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The University of Chicago Press Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History
Sensible Ecstasy investigates the attraction to excessive forms of mysticism among twentieth-century French intellectuals and demonstrates the work that the figure of the mystic does for these thinkers. With special attention to Georges Bataille, Simone de Beauvoir, Jacques Lacan, and Luce Irigaray, Amy Hollywood asks why resolutely secular, even anti-Christian intellectuals are drawn to affective, bodily, and widely denigrated forms of mysticism.What is particular to these thinkers, Hollywood reveals, is their attention to forms of mysticism associated with women. They regard mystics such as Angela of Foligno, Hadewijch, and Teresa of Avila not as emotionally excessive or escapist, but as unique in their ability to think outside of the restrictive oppositions that continue to afflict our understanding of subjectivity, the body, and sexual difference. Mystics such as these, like their twentieth-century descendants, bridge the gaps between action and contemplation, emotion and reason, and body and soul, offering new ways of thinking about language and the limits of representation.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Recommendations of the Committee for Waterfront Structures Harbours and Waterways: EAU 2020
The recommendations have been completely restructured in this 12th (2020) edition of the EAU (10th English edition), the aim being to provide readers with a better, clearer arrangement of the chapters. In addition, the information published in the annual technical reports of the Waterfront Structures Committee since the publication of the 11th German edition have been incorporated in this new edition. The recommendations also take into account the new generation of standards consisting of Eurocode 7, the associated National Application Documents and supplementary national publications (DIN 1054:2010). In isolated instances, partial safety factors differing from those in the codes are specified on the basis of practical experience. Safety standards for ports, harbours and marine structures are therefore upheld. The recommendations satisfy the need for international acceptance in the planning, design, tendering, award of contract, construction, site supervision, acceptance and settlement of accounts for port, harbour and waterway facilities based on uniform approaches.
University of Wales Press Where the Folk
Russ Williams was raised on Wales's stories, like the one about a mountain that would send you mad or turn you into a gifted poet if you camped out on it, the one about the lost civilisation drowned by the sea and the one about the bottomless lake leading down to the Welsh Otherworld. Stories of witches and giants and heroic kings, dragons and mad doctors, ghostly women, giant beaver monsters, vampire furniture and pirate-fighting monks. As entertaining as it is informative,Where the Folkfollows Russ Williams as he travels in Griff, his creaky red Fiesta, in search of places associated with Wales's legends, folklore and urban myths. In this joyful travelogue, not only does Russ recount some of Wales's most interesting stories; he also explores the origins behind the myths, talking to experts and storytellers to find out how and why they might have come about, and what they tell us about Wales past and present.
Oxbow Books Stone and Metal Vases
This facsimile edition of Flinders Petrie's 1937 typo-chronological catalogue of Egyptian stone vessels and Egyptian and Greaco-Roman metal vessels has been long out of print. It was a first attempt by Petrie to take an overview of the vessels recovered from numerous locations housed in major collections of the time, principally his own in University College London and over 700 items in Cairo Museum. Dating was derived from a variety of sources, the most important being that of royal names either on the vessels themselves or on associated materials in tombs. Examination of large, closed groups of objects from major royal tombs, each fixed to one reign, enabled development of a robust chronology for quite detailed changes at least for earlier dynasties, which could be extended by careful analysis of key traits. Each part is therefore arranged by major typological form with a discussion on derivation, chronological development in form and decoration and modes of manufacture. Both catalog
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Secrets to Success for Professionals in the Autism Field: An Insider's Guide to Understanding the Autism Spectrum, the Environment and Your Role
Gunilla Gerland's extensive experience of the autism spectrum means she is expertly placed to offer a fresh perspective on working with autism as well as a wealth of effective tools and interventions to use in practice. In a highly readable style, with many inspiring examples, this book offers original explanations of the impairments associated with autism, showing how to discover the root cause of behaviours that are challenging, not just how to manage them superficially. It looks objectively and non-judgementally at the common pitfalls and difficulties that autism professionals may encounter, explaining how to deal with these and transition to more effective working relationships. An important section on ethics and reflection equips the reader with the knowledge and skills needed to grow professionally in the field. Packed with original insights and practical, hands-on tools and strategies, this is essential reading for teachers, teaching assistants, support workers, counsellors, social workers and anyone else working with individuals of any age on the autism spectrum.
Palgrave Macmillan Reflexivity and Criminal Justice: Intersections of Policy, Practice and Research
This collection presents a diverse set of case studies and theoretical reflections on how criminologists engage with practitioners and policy makers while undertaking research. The contributions to this volume highlight both the challenges and opportunities associated with doing criminological research in a reflexive and collaborative manner. They further examine the ethical and practical implications of the ‘impact’ agenda in the higher education sector with respect to the production and the dissemination of criminological knowledge. Developed to serve as an internationally accessible reference volume for scholars, practitioners and postgraduate criminology students, this book responds to the awareness that criminology as a discipline increasingly encompasses not only the study of crime, but also the agencies, process and structures that regulate it. Key questions include: How can criminal justice policy be studied as part of the field of criminology? How do we account for our own roles as researchers who are a part of the policy process? What factors and dynamics influence, hinder and facilitate ‘good policy’?
The History Press Ltd Prehistoric Flintwork
Flint was a vitally important resource for prehistoric societies who put it to a diverse range of uses. Chris Butler has created a concise guide to recognising and categorising British prehistoric flintwork. The author begins by looking at the different sources of flint that were exploited by prehistoric peoples, and explains why flint was such a widely used raw material. He then discusses how to recognise prehistoric worked flint and explores the different technologies that were used to work flint and make tools.Flintknapping techniques used in each period of prehistory are illustrated, along with detailed techniques used in each period of prehistory are illustrated, along with detailed descriptions of the variety of implements produced and their associated diagnostic waste material. The flintwork from a number of case-study sites and the eventual decline in the importance of flint. The book also explores what the analysis of flintwork can tell us about society and past use of the landscape.
Oxford University Press The Statistical Analysis of Small Data Sets
We live in the era of big data. However, small data sets are still common for ethical, financial, or practical reasons. Small sample sizes can cause researchers to seek out the most powerful methods to analyse their data, but they may also be wary that some methodologies and assumptions may not be appropriate when samples are small. The book offers advice on the statistical analysis of small data sets for various designs and levels of measurement, helping researchers to analyse such data sets, but also to evaluate and interpret others'' analyses. The book discusses the potential challenges associated with a small sample, as well as the ways in which these challenges can be mitigated. General topics with strong relevance to small sample sizes such as meta-analysis, sequential and adaptive designs, and multiple testing are introduced. While the focus is on hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, Bayesian analyses are also covered. Code written in the statistical software R is presente
Edition Peters Grade 8 Piano Anthology Examination Pieces for 2021 and 2022
The Grade 8 Piano Anthology 2021/22 comprises a broad selection of examination pieces from lists A, B and C of the Associated Board syllabus.The anthology supports students preparing for the Practical Exam or for the new Performance Exam. Aural Notes, by Caroline Evans (author of the Edition Peters Aural Test Survival Books), draw upon music in the Anthology to provide preparation material for the type of discussion topics typically encountered in the Grade 8 Practical Exam aural test. Those preparing for the Grade 8 Performance Exam are aided by Performance Notes by Norman Beedie (Lecturer in Classical Improvisation, Piano and Conducting at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), which give advice on technique and interpretation for each piece, and guidance on preparing an effective programme. The pieces in this volume are drawn from the extensive range of piano music in the Edition Peters catalogue - one of the widest available. Extended selection of rep
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Risk Management And Value: Valuation And Asset Pricing
This book provides a comprehensive discussion of the issues related to risk, volatility, value and risk management. It includes a selection of the best papers presented at the Fourth International Finance Conference 2007, qualified by Professor James Heckman, the 2000 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, as a “high level” one. The first half of the book examines ways to manage risk and compute value-at-risk for exchange risk associated to debt portfolios and portfolios of equity. It also covers the Basel II framework implementation and securitisation. The effects of volatility and risk on the valuation of financial assets are further studied in detail.The second half of the book is dedicated to the banking industry, banking competition on the credit market, banking risk and distress, market valuation, managerial risk taking, and value in the ICT activity. With its inclusion of new concepts and recent literature, academics and risk managers will want to read this book.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Operative Obstetrics & Gynecology
This second edition has been fully revised to provide practising clinicians and trainees with the most recent advances in the field of operative obstetrics and gynaecology. Divided into four sections, the book provides in depth coverage of general principles of surgery, followed by chapters on surgery for specific disorders in obstetrics, and then gynaecology. The final section examines recent advances including laser therapy and robotic surgery. Each topic describes preoperative and postoperative care, as well as the actual procedure. Associated topics such as anaesthesia, operating theatre requirements, management of infection, and blood transfusions are also discussed in detail. This new edition includes more than 900 clinical photographs, diagrams and tables, as well as eight DVD ROMs demonstrating surgical procedures. Key points Fully revised, new edition providing clinicians and trainees with latest developments in operative obstetrics and gynaecology Recent advances section covers laser therapy and robotic surgery Includes eight DVD ROMs demonstrating procedures Previous edition published in 2009
Arnoldsche Kunsthandwerk ist Kaktus
The term ‘craftsmanship’ is associated with individuality, uniqueness, decorative potential, artistic quality, attention to material and to process. But what does craftsmanship mean today? This exhibition catalogue of nearly 600 pages explores the meaning of craftsmanship in the context of the outstanding collection of the Museum Angewandte Kunst (Frankfurt, Germany) in a monumental survey of 700 items dating from 1945 to the present. Scale reproductions of plates, furniture, cutlery, jewellery and vases highlight their surprising variety of form. In their essays, the ten authors take diverse approaches to the broad terrain of craftsmanship: from the relationship between East Asia and Western ceramics, via the handicrafts of the Romantic period, to the adventure that is arts and crafts today. The title plays on the perceived parallel between the ability of the cactus to survive and thrive in adverse conditions, and the future of the hand-made object in an industrial world. Text in German.
Arnoldsche Gitagovinda: India's Great Love Story
The tale of the shepherd girl Radha and the Hindu god Krishna is probably the most famous love story in India. Written by Jayadeva at the end of the twelfth century, the Gitagovinda narrates the highs and lows of Radha and Krishna's relationship. As a vivid metaphor for the human yearning for god, the work is today closely associated in India with the religiosity of Krishna. In the eighteenth century, in the former princely residence of Guler, the artist family of Nainsuhk and Manaku created the outstanding picture series of the second Guler Gitagovinda of 1775/80, which recounts the love story with an unparalleled elegance. This book retells the story using selected pieces from this series (printed in original size) and whisks the reader off into the atmospheric world of Indian miniature painting and poetry. This book accompanies an exhibition at Museum Rietberg, Zurich, 24 October 2019 - 16 February 2020. Text in English and German.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Human Dignity in the Latin Reception of Origen
Sara Contini assesses the meanings attributed to the term dignitas ("dignity") in the Latin translations of Origen of Alexandria, as well as in other Latin Christian texts of the 4th century which, to different degrees, show the reception of Origen's views on the creation of the human being according to the image of God. Authors like Rufinus, Jerome, or Hilary of Poitiers are the first Latin writers to employ the term dignitas to denote the universal potential of humans as rational and free beings. The contribution offered by these authors to the history of the idea of human dignity was, based on Origen's notion of the universal reach of God's love, to problematise the elitism and individualism associated with Classical views on dignitas, and thus to frame the traditional understanding of dignity as rank in a new egalitarian perspective. This work has been awarded the prize for outstanding excellence in a doctoral dissertation for the Faculty of Arts at the University of Bristol in 2022/23.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Creation and Christ: An Exploration of the Topic of Creation in the Epistle to the Hebrews
The Epistle to the Hebrews is usually associated with its theology of Christ the High Priest. However, the term "high priest" is not so common in the first four chapters of Hebrews, occurring only four times with a further reference to sacrifice in 1:3. Rather than emphasising the priestly or sacrificial activity of Christ, these opening sections contain a number of references to creation: 1:2-3,10-12, 2:5-9, 10; 3:1-6; 4:3-4 and 4:9-10. In this volume, Angela Costley uses discourse analysis to explore the importance of the topic of creation to the discourse of the Epistle to the Hebrews, uncovering a close link between creation and salvation. She highlights the interaction of the topic of creation with the topic of salvation in the discourse to uncover a depiction of Christ as the creator who descends to take on human flesh, God who becomes human, in order to lead humanity heavenward.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Searching Paul: Conversations with the Jewish Apostle to the Nations. Collected Essays
Firmly rooted in his ancestral Jewish traditions, Paul interacted with, and was involved in vivid communication primarily with non-Jews, who through Christ were associated with the one God of Israel. In the highly diverse cultural, linguistic, social, and political world of the Roman Empire, Paul's activities are seen as those of a cultural translator embedded in his own social and symbolic world and simultaneously conversant with the diverse, mainly Greek and Roman world, of the non-Jewish nations. In this role he negotiates the Jewish message of the Christ event into the particular everyday life of his addressees. Informed by socio-historical research, cultural studies, and gender studies Kathy Ehrensperger explores in her collection of essays aspects of this process based on the hermeneutical presupposition that the Pauline texts are rooted in the social particularities of everyday life of the people involved in the Christ-movement, and that his theologizing has to be understood from within this context.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Bridging the Gap between Education and Employment: English Language Instruction in EFL Contexts
Graduate employability is often put forth as a marker of the success of a given institution or education system. High rates of school and university graduates in jobs offer a number of potential advantages for a country, including encouraging social mobility, increasing citizen participation and social stability, and making national economies more productive. The importance of achieving these and many other associated outcomes has recently received greater attention in many developing nations; this is especially the case in those countries where English assumes an important role as a mediator of educational and economic success. A number of authors claim that the gap between education, training and employment can be closed through the development of academic and employment skills such as motivation, time management, literacy and communication competence. This book explores the ways in which communication and literacy skills can be developed through English language instruction in EFL settings to help bring together the aims and outcomes of education and employment.
ACC Art Books Faberge in London: The British Branch of the Imperial Russian Goldsmith
Royalty, Aristocrats, American heiresses, exiled Russian Grand Dukes, Randlords, Maharajas, Socialites and Financiers with newly made fortunes flocked to Fabergé in London to buy gifts for each other. The Imperial Russian Goldsmith's London branch was the only one outside of Russia and its jewelled and enamelled contents were as popular there as they were in St. Petersburg or Moscow. Using previously unreferenced sources and a newly discovered archive of papers relating to Fabergé in London, Kieran McCarthy studies the branch's structure, customers and exclusive stock. The book will be of interest to enthusiasts of the decorative arts, the social history of the Edwardian Golden Age and especially of European Royalty. Fabergé's works were and continue to be intimately associated with the British Royal Family. For Violet Trefusis, daughter of King Edward VII's mistress Mrs. Keppel and lover of Vita Sackville-West, a Fabergé cigarette case was the emblem of Royalty, as symbolical as the 'bookies' cigar', or the 'ostler's straw'.
Royal Society of Chemistry Fracking
Fracking has the potential to extract hydrocarbons from previously inaccessible sources of gas and oil, but is regularly in the news because of environmental concerns surrounding the process. First used commercially in the mid-20th Century, only recently has fracking been deployed on a large scale, revolutionising the energy industry in the USA. As more nations seek to adopt or ban fracking, do the economic benefits outweigh the environmental costs? Presenting both sides of the debate, this latest volume of Issues in Environmental Science and Technology draws on a wealth of international expertise, ranging from the oil and gas industry to Friends of the Earth. The technology of fracking is examined in detail, as well as the associated economic, societal and global climate change considerations. Anyone wishing to gain a balanced view of hydraulic fracturing will benefit from reading this book, which is aimed at researchers in academia and industry, policy makers, environmental science students and the interested layman.
Royal Society of Chemistry Thermal Energy Storage: Materials, Devices, Systems and Applications
Thermal energy storage refers to a collection of technologies that store energy in the forms of heat, cold or their combination, which currently accounts for more than half of global non-pumped hydro installations. The potential market for thermal energy storage on future low-carbon energy systems and associated social and economic impacts are enormous, with significant progress having been made in recent years. Following an introduction to thermal energy and thermal energy storage, the book is organised into four parts comprising the fundamentals, materials, devices, energy storage systems and applications of thermal energy storage. Chapters cover topics including materials properties, formulation and manufacture, as well as modelling at the material and device scale. Edited by a leader in the field, and with contributions from internationally renowned authors, this title will appeal to graduate students and researchers in energy, energy storage, materials engineering, chemical and process engineering, mechanical engineering and manufacture technologies.
Boosey & Hawkes, London Where do the stars come from
Leokadiya Kashperova (18721940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920.Following her graduation from the St Petersburg Conservatoire Kashperova became personally acquainted with the poet Yakov Polonsky and often attended his literary gatherings. When he died in 1898 Kashperova responded by setting his enchanting and mystical legend' To a Child in Answer to the Question: Where Do the Stars Come From? The baritone soloist takes the role of the father or grandfather who endeavours to answer the riddle posed in the title. He decides to relate a tale of old, an Eastern legend' which recounts how, long ago, the
Intellect Books Sydney Street Style
Style is predominantly an individual matter – the way people put themselves together creates a sense of individual identity – but collectively it creates a sense of common culture in a community, a city or a country. Geographically isolated from the fashion hubs of Paris and New York, Australia may not yet be synonymous with style. But as it moves away from the beach look that it is usually associated with and adopts haute couture, Australia is emerging as a shining star in the Southern Hemisphere. Though not the political capital of the country, Sydney is nevertheless Australia’s cultural capital, and the style hub and epicentre of the country’s fashion evolution. Sydney Street Style depicts the style of this less-explored fashion capital. Beautifully assembled and packed with full-colour photos of the stylish and eclectic residents of Sydney, this book will be a welcome addition to the library of any fashionista or armchair traveller.
Demeter Press RAPE CULTURE 101: Programming Change
Many people have been victims of rape, but we are all victims of what has been called a “rape culture.” This topic deserves more attention towards education and prevention, and not just on the college campus. Rape culture is an idea that links rape and sexual violence to the culture of a society, and in which commonly-held beliefs, attitudes and practices normalize, excuse, tolerate, and even condone rape. This edited collection examines rape culture in the context of the current programming–attitudes, education, and awareness. Contributors explore changing the programming in terms of educational processes, practices and experiences associated with rape culture across diverse cultural, historical, and geographic locations. The complexity of rape culture is discussed from a variety of contexts and perspectives, as this volume contains interdisciplinary academic submissions from educators and students, as well as experiential accounts from members of various community settings who are doing work aimed at making a positive difference towards programming change.
Marquand Books Inc A View from the Forest: The Power of Southern Kuba Initiation Rites and Masks
An unprecedented and intimate look at the masking traditions of a Congolese tribe The Kuba of the Democratic Republic of Congo are recognized throughout the world for the beauty and inventiveness of their figure sculptures, decorative arts and surface design traditions. However, only a few scholarly articles have detailed the importance of Kuba masking traditions. A View from the Forest documents, in more than 160 photographs, Southern Kuba masking traditions associated with male initiation and funeral rites. This firsthand, intimate view of male initiation rites and mask making is the result of the author’s own experiences together with 25 young men in a forest initiation camp. The book reflects the passion, commitment and creativity of Southern Kuba men as they reveal the esoteric lore and teach mask-construction skills to the next generation. Belgian colonialism harshly affected the lives of all Congolese. Art-making in the form of masks, costumes, and community-wide performances proved to be a powerful form of resistance.
Heyday Books Berkeley Walks: Revised and Updated Edition
The definitive guide for Berkeley wanderers, now fully updated.This local bestseller, now updated for the first time since 2018, offers revealing rambles through one of America’s most fascinating cities. Visitors and locals will be surprised and charmed by the treasures that dot the paths of these 21 walks showcasing Berkeley’s neighborhoods, shopping districts, and academic areas.Berkeley Walks celebrates the qualities that make Berkeley such a wonderful walking city: diverse architecture, panoramic views, tree-lined neighborhoods, unusual gardens, secret pathways, hidden parks, and vibrant street life. Historical surprises and architectural delights include the building from which Patty Hearst was kidnapped; Ted Kaczynski’s home before he became the Unabomber; and the residences of Nobel laureates and literary Berkeleyans such as Thornton Wilder, Anne Rice, and Philip K. Dick. With more than one hundred photographs, and detailed maps with hundreds of points of interest on the easy-to-follow, self-guided walking tours, Berkeley Walks is an indispensable guide to the wonderments and personalities associated with the city.
Red Wheel/Weiser The English Magic Tarot
Foreword by Philip Carr-Gomm.Dynamic, graphic-novel style designEach card has a secret codeThis complete tarot set includes a 160 page book and 78 cards.This captivating new tarot deck draws us into the vibrant but, often, hidden world of English magic, evoking a golden age of mysticism when the likes of John Dee was Queen Elizabeth''s Court Astrologer, antiquarian, John Aubrey, began to rediscover ancient sacred sites and even the great physicist Isaac Newton studied alchemy. During this time of upheaval, archetypal forces were very much at play. The monarchs and mountebanks, visionaries and fools, knights and vagabonds that shaped the world are all there in the tarot too, making this a perfect setting for the cards.Brought to you by renowned artist, Rex Van Ryn, colourist, Steve Dooley and writer, Andy Letcher, this deck has a dynamic, graphic style. The cards contain a depth and movement more associated with graphic novels than the tarot and accordingly this new pack offers a capti
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vitis Products: Composition, Health Benefits and Economic Valorization
Grapevines and their clusters are very rich in components with different and interesting healthy effects, which also extend to grape derivatives such as must, wines and all other products (extracts, flour, leaves, seeds, pomace, etc.). Bioactive constituents present in grapes and vines, mainly polyphenols, are attracting increasing interest from consumers demanding polyphenol-rich foods as a result of epidemiological evidence suggesting the protective potential of polyphenols against chronic diseases directly associated with oxidative damage, such as Alzheimer's, cancers, diabetes, and hypertension, amongst others. In this regard, besides the traditional products from grapes, such as wine and juice, grape Vitis by-products are increasingly being re-utilized and transformed into high-value products for the food, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries. In this context, the book intends to deeply discuss many aspects of the products derived from grapevines, including the diversity and potential of a wide range of economical possibilities, factors involved in their composition, varietal differences, and industrial process, showing a wide range of possibilities.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs): Detection, Infection and Protection
Virtually all cervical cancer cases are caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV), mainly HPV-16 and HPV-18. Furthermore, HPVs may cause other types of cancer, such as squamous anal cancers and vulvar cancer. In men, HPVs are associated with genital lesions, anal cancer, penile cancer, and head and neck cancers. As such, this compilation focuses on recent findings in HPV epidemiology, prevention, and updates regarding prophylatic HPV vaccines. Bioinformatics tool are important in the analysis of molecular and biological data, which could provide novel insights on the development of treatment and prevention methods for disease control. Through bioinformatics, it is possible to analyze and simulate HPV molecular data through the use of universal databases and analysis tools, in order to better understand the virus genetics and infection cycle. In conclusion, Human Papillomaviruses (HPVs): Detection, Infection and Protection appraises HPV vaccines for the prophylaxis of HPV infection in healthy individuals. Vaccines used for earlier varieties are Gardasil (Merck, Kenilworth, NJ, U.S.A.) and Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline, Brentford, U.K.).
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Brunner & Suddarth's Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022!Publisher’s Note:Confidently interpret test results throughout your nursing curriculum, in clinicals, and in practice.Designed to accompany Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook for Medical-Surgical Nursing, 14th Edition, this concise, portable, full-color handbook gives you quick access to hundreds of test results and their implications for nursing. Easily review specimen collection procedures and access a concise, alphabetical list of nearly 300 tests and their implications. Find the information you need fast for each test: Reference values, critical values, and/or normal findings Abnormal findings with associated nursing implications Purpose and description Interfering factors Nursing considerations for patient care before, during, and/or after the tes Confidently address priority care issues and potentially hazardous or life-threatening situations with clearly identified best practices and warnings. Locate presentations of diseases, disorders, measurements, testing equipment, and examples of results at a glance in figures, tables, and boxes.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd British Steam Military Connections: London, Midland and Scottish Railway Steam Locomotives
In Great Britain there existed a practice of naming steam railway locomotives. The names chosen covered many and varied subjects, however a large number of those represented direct links with military personnel, regiments, squadrons, naval vessels, aircraft, battles and associated historic events. Memorably the Southern Railway (SR) created a Battle of Britain class of Light Pacific locomotives, which were named in recognition of Battle of Britain squadrons, airfields, aircraft and personnel. The Great Western Railway (GWR) re-named some of its express passenger Castle Class engines after Second World War aircraft. Names were displayed in varying styles on both sides of the locomotives, additionally some nameplates were adorned with ornate crests and badges. Long after the demise of mainline steam, rescued nameplates are still much sort after collectors' items, which when offered for sale command high prices. This generously illustrated publication highlights the relevant steam locomotives at work and explains the origins of the military names.
Amberley Publishing Tipsy Lairds and Rumbledethumps
Scotland's diverse landscapes, extensive coastline and mix of cultural and historic influences are reflected in its rich food and drink heritage. The country is famous for porridge and other oat foods, haggis, grouse and whisky, but there is much more to Scotland's food and drink than these foodstuffs. There are many interesting dishes that deserve to be celebrated and the huge variety of local produce stretches far beyond Forfar bridies, Arbroath smokies, Fochabers gingerbread and Montrose cakes.In this book Gilly Pickup looks at the special foodstuffs, dishes and drinks that have characterised Scotland over the years, picking out the many interesting stories that contribute to this country's food and drink narrative. Scotland has a diverse culinary heritage, each different area and region boasting its own local produce and traditions, and today its food and drink businesses and annual events associated with its food and drink are major sectors of the Scottish economy. Tipsy Lairds an
McFarland & Co Inc The Mossad: Six Landmark Missions of the Israeli Intelligence Agency, 1960-1990
The Mossad, Israel's version of the CIA, is among the world's top intelligence agencies. Renowned both for its brilliance and its ruthlessness, the organization occupies a distinctive position in the arena of global covert operations.This book describes the clandestine missions that were defining moments in the evolution of the Mossad, including its pursuit of the Black September terrorists who murdered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games, its acquisition on the high seas of yellowcake uranium for Israel's undeclared nuclear weapons program, and its role in bringing to justice Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann. The agency's more questionable deeds are also covered, among them the assassination of civilian scientists associated with Iraq's nuclear energy program and the abduction of Isreali citizen Mordechai Vanunu who, like Edward Snowden, has been variously depicted as a principled whistleblower and an unscrupulous traitor. Taken together, the missions discussed herein illustrate the Mossad's character, creativity and courage, while acknowledging the problematical moral dimensions of its operations.
McGill-Queen's University Press In the Chamber of Risks: Understanding Risk Controversies
The essential problem is the failure to recognize that controversies over risks are "normal events" in modern society and as such will be with us for the foreseeable future. Three key propositions define these events: risk management decisions are inherently disputable; public perceptions of risk are legitimate and should be treated as such; the public needs to be intensively involved in the processes of risk evaluation and management. Leiss and his collaborators chronicle these organizational risks in a set of detailed case studies on genetically modified foods, cellular telephones, the notorious fuel additive MMT, pulp mill effluent, nuclear power, toxic substances legislation, tobacco, and the new type of "moral risks" associated with genetics technologies such as cloning. Contributors include Debora L. Van Nijnatten (Sir Wilfred Laurier University), Michael D. Mehta (University of Saskatchewan), Stephen Hill (University of Calgary), Eric Darier (Greenpeace), Greg Paoli (Decisionalysis Risk Consultants, Inc.), and Peter V. Hodson (Queen's University).
University of Wales Press History of the Gothic: Gothic Literature 1825-1914
History of the Gothic: Gothic Literature 1825-1914 is a detailed and accessible study of Gothic literature in the nineteenth century. It examines how the themes and tropes associated with the early Gothic novel were diffused widely in many different genres in the Victorian period, including the ghost story, the regional novel, children's literature and the realist novel. It looks in particular at how the Gothic attempted to resolve the psychological and theological problems thrown up by the modernization and secularization of British society. The book argues that the fetishized figure of the child came to stand for what many believed was being lost by the headlong rush into a technological and industrial future. The relationship between regionalism and horror is examined, the use of the occult in the Gothic is detailed and the book demonstrates that, far from being a simple rejection or acceptance of secularization, the Gothic attempts to articulate an entirely different way of being modern.
Arnoldsche Jewellery in Context: A Multidisciplinary Framework for the Study of Jewellery
Jewellery in Context is the doctoral dissertation, edited by Theo Smeets in its first English translation, by the Dutch art historian and design critic Marjan Unger (1946-2018). In this work she initially endeavours to formulate a general definition of jewellery. Yet above all she also analyses to what extent jewellery is associated, across the globe, with different, sometimes contrary issues: all human fears, but also desires, have, in a sense, materialised as objects of adornment, she postulates. This comprehensive approach aimed not least at developing a solid theoretical framework to aid the study of jewellery. Thus the text can already be seen as an outright standard reference work, indispensable for all students of jewellery. However, experts, too, will discover new perspectives on the phenomenon of jewellery. Contents: Foreword - Theorems; 1. Introduction; 2. Definitions and classifications; 3. Art history as foundation for the study of jewellery; 4. Man as measure; 5. Angles from other disciplines; 6. Symbolism in jewellery; 7. Evaluation; 8. Conclusion.
Emons Verlag GmbH 111 Dark Places in England That You Shouldn't Miss
Our significant dead and mortality moments are remembered at dark tourism sites, where complex issues of politics, history and ethics are exposed. This first-ever travel guide to dark tourism in England offers a thought-provoking compendium of difficult heritage. We remember the dead or acts of suffering through 'heritage that hurts'. This book explores infamous acts as well as obscure dark tourism sites lost to memory. Each site is challenged by its history and its political discourse and questions are raised as to how we remember our tragic past. Each site also has ethical issues that need to be addressed and confronted and visiting these sites are often fraught with moral dilemmas. 111 Dark Places in England That You Shouldn't Miss will help shine light on dark tourism and inherent complex issues associated with commemorating our dead. Dark tourism is politically vulnerable and ethically laden with moral commentary. This book attempts to be authoritative yet accessible in exploring sites of pain and shame.
Radius Books Marcelyn McNeil: Works
Lyrical and luminous post-Color Field abstractions from a leading Texas painter Dallas-based painter Marcelyn McNeil (born 1965) creates large-scale oil abstractions with brightly colored forms—sometimes lozenge-like, sometimes angular—that drip, bleed and fade into one another. Her recent paintings and site-specific installation works celebrate the power of color and simple, clear gestures. Inspired by artists such as Helen Frankenthaler, McNeil rejects the masculinity of hard-edged abstract painting, instead introducing a sort of lyricism into her work with soft stains and blots of pigment. Often experimenting with perspective and illusion in her work, McNeil also resists the planar quality traditionally associated with abstract painting in favor of a more dynamic relationship to the canvas. With an accompanying interview and essay that provide a framework for engaging with the work, this volume explores the full breadth of this exciting artist’s quietly subversive oeuvre, and introduces new ways to consider and experience contemporary abstract painting.
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd Making Art in Africa: 1960-2010
What does it mean to make art in Africa? In Making Art in Africa, 60 of the continent's leading artists give very different answers to this question through a series of extraordinary first-hand commentaries relating to specific works.The book includes accounts from key curators and co-ordinators, and primary images are considered in the context of contemporary events, personal discoveries, and the networks such as Triangle which have brought them together. Showcasing paintings, sculptures, prints and installations, Making Art in Africa marries the selected interviews and their associated images with archival and comparative illustrations. The result is an unparalleled insight into the artworks, experiences and processes of art making in Africa during a period of radical social change. Visually appealing with absorbing, accessible texts, Making Art in Africa provides a unique contribution to the literature available on this fascinating subject, and will be an essential purchase for scholars and general readers alike.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology
Sixty years after the defeat of the Third Reich, the complexities of Nazi ideology are still being unravelled. This enormously influential book has provided the first serious account of these ideological origins. The book demonstrates the way in which Nazism was influenced by powerful occult and millenarian sects that thrived in Germany and Austria at the turn of the century. These sects (principally the Ariosophists) promoted doctrines of popular nationalism, 'Aryan' racism and occultism to support their advocacy of German world-rule. Their ideas and symbols filtered through to nationalist-racist groups associated with the infant Nazi party, and in time exerted a strong influence on Himmler's SS. Their fantasies were played out with terrifying consequences in the Third Reich: Auschwitz, Sobibor and Treblinka are the hellish museums of the Nazi apocalypse, the roots of which lay in the millennial visions of occult sects. This bizarre and fascinating story contains lessons we cannot afford to ignore.
Ryland, Peters & Small Ltd The Guilt-free Kitchen: Indulgent Recipes without Wheat, Dairy or Refined Sugar
Delicious recipes that provide easy ways to swap unhealthy ingredients for nourishing alternatives, without having to compromise on flavour and enjoyment. This cookbook is not about denial; its approach to cooking and eating simply swaps ingredients such as refined sugar, wheat and dairy for natural and healthier alternatives that achieve the same indulgence without the negative health impacts and connotations associated with certain ingredients. These easy swaps make healthy eating both simple and delicious. Recipes range from simple sharing plates to ‘Foods from Afar’ such as Massaman Curry, and Smoked Mackerel Sushi Rolls. There are ‘Light & Fresh’ dishes such as Polenta Pizza, as well as ‘Comfort Food’ recipes including Wild Mushroom & Leek Risotto and Lasagna. With ideas for everything from brunch, such as New York Avocado Toast, to ‘Sweet Treats’ like Cheesecake with Sweet Cherries, Jordan and Jessica Bourke combine their expertise as a chef and nutritional therapist to prove that you can have your cake and eat it.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Talking About BPD: A Stigma-Free Guide to Living a Calmer, Happier Life with Borderline Personality Disorder
'I am Rosie. I have BPD. I am not an attention-seeker, manipulative, dangerous, hopeless, unlovable, 'broken', 'difficult to reach' or 'unwilling to engage'. I am caring, creative, courageous, determined, full of life and love.'Talking About BPD is a positive, stigma-free guide to life with borderline personality disorder (BPD) from award-winning blogger Rosie Cappuccino.Addressing what BPD is, the journey to diagnosis and available treatments, Rosie offers advice on life with BPD and shares practical tips and DBT-based techniques for coping day to day. Topics such as how to talk about BPD to those around you, managing relationships and self-harm are also explored. Throughout, Rosie shares her own experiences and works to dispel stigma and challenge the stereotypes often associated with the disorder.This much-needed, hopeful guide will offer support, understanding, validation and empowerment for all living with BPD, as well as those who support them.
The Crowood Press Ltd Art Deco Architecture: The Interwar Period
Art Deco burst upon the world for a brief but unforgettable existence during the 1920s and 1930s. It embraced new media, such as the cinema and radio, as well as new forms of transport and the associated buildings, and above all brought a sense of luxury, fun and escapism to the world during some of the hardest times. Art Deco Architecture - The Inter War Period examines the sources and origins of the style from before the First World War. It offers an in-depth exploration of the origins, inspirations and political backdrop behind this popular style. Lavishly illustrated with images taken especially for the book, topics covered include: a worldwide examination of the spread and usage of Art Deco; short biographical essays on architects and architectural practices; an in-depth examination of French architects and their output from this period; an introduction to stunning and little-known buildings from around the world and finally, the importance of World Fairs and Expositions in the spread of Art Deco.
Hardie Grant Media Total Ethics Fashion: People, our fellow animals and the planet before profit
Total Ethics Fashion: People, our fellow animals and the planet before profit is a deep dive into supply chain issues associated with fashion around the globe. 'Sustainable' and 'ethical' fashion have a problem: they've become marketing buzzwords rather than meaningful commitments for a better fashion industry. In the midst of a global environmental crisis interwoven with serious ethical conundrums, it's time for fashion to look more holistically at both its problems and its solutions. Exploring how the fashion industry is set up today, Collective Fashion Justice's founding director Emma Hakansson offers a path forward. Looking back at what we've lost from fashion – as the industry's race to the bottom consumes the creativity and culture of clothing – and forward to the future of it, this book is all at once hard hitting, contemplative and hopeful. A manifesto for a total ethics fashion system, this book is for those who work in fashion, who love fashion, who love the planet, or who simply get dressed each day.
Island Press Panarchy Synopsis: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems
`Panarchy’ is a new term coined from the name of the Greek god Pan, a symbol of universal nature and associated with unpredictable change. It represents an alternative framework for managing the issues that emerge from the interaction between people and nature. That interaction generates countless surprises, often the result of slow changes that can accumulate and unexpectedly flip an ecosystem or an economy into a qualitatively different state. That state may be not only impoverished, but also effectively irreversible. Thus, understanding how such change occurs is critical to achieving a sustainable society. Developed from the work of the Resilience Alliance, a worldwide group of leading organizations and individuals involved in ecological and economic research, Panarchy provides a framework to understand the cycles of change in complex systems and to gauge if, when, and how they can be influenced. This synopsis introduces lay readers and decision makers to this widely acclaimed line of inquiry and to the basic concept behind Panarchy, published by Island Press.
Duke University Press Beyond the Sovereign Self: Aesthetic Autonomy from the Avant-Garde to Socially Engaged Art
In Beyond the Sovereign Self Grant H. Kester continues the critique of aesthetic autonomy begun in The Sovereign Self, showing how socially engaged art provides an alternative aesthetic with greater possibilities for critical practice. Instead of grounding art in its distance from the social, Kester shows how socially engaged art, developed in conjunction with forms of social or political resistance, encourages the creative capacity required for collective political transformation. Among others, Kester analyzes the work of conceptual artist Adrian Piper, experimental practices associated with the escrache tradition in Argentina, and indigenous Canadian artists such as Nadia Myre and Michèle Taïna Audette, showing how socially engaged art catalyzes forms of resistance that operate beyond the institutional art world. From the Americas and Europe to Iran and South Africa, Kester presents a historical genealogy of recent engaged art practices rooted in a deep history of cultural production, beginning with nineteenth-century political struggles and continuing into contemporary anticolonial resistance and other social movements.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Cloud Handbook
Reeds Cloud Handbook is a quick-access, easy-to-use guide to identifying cloud types and how to predict what each cloud type can tell us about the weather and predict how it will change. This concise pocket reference will appeal to those who spend time outdoors and wants to better understand the weather, with its principal focus for sailors and also anyone going walking, fishing, cycling etc. This portable handbook will give you the essential information about common and unusual cloud types, how they form and what weather patterns are associated with them. Fully illustrated with colour photography and clear diagrams, this cloud identification guide includes sections on different weather patterns and how clouds form, different clouds according to where they appear in the sky, related features and different forms of fog. Each entry gives guidance on how and when to spot different cloud types and effects, and how the clouds relate to wind and rain patterns.
Tuttle Publishing Beginning Japanese Kanji Language Practice Pad
Five minutes a day is all it takes to begin learning Japanese.With Beginning Japanese Kanji Language Practice Pad, anyone can master the 334 basic kanji along with 1,000 frequently used words in just minutes a day! Ideal for beginning learners, this informative writing pad-style workbook was designed for students preparing for the JLPT N5 and AP Japanese Exams. Each sheet introduces a new character in bold, easy-to-read type, along with its pronunciation, meanings, stroke order, and related vocabulary. After studying the character its compound forms, users can tear off the sheet and practice writing these in the writing boxes provided. These sheets make it easy to learn the correct stroke order by practicing one new character each day. An accompanying study book lists all 334 Japanese characters and their associated vocabulary words. In just five minutes a day, users of all ages will be well on their way to writing Japanese like a native!
Tuttle Publishing Chinese Flash Cards Kit Volume 3
Flash cards are one of the quintessential keys to successful language learning, and Chinese Flash Cards Kit Volume 3 contains all the necessary ingredients you need to read and write Chinese.Many Chinese language students understand that there are three secrets to committing these Chinese characters, or Hanzi, to memory: start with the basic characters first, then study the others in the correct order, and use constant repetition to reinforce them until they stick in your long-term memory. No other study tool is better equipped to handle this task other than flash cards, making this kit an ideal resource for practicing Chinese. These handy flash cards present the characters in the correct order, and the cards have a full range of features to help you master the 448 Upper Intermediate level characters, along with their associated 2,240+ words and sentences. All characters needed for the HSK Upper Intermediate Level exam are covered. The HSK is China''s standard tes