Search results for ""author simon"
Rudolf Steiner Press Our Connection with the Elemental World: Kalevala - Olaf Asteson - The Russian People the World as the Result of Balancing Influences
The heart of this volume comprises Rudolf Steiner's commentary on the elemental forces that are responsible for our earthly nature as human beings - forces that influence us through our membership of a national or geographical group. When such elemental forces are not recognised and understood, he states, they cause conflict and chaos. However, Steiner indicates an important accompanying task that calls upon each human being to develop individuality, emancipating ourselves from the earthly influences underlying national and racial groups.These great themes are framed by Rudolf Steiner's pioneering research into the two major Northern folk-poems, the Kalevala and The Dream Song of Olaf Asteson. The former tells of the elemental spirits who created the conditions for our earthly incarnation, whereas the Dream Song has to do with the drama of excarnation - the journey of the human soul after death. Linking these vast motifs is Steiner's unique description of the mission and tasks of the Russian people and the contrast of their destiny to the North American people (who, he says, are 'dominating the Earth for a brief period of increasing splendour'). Steiner explains how elemental beings, responsible for the balance of land and sea, have created conditions where various peoples are enabled to develop their gifts and fulfil their destinies. Thus he speaks of Finland as the ancient conscience of Europe, Russia as the future bearer of the Christ-imbued Spirit Self, and the differing but complementary environments of Germany and Britain. Strikingly, he states that, 'no souls on Earth love one another more than those living in Central Europe and those living in the British Isles'. Rudolf Steiner also speaks of the necessary work of luciferic and ahrimanic beings that collaborate to enable the solid spatial forms of our physical bodies. Likewise, they influence our etheric and astral bodies, facilitating thinking, feeling and will to be imbued with life and consciousness.
Floris Books At the Threshold of the Modern Age: Biographies Around the Year 1861
The late nineteenth-century was an era of contrasts. On the one hand, philosophical materialism was increasing its influence over science. On the other, there was a growing social awareness and quest for spiritual values.Karl König explores the personal stories of twenty-nine pioneers whose work and experiences helped shape that era. They include artists and writers, social reformers, philosophers and political activists, and scientists. He considers how they responded as individuals to the challenges of the changing world around them. His insights and conclusions are relevant for us today, as we face our own time of change and upheaval.The biographies include Helen Keller (18801968), Samuel Hahnemann (17551843), Sigmund Freud (18561939), Lou Salomé (18611937), Gustav Mahler (18601911), Charles Darwin (18091882) and Adolf von Hildebrand (18471921).
Fiscal Publications Economics of Taxation
The 2008/09 edition of this book continues to provide a clear and authoritative introduction to the economic theory of taxation and to its practical operations in the UK. Part 1 of the text examines the principles of taxation, while Part 2 gives a borad-based description and evaluation of the policy and practice of the UK's tax system, highlighting some international comparisons. Features: - revised to include all 2008 Finance Act - Numerical examples and illustrations integrated throughout the text - Chapter by chapter self-assessment and discussion questions, with suggested answers at the end of the text Suitable for undergraduates of all disciplines studying on course in taxation, and other swanting to understand the economics of taxation.
University of Nebraska Press My Grandfather's Altar: Five Generations of Lakota Holy Men
Richard Moves Camp’s My Grandfather’s Altar is an oral-literary narrative account of five generations of Lakota religious tradition. Moves Camp is the great-great-grandson of Wóptuȟ’a (“Chips”), the holy man remembered for providing Crazy Horse with war medicines of power and protection. The Lakota remember the descendants of Wóptuȟ’a for their roles in preserving Lakota ceremonial traditions during the official prohibition period (1883–1934), when the U.S. Indian Religious Crimes Code outlawed Indian religious ceremonies with the threat of imprisonment. Wóptuȟ’a, his two sons, James Moves Camp and Charles Horn Chips, his grandson Sam Moves Camp, and his great-great-grandson Richard Moves Camp all became well-respected Lakota spiritual leaders. My Grandfather’s Altar offers the rare opportunity to learn firsthand how one family’s descendants played a pivotal role in revitalizing Lakota religion in the twentieth century.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Molecular Genetics of Bacteria
The fifth edition of this highly successful book provides students with an essential introduction to the molecular genetics of bacteria covering the basic concepts and the latest developments. It is comprehensive, easy to use and well structured with clear two-colour diagrams throughout. Specific changes to the new edition include: More detail on sigma factors, anti-sigma factors and anti-anti sigma factors, and the difference in the frequency of sigma factors in bacteria Expand material on integrons as these are becoming increasingly important in antibiotic resistance Enhanced treatment of molecular phylogeny Complete revision and updating of the final chapter on ‘Gene Mapping and Genomics’ Two-colour illustrations throughout. The focus of the book remains firmly on bacteria and will be invaluable to students studying microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and related biomedical sciences.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle
Diagnose and treat bovine diseases in cattle with Rebhun's Diseases of Dairy Cattle, 3rd Edition - your all-in-one guide to bovine disease management. Organized by body system for quick, convenient reference, this complete resource equips practitioners and students with the knowledge needed to confidently diagnose, treat, and prevent bovine disease. All chapters are updated from the previous edition to reflect the most up-to-date diagnostics and therapeutics, including revised drug usage considerations. An entirely new chapter for this third edition provides easy-to-read, but detailed information on diagnostic laboratory sample submission so that you will know what tests are available and the proper samples to submit. Another entirely new chapter focuses on diseases of the bull. More color photographs and illustrations are provided so that clinical signs and pathology of the diseases and diagnostic procedures commonly used in practice can be visualized. With expanded coverage of herd diseases, this new edition meets the growing need for management of both diseases of individual cows and medical problems affecting whole herds. Practical overviews for procedures such as blood transfusion, abdominal paracentesis, and ECG give you reliable support for some of the most common procedures in bovine care. A logical and user-friendly body systems organization makes diagnosis easier and more effective by isolating system-specific diseases and conditions. Additional public health/safety considerations identify diseases that pose a substantial public threat and detail special measures for related care of dairy cattle. Addresses the latest treatment innovations, including: antibiotic residue testing, care of individual metabolic disease, troubleshooting, and much more. Expanded, up-to-date coverage of public health/food safety considerations for practitioners helps to prevent dangerous and costly errors. Current legal and practical considerations for extra label medications are outlined, and all recommendations for drug usage have been revised according to federal guideline changes, to help ensure that you are familiar with the latest evidence-based guidelines. NEW! All-new chapter covering diseases specific to or common in the dairy bull offers valuable new content that makes this the most comprehensive resource for veterinary students and practitioners. NEW! A companion website, hosted by Cornell University with more than 60 neurologic, ultrasound, and endoscopic case study videos, illustrates key concepts discussed throughout the book and brings to life a variety of techniques that are more easily visualized than described in print. UPDATED! Expanded coverage of herd health features diseases of individual cows, as well as problems affecting entire herds, that challenge today's large animal veterinarians. NEW! Emphasis on herd health addresses the dairy industry's increased concern over population medicine. UPDATED! Revised drug usage recommendations and legal considerations present the most current information in these critical areas to help you prevent dangerous or costly errors.
Westphalia Press Managing Challenges for the Flint Water Crisis
Springer International Publishing AG OpenMP: Advanced Task-Based, Device and Compiler Programming: 19th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2023, Bristol, UK, September 13–15, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on OpenMP, IWOMP 2023, held in Bristol, UK, during September 13–15, 2023.The 15 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 20 submissions. The papers are divided into the following topical sections: OpenMP and AI; Tasking Extensions; OpenMP Offload Experiences; Beyond Explicit GPU Support; and OpenMP Infrastructure and Evaluation.
Springer International Publishing AG Evaluation of Text Summaries Based on Linear Optimization of Content Metrics
This book provides a comprehensive discussion and new insights about linear optimization of content metrics to improve the automatic Evaluation of Text Summaries (ETS). The reader is first introduced to the background and fundamentals of the ETS. Afterward, state-of-the-art evaluation methods that require or do not require human references are described. Based on how linear optimization has improved other natural language processing tasks, we developed a new methodology based on genetic algorithms that optimize content metrics linearly. Under this optimization, we propose SECO-SEVA as an automatic evaluation metric available for research purposes. Finally, the text finishes with a consideration of directions in which automatic evaluation could be improved in the future. The information provided in this book is self-contained. Therefore, the reader does not require an exhaustive background in this area. Moreover, we consider this book the first one that deals with the ETS in depth.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Chalmers' Marine Insurance Act 1906
Chalmers' Marine Insurance Act 1906 is far more than a piece of annotated legislation; it includes case law with analysis and puts the decisions made in the individual cases into the context of Act. There is no other book or electronic service that does this. As marine insurance is encompassed by the Marine Insurance Act 1906 this book provides the user with an unrivalled guide to, and understanding of how the Act has evolved and how it is implemented in practice. It is a desk top, every day reference tool for anyone involved in any of the aspects of marine insurance. The new edition provides a new commentary reflecting the amendments to the Marine Insurance Act 1906 brought about the Insurance Act 2015. Important cases that are analysed include: · The DC Merwestone · The B Atlantic · Axa v Arig · The Cendor MOPU · The Bunga Melati Dua Previous ISBN: 9781845925949 This title is included in Bloomsbury Professional's Maritime and Shipping Law online service.
University Science Books,U.S. Braving The Elements
An ideal primer for those who wish to improve their scientific literacy, this book is beautifully written and especially recommended for high school and undergraduate nonmajor science courses. Amply illustrated chapters on chemical bonding, biochemistry, cancer, and the atmosphere are interspersed with such chapters as "The Alchemist's Dream", "Newsworthy Molecules", and "WallStreet Chemistry". To facilitate this book's use in the classroom, a complete set of problems and sample exams are available from the publisher.
Editorial Maxtor Diccionario infernal
Repertorio universal de seres, personajes, libros, hechos y cosas basadas en las apariciones, en las adivinaciones, en la magia, en el mundo del infierno, los demonios, las brujas, las ciencias ocultas, los ogros, la cábala y los espíritus, etc.
La guerra ha sufrido una profunda transformación tecnológica desde principios del siglo XX hasta hoy. Durante siglos, el arte de la guerra parecía estancado hasta que, en muy poco tiempo, la modernización de los ejércitos lo ha cambiado todo: tácticas, estrategias, armamento, etc. Este libro contiene curiosidades y anécdotas históricas en forma de recuadros.
Editorial LIBSA, S.A. Las guerras napoleónicas antecedentes batallas y consecuencias
Este libro analiza en profundidad tanto los antecedentes que dieron pie a la Revolución Francesa y al Imperio napoleónico, como todas las campañas militares de Napoleón y los conflictos posteriores a su mandato, documentando con gran rigor histórico las batallas, los personajes principales y los tecnicismos armamentísticos sin renunciar a un texto salpicado de anécdotas y curiosidades capaces de transformar un manual de historia en el verdadero objeto del placer de la lectura.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge
Provides an in-depth look at science, policy and management in the water sector across the globe Sustainable water management is an increasingly complex challenge and policy priority facing global society. This book examines how governments, municipalities, corporations, and individuals find sustainable water management pathways across competing priorities of water for ecosystems, food, energy, economic growth and human consumption. It looks at the current politics and economics behind the management of our freshwater ecosystems and infrastructure and offers insightful essays that help stimulate more intense and informed debate about the subject and its need for local and international cooperation. This book celebrates the 15-year anniversary of Oxford University’s MSc course in Water Science, Policy and Management. Edited and written by some of the leading minds in the field, writing alongside alumni from the course, Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge offers in-depth chapters in three parts: Science; Policy; and Management. Topics cover: hydroclimatic extremes and climate change; the past, present, and future of groundwater resources; water quality modelling, monitoring, and management; and challenges for freshwater ecosystems. The book presents critical views on the monitoring and modelling of hydrological processes; the rural water policy in Africa and Asia; the political economy of wastewater in Europe; drought policy management and water allocation. It also examines the financing of water infrastructure; the value of wastewater; water resource planning; sustainable urban water supply and the human right to water. Features perspectives from some of the world’s leading experts on water policy and management Identifies and addresses current and future water sector challenges Charts water policy trends across a rapidly evolving set of challenges in a variety of global areas Covers the reallocation of water; policy process of risk management; the future of the world’s water under global environmental change; and more Water Science, Policy and Management: A Global Challenge is an essential book for policy makers and government agencies involved in water management, and for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying water science, governance, and policy.
Biblioteca Nueva Infertilidad y reproduccin asistida relatos de parejas entre el sufrimiento y la esperanza
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Plato's Republic: A Biography
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Klinikseelsorge als spezialisierte Spiritual Care: Der christliche Heilungsauftrag im Horizont globaler Gesundheit
Das Gesundheitswesen befindet sich im Wandel. Neben Globalisierung und Digitalisierung verändert auch das Aufkommen einer interprofessionellen Spiritual Care den Klinikalltag. Welche Rolle kann hier die christliche Klinikseelsorge einnehmen? Sollen Patient*innen umfassend und empathisch betreut werden, dürfen nicht nur Symptome und Diagnosen im Vordergrund stehen. Genauso wichtig ist, was eine Erkrankung für den Menschen im Krankenhausbett bedeutet und wie der neuen Situation begegnet werden kann. Das Buch ist ein Plädoyer dafür, die christliche Krankenhausseelsorge als spezialisierte Spiritual Care zu profilieren und im Horizont des christlichen Heilungsauftrags neu zu verstehen. Nur in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Gesundheitsfachpersonen kann sie weiterhin ihren Auftrag wahrnehmen und eine gerechte und humane Gesundheitsversorgung fördern.
Peeters Publishers Q6: 37-42. Not Judging - The Blind Leading the Blind - The Disciple and the Teacher - The Speck and the Beam
The ninth volume in the series Documenta Q is concerned with the reconstruction of the Q text behind Luke 6:37-42 par. Matt 7:1-5; 10:24-25a; 15:14. The database and evaluations are expanded and revised versions of those presented and discussed at the meetings of the International Q Project in New Orleans 1990, in Claremont, CA 1991 and Toronto 1993. Just prior to the bibliography at the conclusion of the volume the resultant critical text of Q 6:37-42 is printed. This Greek text is followed by English, German and French translations (Lucan chapter and verse numeration is used as a convenience and a mere convention). The International Q Project's presentation of the critical text of Q 6:37-42, together with the exhaustive history of research on which it is based, will enhance considerably research in the Sayings Gospel Q, the historical Jesus, and New Testament theology.
Dusseldorf University Press In Shkheynes Mit Der Gorer Velt / Der Ganzen Welt Benachbart / Neighbors to All the World: Antologye Fun Yidishe Esseyen / Anthologie Jiddischer Essays / An Anthology of Yiddish Essays
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Flanders Road
Crocodile Books How to Build an Orchestra
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2022, London, Volume 3
This book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at the Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, held at Brunel University, London, on February 21–24, 2022. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to information and communication technology (ICT) for managerial applications, e-governance, e-agriculture, e-education and computing technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and e-mining. Written by respected experts and researchers working on ICT, the book offers a valuable asset for young researchers involved in advanced studies. The work is presented in four volumes.
Emerald Publishing Limited Strategic Responsiveness and Adaptive Organizations: New Research Frontiers in International Strategic Management
The global business environment is becoming increasingly volatile and unpredictable, reflecting the consequences of operating in a dynamic and complex business environment in constant flux with the potential of extreme outcomes. As a consequence, corporate performance data generally displays very few high-performers and a fat tail of many underperforming firms. This business context means that contemporary managers need to be equipped to deal effectively with implied uncertainty, abrupt events, and extreme outcome effects. This volume presents a number of promising ideas about how to deal with the strategic challenges of global business turbulence, as presented at the 2018 EURAM Conference held in Reykjavik, Iceland. There is a need for effective adaptive strategies to survive and prosper in the unpredictable contexts of corporate activities. The various contributions are grounded in prior strategy research but adopt multiple methodological approaches to engage diverse relevant knowledge that can advance this increasingly important field of study. The book presents new perspectives in the study of responsive adaptive processes in organizational settings that has high relevance for social science researchers with interests in these issues. Intelligent and curious managers and management students can likewise gain access to new ideas that may inspire their current thinking on effective organizational practices.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Drum Circles for Specific Population Groups: An Introduction to Drum Circles for Therapeutic and Educational Outcomes
With easy-to-follow instructions for group activities and rhythms, this book provides tools to lead drum circles effectively with people facing a wide variety of life challenges. Sections on outcomes, setting up for success, common challenges and practical adaptations of the drum circle guide you in leading sessions with your own groups. The compendium also offers guidance on pricing, evaluating your sessions, managing challenging behaviours and duty of care.Demonstrating the potential of this empowering creative activity in supporting therapeutic and developmental outcomes, this book equips you to meet the needs of different groups through the healing power of music.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. Racing While Black
Fordham University Press Portrait
Portraits, this book suggests, unlock the paradoxes of subjectivity. Nancy shows how the portrait, far from conveying a sitter’s self-sameness, is suspended between proximity and distance, likeness and strangeness, representation and presentation, the faithful and the forceful. A portrait can identify an individual, but it can also express a more complex double movement of approach and withdrawal. Portrait comprises two extended essays in close conversation, written a decade apart, in which Nancy considers the range of aspirations articulated by the portrait. Accompanied by three dozen illustrations, it also includes a new preface written for the English-language edition and a substantial introduction by Jeffrey Librett, which situates the work within a range religious, aesthetic, and psychoanalytic accounts of the subject. Portrait is grounded in a bold and searching engagement with the traditions out of which our thinking about the subject has emerged. It is also a playful series of readings that draws on a wide range of portraits: from carvings on ancient drinking vessels to recent experimental or parodic pieces in which sitters are rendered in the ‘media’ of their own blood, germ culture, or DNA. Photos are ubiquitous today, but Nancy argues that this in no way makes thinking about the portrait an idle pursuit. On the contrary, the forms of appearing (and disappearing) that mark portraits—old and new—can serve to renew our exploration of the human figure today. At stake is what Nancy calls “the very possibility of our being present.” This work received the French Voices Award for excellence in publication and translation. French Voices is a program created and funded by the French Embassy in the United States and FACE (French American Cultural Exchange).
University of California Press Teaching Big History
Big History is a new field on a grand scale: it tells the story of the universe over time through a diverse range of disciplines that spans cosmology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, and archaeology, thereby reconciling traditional human history with environmental geography and natural history. Weaving the myriad threads of evidence-based human knowledge into a master narrative that stretches from the beginning of the universe to the present, the Big History framework helps students make sense of their studies in all disciplines by illuminating the structures that underlie the universe and the connections among them. Teaching Big History is a powerful analytic and pedagogical resource, and serves as a comprehensive guide for teaching Big History, as well for sharing ideas about the subject and planning a curriculum around it. Readers are also given helpful advice about the administrative and organizational challenges of instituting a general education program constructed around Big History. The book includes teaching materials, examples, and detailed sample exercises. This book is also an engaging first-hand account of how a group of professors built an entire Big History general education curriculum for first-year students, demonstrating how this thoughtful integration of disciplines exemplifies liberal education at its best and illustrating how teaching and learning this incredible story can be transformative for professors and students alike.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Urban Blue Spaces: Planning and Design for Water, Health and Well-Being
Written by an interdisciplinary team of researchers, academics and professionals involved in the EU funded BlueHealth project Based on applied research and evidence from primary and secondary data sources, including surveys, experiments and post-occupancy evaluations Includes practical tools, scenarios and inspirational examples for professionals and students, linked to an online database of further projects Fully illustrated in colour throughout.
Yale University Press Impressionist France: Visions of Nation from Le Gray to Monet
A novel look at the relationship between Impressionist painting and photography and the forging of a national identity in France between 1850 and 1880 Between 1850 and 1880, Impressionist landscape painting and early forms of photography flourished within the arts in France. In the context of massive social and political change that also marked this era, painters and photographers composed competing visions of France as modern and industrialized or as rural and anti-modern. Impressionist France explores the resonances between landscape art and national identity as reflected in the paintings and photographs made during this period, examining and illustrating in particular the works of key artists such as Édouard Baldus, Gustave Le Gray, the Bisson Frères, Édouard Manet, Jean-François Millet, Claude Monet, Charles Nègre, and Camille Pissarro. This ambitious premise focuses on the whole of France, exploring the relationship between landscape art and the notion of French nationhood across the country’s varied and spectacular landscapes in seven geographical sections and four scholarly essays, which provide new information regarding the production and impact of French Impressionism.Distributed for the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and the Saint Louis Museum of ArtExhibition Schedule:Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art(10/19/13-02/09/14)Saint Louis Art Museum(03/16/14–07/06/14)
Indiana University Press Roland Hayes: The Legacy of an American Tenor
Performing in a country rife with racism and segregation, the tenor Roland Hayes was the first African American man to reach international fame as a concert performer and one of the few artists who could sell out Town Hall, Carnegie Hall, Symphony Hall, and Covent Garden. His trailblazing career carved the way for a host of African American artists, including Marian Anderson and Paul Robeson. Performing the African American spirituals he was raised on, Hayes's voice was marked with a unique sonority which easily navigated French, German, and Italian art songs. A multiculturalist both on and off the stage, he counted among his friends George Washington Carver, Eleanor Roosevelt, Ezra Pound, Pearl Buck, Dwight Eisenhower, and Langston Hughes. This engaging biography spans the history of Hayes's life and career and the legacy he left behind as a musician and a champion of African American rights. It is an authentic, panoramic portrait of a man who was as complex as the music he performed.
Royal Society of Chemistry Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water
Covering the latest developments in themes related to water disinfection by-products, this book brings the reader right up to date. Stemming from an international conference, contributions are from decision-makers, regulators and the relevant scientific community. Coverage includes emerging disinfection by-products, water treatment, water recycling, monitoring, regulation and health and toxicology aspects. It will be of interest to water companies, public health professionals, drinking water quality regulators, suppliers of laboratory and on-line monitoring equipment, analytical chemists, and academic and industry researchers working in the area of disinfection by-products.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag H.P. Weberhans: Sculptures
H.W. Weberhans has been an individualist throughout his career whose art has flourished primarily outside the established art world and its institutions. His art shows great clarity in shape and at the same time puts to question our conventions of perception. Weberhans' work includes sculpture in stone, installations, painting, drawing, video and photography. This book is the first comprehensive overview of Weberhans' oeuvre as a sculptor. It also presents his more recent work as a painter, the 'Schone Bilder' (Beautiful Images), and documents his first major exhibition, 'Affenherz' (Monkey's Heart) in 1985 at the Kunsthaus Zurich, which caused a minor public scandal. Essays on Weberhans' life and work complement the images.
Transcript Verlag Practices of Speculation – Modeling, Embodiment, Figuration
This volume offers innovative ways to think about speculation at a time when anticipation of catastrophe in an apocalyptic mode is the order of the day and shapes public discourse on a global scale. It maps an interdisciplinary field of investigation: the chapters interrogate hegemonic ways of shaping the present through investments in the future, while also looking at speculative practices that reveal transformative potential. The twelve contributions explore concrete instances of envisioning the open unknown and affirmative speculative potentials in history, literature, comics, computer games, mold research, ecosystem science and artistic practice.
McGraw-Hill Education Case Files: Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition
Real-life cases for success on the emergency medicine clerkship and shelf-examExperience with clinical cases is key to mastering the art and science of medicine and ultimately to providing patients with competent medical care. Case Files®: Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition delivers 60 true-to-life cases that illustrate essential concepts in emergency medicine. Each case includes a complete discussion, clinical pearls, references, high-yield presentation of key diagnostic and treatment information, USMLE-style review question to enhance your learning.With Case Files®, you’ll learn instead of memorize. This fifth edition includes important new information on COVID-19, opioid overdose, social issues in emergency medicine, medical errors, interprofessional teamwork, endocrine emergencies, viral meningitis, and vertigo. Learn from 60 high-yield cases, each with board-style questions Master key concepts with clinical pearls Solidify your knowledge with 14 new integrated challenge questions Polish your approach to clinical problem solving and patient care Maximize your shelf exam score with this proven learning system NEW! Important information on COVID-19, opioid overdose, social issues in emergency medicine, medical errors, interprofessional teamwork, endocrine emergencies, viral meningitis, and vertigo
Stackpole Books Complete Crochet Handbook: The Only Crochet Reference You'll Ever Need
This is the definitive guide to all things crochet! It includes step-by-step instructions to the basic stitches for beginners; advanced stitches for lace, cables, textures, and more; and instructions for techniques such as working in the round, adding edgings, understanding symbols and reading charts, and so much more. It is the only reference book a crocheter will ever need. Each stitch and technique is illustrated with photos and complete instructions. FAQs and hundreds of tips make this a treasure trove of crochet knowledge. A complete index makes it easy to find what you need.
Image Comics Stairway Anthology
Genetic manipulation, paradox, alternative histories and much more are included in this 128 page anthology of hard science fiction and genre stories! From some of the best up-in-coming talent in comics comes a mind bending look at what makes us human.
Insight Editions Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone
Explore the creation of Guillermo del Toro’s early masterpiece through this visually stunning and insightful look at the spine-chilling classic. Released in 2001, Guillermo del Toro’s The Devil’s Backbone announced the director as a singular talent with a unique ability to mix the macabre with the sublime. A spiritual companion piece to his Oscar-winning Pan’s Labyrinth (2006), the film shares similar themes and is also set against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War, a brutal conflict that turned ordinary men into monsters. Through a series of in-depth and extremely candid interviews with the director, this deluxe volume not only explores the shooting of the film but also delves into a range of other topics with del Toro, including his influences, his uniquely nuanced approach to filmmaking, and the traumatic personal events that colored the creation of The Devil’s Backbone. The book also draws on interviews with key contributors in the film’s creation, including cinematographer Guillermo Navarro and composer Javier Navarrete, to give readers an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at how this gothic horror masterpiece was crafted. Featuring a wealth of exquisite concept art and rare unit photography, Guillermo del Toro’s The Devil’s Backbone is the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at an unforgettable Spanish-language classic.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Proceedings of Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2023, London, Volume 3
This book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at the Eighth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, held at Brunel University, London, on 20–23 February 2023. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to information and communication technology (ICT) for managerial applications, e-governance, e-agriculture, e-education and computing technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and e-mining. Written by respected experts and researchers working on ICT, the book offers a valuable asset for young researchers involved in advanced studies. The work is presented in four volumes.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente
Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente Das Standardwerk zur Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente – erstmals auf Deutsch! Dieses einzigartige Buch, geschrieben von Pionieren auf dem Gebiet, behandelt sämtliche Aspekte der Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente, die zu deren Verständnis, Betrieb, Weiter- und Neuentwicklung notwendig sind. Wie das englische Original ist die deutsche Ausgabe ein äußerst nützliches Nachschlagewerk in der industrieorientierten Halbleiterforschung und eignet sich ebenfalls ausgezeichnet als Einstiegsliteratur für Studierende sowie als Unterrichtsmaterial für Vortragende. Bei der deutschen Ausgabe wurde besonderer Wert auf eine gute Lesbarkeit gelegt und daher die Übersetzung, teilweise unter Rückgriff auf die von den Autoren zitierten Originalquellen, so gestaltet, dass unnötige Anglizismen vermieden werden. Das englische Fachvokabular ist ergänzend an den entsprechenden Stellen im Text eingearbeitet, um den Leserinnen und Lesern den Gebrauch der englischsprachigen Fachliteratur zu erleichtern. Gelegentliche Anmerkungen im Text und Verweise auf weitere Originalquellen tragen zusätzlich zum besseren Verständnis der Materie bei. Als das Referenzwerk schlechthin ist der „Sze“ ein Muss für alle, die sich in Forschung, Entwicklung und Lehre mit Halbleiterbauelementen beschäftigen. Die Inhalte sind kompakt und präzise beschrieben und eignen sich perfekt für den Einstieg in das jeweilige Gebiet, komplettiert durch vertiefende Übungsbeispiele zu jedem Kapitel. Physik der Halbleiterbauelemente bietet eine unerreichte Detailfülle und ausführliche Informationen über die Physik und den Betrieb aller relevanten Halbleiterbauelemente, mit 1000 Literaturangaben, 650 technischen Illustrationen sowie 25 Tabellen mit Material- und Bauelementparametern. Aus dem Inhalt: Halbleiterphysik-Grundlagen p-n Übergänge Metall-Halbleiter-Kontakte MIS-Kondensatoren Bipolartransistoren MOSFETs Nichtflüchtige Speicher JFETs MESFETs und MODFETs Tunnel-Bauelemente IMPATT-Dioden TE- und RST-Devices Thyristoren und Leistungsbauelemente Photodetektoren und Solarzellen Sensoren
Emerald Publishing Limited New Challenges for Future Sustainability and Wellbeing
Our current economic systems have become addicted to growth at all costs, as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). They assume that GDP growth is synonymous with increased wellbeing and prosperity. However, this approach has led to growing inequality, an escalating climate crisis, and the depletion of natural and social capital. Our approach to economics and development needs to be fundamentally transformed. New Challenges for Future Sustainability and Wellbeing is a collection of 25 studies about sustainability and the related challenges, such as income, wealth, social aspects, the environment, education and regional equality that influence the pace of economic development and deteriorates well-being of people and organisations all over the world. This book provides a platform for scholars, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds to discuss, highlight and exchange ideas on these challenges and prospects for both economic and business development.
CABI Publishing Carrots and Related Apiaceae Crops
Fully updated with new content and full-colour figures, the second edition of this successful book reflects developments and growth in our knowledge of carrots and related crops worldwide. It covers the scientific basis of their biology and production, with updated technical crop management content. This new edition is divided into three sections: the first considers the crops' importance and main features; the second focuses on carrot, from genetic diversity and breeding to cropping systems, pest and disease management, quality, postharvest and valorization; and the third presents the main aspects of 13 other cultivated Apiaceae. Containing a dedicated chapter on root-quality plus new chapters on organic production and consumer expectations, this book also: Highlights both unique and shared characteristics among cultivated Apiaceae species. Describes the links between scientific principles and cropping systems. Explores the relationship between crop management and product quality. An invaluable resource for all those involved in carrot and related vegetable production, this is essential reading for producers, and horticulture, plant science and food science students, as well as researchers in these areas.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Physics of Semiconductor Devices
The new edition of the most detailed and comprehensive single-volume reference on major semiconductor devices The Fourth Edition of Physics of Semiconductor Devices remains the standard reference work on the fundamental physics and operational characteristics of all major bipolar, unipolar, special microwave, and optoelectronic devices. This fully updated and expanded edition includes approximately 1,000 references to original research papers and review articles, more than 650 high-quality technical illustrations, and over two dozen tables of material parameters. Divided into five parts, the text first provides a summary of semiconductor properties, covering energy band, carrier concentration, and transport properties. The second part surveys the basic building blocks of semiconductor devices, including p-n junctions, metal-semiconductor contacts, and metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) capacitors. Part III examines bipolar transistors, MOSFETs (MOS field-effect transistors), and other field-effect transistors such as JFETs (junction field-effect-transistors) and MESFETs (metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors). Part IV focuses on negative-resistance and power devices. The book concludes with coverage of photonic devices and sensors, including light-emitting diodes (LEDs), solar cells, and various photodetectors and semiconductor sensors. This classic volume, the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devices: Provides the practical foundation necessary for understanding the devices currently in use and evaluating the performance and limitations of future devices Offers completely updated and revised information that reflects advances in device concepts, performance, and application Features discussions of topics of contemporary interest, such as applications of photonic devices that convert optical energy to electric energy Includes numerous problem sets, real-world examples, tables, figures, and illustrations; several useful appendices; and a detailed solutions manual for Instructor's only Explores new work on leading-edge technologies such as MODFETs, resonant-tunneling diodes, quantum-cascade lasers, single-electron transistors, real-space-transfer devices, and MOS-controlled thyristors Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Fourth Edition is an indispensable resource for design engineers, research scientists, industrial and electronics engineering managers, and graduate students in the field.
The University of Chicago Press Truth Machine: The Contentious History of DNA Fingerprinting
DNA profiling - commonly known as DNA fingerprinting - is often heralded as unassailable criminal evidence, a veritable "truth machine" that can overturn convictions based on eyewitness testimony, confessions, and other forms of forensic evidence. But DNA evidence is far from infallible. "Truth Machine" traces the controversial history of DNA fingerprinting by looking at court cases in the United States and United Kingdom beginning in the mid-1980s, when the practice was invented, and continuing until the present. Ultimately, "Truth Machine" presents compelling evidence of the obstacles and opportunities at the intersection of science, technology, sociology, and law.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Book of Revelation: Currents in British Research on the Apocalypse
This volume represents the diverse range of research interests in the Book of Revelation operative in current British research, examining questions of genre, structure, composition, scriptural reuse, exegesis, thematic issues, and reception history. This collection, from a distinguished and diverse group of senior and junior scholars, is accessible to a broad range of readers, and is relevant for a number of critical conversations pertaining not only to the Apocalypse, but also to broader avenues of discourse in New Testament and Early Christian studies.
State University of New York Press Rūmī's Mystical Design: Reading the Mathnawi, Book One
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security
The world's most infamous hacker offers an insider's view of the low-tech threats to high-tech security Kevin Mitnick's exploits as a cyber-desperado and fugitive form one of the most exhaustive FBI manhunts in history and have spawned dozens of articles, books, films, and documentaries. Since his release from federal prison, in 1998, Mitnick has turned his life around and established himself as one of the most sought-after computer security experts worldwide. Now, in The Art of Deception, the world's most notorious hacker gives new meaning to the old adage, "It takes a thief to catch a thief." Focusing on the human factors involved with information security, Mitnick explains why all the firewalls and encryption protocols in the world will never be enough to stop a savvy grifter intent on rifling a corporate database or an irate employee determined to crash a system. With the help of many fascinating true stories of successful attacks on business and government, he illustrates just how susceptible even the most locked-down information systems are to a slick con artist impersonating an IRS agent. Narrating from the points of view of both the attacker and the victims, he explains why each attack was so successful and how it could have been prevented in an engaging and highly readable style reminiscent of a true-crime novel. And, perhaps most importantly, Mitnick offers advice for preventing these types of social engineering hacks through security protocols, training programs, and manuals that address the human element of security.
Elsevier Health Sciences Core Topics in General and Emergency Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice
Core Topics in General & Emergency Surgery provides a short, up-to-date and practical reference guide for surgical trainees and established consultants needing a refresher. The seventh edition has been edited and fully revised by respected experts in their fields, and provides a full list of current references and relevant resources. It covers a range of topics relevant to all areas of surgical practice - beyond surgical knowledge - that are essential for enhanced patient outcomes. These include quality improvement in emergency surgery, evaluation of new technology, evaluation of surgical literature, and human factors. This volume is part of the Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice series, the pre-eminent reference for trainees in general surgery and those preparing for the FRCS examinations. Each volume summarises key issues within each surgical sub-specialty and provides evidence-based recommendations to support practice. Covers relevant topics not found in other surgical textbooks - essential to improve surgical outcomes Concise and easy to follow - ideal for exam revision or as a refresher aid Fully updated with latest evidence on recent developments, management issues and operative procedures International authorship offers a world view Evidence-based recommendations to support practice Key references to support content, plus a comprehensive list of references in the accompanying eBook Links to recommended online videos for further learning New chapters on surgical technology, quality improvement in emergency surgery All chapters revised and updated