Search results for ""author alexander""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Jahrbuch Fur Liturgik Und Hymnologie: 2018
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Jahrbuch Fur Liturgik Und Hymnologie: 2015
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Beruflich in Bolivien: Trainingsprogramm Fur Manager, Fach- Und Fuhrungskrafte
Harrassowitz Oral Traditions in Ethiopian Studies
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Bibelhermeneutik und dogmatische Theologie nach Kant
Zur protestantischen Theologie gehört konstitutiv ihr Bibelbezug. Zugleich sind Stellung und Methodik der Bibelauslegung in der Theologie seit jeher und auch gegenwärtig sehr umstritten. Die Geschichte der modernen Bibelexegese ist unzertrennlich mit dem Namen Immanuel Kants verknüpft. Dessen religionsphilosophischer Zugriff auf die Bibel und das zugehörige Programm einer philosophischen Theologie sind daher Gegenstand vielfältiger kritischer wie affirmativer Studien. Erstmals liegt hier ein diskursiver Überblick über die Problematik vor, der sowohl Kants bibelhermeneutisches Programm als auch dessen dogmatische Konsequenzen auf dem gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand einer intensiven Sichtung unterzieht. Renommierte Autorinnen und Autoren aus Bibelwissenschaften und Systematischer Theologie nehmen historisch, rezeptionsgeschichtlich und gegenwartsbezogen die Frage nach Bibelhermeneutik und dogmatischer Theologie nach Kant in den Blick.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Festschrift für Rolf Stürner zum 70. Geburtstag: 1. Teilband: Deutsches Recht 2. Teilband: Internationales, Europäisches und ausländisches Recht
Im April 2013 vollendete Rolf Stürner sein siebzigstes Lebensjahr. Aus diesem Anlass widmen ihm Schüler, Kollegen, Weggefährten und Freunde aus Deutschland und Europa, Asien und Amerika diese Festschrift.Rolf Stürner ist einer der bedeutendsten Rechtswissenschaftler der Gegenwart, dessen Werk und Wirken von Rang nicht nur in Deutschland und Europa bekannt ist, sondern auch weltweit größte Anerkennung gefunden hat. Die reiche Palette seiner wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeitsfelder erstreckt sich über die ganze Breite der nationalen und komparativen, europäischen und internationalen Prozessualistik und Zivilistik. Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im deutschen Zivilprozessrecht, Zwangsvollstreckungs- und Insolvenzrecht, darüber hinaus insbesondere auch im Europäischen Zivilverfahrensrecht sowie in den Zivilverfahrensrechten der europäischen Staaten und der USA. Hinzu kommen das in- und ausländische Schuldrecht, das Sachenrecht, Erbrecht, Arzthaftungsrecht und Medizinrecht, Medienrecht sowie - last but not least - das Recht der Finanzprodukte. Mit seinem wissenschaftlichen Œuvre hat er nicht nur Beiträge zur Pflege und gestaltenden Fortentwicklung der zivilrechtlichen und zivilverfahrensrechtlichen Dogmatik geleistet, sondern auch prägende Maßstäbe für die Praxis und die Gesetzgebung gesetzt. Die in dieser Festschrift in zwei Bänden versammelten Beiträge reflektieren den besonderen Respekt und das hohe Ansehen, das er in Deutschland, Europa und der Welt genießt. Sie reichen vom deutschen Verfassungsrecht, Zivil- und Zivilverfahrensrecht über das Europarecht, das öffentliche Recht, das Straf- und Strafprozessrecht sowie die Grundlagen des Rechts bis hin zum Internationalen, Europäischen, ausländischen und vergleichenden Zivil- und Zivilverfahrensrecht.
De Gruyter LkSG
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Relire Autrement Qu'etre Ou Au-Dela de l'Essence
Brepols N.V. Metaphysics in the Twelfth Century: On the Relationship Among Philosophy, Science and Theology
AltaMira Press,U.S. Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster Reconstruction
In Capitalizing on Catastrophe an international group of scholars and professionals critically examine how local communities around the world have prepared for and responded to recent cataclysms. The book's principal focus is the increasing trend to rely on the private sector to deal with natural disasters and other forms of large-scale devastation, from hurricanes and tsunamis to civil wars and industrial accidents. Called 'disaster capitalism' by its critics, the tendency to contract private interests to solve massive, urgent public problems may be inevitable but is extremely problematic_especially with respect to peoples who need help the most. Can private relief groups give the highest priority to potential and actual victims of large disasters, for example, if that means devoting fewer resources to protecting tourism and other profitable industries? The high-profile contributors to this volume straightforwardly tackle such timely and difficult questions of great public concern.
Random House USA Inc The Mirror Man: A novel
Oxford University Press Inc The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion
Elections are the means by which democratic nations determine their leaders, and communication in the context of elections has the potential to shape people's beliefs, attitudes, and actions. Thus, electoral persuasion is one of the most important political processes in any nation that regularly holds elections. Moreover, electoral persuasion encompasses not only what happens in an election but also what happens before and after, involving candidates, parties, interest groups, the media, and the voters themselves. This volume surveys the vast political science literature on this subject, emphasizing contemporary research and topics and encouraging cross-fertilization among research strands. A global roster of authors provides a broad examination of electoral persuasion, with international perspectives complementing deep coverage of U.S. politics. Major areas of coverage include: general models of political persuasion; persuasion by parties, candidates, and outside groups; media influence; interpersonal influence; electoral persuasion across contexts; and empirical methodologies for understanding electoral persuasion.
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Traumatischer Stress in Der Familie: Systemtherapeutische Losungswege
Thieme Publishing Group Science of Synthesis: Knowledge Updates 2019/3
The Science of Synthesis Editorial Board, together with the volume editors and authors, is constantly reviewing the whole field of synthetic organic chemistry as presented in Science of Synthesis and evaluating significant developments in synthetic methodology. Several annual volumes updating content across all categories ensure that you always have access to state-of-the-art synthetic methodology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education
The role, scale and expectations of higher education institutions have changed dramatically in recent times as knowledge-intensity has become a key determinant of economic competitiveness. Higher education institutions face increasing pressure to demonstrate their fitness to meet the needs of society and individuals. Questions about the quality, performance and productivity of higher education are central to these concerns, of relevance to society, governments and students. This Handbook brings together a group of international scholars to address these issues and propose how to move beyond them.This Handbook is the first comprehensive reference, laying out current research in the field, and bringing it up-to-date with cutting-edge theoretical and empirical contributions from leading international experts. Blending new research with richly contextualised national and regional examples, the authors give authoritative insights from around the globe on how best to understand, assess and improve quality, performance and accountability in higher education.This Handbook will become an invaluable tool for practitioners in higher education and education policy-making as well as researchers and students of social science and public policy.Contributors include: K.S. Adeyemo, K. Aleksandriyskaya, A. Amaral, S. Archer, I. Austin, E. Bell, P. Benneworth, C. Blanco, V. Borden, R. Bringle, R. Brown, H. Coates, G. Croucher, D. Dill, M. Dobbins, D. Edwards, A. Fryar, S. Fukahori, A. Gibson, F. Guo, M. Hanlon, L. Harvey, E. Hazelkorn, M. Hicks, N. Hillman, A.Y.-c.Hou, F. Huang, J. Huisman, Y. Ibrahim, R. Ismail, N. Jankowski, E. Jerez, G. Jones, B. Jongbloed, J. Jungblut, P. Kelly, R. King, K. Kinser, M. Klemencic, G. Kuh, J. Lane, L. Lange, M.C. Lennon, S.E. Lid, N.C. Liu, Y. Luo, M. Mahat, J. Marino, M. Martin, W.F Massy, A.C. McCormick, K. Moore, S. Moyo, P. Noonan, D. Orr, R. Shavelson, J. Shi, O.-J. Skodvin, B. Stensaker, F. Strydom, P. Teixeira, R. Tijssen, O. Troitschanskaia, A. Usher, F. van Vught, N.V. Varghese, H. Vossensteyn, M. Vukasovic, R. Wagenaar, C.D. Wan, E. Weber, H.P. Weingarten, W. Wen, D. Westerheijden, R. Williams, T. Yang, N. Zeeman, L. Zhang
Autonomedia Introduction to Civil War: Volume 4
American Society for Microbiology Zoonoses: Infectious Diseases Transmissible from Animals to Humans
University of Toronto Press The Correspondence of Erasmus: Letters 2082 to 2203, Volume 15
This volume contains the surviving correspondence of Erasmus for the first seven months of 1529. For nearly eight years he had lived happily and productively in Basel. In the winter of 1528-9, however, the Swiss version of the Lutheran Reformation triumphed in the city, destroying the liberal-reformist atmosphere Erasmus had found so congenial. Unwilling to live in a place where Catholic doctrine and practice were officially proscribed, Erasmus resettled in the quiet, reliably Catholic university town of Freiburg im Breisgau, Despite the turmoil of moving, Erasmus managed to complete the new Froben editions of Seneca and St Augustine, both monumental projects that had been underway for years. He also found time to engage in controversy with his conservative Catholic critics, as well as to write a long letter lamenting the execution for heresy of his friend Louis de Berquin at Paris. Volume 15 of the Collected Works of Erasmus series.
Atria Books The Annotated And Illustrated Double Helix
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ageing and Life Extension of Offshore Structures: The Challenge of Managing Structural Integrity
A comprehensive overview of managing and assessing safety and functionality of ageing offshore structures and pipelines A significant proportion, estimated at over 50%, of the worldwide infrastructure of offshore structures and pipelines is in a life extension phase and is vulnerable to ageing processes. This book captures the central elements of the management of ageing offshore structures and pipelines in the life extension phase. The book gives an overview of: the relevant ageing processes and hazards; how ageing processes are managed through the life cycle, including an overview of structural integrity management; how an engineer should go about assessing a structure that is to be operated beyond its original design life, and how ageing can be mitigated for safe and effective continued operation. Key Features: Provides an understanding of ageing processes and how these can be mitigated. Applies engineering methods to ensure that existing structures can be operated longer rather than decommissioned unduly prematurely. Helps engineers performing these tasks in both evaluating the existing structures and maintaining ageing structures in a safe manner. The book gives an updated summary of current practice and research on the topic of the management of ageing structures and pipelines in the life extension phase but also meets the needs of structural engineering students and practicing offshore and structural engineers in oil & gas and engineering companies. In addition, it should be of value to regulators of the offshore industry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Chemistry of Peroxides, Volume 3
The understanding of functional groups is key for the understanding of all organic chemistry. In the tradition of the Patai Series each volume treats all aspects of functional groups. Each volume contains chapters on the theoretical and physicochemical foundations; on analytical aspects; on reaction mechanisms; on applications in synthesis. Depending on the functional group there are additional chapters on industrial use, on medical use, and on human and environmental toxicity issues. The last volume in the series on the topic (Peroxides Vol. 2) was published in 2006. In the eight years since then a lot of developments have taken place, especially in the areas of synthesis, analysis and a better theoretical understanding of the reaction mechanism, all of which are covered here. As with all new volumes, the chapters are first published online in Patai's Chemistry of Functional Groups. Once a volume is completed online, it is then published in print format. The printed book offers the traditional quality of the Patai Book Series, complete with an extensive index.
Tuttle Publishing The Art of War: The Definitive Interpretation of Sun Tzu's Classic Book of Strategy
The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the best known book on military strategy ever written. Although its wisdom is ancient, its principles and advice are timeless; it remains as influential as ever in military strategy, leadership roles, business tactics, legal challenges, martial arts philosophy and more. Everyone from New England Patriots' coach Bill Belichick to Tupac Shakur have turned to this time tested treatise.This translation is by Hanshi Stephen F. Kaufman, one of America's leading martial artists, and is specifically aimed at martial practitioners to demonstrate how Sun Tzu's strategies can be applied to martial combat.The book's thirteen sections present vital information including: Planning ahead—how a solid battle plan can help lead to victory Attacking the enemy—considerations when choosing to attack or, perhaps even more importantly, when to not attack Flexibility in combat—the importance of changing tactics as the fight evolves Exploiting weakness—how understanding your enemy's shortcomings is crucial to success This edition includes 32 pages of full color images, capturing the pageantry of ancient combat. A new foreword by martial historian and decorated martial artist Alexander Bennett explains the importance of Sun Tzu's text and the value of Kaufman's interpretation for the martial artist.
Pluto Press The Imperial Discipline: Race and the Founding of International Relations
This book questions the accepted origins of the field of International Relations (IR). Commonly understood to have emerged from the horrors of WW1 with the goal of bringing about world peace, the authors argue that on the contrary, IR came from a somewhat less noble tradition – that of the Round Table. The Round Table were a network of imperialists emerging in the late 1800s across five key British imperial societies: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and India. Their aim was to improve imperial governance, placing the empire into a position to control world affairs. Although they ultimately failed to rearrange world order according to their vision, they did help to build what we now call the discipline of IR. The Round Table's 'scientific method' for the study of world affairs was rapidly subsumed into each geopolitical context. Through telling this story, the authors recover it, and interrogate its meanings for the discipline of IR today. They show the importance of the Global South to IR's foundations, and argue that IR scholarship in this period was intertwined with imperial racial thought in ways that it should not and cannot forget.
Harvard Department of the Classics Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 106
This volume includes Natasha Bershadsky, “A Picnic, a Tomb, and a Crow: Hesiod’s Cult in the Works and Days”; Alexander Dale, “Sapphica”; Andrew Faulkner, “Fast, Famine, and Feast: Food for Thought in Callimachus’ Hymn to Demeter”; Guillermo Galán Vioque, “A New Manuscript of Classical Authors in Spain”; Jarrett T. Welsh, “The Dates of the Dramatists of the Fabula Togata”; Andrea Cucchiarelli, “Ivy and Laurel: Divine Models in Virgil’s Eclogues”; John Henkel, “Nighttime Labor: A Metapoetic Vignette Alluding to Aratus at Georgics 1.291–296”; Salvatore Monda, “The Coroebus Episode in Virgil’s Aeneid”; Mark Toher, “Herod’s Last Days”; Bart Huelsenbeck, “The Rhetorical Collection of the Elder Seneca: Textual Tradition and Traditional Text”; Robert Cowan, “Lucan’s Thunder-Box: Scatology, Epic, and Satire in Suetonius’ Vita Lucani”; Erin Sebo, “Symphosius 93.2: A New Interpretation”; Christopher P. Jones, “Imaginary Athletics in Two Followers of John Chrysostom”; and William T. Loomis and Stephen V. Tracy, “The Sterling Dow Archive: Publications, Unfinished Scholarly Work, and Epigraphical Squeezes.”
Yale University Press The Power of Pictures: Early Soviet Photography, Early Soviet Film
A fascinating account of the avant-garde photo-based arts from the early Soviet Union, featuring many previously unpublished imagesFinalist for a 2015 National Jewish Book Award in the Visual Arts category Following the 1917 Russian Revolution, photography, film, and posters played an essential role in the campaign to disseminate modernity and Communist ideology. From early experimental works by Alexander Rodchenko and El Lissitzky to the modernist photojournalism of Arkady Shaikhet and Max Penson, Soviet photographers were not only in the vanguard of style and technological innovation but also radical in their integration of art and politics. Filmmakers such as Dziga Vertov, Sergei Eisenstein, and Esfir Shub pioneered cinematic techniques for works intended to mobilize viewers. Covering the period from the Revolution to the beginning of World War II, The Power of Pictures considers Soviet avant-garde photography and film in the context of political history and culture. Three essays trace this generation of artists, their experiments with new media, and their pursuit of a new political order. A wealth of stunning photographs, film stills, and film posters, as well as magazine and book designs, demonstrate that their output encompassed a spectacular range of style, content, and perspective, and an extraordinary sense of the power of the photograph to change the world.Published in association with the Jewish Museum, New YorkExhibition Schedule:Jewish Museum, New York (09/25/15–02/02/16)Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville (03/11/16–07/04/16)Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam (07/24/16–11/27/16)
The University of Chicago Press Excommunication: Three Inquiries in Media and Mediation
Always connect - that is the imperative of today's media. But what about those moments when media cease to function properly, when messages go beyond the sender and receiver to become excluded from the world of communication itself - those messages that state: "There will be no more messages"? In this book, Alexander R. Galloway, Eugene Thacker, and McKenzie Wark turn our usual understanding of media on its head by arguing that these moments reveal the ways the impossibility of communication is integral to communication itself - instances they call excommunication. In three linked essays, Excommunication pursues this elusive topic by looking at mediation in the face of banishment, exclusion, and heresy, and by contemplating the possibilities of communication with the great beyond. First, Galloway proposes an original theory of mediation based on classical literature and philosophy, using Hermes, Iris, and the Furies to map out three of the most prevalent modes of mediation today-mediation as exchange, as illumination, and as network. Then, Thacker goes boldly beyond Galloway's classification scheme by examining the concept of excommunication through the secret link between the modern horror genre and medieval mysticism. Finally, Wark evokes the poetics of the infuriated swarm as a queer politics of heresy that deviates from both media theory and the traditional left. Reexamining commonplace definitions of media, mediation, and communication, Excommunication offers a glimpse into the realm of the nonhuman to find a theory of mediation adequate to our present condition.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers The Spine: Medical & Surgical Management: Two Volume Set
The Spine: Medical and Surgical Conditions is a complete, two volume, evidence based study edited by an internationally recognised team of spine surgeons based in the USA, China, Canada, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Egypt and India. The two volumes are divided into 137 chapters, across fourteen sections. The first section covers general topics in spinal medicine, including anatomy, biomechanics, physical and neurological examination, interventional diagnostics and therapeutics, and anaesthesia. This is followed by sections on the development of the spine, metabolic disorders, and bone grafting. Subsequent sections focus on surgery for particular parts of the spine, including cervical, lumbar and thoracic, as well as sections on spinal cord injuries and motor preservation. Later sections in the book provide information on the spine in paediatrics, adult deformity, tumours, vascular malformations and infections, complications of spinal surgery, and a final section on minimally invasive techniques. Enhanced by 1500 full colour images, The Spine: Medical and Surgical Conditions is also made available online, complete with text, images and video, with each physical copy. Key Points Comprehensive, two volume guide to spinal medicine Covers anatomy, biomechanics, examination, diagnostics, therapeutics, anaesthesia, surgery and complications Enhanced by 1500 full colour images Includes access to online version with complete text, images and video
Bohlau Verlag Zuviel der Ehre?: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf akademische Ehrungen in Deutschland und Österreich
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs
Saadya ben Joseph al-Fayyumi (882-942), gaon (head) of the rabbinic academy at Sura and one of the preeminent Jewish thinkers of the medieval period, attempted to create a complete statement of Jewish religious philosophy in which all strands of philosophical thought were to be knit into a unified system.In The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs, Saadya sought to rescue believers from "a sea of doubt and the waters of confusion" into which they had been cast by Christianity, Islam, and other faiths. By employing philosophical--or kalamic--argumentation to examine and defend traditional Jewish beliefs, Saadya hoped to turn blind faith into conviction based on rational understanding.First published in 1946, and reprinted here without alteration, Alexander Altmann’s judicious abridgment of his own translation has remained the standard edition of this influential work. A new Introduction by Daniel Frank sets Saadya’s work in its broader historical, cultural, and philosophical contexts.
Carcanet Press Ltd Alexander Goehr, Composing a Life: Teachers, Mentors & Models
Alexander ('Sandy') Goehr is a leading British composer and teacher. Born into a Jewish musical family in Berlin in 1932, he arrived in England in 1933 with his father, Walter, a composer, conductor, and pupil of Arnold Schoenberg; and his mother Laelia, a trained pianist from Kyiv. Raised in Amersham, he attended Richard Hall's classes at the Royal Manchester College of Music. There he formed the 'Manchester School' – a group of young composers and performers including Peter Maxwell Davies, Harrison Birtwistle, and John Ogdon. He was introduced to Olivier Messiaen when his father conducted the first British performance of Turangalîla-Symphonie in 1953, and he later studied with Messiaen and Yvonne Loriod in Paris. In the late 1950s and early '60s Goehr became known as a radical exponent of serial music. Since then, he has composed more than one hundred major works, including operas, orchestral and chamber pieces, and music for film, television, dance and theatre. He is Emeritus Professor of Music at Cambridge University and one of Europe's most important music educators. He has written and lectured extensively and his music is performed all over the world. Jack Van Zandt (b. 1954), an American composer and Goehr's former pupil and assistant, has co-written this first comprehensive account of the life, creative foundations, and teachings of this great composer.
Cambridge University Press The Global Governed?: Refugees as Providers of Protection and Assistance
When refugees flee war and persecution, protection and assistance are usually provided by United Nations organisations and their NGO implementing partners. In camps and cities, the dominant humanitarian model remains premised upon a provider-beneficiary relationship. In parallel to this model, however, is a largely neglected story: refugees themselves frequently mobilise to create organisations or networks as alternative providers of social protection. Based on fieldwork in refugee camps and cities in Uganda and Kenya, this book examines how refugee-led organisations emerge, the forms they take, and their interactions with international institutions. Developing an original theoretical framework based on the concept of 'the global governed', the book shows how power and hierarchy mediate the seemingly benign notion of protection. Drawing upon ideas from anthropology and international relations, it offers an alternative vision for more participatory global governance, of relevance to other policy-fields including development, humanitarianism, health, peacekeeping, and child protection.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Rufinus Von Aquileia: Ubersetzung Der Pseudoklementinischen Rekognitionen, Buch 1 Und 2
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Relire Totalite Et Infini d'Emmanuel Levinas
Tuttle Publishing Shogun: The Life and Times of Tokugawa Ieyasu: Japan's Greatest Ruler
Uncover the true story of the man who unified medieval Japan.For 700 years, Japan was ruled by military commanders who waged war against one another incessantly. Shogun tells the fascinating story of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the man who finally unified and brought lasting peace to the nation. He established a new central government which enabled his descendants to rule Japan for the next 260 years—a period in which Japanese culture as we know it today flourished.The dramatic episodes retold in this book include: Ieyasu's crushing victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, the largest battle ever fought in Japan His creation of a new form of government with a centralized system of control that allowed his descendants to rule Japan peacefully for the next 15 generations Ieyasu's fateful decision to limit the spread of Christianity in Japan, ultimately banning the religion and massacring tens of thousands of ardent believers This new edition highlights the drama and pageantry of Ieyasu's life and features a new foreword by leading Japanese military historian Alexander Bennett.
Prestel En Passant: Impressionism in Sculpture
Is there such a thing as “Impressionist sculpture”? Since 1881 when Edgar Degas presented Little Dancer Aged Fourteen at the Sixth Impressionist Exhibition in Paris, the term has existed along with the discourse around it. This book is dedicated to the extensive examination of the question what it would mean to translate the characteristics of Impressionist painting, such as light, colour, ephemerality, and the ethereal, into sculpture. The book features a selection of artists including Edgar Degas, Auguste Rodin, and Medardo Rosso and examines the artistic processes that traverse genres in which one medium is enhanced by others. This valuable, fascinating resource offers a unique addition to the scholarship on the Impressionist era.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Women, Business and Leadership: Gender and Organisations
This book explores the range of challenges faced by women in business and leadership today, identifying how far we need to progress before women in business experience the same level of advancement as men. Including a range of different viewpoints, the book analyses women's position at work from three perspectives: the constraints affecting women's career advancements, gender-specific challenges to women in leadership roles, and women's experiences of undertaking these roles while trying to maintain a work-life balance. By highlighting the specific disadvantages relating to gender, chapters outline the extent of change needed culturally, as well as through policy and attitude, if women are to achieve parity with their male counterparts.Researchers and students of gender in management, leadership and organisation studies will find this a thought provoking read, particularly those studying work-family balance and the future paths to breaking the glass ceiling for women in business. Contributors include: V. Aggelou, Y. Ang, A.-S. Antoniou, M. Apergi, V. Bevan, S. Bisom-Rapp, R. Burke, P. Burkinshaw, S. Carter, K. Clayton-Hathway, N. Drosos, E. Dunn, U. Fasbender, A. Furnham, C. Gatrell, F.H. Gerpott, E. Hamilton, B. Hawkins, J. Kampa, C.-T. Kechagias, L. Lavaysse, K. Otto, S. Perera Sanjee, P. Perrewe, N. Peyton, J.C. Potwora, T. Probst, I. Rittenhofer, M. Sargeant, S. Schlamp, R. Sealy, R. Searle, C. Tully, R. Ventouratou, S. Voelpel, L. Weis, K. White, L.-D. Wojtas
Emerald Publishing Limited Promises Fulfilled and Unfulfilled in Management Education
This is the first of two volumes written to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of EFMD. Through an open-ended interview research process, it seeks to explore the perspectives and views of a wide range of experts drawn not only from the European environment but also from the United States and other global players in the management education field. Understanding the relations and interactions between the various actors in management education is fundamental to any rich analysis of the roles, value and purposes of management education as well as the unfulfilled promises in its evolution. The focus in this first volume is on the challenges, issues, themes and lessons learned in the 40 years of EFMD's evolution. The second volume will concentrate on the future of management education.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Intellectual Landscape in the Works of J. M. Coetzee
New essays examining the intellectual allegiances of Coetzee, arguably the most decorated and critically acclaimed writer of fiction in English today and a deeply intellectual and philosophical writer. Arguably the most decorated and critically acclaimed writer of today, J. M. Coetzee is a deeply intellectual writer. Yet while just about everyone who comes to Coetzee's writing is aware that the visible superstructure of his works is moved from below by a vast substructure of ideas, we are still far from grasping Coetzee's intellectual allegiances as a whole. This book sets out to examine these allegiances in ways not attempted before, by bringing leadingfigures in the philosophy of literary fiction and ethics together with leading Coetzee scholars. The book is organized into three parts: the first part evaluates Coetzee with respect to notions of truth and justification. At issue is how the reader is to understand the ground on which Coetzee builds his ethical commitments. The second part considers the problem of language, in which ethics is rooted and on which it depends. The chapters of the third partposition Coetzee's writing with respect to notions of social and moral solidarity, where, in regard to literature as such or experience as such, philosophy and literature together exercise an unrivaled right to be heard. Contributors: Elisa Aaltola, Derek Attridge, David Attwell, Maria Boletsi, Carrol Clarkson, Simon During, Patrick Hayes, Alexander Honold, Anton Leist, Tim Mehigan, Christian Moser, Robert B. Pippin, Robert Stockhammer, Markus Winkler, Martin Woessner. Tim Mehigan is Deputy Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the University of Queensland. Christian Moser is Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Bonn.
Bristol University Press Security, Strategy, and Military Dynamics in the South China Sea: Cross-National Perspectives
This volume brings together international experts to provide fresh perspectives on geopolitical concerns in the South China Sea. The book considers the interests and security strategies of each of the nations with a claim to ownership and jurisdiction in the Sea. Examining contexts including the region’s natural resources and China’s behaviour, the book also assesses the motivations and approaches of other states in Asia and further afield. This is an accessible, even-handed and comprehensive examination of current and future rivalries and challenges in one of the most strategically important and militarized maritime regions of the world.
Rizzoli International Publications Anne Brigman: A Visionary in Modern Photography
A look at one of the first feminist artists, Pictorialist photographer Anne Brigman, best known for her iconic landscape photographs made in the early 1900s depicting female nudes outdoors in rugged northern California.This main volume of a previously published slipcased edition is the catalogue of the major retrospective exhibition that took place in 2018 at the Nevada Museum of Art, and remains the first comprehensive book to chronicle the photography of Anne W. Brigman (1869-1950), one of the most important of all American women photographers. This monumental publication rediscovers and celebrates the work of Brigman, whose photography was considered radical for its time. For Brigman to objectify her own nude body as the subject of her photographs in the turn of the 20th century was groundbreaking; to do so outdoors in a near-desolate wilderness setting was revolutionary. Brigman's significance spanned both coasts: in northern California, where she lived, she was known as a poet, a critic, and a member of the Pictorialist photography movement, whose practitioners employed various methods of manipulation to achieve images that were considered beautiful and romantic. On the east coast, her work was promoted by Alfred Stieglitz, who published her photographs in Camera Work and elected her as a Fellow of the prestigious Photo-Secession.The beautifully produced large-format book is devoted to Brigman's entire career, covering such topics as Brigman's work within the contexts of the California Arts & Crafts movement and New York Modernism; her relationship to High Sierra mountaineering and early 20th-century poetry; and the relevance of her work to contemporary conversations regarding gendered landscapes of the American frontier.
McGill-Queen's University Press The Canadian Oral History Reader: Volume 231
Despite a long and rich tradition of oral history research, few are aware of the innovative and groundbreaking work of oral historians in Canada. For this first primer on the practices within the discipline, the editors of The Canadian Oral History Reader have gathered some of the best contributions from a diverse field. Essays survey and explore fundamental and often thorny aspects in oral history methodology, interpretation, preservation and presentation, and advocacy. In plain language, they explain how to conduct research with indigenous communities, navigate difficult relationships with informants, and negotiate issues of copyright, slander, and libel. The authors ask how people's memories and stories can be used as historical evidence - and whether it is ethical to use them at all. Their detailed and compelling case studies draw readers into the thrills and predicaments of recording people's most intimate experiences, and refashioning them in transcripts and academic analyses. They also consider how to best present and preserve this invaluable archive of Canadian memories. The Canadian Oral History Reader provides a rich resource for community and university researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and independent scholars and documentarians, and serves as a springboard and reference point for global discussions about Canadian contributions to the international practice of oral history. Contributors include Brian Calliou (independent scholar), Elise Chenier (Simon Fraser University), Julie Cruikshank (University of British Columbia), Alexander Freund (University of Winnipeg), Steven High (Concordia University), Nancy Janovicek (University of Calgary), Jill Jarvis-Tonus (independent scholar), Kristina R. Llewellyn (Renison University College, University of Waterloo), Bronwen Low (McGill University), Claudia Malacrida (University of Lethbridge), Joy Parr (Western University), Joan Sangster (Trent University), Emmanuelle Sonntag (Universite du Quebec a Montreal), Pamela Sugiman (Ryerson University), Winona Wheeler (University of Saskatchewan), and Stacey Zembrzycki (Concordia University).
Elsevier Australia Introducing, Designing and Conducting Research for Paramedics
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Networks Of Interacting Machines: Production Organization In Complex Industrial Systems And Biological Cells
This review volume is devoted to a discussion of analogies and differences of complex production systems — natural, as in biological cells, or man-made, as in economic systems or industrial production. Taking this unified look at production is based on two observations: Cells and many biological networks are complex production units that have evolved to solve production problems in a reliable and optimal way in a highly stochastic environment. On the other hand, industrial production is becoming increasingly complex and often hard to predict. As a result, modeling and control of such production networks involve many different spatial and temporal scales and decision policies for many different structures. The common themes of industrial and biological production include evolution and optimization, synchronization and self-organization, robust operation despite high stochasticity, and hierarchical dynamics. The mathematical techniques used come from dynamical systems theory, transport equations, control theory, pattern formation, graph theory, discrete event simulations, stochastic processes, and others. The application areas range from semiconductor production to supply chains, protein networks, slime molds, social networks, and whole economies.
Spector Books Pluriverse
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Manfred Wakolbinger: Inhale - Exhale. Sculptures, Photographs, Installations, Videos 2012 - 2019
Austrian artist Manfred Wakolbinger, born 1952, trained as a metal worker and tool maker before turning to art. Following first steps in jewellery design, he moved on to sculpture and photography, later also to video art. Many of his sometimes voluminous sculptures were created for public spaces. The submarine world has captured his particular interest in photography and video. Wakolbinger's art is organic and conveys an inner poetry, yet it remains enigmatic even when it becomes concrete and figurative. This book features a selection Wakolbinger's works in photography and sculpture since 2012, accompanied by a conversation between the artist and curator Jasper Sharp. An essay on the topic of language in his art by scholar and critic Cornelia Offergeld and a text by celebrated Austrian novelist Christoph Ransmayr describe and interpret the recent oeuvre by one of Austria's most distinguished contemporary artists. Text in English and German.
Peter Lang AG Virtual Reality: Cognitive Foundations, Technological Issues and Philosophical Implications