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APress Pro Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): Powerful Tools and Practices for Cross-Platform Development and Collaboration
This book covers everything a developer needs to know to hit the ground running and get the most out of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Since its release, Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) has been growing in popularity, moving from curious early adopters to wide-scale interest, including enterprise development teams using WSL in production. This authoritative guide to WSL covers the gamut, introducing developers to WSL architecture, installation and configuration, the WSL command line, all the way to advanced use cases and performance tunings. Practical examples are sprinkled throughout to reinforce understanding. This book is designed to efficiently and effectively get developers comfortable using this highly useful platform for open-source development on Windows. WSL is uniquely suited to cloud and cross-platform development, and system administrator workflows on Windows. Windows developers will begin with the basics of installation and then be introduced to the vast library of open source tools that they can integrate into their own workflows, using their existing development tools, such as Code, Visual Studio, and JetBrains IDEs. Readers will learn, hands on, about using WSL to develop cross-platform and cloud-native applications, work with containers, and deploy a local Kubernetes cluster on WSL. “Much of what WSL is, is what developers make of it” is expert Barnes’ guiding mantra, a theme that is reinforced throughout this valuable cross-platform learning journey. Developers will get excited about the many new opportunities at their fingertips and be astounded at what they can do and achieve with WSL. What You Will Learn Install and configure WSL, a unique and novel configuration process Receive an unbiased overview of WSL, its architecture, installation, the command line, practical use cases, and advanced configuration Create a development workstation using WSL Compare and contrast the differences between WSL 1 and WSL 2 Explore, in depth, some of the more popular workflows in WSL, including Docker containers Consider and plan key factors for a large scale enterprise deployment of WSL Who This Book Is ForDevelopers who need to know WSL and how to build a development stack, integrating it with their preferred code editor or IDE if they so choose; existing Windows and Linux system administrators who want to learn how to install, deploy, and manage WSL; power users who are comfortable in a command line, but may be new to Linux or WSL
John Wiley & Sons Inc Augmented Lean: A Human-Centric Framework for Managing Frontline Operations
Explore the real future of work in this expert tech implementation guide that goes beyond automation In Augmented Lean: A Human-Centric Framework for Managing Frontline Operations, serial startup founder Dr. Natan Linder and futurist podcaster Dr. Trond Arne Undheim deliver an urgent and incisive exploration of how to facilitate agile processes amongst a millennial workforce that already lives by many of its tenets. The book demonstrates how to abandon legacy industrial technology that is failing modern operations and hindering operational excellence and digital progress. As an executive and leader, you cannot fall prey to hyped-up notions of industry 4.0's factory of the future automation, artificial intelligence, internet of things, sensors, digital twins, and augmented reality fixing every problem. Instead, to truly reduce cognitive load, complexity, and frustrations in the workplace, we must build cyber-physical technologies so that humans remain at the center. Leaders must ensure that the technology they deploy at an industrial scale has fluid interfaces that demonstrably simplifies work and makes operations more flexible without introducing fear, uncertainty, or doubt. The authors provide: A step-by-step walkthrough of the Augmented Lean framework that shows readers when, how, and why to augment your workforce through cyber-physical principles that go beyond both Lean and Agile management practices Concrete strategies on how to scale these operational augmentation methods throughout your organization based on real-world case studies of operators in the trenches of manufacturing whose impact far outweighs their seniority in the corporate hierarchy Insightful advice for how to use the augmentation framework in small- and medium-sized enterprises where license and training costs are prohibitive when only using off-the-shelf industry 4.0 approaches A thoroughly practical playbook for augmenting your workforce with the latest cyber-physical adaptations to digital technologies, Augmented Lean provides you with the organizational-, process-, and management-level techniques you need to get the most out of your employees. In turn, as an operator, engineer, or industrial worker reading this book, you will become empowered to be a change agent through no-code interfaces instead of remaining a recipient of endless training demands and ever-increasing technological complexity. Augmented Lean will orient you towards the future with the most effective tools to cut through hype so you can instantly apply your learnings and be productive wherever you currently operate.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Corrosion Policy Decision Making: Science, Engineering, Management, and Economy
CORROSION POLICY DECISION MAKING Explore the science, management, economy, ecology, and engineering of corrosion management and prevention In Corrosion Policy Decision Making, distinguished consultant and corrosion expert Dr. Reza Javaherdashti delivers an insightful overview of the fundamental principles of corrosion with a strong focus on the applicability of corrosion theory to industrial practice. The authors demonstrate various aspects of smart corrosion management and persuasively make the case that there is a real difference between corrosion management and corrosion knowledge management. The book contains seven chapters that each focuses on one important aspect of corrosion and corrosion management. Corrosion management is an issue that is not just corrosion science or corrosion engineering but rather a combination of both elements. To cover this paradoxical aspect of corrosion management, chapter 2 deals with some basic, introductory concepts and principles of corrosion and coating/painting (an important corrosion protection method) while chapter 3 explains the elements of smart corrosion management in detail. Another important principle of smart corrosion management is to be able to study the cost of corrosion, chapter 4 introduces important points in the economics involved in a smart corrosion management. As indicated earlier, corrosion engineering is also an integral part of corrosion management and thus chapter 5 looks at the engineering side of corrosion by detailing the example of Process Additives (EMPA). Chapter 6 for the first time looks at the possibility of using TRIZ (algorithm of invention) in corrosion management. Finally, chapter 7 presents the necessary elements for building a model that would explore the mutual interaction between corrosion and environment mainly by exploring the difference between environmental impact and environmental effect. Chapter 7 is also very important because the four models so far applied to estimate the cost of corrosion (Uhlig Method, Hoar Method, I/O method and LCC method) are not capable of suggesting any clear model or a sensible way of exploring the elements necessary to explain the impact of indirect costs of corrosion the most important of which being environmental damages imposed by corrosion. This book is ideal for engineers, students, and managers working or studying corrosion, Corrosion Policy Decision Making is also an indispensable resource for professionals in the fields of upstream and downstream, on-shore/off-shore oil and gas, transportation, mining, power generation as well as major sectors of other strategic industries.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data using EViews
QUANTILE REGRESSION A thorough presentation of Quantile Regression designed to help readers obtain richer information from data analysesThe conditional least-square or mean-regression (MR) analysis is the quantitative research method used to model and analyze the relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables, where each equation estimation of a regression can give only a single regression function or fitted values variable. As an advanced mean regression analysis, each estimation equation of the mean-regression can be used directly to estimate the conditional quantile regression (QR), which can quickly present the statistical results of a set nine QR(τ)s for τ(tau)s from 0.1 up to 0.9 to predict detail distribution of the response or criterion variable. QR is an important analytical tool in many disciplines such as statistics, econometrics, ecology, healthcare, and engineering.Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data Using EViews provides examples of statistical results of various QR analyses based on experimental and cross section data of a variety of regression models. The author covers the applications of one-way, two-way, and n-way ANOVA quantile regressions, QRs with multi numerical predictors, heterogeneous QRs, and latent variables QRs, amongst others. Throughout the text, readers learn how to develop the best possible quantile regressions and how to conduct more advanced analysis using methods such as the quantile process, the Wald test, the redundant variables test, residual analysis, the stability test, and the omitted variables test. This rigorous volume: Describes how QR can provide a more detailed picture of the relationships between independent variables and the quantiles of the criterion variable, by using the least-square regression Presents the applications of the test for any quantile of any numerical response or criterion variable Explores relationship of QR with heterogeneity: how an independent variable affects a dependent variable Offers expert guidance on forecasting and how to draw the best conclusions from the results obtained Provides a step-by-step estimation method and guide to enable readers to conduct QR analysis using their own data sets Includes a detailed comparison of conditional QR and conditional mean regression Quantile Regression: Applications on Experimental and Cross Section Data Using EViews is a highly useful resource for students and lecturers in statistics, data analysis, econometrics, engineering, ecology, and healthcare, particularly those specializing in regression and quantitative data analysis.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Flat Panel Display Manufacturing
An extensive introduction to the engineering and manufacture of current and next-generation flat panel displays This book provides a broad overview of the manufacturing of flat panel displays, with a particular emphasis on the display systems at the forefront of the current mobile device revolution. It is structured to cover a broad spectrum of topics within the unifying theme of display systems manufacturing. An important theme of this book is treating displays as systems, which expands the scope beyond the technologies and manufacturing of traditional display panels (LCD and OLED) to also include key components for mobile device applications, such as flexible OLED, thin LCD backlights, as well as the manufacturing of display module assemblies. Flat Panel Display Manufacturing fills an important gap in the current book literature describing the state of the art in display manufacturing for today's displays, and looks to create a reference the development of next generation displays. The editorial team brings a broad and deep perspective on flat panel display manufacturing, with a global view spanning decades of experience at leading institutions in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the USA, and including direct pioneering contributions to the development of displays. The book includes a total of 24 chapters contributed by experts at leading manufacturing institutions from the global FPD industry in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Germany, Israel, and USA. Provides an overview of the evolution of display technologies and manufacturing Treats display products as systems with manifold applications, expanding the scope beyond traditional display panel manufacturing to key components for mobile devices and TV applications Provides a detailed overview of LCD manufacturing, including panel architectures, process flows, and module manufacturing Provides a detailed overview of OLED manufacturing for both mobile and TV applications, including a chapter dedicated to the young field of flexible OLED manufacturing Provides a detailed overview of the key unit processes and corresponding manufacturing equipment, including manufacturing test & repair of TFT array panels as well as display module inspection & repair Introduces key topics in display manufacturing science and engineering, including productivity & quality, factory architectures, and green manufacturing Flat Panel Display Manufacturing will appeal to professionals and engineers in R&D departments for display-related technology development, as well as to graduates and Ph.D. students specializing in LCD/OLED/other flat panel displays.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Enduring Advisory Firm: How to Serve Your Clients More Effectively and Operate More Efficiently
A guide for financial advisors who are ready to embrace new opportunities The Enduring Advisory Firm is a book for the forward-thinking financial advisor. Financial advisement is traditionally a hands-on field, so few in the industry feel threatened by the shifting social and technological landscape. In this book, Mark Tibergien—routinely named one of the most influential people in the financial services world—and Kim Dellarocca make a compelling case for taking a closer look at technology and other big-deal industry trends in order to move the business of financial advice into the next stage of its evolution. Combining a facts-based approach with case studies and examples from the field, The Enduring Advisory Firm will ignite your imagination by demonstrating practical strategies for attracting clients and streamlining operations. Today's smart practice managers are focusing on emerging topics like the needs and expectations of the Millennial generation, mobile and interactive technologies, and growth planning. Responding thoughtfully to these trends, with the help of this book, could propel your financial advising business toward a more successful future. In-depth discussion of trends and forces that you can harness to reshape your financial advisement business Case studies and examples showing how to navigate the most difficult business decisions Innovative ideas for process improvement, more fruitful client interactions, and sustainable growth Tips and insight for attracting Millennial clients and talent by leveraging new technologies The Enduring Advisory Firm will inspire financial advisors, managers, and executives to branch out in ways that will lead to measurable growth. With a newfound focus on the evolution of your business, you might be surprised at where change takes you. In addition to providing RIAs with guidelines to help them succeed, all of the proceeds from this book will support the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning, a national initiative to create a more diverse and financial planning profession so that every American has access to competent and ethical financial planning advice. The Center brings together CFP® professionals, firms, educators, researchers and experts to address profession-wide challenges in the areas of diversity and workforce development, and to build an academic home that offers opportunities for conducting and publishing new research that adds to the financial planning body of knowledge. Learn more at
Fordham University Press Palisades: The People's Park
How the famous and not-so-famous like-minded citizens all gave their time, expertise, and money to build a park legacy of incomparable benefit The Palisades park and historic site system in New York and New Jersey is a significant anchor-point for the spread of national and state parks across the nation. The challenge to protect these treasures began with a brutal blast of dynamite in the late nineteenth century and continues to this day. Palisades: The People’s Park presents the story of getting from zero protected acres to the rich tapestry that is today’s Palisades park system, located in the nation’s most densely populated metropolitan region. This is an account of huge determination, moments of crisis, caustic resistance to the very idea of conservation, glorious philanthropy, a steep learning curve, and responsibilities for guardianship passed with care from one generation to the next. Despite the involvement of men of great wealth and fame from its earliest beginnings, the Palisades Interstate Park Commission faced an early and ongoing struggle to arrange financial support from both the New York and New Jersey state governments for a park that would cross state lines. The conflicts between developers and conservationists, industrialists and wilderness enthusiasts, with their opposing views regarding the uses of natural resources required the commissioners of the PIPC to become skilled negotiators, assiduous fundraisers, and savvy participants in the political process. The efforts to create Palisades Interstate Park was prodigious, requiring more than 1,000 real estate transactions to establish Sterling Forest, to save Storm King Mountain, to preserve Lake Minnewaska, to protect Stony Point Battlefield and Washington’s headquarters, to open Bear Mountain and Harriman state parks, and to add the other sixteen parks to the Palisades Interstate Park System. Beginning with the efforts of Elizabeth Vermilye of the New Jersey Federation of Women’s Clubs, who enlisted President Theodore Roosevelt’s support to stop the blasting and quarrying of Palisades rock, author Robert Binnewies traces the story of the famous, including J. P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the Harrimans, as well as the not-so-famous men and women whose donations of time and money led to the preservation of New York and New Jersey’s most scenic and historic lands. The park experiment, begun in 1900, still stands as a dynamic model among the nation’s major environmental achievements.
New York University Press Against Health: How Health Became the New Morality
Navigates the divergent cultural meanings of health, and its entanglement with morality in current political discourse You see someone smoking a cigarette and say,“Smoking is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are a bad person because you smoke.” You encounter someone whose body size you deem excessive, and say, “Obesity is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are lazy, unsightly, or weak of will.” You see a woman bottle-feeding an infant and say,“Breastfeeding is better for that child’s health,” when what you mean is that the woman must be a bad parent. You see the smokers, the overeaters, the bottle-feeders, and affirm your own health in the process. In these and countless other instances, the perception of your own health depends in part on your value judgments about others, and appealing to health allows for a set of moral assumptions to fly stealthily under the radar. Against Health argues that health is a concept, a norm, and a set of bodily practices whose ideological work is often rendered invisible by the assumption that it is a monolithic, universal good. And, that disparities in the incidence and prevalence of disease are closely linked to disparities in income and social support. To be clear, the book's stand against health is not a stand against the authenticity of people's attempts to ward off suffering. Against Health instead claims that individual strivings for health are, in some instances, rendered more difficult by the ways in which health is culturally configured and socially sustained. The book intervenes into current political debates about health in two ways. First, Against Health compellingly unpacks the divergent cultural meanings of health and explores the ideologies involved in its construction. Second, the authors present strategies for moving forward. They ask, what new possibilities and alliances arise? What new forms of activism or coalition can we create? What are our prospects for well-being? In short, what have we got if we ain't got health? Against Health ultimately argues that the conversations doctors, patients, politicians, activists, consumers, and policymakers have about health are enriched by recognizing that, when talking about health, they are not all talking about the same thing. And, that articulating the disparate valences of “health” can lead to deeper, more productive, and indeed more healthy interactions about our bodies.
New York University Press Against Health: How Health Became the New Morality
Navigates the divergent cultural meanings of health, and its entanglement with morality in current political discourse You see someone smoking a cigarette and say,“Smoking is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are a bad person because you smoke.” You encounter someone whose body size you deem excessive, and say, “Obesity is bad for your health,” when what you mean is, “You are lazy, unsightly, or weak of will.” You see a woman bottle-feeding an infant and say,“Breastfeeding is better for that child’s health,” when what you mean is that the woman must be a bad parent. You see the smokers, the overeaters, the bottle-feeders, and affirm your own health in the process. In these and countless other instances, the perception of your own health depends in part on your value judgments about others, and appealing to health allows for a set of moral assumptions to fly stealthily under the radar. Against Health argues that health is a concept, a norm, and a set of bodily practices whose ideological work is often rendered invisible by the assumption that it is a monolithic, universal good. And, that disparities in the incidence and prevalence of disease are closely linked to disparities in income and social support. To be clear, the book's stand against health is not a stand against the authenticity of people's attempts to ward off suffering. Against Health instead claims that individual strivings for health are, in some instances, rendered more difficult by the ways in which health is culturally configured and socially sustained. The book intervenes into current political debates about health in two ways. First, Against Health compellingly unpacks the divergent cultural meanings of health and explores the ideologies involved in its construction. Second, the authors present strategies for moving forward. They ask, what new possibilities and alliances arise? What new forms of activism or coalition can we create? What are our prospects for well-being? In short, what have we got if we ain't got health? Against Health ultimately argues that the conversations doctors, patients, politicians, activists, consumers, and policymakers have about health are enriched by recognizing that, when talking about health, they are not all talking about the same thing. And, that articulating the disparate valences of “health” can lead to deeper, more productive, and indeed more healthy interactions about our bodies.
Cornell University Press The Words Upon the Windowpane: Manuscript Materials
From reviews of The Cornell Yeats series: "For students of Yeats the whole series is bound to become an essential reference source and a stimulus to important critical re-readings of Yeats's major works. In a wider context, the series will also provide an extraordinary and perhaps unique insight into the creative process of a great artists."—Irish Literary Supplement "I consider the Cornell Yeats one of the most important scholarly projects of our time."—A. Walton Litz, Princeton University, coeditor of The Collected Poems of William Carols Williams and Personae: The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound "The most ambitious of the many important projects in current studies of Yeats and perhaps of modern poetry generally.... The list of both general and series editors, as well as prospective preparers of individual volumes, reads like a Who's Who of Yeats textual studies in North America. Further, the project carries the blessing of Yeats's heirs and bespeaks an ongoing commitment from a major university press.... The series will inevitably engender critical studies based on a more solid footing than those of any other modern poet.... Its volumes will be consulted long after gyres of currently fashionable theory have run on."—Yeats Annual (1983) Words upon the Window Pane, first staged in 1930, is W. B. Yeats's most powerful and brilliant dramatic exploration of the occult, in which he had a lifelong interest, and an affirmation of Anglo-Irish Protestant cultural ascendancy. Written at Lady Gregory's Coole Park estate, it features a séance in which Jonathan Swift's voice is projected through a medium. Like Yeats, Swift was both politician and poet, and taking Swift as his subject allowed Yeats to cloak a political message under personal character. Quite probably based on an obscure one-act play called Swift and Stella by Charles Edward Lawrence, Lady Gregory's editor, the play is centered on a romantic triangle involving Jonathan Swift and two women, Vanessa and Stella. Yeats's use of a séance as a frame permits him to compare the present with the past by putting twentieth-century Dubliners side by side with Swift's contemporaries. This volume of the Cornell Yeats contains transcriptions and photographic reproductions of the drafts of Words upon the Window Pane, with variant readings from proofs, typescripts, and notebook entries, as well as other materials pertaining to its writing, publication, and performance.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The TEXT Bible: Uncover the message between God, humanity, and you (NET, Paperback, Comfort Print)
What would you do if you could text God all your questions, all your worries, all your doubts and fears to God? What if He was always online and would always answer you? Would you start typing right now?Someone once said that the single most important thing about you is your thoughts on God. Give that a minute to sink in. Why would that be? Because all your thoughts about humanity, love, suffering, and the like are shaped primarily by whether or not you think there is any meaning to it all, by whether or not you are on your own, and by whether or not God even cares about it all. Knowing who God is will give you answers to life’s big questions that you might not have even known you needed.The TEXT Bible gives you a practical and memorable Bible study method that you can use with any passage of Scripture: Talk to God; Encounter God and humanity; eXamine your heart; Talk to others. Plus, there's so much more! Features include: Book introductions provide an overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Texting the Text: use the 4-step process of Scripture engagement Big Q of the Text: big life questions with short answers "Who is God?": 100 short devotions on the person and character of God Praying the Text: learn how to start praying God's Word right back to Him Get to Know the Text: provides concise history of a major event or character Follow the Thread: navigate the Bible across topics Anatomy of the Text: describes parts of speech or important types of literature such as parables or apocalyptic books Terms of the Text: what you need to understand about some of the unique words in the Bible Wide margins provide space to reflect, journal or create art next to your favorite verses Bible reading plans guiding you through the entire Bible Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Ribbon markers for you to easily navigate and keep track of where you were reading 8 full-color maps show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Clear and readable 9-point NET Comfort Print®
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Field Guide to Outside Style: Design and Plant Your Perfect Outdoor Space
Make your outdoor space as comfortable and personal as the inside of your home with garden design and planting guidance from Field Guide to Outside Style. Maybe you’ve just purchased your first home or you have an existing outdoor space that’s overgrown and old-fashioned, and you want to turn it into a place that blends perfectly with your sense of style and your life. But where should you start? How can you be sure to create a space you can sustain? Field Guide to Outside Style leads the way. You’ll learn to personalize your outdoor living space with the right plants, furnishings, and other design elements to create a space that reflects YOU perfectly, even if you’ve never sunk a shovel into the soil before. The word “gardening” can be intimidating if you aren’t used to digging in the dirt, yet you want a gorgeous outdoor living area you feel proud of. Author and outdoor living pro Ryan McEnaney helps you make it happen by meeting you where you are. He cuts out the intimidating stuff, doesn’t use scary terms, and supports you through the entire process. Start with what you already love. Learn how to translate your choices in clothing, colors, furniture, and architecture into an understanding of how to design your outdoor areas. Next, set parameters and expectations. Learn how to plan smartly so you don’t get in over your head. Then, select your aesthetic. Decide which of three primary outdoor design styles—the classic, the modernist, and the naturalist—suit you best and use easy-to-digest, mix-and-match design suggestions and recipes to create an outdoor living area of your dreams. Plus, see your options in action. Through case studies accompanied by before-and-after illustrations of outdoor rehab projects, you’ll walk away with a clear understanding of the options for you and your space. Close the book confident in your ability to select plants and design concepts that work in your region, fit within your abilities, and ultimately match the rest of your life perfectly. And to sweeten the deal, the long-term success of your new outdoor space is supported by information on seasonality, sticking to a budget, and creating a balanced space to ensure your newly discovered outside style shines for many years to come.
Pluto Press Socialism: What Went Wrong?: An Inquiry into the Theoretical and Historical Sources of the Socialist Crisis
The chasm between huge individual wealth and of the abject misery of hundreds of millions of people persists and, can in many cases be said to be widening. Irwin Silber's view is is that the conflict between the rapaciousness of "the system" and popular discontent has to provide the conditions for a new social order. Socialism in some form, argues Silber, is an essential element in a future for the whole human race. Socialism: What Went Wrong? is a clearing of the decks; a bold attempt to look at both the doctrines of Marx and Lenin, weighing this against the practice of socialism in the Soviet Union. Irwin Silber argues that it is now incumbent on those who devoted their lives to socialism to undertake a rigorous analysis of its failure in the USSR and to understand the history and achievements of Soviet socialism. The book's central thesis is that the present is simply "uncertain", a price we pay for being emancipated from the atrophied ideas and cliché ridden truths of the Soviet era. To move forward we must free ourselves from the sacred texts of Marx and Lenin and the deification of Marx(ism) as a doctrine. This book will appeal to all those who wish to face that challenge for political renewal. 'Socialism: What Went Wrong is a worthwhile read for socialists and communists of many stripes and tendencies, for the new Ad the old, for all those who are asking '"Socialism, What is Wrong?" and "How do we change?". It would be a great book to discuss on the interenet, in more traditional meeting rooms and in the halls of learning, with our hearts and mindsa in pursuit of justice for the coming new century' Roma Guy, Crossroads Irwin Silber's frank and critical analysis of the theoretical and programmatic problems and contradictions of the socialist ideal should be an essential part of the process of reevaluation and political renewal' Manning Marable 'A provocative, well written volume' Paul Buhle (author of "Marxism in the United States") 'A useful survey of all the main elements, theoretical and practical, national and international, that went towards the creation of Stalin's Soviet Union, and the profound defects that led to its collapse' Labour Research 'A comprehensive and informed analysis by a skiled journalist wotking within the Marxist tradition who is well acquainted with official documents and Soviet memoirs' Choice
John Wiley & Sons Inc Performance-Based Earned Value
A complete toolkit for implementation of Earned Value Management Performance-Based Earned Value uniquely shows project managers how to effectively integrate technical, schedule, and cost objectives by improving earned value management (EVM) practices. Providing innovative guidelines, methods, examples, and templates consistent with capability models and standards, this book approaches EVM from a practical level with understandable techniques that are applicable to the management of any project. Clear and unambiguous instructions explain how to incorporate EVM with key systems engineering, software engineering, and project management processes such as establishing the technical or quality baseline, requirements management, using product metrics, and meeting success criteria for technical reviews. Detailed information is included on linking product requirements, project work products, the project plan, and the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB), as well as correlating technical performance measures (TPM) with EVM. With straightforward instructions on how to use EVM on a simple project, such as building a house, and on complex projects, such as high-risk IT and engineering development projects, it is the only book that includes excerpts from the PMI®'s Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®), CMMI, the EVM System standard, systems engineering standards, federal acquisition regulations, and Department of Defense guides. Performance-Based Earned Value allows both novices and experienced project managers, including project manager of suppliers and customers in the commercial and government sectors; software and systems engineering process improvement leaders; CMMI appraisers; PMI members; and IEEE Computer Society members to: Incorporate product requirements and planned quality into the PMB Conduct an Integrated Baseline Review Analyze performance reports Perform independent assessments and predictive analysis Ensure that key TPMs are selected, monitored, and reported Identify the right success criteria for technical reviews Develop techniques for monitoring and controlling supplier performance Integrate risk management with EVM Comply with government acquisition policies and regulations Written by Paul Solomon and Ralph Young, internationally recognized industry experts, Performance-Based Earned Value is constructed from guidance in standards and capability models for EVM, systems engineering, software engineering, and project management. It is the complete guide to EVM, invaluable in helping students prepare for the PMI®-PMP® exam with practical examples and templates to facilitate understanding, and in guiding project professionals in the private and public sectors to use EVM on complex projects. (PMI, PMBOK, PMP, and Project Management Professional are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Build, Operate, Transfer: Paving the Way for Tomorrow's Infrastructure
One thing that mature, developing, or undeveloped nations have incommon in today's global economy is the necessity to construct,repair, refurbish, and modernize their infrastructure. More andmore governments are turning to the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)process to accomplish this expensive and enormously challengingtask--allowing private developers to design, finance, construct,and operate revenue-producing public projects, and then turn themover to the community at the end of an agreed payback period. The first book to explore this innovative approach toprivatization, Build, Operate, Transfer covers the creation of BOTprojects from the ground up. Using a real-world, case-orientedapproach, it provides a comprehensive examination of theengineering, construction, and financial skills required to bringBOT ventures from the planning stage to design, construction, andoperation. From the Channel Tunnel to the Dulles Greenway, the bookexamines both successful projects and troubled ones, extracting keyinformation on what sets them apart--including such crucial factorsas the importance of public support and government control inensuring a positive outcome. You will also find specific coverageof construction techniques and procedures, plus financialcomparisons, demographics, and other statistical data. Whether you are a student or a professional working in engineering,construction, finance, or government, BOT cannot be ignored as aneffective way to build infrastructure projects quickly,efficiently, and at minimal cost. This book equips you with boththe comprehensive information and the practical guidance you needto put this dynamic practice into action. The only book available on the BOT approach to private constructionand maintenance of public projects--complete coverage from theground up Contractors the world over are discovering how to useprivate-public partnerships to build much-needed infrastructureprojects quickly, efficiently, and at minimal cost. This bookthoroughly explores the combination of engineering, construction,and financial skills required to bring these Build-Operate-Transfer(BOT) ventures from the planning stage to design, construction, andoperation. Based on a real-world, case-driven approach, Build,Operate, Transfer examines specific BOT projects, identifying keyfactors necessary to their successful implementation, and offeringimportant guidance on avoiding common pitfalls. This practical bookfeatures: A full introduction to BOT systems, with diagrams ofconstruction techniques and procedures, complete sample contract,and more * Charts and graphs with financial analyses, demographicinformation, and important statistical data * BOT examples from many different countries, including the UnitedStates, Britain, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, andMexico * A broad spectrum of project types--from tunnel construction tohighways and more * Important guidance on keeping projects on time and on budget
John Wiley & Sons Inc Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach
One approach to organic synthesis is retrosynthetic analysis. With this approach chemists start with the structures of their target molecules and progressively cut bonds to create simpler molecules. Reversing this process gives a synthetic route to the target molecule from simpler starting materials. This “disconnection” approach to synthesis is now a fundamental part of every organic synthesis course. Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition This workbook provides a comprehensive graded set of problems to illustrate and develop the themes of each of the chapters in the textbook Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition. Each problem is followed by a fully explained solution and discussion. The examples extend the student’s experience of the types of molecules being synthesised by organic chemists, and the strategies they employ to control their syntheses. By working through these examples students will develop their skills in analysing synthetic challenges, and build a toolkit of strategies for planning new syntheses. Examples are drawn from pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, natural products, pheromones, perfumery and flavouring compounds, dyestuffs, monomers, and intermediates used in more advanced synthetic work. Reasons for wishing to synthesise each compound are given. Together the workbook and textbook provide a complete course in retrosynthetic analysis. Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition There are forty chapters in Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd Edition: those on the synthesis of given types of molecules alternate with strategy chapters in which the methods just learnt are placed in a wider context. The synthesis chapters cover many ways of making each type of molecule starting with simple aromatic and aliphatic compounds with one functional group and progressing to molecules with many functional groups. The strategy chapters cover questions of selectivity, protection, stereochemistry, and develop more advanced thinking via reagents specifically designed for difficult problems. In its second edition updated examples and techniques are included and illustrated additional material has been added to take the student to the level required by the sequel, Organic Synthesis: Strategy and Control. Several chapters contain extensive new material based on courses that the authors give to chemists in the pharmaceutical industry. Workbook for Organic Synthesis: The Disconnection Approach, 2nd edition, combined with the main textbook, provides a full course in retrosynthetic analysis for chemistry and biochemistry students, and a refresher course for organic chemists working in industry and academia.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding: Seven Principles to Power Extraordinary Results
Breakthrough NONPROFIT BRANDING At a time of intense competition, low barrier to entry, and lightning-quick brand recognition, leading nonprofits are building more value-rich branding programs. They are proactively creating business models that bring their brand to life in the hearts and minds of their stakeholders. Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding demonstrates how a constituency-focused, compelling brand can revolutionize an organization and the way people view and support it. As practiced in real life, most nonprofits define “branding” as their visual identity produced to aid in awareness and fundraising. However important logos and trademarks are, this limited perspective leaves a significant amount of value on the table. Visionary, mission-driven organizations recognize brand as a bigger canvas for their work. To them, branding is the daily expression of their purpose and a way to communicate their promise to stakeholders. Their brand is their trust mark—their commitment to consistently deliver on who they are, what they stand for, and their unique benefits. Drawing on their combined seventy plus years of experience in the nonprofit and corporate sectors, the authors studied eleven visionary nonprofits to reveal the seven principles for transforming a brand from ordinary trademark to strategic competitive advantage. The groups profiled reflect a variety of sizes, breadths, regions, and issues. The common thread is that their brand work has resulted in greater social impact and vibrant growth. Through the use of case studies, Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding reveals how: A nonprofit put its renewed brand to work to propel its organization forward—despite inconsistent community support Renewed brand meaning heightened stakeholder commitment, stabilized an organization’s financial position, and empowered it to weather a roiling economy A small organization’s brand campaign resulted in exceptional growth A re-brand transformed a nonprofit, enabling it to expand from a regional to national footprint One of the largest nonprofits lost momentum and regained direction through a revitalized brand process Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding shows you how to create a brand that creates unique value, builds deep relationships, fosters loyal communities, and increases social impact. It offers a practical road map and essential tool for nonprofit leaders, board members, and volunteers, as well as communications professionals, development consultants, marketing agencies, academics, students, and all those interested in catalyzing dynamic results for the organizations they serve.
Basic Books A Brave and Cunning Prince: The Great Chief Opechancanough and the War for America
In the mid-sixteenth century, Spanish explorers in the Chesapeake region kidnapped an Indian teenager and took him back to Spain, a common occurrence at the time. What was uncommon in this case was that the young man eventually came back. During his time abroad, the boy lived in Madrid, Seville, Havana, and Mexico City, becoming a favorite of King Philip II and converting to Catholicism in the process. In fact, his faith grew so strong, he said, that he felt compelled to help establish a Jesuit mission to save the souls of his people back in Virginia-but shortly after the group arrived in the New World, he abandoned his fellow missionaries, rejoined his family, and soon returned with a small band of warriors to slaughter the Europeans. In the years that followed, he became the warrior chief known as Opechancanough, and alongside his brother Wahunsonacock (father of Pocahontas), he solidified their people's control of coastal Virginia, making the Powhatans the most powerful Indian chiefdom on the mid-Atlantic seaboard. Under their reign, the region remained free of European settlers until 1607, when English colonists arrived in Jamestown. But this was not so unbalanced an encounter as many have supposed. Because of his time among the Europeans, Opechancanough was acutely aware not only of the English settlers' technological capabilities, but also of the fierce determination with which they would pursue their invasion of his homeland. As time passed, the two chiefs sought to drive the invaders out, and mounted a series of attacks that nearly destroyed the colony at Jamestown. But the English settlers proved more resilient than the Spanish missionaries had been forty years earlier. Additional soldiers, weapons, and provisions arrived from England, forcing Opechancanough to drag his offensive on for decades. He survived to be nearly a hundred years old and died as he lived, fighting the invaders. A Brave and Cunning Prince is the first book to chronicle the life of Opechancanough, exploring his early exposure to European society and his lifelong fight to protect the integrity of his homeland. With engrossing storytelling, deep research, and surprising insights, A Brave and Cunning Prince will be vital reading for anyone seeking to understand the charged early encounters between the indigenous peoples of North America and the settlers who would bring death and destruction.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Foundations of Nursing
Master the skills that LPN/LVNs need to care for patients across the lifespan! Foundations of Nursing, 9th Edition provides an essential guide to nursing care for pediatric, maternity, adult, and older adult patients. Through use of the nursing process, you will develop clinical judgment skills to assess patient needs, develop nursing care plans, and plan effective nursing interventions. Case studies provide practice with critical thinking and clinical judgment, and new Next Generation NCLEX®-format questions help you apply theory to practice. Written by nursing educators Kim Cooper and Kelly Gosnell, this text also helps you prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN® examination. Step-by-step instructions for more than 100 skills show nursing techniques and procedures along with the rationales for each. Clear, easy-to-understand coverage of skills across the lifespan includes maternity, pediatrics, adults, and older adults. Nursing care plans use a case-study format to emphasize patient goals and outcomes, and include critical thinking questions at the end of each care plan. Complete mathematics review covers basic arithmetic skills and dosage calculation, followed by a discussion of medication administration including IV therapy. Safety Alerts cover issues related to safe patient care in a variety of settings. Evidence-Based Practice boxes provide synopses of research articles that apply to nursing, along with nursing implications for the LPN/LVN. Coordinated Care boxes promote comprehensive patient care with other members of the health care team, focusing on prioritization, assignment, supervision, collaboration, delegation, and leadership topics. Health Promotion Considerations boxes highlight information on wellness and disease prevention, including infection control, diet, and pregnancy. Communication boxes illustrate communication strategies through real-life examples of nurse-patient dialogue. Patient Teaching boxes focus on three-way communication among the nurse, patient, and family members, and include topics such as hospital discharge instructions. Home Health Considerations boxes discuss issues facing patients and their caregivers in the home setting. Lifespan Considerations boxes provide age-specific information for the care of the patient. NEW! Next Generation NCLEX® case studies and new format questions help you prepare for success on the NCLEX-PN® examination. NEW! Discussion of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model helps you develop the skills needed to plan effective nursing interventions. NEW! Updated Asepsis and Infection Control chapter prepares you for today's healthcare environment. NEW! Updated photos and illustrations show nursing techniques, procedures, and patient care.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants
Learn to provide effective therapy for children and adolescents! Pediatric Skills for Occupational Therapy Assistants, 5th Edition covers the entire scope of pediatric OT practice, from normal childhood development to pediatric disorders and treatment planning. Case studies and helpful tips reinforce your understanding and make it easier to apply OT principles to the clinical setting. This edition is thoroughly updated with online videos and new coverage of community systems, physical agent modalities, childhood obesity, Model of Human Occupation assessments, and Kinesio Taping®. Written by noted OTA educators Jean Solomon and Jane O'Brien, this resource is both a comprehensive textbook and a practical clinical reference! Hundreds of case examples provide snapshots of real-life situations and solutions, helping you apply key concepts in a real-life setting. UNIQUE! Clinical Pearls boxes highlight practical advice from the authors and contributors, sharing what they have learned from years of experience. Coverage of evidence-based practice includes clinical trials and outcome studies, especially those relating to evaluation and intervention. Coverage of cultural diversity and sensitivity issues addresses the many different groups of people that OTAs treat in practice. Information on preventive care takes the role of the OTA beyond intervention and treatment. Family-centered perspective uses the terminology of the AOTA Practice Framework in showing how to tailor your treatment to meet the needs of children from different environments. Key terms, outlines, and objectives at the beginning of each chapter prepare readers for the information they're expected to learn from the chapter. Content reviews and questions at the end of each chapter summarize key concepts and help you assess your understanding. Suggested activities in each chapter help readers to bridge the gap between the classroom and the clinic by exploring realistic situations. UNIQUE! Learning resources on the Evolve companion website include video clips and review questions, reinforcing your understanding and demonstrating how concepts apply to actual practice. NEW! Every Moment Counts content is added to The Occupational Therapy Process chapter, promoting pediatric mental health. NEW! Coverage of educational expectations is added to the Educational System chapter. NEW! Coverage of "signature" constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) is added to Cerebral Palsy chapter. NEW photographs and illustrations are added throughout the book. NEW video clips on the Evolve companion website show the typical development of children/adolescents. NEW! Extensive assessment and abbreviations appendices are added to Evolve. NEW! Expanded glossary is added to Evolve.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Evidence-Based Nursing: A Guide to Clinical Practice
Evidence Based Nursing is written in response to numerous requests by nurse practitioners and other graduate faculty for a nursing literature resource. This reader-friendly, accessible guide features plentiful examples from the nursing literature and the addition of specific nursing issues such as qualitative research, with direct application for clinical practice. The guide enables nurses to: frame their clinical questions in a way that will help them find the evidence to support their opinions; distinguish between strong and weak evidence; clearly understand study results; weigh the risks and benefits of management options; and apply the evidence to their individual patients to improve outcomes. Part One provides a basic approach to the problems faced by nurses when determining optimal care, predicting patient progress, and protecting patients from potentially harmful side effects, in addition to including a literature assessment summary and management recommendations. Part Two expands on Part One, providing concrete examples through case studies. This is the only book of its kind that helps nurses use the nursing literature effectively to solve patient problems. Three-step approach to dissecting a problem - to help find the best evidence and improve patient care, most questions can be divided into three parts: (1) Are the results valid? (2) What are the results? and (3) How can I apply the results to patient care? Part One - The Basics: Using the Nursing Literature provides a basic approach to the problems faced by nurses when determining optimal care, predicting patient progress, and protecting patients from potentially harmful side effects and includes a literature assessment summary and management recommendations. Part Two - Beyond the Basics: Using and Teaching the Principles of Evidence-Based Nursing expands on Part One, providing concrete examples through the presentation of cases. Two-part organization helps both beginners and those more accomplished at using the nursing literature. Clinical Scenario provides a brief but detailed description of a clinical situation that requires the application of research through a critical thinking process. Using the Guide examines a clinical scenario, and then evaluates the way in which research findings are collected, analyzed, and applied to the resolution of the problem presented in the scenario. Free CD-ROM contains everything found in the book, allowing for electronic outlining, content filtering, full-text searching, and alternative content organizations.
University of Illinois Press Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore: SOUTHERN WOMEN IN THE CIVIL WAR ERA
Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore is a dramatic history of the South in the years leading up to and following the Civil War: a history that focuses on the women, black and white, rich and poor, who made up the fabric of southern life before the war and remade themselves and their world after it. Positing the household as the central institution of southern society, Edwards delineates the inseparable links between domestic relations and civil and political rights in ways that highlight women's active political role throughout the nineteenth century. She draws on diaries, letters, newspaper accounts, government records, legal documents, court proceedings, and other primary sources to explore the experiences and actions of individual women in the changing South, demonstrating how family, kin, personal reputation, and social context all merged with gender, race, and class to shape what particular women could do in particular circumstances. Meet Harriet Jacobs, the escaped slave who hid in a tiny, unheated attic on her master's property for seven years until she could free her children and herself. Marion Singleton Deveaux Converse, the southern belle who leaped out a second-story window to escape her second husband's "discipline" and received temporary shelter from her slaves. Sarah Guttery, a white, poor, unwed mother of two, whose hard work and clean living earned her community's respect despite her youthful transgressions. Aunt Lucy, who led her fellow slaves in taking over her master's abandoned plantation and declared herself the new mistress. Through vivid portraits of these and other slaves, free blacks, common whites, and the white elite, Edwards shows how women's domestic situations determined their lives before the war and their responses to secession and armed conflict. She also documents how women of various classes entered into the process of rebuilding, asserting new rights and exploring new roles after the war. An ideal basic text on society in the Civil War era, Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore demonstrates how women on every step of the social ladder worked actively throughout the period to shape southern society in ways that fulfilled their hopes for the future. They used the resources at their disposal to fashion their own positive identities, to create the social bonds that sustained them in difficult times, and to express powerful social critiques that helped them make sense of their lives.
Pearson Education Limited Mathematics with Applications in the Management, Natural and Social Sciences, Global Edition
Mathematics with Applications in the Management, Natural, and Social Sciences presents sound mathematics in an understandable manner, proceeding from the familiar to new material and from concrete examples to general rules and formulas. The Eleventh Edition retains its focus on real-world problem solving, but has been refreshed with revised and added content, updated and new applications, fine-tuned and newly-integrated pedagogical devices, and enhanced exercise sets. The new edition supports students with a tightly integrated MyMathLab® course and quality applications and exercises. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience. Here’s how: Personalized help with MyMathLab®: MyMathLab delivers proven results by personalizing the learning process. Strong foundation of algebra: The authors devote the first four chapters to algebra topics that form the foundation for the finite mathematics and calculus topics that follow. Built for student success: proven pedagogy, robust exercise sets, and comprehensive end-of-chapter material help students succeed in the course. Motivation: Students constantly see the math applied to their major areas of study. Please note that the product you are purchasing does not include MyMathLab. MyMathLab Join over 11 million students benefiting from Pearson MyLabs. This title can be supported by MyMathLab, an online homework and tutorial system designed to test and build your understanding. Would you like to use the power of MyMathLab to accelerate your learning? You need both an access card and a course ID to access MyMathLab. These are the steps you need to take: 1. Make sure that your lecturer is already using the system Ask your lecturer before purchasing a MyLab product as you will need a course ID from them before you can gain access to the system. 2. Check whether an access card has been included with the book at a reduced cost If it has, it will be on the inside back cover of the book. 3. If you have a course ID but no access code, you can benefit from MyMathLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access code for MyMathLab (ISBN:9781292072630) 4. If your lecturer is using the MyLab and you would like to purchase the product... Go to to buy access to this interactive study programme. For educator access, contact your Pearson representative. To find out who your Pearson representative is, visit
Pearson Education (US) Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe
For one-semester Introduction to Astronomy courses. With the Eighth Edition of Astronomy: A Beginner’s Guide, trusted authors Eric Chaisson and Steve McMillan bring a renewed freshness and analysis to recent changes in our understanding of the cosmos. As with the other two books in their Astronomy suite (one for two-semester courses and the other, a brief visual book), the authors continue to emphasize three major themes: the process of science, the size and scale of the universe, and the evolution of the cosmos. This new edition ignites reader interest with new discoveries from the latest space missions and a new focus on reader-oriented engagement. Also available as a Pearson eText or packaged with Mastering Astronomy Pearson eText is a simple-to-use, mobile-optimized, personalized reading experience that can be adopted on its own as the main course material. It lets students highlight, take notes, and review key vocabulary all in one place, even when offline. Seamlessly integrated videos and other rich media engage students and give them access to the help they need, when they need it. Educators can easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their eText and what they learn in class — motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning. Mastering combines trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform to personalize the learning experience and improve results for each student.Built for, and directly tied to the text, Mastering Astronomy enables an extension of learning, allowing students a platform to practice, learn, and apply outside of the classroom. Note: You are purchasing a standalone book; Pearson eText and Mastering Astronomy do not come packaged with this content. Students, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. If your instructor has assigned Pearson eText as your main course material, search for:• 0135234433 / 9780135234433 Pearson eText Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe, 8/e-- Access Card OR • 0135234425 / 9780135234426 Pearson eText Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe, 8/e -- Instant Access If you would like to purchase both the physical text and Mastering Astronomy, search for: 0134054725 / 9780134054728 Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe Plus MasteringAstronomy with eText -- Access Card Package Package consists of: 0134060245 / 9780134060248 MasteringAstronomy with Pearson eText -- ValuePack Access Card -- for Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe 0134087704 / 9780134087702 Astronomy: A Beginner's Guide to the Universe
APress Beginning Microsoft Dataverse: Exploiting Microsoft’s Low-code Database for the Power Platform
Understand the role that Dataverse plays in the low-code revolution that helps businesses gain advantage from being more agile with technology. This book shows you how to use Dataverse to solve business problems by describing the layers of a solution in the Power Platform and the options that exist at each layer so you can make informed decisions as you develop your solutions. The book shows how Dataverse is a central piece of the Microsoft Power Platform and helps tech-savvy professionals move nimbly and seize the day when opportunities present themselves. The book starts out by covering the platform in terms of its layers so you can orient yourself with the features that exist at each level and what that means to you as a developer. You will learn how to work inside the data layer to design tables to store data and relationships and manage how it all works together. You will learn how to apply business logic and validation in the business layer to ensure data integrity and enforce process compliance. You will learn how to design interfaces in the presentation layer to allow users to interact with your data and processes in user-friendly applications. And you will learn how to utilize third-party integration tools to create seamless connections between your solution and legacy systems so you can develop enterprise-grade tools in record time. What You Will Learn Understand the layers of Dataverse and the features at each layer Create tables and relationships to store data and manage interactions Build applications to allow users to interact with your data using logical interfaces Design business logic and workflows to ensure data integrity and automation Configure security to control access to data and prevent unauthorized access Explore the options for integration with third-party systems Who This Book Is ForMicrosoft Power Platform users who want to learn how to access the power of the Power Platform and leverage Dataverse to build powerful, robust, and resilient tools; power users and citizen developers who are looking for tools to quickly build scalable business solutions that don’t require a strong developer background; pro developers who want to learn how to utilize use the Power Platform to speed up the development cycle and deliver value to customers faster than ever before
APress Product Management Essentials: Tools and Techniques for Becoming an Effective Technical Product Manager
Gain all of the techniques, teachings, tools, and methodologies required to be an effective first-time product manager. The overarching goal of this book is to help you understand the product manager role, give you concrete examples of what a product manager does, and build the foundational skill-set that will gear you towards a career in product management. To be an effective PM in the tech industry, you need to have a basic understanding of technology. In this book you’ll get your feet wet by exploring the skills a PM needs in their toolset and cover enough ground to make you feel comfortable in a technical discussion. A PM is not expected to have the same level of depth or knowledge as a software engineer, but knowing enough to continue the conversation can be a benefit in your career in product management.A complete product manager will have a 360-degree understanding of user experience and how to craft beautiful products that are easy-to-use, with the end user in mind. You’ll continue your journey with a walk through basic UX principles and even go through the process of building a simple set of UI frames for a mock app. Aside from the technical and design expertise, a PM needs to master the social aspects of the role. Acting as a bridge between engineering, marketing, and other teams can be difficult, and this book will dive into the business and soft skills of product management. After reading Product Management Essentials you will be one of a select few technically-capable PMs who can interface with management, stakeholders, customers, and the engineering team.What You Will Learn Gain the traits of a successful PM from industry PMs, VCs, and other professionals See the day-to-day responsibilities of a PM and how the role differs across tech companies Absorb the technical knowledge necessary to interface with engineers and estimate timelines Design basic mocks, high-fidelity wireframes, and fully polished user interfaces Create core documents and handle business interactions Who This Book Is ForIndividuals who are eyeing a transition into a PM role or have just entered a PM role at a new organization for the first time. They currently hold positions as a software engineer, marketing manager, UX designer, or data analyst and want to move away from a feature-focused view to a high-level strategic view of the product vision.
Lantern Publishing Ltd Mental Health: A non-specialist introduction for nursing and health care
Mental Health is an accessible introductory textbook aimed primarily at nursing and health care students who are not in the mental health field of practice but are seeking to understand mental health and become rounded practitioners. It will also be useful as a broad introduction for mental health nursing students. Through clear explanations, examples and activities, the book will help you to recognise and support people with mental health issues whenever they are encountered in your practice. You will learn: What mental health is and how it interacts with physical health About different theories and models that are applied to understanding mental illness How to relate to and communicate with people experiencing mental health problems How to recognise the common diagnosable mental health disorders and understand the treatments and interventions that are applied to them About the impact that mental health issues can have on people at different stages of life, from childhood to adulthood and later life How to apply legal and ethical frameworks and to assess risk when supporting people with mental health issues. Written by a team of highly experienced mental health academics and practitioners, this book will help you to develop the underpinning knowledge and skills you need and to apply them in your own field of practice. Pre-publication reviews “Accessible and thorough, and definitely well pitched for non-mental health clinicians.” Senior Lecturer, Mental Health Nursing “From an adult nursing point of view it’s got everything I would expect it to cover.” Adult nursing student "The book is very readable and accessible, I like the tone of the text as it is informative, and the activities give you chance to reflect.... The information is comprehensive without being too wordy, but academically sound. This book should be on the reading list for all nursing students and other HCP students. It should also be on the book shelf in all nursing offices, [social worker] offices, occupational health etc..” Mental health nursing student “I would definitely recommend this book to non-specialists. I like the breadth of areas that the book covers.” Senior Lecturer, Mental Health Nursing Essentials is a series of accessible, introductory textbooks for students in nursing, health and social care. New and forthcoming titles in the series: The Care Process Communication Skills Leadership Learning Disabilities Mental Health Promoting Health and Wellbeing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Study Skills
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Pacific Northwest: Portland, Seattle, Vancouver & the Best of Oregon and Washington
Whether you want to visit a stunning national park, go wine-tasting in Oregon's Willamette Valley, or experience the culture of Seattle, Portland, or Vancouver, the local Fodor's travel experts in the Pacific Northwest are here to help! Fodor's Pacific Northwest guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition travel guide has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor's Pacific Northwest travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 30 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “The 10 Best Islands,” “The Best Places for Book Lovers,” “The Best Hikes,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local art, architecture, cuisine, music, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit” and “What to Eat and Drink.” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Portland, Seattle, Vancouver, Willamette Valley, Mt. Hood, Bend, Mt. St. Helens, San Juan Islands, Olympic National Park, Mt. Rainer, Victoria, and more. Planning on visiting Seattle or Portland and beyond? Check out Fodor's Fodor's Seattle and Fodor's Oregon. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Colorado
Whether you want to explore Denver, ski in Vail, or hike in Rocky Mountain National Park, the local Fodor's travel experts in Colorado are here to help! Fodor's Colorado guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. Fodor's Colorado travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 25 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “What to Eat and Drink in Colorado,” “What to Buy in Colorado,” “Best Outdoor Adventures in Colorado,” “Best Wildlife in Colorado,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “Microbreweries in Colorado”, “What to Watch and Read Before Your Trip”, and more LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Denver, Aspen, Vail, Boulder, Rocky Mountain National Park, Fort Collins, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado Springs, Mesa Verde National Park, Steamboat Springs, Great Sand Dunes National Park, the San Luis Valley, and more. Planning on visiting the rest of the American West? Check out Fodor's National Parks of the West, Fodor's Arizona and the Grand Canyon, Fodor's Utah, Fodor's Montana and Wyoming, and Fodor's In Focus Santa Fe. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Random House USA Inc Fodor's New England: With the Best Fall Foliage Drives, Scenic Road Trips, and Acadia National Park
Whether you want to visit Cape Cod's beaches, eat lobster in Maine, or ski in Vermont, the local Fodor's travel experts in New England are here to help! Fodor's New England guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor's New England travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 40 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “New England's Historical Sites,” “New England's Best Beaches,” “New England's Most Picturesque Towns,” “New England's Best Seafood Shacks,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “10 Popular New England Souvenirs,” “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” “Boston's Freedom Trail,” “The Mansions of Newport,” “Skiing in Vermont,” “Hiking the Appalachian Trail,” and “Maine's Lighthouses.” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Maine, the Maine Coast, Portland, Vermont, Burlington, New Hampshire, the Berkshires, Boston, Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Rhode Island, Providence, Newport, and Connecticut Planning on spending more time in other New England destinations? Check out Fodor's Boston, Fodor's Maine Coast, and Fodor's Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Essential Great Britain: with the Best of England, Scotland & Wales
Whether you want to explore London, hike the Scottish Highlands, or marvel at Stonehenge, the local Fodor's travel experts in Great Britain are here to help! Fodor's Essential Great Britain guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. Fodor's “Essential” guides have been named by Booklist as the Best Travel Guide Series of 2020!Fodor's Essential Great Britain travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 80 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Great Britain's Best Museums”, “Great Britain's Best Castles”, and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “Golfing in Scotland”, “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” and “What to Eat and Drink” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: London, Oxford, Cambridge, Bath, the Cotswolds, Liverpool, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Manchester, Stonehenge, York, Cardiff, Snowdonia National Park, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St. Andrews, Loch Ness, the Highlands, Isle of Skye, and more Looking for more detailed guides on Great Britain? Check out Fodor's London, Fodor's Essential England, and Fodor's Essential Scotland. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Seattle
Whether you want to take in the view from the Space Needle, sample world-class coffee and cuisine, or hike in Washington's national parks, the local Fodor's travel experts in Seattle are here to help! Fodor's Seattle guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor's Seattle travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time 16 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Seattle's Best Cafes,” “Seattle's Best Music Venues,” and “Seattle's Best Parks” TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local art, architecture, cuisine, music, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “Seattle's Sipping Culture” and “Pike Place Market” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Downtown Seattle, Belltown, South Lake Union, Queen Anne, Pioneer Square, the International District-Chinatown, First Hill, Capitol Hill, Madison Park, Fremont, Phinney Ridge, Greenwood, Ballard, Wallingford, Green Lake, the University District, West Seattle, Mt. St. Helens, the Puget Sound Islands, Mt. Rainier, Olympic National Park, the San Juan Islands, Pike Place Market, and more Planning on visiting San Francisco, Portland, or even more of the surrounding region? Check out Fodor's San Francisco, Fodor's Inside Portland, and Fodor's Pacific Northwest.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Plural Publishing Inc Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication
Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication is a course-friendly textbook designed to walk readers through the theoretical and clinical underpinnings of assessment, intervention, and consultation for individuals with complex communication needs across the lifespan. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) encompasses a variety of communication methods and is used by those with a wide range of speech and language impairments. With a consistent framework and descriptive case studies, as well as input from various stakeholders, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs of persons who use AAC and how to provide them with ethically and culturally considerate support. Unlike other texts on this topic, this book empowers the reader to visualize AAC in action. Each chapter offers evidence-based information about the topic along with a case study. The case studies combined with short essays from various stakeholders illustrate the variety of ways in which AAC can enhance an individual's connection with their communication partners and community, and the role of the speech-language pathologist as integral to this process. Intended to easily translate into a six, eight or 13-week semester course, this textbook is divided into seven distinct sections: Section I provides an overview of AAC, no-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech AAC systems, as well as mobile technology and advancing technology. Section II discusses cultural and linguistic responsivity and how this underlies AAC systems and services. Section III reviews AAC assessment, intervention and implementation for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged individuals, along with goal-writing and data collection. Section IV covers assessment, intervention, and implementation for young adults and adults needing AAC. Section V offers the reader detailed information and rich examples of the application of AAC for persons with developmental disabilities. Section VI provides the theoretical foundation and exemplar case studies of AAC for persons with acquired disabilities. Section VII details consultation and training for various stakeholders, as well as tele-AAC services. Key Features Overviews with key terms set the stage for each section 36 case studies with questions and visuals to clearly depict each case Boxes with practical tips and expert advice A PluralPlus companion website with diverse online resources for instructors in the Instructor's Manual and video vignettes and tutorials for readers
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Gynecologic Radiation Oncology: A Practical Guide
Offering practical approaches to common clinical problems, Gynecologic Radiation Oncology: A Practical Guide compiles the extensive clinical experience of Drs. Patricia J. Eifel and Ann H. Klopp from MD Anderson Cancer Center into one user-friendly volume. This reference addresses practical aspects of the field: how to evaluate the role of radiation therapy in various clinical settings, how to explain the rationale for treatment recommendations to referring physicians and patients, when and how to apply various external beam and brachytherapy techniques to address specific clinical problems, and how to monitor and manage patients during and after treatment. The book focuses on the following items, which can have immediate application to the treatment of patients with gynecologic cancers.Key Features: Addresses the techniques, methods, and challenging decisions that characterize the day-to-day practice of gynecologic radiation oncology. Features more than 700 figures and tables that highlight key information – from initial patient evaluation and treatment recommendation, through the process of radiation treatment planning and delivery, to post-treatment monitoring of patients for recurrence and treatment-related side effects. Covers sites of origin, the principles of tumor biology, multidisciplinary management, clinical evaluation, radiation therapy treatment planning and delivery, and symptom management, as well as the features of individual disease sites. Includes more than 50 case studies that demonstrate how concepts are applied in real-life clinical situations. Provides references that are particularly helpful in clinical decision-making, emphasizing important clinical trials, meta-analyses of relevant data and high-quality review articles. Explains not only the insights gained from the clinical literature but also the opportunities for misinterpretation, suggesting how trial results can be more accurately applied to everyday clinical practice. Uses extensive cross-referencing throughout to help you navigate the text and find related topics quickly. Purchase of the print addition includes a bundled interactive eBook, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features such as: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd What's Sex Got To Do With It?: Darwin, Love, Lust, and the Anthropocene
How better than to mark the 150th anniversary of Darwin's book on human evolution than by challenging his theory with an updated version which instead places the female species at the centre of the theory. Sexual selection may have created us, but by refusing to take a good hard look at ourselves and our impact on the planet, we may be granting natural selection the power to eliminate us. A fascinating book which is both controversial and entertaining and which will deepen your understanding of human evolution like you would never have imagined. Heather deepens our understanding of human evolution by including genetic discoveries that were unavailable in 1871 when Darwin wrote The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. She offers an updated version of the theory by viewing the courtship dance through a female lens. Darwin was correct in acknowledging that sexual selection is driven by female choice, but he was seriously mistaken in granting a female no active influence and depicting her as passively succumbing to the charms of the triumphant male who had bested another in a competition to win her favour or to the one who had tickled her fancy with his feathers. In the process of her doctoral research, Heather analysed hundreds of hours of tape-recorded interviews in which women identified the traits that made specific men in their lives sexually and reproductively attractive. Their insights help us make sense of recent studies that leave researchers scratching their heads when the species they study don't appear to be playing by the rules, according to Darwin. We are in the midst of two immediate existential crises-climate change and growing economic inequality-caused by human behaviour. If we are to be successful in addressing these challenges, Remoff argues that we need to come to terms with the double-edged sword at the heart of all that makes us special. Who are we? What selection pressures forged our species specific traits? Of all the trillions of species that have ever existed on this planet only one, Homo sapiens, has mastered language, the art of symbolic communication. Did female passions play a role in triggering our way with words? Absolutely. Our choice of reproductive partners shaped not only language ability but also many of the other traits that define us today.
University of Wales Press France's Colonial Legacies: Memory, Identity and Narrative
In an era of commemoration, France's Colonial Legacies contributes to the debates taking place in France about the place of empire in the contemporary life of the nation, debates that have been underway since the 1990s and that now reach across public life and society with manifestations in the French parliament, media and universities. France's empire and the gradual process of its loss is one of the defining narratives of the contemporary nation, contributing to the construction of its image both on the international stage and at home. While certain intellectuals present the imperial period as an historical irrelevance that ended in the years following the Second World War, the contested legacies of France's colonies continue to influence the development of French society in the view of scholars of the postcolonial. This volume surveys the memorial practices and discourses that are played out in a range of arenas, drawing on the expertise of researchers working in the fields of politics, media, cultural studies, literature and film to offer a wide-ranging picture of remembrance in contemporary France. Introduction: The Postcolonial Nation, Fiona Barclay Part One: Narrative Gaps 1. Amnesia about Anglophone Africa: France’s Rhodesian mind-set, its manifestations and its legacies, 1947–58, Joanna Warson 2. From ‘écrivains coloniaux’ to écrivains de ‘langue française’: strata of un/acknowledged memories, Gabrielle Parker Part Two: The Algerian War, Fifty Years On 3. Conflicting memories: modernisation, colonialism and the Algerian war appelés in Cinq colonnes à la une, Iain Mossman 4. Derrida’s virtual space of spectrality: cinematic haunting and the law in Mon Colonel (Herbiet, 2006), Fiona Barclay 5. ‘Le devoir de mémoire’: the poetics and politics of cultural memory in Assia Djebar’s Le Blanc de l’Algérie, Jennifer Mullen 6. (Un)packing the suitcases: postcolonial memory and iconography, William Kidd Part Three: The Transnational Family 7. Interrogating the transnational family: memory, identity and cultural bilingualism in Sous la clarté de la lune (Traoré, 2004), Zélie Asava 8. Continuity and discontinuity in the family: looking beyond the post-colonial in Il y a longtemps que je t’aime (Claudel, 2008), Fiona Handyside Part Four: Contemporary Commemorations 9. Anti-racism, republicanism and the Sarkozy years: SOS Racisme and the Mouvement des Indigènes de la République, Thomas Martin 10. Playing out the postcolonial: football and commemoration, Cathal Kilcline 11. Crime and penitence in slavery commemoration: from political controversy to the politics of performance, Nicola Frith
Open University Press The Therapeutic Relationship Handbook: Theory & Practice
Practitioners across many counselling approaches acknowledge that the therapeutic relationship is central to therapy and its outcomes. This book argues that the therapeutic relationship cannot be reduced to particular words or therapeutic skills, but is a relationship encounter that promotes dialogue, contact and process. In each chapter, experts in different fields interpret the therapeutic relationship through the lens of their own modality, offering:Summaries of the key theoretical and research bases Example case studies of therapeutic interventions that illuminate key relational components of the approach and the development and management of the therapeutic relationship Study of the limitations, challenges and complexities of maintaining a therapeutic relationship Exploration of new developments in working with clients - capturing work that the authors and other colleagues have been involved in developing in that area The Therapeutic Relationship Handbook is a broad ranging guide for students as well as both new and experienced practitioners. Divine Charura is a Senior Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. He is an Adult Psychotherapist who works in the NHS, voluntary sector and in private practice, as well as an independent trainer, supervisor and coach. Stephen Paul is a client-centred psychotherapist, practising in the areas of therapy, supervision and coaching. He retired as Director of The Centre for Psychological Therapies at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK in 2012 after 20 years of service. "The editors and authors of this book have produced a volume of theory and practice that has tremendous breadth and scope and that is a thorough analysis of the many facets of the therapeutic relationship. Rich in knowledge and practical applications, the authors demonstrate not only an understanding of their field, but also an ability to communicate this with vignettes and examples that are relevant and enable understanding for both students and practitioners alike. The limitations and challenges of each approach are recognised and a detailed list of further references is given for the reader to explore if desired. I highly recommend this book for both students and practitioners and congratulate the editors and authors on their work. I will certainly use it in our Counselling Education Programs for both Bachelor and Master of Counselling students."Dr Ann Moir-Bussy, Program Leader and Senior Lecturer Counselling, University of Sunshine Coast. Queensland, Australia
Open University Press Practical Care Planning for Personalised Mental Health Care
“This book is an excellent resource which brings together the essential elements of contemporary mental health practice, providing students with practical and values-based guidance for a range of clinical specialties. The language used throughout is accessible and practice-focused case studies provide stimulus for critical reflection. The principles of recovery and person-centred communication are threaded throughout and guides to care-planning allow the student to navigate through the complexity of balancing personalised care with legal and policy requirements.”Dr Jeanette Hewitt, Lecturer, Swansea University, UK "This book provides readers with practical examples on how personalised mental healthcare can be achieved in practice. The authors bring to the text their own personal experiences which will benefit learners and enable them to see how theory can be applied in a practical way to resolve complex problems."Michael Nash, Lecturer, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland “This book is a useful tool for anyone studying mental health. It gives information about the governmental policies which have shaped mental health practice. The framework of the care plan process is described and useful case studies and examples of care plans from various mental health areas are given in each chapter … The reflection exercises and activities set by the authors will help students to understand how to apply the theory to practice.”Deborah Wilson, Mental Health Student Nurse, Sheffield Hallam University, UKThis accessible book offers those working in mental health settings a practical guide to writing great care plans. With chapters on care planning in primary care, community care and acute care, each chapter highlights the challenges of care planning, the evidence available in each area, the knowledge needed by the practitioner and the skills needed to work with clients.With the necessary evidence, knowledge and skills provided throughout, this book includes: Dedicated chapters on each of the main settings Practical advice, case study examples and tips for students and practitioners Sample care plans for the most common conditions/scenarios Practical Care Planning for Personalised Mental Health Care is essential reading for mental health nurses in initial training, and qualified staff looking for a practical guide to support CPD study or practice development. It will also be valuable for those students doing mental health pathways or placements. Contributors: Alison Owen Traynor, Brynley Williams, Carl Benton, Marie O’Boyle-Duggan, Marie Yuen, Mark Jukes, Matt Phillips, Neil Robdale, Rowenna Spencer and Thomas Currid
Open University Press Tom Kitwood on Dementia: A Reader and Critical Commentary
"The book will be valuable for undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers and lecturers involved in the field of dementia care and the health-care sciences. Furthermore, it provides a useful resource for clinicians who wish to explore their understanding of 'personhood', person-centred care and the nature of Kitwood's critical appraisal of how 'care' should be constructed and delivered."Ageing and Society"Baldwin and Capstick have produced an honest appraisal that is undeniably a reader and critical commentary, and have not shirked from any responsibilities. ... This paperback would serve two distinct strands of readership equally well - those coming afresh to dementia care, or practitioners steeped in the concepts, who are looking to reanalyse and consider future developments. As such, it is difficult to underestimate its value."Nursing in Practice How does Kitwood’s work contribute to our understanding of ‘the dementing process’ and the essentials of quality care? How was Kitwood’s thinking about dementia influenced by the wider context of his work in theology, psychology and biochemistry? What is the relevance today of key themes and issues in Kitwood’s work? Tom Kitwood was one of the most influential writers on dementia of the last 20 years. Key concepts and approaches from his work on person-centred care and well-being in dementia have gained international recognition and shaped much current thinking about practice development. The complexities of Kitwood’s work and the development of his thinking over time have, however, received less attention. This Reader brings together twenty original publications by Kitwood which span the entire period of his writing on dementia, and the different audiences for whom he wrote.Almost ten years after Kitwood’s death, it is now timely to review his contribution to the field of dementia studies in the light of more recent developments and from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective. The introduction to this Reader summarises and problematises some of the key characteristics of Kitwood’s writing. Each of the four themed sections begins with a commentary offering a balanced consideration of the strengths of Kitwood’s work, but also of its limitations and oversights. The Reader also includes a biography and annotated bibliography.Tom Kitwood on Dementia: A Reader and Critical Commentary is key reading for students of social work or mental health nursing, with an interest in dementia care. Professionals working with people with dementia will also find it invaluable.Additional Contributors: Habib Chaudhury, Deborah O’Connor, Alison Phinney, Barbara Purves, Ruth Bartlett.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company 360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny: A Zodiac Oracle
A guide to reading your astrological chart more deeply by investigating the degrees, or Star Sparks, of the planets and star cycles• Explains how each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has 30 degrees, and each degree, like every star, is the center of a whole system of meanings • Provides detailed write-ups for each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac • Details how to use the degrees for personal chart interpretation and as an oracle for guidance and inspiration In this extraordinary synthesis of 50 years in star work, astrologer Ellias Lonsdale explains how each of the 12 signs of the zodiac has 30 degrees, and each degree, like every star, is the center of a whole system of meanings. Inspired by the Chandra Symbols--evocative images for each degree channeled by John Sandbach nearly 40 years ago--as well as his studies with master astrologers Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones, Lonsdale explores the deeper story, or Star Spark, of each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, providing detailed write-ups for each degree. The author explains how to use the degree of your Sun sign and other planets from your birth chart for personal chart interpretation. Offering a way to tune in to your future star cycles as well as analyze a past event, he discusses how you can learn about personal cycles from studying the degree of a transiting or progressed planet at a specific time, such as Mercury Retrograde, or by following the degree meanings for successive New Moons or Solar Returns, revealing collective as well as personal timings. He also details how to use the 360 Star Sparks as an astrological oracle to consult when you need guidance or support for your awakening process as well as how they can be used as a source for daily contemplation by following the Sun through each degree day by day throughout the year. Providing an astrological tool to help you see deeply inside your life, your shadow, what you are questioning, and where you are being guided, this key to the symbolic power of the 360 degrees of the zodiac shows that by embracing our star cycles, we can discover our unique life path and light up the stars within.
Random House USA Inc Fodor's The Complete Guide to the National Parks of the West: with Banff, Jasper & Waterton Lakes
Whether you want to hike through jaw-dropping landscapes of Yosemite, see rare wildlife and natural wonders in Yellowstone, or go river-rafting in the Grand Canyon, the local Fodor’s travel experts in the National Parks of the West are here to help! Fodor’s National Parks of the West is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.Fodor’s National Parks of the West travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 70 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Ultimate Experiences,” “Best Campgrounds,” “Best Lodges,” and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, art, architecture, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “Exploring the Colorado River,” “What to Watch and Read Before You Visit,” and “Yellowstone’s Geothermal Wonders” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Badlands, Sequoia, Rocky Mountains, Glacier, Zion, Yosemite, Grand Tetons, Olympic, and more national parks Planning on visiting Arizona, Colorado, Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Sequoia/Kings Canyon, or even the Great Smoky Mountains? Check out Fodor’s Arizona and the Grand Canyon, Fodor's Colorado, Compass Yellowstone National Park, Compass Yosemite and Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks.*Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor’s has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Essential Egypt
Whether you want to cruise the Nile, explore the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, or see the Pyramids of Giza, the local Fodor’s travel experts in Egypt are here to help! Fodor’s Essential Egypt guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor’s “Essential” guides were named by Booklist as the Best Travel Guide Series of 2020. Fodor’s Essential Egypt includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 20DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! UP-TO-DATE and HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS for the best sights, restaurants, hotels, activities, side-trips, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Best Diving and Snorkeling Sites,” “Best Beaches in Egypt,” and “Best Street food in Cairo” TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS on when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money SPECIAL FEATURE on “Know Before You Go” and “FAQs for Travel in Egypt” HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, cuisine, geography and more LOCAL WRITERS to help you navigate confidently and find the under-the-radar gems UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, the Pyramids of Giza, the Valley of the Kings, Sharm el-Sheikh, the Nile Valley, and more Planning on visiting other destinations in the region? Check out Fodor’s Essential Turkey and Fodor's Essential Israel. ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor’s has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us! *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.
Random House USA Inc Fodor's Essential Morocco
Whether you want to shop in the souks of Marrakesh, visit a Berber village, or trek the Sahara Desert, the local Fodor’s travel experts in Morocco are here to help! Fodor’s Essential Morocco guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor’s “Essential” guides have been named by Booklist as the Best Travel Guide Series of 2020! Fodor’s Essential Morocco travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and do MULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your time MORE THAN 30 DETAILED MAPS to help you navigate confidently COLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust! HONEST RECOMMENDATIONSon the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, and more PHOTO-FILLED “BEST OF” FEATURES on “Morocco’s Museums” “Morocco’s Historical Sites”, “Morocco’s Outdoor Adventures”, and more TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and money HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, music, geography and more SPECIAL FEATURES on “Traditional Moroccan Crafts” “Trekking the Sahara Desert,” and “What to Eat and Drink” LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gems ARABIC- and FRENCH-LANGUAGE PRIMERS with useful words and essential phrases UP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Marrakesh, Fez, Rabat, Casablanca, Tangier, the High Atlas Mountains, Chefchaouen, Meknès, Agadir, Essaouira, and more. Planning on visiting Spain? Check out Fodor’s Essential Spain or Fodor's Madrid. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition. ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor’s has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Doing Supportive Psychotherapy
The author of Doing Supportive Psychotherapy set out to address a paradox: although conducting psychotherapy is one of the most intimate and exciting things a mental health professional can do, many textbooks on the subject are dull, with formal, stilted dialogue between patient and therapist which prompts the question, "Does anyone really talk like that?" This text was designed to be different. In a dynamic, informal style, the book draws the reader in, providing the essential building blocks that are both applicable to any mental health discipline and compatible with any type of psychotherapy. The dozens of case examples presented were taken from actual cases and illustrate a full range of interactionsfrom the excellent to the seemingly ineffective: all have instructional value. Likewise, the dialogue between therapist and patient is conversational in a realistic way, sometimes eloquent, sometimes not. This approach gives the reader a true sense of the scope of the therapeutic interaction. In addition, the underlying structure of the book is logical and easy to grasp, beginning with the evolution of supportive psychotherapy and ending with a chapter on termination. • The principles of learning to do a psychodynamic formulation are outlined in a step-by-step fashion, making it easy to learn, progress, and practice.• The concepts and techniques explored throughout the book are grounded in the psychotherapy literature, and evidence-based research is cited where relevant.• The book emphasizes that psychotherapy is an inexact science, therapists are human, and the process of therapy is a journey that is constantly changing rather than static. This approach reassures the reader, who feels supported in a "holding environment" while learning psychotherapy. • The text is short and sweet, designed to teach essentials and include "just enough" to get clinicians started in supportive psychotherapy. • Although the text is targeted at readers on the path toward becoming psychotherapists (social workers, family counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists), those who don't conduct psychotherapy will find it an essential tool for learning how to understand patients as well as for learning strategies and techniques for keeping a good therapeutic alliance (which inevitably translates into good medication compliance). Doing Supportive Psychotherapy is a brief, spirited book, which functions as both instructional text and paean to psychotherapy. In vigorous, personal prose, the author leaves readers with the message that they are not alone as they venture into the overwhelmingly complex, perplexing, and yet totally wonderful endeavor of the "talking cure".
Simon & Schuster Ltd Group: How One Therapist and a Circle of Strangers Saved My Life
A REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICK 'Every page of this incredible memoir by Christie Tate had me thinking, “I wish I had read this book when I was 25. It would have helped me so much!”'Reese Witherspoon ‘This unrestrained memoir is a transporting experience and one of the most startlingly hopeful books I have ever read. It will make you want to get better, whatever better means for you.’Lisa Taddeo, New York Times bestselling author of Three Women For fans of Three Women and Everything I Know About Love comes arefreshingly original memoir about self-discovery, loneliness and love. A guarded young lawyer reluctantly joins a psychotherapy group where she has to share her innermost thoughts with six complete strangers. In turn she finds human connection, and herself. “What’s going to happen to me when I start group?” “All of your secrets are going to come out.” Christie Tate has just been named the top student in her law school class and seems to finally have got her eating disorder under control. So why is she driving through Chicago fantasising about her own death? Desperate, she joins Dr Rosen’s psychotherapy group, and through his unconventional methods, he challenges everything she thought she knew, about herself and others. In group, secrets are not allowed. This means telling a group of strangers everything – about her struggle with bulimia, her failed sex life, her overwhelming sense of loneliness and acute longing for a relationship. And as she keeps sharing her thoughts and feelings and listens to the others doing the same, her life slowly begins to change. This is a deliciously compelling read, and an intimate journey through the daring, exhilarating, painful, and hilarious journey that is group therapy – a process that breaks you down, and then reassembles you so that all the pieces finally fit. Praise for Group ‘This book will remind you how to come back to yourself even when you want to give up, make you laugh, make you cry, help you breathe. This book will save lives’ Lidia Yuknavitch ‘Real transformation is not for the faint of heart, and in these pages Christie Tate captures her evolution in all its misery and hilarity, along with the beauty of bearing witness to one another as we grow.’ Sarah Hepola ‘Christie Tate takes us on a journey that's heartbreaking and hilarious, surprising and redemptive – and, ultimately, a testament to the power of connection.’ Lori Gottlieb
Simon & Schuster Ltd The Miseducation of Evie Epworth: The Bestselling Richard & Judy Book Club Pick
The Bestselling Richard & Judy Summer Book Club Pick 2021 The Bestselling Radio 2 Book Club Selection ‘Tight, clever and riddled with wit. Like discovering Adrian Mole or Bridget Jones for the first time.’ Joanna Nadin, author of The Queen of Bloody Everything ‘A sweet, fizzy sherbet dib-dab of a book - deliciously nostalgic, hugely funny and ultimately heartwarming. The perfect book for our times.’ Veronica Henry ‘Such a joyful and uplifting read. Just the sort of thing that people will want to be reading right now.’ Anita Rani, Radio 2 Book ClubIt is the summer of 1962 and sixteen-year-old Evie Epworth stands on the cusp of womanhood. But what kind of a woman will she be? Up until now, Evie’s life has been nothing special: a patchwork of school, Guides, cows, lost mothers, lacrosse and village fetes. But, inspired by her idols (Charlotte Brontë, Shirley MacLaine, the Queen), she dreams of a world far away from rural East Yorkshire, a world of glamour lived under the bright lights of London (or Leeds). Standing in the way of these dreams, though, is Christine, Evie’s soon-to-be stepmother, a manipulative and money-grubbing schemer who is lining Evie up for a life of shampoo-and-set drudgery at the stinky local salon. Luckily Evie is not alone. With the help of a few friends, and the wise counsel of the two Adam Faith posters on her bedroom wall (‘brooding Adam’ and ‘sophisticated Adam’), Evie comes up with a plan to rescue her future from Christine’s pink and over-perfumed clutches. She will need a little luck, a dash of charm and a big dollop of Yorkshire magic if she is to succeed, but in the process she may just discover who exactly it is she is meant to be. Moving, inventive and achingly funny, with an all-star cast of bold-as-brass characters, The Miseducation of Evie Epworth is a perfectly pitched modern fairytale about love, friendship and following your dreams while having a lot of fun along the way. 'Full of fabulous characters, sprinkled with joy and drenched in wit.’ Milly Johnson 'Funny and original with a cast of eccentric characters, this debut novel is a tour de force. Not to be missed.' Sunday Express 'A rich triumph of comic writing.' 'One of the funniest, wittiest and most joyful books you will read this year.' Lancaster Guardian
Johns Hopkins University Press Good Business: The Talk, Fight, Win Way to Change the World
An inspiring and practical look inside the mind of Bill Novelli, one of the founders of social marketing, Good Business challenges all of us to change the world for the better and is a blueprint for tackling today's critical issues.From his humble beginnings selling soap in a sales training program to his rapid rise in the fast-paced New York advertising scene, Bill Novelli was well on his way to becoming a leader in the hypercompetitive business world. But it wasn't long before he became disillusioned with the drive for profits at any cost. He knew that his marketing skills made those companies successful, but what good did that success do for the world? That question sent him on a career path that involved taking the marketing and communication tactics long used by big businesses and applying them to social change. He found that this strategy was not only good for the world but also good for business. In Good Business, Novelli begins with his early career success in Mad Men–era marketing, which left him feeling unfulfilled. He describes the process of changing career trajectory: how he helped reposition the Peace Corps; built Porter Novelli, a global PR agency for social impact; fought the Tobacco Wars; and became CEO of AARP, the largest nonprofit in America. Drawing practical lessons and principles from play-by-play stories of his experiences in large and small organizations, Novelli deploys his characteristic wit to stress the importance of building and maintaining connections with people—and engaging them in the cause. Good Business, which is part behind-the-scenes look at crafting social and health policy, part inspirational guide, proves that you can do well (creating economic and financial success for yourself and your company or organization) by doing good (helping to solve the world's and society's major problems). Throughout the book, Novelli shows that you can make a positive social difference regardless of what business you are in or where you are in your career. Readers will come away with the message that anyone who wants to have a positive impact on the world can do it right now from where they are—or can be inspired by Novelli's story to make the leap to somewhere they can.
HarperCollins Publishers The Broken Ear (The Adventures of Tintin)
One of the most iconic characters in children’s literature Hergé’s classic comic book creation Tintin is one of the most recognisable characters in children’s books. These highly collectible editions of the original 24 adventures will delight Tintin fans old and new. Perfect for lovers of graphic novels, mysteries and historical adventures. The world’s most famous travelling reporter must call on a feathered friend to track down a famous artifact … and solve a murder in the process. The Arumbaya fetish has been stolen! But with the help of a talking parrot, Tintin is soon on the hunt for the famous artefact, which can be distinguished by its broken ear. He must solve a murder and discover the true value of the fetish, and quick – because he is not the only one on the trail! Join the most iconic character in comics as he embarks on an extraordinary adventure spanning historical and political events, and thrilling mysteries. Still selling over 100,000 copies every year in the UK and having been adapted for the silver screen by Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson in 2011. The Adventures of Tintin continue to charm more than 90 years after they first found their way into publication. Since then more than 230 million copies have been sold, proving that comic books have the same power to entertain children and adults in the 21st century as they did in the early 20th. Hergé (Georges Remi) was born in Brussels in 1907. Over the course of 54 years he completed over 20 titles in The Adventures of Tintin series, which is now considered to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest, comics series of all time. Have you collected all the graphic novel adventures? Tintin in the Land of the SovietsTintin in AmericaTintin: Cigars of the PharaohTintin: The Blue LotusTintin: The Broken EarTintin: The Black IslandTintin: King Ottakar’s SceptreTintin: The Crab with the Golden ClawsTintin: The Shooting StarTintin: The Secret of the UnicornTintin: Red Rackham’s TreasureTintin: The Seven Crystal BallsTintin: Prisoners of the SunTintin: Land of Black GoldTintin: Destination MoonTintin: Explorers of the MoonTintin: The Calculus AffairTintin: The Red Sea SharksTintin in TibetTintin: The Castafiore EmeraldTintin: Flight 714 to SydneyThe Adventures of Tintin and the PicarosTintin and Alph-Art