the City of Ladies helps us to understand what made Christine de Pizan so popular with her fifteenth-century contemporaries. The editors provide a rich historical and philosophical context that will be very useful to both students and scholars of the history of political ideas. The translations themselves gracefully navigate the fine line between accuracy and readability with considerable charm. Rounding out this portrait of the turmoil of fifteenth-century France, the volume is enriched by excerpts from other works, Christine's Vision, the Book of the Body Politic, and the Lamentation on France’s Ills." —Kate Forhan, Emeritus, Siena CollegeCONTENTS: Introduction A Note on Translating the Book of the City of Ladies Christine de Pizan: Her works, Her Times Suggestions for Further Reading From Christine's Vision (1405) The Book of the City of Ladies (1404–1405) From The Book of the Body Politic (1404–1407) From Lamentation on France's Ills (1410) Index
Northern Bee Books Pollen Grains & Honeydew: A guide for identifying the plant sources in honey
Dedalus Ltd S Senso (and Other Stories)
National Gallery Company Ltd Winslow Homer: Force of Nature
An accessible introduction to American painter Winslow Homer, examining his work through the lens of conflict A fresh exploration of the work of iconic American painter Winslow Homer (1836–1910) through the lens of conflict, a recurring theme in his prolific career. A persistent fascination with struggle permeates Homer’s art—from emblematic images of the Civil War and Reconstruction to dazzling tropical works and monumental marines—and reveals his lifelong engagement with the charged subjects of race, nature, and the environment. This publication illuminates Homer’s preoccupation with the complex social and political issues of his era—war, slavery, imperialism—as well as his broader concerns with the fragility of human life and dominance of nature. These powerful themes are present in his earliest Civil War and Reconstruction paintings, which explore the effect of the conflict on the landscape, soldiers, and the formerly enslaved. They continue through his later images of rural life, dramatic rescues, and hunting—paintings that grapple with the often uneasy relationship between humans and the natural world. Toward the end of his life, human figures were reduced to tiny, irrelevant presences, while the ocean acquired a pivotal role. This richly illustrated volume will be published to accompany a retrospective at the National Gallery, organized in collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Published by National Gallery Global/Distributed by Yale University Press
Brepols N.V. Aspects of Power and Authority in the Middle Ages
Four Courts Press Ltd The Museum Building of Trinity College Dublin: A model of Victorian craftsmanship
Lantern Books,US Brooklyn Goes Home: The Rise and Fall of American Greyhound Racing and the Dog That Inspired a Movement
Golden Guides from St. Martin's Press Don't Tell Me What to Do, Just Send Money: The Essential Parenting Guide to the College Years
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Susan B. Anthony and the Struggle for Equal Rights
Explores the diversity of thought and action in women's involvement in 19th-century reform movements. Though Susan B. Anthony is best remembered for leading the campaign for women's suffrage, she worked in multiple movements for equality beyond women's right to vote, including antislavery, Native American rights, temperance, and labor reform. In doing so she forged alliances with other activists to forward a broad social justice agenda, but she also faced opposition from these reformers on how best to achieve this goal. Susan B. Anthony and theStruggle for Equal Rights explores the diversity of women's activism in nineteenth-century American reform movements, focusing on how Anthony and other women reformers shaped those movements and our memories of them. The essays here chart the long career of Anthony in this rich historical context of women's activism and display the efforts of a wide variety of women, and the challenges they faced, in the continued struggle for equality. Christine L. Ridarsky, Rochester City Historian, is a PhD candidate in history at the University of Rochester. Mary M. Huth is retired assistant director of the Department of Rare Books, Special Collections, and Preservation, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Practical Leadership in Community Colleges: Navigating Today's Challenges
Anticipate, manage, and overcome the complex issues facing community colleges Practical Leadership in Community Colleges offers a path forward through the challenges community colleges face every day. Through field observations, reports, news coverage, and interviews with leaders and policy makers, this book digs deep into the issues confronting college leaders and provides clear direction for managing through the storm. With close examination of both emerging trends and perennial problems, the discussion delves into issues brought about by changing demographics, federal and state mandates, public demand, economic cycles, student unrest, employee groups, trustees, college supporters, and more to provide practical guidance toward optimal outcomes for all stakeholders. Written by former presidents, including a past president of the American Association of Community Colleges, this book provides expert guidance on anticipating and managing the critical issues that affect the entire institution. Both authors serve as consultants, executive coaches, and advisors to top leaders, higher education institutions, and leadership development programs throughout the United States. Community colleges are facing increasingly complex issues from both without and within. Some can be avoided, others only mitigated—but all must be managed, and college leaders must be fully prepared or risk failing the students and the community. This book provides real-world guidance for current and emerging leaders and trustees seeking more effective management methods, with practical insight and expert perspective. Tackle the college completion challenge and performance-based funding initiatives Manage through economic cycles, declining support, and calls for accountability Delve into the issues of privatization and employee unionization Execute strategies to align institutional goals and mission Manage organizational change and new ways of thinking that are essential in today's competitive environment Manage issues involving diversity, inclusiveness, and equity Prepare adequately for campus emergencies Community colleges are the heartbeat of the nation's higher education system, and bear the tremendous responsibility of serving the needs of a vast and varied student body. Every day may bring new issues, but effective management allows institutions to rise to the challenge rather than falter under pressure. Practical Leadership in Community Colleges goes beyond theory to provide the practical guidance leadership needs to more effectively lead institutions to achieve results and serve the students and the community.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Slide Rules: Design, Build, and Archive Presentations in the Engineering and Technical Fields
A complete road map to creating successful technical presentations Planning a technical presentation can be tricky. Does the audience know your subject area? Will you need to translate concepts into terms they understand? What sort of visuals should you use? Will this set of bullets truly convey the information? What will your slides communicate to future users? Questions like these and countless others can overwhelm even the most savvy technical professionals. This full-color, highly visual work addresses the unique needs of technical communicators looking to break free of the bulleted slide paradigm. For those seeking to improve their presentations, the authors provide guidance on how to plan, organize, develop, and archive technical presentations. Drawing upon the latest research in cognitive science as well as years of experience teaching seasoned technical professionals, the authors cover a myriad of issues involved in the design of presentations, clearly explaining how to create slide decks that communicate critical technical information. Key features include: Innovative methods for archiving and documenting work through slides in the technical workplace Guidance on how to tailor presentations to diverse audiences, technical and nontechnical alike A plethora of color slides and visual examples illustrating various strategies and best practices Links to additional resources as well as slide examples to inspire on-the-job changes in presentation practices Slide Rules is a first-rate guide for practicing engineers, scientists, and technical specialists as well as anyone wishing to develop useful, engaging, and informative technical presentations in order to become an expert communicator. Find the authors at or on Facebook at: SlideRulesTAC
Springer Science+Business Media Empire and Domestic Economy
We are both immensely pleased to have played supporting roles in the archaeological research that led to this volume. As a faculty member at the Universidad del Centro (Huancayo) in the 1960s and later at the Universidad Nacional de San Marcos (Lima), Matos Mendieta developed a special interest in the Upper Mantaro and adjacent Tarma drainages, and during the 1960s and 1970s, he carried out general reconnaissance and several excavations in the area between Lake Junin and Huancayo. Matos Mendieta began his field research in the Sierra Central as part of the "Proyecto Andino de Estudios Arqueologicos" sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution. As a fellow at the Smithsonian Institution in the mid-1960s, Matos Mendieta began to interact more closely with North American scholars; during this period, he began to encourage and facilitate the interests of several US. -based archaeologists in the Peruvian Sierra Central, including Craig Morris, John Murra, and Donald Thompson, who were beginning fieldwork at and around the Inka provincial center of Huanuco Pampa north of Lake Junin, and David Browman, who in 1969 carried out one of the very first systematic archaeological surveys in highland Peru over parts of the main Mantaro Valley between Huancayo and Jauja.
The University of Chicago Press Current Paleoethnobotany: Analytical Methods and Cultural Interpretations of Archaeological Plant Remains
Paleoethnobotany offers powerful tools for reconstructing past cultures by examining the interaction of human populations with the plant world. Plant remains from archaeological sites can provide information for a number of disciplines: archaeologists may use such remains to examine how plants were used, how agriculture changed over time, or how plant offerings in burials signaled social status; ecologists and botanists may use them to study morphological changes in plants due to domestication. Combining case studies and theoretical discussions, Current Paleoethnobotany presents the first full discussion of the major stages and problems of paleoethnobotanical research, from designing and testing equipment, such as flotation machines, to quantification and interpretation. The volume explores a wide range of issues concerning collection techniques, analytical procedures, and interpretive models that will provide accurate information about past human societies from plant remains. The contributors offer data on specific regions as well as more general background information on the basic techniques of paleoethnobotany for the nonspecialist. Throughout, they explicitly examine the assumptions underlying paleoethnobotanical methods and the ways in which those assumptions affect anthropological and ecological research questions. Based on a symposium presented at the 1985 meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Current Paleoethnobotany moves beyond a technique-oriented view of paleoethnobotany to successfully integrate current thinking about both procedures and research goals. The contributors demonstrate the potential value of the field of paleoethnobotany and open the way for further discussion and improvement.
Little, Brown & Company Chained Soldier, Vol. 5
The 6th and 7th Squads team up to rescue the abducted Yuuki, kidnapped by a humanoid Shuuki...who turns out to be his long-lost sister Aoba. Upon learning about their situation, Yuuki tries to convince his sister to let go of her hostility toward the Demon Defense Force, but their conflicting ideals lead to a fierce battle between the two siblings!
Alma Books Ltd In the Labyrinth
The Battle of Reichenfels has been fought and lost. The army is in flight. The enemy is expected to arrive in town at any moment. A soldier, carrying a parcel under his arm, is wandering through an unknown town. All the streets look the same, and he cannot remember the name of one where he was supposed to meet the man who had agreed to take the parcel. But he must deliver the parcel or at least get rid of it… A brilliant work from one of the finest exponents of the Nouveau Roman, In the Labyrinth showcases an inventive, hypnotic style which creates an uncanny atmosphere of déjà vu, yet undermines the reader’s expectations at every turn.
WW Norton & Co The Selected Writings of Christine de Pizan: A Norton Critical Edition
This Norton Critical Edition presents selections from eighteen of Christine’s major works in fresh, contemporary translations. Each text is fully annotated and is accompanied by an introduction placing it in the context of Christine’s oeuvre and tracing the literary developments and the historical situation of the period. The Book of Fortune’s Transformation and The Book of the City of Ladies include manuscript illuminations. "Criticism" collects seven important interpretations of the literary and historical aspects of Christine’s work, by Jacqueline Cerquiglini, Beatrice Gottlieb, Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Sheila Delany, Patricia A. Phillippy, Joel Blanchard, and Kevin Brownlee. A Selected Bibliography is included.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Theologien Des Politischen Im Horizont Interkultureller Theologie
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for U.S.: A Narrative History, Volume 1: To 1877
McGraw-Hill Education Looseleaf for Experience History, Vol 2: Since 1865
University of Virginia Press The Papers of George Washington June-August 1793
Volume 13 of the ""Presidential Series"" documents the period from 1 June through 31 August 1793, a time when Washington focused his efforts as president on keeping the United States neutral during the war between France and Great Britain. The greatest challenge came from the presence in U.S. ports of both British and French privateers and their prizes. Frequent correspondence with the state governors, especially Thomas Mifflin of Pennsylvania and George Clinton of New York, kept the president informed of the latest arrivals. The cabinet, consisting of Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of War Henry Knox, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph, met frequently at Washington's behest, both with and without him. These meetings produced a series of cabinet opinions delineating America's neutrality policy. An effort to solicit the Supreme Court for an opinion on regulations designed to enforce America's neutrality policy, however, failed. The administration also was unsuccessful in its attempt to prosecute American citizens who enlisted for service on French privateers. At the same time, Charles Edmond Genet, the French minister plenipotentiary to the United States, failed to cooperate with the administration's directives concerning French privateers and prizes. This fact, combined with his attempt to influence the American political process, led to the cabinet's decision to ask the French government for Genet's recall. While some Americans opposed the neutrality policies of the administration, others did not, and Washington received numerous letters of support from municipal and civic organizations in the maritime states. Other issues of national concern included Washington's approval of additional foreign loans and the administration's preparations for a peace treaty with hostile Indians in the Northwest Territory. The president also paid considerable attention to the desire of the citizens of South Carolina and Georgia for a military expedition against the Cherokees, Creeks, and other southern Indians. Washington, however, decided against the use of force at this time. In his private life, Washington continued his efforts to manage his Mount Vernon farms while living in Philadelphia. The death of his estate manager in June provided additional anxiety as Washington searched for a replacement. He also continued his role as the patriarch of an extended family. He was particularly engaged in offering advice on estate management to Frances Bassett Washington, the widow of his nephew George Augustine Washington.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Music For Little Mozarts: Music Workbook 3
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lilly's Big Day and Other Stories CD: 9 Stories
De Gruyter Widersprüche. Kuratorisch handeln zwischen Theorie und Praxis
Widersprüche im musealen Kontext Wie kann Kritik am Museum im Museum Folgen haben? Seit Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts verbreiten sich kritische Theorien in der Praxis institutioneller Texte und Kontexte wie Lauffeuer: Feminismus, Antirassismus, Umweltpolitiken, Institutionskritiken, Inklusionsdebatten, dekoloniale und queere Theorien sind omnipräsent – während sich strukturell jedoch nur wenig zum Besseren verändert und ein hart erarbeitetes kritisches Vokabular oft zum Label wird. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht dieser Band die Verhältnisse von Theorie und Praxis sowie die damit verbundenen Widersprüche im musealen Kontext: Wie kann kritische Theorie zur Praxis werden? Wie lässt sich kritisches Vokabular in institutionelles Handeln übersetzen? Die Beiträge hinterfragen große Strukturen, beschreiben und reflektieren aber auch persönliche Momente. Sechster Band der Publikationsreihe curating. ausstellungstheorie & praxis Über Widersprüche in Organisationen, Institutionen, Ausstellungen, Sammlungen, Vermittlungsstrategien etc. Mit dem künstlerischer Beitrag Safe and Sound, Aldo Giannotti, 2021
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Architecture and Interpretation: Essays for Eric Fernie
Essays centred on the methods, pleasures, and pitfalls of architectural interpretation. Architecture affects us on a number of levels. It can control our movements, change our experience of our own scale, create a particular sense of place, focus memory, and act as a statement of power and taste, to name but a few. Yet the ways in which these effects are brought about are not yet well understood. The aim of this book is to move the discussion forward, to encourage and broaden debate about the ways in which architecture is interpreted, with aview to raising levels of intellectual engagement with the issues in terms of the theory and practice of architectural history. The range of material covered extends from houses constructed from mammoth bones around 15,000 years ago in the present-day Ukraine to a surfer's memorial in Carpinteria, California; other subjects include the young Michelangelo seeking to transcend genre boundaries; medieval masons' tombs; and the mythographies of early modern Netherlandish towns. Taking as their point of departure the ways in which architecture has been, is, and can be written about and otherwise represented, the editors' substantial Introduction provides an historiographical framework for, and draws out the themes and ideas presented in, the individual contributors' essays. Contributors: Christine Stevenson, T. A. Heslop, John Mitchell, Malcolm Thurlby, Richard Fawcett, Jill A. Franklin, StephenHeywood, Roger Stalley, Veronica Sekules, John Onians, Frank Woodman, Paul Crossley, David Hemsoll, Kerry Downes, Richard Plant, Jenifer Ní Ghrádraigh, Lindy Grant, Elisabeth de Bièvre, Stefan Muthesius, Robert Hillenbrand, AndrewM. Shanken, Peter Guillery.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Fifteenth Century IV: Political Culture in Late Medieval Britain
Eight studies of aspects of C15 England, united by a common focus on the role of ideas in political developments of the time. The concept of "political culture" has become very fashionable in the last thirty years, but only recently has it been consciously taken up by practitioners of late-medieval English history, who have argued for the need to acknowledge the role of ideas in politics. While this work has focused on elite political culture, interest in the subject has been growing among historians of towns and villages, especially as they have begun to recognise the importance of both internal politics and national government in the affairs of townsmen and peasants. This volume, the product of a conference on political culture in the late middle ages, explores the subject from a variety of perspectives and in a variety of spheres. It is hoped that it will put the subject firmly on the map for the study of late-medieval England and lead to further exploration of political culture in this period. Contributors CAROLINE BARRON, ALAN CROMARTIE, CHRISTOPHER DYER, MAURICE KEEN, MIRI RUBIN, BENJAMIN THOMPSON, JOHN WATTS, JENNY WORMALD. LINDA CLARK is editor, History of Parliament; CHRISTINE CARPENTER is Reader in History, University ofCambridge.
Alfred USA Music for Little Mozarts Music Lesson Book 1
Plural Publishing Inc Cases in Head and Neck Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Includes video and audio files! Cases in Head and Neck Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach encompasses rich material and resources that demonstrate the complex interface between the diagnostic and clinical information necessary to successfully manage patients with head and neck cancer. This must-read book contains cases written by leading experts in the field that cover a wide variety of head and neck cancers (i.e., tongue base, tonsil, laryngeal, HPV related, etc.) and treatment options, including minimally invasive surgery such as robotic surgery and combined modality treatment protocols. Specifically, this text addresses comprehensive cases from initial evaluation, diagnosis, imaging, and other physiological tests to multidisciplinary treatment management (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy). Additionally, approaches for the management of toxicities or morbidities of cancer treatment are presented, as well as care plans, discharge plans, and caregiver burden and survivorship issues. Moreover, material on health literacy, humanistic care, and improving communication with assistive technology has been included.Written by clinicians specializing in speech-language pathology, otolaryngology, medical and radiation oncology, pathology, nurse case management, radiology, dietics, among other fields, this collection of authors provides one of the most complete presentations of the inner workings of the multidisciplinary care team. The adult cases of head and neck cancer reviewed in this text exemplify current practice issues surrounding HPV, minimally invasive robotic surgery and combined modality treatments. Each author threads introductory comments throughout the cases illustrating the critical role of the speech-language pathologist, in particular, and how all clinicians must address coping with survivorship and caregiver burden issues.Cases in Head and Neck Cancer intends to teach future medical practitioners how to approach the complexities associated with head and neck cancer. Its vast number of images and videos included on a PluralPlus companion website allow for experiential driven classroom activities.This text will be an invaluable resource for the education of speech-language pathologists, medical students, nurse care managers, dieticians, and any person involved in a head and neck cancer team. The book includes access to 46 videos and 5 audio clips hosted on a PluralPlus companion website. *Note Regarding Access to Supplementary Content Online: This book comes with related materials hosted on a PluralPlus companion website. If you purchase or rent a used copy of the printed book, the code to access the website printed inside the book may have been previously redeemed/used or be incorrect and you will NOT be able to use it. To guarantee access to the supplementary materials on the website, it is recommended you purchase a new/unsused copy of this book directly from Amazon or the publisher, Plural Publishing, Inc. If you purchase from other resellers, check with the reseller regarding the validity of the access code before completing your purchase. The publisher will not replace inactive access codes to customers renting or purchasing used books from Amazon or via other resellers.
McFarland & Co Inc David Lynch and the American West: Essays on Regionalism and Indigeneity in Twin Peaks and the Films
This collection convenes diverse analyses of David Lynch's newly conceived, dreamlike neo-noir representations of the American West, a first in studies of regionalism and indigeneity in his films. Twelve essays and three interviews address Lynch's image of the American West and its impact on the genre. Fans and scholars of David Lynch's work will find a study of his interpretations of the West as place and myth, spanning from his first feature film, Eraserhead (1977), through the third season of Twin Peaks in 2017. Symbols of the West in Lynch's work can be as obvious as an Odessa, Texas street sign or as subtle as the visual themes rooted in indigenous artistry. Explorations of cowboy masculinity, violence, modern frontier narratives and representations of indigeneity are all included in this collection.
Leuven University Press Karel Appel, A Gesture of Colour
Epilogue by Christine Buci-GlucksmannKarel Appel. A Gesture of Colour is the first of a series of six volumes, bringing together the most important writings of Jean-François Lyotard (1924 - 1998) on contemporary art and artists. The book he devoted to the art of Karel Appel (1921 - 2006) is doubtlessly one of the most complete and inspired texts of all the writings included in the series. Neither the original French manuscript nor the English translation have ever been published, and their presentation face to face should constitute a considerable plus.In this book, Lyotard presents Karel Appel's "matterism" as an offer of presence, presence deferred - it is the visual where every predicate is suspended, the visual touched, "gesture" of colour more than property of colour, appearance at the edge of the abyss. Christine Buci-Glucksmann's epilogue indicates the position of Karel Appel. A Gesture of Colour within the whole of Lyotard's writings on art, considering equally the philosopher's subsequent work.Winner of the Plantin Moretus Prize 2010 for the best designed book in the category textbooks and academic publications Photo Credits: Van Looveren & Princen
Wild Nature Press Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland
University of California Press Invitation to Syriac Christianity: An Anthology
Despite their centrality to the history of Christianity in the East, Syriac Christians have generally been excluded from modern accounts of the faith. Originating from Mesopotamia, Syriac Christians quickly spread across Eurasia, from Turkey to China, developing a distinctive and influential form of Christianity that connected empires. These early Christians wrote in the language of Syriac, the lingua franca of the late ancient Middle East, and a dialect of Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Collecting key foundational Syriac texts from the second to the fourteenth centuries, this anthology provides unique access to one of the most intriguing, but least known, branches of the Christian tradition.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methodologies: A Dynamic Approach
This sourcebook is an unparalleled resource in the field of family science. It provides a comprehensive overview of both traditional and contemporary theories and methodologies to promote a greater understanding of increasingly complex family realities. It focuses on broad developments in research design and conceptualization, while also offering a historical perspective on developments in family science over time, particularly emerging theories from the past several decades. Each chapter summarizes and evaluates a major theory or methodological approach in the field, delving into its main principles; its debates and challenges; how it has evolved over time; its practical uses in policy, education, or further research; and links to other theories and methodologies. In highlighting recent research of note, chapters emphasize the potential for innovative future applications.Key areas of coverage include:· Risk and resilience, family stress, feminist, critical race, and social exchange theories.· Ambiguous loss, intersectionality, Queer, and family development theory.· Life course framework.· Biosocial theory and biomarker methods.· Symbolic interactionism.· Ethnography.· Mixed methods, participatory action research, and evaluation.
Amberley Publishing Sheffield Pubs
This fascinating selection of photographs and informative text charts the history of some of Sheffield's finest and most notorious pubs, taverns and old alehouses.
Ergon Verlag Passed Around by a Crescent: Wine Poetry in the Literary Traditions of the Islamic World
Universitatsverlag Winter Der Ungehorte Markus: Predigten Ausserhalb Der Perikopenreihe. Eine Homiletische Festschrift Zum 60. Geburtstag Von Helmut Schwier
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Agypten Und Levante XXX / Egypt and the Levant XXX: Jubilaumsausgabe - 30 Jahre Agypten Und Levante / Anniversary Edition - 30 Years of Egypt and the Levant: International Journal for Egyptian Archaeology and Related Disciplines
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Lutheran Dualities: Guidance for Preaching the Gospel
Classiques Garnier Le Format Court: Recits d'Aujourd'hui