Search results for ""facet publishing""
Facet Publishing Partners for Preservation: Advancing digital preservation through cross-community collaboration
Who could be partners to archivists working in digital preservation? This book features chapters from international contributors from diverse backgrounds and professions discussing their challenges with and victories over digital problems that share common issues with those facing digital preservationists. The only certainty about technology is that it will change. The speed of that change, and the ever increasing diversity of digital formats, tools, and platforms, will present stark challenges to the long-term preservation of digital records. Archivists are frequently challenged by the technical expertise, subject matter knowledge, time, and resource requirements needed to solve the broad set of challenges sure to be faced by the archival profession. Partners for Preservation advocates the need for archivists to recruit partners and learn lessons from across diverse professions to work more effectively within the digital landscape. Includes discussion of: the internet of things digital architecture research data and collaboration open source programming privacy, memory and transparency inheritance of digital media. This book will be useful reading for professional archivists and others responsible for digital preservation, students of archival studies and digital preservation.
Facet Publishing Do Archives Have Value?
This book will explore ways of establishing value and measuring in the archives and specials collections. There is a vast literature about ways of measuring value for cultural heritage assets as a whole, particularly museums and visitor attractions, but archives and special collections in libraries have largely been overlooked. They have been very poor at garnering statistical data and devising ways of measuring the impact of what they do, unlike museums and visitor attractions with their much heavier footfall. Do Archives Have Value? discusses the various valuation methods available, including contingent valuation, willingness to pay and value chain, and assesses their suitability for use by archives and special collections. The book also assesses the impact of the transition to the digital in archival holdings, which will transform their character and will almost certainly cost more. The discussion will be set in the context of changing societal expectations of the archive in the wake of numerous scandals where records to address grievances must be kept irrespective of cost. Value is explored in a range of different cultural and organizational contexts with case studies from a range of countries, including Australia, China, Japan, Malawi, Kenya, Russia and Thailand. There are contributions from Nancy Bell, Head of Conservation at The National Archives, Louise Craven, one of the leading UK archival scholars, Paul Lihoma, National Archivist of Malawi, Helen Morgan from the University of Melbourne, Pak Te Lee of the University of Hong Kong and Richard Wato from the National Archives of Kenya.
Facet Publishing Catalogue 2.0: The Future of the Library Catalogue
Will there be a library catalogue in the future and, if so, what will it look like? In the last 25 years, the library catalogue has undergone an evolution, from card catalogues to OPACs, discovery systems and even linked data applications making library bibliographic data accessible on the web. At the same time, users expectations of what catalogues will be able to offer in the way of discovery have never been higher. This groundbreaking edited collection brings together some of the foremost international cataloguing practitioners and thought leaders, including Lorcan Dempsey, Emmanuelle Bermès, Marshall Breeding and Karen Calhoun, to provide an overview of the current state of the art of the library catalogue and look ahead to see what the library catalogue might become. Practical projects and cutting edge concepts are showcased in discussions of: linked data and the Semantic Web user expectations and needs bibliographic control the FRBRization of the catalogue innovations in search and retrieval next-generation discovery products and mobile catalogues. Readership: Cataloguers and metadata specialists, library adminstrators and managers responsible for planning and strategy, systems librarians, user services managers, electronic resources librarians, and digital library project managers, students on cataloguing, information management and digital library courses.
Facet Publishing Mastering Digital Librarianship: Strategy, Networking and Discovery in Academic Libraries
This book examines the changing roles of the librarian and how working within a rich digital environment has impacted on the ability of professionals to develop the appropriate 'know how', skills, knowledge and behaviours required in order to operate effectively. Expert specialists and opinion-makers from around the world discuss the challenges and successes of adapting existing practices, introducing new services and working with new partners in an environment that no longer recognizes traditional boundaries and demarcation of roles. The book is structured thematically, with a focus on three key strands where the impact of digital technologies is significant: Rethinking marketing and communication – this strand looks at strategic approaches and practices which harness social media and illustrate the importance of communication and marketing activities in these new online spaces. Rethinking support for academic practice – this part examines the professional expertise required of librarians who engage with and support new academic and learner practices in digitally rich teaching, learning and research environments. Rethinking resource delivery – this section investigates the use of strategies to maximize access to online resources and services: harnessing system data to enhance collection management and user choice, designing and managing mobile 'friendly' learning spaces and providing virtual resources and services to an overseas campus. Readership: This timely and inspiring edited collection should make vital reading for librarians, library schools, departments of information science and other professional groups such as education developers, learning technologists and IT specialists.
Facet Publishing Delivering Research Data Management Services: Fundamentals of Good Practice
Step-by-step guidance to setting up and running effective institutional research data management services to support researchers and networks. The research landscape is changing, with key global research funders now requiring institutions to demonstrate how they will preserve and share research data. However, the practice of structured research data management is very new, and the construction of services remains experimental and in need of models and standards of approach. This groundbreaking guide will lead researchers, institutions and policy makers through the processes needed to set up and run effective institutional research data management services. This ‘how to’ guide provides a step-by-step explanation of the components for an institutional service. Case studies from the newly emerging service infrastructures in the UK, USA and Australia draw out the lessons learnt. Different approaches are highlighted and compared; for example, a researcher-focused strategy from Australia is contrasted with a national, top-down approach, and a national research data management service is discussed as an alternative to institutional services. Key topics covered: Research data provision Options and approaches to research data management service provision A spectrum of roles, responsibilities and competences A pathway to sustainable research data services: from scoping to sustainability The range and components of RDM infrastructure and services. Case studies: Johns Hopkins University University of Southampton Monash University The UK Data Service Jisc Managing Research Data programmes. Readership: This book will be an invaluable guide to those entering a new and untried enterprise. It will be particularly relevant to heads of libraries, information technology managers, research support office staff and research directors planning for these types of services. It will also be of interest to researchers, funders and policy makers as a reference tool for understanding how shifts in policy will have a range of ramifications within institutions. Library and information science students will find it an informative window on an emerging area of practice.
Facet Publishing Introduction to Information Behaviour
This landmark textbook is an essential primer for students and practitioners interested in information seeking, needs and behaviour, user studies and information literacy. Introduction to Information Behaviour uses a combination of theory and practical context to map out what information behaviour is and what we currently know about it, before addressing how it can be better understood in the future. Nigel Ford argues that new understandings of information behaviour research may help maximise the quality and effectiveness of the way information is presented, sought, discovered, evaluated and used. The book introduces the key concepts, issues and themes of information behaviour, illustrates them using key research studies, and provides a clear path through the complex maze of theories and models. The book is structured to move from the basics to the more complex and employs the pedagogical device of “THINK” boxes which invite the reader to think about concepts as they are introduced in order to consolidate their understanding before moving on. Case studies are included throughout the text and each chapter concludes with a round-up of what has been covered, highlighting the implications for professional information practice. The key topics covered include: Defining information behaviour and why is it useful to know about it Information needs Information seeking and acquisition Collaborative information behaviour Factors affecting information behaviour Models and theories of information behaviour Research approaches and methodologies Designing information systems The future trajectory of information behaviour research and practice. Readership: This book will be core reading for students around the world, particularly those on library and information science courses. It will also be of interest to practitioners and professional information users, providers and developers.
Facet Publishing Exploring Research Data Management
Research Data Management (RDM) has become a hot professional topic internationally because of changes in scholarship and governmental policies about the sharing of research data. This book provides an introduction to RDM for librarians and other support professionals.Starting by exploring the nature of research and the importance of data in the research process, the book reviews how RDM has developed over time, what typical research data services are, and how they relate to other research support services. It considers how a multi-professional support service can be created then examines the decisions that need to be made in designing different types of research data service from local policy creation, training, through to creating a data repository.Exploring Research Data Management is an accessible introduction to RDM with engaging tasks for the reader to follow and build their knowledge. It will be useful reading for all students studying librarianship and information management, and librarians who are interested in learning more about RDM and developing Research Data Services in their own institution.
Facet Publishing The Complete Guide to Personal Digital Archiving
Everyone needs assistance and guidance on managing their personal digital information and library and information professionals are in a unique position to help. This book will help them pass on critical skills and simple principles for how to store, share, and preserve digital objects. Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) is the collection, management, and preservation of personal materials created in digital media. These materials can include digital photographs and videos, documents, e-mail, websites, and social media content. For information professionals, PDA encourages collaboration with users, with the goals of supporting digital information fluency and assisting individuals in their efforts to preserve their personal and family digital records. Featuring expert contributors working in a variety of contexts, this practical resource will help librarians empower their users to take charge of their personal digital materials. Coverage includes: explanations of common terms in plain language quick, non-technical solutions to the most frequent user requests guidance on how to archive social media posts, digital photographs and web content an exploration of data, privacy and ethical concerns that must be considered when archiving and curating personal data ways to help plan digital estates as heirlooms and memory objects perspective on balancing core library values with the business goals of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and other dominant platforms additional resources and bibliographies for digging deeper. This book will be useful reading for library and information professionals working in all sectors, archivists and LIS students.
Facet Publishing Expert Internet Searching
In an environment where increasing amounts of information (and fake news) flood the internet on websites and social media, the information professional’s job is getting harder. It is important that they are skilled at finding and using the appropriate information and assisting users in working out what information they need and the best way of getting it. Expert Internet Searching provides library and information professionals with in-depth practical information on how to search the internet quickly and effectively to help their users and make their lives easier.Now fully revised for its fifth edition, this book covers the basics of search before going into detail on how to run advanced and complex searches using a variety of different search engines. This edition has been updated to include current trends in search, such as social media search, fake news, and discussion of the authority and validity of search results. It will ensure that information professionals, whether complete beginners or more experienced, are able to work efficiently to obtain accurate information in a timely fashion.
Facet Publishing Delivering Impact with Digital Resources: Planning your strategy in the attention economy
Companion website featuring additional content, BVI model implementations, adaptions and templates and much more. This book provides practical guidance for delivering and sustaining value and impact from digital content.Our digital presence has the power to change lives and life opportunities. We must understand digital values to consider how organizational presence within digital cultures can create change. Impact assessment is the tool to foster understanding of how strategic decisions about digital resources may be fostering change within our communities. Delivering Impact with Digital Resources focuses on introducing both a mechanism and a way to thinking about strategies and evidence of benefits that extend to impact. Such that, the existence of a digital resource shows measurable outcomes that demonstrate a change in the life or life opportunities of the community. The book proposes an updated Balanced Value Impact Model (BVIM) to enable each memory organization to convincingly argue they are an efficient and effective operation, working in innovative modes with digital resources for the positive social and economic benefit of their communities.Coverage includes: a guide to using the Balanced Value Impact Model and a wide range of data gathering and evidence based methods exploration of strategy in the context of digital ecosystems, an attention economy and cultural economics working with communities and stakeholders to deliver on promises implicit in digital resources/activities major case studies about Europeana, the Wellcome Trust and the National Gallery of Denmark, amongst others an exploration of the difference between the attitudes expressed by groups within digital cultures versus the actual behaviours they exhibit using impact exemplars from many sectors and geographies to show how they are explored and applied. Readership: This book will be especially useful for those managing digital presences in libraries, archives, galleries and museums including MA and PhD students studying subjects such as librarianship, information science, museums studies, archival studies, publishing, cultural studies and media studies.Companion website featuring additional content, BVI model implementations, adaptions and templates and much more.
Facet Publishing Information Rights for Records Managers
Records Managers have tended to find themselves given the responsibility for managing requests under the Freedom of Information (FOI) and Data Protection Acts (DPA), without necessarily having training and/or an academic background in legal studies. This book aims to fill this knowledge gap by offering a fully up to date, accessible, comprehensive guide to information rights specifically for those without a legal background. Information Rights for Records Managers aims to be as comprehensive as possible, including coverage of the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), so that the guidance practitioners can provide is as fully informed as possible. Content covered includes: Responding to FOI requests, including exemptions, internal reviews and benchmarking Coverage of DPA and GDPR regulations, where the differences lie and what the implications are for professionals operating under the acts Personal data requests and enquiries under GDPR Working with the European Information Regulations (EIR) and where the differences lie with FOI Discussion of the two strands of records management and information rights work and how the two interact in daily work Practical case studies from a range of organisations and institutions to demonstrate practice. The book will be useful reading for all professionals in the public and private sectors who have responsibility for information rights, particularly around FOI and DPA. Its introductory nature will also mean that it will be very useful students and new professionals seeking to increase their knowledge.
Facet Publishing Putting Library Assessment Data to Work
Effective library assessment is crucial for a successful academic library. But what do we mean by library assessment and how can it be used to improve the library service? This new book provides a practical guide for library administrators, managers and practitioners on how to make effective use of existing sources of information for assessment activities with the aim of improving academic library services.Putting Library Assessment Data to Work brings together key library assessment methodologies detailing how they can be used to improve an academic Library. The book takes common sources of data that academic libraries will already be collecting, and presents simple qualitative and quantitative techniques that can be used to evaluate and assess their services, both in detail and overall. The different assessment methods are presented from a practical perspective with a theoretical grounding, and include practical case studies to illustrate how the methodologies have successfully been applied. The book includes coverage of: The theoretical framework for assessment, its purpose and the tools and techniques used Institutional, national and international student surveys and how they can be used to improve library service The history and development of standardised library surveys (eg LibQUAL+®), how they have been used and their impact The benefits of In house library surveys and case studies of where they gave been used Library statistics, including standardised statistics sets and key performance indicators Qualitative feedback in the library Emerging techniques including UX Taking a holistic approach to library assessment through advocacy and strategic planning This book will be essential reading for library and information service managers, administrators, assessment practitioners, educators and policy shapers. It will also be useful for students and researchers interested in library assessment.
Facet Publishing The Handbook of Art and Design Librarianship
The Handbook of Art and Design Librarianship integrates theory and practice to offer guidelines for information professionals working in art and design environments who need to support and anticipate the information needs of artists, designers, architects and the historians who study those disciplines. Since the first edition of this title, the world of art and design libraries has been transformed by rapid advances in technology, an explosion in social media and the release of new standards and guidelines. This new edition, offering mostly entirely new chapters, provides an accessible, fully updated, guide to the world of academic art and design libraries from a range of international experts who reflect current practice at a global level. Coverage includes: case studies and library profiles, providing benchmarks for developing facilities teaching and learning, including the ACRL Framework, teaching with special collections, meta-literacies, instructional design and cultural differences developments in institutional repositories, digital humanities and makerspaces contemporary library design, spaces for collaboration and sustainability. This book will be useful reading for students taking library and information science courses in art librarianship, special collections, and archives, as well as practising library and information professionals in art and design school libraries, art museum libraries and public libraries.
Facet Publishing Successful Enquiry Answering Every Time: Thinking your way from problem to solution
Successful Enquiry Answering Every Time is designed to guide information professionals through all the stages of research, from finding out what the enquirer really wants, to providing a polished, value-added answer. When people want to satisfy their immediate curiosity they’re much more likely to use a search engine on their mobile device than ask their local library. But while the days of personal intervention in this kind of enquiry are inevitably numbered, the professional skills that underpin them are not. This book uses technology as the enabler of the thought processes that information professionals need to engage in when answering enquiries, and makes the case that new technology, far from making them irrelevant, raises the skill stakes for all. Now in its 7th edition, this book is fully updated to cover new skills, such as: employing critical thinking to manipulate, categorise and prioritise raw search results using strategic reading and abstracting techniques to identify and summarise the essential information the enquirer needs from the retrieved documents drawing on established story-telling practice to present research results effectively – whether orally or in writing working to the POWER model: plan, organise, write, edit, review. This book is ideal for anyone who has to answer enquiries from users in any information role; those working in contact centres who are dealing with information enquiries, processing transactions or trouble-shooting technical issues; and information professionals working on enquiry desks in large or small academic, public, school or special libraries.
Facet Publishing Successful Enquiry Answering Every Time: Thinking your way from problem to solution
Successful Enquiry Answering Every Time is designed to guide information professionals through all the stages of research, from finding out what the enquirer really wants, to providing a polished, value-added answer. When people want to satisfy their immediate curiosity they’re much more likely to use a search engine on their mobile device than ask their local library. But while the days of personal intervention in this kind of enquiry are inevitably numbered, the professional skills that underpin them are not. This book uses technology as the enabler of the thought processes that information professionals need to engage in when answering enquiries, and makes the case that new technology, far from making them irrelevant, raises the skill stakes for all. Now in its 7th edition, this book is fully updated to cover new skills, such as: employing critical thinking to manipulate, categorise and prioritise raw search results using strategic reading and abstracting techniques to identify and summarise the essential information the enquirer needs from the retrieved documents drawing on established story-telling practice to present research results effectively – whether orally or in writing working to the POWER model: plan, organise, write, edit, review. This book is ideal for anyone who has to answer enquiries from users in any information role; those working in contact centres who are dealing with information enquiries, processing transactions or trouble-shooting technical issues; and information professionals working on enquiry desks in large or small academic, public, school or special libraries.
Facet Publishing Developing Digital Scholarship: Emerging practices in academic libraries
This book provides strategic insights drawn from librarians who are meeting the challenge of digital scholarship, utilizing the latest technologies and creating new knowledge in partnership with researchers, scholars, colleagues and students. The impact of digital on libraries has extended far beyond its transformation of content, to the development of services, the extension and enhancement of access to research and to teaching and learning systems. As a result,the fluidity of the digital environment can often be at odds with the more systematic approaches to development traditionally taken by academic libraries, which has also led to a new generation of roles and shifting responsibilities with staff training and development often playing ‘catch-up’. One of the key challenges to emerge is how best to demonstrate expertise in digital scholarship which draws on the specialist technical knowledge of the profession and maintains and grows its relevance for staff, students and researchers. This edited collection spans a wide range of contrasting perspectives, contexts, insights and case studies, which explore the relationships between digital scholarship, contemporary academic libraries and professional practice. The book demonstrates that there are opportunities to be bold, remodel, trial new approaches and reposition the library as a key partner in the process of digital scholarship. Content covered includes: the impact of digital scholarship on organizational strategies an insight into new services and roles, partnerships and collaborations case studies exploring new technologies to support research and development new approaches to service delivery re-visioning of space, physical and virtual. This is an essential guide for librarians and information professionals involved in digital scholarship and communication, who wish to extend their awareness of emerging practices, as well as library administrators and students studying library and information science.
Facet Publishing Archival Futures
This book draws on the contributions of a range of international experts to consider the current archival landscape and imagine the archive of the future. Firmly rooted in current professional debate and scholarship, Archival Futures offers thought provoking and accessible chapters that aim to challenge and inspire archivists globally and to encourage debate about their futures. It is widely acknowledged that the archive profession/discipline is facing a time of change. The digital world has presented changes in how records are created, used, stored and communicated. At the same time, there is increased public debate over issues such as ownership of and access to information and its authenticity and reliability in a networked and interconnected world. On a practical level archivists are being asked to do more, to have a greater range of skills, often with increasingly restricted resources while competing with others to maintain their role as experts in ever changing environments. Exploring the potential impact of these changes is timely. Such reflections will provide the opportunity to consider the archivists’ purpose and role, discuss the practical impact of change on skills and functions and to articulate what can be contributed to a mid 21 century world. The contributors, Kate Theimer, Luciana Duranti, Victoria Lemieux, Geoffrey Yeo, Jenny Bunn, Sonia Ranade, Barbara Reed, Gillian Oliver, Frank Upward, Joanne Evans, Michael Moss, David Thomas and Craig Gauld cover: the role of archives in relation to individuals, organisations, communities and society how appraisal, arrangement, description and access might be affected in the future the impact of changing societal expectations in terms of access to information, how information is exchanged, and how things are recorded and remembered the place of traditional archives and what ‘the archive’ is or might become competition or opportunity offered by other information, cultural or IT related professions and the future role of the archive profession truth and post-truth: archives as authentic and reliable evidence This book will appeal to an international audience of students, academics and practitioners in archival science, records management, and library and information science.
Facet Publishing Practical Tips for Developing Your Staff
This book offers innovative tips and tried-and-tested best practice to enable library and knowledge workers to take control of professional development regardless of the budget and time available to them. Continuing professional development (CPD) is a key component of a successful and satisfying career. Part of the Practical Tips for Library and Information Professionals series, this book offer a wide range of ideas and methods for all library and information professionals to manage the development of those who work for and with them. You will find flexible tips and implementation advice on topics including: enabling others to plan, reflect on and evaluate their personal development appraisals and goal setting: linking personal objectives to organizational objectives performance management sourcing funding to attend and run events planning formal development activities such as courses and conferences accessing informal activities using social media as a development tool role of professional bodies and networks mentoring, buddying and coaching networking. Readership: All library and information professionals who have responsibility for managing, mentoring and training staff and individuals wishing to manage their own CPD.
Facet Publishing Information Literacy in the Workplace
This book explains how information literacy (IL) is essential to the contemporary workplace and is fundamental to competent, ethical and evidence-based practice. In today’s information-driven workplace, information professionals must know when research evidence or relevant legal, business, personal or other information is required, how to find it, how to critique it and how to integrate it into their knowledge base. To fail to do so may result in defective and unethical practice which could have devastating consequences for clients or employers. There is an ethical requirement for information professionals to meet best practice standards to achieve the best outcome possible for the client. This demands highly focused and complex information searching, assessment and critiquing skills. Using a range of new perspectives, Information Literacy in the Workplace demonstrates several aspects of IL’s presence and role in the contemporary workplace, including IL’s role in assuring competent practice, its value to employers as a return on investment, and its function as an ethical safeguard in the duty and responsibilities professionals have to clients, students and employers. Chapters are contributed by a range of international experts, including Christine Bruce, Bonnie Cheuk and Annemaree Lloyd, with a foreword from Jane Secker. Content covered includes: examination of the value and impact of IL in the workplace how IL is experienced remotely, beyond workplace boundaries IL’s role in professional development organizational learning and knowledge creation developing information professional competencies how to unlock and create value using IL in the workplace. This book will be useful for librarians and LIS students in understanding how information literacy is experienced by the professions they support and academics teaching professional courses. It will also be of interest to professionals (e.g. medical, social care, legal and business based) and their employers in showing that IL is essential to best practice and key to ethical practice.
Facet Publishing Copyright and E-learning: A guide for practitioners
Jane Secker and Chris Morrison have completely revised and updated this highly successful text to take into account recent developments in the field and changes to the law in the UK and elsewhere in the world. Through its practically based overview of current and emerging copyright issues facing those working in e-learning, this book will help equip professionals with the tools, skills and understanding they need to work confidently and effectively in the virtual learning environment with the knowledge that they are doing so legally. New and developing services, software and other technologies are being adapted for online learning environments to engage students and academic staff. These technologies present increasing challenges to IPR and legal issues and this book will help librarians and educators to meet them. Key topics addressed include: digitizing published content for delivery in the VLE using digital media in e-learning copyright issues and ‘born’ digital resources the copyright issues associated with using social media copyright training for staff who owns the rights in works that are the product of collaboration? what do you do if you can’t find the rights holders? This book is essential reading for anyone working in education including learning support staff and teachers using e-learning, learning technologists, librarians, educational developers, instructional designers, IT staff and trainers. It is also relevant for anyone working in the education sector from school level to higher education, and those developing learning resources in commercial organizations and the public sector including libraries, museums and archives, and government departments.
Facet Publishing Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, discovery and retrieval
This book explores the analysis and interpretation, discovery and retrieval of a variety of non-textual objects, including image, music and moving image. Bringing together chapters written by leading experts in the field, this book provides an overview of the theoretical and academic aspects of digital cultural documentation and considers both technical and strategic issues relating to cultural heritage projects, digital asset management and sustainability. Managing Digital Cultural Objects: Analysis, discovery and retrieval draws from disciplines including information retrieval, library and information science (LIS), digital preservation, digital humanities, cultural theory, digital media studies and art history. It's argued that this multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach is both necessary and useful in the age of the ubiquitous and mobile Web. Key topics covered include: Managing, searching and finding digital cultural objects Data modelling for analysis, discovery and retrieval Social media data as a historical source Visual digital humanities Digital preservation of audio content Searching and creating affinities in web music collections Film retrieval on the web. Readership: The book will provide inspiration for students seeking to develop creative and innovative research projects at Masters and PhD levels and will be essential reading for those studying digital cultural object management as well as practitioners in the field.
Facet Publishing Altmetrics: A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics
This book gives an overview of altmetrics, its tools and how to implement them successfully to boost and measure research outputs. New methods of scholarly communication and dissemination of information are having a huge impact on how academics and researchers build profiles and share research. This groundbreaking and highly practical guide looks at the role that library and information professionals can play in facilitating these new ways of working and demonstrating impact and influence. Altmetrics focuses on research artefact level metrics that are not exclusive to traditional journal papers but also extend to book chapters, posters and data sets, among other items. This book explains the theory behind altmetrics, including how it came about, why it can help academics and where it sits amongst current measurements of impact. Editor Andy Tattersall draws on the expertise of leading altmetric innovators and practitioners, with chapters from Euan Adie, the founder of; William Gunn, the Head of Academic Outreach at Mendeley and Ben Showers, author of the bestselling Facet title Library Analytics and Metrics. Altmetrics: A Practical Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Academics will empower library and information professionals working in higher education, researchers, academics and higher education leaders and strategists to develop the skills and knowledge needed to introduce and support altmetrics within their own institutions.
Facet Publishing Data Librarian’s Handbook
The importance of data has never been greater. There has been a growing concern with the skills required to exploit the data surfeit; the ability to collect, compute and crunch data, for economic, social and scientific purposes. This book, written by two working data librarians based at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh aims to help fill this skills gap by providing a nuts and bolts guide to research data support.'The Data Librarian's Handbook' draws on a combination of over 30 years experience providing data support services to create the must-read book for all entrants to this field. This book zooms in to the actual library service level, where the interaction between the researcher and the librarian takes place. Both engaging and practical, this book draws the reader in through story-telling and suggested activities, linking concepts from one chapter to another.This book is for the practising data librarian, possibly new in their post with little experience of providing data support. It is also for managers and policy-makers, public service librarians, research data management coordinators and data support staff. It will also appeal to students and lecturers in iSchools and other library and information degree programmes where academic research support is taught. The importance of data has never been greater. There has been a growing concern with the ‘skills gap’ required to exploit the data surfeit; the ability to collect, compute and crunch data, for economic, social and scientific purposes. This book, written by two working data librarians based at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh aims to help fill this skills gap by providing a nuts and bolts guide to research data support. The Data Librarian’s Handbook draws on a combination of over 30 years’ experience providing data support services to create the ‘must-read’ book for all entrants to this field. This book ‘zooms in’ to the actual library service level, where the interaction between the researcher and the librarian takes place. Both engaging and practical, this book draws the reader in through story-telling and suggested activities, linking concepts from one chapter to another. This book is for the practising data librarian, possibly new in their post with little experience of providing data support. It is also for managers and policy-makers, public service librarians, research data management “coordinators” and data support staff. It will also appeal to students and lecturers in iSchools and other library and information degree programmes where academic research support is taught.
Facet Publishing Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice
This book builds a research-grounded, theoretical foundation for evidence based library and information practice and illustrates how librarians can incorporate the principles to make more informed decisions in the workplace. The book takes an open and encompassing approach to exploring evidence based library and information practice (EBLIP) and the ways it can improve the practice of librarianship. Bringing together recent theory, research, and case studies, the book provides librarians with a new reference point for how they can use and create evidence within their practice, in order to better meet the needs of their communities. Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice is divided into two parts; in the first part the editors explore the background to EBLIP and put forward a new model for its application in the workplace which encompasses 5 elements: Articulate, Assemble, Assess, Agree, Adapt. In the second part, contributors from academic, public, health, school and special libraries from around the world provide an overview of EBLIP developments in their sector and offer examples of successful implementation. Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice will be essential reading for library and information professionals from all sectors who want to make more informed decisions and better meet the needs of their users. The book will also be of interest to students of library and information studies and researchers.
Facet Publishing Managing Metadata in Web-scale Discovery Systems
This book shows you how to harness the power of linked data and web-scale discovery systems to manage and link widely varied content across your library collection. Libraries are increasingly using web-scale discovery systems to help clients find a wide assortment of library materials, including books, journal articles, special collections, archival collections, videos, music and open access collections. Depending on the library material catalogued, the discovery system might need to negotiate different metadata standards, such as AACR, RDA, RAD, FOAF, VRA Core, METS, MODS, RDF and more. In Managing Metadata in Web-Scale Discovery Systems, editor Louise Spiteri and a range of international experts show you how to: maximize the effectiveness of web-scale discovery systems provide a smooth and seamless discovery experience to your users help users conduct searches that yield relevant results manage the sheer volume of items to which you can provide access, so your users can actually find what they need maintain shared records that reflect the needs, languages, and identities of culturally and ethnically varied communities manage metadata both within, across, and outside, library discovery tools by converting your library metadata to linked open data that all systems can access manage user generated metadata from external services such as Goodreads and LibraryThing mine user generated metadata to better serve your users in areas such as collection development or readers’ advisory. The book will be essential reading for cataloguers, technical services and systems librarians and library and information science students studying modules on metadata, cataloguing, systems design, data management, and digital libraries. The book will also be of interest to those managing metadata in archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions.
Facet Publishing The Data Librarian’s Handbook
An insider’s guide to data librarianship packed full of practical examples and advice for any library and information professional learning to deal with data. Interest in data has been growing in recent years. Support for this peculiar class of digital information – its use, preservation and curation, and how to support researchers’ production and consumption of it in ever greater volumes to create new knowledge, is needed more than ever. Many librarians and information professionals are finding their working life is pulling them toward data support or research data management but lack the skills required. The Data Librarian’s Handbook, written by two data librarians with over 30 years’ combined experience, unpicks the everyday role of the data librarian and offers practical guidance on how to collect, curate and crunch data for economic, social and scientific purposes. With contemporary case studies from a range of institutions and disciplines, tips for best practice, study aids and links to key resources, this book is a must-read for all new entrants to the field, library and information students and working professionals. Key topics covered include: the evolution of data libraries and data archives handling data compared to other forms of information managing and curating data to ensure effective use and longevity how to incorporate data literacy into mainstream library instruction and information literacy training how to develop an effective institutional research data management (RDM) policy and infrastructure how to support and review a data management plan (DMP) for a project, a key requirement for most research funders approaches for developing, managing and promoting data repositories handling and sharing confidential or sensitive data supporting open scholarship and open science, ensuring data are discoverable, accessible, intelligible and assessable. This title is for the practising data librarian, possibly new in their post with little experience of providing data support. It is also for managers and policy-makers, public service librarians, research data management coordinators and data support staff. It will also appeal to students and lecturers in iSchools and other library and information degree programmes where academic research support is taught.
Facet Publishing Valuing Your Collection: A practical guide for museums, libraries and archives
This book addresses the issue of valuing objects in cultural collections, ranging from high-value to low or no-value and featuring a range of collections including fine art, archives, science and photography. Practical advice is given on how to assign values and best practice examples are drawn from museums, libraries and archives. The subject of valuation has always been challenging for museums and public collections and is becoming more urgent as monetary values of many items continue to break records. There is an increase in lending, with more loans requiring a value for insurance. Cultural collections and exhibitions are expanding to all corners of the world, while, at the same time, lenders are becoming more risk-averse. Valuing Your Collection will address the issues and offer some solutions. Content covered includes: questions of valuing public and private cultural collections assigning values to individual objects or an entire collection legal and ethical considerations discussion of authentication and attribution the insurance business and valuation guides to valuing different types of collections a range of case studies showing valuation across multiple sectors sample templates with criteria for valuing different objects. This book will be useful for curators of cultural collections, professionals in museums, libraries and archives, cultural heritage students, private collectors, those involved with art insurance, art business and anyone requiring practical guidance on valuation.
Facet Publishing Recordkeeping Cultures
Recordkeeping Cultures explores how an understanding of organisational information culture provides the insight necessary for the development and promotion of sound recordkeeping practices. The book is a fully revised and expanded new edition of the authors’ 2014 book Records Management and Information Culture: Tackling the people problem. It details an innovative framework for analysing and assessing information culture, and indicates how to use this knowledge to change behaviour and develop recordkeeping practices that are aligned with the specific characteristics of any workplace. This framework addresses the widely recognised problem of improving organisation-wide compliance with a records management programme by tackling the different aspects that make up the organisation’s information culture. Discussion of topics at each level of the framework includes strategies and guidelines for assessment, followed by suggestions for next steps: appropriate actions and strategies to influence behavioural change. This new edition has been fully revised and update to greatly enhance the practical application of the information culture concept in both formal and informal recordkeeping environments and contains new chapters on: diagnostic features: genres, workarounds and infrastructure workplace collaboration: how to analyse collaborative practices in organisations (including recordkeeping) education: how to teach information culture concepts and methods in archives and records management graduate programmes. Archivists, records managers and information technology specialists will find this an invaluable guide to improving their practice and solving the ‘people problem’ of non-compliance with records management programmes. LIS students taking archives and records management modules will also benefit from the application of theory into practice. Records management and information management educators will find the ideas and approaches discussed in this book useful to add an information culture perspective to their curricula.
Facet Publishing Critical Literacy for Information Professionals
This edited collection explores critical literacy theory and provides practical guidance to how it can be taught and applied in libraries. Critical literacy asks fundamental questions about our understanding of knowledge. Unlike more conventional approaches to literacy and resource evaluation, with critical literacy there is no single ‘correct’ way to read and respond to a text or resource. A commitment to equity and social justice sets critical literacy apart from many other types of literacy and links it to wider societal debates, such as internationalization, community cohesion and responses to disability. The book provides a foundation of critical literacy theory, as applied to libraries; combines theory and practice to explore critical literacy in relation to different user groups, and offers practical ways to introduce critical literacy approaches in libraries. Contributed to by international experts from across library sectors, the book covers topics including: radical information literacy as an approach to critical literacy education critical literacy and mature students physical and digital disability access in libraries teaching critical literacy skills in a multicultural, multilingual school community teaching media literacy developing critical literacy skills in an online environment new media and critical literacy. Critical Literacy for Information Professionals also contains a series of practically-focussed case studies that describe tools or approaches that librarians have used to engage users in critical literacy. Drawing on examples from across library sectors including schools, public libraries, universities, workplaces and healthcare, these illustrate how critical literacy can be applied across a variety of library settings, including online and new media environments. Accessible to those with little knowledge of critical literacy, while also introducing debates and ideas to those with more experience of the field, this book will be essential reading for librarians, information professionals and managers in all sectors, students of library and information science, school and higher education teachers and researchers.
Facet Publishing Practical Tips for Equality Diversity and Inclusion in Libraries
Increasing diversity and inclusion can help libraries to fit their collections and services to those who need them and to bring in skilled staff who may have previously been overlooked, both of which are key to serving their communities. This book, written by a librarian with a decade of experience in diversity and inclusion issues, gives clear examples of steps to take and case studies of current initiatives.Topics covered include: creating a diversity and inclusion policy and ensuring the associated actions are carried out ensuring the library space is accessible and welcoming to all assessing collections to ensure they are diverse and catalogued using modern, inclusive language. Readers will be equipped to assess their own library, talk about challenges with more confidence, and make concrete changes to improve diversity and inclusion.
Facet Publishing Read to Succeed: Strategies to Engage Children and Young People in Reading for Pleasure
Concern about children's reading is an international issue highlighted by continuing OECD research. Government actions such as the priority given to reading in the review of the National Curriculum reflect current UK concern. Reading is an essential life skill not only for an individual's development and life chances but for social cohesion and a developed democracy. In an era of public spending cuts it is important to reflect upon the impact that libraries can have in growing readers for the future. This much-needed book provides valuable evidence of successes so far both nationally and internationally, and offers ideas for future development as well as inspiration for current practice. An edited collection contributed by expert practitioners, it covers all aspects of promoting reading to and with children and young people from birth right through to teenage years, including the following key topics: the importance of Bookstart how children begin to read creating young readers literacy, libraries and literature in New Zealand the Summer Challenge in libraries Stockport does Book Idol restoring reading to the classroom promoting excellence - shadowing the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals local book awards the sport of reading libraries and partnerships the hard to reach reader in the 21st century creative reading. Readership: Offering future scoping for managers and aiming to inspire partnership and cooperation, this will be invaluable reading for practitioners and students of librarianship in both the public and school sectors. It will also be of great interest to all teachers, consultants and educators concerned with literacy and reading, and to policy makers in both the school and library sectors.
Facet Publishing Better by Design: An Introduction to Planning, Designing and Developing Library Buildings
Drawing on the authors’ experience gained from library projects around the world, this book charts a readable path through everything from the planning of a new library, to major refurbishment, or the remodelling of a current library. It clearly explains the library design language and processes needed by professionals overseeing any project, and covers essential aspects including ensuring cost-effectiveness, eco-efficiencies, improved service and community impact meet the organisation’s objectives. Fully revised and updated, this new edition includes coverage of: the need for flexible and adaptable library spaces the environmental impact of building design, construction and use the trend towards multi-use, multi-purpose buildings to serve community, cultural and educational needs a customer-centred approach to service delivery heightened focus on health and wellbeing for all stakeholders the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and customer access needs on the design and layout of a library the rapid growth of digital services. International and cross-sectoral in scope, this book is an essential guide for library professionals or architects involved in library building, remodelling or development. It will also be a valuable reference for students of both library and architectural design.
Facet Publishing Information Literacy and the Digitalization of the Workplace
Digitalization has had an overwhelming impact on the workplace in recent years, making it more associable, editable, interactive, programmable, traceable, communicable and distributable. But this change comes with substantial changes to ways of working. New technologies almost always translate into new work processes, work arrangements, collaborative engagements and thus disrupt the information environment and consolidate equilibra at work. This book aims to bring forward the role of workplace information literacy as a key condition for successful digitalization or digital transformation in today’s workplace. Featuring contributions from leading scholars, it examines the multifaceted role of workplace information literacy in organizational operations and its role in the digitalization process, taking into account the role and perspectives of employer and employee.
Facet Publishing Information Governance and Assurance: Reducing risk, promoting policy
This comprehensive textbook discusses the legal, organizational and ethical aspects of information governance, assurance and security and their relevance to all aspects of information work. Information governance describes the activities and practices which have developed to control the use of information, including, but not limited to, practices mandated by law. In a world in which information is increasingly seen as a top-level asset, the safeguarding and management of information is of concern to everyone. From the researcher who is responsible for ethical practices in the gathering, analysis, and storage of data, to the reference librarian who must deliver unbiased information; from the records manager who must respond to information requests, to the administrator handling personnel files, this book with equip practitioners and students alike to implement good information governance practice in real-world situations. Key topics covered include: Information as an asset The laws and regulations Data quality management Dealing with threats Security, risk management and business continuity Frameworks, policies, ethics and how it all fits together. Readership: Fully supported by examples, discussion points and practical exercises, this is essential reading for everyone who needs to understand, implement and support information assurance policies and information governance structures. It will be particularly valuable for LIS students taking information management and information governance courses, and information professionals with an advisory or gatekeeping role in information governance within an organization.
Facet Publishing Delivering Research Data Management Services: Fundamentals of Good Practice
Step-by-step guidance to setting up and running effective institutional research data management services to support researchers and networks. The research landscape is changing, with key global research funders now requiring institutions to demonstrate how they will preserve and share research data. However, the practice of structured research data management is very new, and the construction of services remains experimental and in need of models and standards of approach. This groundbreaking guide will lead researchers, institutions and policy makers through the processes needed to set up and run effective institutional research data management services. This ‘how to’ guide provides a step-by-step explanation of the components for an institutional service. Case studies from the newly emerging service infrastructures in the UK, USA and Australia draw out the lessons learnt. Different approaches are highlighted and compared; for example, a researcher-focused strategy from Australia is contrasted with a national, top-down approach, and a national research data management service is discussed as an alternative to institutional services. Key topics covered: Research data provision Options and approaches to research data management service provision A spectrum of roles, responsibilities and competences A pathway to sustainable research data services: from scoping to sustainability The range and components of RDM infrastructure and services. Case studies: Johns Hopkins University University of Southampton Monash University The UK Data Service Jisc Managing Research Data programmes. Readership: This book will be an invaluable guide to those entering a new and untried enterprise. It will be particularly relevant to heads of libraries, information technology managers, research support office staff and research directors planning for these types of services. It will also be of interest to researchers, funders and policy makers as a reference tool for understanding how shifts in policy will have a range of ramifications within institutions. Library and information science students will find it an informative window on an emerging area of practice.
Facet Publishing Cultural Heritage Information: Access and management
This book provides an overview of various challenges and contemporary research activities in cultural heritage information focusing particularly on the cultural heritage content types, their characteristic and digitization challenges; cultural heritage content organization and access issues; users and usability as well as various policy and sustainability issues associated with digital cultural heritage information systems and services. Cultural Heritage Information, the first book in the peer-reviewed i-Research series, contains eleven chapters that have been contributed by seventeen leading academics from six countries. The book begins with an introductory chapter that provides a brief overview of the topic of digital cultural heritage information with the subsequent chapters addressing specific issues and research activities in this topic. The ordering of the chapters moves from scene setting on policies and infrastructures, through considerations of interaction, access and objects, through to concrete system implementations. The book concludes by looking forward to issues around sustainability, in the widest sense, that are necessary to think about in order to maximize the availability and longevity of our digital cultural heritage. The key topics covered are: Managing digital cultural heritage information Digital humanities and digital cultural heritage (alt-history and future directions) Management of cultural heritage information: policies and practices Cultural heritage information: artefacts and digitization technologies Metadata in cultural contexts – from manga to digital archives in linked open data environment Managing cultural heritage: information systems architecture Cultural heritage information users and usability A framework for classifying and comparing interactions in cultural heritage information systems Semantic access and exploration in cultural heritage digital libraries Supporting exploration and use of digital cultural heritage materials: the PATHS perspective Cultural heritage information services: sustainability issues. Readership: This will be essential reading for researchers in Information Science specifically in the areas of digital libraries, digital humanities and digital culture. It will also be useful for practitioners and students in these areas who want to know the different research issues and challenges and learn how they have been handled in course of various research projects in these areas.
Facet Publishing Building and Managing E-book Collections: A How-to-do-it Manual for Librarians
Offering multiple perspectives from electronic resource professionals at world-renowned libraries this book provides a comprehensive and well-rounded e-book education. Beginning with a short history of e-books and a review of the e-book publishing industry and its effect on library’s selection and budget process, this new text provides a thorough treatment of collection development issues, including the selection process and development policies, the use of approval plans, patron-driven acquisition, and practical solutions for creating your e-book collection policies. Chapters on budgeting and licensing covers ownership versus leasing models, the differences in licensing options from the major publishers and aggregators including information on digital rights management, and strategies for success in retention, access, and budgeting. This practical and realistic book covers all aspects of this complex area including: e-book purchasing models file formats and publisher/aggregator e-book platforms an examination of display devices (e-readers) best practices in cataloguing e-books to include metadata insight on incorporating value added features such as adding excerpts from the text, book covers, and links to related resources guidance on library web page and online catalogue access assessment and evaluation strategies, circulation statistics, print collection selection and usage, and user satisfaction. You’ll also gain valuable insight into the e-book’s impact on the publishing industry, scholarly communication, and its integration into future technologies and social media. Six practical case studies offer real world scenarios and helpful tips for implementation in a variety of settings. Readership: This book is a ready reference source for any library and information professional with an interest in e-books and their development. It is essential background reading for library managers wishing to develop an e-book collection from scratch or for those responsible for maintaining an existing e-book collection. It will also have plenty to interest publishers, who need to be aware of the issues faced by libraries managing e-book collections, and will be of great value to students of librarianship and information studies, and those on publishing related courses.
Facet Publishing Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval: Understanding metadata and its use
This new and updated second edition of a classic text provides a thought provoking introduction to metadata for all library and information students and professionals. Metadata for Information Management and Retrieval has been fully revised to bring it up to date with new technologies and standards. It builds on the concept of metadata through an exploration of its purposes and uses as well as considering the main aspects of metadata management. This new edition, containing new chapters on ‘Very Large Data Collections’ and the ‘Politics and Ethics of Metadata’, assesses the current theory and practice of metadata and examines key developments in terms of both policy and technology. Coverage includes: defining, describing and expressing metadata data modelling metadata and information retrieval big data, linked data, open data repositories, social media and research data collections metadata in information governance: compliance, risk and information security managing intellectual property rights the politics of metadata: ethics, power and money. This book is essential reading for library and information students at undergraduate and postgraduate level and will also be useful reading for LIS professionals looking for an accessible introduction to metadata.
Facet Publishing Using Mobile Technology to Deliver Library Services: A handbook
This is an essential practical guide for all information professionals who want to get to grips with or improve their use of mobile services. Packed with easy to implement ideas, practical examples and international case studies, this provides you with the ultimate toolkit, exploring ideas as simple as renewals and reminders to the more complex such as access to e-books and virtual worlds. Jargon-free coverage of the background and context to mobile delivery will enable you to fully understand the challenges and embrace the opportunities, getting to grips with critical issues such as what sort of services users really want. Key topics covered include: context including market penetration, range and functionality of devices texting apps vs. mobile websites mobile information literacy vs. other information literacies mobiles in teaching linking the physical and virtual worlds via mobile devices E-books for mobiles the future of mobile delivery. Readership: This is an essential practical guide for all information professionals who want to get to grips with or improve their use of mobile services. It would also be invaluable for museum staff facing the same challenges. Library and information students and academics will find it a useful introduction to the topic.
Facet Publishing Using Web 2.0 for Health Information
Working together is a particular strength of information professionals in all sectors. In the area of health information in particular, the potential for using the internet for collaborative working is immense. Since it was first formally described in 2004, what is currently known as Web 2.0 has affected every library and information sector. Web 2.0 has tremendous potential to transform health information delivery still further. Although there have been any individual articles examining Web 2.0 applications and methods of working, and there are many individual examples of best practice, substantive works that synthesise this experience in one volume are rare. This new book is designed to meet this need, by drawing together international case studies and reflections on using Web 2.0. The book blends practical insights, theory and reflective approaches to offer a cohesive overview of how Web 2.0 is already changing health and medical information work. Main strands include: enhancing medical, nursing and health education information literacy in a health information environment supporting research supporting clinical care developing a service presence using Web 2.0 using social networking to develop an outreach service. Readership: Although the focus of the book is health information, it would be relevant to anyone who would like to gain an insight into this innovative and cost-effective method of delivering and sharing information. It is equally relevant for those new to Web 2.0, or those with more experience wishing to gain further insight into its application.
Facet Publishing Library Videos and Webcasts
Online video and imaging software gives you the opportunity to communicate with your library users 24/7 - but getting started can be intimidating. This book has the building blocks you need to effectively, affordably, and easily create and broadcast high-quality webcasts to your library users, staff and the social networking sites beyond. Author Sean Robinson details each step in the video creation process, with practical guidance for equipment selection, planning, development, plus the use of quality camera techniques, props and special effects. Robinson also covers post-production, and shows you best practices for marketing your videos and measuring their success. Whether you want to advertise upcoming programs, broadcast book reviews, or film instructional videos about your library's services, this complete how-to guide gives you the all of the practical tools you need to integrate video into your library's repertoire.
Facet Publishing M-Libraries 2: A Virtual Library in Everyone's Pocket
Interest in m-library services has grown exponentially in the last five years, as libraries are recognizing the potential of ubiquitous and increasingly sophisticated mobile devices. Building on the highly regarded M-Libraries: libraries on the move to provide virtual access, this new book brings together research and case studies from all corners of the globe on the development and delivery of library services and content to mobile devices. Based on the proceedings of the Second International M-Libraries Conference held in Vancouver, this new collection of contributions from authorities in the field serves to demonstrate the ingenuity and creativity of developers and service providers in this area, ranging from the innovative application of basic mobile phone technology to provide information services in remote parts of the globe lacking internet access, to the development of new tools and technologies which harness the full functionality of popular mobile phones. Key topics include: enhancing library access through the use of mobile technology the university library digital reading room mobile access for workplace and language training the role of an agent supplying content on mobile devices cyberlearning and reference services via mobile devices podcasting as an outreach tool service models for information therapy services delivered to mobiles bibliographic ontology and e-books health literacy and healthy action in the connected age a collaborative approach to support flexible, blended and technology-enhanced learning The collection demonstrates the emergence of an evidence base for m-libraries, with a number of contributions presenting the results of user surveys and studies of user behaviour. Readership: This highly topical book should be read by information professionals in all sectors, and by policy makers, researchers, developers, publishers and suppliers. It will also be of great interest to library and information studies students and newcomers to the profession.
Facet Publishing Librarianship: An Introduction
Every profession needs an introductory text to its core body of knowledge. This definitive textbook is the most up-to-date introduction to the profession of librarianship for students and new entrants to the profession available. It is also the first to give a complete overview of all aspects of professional librarianship in the 21st century, and to offer authoritative analysis of modern libraries and librarianship. Key areas covered include:libraries and information services: evolution or revolution? information resources and services information organization and access library and Information users and society library technologies library and information management LIS education and training. Each chapter in this user-friendly text features clear learning aims and objectives and a list of revision questions to test and consolidate knowledge and understanding. Readership: Mapping onto course content for library and information studies in the US, UK and Australasia, this textbook also supports CILIP's Body of Knowledge and provides a single source of introductory explanations of library and information concepts for students. It is also the quintessential primer for new professionals.
Facet Publishing Blended Learning: Tools for Teaching and Training
This essential guide should be on the desk of any library and information professional, records manager, archivist or knowledge manager involved in planning and introducing an ERM system, whether in a public or private sector organization. Information professionals currently face the challenge of providing end-user education and staff training to very large and diverse groups, whilst integrating the use of ICT into their teaching. But there seems to be a tendency within the literature to focus solely on face-to-face learning or on e-learning, and this is a lost opportunity. This book offers a new blended learning approach, combining the two techniques to make best use of the advantages of each while minimizing the disadvantages. It provides information professionals with a practical guide to the design and delivery of such training programmes, illustrated with a range of library-based examples, checklists and case studies. Many organizations establish projects, sometimes using external funding, as a means of developing their education and training provision, and the book provides a practical overview of this subject in the context of blended learning. Key areas covered include: technologies in the classroom virtual communication tools integrated learning environments websites and web tools models of teaching and learning planning and designing learning activities individual and group learning coaching and mentoring engaging with communities of interest and practice managing learning and teaching projects. Readership: This unique book will be of great value to any information professionals involved in establishing and delivering end-user education and staff development, whatever their previous experience. It will also benefit staff developers in school, college and higher education, library and information students, independent consultants and trainers, and information suppliers such as database providers.
Facet Publishing Measuring Library Performance: Principles and Techniques
Measuring the performance of a library's services is one of the most crucial parts of providing a good service. This important book is the first to provide an accessible account of current thinking on the evaluation of library services, both traditional and - importantly - electronic library services. Illustrated throughout with a range of international examples across different types of libraries, this book will become the standard work on performance measurement. The book is structured to focus first of all on the intended user of the services (outcome and impact perspectives), then to look at the management of the service (output and process issues), then at evaluating the building blocks of services (input issues) and finally to draw together these strands by examining some of the broader frameworks for evaluation which have emerged. The book ends with an extensive Appendix with a description of key methodologies and suitable references. Each chapter includes suggestions for further reading as well as key references. The key areas addressed include: user satisfaction impact on users economic impact inputs evaluating processes counting the outputs acquiring content staff evaluating infrastructure benchmarking and balanced scorecard standards based approaches. Readership: The emphasis on principles and techniques in the book means that it is perfect reading for busy practitioners but it is also eminently suitable for students and researchers trying to get to grips with this tricky area.
Facet Publishing Information Users and Usability in the Digital Age
Information users and usability constitute the main building blocks of today's electronic information world. This important new text is the first to give a holistic overview of all of the necessary issues relating to information users and the usability of information services in the digital world, including user-centred design, and the characteristics and behaviour of information users. This book helps readers understand why information users and the usability of information services are important and equips them to play a proper role in designing user-centred information systems and services and to properly exploit information services for the maximum benefit of users. It covers all of the major issues, the current situation and what the various research studies from around the world show. The chapters are: An introduction to information users and usability Information needs and user studies Human information behaviour studies and models Usability study basics Usability study participants Usability data analysis Web usability The usability of digital libraries Digital divide, digital natives and usability Issues and trends in usability research. Readership: The is essential reading for researchers and practitioners interested in the design and evaluation of digital information systems and services, as well as for students on library, information, and digital library courses.
Facet Publishing Providing Effective Library Services for Research
The emphasis on principles and techniques in the book means that it is perfect reading for busy practitioners but it is also eminently suitable for students and researchers trying to get to grips with this tricky area. Researchers rely on libraries to provide the information they need; equally, supporting research is a fundamental reason for libraries' existence. This book is first to explore the crucial relationship between libraries and researchers, focusing on developing and managing effective library services to support research and researchers. It covers researchers' information-seeking behaviour, their needs and wants; reviews the management and service response; and then places these issues into a wider strategic context. Key topics are: what is research? current issues in the research community defining research and researchers collection management in support of research the researcher's toolkit the information literate researcher the role of the library in supporting research activity futurewatch. Readership: This book will inform and advise all those who work with researchers in libraries, combining practical advice with an exploration of fundamental issues relating to the relationship between research and libraries. It will be essential reading for all who work in academic and research libraries.
Facet Publishing The New Walford Guide to Reference Resources: Volume 2: The Social Sciences
The New Walford highlights the best resources to use when undertaking a search for accurate and relevant information, saving you precious time and effort. For those looking for a selective and evaluative reference resource that really delivers on its promise, look no further. In addition to print sources, The New Walford naturally covers an extensive range of e-reference sources such as digital databanks, digital reference services, electronic journal collections, meta-search engines, networked information services, open archives, resource discovery services and websites of premier organizations in both the public and private sectors. But rather than supplying a list of all available known resources as a web search engine might, The New Walford subject specialists have carefully selected and evaluated available resources to provide a definitive list of the most appropriate and useful. With an emphasis on quality and sustainability the subject specialists have been careful to assess the differing ways that information is framed and communicated in different subject areas. As a result the resource evaluations in each subject area are prefaced by an introductory overview of the structure of the relevant literature. This ensures that The New Walford is clear, easy-to-use and intuitive. Editorial Board Chair: Ray Lester Peter Clinch; Helen Edwards; Heather Dawson; Susan Tarrant Subject Specialists Wendy Buckle; Patricia Budgen; Peter Chapman; Sheila Corrall; Jonathan Cowley; Heather Dawson; Gillian Dwyer; Tracey Ellis; Gwyneth Price; Lynne Seddon; Angela Upton Compiled by leading subject specialists from internationally renowned organizations, Volume 2 covers 15 broad subject groupings: Social Sciences (generic) Psychology Sociology Social Work & Social Welfare Politics Government Law Finance, Accountancy & Taxation Industries & Utilities Business & Management Education & Learning Sport Media & Communications Information & Library Sciences Tools for Information Professionals.