Search results for ""author thomas"
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesús: El Dios que sabe tu nombre
En este trabajo seminal, el amado pastor y autor de gran éxito Max Lucado explora la vida y el carácter de Jesús, ahora con contenido inédito.El Dios del universo sabe tu nombre. Ha caminado por tus calles. Jesús. Quizás hayas oído hablar de él, lo hayas estudiado o le hayas orado. ¿Pero lo conoces? Esta es la pregunta que Max plantea al lector.Dividido en seis secciones (Emmanuel, Amigo, Maestro, Trabajador de milagros, Cordero de Dios, Rey que regresa), cada uno con varios capítulos, este libro no solo describe a la persona de Jesús, sino que también se zambulle en el corazón de Jesús hacia el lector.Al explorar la vida, la muerte y la resurrección de Jesús, así como detalles específicos: como la forma en que interactuó con sus amigos y enemigos, lo que hizo con su tiempo solo, cómo actuó en una fiesta, etc. esta compilación de Max Lucado, ahora con contenido original nunca visto, Max les da a los lectores la oportunidad de familiarizarse con el hombre que está en el centro de la historia más grandiosa jamás contada.Al aprender más acerca de la persona que Jesús fue y es, el lector entenderá más claramente a la persona para la cual fue creado. Max escribe: «No te conformes con una mirada superficial o una comprensión superficial. Mira mucho al corazón de Cristo y lo verás. Gracia y vida. El perdón del pecado. La derrota de la muerte. Esta es la esperanza que él da. Esta es la esperanza que necesitamos».
Thomas Nelson Publishers Biblia del plan asombroso de Dios: El precio que pagó para ganar tu amor
Este libro va a alcanzar a muchos con el Evangelio. Este título va a alcanzar a los niños de 8 a 12 años en nuestra comunidad con el mensaje de la Biblia. Además, como una Biblia para niños de 328 páginas bien escrita y bellamente ilustrada, es nuestra experiencia que la Biblia del plan asombroso de Dios será un escalón para entender a Dios.La Biblia del plan asombroso de Dios es una descripción general de la obra de Dios en la historia y un paso para entender a Dios como un Padre amoroso que nunca se rinde de su creación.Cada historia termina con versículos bíblicos clave para que el lector reflexione, exprese la esencia de la historia en sí. Estos versículos, tomados como un todo, son como cuentas en una cadena, que conectan el libro de cuentos de la Biblia con el texto bíblico al mismo tiempo que conectan al lector con el mensaje de correo, el tema o la idea de cada historia, expresados ??en las propias palabras de la Biblia.
Thomas Nelson Publishers You Are Never Alone: Trust in the Miracle of God's Presence and Power
Thomas Nelson Publishers Abolishing Abortion: How You Can Play a Part in Ending the Greatest Evil of Our Day
The struggle against abortion in our nation has been going on a long time. Sometimes it seems like an evil that will never go away. People want to get involved in the fight, but it feels futile, and increasingly the culture tells Christians to stay out of politics.Longtime activist Rev. Frank Pavone counters this frustrated mindset with challenge, encouragement, plain facts, and a healthy dose of strategy. He explores biblical, moral, historical, and legal reasons Christians belong in the public square and challenges both churches and individual Christians to full engagement.Pavone argues convincingly that the battle against abortion not only can be won, but must be won. The soul of our nation depends on it.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Nuevo diccionario ilustrado de la Biblia
Nuevo diccionario ilustrado de la Biblia pone en sus manos un verdadero tesoro de información actualizada y confiable.Ahora completamente revisado y enriquecido, impreso a todo color y con índice, el Nuevo diccionario ilustrado de la Biblia pone en sus manos un verdadero tesoro de información actualizada y confiable.Diseñado, escrito y editado con las necesidades del lector promedio en mente, este completo diccionario bíblico contiene cerca de 7.000 artículos sobre personas, lugares, objetos y doctrinas de la Biblia.This completely revised and updated edition is the most comprehensive and up-to-date Bible dictionary available.This completely revised and updated edition is the most comprehensive and up-to-date Bible dictionary available. A wealth of basic study information is found in more than 7,000 entries plus over 500 full-color photographs, maps, and pronunciation guides.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Reason for My Hope: Salvation
Back cover: What is the most hopeful word in History?For Billy Graham, that word is SALVATION.Salvation from what?From our selfish and self-destructive selves.From the messes we get ourselves into.From the sin that has haunted humanity from the beginning of time and the evil that pulls us down every day.From the cultural deceits that blind us to God's saving message.From the Hell so many don't believe in.If we don't think we need salvation, we're fooling ourselves.If we think we are beyond salvation, we're underestimating God.If we just don't want to think about salvation, we're putting ourselves in eternal peril.At the age of ninety-five Billy Graham proclaims God's Gospel with resolve and deep compassion. It is a message he has been preaching for more than seventy years. And in this book you will sense its urgency, filled with hope for the future. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31)From America’s evangelistic elder statesmanSalvation is what we all long for, when we are lost or in danger or have made a mess of our lives. And salvation belongs to us, when we reach out for the only One who can rescue us—Jesus.The saving message of the Gospel is the heartbeat of this preacher and evangelist. Millions around the world have heard Billy Graham proclaim this unchanging truth. He has never forgotten the transformation of his own life, when he first said yes to God’s gift of salvation, and he has witnessed multitudes turn their hearts to the God of Hope.The Reason for My Hope: Salvation presents the essence of that transformative message. It is biblical and timeless, and though simple and direct, it is far from easy. There are hard words, prophetic words, directed toward a culture that denies the reality of sin and distracts us from the veracity of Hell. But through its ominous warnings shines a light that cannot be extinguished—a beacon of hope that Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10).
Thomas Nelson Publishers Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference
Thomas Nelson Publishers 52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life
If George and Mary Bailey are annual guests at your home every winter, you already know that It's a Wonderful Life is more than just a holiday tradition--it's a powerful reminder that our lives can change everyone around us, for better or worse. But what can this Christmas classic teach us about our everyday lives?52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life will change the way you think about this holiday staple, from the lightheartedness of George and Mary's floor-parting dance to the poignancy of a community that rallies to save a desperate man, Bob Welch's 52 Little Lessons from It's a Wonderful Life will inspire you to live for the things that matter most.Welch invites us to revisit the defining lessons in Frank Capra's 1946 classic and discover new dimensions of the film you've seen time and again, including: What can we all learn from Mary's quiet contentedness? Can George's selflessness make you rethink your own priorities? What impact do we have on the people around us? Join Welch for a close-up of the characters and themes that shape this timeless story of resilience and redemption. You'll be reminded that life's most important work is often the work we never planned to do, that God can use the most unlikely among us to get the job done, and that grace is the greatest gift we can possibly give.Discover why It's a Wonderful Life is more than just a holiday tradition--it's an inspiration for us to lead better lives, to become people of honor and integrity, and to recognize what really matters.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Lost Choice: A Legend of Personal Discovery
.A work of both scholarship and imagination. The Lost Choice is a legend of personal discovery—a reminder of the opportunities we each are given.When a young boy finds a mysterious object in the creek near his home, it starts a series of events that could change the world—again. Many search for the ancient relic's secret, but few find its truer purpose. What choices will each make—or lose?
Thomas Nelson Publishers New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
The best-known—and best-loved—Bible concordance of all time in a portable size and readable font. An indispensable reference classic. There's a reason Strong's has continued to be the standard and most highly regarded Bible concordance of millions for over a century; it is a rich and invaluable resource for students, scholars, pastors, and laypersons desiring an advanced, in-depth study of the Bible.Features Include: Truly exhaustive: indexes every word in the King James Version, including articles, conjunctions, and prepositions. Updated, corrected, and typeset for readability. Words of Christ emphasized. Strong's Numbering System. Dictionary of Hebrew words. Dictionary of Greek words. Thumb index reference system for ease-of-use. The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is a convenient handbook size with all the features of the original Strong's Exhaustive Concordance still intact, giving readers time-tested biblical knowledge at their fingertips.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Say Yes to What’s Next: How to Age with Elegance and Class While Never Losing Your Beauty and Sass!
Lori Allen helps women rediscover their worth as she encourages them to age well with style and sass.Women today are facing so much uncertainty—about life and the future. For Lori Allen, business owner, breast cancer survivor, and star of TLC’s Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta, her advice stems from the ups and downs of her personal life: from building one of the biggest and busiest bridal megasalons in the country to navigating her position in the sandwich generation and caring for a husband battling cancer during her own breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.In Say Yes to What’s Next, Lori addresses crucial issues, such as how to: Pivot, embrace the unexpected, and live out your passion Practice essential self-care that enriches your mind, body, and spirit Make space for yourself and your priorities while still being a caring partner, parent, and friend Maintain a close circle of friends at every age and stage of life Take charge of your money and attain financial freedom and security Say Yes to What’s Next is more than just a guide for our best tomorrows, it’s the beginning of a life-makeover movement for women of all ages.Whether you’re feeling invisible, ignored, or like your voice doesn’t matter, or you’re simply uncertain about what’s next, Lori offers advice on what to do, what not do, and how to see your way through the unexpected.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Thing Beneath the Thing: What's Hidden Inside (and What God Helps Us Do About It)
We all have a surface self we present to the world, but our smiling faces often hide our pain that comes from unsuccessful attempts to find relief through harmful choices. How can we keep past wounds from damaging us? Learn to allow God to heal triggers, insecurities, and more so you can experience spiritual health and wholeness.Every driver knows the importance of avoiding potholes when navigating a route. Besides the uncomfortable bump, they can create permanent damage to vehicles and endanger entire roadway systems.The same is true of our lives. We all have potholes that have been formed by pain, trauma, or choices that we’ve made. Usually we find a quick fix, filling the hole with activities and even addictions disguised as culturally acceptable life choices. But before long, the hole is back—and often wider and deeper—waiting to catch us off-guard, which in the end creates even more permanent damage.In The Thing Beneath the Thing, pastor Steve Carter asks the simple question, “How is life working for you?” He knows that potholes exist and that the longer we live disconnected from answering this question, the more we will fill those holes with harmful choices. The solution? Allow God to fill them with His grace and love so that we can discover the beauty of peace and wholeness He has for us.The process lies in discovering our: Triggers: the setup that sets us off Hideouts: where we go to escape the pain of our story Insecurities: the false stories we create about ourselves Narratives: the false stories we create about others Grace: the place where we discover how to become whole, holy, and spiritually healthy Journey with a seasoned fellow traveler who has learned how to ask key questions that help us unlock the places where we’ve buried things. Then we can dig deep, invite healing, and learn new ways to operate so we can begin experiencing the life of freedom Jesus promised.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Eat Your Way to Life and Health: Unlock the Power of the Holy Communion
Let the holy Communion revolutionize your life and health!Through engaging Bible-based teaching, Pastor Joseph Prince unpacks a revelation of the Communion that has never been more relevant than right now. Along with showing you why the holy Communion is God’s ordained way to release life, health, and healing to us, Pastor Prince also tackles the tough questions: Is God punishing me with sickness and disease? Is it really God’s will to heal me? Do I qualify for His healing power? What do I do when I don’t see results? Can God heal my loved ones? The enemy wants you to believe that God doesn’t care and that your situation is hopeless. But because of the cross, you can have full assurance in your heart that God wants you healed and whole. Learn how you can access His healing power with just the simple act of eating.In Eat Your Way to Life and Health, discover a God who loves you so much, His Son paid for your healing on Calvary’s cross.Be deeply encouraged as you read powerful testimonies from people who have received healing through a revelation of the Communion, despite being told their conditions were terminal or incurable.Whatever circumstances you are confronted with today, God has a word for you: Don’t give up. There is hope. He has made a way for you!
Thomas Nelson Publishers Stars of Alabama: A Novel by Sean of the South
In this heartfelt tale about enduring hope amid the suffering of the Great Depression, Sean Dietrich—also known as Sean of the South—weaves together a tale featuring a cast of characters ranging from a child preacher, a teenage healer, and two migrant workers who give everything they have for their chosen family.When fifteen-year-old Marigold becomes pregnant during the Great Depression, she is rejected by her family and forced to fend for herself. She is arrested while trying to steal food and loses her baby in the forest, turning her whole world upside down. She’s even more distraught upon discovering she has an inexplicable power to heal, making her a sought-after local legend.Meanwhile, middle-aged migrant workers Vern and Paul discover a violet-eyed baby abandoned in the woods and take it upon themselves to care for her. The men continue their search for work and soon pair up with a poverty-stricken widow, plus her two children, and the misfit family begins taking care of each other.As survival brings this chosen family together, a young boy finds himself without a friend to his name as the dust storms rage across Kansas. Fourteen-year-old Coot, a child preacher, is on the run from his abusive tent-revival pastor father with thousands of stolen dollars—and the only thing he’s sure of is that Mobile, Alabama, is his destination.In a sweeping saga with a looming second world war, these stories intertwine in surprising ways, reminding us that when the dust clears, we can still see the stars. Stand-alone Southern historical fiction set during the Great Depression Book length: approximately 98,000 words Includes discussion questions for book clubs Also by Sean Dietrich: The Incredible Winston Browne
Thomas Nelson Publishers Destined for the Cross: 16 Reasons Jesus Had to Die
Understanding the Truth Behind Jesus’ Death Changes EverythingIn Destined for the Cross, Randy Clark explores the most central aspect of Christianity: Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. While the full magnitude is beyond human comprehension, Dr. Clark helps to clear the fog and offers a clear glimpse into the life and death of the Son of God, providing answers to questions such as: Who was Jesus? Where did He come from? Why did He come? How do we benefit from His life and death? Truly understanding what happened on the cross provides a new way of living in a hurting world, and Dr. Clark’s insight profoundly and poetically leads the way.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Leaving Lavender Tides: A Lavender Tides Novella
Shauna and Zach’s dream honeymoon—turned nightmare.Having narrowly avoided tragedy in their hometown of Lavender Tides, Washington, Shauna and Zach Bannister are finally on a honeymoon cruise through the Hawaiian islands. Lost in the glow of their newfound love, they eagerly anticipate basking in the warmth of the lush tropics.But soon the newlyweds begin receiving mysterious threats. After Zach survives two attempts on his life – staged as freak accidents – Shauna ominously receives flowers from a stranger.The lovers become unwitting detectives in an urgent pursuit to discover the identity of their murderous stalker.Set against the spectacular Hawaiian landscape, Colleen Coble’s lightning-paced novella is a haunting journey into a world as remote and hidden as it is beautiful, as spellbinding as it is wondrous.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Murder at the Flamingo: A Novel
“Maybe it was time to land straight in the middle of the adventure…”Hamish DeLuca has spent most of his life trying to hide the anxiety that appears at the most inopportune times -- including during his first real court case as a new lawyer. Determined to rise above his father’s expectations, Hamish runs away to Boston where his cousin, Luca Valari, is opening a fashionable nightclub in Scollay Square. When he meets his cousin's “right hand man,” Reggie, Hamish wonders if his dreams for a more normal life might be at hand. Regina “Reggie” Van Buren, heir to a New Haven fortune, has fled fine china, small talk, and the man her parents expect her to marry. Determined to make a life as the self-sufficient city girl she’s seen in her favorite Jean Arthur and Katharine Hepburn pictures, Reggie runs away to Boston, where she finds an easy secretarial job with the suave Luca Valari. But as she and Hamish work together in Luca’s glittering world, they discover a darker side to the smashing Flamingo nightclub.When a corpse is discovered at the Flamingo, Reggie and Hamish quickly learn there is a vast chasm between the haves and the have-nots in 1937 Boston—and that there’s an underworld that feeds on them both. As Hamish is forced to choose between his conscience and loyalty to his beloved cousin, the unlikely sleuthing duo work to expose a murder before the darkness destroys everything they’ve worked to build.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NIV, Lucado Encouraging Word Bible, Leathersoft, Blue, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New International Version
Thomas Nelson Publishers This Life I Live: One Man's Extraordinary, Ordinary Life and the Woman Who Changed It Forever
**NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER**Her story. His story. The love story of Joey and Rory.By inviting so many into the final months of Joey’s life as she battled cancer, Joey and Rory Feek captured hearts around the world with how they handled the diagnosis; the inspiring, simple way they chose to live; and how they loved each other every step of the way. But there is far more to the story.“My life is very ordinary,” says Rory. “On the surface, it is not very special. If you looked at it, day to day, it wouldn’t seem like much. But when you look at it in a bigger context—as part of a larger story—you start to see the magic that is on the pages of the book that is my life. And the more you look, the more you see. Or, at least, I do.”In this vulnerable book, he takes us for the first time into his own challenging life story and what it was like growing up in rural America with little money and even less family stability.This is the story of a man searching for meaning and security in a world that offered neither. And it’s the story of a man who finally gives it all to a power higher than himself and soon meets a young woman who will change his heart forever.In This Life I Live, Rory Feek helps us not only to connect more fully to his and Joey’s story but also to our own journeys. He shows what can happen when we are fully open in life’s key moments, whether when meeting our life companion or tackling an unexpected tragedy. He also gives never-before-revealed details on their life together and what he calls “the long goodbye,” the blessing of being able to know that life is going to end and taking advantage of it. Rory shows how we are all actually there already and how we can learn to live that way every day.A gifted man from nowhere and everywhere in search of something to believe in. A young woman from the Midwest with an angelic voice and deep roots that just needed a place to be planted. This is their story. Two hearts that found each other and touched millions of other hearts along the way.
Thomas Nelson Publishers All Things Bright and Strange
A haunting tale of love, loss, and redemption.“Markert's latest supernatural novel is captivating from the beginning… Readers of Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker will love Markert's newest release.” - 4 STARS, RT Book ReviewsIn the wake of World War I in the small, Southern town of Bellhaven, South Carolina, the town folk believe they’ve found a little slice of heaven in a mysterious chapel in the woods. But they soon realize that evil can come in the most beautiful of forms.The people of Bellhaven have always looked to Ellsworth Newberry for guidance, but after losing his wife and his future as a professional pitcher, he is moments away from testing his mortality once and for all. Until he finally takes notice of the changes in his town . . . and the cardinals that have returned.Upon the discovery of a small chapel deep in the Bellhaven woods, healing seems to fall upon the townspeople, bringing peace after several years of mourning. But as they visit the “healing floor” more frequently, the people begin to turn on one another, and the unusually tolerant town becomes anything but.The cracks between the natural and supernatural begin to widen, and tensions rise. Before the town crumbles, Ellsworth must pull himself from the brink of suicide, overcome his demons, and face the truth of who he was born to be by leading the town into the woods to face the evil threatening Bellhaven.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Calling for Graduates, Hardcover, with Scripture References
Learn what Jesus has to say to you during this major life transition. During times of transition and unknown next steps, it is more important than ever to cling to the promises of God and to tune your ear to hear what Jesus has to say. This encouraging compilation of devotions comes from Sarah Young’s bestselling brand.With 150 devotions most applicable and relevant to recent graduates, you’ll find topics such as: Attitude Discerning God’s will Identity Love Self-worth Trust Support and much more! This edition is sure to be a favorite in the popular Jesus Calling® line. This classic edition resonates with men and women. Jesus Calling for Graduates makes a perfect gift from parents, grandparents, pastors, teachers, and mentors to both high school and college graduates as they embark on the next major transition in life.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Arms of Mercy
A story of renewed love, boundless hope, and a little help from angels above. He lost her once to a rash decision.He will not lose her again.On the eve of a new year, Catherine Glick is expecting her bu of five years to propose. Instead, the unexpected arrival of an old boyfriend, Elijah, sends her life spiraling out of control. When a rash decision damages her current relationship, Catherine leaves for Florida to work in her cousin’s bakery—anything to flee the source of her shame.Elijah Graber knows he hurt Catherine when he left their Amish district six years ago. He’s determined to explain his actions, even if it means accompanying her to Florida. Perhaps their two-day bus trip together will provide enough time for him to win her back.Just when Elijah is starting to tear down the walls Catherine has built, their bus skids on an icy road—and amid the mayhem and tragedy that follow, Catherine disappears. Elijah’s friends urge him to prepare for the worst, but Elijah holds on to his hope in God and refuses to give up his search for Catherine. With supernatural nudging from the most unexpected places, Elijah sets out to find the love he once lost—no matter the cost.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Unbreakable
"An exquisite conclusion to the thrilling Unblemished trilogy." —RT Book ReviewsSara Ella masterfully takes readers to new worlds in the jaw-dropping finale to the Unblemished trilogy. With the fate of the Reflections at stake, Eliyana must destroy the Void . . . but at what cost?Eliyana Ember is a reluctant queen. As vessel of the Verity—the purest of souls—only she can lead the fight against the wicked magnetism of the Void. If she fails, the paths between Reflections will cease to exist, and those she loves will remain plagued by darkness.After falling through a draining Threshold and suffering near-death, Eliyana awakens to a Shadowalker-ridden Venice, Italy. From there, she must learn to navigate mysteries of time and space. Traveling across the seven Reflections, Eliyana seeks one thing: the demise of the Void.But something else is at stake—the fate of her heart. Kyaphus Rhyen and Joshua David, brothers in arms, duel to win her hand. Ky remains ensnared and tortured by the Void. Joshua, though well-meaning, harbors dark secrets. Meanwhile, Eliyana finds herself torn, her mind and memories leading her in one direction, but her heart pulling her toward a man she knows she shouldn’t trust.How can she discern whom to believe when she cannot even depend on her own fragmented memories?Traversing the realms of fantasy and reality through a labyrinth of plot twists, Unbreakable delivers a thrilling conclusion to Sara Ella’s Unblemished Trilogy.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Rewire Your Heart: Replace Your Desire for Sin with Desire For God
Bible teacher and acclaimed spoken-word artist David Bowden reveals the secret to winning the battle with sin.Many Christians believe the only way to fight sin is to grit our teeth, strengthen our resolve, and rise above the onslaught of temptation. But in reality, we have a far better weapon in our struggle with sin than the will-power mantras associated with diet and exercise. This weapon is not saying "no" to sin but saying "yes" to God. In Rewire Your Heart, David Bowden helps us discover God's plan to overcoming sin by rewiring our desires with the Gospel. When we invite the Holy Spirit to transform our underlying affections with the good news of Jesus, we begin to break free from the patterns of sin, guilt, and determination, and discover the richer fulfillment found in joyfully obeying God's commands.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NIV, Lucado Encouraging Word Bible, Cloth over Board, Gray, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New International Version
Thomas Nelson Publishers Precious Moments 5-Minute Bedtime Treasury
Create a Bedtime Tradition in Just 5 MinutesDelight your little ones with these sweet Precious Moments® characters as you share beloved Bible stories and comforting bedtime scriptures with them.The five-minute format helps parents create a meaningful bedtime. With paraphrased stories from the International Children’s Bible®, you’ll nurture a love for God’s Word.Take five minutes before bed to create a special connection with your precious child.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Lola el hada dulcita- Etiquetas de vestidos para hadas
A Lola el hada dulcita le gusta tanto la ropa nueva, ¡que ahora tiene su propio libro de etiquetas de vestidos!¡Diviértete vistiendo a Lola y sus amigas con doce adorables escenas de su mundo de hadas! ¡También puedes vestir a muñecas y jugar con ellas en cualquier lugar! Escoge el traje perfecto para el circo, un viaje a la luna, la peluquería, y mucho más!¡Hay más de 400 etiquetas para decorar vestidos para que Lola y sus amigas hadas se los pongan! ¡Las niñas se divertirán creando vestidos estilosos y mágicos para todas sus amigas hadas!
Thomas Nelson Publishers Lola el hada dulcita- Libro para colorear
¡Lola el hada dulcita tiene su propio libro para colorear! Lleno de imaginativos contornos para colorear, estos libros para colorear mantendrán entretenidos a los pequeños durante horas. Hay incluso una página llena de estupendas etiquetas para niños curiosos.¡Las etiquetas pueden utilizarse en el libro o en cualquier otro lugar! Bonitos contornos inspirarán a los niños a ser creativos y mejorar sus habilidades motoras.Lola the Lollipop Fairy has her very own colouring book! Bursting with imaginative outlines for children to shade, these colouring books will keep little ones entertained for hours. There is even a page full of great stickers for curious kids.The stickers at the front can be used either in the book or anywhere else! Bold outlines will inspire children to be creative and improve their motor skills.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Camila, libro para colorear
¡La introducción de nuevos y emocionantes libros para colorear para las niñas que aman todas las cosas creativas! Esta es una nueva gama brillante de libros para colorear, con una página llena de etiquetas para los niños curiosos. Estos libros para colorear mantendrán pequeños entretenidos durante horas. La página de etiquetas en la parte frontal se puede utilizar ya sea en el libro o en cualquier otro lugar.¡Con la idea de inspirar a los niños a ser creativos y mejorar sus habilidades motoras! Introducing exciting new coloring books for children who love all things creative!This is a brilliant new range of coloring books, with a page stuffed full of great stickers for curious kids. Bursting with imaginative outlines for children to shade, these coloring books will keep little ones entertained for hours. The sticker page at the front can be used either in the book or anywhere else.Bold outlines will inspire children to be creative and improve their motor skills.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Blessings for Mothers
Thomas Nelson Publishers Biblia Lee y comparte: para manos pequeñas
¡La Biblia Lee y Comparte para manos pequeñas, es grande y brillante y con muchas páginas donde aprender acerca de la Palabra de Dios!La Biblia Lee y Comparte para manos pequeñas, es única en su formato y está bien fundamentada en la enseñanza de la Biblia. Con más de 50 historias bíblicas favoritas que son contadas de manera simple, el mensaje extraordinario del amor y cuidado de Dios cautivará de seguro los corazones de los pequeños y les dará un fuerte fundamento bíblico para guiar sus vidas.Con más de 100 muestras de arte, este libro de historias de la Biblia es muy interactivo como medio para fomentar la memorización de las Escrituras y reforzar la comprensión con actividades para padres e hijos.Las historias incluyen a Noé, David, José, Abraham, Pablo, y Cristo, así también como muchos otros personajes y lecciones bíblicas imperecederas.Biblia Lee y Comparte para manos pequeñas, is big and bright with lots of page-turning learning about the Word of God!Packed with more than 50 favorite biblical stories that are simple re-tellings, the gigantic message of God's love and care is sure to win the hearts of little ones and give them a strong Bible foundation to guide their lives.With over 100 pieces of art, this Bible Storybook is highly interactive as it encourages Scripture Memory and reinforces comprehension with quick activities for parents and kids.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Blessings of Christmas
Beloved preacher and evangelist Billy Graham invites you to rejoice in the miracle and meaning of Christmas as you celebrate the Savior’s birth in this thoughtful Christmas devotional.Explore the blessings of hope, joy, love, and peace found in the biblical Christmas story and experience them for yourself as you keep your eyes on Jesus during the holiday season.This meaningful message includes Excerpts from the bestselling This Christmas Night Your favorite, classic hymns Scriptural accounts of Christ’s birth Beautiful poetry by Billy Graham's wife, Ruth Bell Graham Keep your focus on what’s truly important during the busyness of the Christmas season, and experience the gift of God's blessings.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Unapologetic Study Bible, Leathersoft, Red/Tan, Thumb Indexed, Red Letter: Confidence for Such a Time As This
The NKJV Unapologetic Study Bible cuts through the confusion with clear answers for today’s most complicated and controversial issues. With timely articles, thoughtful book introductions, insightful quotations, and profiles on some of history’s most unapologetic defenders of the faith, this is a Bible that won’t leave you guessing. You’ll grow in confidence as you discover how to defend your faith and share it with others in a world increasingly at odds with the truth of God’s Word. The Bible doesn’t shy away from the tough topics, and neither should you.Features Include: Book Introductions: Provide key passages and background information for each book Articles: Over 220 articles placed near relevant Scripture passages bring keen biblical insight to the current issues of the day Quotations: Over 70 quotations from historical figures help you understand, first, that the issues of the day are not new; and second, that wise people throughout history have been challenged to live by biblical standards, just as we are today Unapologetic Profiles: Over 50 profiles of historical figures inspire you with biblical faith lived out in the face of seemingly impossible circumstances Indexes: Categorize each of the above features to assist you in a topical study of the issues that matter to you 8.9-point print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible
This large print edition of the legendary classic puts generations of biblical research at your fingertips. Now you can easily find any word in the Bible in this comprehensive, readable concordance.A one-of-a-kind concordance, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible retains the best of the original version, while adding new strengths and enhanced accuracy for all who seek to discover the full riches of God's Word.Features Include: Every word of the King James Version of the Bible is indexed. Variant spellings of proper names included, so that you can use this resource with other Bible translations, including the NIV, NKJV, NASB, NRSV, and ESV. Scripture references are listed next to Strong's reference numbers for quick and accurate identification. Thumb-index system helps you smoothly find what you're looking for. A corrected and enhanced Main Concordance, including the numbering system, offers greater accuracy and dependability. Strong's entries with multiple numbers referencing multiple Hebrew and Greek words are cited in full. Comprehensive Hebrew and Greek dictionary. This classic tool is now much easier to read and use and is computer generated, giving you greater accuracy. The Strong's numbering system links you directly to the original Greek and Hebrew words.If you're looking for a complete yet simple concordance that allows for precise and accurate word study, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible is the ideal choice for your library. A valuable tool for pastors, teachers, and students of the Bible.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Can I Say That
Can God handle our hardest questions, biggest struggles, and secret doubts?We instinctively assume he cannot. We figure giving voice to those things will bring shame, rejection, and distance from him. But what if our hard questions don''t need to function as an off-ramp from Christianity but can lead us closer to his heart? What if he is not afraid of our doubts but instead reveals himself in them?In Can I Say That?, Brenna Blain brings her fresh voice to those who feel unsafe or unwelcome in the church, acknowledging the incongruity between the church''s actions and believers'' lived experiences. As a Bible teacher and an advocate for those who have experienced abuse, molestation, and mental health crises, she creates space for readers to be radically honest and ask tough questions—Am I safe here? Why does your presence feel so lonely, God?—while pointing them to biblical, foundational truth.Leading the way with he
Thomas Nelson Publishers Praying Through Infertility: A 90-Day Devotional for Men and Women
Weary of the long path to become a parent? Whether you or a family member is battling infertility, this trusted, encouraging 90-day devotional will comfort and strengthen you.Written by men and women who have faced infertility themselves with various outcomes, this book reminds you that you are not alone and will help set your heart free from fear.Compiled by acclaimed writer, speaker, and broadcaster Sheridan Voysey, Praying Through Infertility is written to let you know that you are: Not alone in your sadness, anger, or confusion Not alone when you feel jealous of parents who have what you want Not alone when a giggling child brings not delight but grief Not alone in wondering who you'll be if you never become a mom or dad Praying Through Infertility doesn't offer advice on treatments or give spiritual formulas for miracle conceptions. Instead, it offers an empathetic and hopeful accompaniment through the long dark night you are walking through.Each daily devotional includes: Scripture verse and prayer Inspirational story where fears and anger are transformed into confident expectation and pure worship Intentional tip of the day to help you personally encounter God Prayer references for encouragement Some of the contributors have been blessed with biological children, some have formed families through fostering or adoption, others are walking forward childless, and a few are still on the path. They have experienced many of the medical options available, from IVF to donor eggs and sperm. What they share is an experience of infertility's dark depths, and a faith that's held strong through the testing.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gods Promises for Graduates Class of 2024 Pink NKJV
Today''s high school and college graduates are looking for a promise of hope for their future. This practical and inspirational gift for graduates delivers God''s promises of wisdom, guidance, comfort, and encouragement straight from the Bible on relevant topics such as character, integrity, loyalty, focus, respect, and perseverance.This attractive book is a perfect keepsake gift offering: Hundreds of Scripture passages from the New King James Version Bible translation A Leathersoft cover designed for personalization with your graduate''s name A portable size, perfect to take on-the-go Two popular color options: navy and pink God''s Promises for Graduates® is a #1 bestselling inspirational book impacting nearly 2 million graduates with the hope of God''s Word.Look for additional biblical inspiration for the graduates in your life through the God''s Promises®, God''s Answe
Thomas Nelson Publishers What Do You Really Want
Successful entrepreneur and life coach Cayla Craft reveals to readers the seven questions that can unlock a new paradigm for dreaming, envisioning, and activating the life story they want to live.We all want to experience great joy, peace, and love in our lives. We all want to find our true purpose and live an abundant life. But to do that, we have to first ask ourselves a few questions and get to know someone who we might be unconsciously allowing to drive our lives: our younger selves.Cayla Craft was working as an ER nurse when she realized that she was unconsciously believing a lot of unhelpful narratives about herself that were influencing her everyday life. She started getting honest with herself and answered some tough questions, trying get to know the “little me” who was making a lot of the decisions in her adult life. This realization led to her quitting her day job and developing the Take 7 approach to personal growth and fulfillme
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Ins-N-Outs of In-N-Out Burger: The Inside Story of California's First Drive-Through and How it Became a Beloved Cultural Icon
USA TODAY BESTSELLER | WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLERDiscover the official story of In-N-Out Burger––how three generations have created a thriving, family-owned company, why its fans are so wildly loyal, and what led to its explosive growth and evolution into an iconic part of American culture––as told by In-N-Out Burger’s president, Lynsi Snyder.When Lynsi Snyder's grandparents founded In-N-Out Burger in 1948, they built it with a passion for quality and service that Lynsi embraced at a young age. After starting as a store associate at age seventeen, she then worked in other departments, gaining first-hand experience with almost every aspect of the family business until she became president in 2010. She has led the company through explosive growth––today, there are three-hundred and eighty stores and counting––and is deeply committed to the well-being of the In-N-Out Burger family.In The Ins and Outs of In-N-Out, you'll: Gain key insights into why In-N-Out has maintained its very popular and limited menu for more than seventy-five-years and why it has refused to franchise or go public Hear behind-the-scenes stories from In-N-Out Associates, including from one gentleman who worked in the very first store Learn about the Snyder family's Christian faith, including her grandmother Esther's belief in the gospel and her uncle's "born-again" experience that shaped his life and leadership at the company Discover why Lynsi has been ranked as one of the top presidents in the restaurant industry and how her personal challenges have fortified her faith and shaped her dedication to servant leadership In-N-Out Burger has drawn fiercely loyal fans––from professional chefs and burger aficionados to celebrities and scores of everyday customers––who not only crave the burgers, fries, and milkshakes but also come back again and again for the community.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Collecting Confidence: Start Where You Are to Become the Person You Were Meant to Be
Showcasing the confidence she's gathered from her own life journey, Kim Gravel--beloved QVC star and creator of Belle by Kim Gravel and Belle Beauty--invites you to look at yourself with a fresh new lens, encouraging you to start where you are and become the person you were meant to be.In Collecting Confidence, Kim reminds you that you are not your current circumstance. You are not your current habits. Where you are right now is, in fact, simply your starting place to become who you’re meant to be. If you’ve lost your way and forgotten who you are, this book will equip you to glean empowerment from life’s lowest moments. blend down-home wisdom with laugh-out-loud humor. inspire you with no-holds-barred stories from Graceland to Piggly Wiggly. help you understand the importance of how you see yourself. change your perspective to realize mistakes can be stepping stones. Now is the time to be still, listen to God, and start collecting confidence one step, one lesson, one experience, and even one mistake at a time. As Kim says, “You can’t be authentic in the world if you can’t be real with yourself.” Collecting Confidence is a sumptuous collection of life experiences, hard-earned wisdom, and unexpected blessings.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Change Starts with You
Injustice, division, and suffering may loom large in this broken world, but you have the power to stand up for truth, unity, and healing. Join writer, motivational speaker, humanitarian, and NFL veteran Sam Acho as he gives you the courage you need to be a changemaker.When gold is put into a crucible over a fire, the impurities (known as dross) rise to the top. When faced with extreme heat, these precious metals are purified. Nothing about the metal’s essential makeup changes, but the impurities in them are brought to the surface, leaving behind precious gold.America is in a crucible right now--and maybe you are, too. The pandemic has strained an already struggling economy, longstanding cultural and political divisions have reached a boiling point, and injustices have been brought into the spotlight in ways that we can no longer ignore. But the thing about crucibles is that they bring out both the worst and the best of us.<
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Always Note-Taking Edition, Leathersoft, Burgundy, with Full Scriptures: Embracing Joy in His Presence (a 365-Day Devotional)
Experience joy in Sarah Young's 365-day devotional, Jesus Always. This note-taking version with space to record reflections, list blessings you're thankful for, or delve more deeply into the devotional message, shares the biblical teaching of joy in the same way Jesus Calling shared the peace of God's presence.Life today is full of difficulties—loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus offers hope and contentment in the midst of pain and uncertainty. Jesus Always Note-Taking Edition includes: Written-out Scriptures A beautiful two-color interior and Leathersoft cover 365 days of Bible-based devotions Space on each page to write your personal reflections A ribbon marker to hold your place Draw near to Him with Jesus Always, and you will discover how to: Intimately and gently connect with Jesus—the One who meets you where you are Identify joy-filled reminders from the Word of God Process challenging situations, anxiety, and loss with a hopeful outlook Strengthen your faith and create a deeper bond with Jesus Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to you, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living—a life of joy.Whether you gift Jesus Always Note-Taking Edition or pick it up yourself, Sarah Young's words and her constant return to the Word of God will enrich your devotional life like never before.This special edition is sure to be a favorite. The cover has deluxe touches, giving a classic feel, and inside you'll find written-out Scripture verses and journaling space. Look for additional life-changing, life-giving books from Sarah Young including:Jesus CallingJesus ListensJesus Always Jesus Today
Thomas Nelson Publishers Uncanceled: Finding Meaning and Peace in a Culture of Accusations, Shame, and Condemnation
Win the War for Your Own IntegrityAfter Phil Robertson quoted Scripture in an interview with a national magazine, his hit show, Duck Dynasty, put him on “indefinite hiatus.” Phil immediately knew what had happened: he had become a target of cancel culture.Since that time, Phil has spoken out against public shaming, strategic campaigns to get Bible-believing employees fired, and other tactics that are wreaking havoc in our society. In a deeply divided country, with so many bent on condemning and silencing others, Phil calls for us to carry out the unifying message of Jesus Christ.In Uncanceled, Phil shares his own experiences with cancel culture as he encourages us to turn to Scripture as we navigate politics, personal conversations, and new cultural norms; helps us see the psychological and political motivations behind silencing conservative voices; reminds us that the goal is not to convince others to like us but to win the war for our own integrity by refusing to bow down to the god of political correctness; and shows us how to trade retaliation for the love and forgiveness that God offers. Uncanceled is a blueprint for standing up for the truth of Jesus Christ in a culture that has forgotten how to have respectful conversations. As Phil reminds us, when we embrace the truth that Jesus Christ already paid an enormous debt to cancel our sins, we find a path to redemption, a way to forgiveness, and a means for godly connection.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Catch a Better Life: Daily Devotions and Fishing Tips
Bass fishing pro Jimmy Houston gives outdoor enthusiasts from beginners to bassmasters spiritual insights and fishing tips in this yearlong devotional.What does a fishing lure have to do with following Jesus? How can casting our lines remind us of our commitment to godly living? In what ways does the underwater world teach us about God's purposes? In Catch a Better Life, hugely popular pro fisherman Jimmy Houston shares wisdom from the Bible along with plenty of savvy fishing advice. Each entry in this 365-day devotional includes: a Scripture verse from the Old or New Testament a brief meditation that applies insights from the art of fishing to spiritual growth a pro fishing tip With its colorful photos and a presentation page, this full-color book makes a perfect gift for: the outdoor enthusiast anyone who loves to fish or wants to learn followers of Jimmy Houston as TV host and fisher extraordinaire retirement parties, Father's Day, Grandparents' Day, birthdays, Christmas If you love God's creation--along with the excitement of the catch--and want to grow in your spiritual life, reel in this fisherman's devotional guide to following God with purpose.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Laughing Through the Ugly Cry: …and Finding Unstoppable Joy
Do you believe that joy is a choice? Dawn Barton does. She's an upbeat Southerner with good hair and a successful business background, but she's had more heartache than most of us can imagine. Laughing Through the Ugly Cry is a collection of honest and sometimes raw stories. Dawn throws an arm around readers as she brings them along on her journey through the loss of a child, divorce, cancer, rape, the death of her only sibling, her husband's substance abuse, and finding her way back to Jesus in the middle of it all. Dawn shares her personal story to show readers how to find happiness and purpose even in the darkest of days. By laughing through the ugly cry, you will discover how to: Shut down negative feelings causing you to feel inadequate Identify the pros despite how challenging the cons may seem Embrace joy wherever you can find it Learn how to be honest with yourself and process grief in a healthy way Dawn writes, "If more women were open about just how difficult our lives feel and how hard we are on ourselves, I think we'd learn to relax a little and give ourselves the grace God gives us every day." Laughing Through the Ugly Cry is great for: Women of any age seeking comfort, encouragement, and inspiration Book clubs and girls' nights--Dawn poses thoughtful group questions to support meaningful conversations about growth and joy
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Calling for Easter, Padded Hardcover, with Full Scriptures
Celebrate the hope we have through Jesus' resurrection. Jesus Calling® for Easter offers 50 meaningful devotions from Sarah Young's New York Times bestseller Jesus Calling.With 50 seasonally themed selections, you’ll find devotions that include: Resurrection truths Hope for the new season Joyous reasons to celebrate Stunning imagery Written-out Bible verses Whether a self-purchase to enhance your observation of Easter and the death and resurrection of Christ or a gift for friends and loved ones, Jesus Calling® for Easter will be a central part of your Easter experience for years to come.Look for additional life-changing, life-giving books from Sarah Young including: Jesus Calling Jesus Listens Jesus Calling for Christmas Jesus Always Jesus Today
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Power of Place: Choosing Stability in a Rootless Age
Acclaimed teaching pastor Daniel Grothe speaks to the sense of loneliness that many feel in today's age of hypermobility and noncommittal wandering, reminding us of the ancient vow of stability and teaching us how we can lead a richer life of friendship, community, and purpose.Unlike previous generations that had to stay put, many people today have unprecedented access to a lifestyle of mobility. We can explore and bounce from place to place, never settling down or making anywhere home. And while it feels freeing to be able to try something new whenever we want--whether it's a new job, a new city, a new group of friends, or even a new church--somewhere along the way, we discover we're missing something. We may be paying our bills and have a roof over our heads, but we're lonely and unfulfilled, disconnected and unsatisfied. What's that all about? What is the missing piece?In The Power of Place, pastor Daniel Grothe speaks to the human ache for home and makes a countercultural case for staying put. He calls us to reject the myth of Christian individuality and instead embrace the richness of commitment and community, arguing that we must stay in one place as long as we can, plant our lives, and let roots take hold. Because only then can we experience the deep fulfillment, friendship, and fruitfulness God created us for.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love Unscripted
The perfect boyfriend only exists on paper…doesn’t he?Fresh off the heels of a bad breakup, Chloe Anderson poured her heart into penning the perfect boyfriend—and the result was an off-the-charts debut beach read that resonated with women worldwide. Now, Chloe’s scripted hero is headed for Hollywood, with her book destined to become a major motion picture.When Chloe gets wind that silver screen bad boy Liam Hamilton has been cast as the ideal-in-every-way hero of her novel, she’s horrified by the film director’s choice. How could a player like Liam possibly do Chloe’s perfect hero justice? Unafraid to speak her mind, Chloe lets her executive producer know she’s one hundred percent opposed to the casting. And oops—the call is on speakerphone, where the annoyingly attractive Hollywood star hears Chloe’s unbridled outrage firsthand.With Liam’s reputation already on the rocks, his ag