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Columbia University Press Trauma: Contemporary Directions in Trauma Theory, Research, and Practice
An expanded and revised edition of the first social work text to focus specifically on the theoretical and clinical issues associated with trauma, this comprehensive anthology incorporates the latest research in trauma theory and clinical applications. It presents key developments in the conceptualization of trauma and covers a wide range of clinical treatments.Trauma features coverage of emerging therapeutic modalities and clinical themes, focusing on the experiences of historically disenfranchised, marginalized, oppressed, and vulnerable groups. Clinical chapters discuss populations and themes including cultural and historical trauma among Native Americans, the impact of bullying on children and adolescents, the use of art therapy with traumatically bereaved children, historical and present-day trauma experiences of incarcerated African American women, and the effects of trauma treatment on the therapist. Other chapters examine trauma-related interventions derived from diverse theoretical frameworks, such as cognitive-behavioral theory, attachment theory, mindfulness theory, and psychoanalytic theory.
Springer International Publishing AG The Wealth of Virtual Nations: Videogame Currencies
This book considers representations of wealth and the wealthy in videogames. The introduction explores the estrangement of wealth from everyday life in the contemporary west, and argues that videogames have contributed to modern life by dramatizing the economic anxieties of our age — in particular, those anxieties that relate to the Global Great Recession. A review of historical titles reveals that such and related efforts draw in significant ways from the literary tradition of sentimental romance, where wealth and the wealthy have long been associated with notions of the underworld or hell. The relevance of this tradition to contemporary titles is explored through a careful analysis of romantic themes and concerns with significance to acts of exchange. The Wealth of Virtual Nations will appeal to students with an interest in narrative theory, game design, literature, economics, and the humanities. It will also be of interest to the videogame industry.
Evro Publishing S.F. Edge: Maker of Motoring History
Selwyn Francis Edge, invariably known simply as ‘SF’, was a highly significant pioneer of motoring in Britain. When, in 1902, he drove a Napier to victory in the Gordon Bennett Cup, a mighty event on public roads between Paris in France and Innsbruck in Austria, he initiated serious British endeavour in motor racing. He was deeply involved in the birth of Brooklands, setting a 24-hour solo driving record there when the circuit opened in 1907. As a towering industry figure most closely associated with Napier and AC Cars, he played an important role in the growth of car manufacture in Britain. In the words of ‘Bentley Boy’ S.C.H. ‘Sammy’ Davis, ‘His keen grey eyes, the bushy eyebrows and the hawk-like face… made him a notable figure in any assembly.’ This biography uncovers the life of an extraordinary man whose achievements deserve to be far more widely recognised.
Quercus Publishing Home Boys
'Alex Wheatle writes from a place of honesty and passion with the full knowledge and understanding that change can only happen through words and actions' - Steve McQueen Four schoolchildren decide to run away from the the horrors of their everyday lives in a children's home. Seeking asylum in the woods, they enjoy the exhilaration of freedom and the first flush of adolescence. Yet the forest slowly asserts its own power and what happens out in the wild will affect the four boys' lives forever. With his compelling narrative directness, rhythmic prose, and trademark humour, Alex Wheatle shows himself to be an author of real calibre, exposing the social stigma associated with children's homes, and the horrifying psychological consequences of their impact on children at the most sensitive stage. Never losing pace or failing to engage the reader at every moment, Home Boys is an unflinchingly honest depiction of disrupted childhoods.
Amberley Publishing The Extraordinary Daddy-Long-Legs Railway of Brighton
The unique, but sadly short-lived, Brighton & Rottingdean Seashore Electric Railway must have presented quite an amazing spectacle, even during those late Victorian days of engineering excellence. Affectionately known as the ‘Daddy-Long-Legs’, ‘spider car’ or ‘sea car’, the railway resembled a piece of seaside pier that had broken away and was moving by itself through the sea. Although closed over a hundred years ago, interest in the Daddy-Long-Legs Railway remains strong and it has become a Brighton icon. The book details the history of the Daddy-Long-Legs and features the best collection of photographs of it so far assembled, along with plans, timetables and posters and associated features such as Volk’s Electric Railway and the piers assembled as a landing stage for the Daddy-Long-Legs. This will be the first book to concentrate solely on this unique and fascinating piece of British seaside history.
Cambridge University Press Hesiod and Classical Greek Poetry: Reception and Transformation in the Fifth Century BCE
Hesiod was regarded by the Greeks as a foundational figure of their culture, alongside Homer. This book examines the rich and varied engagement of fifth-century lyric and drama with the poetic corpus attributed to Hesiod as well as with the poetic figure of Hesiod. The first half of the book is dedicated to Hesiodic reception in Pindaric and Bacchylidean poetry, with a particular focus on poetics, genealogies and mythological narratives, and didactic voices. The second half examines how Hesiodic narratives are approached and appropriated in tragedy and satyr drama, especially in the Prometheus plays and in Euripides' Ion. It also explores the multifaceted engagement of Old Comedy with the poetry and authority associated with Hesiod. Through close readings of numerous case studies, the book surveys the complex landscape of Hesiodic reception in the fifth century BCE, focusing primarily on lyric and dramatic responses to the Hesiodic tradition.
Cambridge University Press Revisiting the Rule of Law
This Element offers an accessible introduction to theoretical writing on the rule of law for anyone who wants to understand more about how we think and write about this central idea of legal and political thought. Part 1, 'Approaching the Rule of Law', examines the methods through which the idea of the rule of law is typically approached by those who set out to theorise it. Part 2, 'Untangling the Rule of Law', asks whether it is possible to untangle the rule of law from the various contributions, companions, connections, conflations and controversies with which it tends to be associated. Part 3, 'Revisiting the Rule of Law', signals to new frontiers of rule of law thought by addressing the assumptions about legal form that shape its theoretical treatment, and by investigating what we know about the people who carry its burdens and benefit from its offerings.
HarperCollins Publishers The Book of Lost Tales 2 (The History of Middle-earth, Book 2)
The second of a two-book set that contains the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien’s epic tale of war, The Silmarillion. This second part of The Book of Lost Tales includes the tale of Beren and Lúthien, Túrin and the Dragon, and the only full narratives of the Necklace of the Dwarves and the Fall of Gondolin, itself the finest and most exciting depiction of a battle that Tolkien ever wrote. Each tale is followed by a commentary in the form of a short essay, together with texts of associated poems, and contains extensive information on names and vocabulary in the earliest Elvish languages. This series of fascinating books has now been repackaged to complement the distinctive and classic style of the ‘black cover’ A-format paperbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.
Hay House Clinical EFT Handbook A Definitive Resource for Practitioners Scholars Clinicians Researchers A Definitive Resource for Practitioners Scholars Psychological Trauma and Fundamental
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is used by an estimated 10 million people worldwide. Yet a lack of standardization has led to a field in which dozens of forms of EFT, with varying degrees of fidelity to the original, can be found. This led to the establishment of Clinical EFT, the form of EFT taught in the original EFT Manual and associated materials, and validated in over 20 clinical trials. In this volume, the most noted scholars, researchers and clinicians in the field compile a definitive outline of the EFT protocol, as it is applied in medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and life coaching. Chapters cover the clinical application of EFT to fields such as addiction treatment, sports, surgery, weight loss, social problems, and family therapy. Scientists explain the physiological mechanisms of action of EFT, as well as its sources in physics and chemistry. Researchers describe EFTs path to acceptance as an evidence-based practice. This handbook is essential reading
Pearson Education International Economics Theory and Policy plus Pearson MyLab Economics with Pearson eText Package
Paul Krugman, the recipient of the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, taught at Princeton University for 14 years. In 2015, he joined the faculty of the Graduate Centre of the City University of New York, associated with the Luxembourg Income Study, which tracks and analyses income inequality around the world. In addition to his teaching and academic research, Krugman writes extensively for non-technical audiences and is a regular op-ed columnist for the New York Times. Maurice Obstfeld is the Class of 1958 Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley. He joined Berkeley in 1989 as a Professor, following appointments at Columbia (1979-1986) and the University of Pennsylvania (1986-1989). He was also a visiting Professor at Harvard between 1989 and 1991. From 2014 to 2015 he was a member of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, and from 2015 to 2018 served as Chief Economist at the International Monetary Fund.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Arbuscular Mycorrhizas and Stress Tolerance of Plants
This book reviews the potential mechanisms in arbuscular mycorrhizas (AMs), in the hope that this can help arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to be more used efficiently as a biostimulant to enhance stress tolerance in the host plants. AMF, as well as plants, are often exposed to all or many of the abiotic and biotic stresses, including extreme temperatures, pH, drought, water-logging, toxic metals and soil pathogens. Studies have indicated a quick response to these stresses involving several mechanisms, such as root morphological modification, reactive oxygen species change, osmotic adjustment, direct absorption of water by extraradical hyphae, up-regulated expression of relevant stressed genes, glomalin-related soil protein release, etc. The underlying complex, multi-dimensional strategy is involved in morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular processes. The AMF responses are often associated with homeostatic regulation of the internal and external environment, and are therefore critical for plant health, survival and restoration in native ecosystems and good soil structure.
Fayetteville Mafia Press Nothing To Fear: Alfred Hitchcock And The Wrong Men
Alfred Hitchcock is not often associated with a social justice movement. But in 1956, the world’s most famous director focused his lens on an issue that cuts to the heart of our criminal justice system: the risk of wrongful conviction. The result was The Wrong Man, a wrenching and largely overlooked drama based on the false arrest of Queens musician Christopher “Manny” Balestrero. Despite a detective’s assurance that the innocent have “nothing to fear,” Manny and his family faced ruin from false charges that he twice robbed an insurance office. Aspiring to documentary-like authenticity, Hitchcock and his team meticulously recreated one man’s odyssey through the corridors of justice. In so doing, they opened a window into New York’s history of mistaken identity cases. The Balestrero prosecution was not an isolated miscarriage of justice. Instead, Manny fell victim to the same rush to judgment and suggestive eyewitness identification procedures that had doomed innocent defendants in earlier cases.
Robert D. Reed Publishers Tiny But Mighty Baby: A Parents' Guide to Navigating Your Child's Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Every year in the United States alone, more than 200,000 babies are born smaller than they should be. Their parents are left adrift amid multiple tests and complex medical interventions for their tiny baby. Written by a board-certified Neonatologist for parents of growth-restricted babies, Tiny But Mighty Baby: A Parents’ Guide to Navigating Your Child’s Diagnosis of Intrauterine Growth Restriction ushers parents through the complex medical terminology, technology, and loss of normalcy associated with a diagnosis of growth restriction. Tiny But Mighty Baby guides parents through how growth restriction is diagnosed and what to expect from their growth-restricted baby after delivery and throughout life. Intimate stories of parents’ experiences of growth restriction complement each medically focused chapter and include stories of miscarriage, infant loss, and childhood development. Tiny But Mighty Baby encompasses the latest research about growth restriction to empower parents along their journey to help their child live the healthiest life possible.
Archaeopress From Cave to Dolmen: Ritual and symbolic aspects in the prehistory between Sciacca, Sicily and the central Mediterranean
This book brings together the scientific contributions of a wide panel of Sicilian and mainland Italian specialists in prehistory. Taking inspiration from a conference organised by the Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali of Agrigento and by the municipal council of Sciacca in November 2011, the decision was taken to broaden and deepen some of the main themes discussed on that occasion. Therefore this book focuses on the Sciacca region and its landscape which is extraordinarily rich in natural geological phenomena and associated archaeological activity, for example the Grotta del Kronio and the numerous dolmens present nearby. This volume seeks to explore the various aspects – habitational or ritual – of the prehistoric use of the numerous caves present in the region and to analyse the many features of the island’s megalithic architecture. The text includes an historical review of the processes of discovery of the archaeological evidence, also an account of the current research projects and research activities.
Hay House Eft for Back Pain
Why use EFT for back pain? Back pain afflicts over 80% of adults at some point in their lives, and is the second most common reason for doctor visits. Back pain costs the world economy over two hundred billion dollars per year. For more than a decade, back pain sufferers have been reporting quick shifts after using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques). How is EFT able to accomplish the relief of back pain, even in people who've suffered from it continuously for years? Here author Dawson Church, a researcher who has published clinical trials on EFT for pain, provides a guide to identifying the emotional root causes of your pain, and releasing them. He shows you a method called Clinical EFT, the only version of EFT to be validated in dozens of scientific studies. This guide summarizes that research, and tells the stories of hundreds of people who've been amazed at the immediate relief EFT brings to their back pain and associated emotional problems.
Inner Traditions Bear and Company The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness
The ancient Mayan civilization had one of the most advanced understandings of astronomy and their calendar reflected this sophistication. But the Mayan calendar is not simply keyed to the movement of planetary bodies. It functions as a metaphysical map of the evolution of consciousness and records how time flows spiritually as well as materially - providing a new science of time. The calendar is associated with nine creation cycles which represent nine levels of consciousness or Underworlds on the Mayan cosmic pyramid. Through empirical research Calleman shows how this pyramidal structure of consciousness development can explain things as disparate as the common origin of world religions and the modern complaint that time seems to be moving faster. Time in fact is speeding up as we transition from the materialist Planetary Underworld of time that governs us to day to a new and higher frequency of consciousness - the Galactic Underworld - in preparation for the final Universal le
Management Concepts, Inc Source Selection Step by Step: A Working Guide for Every Member of the Acquisition Team
The path to successful source selection begins with Source Selection Step by Step: A Working Guide for Every Member of the Acquisition Team. Whether you are new to the acquisition team or an experienced practitioner looking to sharpen your skills, this comprehensive, highly readable handbook will guide you through the entire acquisition process, from designing an effective source selection plan, to preparing the solicitation, evaluating proposals, establishing a competitive range, and documenting the source selection decision. With clarity and frankness, Charles Solloway presents government source selection in a step-by-step guide that offers readers quick access to needed information. In addition to guidance about the process, the book includes: • Techniques to streamline the process and reduce time and expense • Ways to avoid common pitfalls • Alternatives to common procedures that yield better results • Methods to involve contractors more effectively • Definitions of the key terms associated with government source selection. Make this book your first stop for quick and easy guidance on all aspects of government source selection.
Edinburgh University Press Twentieth-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion
.During the latter half of the twentieth century the Gothic emerged as one of the liveliest and most significant areas of academic inquiry within literary, film, and popular culture studies. This volume covers the key concepts and developments associated with Twentieth-Century Gothic, tracing the development of the mode from the fin de siecle to 9/11. The eighteen chapters reflect the interdisciplinary and ever-evolving nature of the Gothic, which, during the century, migrated from literature and drama to the cinema and television. The volume has both a chronological and thematic focus and particular attention is paid to topics and themes related to race, identity, marginality and technology. Chapters on ecogothic, Gothic Studies as a discipline, Medical Humanities, Queer Studies, African American Studies and Russian Gothic ensure that the collection is up-to-date and wide-ranging. Suggested further readings at the end of each chapter are intended to facilitate further independent research by readers and researchers.
Oxford Archaeology Green Park (Reading Business Park) Phase 2 Excavations 1995: Neolithic and Bronze Age sites
In 1995 a second phase of excavations was undertaken by Oxford Archaeological Unit (OAU) at Reading Business Park in advance of development. This volume reports on the occupation evidence they found dating to the Neolithic, Bronze Age and medieval periods. The Neolithic features included an unusual segmented ring ditch, and a number of pits and postholes, with associated flint assemblages dating to the late Neolithic. A field system, composed of rectangular boundary ditches, was laid out in the area prior to the establishment of the late Bronze Age settlement. The evidence for the late Bronze Age settlement included five roundhouses, and a number of post-built structures. The excavators also found numerous deposits of burnt flint that were made in one area in the later Bronze Age, and over time these grew into a substantial and unusually large elongated burnt mound. The authors discuss the origin of these deposits, together with the management of the overall landscape in the later Bronze Age.
Rizzoli International Publications Yukio Mishima: The Death of a Man: The Death of a Man
The author of masterworks such as The Temple of the Golden Pavilion and Forbidden Colors, Mishima, a celebrated figure in postwar world literature, remains a controversial figure in Japan. His reactionary politics and the spectacular nature of his death had so profoundly impacted Japanese society that images associated with the event were never publicly shown. In the months prior to the November incident, he enlisted Kishin Shinoyama to create a photographic, radical work of fiction, a photo essay on the death of the Japanese everyman. In images often suffused with militarism and eroticism, a parade of men, including a sailor, a construction worker, a fisherman, and a soldier, are shown meeting grisly, dramatic ends. Published for the very first time, these stylized images of men dying alone serve as prologues to the real-world culmination of Mishima s pursuit of total art. Locked in a performance with one inescapable end, Mishima offered his own body as its final act.
Rizzoli International Publications Cornelia Foss: A Retrospective
The first comprehensive survey of Cornelia Foss’s landscapes, still lifes, and portraits, an artist in the style and tradition of Fairfield Porter. The American artist Cornelia Foss is part of a loosely knit group of artists commonly described as “painterly realists,” many of whom are associated with Long Island’s scenic Hamptons region, including Eric Fischl and Fairfield Porter. This is the first such survey of this artist’s work to be published. Long considered a quintessential Long Island artist, Foss has painted Wainscott Pond for over half a century.Foss’s work mirrors her protected environment—pastel drawings of her own garden and nearby ponds; oil portraits of her granddaughters and pets; landscapes featuring beach scenes and still-life paintings showing flowers on a windowsill. Thus, the art conveys a nurturing perspective that also acknowledges the outside world. Beautifully designed, this volume provides deep insight into the breadth and range of the artist’s practice over the past fifty years.
Teachers' College Press Teaching Civic Literacy Projects: Student Engagement with Social Problems, Grades 4–12
This practical resource shows teachers how to enact robust forms of civic education in today’s schools. Both instructive and thought-provoking, it will inspire teachers to craft curricula addressing a wide range of genuine civic problems such as those related to racial discrimination, environmental damage, and community health. Dividing civic literacy projects into three key phases - problem identification, problem exploration, and action - the author provides concrete examples from upper-elementary, middle, and high school classrooms to illustrate and analyze how each phase can unfold. The projects ultimately provide opportunities for youth to participate in civic life while they develop essential literacy skills associated with reading, writing, and speaking. The final chapter outlines a curriculum design process that will result in coherent and meaningful civic literacy projects driven by clear goals. It includes practical tools, such as a sample unit timeline, an assessment chart, and student worksheets that can be modified for immediate use.
Galison William Morris PaintIn Postcard Set
PAINT IN CARD SET – The William Morris Paint In Card Set includes a set of 6 cards featuring the iconic floral designs of William Morris that can be painted using the 6 colors embedded into the top of the card. William Morris was a British textile designer, poet, artist, fantasy writer, and socialist activist associated with the British Arts and Crafts movement. BRIGHT AND BOLD ARTWORK –The Paint In Print Set features six 5x7” cards, each preprinted with Morris's designs and a set of six embedded paint colors. The embedded paints are activated by simply wetting the enclosed paint brush. Tear off the perforated paint strip and you’ll have a print to send or keep. PERFECT FOR GIFTING – Whether you're looking for a fun activity for a rainy day or a unique gift for a loved one, this Paint In Print Set is sure to impress! With its intricate details and floral designs, this print set is perfect for anyone who loves flow
Not Stated Dinner with Joseph Johnson Books and Friendship in a Revolutionary Age
A fascinating portrait of a radical age through the writers associated with a London publisher and bookseller-from William Wordsworth and Mary Wollstonecraft to Benjamin FranklinOnce a week, in late eighteenth-century London, writers of contrasting politics and personalities gathered around a dining table. The veal and boiled vegetables may have been unappetising but the company was convivial and the conversation brilliant and unpredictable. The host was Joseph Johnson, publisher and bookseller: a man at the heart of literary life. In this book, Daisy Hay paints a remarkable portrait of a revolutionary age through the connected stories of the men and women who wrote it into being, and whose ideas still influence us today.Johnson's years as a publisher, 1760 to 1809, witnessed profound political, social, cultural and religious changes-from the American and French revolutions to birth of the Romantic age-and many of his dinner guests and authors were at the cent
Not Stated Dinner with Joseph Johnson Books and Friendship in a Revolutionary Age
A fascinating portrait of a radical age through the writers associated with a London publisher and bookseller-from William Wordsworth and Mary Wollstonecraft to Benjamin FranklinOnce a week, in late eighteenth-century London, writers of contrasting politics and personalities gathered around a dining table. The veal and boiled vegetables may have been unappetising but the company was convivial and the conversation brilliant and unpredictable. The host was Joseph Johnson, publisher and bookseller: a man at the heart of literary life. In this book, Daisy Hay paints a remarkable portrait of a revolutionary age through the connected stories of the men and women who wrote it into being, and whose ideas still influence us today.Johnson's years as a publisher, 1760 to 1809, witnessed profound political, social, cultural and religious changes-from the American and French revolutions to birth of the Romantic age-and many of his dinner guests and authors were at the cent
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanics of Materials
In the 6th edition of Mechanics of Materials, author team Riley, Sturges, and Morris continue to provide students with the latest information in the field, as well as realistic and motivating problems. This updated revision of Mechanics of Materials (formerly Higdon, Olsen and Stiles) features thorough treatment of stress, strain, and the stress-strain relationships. These topics are covered before the customary treatments of axial loading, torsion, flexure, and buckling, allowing for earlier introduction of more realistic problems, such as those associated with combined loadings. Riley, Sturges, and Morris continue to write in a student-friendly style that includes new illustrations throughout each chapter. The text stresses the use of fundamental principles and the concepts of mechanics to solve all problems. As a result, students must apply the information presented in each chapter to answer realistic problems instead of simply using formulas. This problem solving method motivates students to learn the material because they see how it is used in the real world.
Oxford University Press Inc Wahhabism and the World: Understanding Saudi Arabia's Global Influence on Islam
For more than half a century, Saudi Arabia--through both official and non-governmental channels--has poured billions of dollars into funding and sponsoring religious activities and Islamic causes around the world. The effect has been to propagate Wahhabism, the distinctively rigid and austere form of Islam associated with the Kingdom's religious establishment, within Muslim communities on almost every continent. This volume features essays by leading scholars who explore the origins and evolution of Saudi religious transnationalism, assess ongoing debates about the impact of these influences in various regions and localities around the world, and discuss possible future trends in light of new Saudi leadership. In addition to chapters devoted to the major actors and institutions involved in Saudi global religious propagation, the volume contains a wide range of country case studies that offer in-depth analysis of the nature and impact of Saudi religious influence in nations across multiple world regions.
Permuted Press Underwater Museums
Dive into the submerged history of the Pacific theater of WWII where ships, planes, submarines, and military surplus rest beneath the waves. Explore the underwater museums preserved in time through stunning photography from award-winning photographer, Brandi Mueller, and captivating firsthand stories of diving the wrecks and the history of how they came to rest at the bottom of the sea.From airplanes lost in the depths of Guadalcanal and Sherman tanks swamped off the coast of a beach in Saipan to medicine bottles deep within a ship intended for American soldiers in Vanuatu, WWII left behind an abundance of relics underwater. Mangled metal associated with destruction and lost lives litter the seafloor of the Pacific theater. The wrecks have been transformed into prolific coral reefs teeming with fish and life. Go on an adventure to the underwater museums of little-known Kwajalein Atoll; the world-famous wreck diving destination, Truk Lagoon; Guam, where two WWI an
Springer Verlag, Singapore Current Status of Fresh Water Microbiology
This contributed volume deals with the various aspects of freshwater microbiology including diverse habitats, associated microorganisms, their ecological interactions, and industrial applications. Freshwater ecosystems are dynamic natural resources, providing sources of potable water, food, animal habitats, and recreation. Perspectives of microbial dynamics in freshwater bodies, covered in this title, provide a comprehensive and systematic analysis of microbial ecology in these ecosystems. These microbes are at the hub of biogeochemical cycles (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other elements). Moreover, they are an integral part of the aquatic food web and control the quality of freshwater bodies. Chapters in this title also discuss the issue of pollution in freshwater bodies and put forward available strategies for eco-friendly solutions. The book is a perfect documentation of primary and secondary data-based information on the latest research findings, case studies, experiences, and innovations in the field of freshwater microbiology. The book is of great use to students, researchers, and professionals studying aquatic sciences.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Microbiomes and the Global Climate Change
This book covers the contemporary environmental issues faced by life on the planet and the role planetary microbiomes play in such issues. Providing insights on the net favorable and adverse effect of microbial processes, this volume covers both the spontaneous and anthropocentric events that impact climate change and life on the planet. The book describes the ecological significance of microbiomes associated with the kingdoms Plantae and Animalia with respect to climate change, natural and anthropogenic causes of climate change, microbial interactions in nature, planetary microbiomes and food security, climate change in relation to disease epidemiology and human health and engineering microorganisms to mitigate the consequences of climate change. The individual chapters in the intended book provide both theoretical and practical exposure to the current issues and future challenges of climate change in relation to the microbiomes. This collection should serve as ready reference to the researchers working in the area to reshape their future research in addressing the challenges of global climate change.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Atlas of Breast Implant Ultrasound
This atlas is the first book on the use of high-resolution ultrasound to assess breast implants and identify the various potential breast implant-related complications, which are frequently asymptomatic. The aim is to provide radiologists, breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, and other medical staff with a comprehensive guide of high clinical value during not only the diagnostic but also the treatment process. To this end, a wealth of ultrasound images and videos are presented, along with surgical photos and videos and pathological findings. The coverage includes the role of ultrasound in the management of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell carcinoma, with explanation of its value in distinguishing the type of implant shell, which is highly relevant in this disease. A concluding chapter presents a large series of instructive cases. The author has extensive experience in breast surgery and has been collecting implant-related data using high-resolution ultrasound, including data on the diagnosis of side effects, for more than a decade.
Silkworm Books / Trasvin Publications LP Sacred Mountains of Northern Thailand: And Their Legends
The mountains of northern Thailand constitute part of northern Thai identity. They inspire fear and awe, respect and love, curiosity and creative imagination. They define both the physical and mental landscape of northern Thailand. Drawing on the legendary histories of three mountains in the region—Doi Ang Salung Chiang Dao, Doi Suthep, and Doi Kham—coauthor Donald Swearer explores the various ways that mountains in northern Thailand are seen as sacred space, and therefore as an environment to be respected rather than exploited. The volume presents, in English translation, the stories associated with these sacred sites as recorded in the legendary chronicles, or tamnan, of the story of the Chiang Dao mountain and cave, the account of the enshrining of the Buddha relic on Doi Suthep, and the interwoven legends of the hermit Wasuthep, the demons Pu Sae and Ya Sae, the chief Wilangkha, and the queen Chamathewi. In preserving the fascinating folklore of these sacred mountains, the authors contribute to the preservation of the mountains themselves.
Amsterdam University Press The Macanese Diaspora in British Hong Kong: A Century of Transimperial Drifting
Diaspora transformed the urban terrain of colonial societies, creating polyglot worlds out of neighborhoods, workplaces, recreational clubs, and public spheres. It was within these spaces that communities reimagined and reshaped their public identities vis-à-vis emerging government policies and perceptions from other communities. Through a century of Macanese activities in British Hong Kong, The Macanese Diaspora in British Hong Kong: A Century of Transimperial Drifting explores how mixed-race diasporic communities survived within unequal, racialized, and biased systems beyond the colonizer-colonized dichotomy. Originating from Portuguese Macau yet living outside the control of the empire, the Macanese freely associated with more than one identity and pledged allegiance to multiple communal, political, and civic affiliations. They drew on colorful imaginations of the Portuguese and British empires in responding to a spectrum of changes encompassing Macau’s woes, Hong Kong’s injustice, Portugal’s political transitions, global developments in print culture, and the rise of new nationalisms during the inter-war period.
Damiani Luke Gilford National Anthem
National Anthem is a celebration of outsiders and the immense beauty of chosen families everywhere. Growing up in Colorado with his father in the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association, Luke Gilford spent his formative years around the rodeo, an American institution that has often been associated with conservatism and homophobia. It was only later, when he discovered the International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA), that he began to see himself as part of a rodeo family. The IGRA is the organizing body for LGBTQ+ cowboy and cowgirl communities in North America, a safe space for all genders and races. The queer rodeo brings in participants from rural regions all over America for structured educational programs and competitions, facilitating opportunities to hone athletic skills, connection and care for animals, personal integrity, self-confidence and support for one another. Gilford has spent over four years traveling the country to document this diverse and ever-evolving subculture. S
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Intraocular Inflammation
This well-structured and lavishly illustrated book is a comprehensive reference on intraocular inflammation that encompasses all anatomic forms, settings and etiologies. Individual sections are devoted to uveitis associated with systemic disorders, uveitis syndromes restricted to the eye, bacterial uveitis, viral uveitis, fungal uveitis, parasitic uveitis, uveitis caused by other microbes, traumatic uveitis, and masquerade syndromes. Chapters on the different forms of uveitis are in a homogeneous reader-friendly format, with identification of core messages, explanation of etiology and pathogenesis, up-to-date information on diagnostics and differential diagnosis and guidance on the most appropriate forms of treatment and prognosis. Helpful flow charts are included to assist in identification of potential underlying disorders and the reader will also have online access to one hundred informative case reports demonstrating the different courses of intraocular inflammation. The authors are world experts keen to share their vast experience with the reader. Intraocular Inflammation will be a valuable resource for all physicians who deal with patients with inflammatory eye disease.
Thieme Publishing Group Antiresorptive Drug-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ) - A Guide to Research
A collaboration between some of the leading international experts in the field, AOCMF proudly presents Antiresorptive Drug-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ)-a Guide to Research, which unravels the many biologic processes and risk factors associated with this debilitating condition. With its unknown pathophysiology, lack of established management regimens, and because of the millions of patients currently taking antiresorptive agents, this important book on ARONJ has been produced to provide the latest in contemporary evidence and insight. The book's key features include: Detailed analysis of the historical definitions, classifications, and clinical features of ARONJ Review of the risk factors and treatment options currently available, and why the jaw bone is predominantly affected Discussion on the use of large and small animals in modelling. With dozens of clinical images to help illustrate the impact of this condition on real patients, Antiresorptive Drug-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ)-a Guide to Research is an excellent resource for anyone involved or interested in this important medical field.
Birkhauser Rural Urban Framework: Transforming the Chinese Countryside
While most attention is given to the booming mega-cities in China and the associated problems of over-population, the rural areas in China are being largely ignored. Yet, a sustainable development of the rural areas is precisely that, which will be decisive for China’s future. Through its rapid development into an industrial country, China now needs to tackle far-reaching problems such as increasing population, growing income gap between the poor and the rich, rural exodus, decreased agricultural production, and environmental pollution. Rural Urban Framework is a work group at the University of Hong Kong that not only researches the far-reaching changes of the last thirty years in China’s rural areas, but has also realized concrete projects aimed at improving supply and infrastructure on site. In this publication, the authors present for the first time the results of their research as well as their built projects in the Chinese backlands, and question whether China’s only future model lies in cities.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Internet of Things from Hype to Reality: The Road to Digitization
This revised textbook presents updated material on its core content: an end-to-end IoT architecture that is comprised of devices, network, compute, storage, platform, applications along with management and security components. As with the second edition, it is organized into six main parts: an IoT reference model; fog computing and the drivers; IoT management and applications; smart services in IoT; IoT standards; and case studies. This edition’s features include overhaul of the IoT Protocols (Chapter 5) to include an expanded treatment of low-power wide area networks including narrow band IoT (NB-IoT) protocol, updated IoT platforms and capabilities (Chapter 7) to include comparison of commercially available platforms (e.g. AWS IoT Platform, Google Cloud IoT Platform, Microsoft Azure IoT Platform, and PTC ThinkWorx), updated security (Chapter 8) to include approaches for securing IoT devices with examples of IoT devices used in security attacks and associated solutions including MUD and DICE, and finally new Appendix B to include six IoT project detailed for students.
Rutgers University Press The "Puerto Rican Problem" in Postwar New York City
The "Puerto-Rican Problem" in Postwar New York City presents the first comprehensive examination of the emergence, evolution, and consequences of the “Puerto Rican problem” campaign and narrative in New York City from 1945 to 1960. This notion originated in an intense public campaign that arose in reaction to the entry of Puerto Rican migrants to the city after 1945. The “problem” narrative influenced their incorporation in New York City and other regions of the United States where they settled. The anti-Puerto Rican campaign led to the formulation of public policies by the governments of Puerto Rico and New York City seeking to ease their incorporation in the city. Notions intrinsic to this narrative later entered American academia (like the “culture of poverty”) and American popular culture (e.g., West Side Story), which reproduced many of the stereotypes associated with Puerto Ricans at that time and shaped the way in which Puerto Ricans were studied and perceived by Americans.
The School of Life Press The School of Life: How to Get Married: the foundations for a lasting relationship
An outline for a new kind of wedding ceremony free from theology, with new rituals designed to prepare us for modern marriage. Many of us are attracted to the idea of marriage and yet feel a bit uncomfortable with some of the rituals that are traditionally associated with the big day. Perhaps the old ceremonies place too much emphasis on religion or else seem out of step with some of the complex realities of contemporary relationships. In response to this dilemma, The School of Life has rethought what the ideal wedding day would consist of and redesigned the process for modern couples. The book proposes new ways of getting prepared for a wedding at a psychological level, suggesting how couples should ready themselves for the often tricky journey ahead. It presents an entirely practical and thoughtfully redesigned wedding ceremony, from picking out a suitable venue to suggested vows and readings. Finally, it offers some ideas for how to approach the start of married life.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Death and Bereavement: Psychological, Religious and Cultural Interfaces
This is a comprehensive account of the psychology of death and bereavement, which places the subject within the contexts of the major world religions and their associated mourning and funeral customs. Clearly written, well referenced and carefully organized, the book examines the thinking of Freud and Jung and of modern psychiatrists, and also discusses those aspects of death - bereavement visions, euthanasia, grief for a pet and suicide - which are not covered elsewhere.The second edition has enabled the contents to be updated and enlarged. There are five new chapters, including one dealing with the scientific assessment of death: another looks at the psychological insights provided by Shakespeare, whilst a third deals with the beliefs and customs of minority groups - the Bahais, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Quakers, Spiritualists and Seventh-day Adventists. The text is highly accessible and uses case histories to bridge the gap between theory and experience in an novel and creative way.
National Gallery Company Ltd 2021 National Gallery Artist in Residence: Ali Cherri
The National Gallery’s second Artist in Residence is Ali Cherri (b. 1976), a Lebanon-born artist based in Beirut and Paris. Known for his sculptures, films and installations, Cherri is interested in the aesthetics, practices and politics associated with the museum classification and collecting of objects, animals, images, and their narratives. Cherri was recently awarded the Silver Lion at the 2022 Venice Biennale. The first survey of Cherri’s work in English, this book will give an overview of the artist’s archaeological approach to the heritage of objects by investigating their relationships to history, society and nature. It will introduce Cherri to a broad audience and document his journey from the beginning of his residency to the production and display of the final work at the National Gallery in the autumn of 2021, followed by the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum in spring 2022.Published by National Gallery Company/Distributed by Yale University Press
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Pervasive Developmental Disorder: An Altered Perspective
Pervasive Developmental Disorder, or PDD, is the umbrella term used to cover the whole family of autistic spectrum disorders - including autism and Asperger Syndrome. Within this group there is a subgroup called NOS - not otherwise specified - which covers the conditions which do not quite meet the diagnostic criteria for autism or Asperger Syndrome. Because PDD covers such a wide spectrum, it presents very differently from child to child.Written principally for parents, this is a book which explains what it means for your child to be diagnosed with PDD, NOS, autism or Asperger Syndrome, and where you go from there. The authors describe the symptoms of PDD, what a diagnosis means, how a child fits into the diagnostic terminology and the diagnostic procedures involved. They also review associated disorders such as OCD, and discuss the different treatments and therapies available.The book includes frequently-asked questions, as well as the experiences of other parents. It is accessible, informative and supportive, a practical introduction to PDD.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Sleep Well on the Autism Spectrum: How to recognise common sleep difficulties, choose the right treatment, and get you or your child sleeping soundly
Why are sleep disorders more common in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), and how can parents recognise the signs and symptoms? Which treatments are most effective, how easy are they to implement and how successful can they be? Full of helpful information and practical advice, this comprehensive guide introduces the most common sleep issues in children with ASDs, describing both mainstream and complementary options for treatment, what is involved and the outcomes that can be expected. The author describes common underlying conditions that might lead to sleep difficulties, including genetic conditions, diet and physical factors, explaining how parents can identify these. Various issues that can affect sleep are explored, including night terrors, teeth grinding, bedwetting and sleepwalking, and practical solutions are given. This is essential reading for parents of children and teenagers on the autism spectrum who have difficulties associated with sleeping, and will also be of great help to all individuals with ASDs who experience sleep problems.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Guide to Youth Mentoring: Providing Effective Social Support
Youth mentoring can be an effective way of supporting troubled youth, helping them sustain positive mental health, cope with stress, and lead successful lives through adolescence and into adulthood. This book is a comprehensive guide to youth mentoring programmes, illustrating how, if managed well, they can increase the social support available to young people. It outlines the objectives and benefits of mentoring, how it works, and how to mentor successfully. Youth mentoring in community and school settings is covered, as well as mentoring for vulnerable youth. The book illustrates different mentoring models and provides practical strategies for assessing, setting up, and monitoring the mentoring relationship and its outcomes for the young person. The challenges and difficulties associated with mentoring programmes and strategies to overcome them are also addressed. This will be an essential guide for anyone working with young people, including youth workers, social workers, residential care staff, foster carers, community development workers, teachers and community police.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Trends in Financing Civil Litigation in Europe: A Legal, Empirical, and Economic Analysis
This unique and timely book analyses the problem of financing civil litigation. The expert contributors discuss the legal possibilities and difficulties associated with several instruments ?- including cost shifting, fee arrangements, legal expense insurance and group litigation. The authors assess the impact of these instruments from a law and economics perspective and provide empirical information on the way in which they work in practice. A transatlantic perspective on financing civil litigation is also provided. New Trends in Financing Civil Litigation in Europe reveals that as well as improving access to justice, several instruments have the potential to screen cases based on their quality. The book also shows how the choice of instrument can affect the behaviour of actors throughout the litigation process.This insightful book will appeal to academics and postgraduates in the fields of private law and law and economics. Law firms and insurance companies offering legal expense insurance will also find this book a valuable read.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Growth, Transition and Globalization in China
This book addresses a number of important topics and issues associated with China's economic transition, growth and global integration. The chapters, by a distinguished group of scholars, provide a timely assessment of recent developments in the Chinese economy. The authors employ contemporary economic theory and the latest statistics to analyze the sources and spillover effects of China's growth, to investigate the relationship between growth and business cycle, and to shed light on China's growth prospects in the coming decade. In the context of growth, transition and globalization, the chapters also cover issues such as labour economics, urban efficiency, banking and macroeconomic management.Economic Growth, Transition and Globalization in China is a highly focused and unique work of direct policy relevance and is aimed at an international audience. It is an invaluable combination of rigorous theoretical work and empirical material.This timely book should be an important reference for researchers and students of Asian studies, and the Chinese economy, in particular. It will also appeal to business analysts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Policing and the Legacy of Lawrence
February 2009 marked the 10th Anniversary of the publication of the Inquiry into the events surrounding the investigation of the murder of Stephen Lawrence. This book marks this anniversary and examines various dimensions of the impact of Lawrence on policing policy and practice. It identifies a series of dimensions and processes associated with British policing in terms of the role that the Lawrence agenda has had on forming and/or shaping policy and practice in that particular area, and in doing so assesses the extent to which the original recommendations and issues raised within the Lawrence Inquiry have been reflected in policy, practice and, importantly policing outcomes in service delivery. The book integrates practitioner and academic reflection on the impact of Lawrence and includes contributions from some of the key policing figures who were involved in post-Lawrence implementation and development programmes. As such the book will be of interest to both an academic police studies/criminology audience and police-practitioner audiences.