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Oxford University Press Project X Origins Graphic Texts: Grey Book Band, Oxford Level 14: Guided Reading Notes
Project X Origins is a ground-breaking guided reading programme for the whole school. These Graphic Texts feature action-packed stories, fascinating non-fiction, carefully selected poetry and comprehensive guided reading support to meet the needs of children at every stage of their reading development. Project X Origins guided reading notes offer step-by-step teaching support for each book with guidance on comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, spelling, punctuation, grammar and writing. Each set of notes has in-built assessment and is fully correlated to all UK curricula.
Oxford University Press Bond 11+: CEM English Comprehension 10 Minute Tests: Ready for the 2024 exam: 10-11 Years
Bond is the number one provider of 11+ practice, helping millions of children pass selective entrance exams. Bond 11+ CEM English Comprehension 10 Minute Tests for 10-11 year olds provides 30 quick-fire standard and multiple-choice tests focused on the Comprehension question types used in CEM 11+ testing, helping to develop skills including scanning, deduction, inference and understanding. Tutor tips and notes provide useful information to support your child as they work through the book, with emphasis on how to tackle particularly tricky questions. There are also fun puzzle sections to reinforce skills, and a progress chart to encourage and track improvement, helping to build skills and confidence for exam success.
Amberley Publishing Secret Truro
Truro has been an important port since the Middle Ages, and its status as a stannary town, allowing it to assay and stamp copper and tin from Cornish mines, also brought prosperity to the town. Wealthy families settled in Truro, benefitting from mining and other industries such as iron-smelting, potteries and tanneries and the town was given city status by Queen Victoria and the foundations laid for a new cathedral. Today it is the administrative and commercial centre for Cornwall. This book explores Truro’s history, including personalities such as Richard Lander, the explorer, and his contemporaries in the cultural hotbed of eighteenth-and nineteenth-century Truro. The Assembly Rooms which once stood in High Cross welcomed Sarah Siddons, General Tom Thumb and regular local entertainer Joseph Emidy who was once a slave. The Truro River has stories to tell, as do the cathedral, churches and chapels, and there are tales of law and order in the city, fires and other emergencies. The authors take the reader down the ‘opes’, alleys and lanes to reveal interesting anecdotes about musical events, clubs and societies, monuments and plaques, gravestones under the pavement and the 106 public houses that once served Truro. With tales of remarkable characters, unusual events and tucked-away or disappeared historical buildings and locations, Secret Truro will appeal to all those with an interest in the history of this fascinating city in Cornwall.
Columbia University Press Happiness and Goodness Philosophical Reflections on Living Well
V&R Unipress Wissenschaftliche Forschung in Osterreich 1800-1900: Spezialisierung, Organisation, Praxis
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Exegese - ökumenisch engagiert: Der "Evangelisch-Katholische Kommentar" in der Diskussion Ã"ber 500 Jahre Reformation
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Der Osterreichische Eisenbahnsektor - Forschung, Entwicklung, Wissenstrager
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Vergangenheit der Weltgeschichte: Universalhistorisches Denken in Berlin 1800-1933
Harrassowitz Leipziger Jahrbuch Zur Buchgeschichte 25 (2017)
Harrassowitz Leipziger Jahrbuch Zur Buchgeschichte 24 (2016)
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus Handbuch
Das Jesus Handbuch präsentiert die Forschung zum historischen Jesus und Rezeptionen seiner Person auf dem aktuellen Stand der internationalen Diskussion. Es gibt einen Überblick über Deutungen Jesu in der Christentumsgeschichte von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Behandelt werden des Weiteren Wirken, Lehre und Geschick Jesu in ihrem religiösen, sozialen und politischen Kontext. Dabei werden aktuelle geschichtswissenschaftliche Diskurse, archäologische Forschungen sowie Deutungen Jesu in neutestamentlichen und weiteren frühchristlichen Texten berücksichtigt. Schließlich richtet sich der Blick auf wichtige Wirkungen Jesu im frühen Christentum. Geboten wird somit ein Überblick über Person und Wirken Jesu sowie Deutungen seiner Person aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. An dem Handbuch mitgewirkt haben renommierte Forscherinnen und Forscher aus verschiedenen Kontexten. Das Handbuch bietet deshalb zugleich einen repräsentativen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Jesusforschung.
Walter de Gruyter 1975
Editions Chouette Caillou: ¡Buenas noches!
Para superar el miedo a la oscuridadCaillou se siente muy vulnerable cuando está solo en la oscuridad. Sin embargo, logra superar sus miedos y comprueba que realmente sí es un niño grande. Descanso nocturno. A medida que su imaginación y su desarrollo cognitivo se expanden, los niños pequeños pierden de repente su confianza en la oscuridad. Dormir solos puede convertirse en un reto. Con un objeto que les dé confianza o una pequeña luz nocturna, la oscuridad produce menos temor.English descriptionCaillou is a big boy now. When his sister Rosie goes to bed, he can stay up with Mommy and Daddy. However, when the games and stories are over, when his parents leave the room and close the door, Caillou feels very vulnerable by himself in the dark. Sleeping alone is an important step toward growing up and feeling independent. With the help of his teddy, Caillou will prove to his parents that he really is a big boy!Developed with the guidance of a child psychologist, Caillou: Good Night! illustrates how Caillou’s ability to overcome his fear of separation helps him gain more independence in small but important ways.
Poetry Wales Press Welsh Artists Talking
Stewart, Tabori & Chang Inc An Affair With a House
For 28 years the world-renowned interior designer Bunny Williams has been involved in a passionate love affair with an18th-century New England manor house that she found in sad repair. From the moment she walked up the driveway and her palms began to perspire, Williams knew she wanted the affair to last forever. In her sumptuous new book, An Affair with a House, the venerable decorator describes in detail how she and her husband, antiques dealer John Rosselli, rescued, nurtured, renovated, and decorated the well-worn house, giving it new life as they restored each room, resurrected the abandoned gardens, and filled this weekend home with family and friends. Through photographs, anecdotes, how-tos, and recipes, Williams provides a rare inside look at a top decorator’s retreat and explains how she approached the joys, pleasures, challenges, obstacles, and day-to-day realities of creating a beautiful, comfortable country home. An Affair with a House provides a wealth of advice on interior decor and such topics as mixing design styles, but it also addresses such practical matters as stocking the pantry and outfitting the linen closet. Beautiful photographs of the house, the gardens, and the property’s rustic structures provide an intimate glimpse of the couple’s lifestyle and illustrate a way of life we can all appreciate and learn from. Also available from Bunny Williams: A House by the Sea and Bunny Williams On Garden Style.
Alfred Music Baby: Easy Piano
Penguin Putnam Inc Dark Hunger
Little Brown and Company Holmes, Marple & Poe: The Greatest Crime-Solving Team of the Twenty-First Century
Oxford University Press Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization: Investigating Distributed, Multi-Modal, and Mobile Work
Digital work has become increasingly common, taking a wide variety of forms including working from home, mobile work, gig work, crowdsourcing, and online volunteering. It is organizationally, interpretively, spatially, and temporally complex. An array of innovative methodologies have begun to emerge to capture this complexity, whether through re-purposing existing tools, devising entirely novel methods, or mixing old and new. This volume brings together some of these techniques in an accessible sourcebook for management, business, organizational, and work researchers. It presents a range of innovative methods which capture and analyse digitally-related work practices through reflexive accounts of real-world research projects, and elucidates the range of challenges such methods may raise for research practice. It outlines debates and recommendations, and provides further reading and information to support research practice. The book is organised in four sections that reflect different areas of focus and methodological approaches: working with screens; digital working practices; distributed work and organizing; and digital traces of work. It then concludes by reflecting on the methodological issues, research ethics, requisite skills, and future of research given the intensification of digital work during a global pandemic that has impacted all aspects of our lives.
De Gruyter Stairs
Stairs are the most important vertical circulation element. They shape the space and give the entire design a unique character. However, the requirements when planning stairs are high and vary enormously depending on the multitude of building tasks and materials. Practice Stairs orders all stair types by design and construction typologies. In addition, a planning guide explains the various stair parts, building elements, construction types as well as materials. Finally, an example part with especially appealing realised projects invites you to draw inspiration for your own practice.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 9.1: Maria Stuart
Das Trauerspiel Maria Stuart in einer in Text und Anmerkungen vollständig neu erarbeiteten Ausgabe der 1948 erschienenen Edition. Die Neubearbeitung erschließt alle bekannten Handschriften und autorisierten Drucke des Dramas und bietet ausführliche philologisch-historische Erläuterungen. Inklusive Entstehungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte bis 1805.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Projekt: Unterricht: Projektunterricht und Professionalisierung in Lehrerbildung und Schulpraxis
On the way to becoming a professional teacher in project teaching: We show you implementation options and perspectives within the current teacher education. Part I presents the teaching form of project teaching as well as its current status in educational policy discussion and empirical educational research. A historical view of practical development deepens the understanding of the current situation. Part II offers an up-to-date insight into existing professionalization concepts of project teaching in various institutions. Innovative approaches from university, legal clerkship, advanced and further training are presented. Part III deals with current developments, open questions and future concepts of project teaching in teacher training and further education.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus Sirach, Jüdisches Gesetz und kosmische Weisheit
Das Buch Jesus Sirach stellt eine gewaltige Synthese weisheitlicher, kultischer, prophetischer, rechtlicher und historiographischer Traditionen des antiken Israel und des frühen Judentums dar. Um 180 v.Chr. in Jerusalem als Lehrbuch verfasst, verbindet sein auf Hebräisch schreibender Autor das jüdische Gesetz mit der kosmischen Weisheit und formuliert Maximen zum gelingenden Leben in der vielfältigen Welt des Hellenismus. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert alle bis heute bekannten hebräischen Fragmente dieses Buchs samt deutscher Übersetzung sowie ausgewählte Texte der um 120 v.Chr. in Alexandria erstellten griechischen Übertragung. Einzelne Essays führen in die literarischen und kulturellen Kontexte des Sirachbuchs ein, beleuchten zentrale in ihm behandelte Themen wie die rechte Lebensführung, die Gerechtigkeit Gottes, die Bedeutung des Gebets oder die Auslegung der heiligen Schriften Israels und skizzieren exemplarisch die Rolle dieses jüdischen Werkes in der christlichen Frömmigkeitsgeschichte.
Birkhauser Barrier-Free Design: Principles, Planning, Examples
"Building for everyone" – that is the best definition of what lies behind the unwieldy concept of "barrier-free design": the complete and total usability of buildings, including for those with disabilities, for the integration of all of society’s members can only succeed when their environment is made accessible to them. Demographic changes demand new qualities of private and public space, qualities that are also required by new legislation. The Detail Practice volume "Barrier-Free Design" provides all planners and architects, but also interested building sponsors, with basic practical information and a range of possible planning implementations in the domain of barrier freedom. It shows how corresponding requirements can be turned into aesthetically distinguished architecture. And it demonstrates that taking barrier freedom into account in the early planning stages of a project need not lead to additional costs compared to "classical" construction and design. In addition to an overview of planning fundamentals, the book also includes the associated body of rules and regulations as well as examples of how they are embodied in actual projects and perspectives on their development in the larger European context.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Time-Predictable Architectures
Building computers that can be used to design embedded real-time systems is the subject of this title. Real-time embedded software requires increasingly higher performances. The authors therefore consider processors that implement advanced mechanisms such as pipelining, out-of-order execution, branch prediction, cache memories, multi-threading, multicorearchitectures, etc. The authors of this book investigate the timepredictability of such schemes.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Children and Adolescents in Trauma: Creative Therapeutic Approaches
Children and Adolescents in Trauma presents a variety of creative approaches to working with young people in residential children's homes, secure or psychiatric units, and special schools. The contributors describe a wide range of approaches, including art therapy and literature, and how creative methods are applied in cases of abuse, trauma, violence, self-harm and identity development. They discuss the impact of abuse and mistreatment upon the mental health of 'looked after' children, drawing links between psychoanalytic theory and practice and the study of literature and the arts. This indispensable book provides useful insights and a fresh perspective for anyone working with traumatised children and adolescents, including social workers, psychotherapists, arts therapists, psychiatrists, counsellors, psychologists and students in these fields.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Revealing the Inner World of Traumatised Children and Young People: An Attachment-Informed Model for Assessing Emotional Needs and Treatment
Bringing together the latest research and theory about a child's inner world and the impact of the world around them, this is a guide to understanding and responding to the emotional needs of traumatised children. Founded on the principle that traumatised children do not have a secure sense of self and therefore cannot relate to the outside world without becoming overwhelmed, this book brings psychoanalytic and psychodynamic understandings of child psychology together with current neuroscience and trauma theory. At the heart of the book is an attachment-informed assessment model and guidance for treatment.Professionals working therapeutically with traumatised children, including therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health workers, social workers and residential care workers, will benefit from the wealth of knowledge and valuable practice guidance presented in this book.
Humana Press Inc. Innate Immune Activation: Methods and Protocols
This volume presents standard approaches and the most recent technical advances used to study innate immune activation. Chapters detail the assessment of macrophage activation, measuring innate immune responses to bacterial viability, quantification of secreted proteins, reporter systems, protocols examining specific innate immune activation by TLRs, RLRs, cGAS, and inflammasomes. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Authoritative and practical, Innate Immune Activation: Methods and Protocols aims to be a useful and informative reference tool for further study into this vital field.
New York University Press LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader
A definitive collection of original essays on queer politics From Harvey Milk to ACT UP to Proposition 8, no political change in the last two decades has been as rapid as the advancement of civil rights for LGBTQ people. As we face a critical juncture in progressive activism, political science, which has been slower than most disciplines to study the complexity of queer politics, must grapple with the shifting landscape of LGBTQ rights and inclusion. LGBTQ Politics analyzes both the successes and obstacles to building the LGBTQ movement over the past twenty years, offering analyses that point to possibilities for the movement’s future. Essays cover a range of topics, including activism, law, and coalition-building, and draw on subfields such as American politics, comparative politics, political theory, and international relations. LGBTQ Politics presents the full range of methodological, ideological, and substantive approaches to LGBTQ politics that exist in political science. Analyses focused on mainstream institutional and elite politics appear alongside contributions grounded in grassroots movements and critical theory. While some essays celebrate the movement’s successes and prospects, others express concerns that its democratic basis has become undermined by a focus on funding power over people power, attempts to fragment the LGBTQ movement from racial, gender and class justice, and a persistent attachment to single-issue politics. A comprehensive, thought-provoking collection, LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader will give rise to continued critical discussion of the parameters of LGBTQ politics.
New York University Press LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader
A definitive collection of original essays on queer politics From Harvey Milk to ACT UP to Proposition 8, no political change in the last two decades has been as rapid as the advancement of civil rights for LGBTQ people. As we face a critical juncture in progressive activism, political science, which has been slower than most disciplines to study the complexity of queer politics, must grapple with the shifting landscape of LGBTQ rights and inclusion. LGBTQ Politics analyzes both the successes and obstacles to building the LGBTQ movement over the past twenty years, offering analyses that point to possibilities for the movement’s future. Essays cover a range of topics, including activism, law, and coalition-building, and draw on subfields such as American politics, comparative politics, political theory, and international relations. LGBTQ Politics presents the full range of methodological, ideological, and substantive approaches to LGBTQ politics that exist in political science. Analyses focused on mainstream institutional and elite politics appear alongside contributions grounded in grassroots movements and critical theory. While some essays celebrate the movement’s successes and prospects, others express concerns that its democratic basis has become undermined by a focus on funding power over people power, attempts to fragment the LGBTQ movement from racial, gender and class justice, and a persistent attachment to single-issue politics. A comprehensive, thought-provoking collection, LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader will give rise to continued critical discussion of the parameters of LGBTQ politics.
Edinburgh University Press Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf
These comparative essays explore the shared terrain of these modernist women writers and shed new light on their 'curious & thrilling' literary relationship.
University of Toronto Press Journalism in Crisis: Bridging Theory and Practice for Democratic Media Strategies in Canada
Journalism in Crisis addresses the concerns of scholars, activists, and journalists committed to Canadian journalism as a democratic institution and as a set of democratic practices. The authors look within Canada and abroad for solutions for balancing the Canadian media ecology. Public policies have been central to the creation and shaping of Canada's media system and, rather than wait for new technologies or economic models, the contributors offer concrete recommendations for how public policies can foster journalism that can support democratic life in twenty-first century Canada. Their work, which includes new theoretical perspectives and valuable discussions of journalism practices in public, private, and community media, should be read by professional and citizen journalists, academics, media activists, policy makers and media audiences concerned about the future of democratic journalism in Canada.
Fordham University Press More than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church: Voices of Our Times
The Second Vatican Council’s landmark document Gaudium et spes called Catholics to cultivate robust, mutually enriching dialogue with the modern world by attentively and discerningly listening to the “voices of our times.” This distinctive new publication, the first of two volumes that explore sexual diversity and the Catholic Church, gathers an important set of these voices: the testimonies and reflections of Catholic and former Catholic LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) persons, their friends, family members, and those who teach and accompany them. Drawn from a series of conferences held in autumn 2011 and offering a spectrum of professional, generational, and personal perspectives, the essays in Voices of Our Times suggest the breadth and complexity of Catholic experiences of and engagements with sexual diversity. Each writer locates her or his reflections in careful attention to how ways of experiencing sexuality and speaking about sexual diversity are embodied in and shaped by particular practices—familial, interpersonal, professional, ecclesial, cultural, and political. Part I, “Practicing Love,” introduces the voices of singles, families, couples, parents, and children who reflect on their experiences of sexual diversity in light of their experiences of Catholicism and of Catholics. Part II, “Practicing Church,” offers the perspectives of clergy and lay ministers, casting light on what pastoral workers, Catholic and otherwise, encounter as they walk with people who are grappling with issues of faith and sexuality. In Part III, “Practicing Education,” writers discuss their experiences with sexual diversity in Catholic educational settings as teachers, as students, and as witnesses to the lives, loves, and struggles of LGBTQ young adults. Finally, Part IV, “Practicing Belonging,” spotlights contributions by authors who have struggled with their identities and place within and around the Catholic community. Striving to acknowledge, honor, and respect the truth and value embodied in both LGBTQ persons’ lives and in the Catholic tradition, this book provides a close-to-the-ground look at the state of the conversation about sexual diversity among contemporary Roman Catholics in the United States. Along with its companion volume, Inquiry, Thought, and Expression, Voices of Our Times represents a unique opportunity for readers inside and outside the Catholic community to engage in a conversation that is at once vibrant and complex, difficult and needed.
University of Minnesota Press The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age
Just what is the “participatory condition”? It is the situation in which taking part in something with others has become both environmental and normative. The fact that we have always participated does not mean we have always lived under the participatory condition. What is distinctive about the present is the extent to which the everyday social, economic, cultural, and political activities that comprise simply being in the world have been thematized and organized around the priority of participation. Structured along four axes investigating the relations between participation and politics, surveillance, openness, and aesthetics, The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age comprises fifteen essays that explore the promises, possibilities, and failures of contemporary participatory media practices as related to power, Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring uprisings, worker-owned cooperatives for the post-Internet age; paradoxes of participation, media activism, open source projects; participatory civic life; commercial surveillance; contemporary art and design; and education. This book represents the most comprehensive and transdisciplinary endeavor to date to examine the nature, place, and value of participation in the digital age. Just as in 1979, when Jean-François Lyotard proposed that “the postmodern condition” was characterized by the questioning of historical grand narratives, The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age investigates how participation has become a central preoccupation of our time. Contributors: Mark Andrejevic, Pomona College; Bart Cammaerts, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Nico Carpentier, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB – Free University of Brussels) and Charles University in Prague; Julie E. Cohen, Georgetown University; Kate Crawford, MIT; Alessandro Delfanti, University of Toronto; Christina Dunbar-Hester, University of Southern California; Rudolf Frieling, California College of Arts and the San Francisco Art Institute; Salvatore Iaconesi, La Sapienza University of Rome and ISIA Design Florence; Jason Edward Lewis, Concordia University; Rafael Lozano-Hemmer; Graham Pullin, University of Dundee; Trebor Scholz, The New School in New York City; Cayley Sorochan, McGill University; Bernard Stiegler, Institute for Research and Innovation in Paris; Krzysztof Wodiczko, Harvard Graduate School of Design; Jillian C. York.
University of British Columbia Press Dispatches from Disabled Country
“Disability is not our worst-case scenario – our worst-case scenario would be its annihilation.” This is the starting point for this powerful collection of writing by and about Catherine Frazee, disability activist, Officer of the Order of Canada, and poetic scholar of justice. For Frazee, disability is not something to be dreaded or overcome but a force to be reckoned with – a prism of insight and experience that refracts new light upon our fundamental ideals of justice, beauty, and community.Catherine Frazee has been a central figure in the disability rights landscape in Canada for decades. Her reasoned and passionate insights are topical and often ahead of their time. Always bold, always progressive, and frequently provocative, Frazee’s work presents an unwavering, fierce commitment to engage in public debate from a position that centres the lives of disabled people. Taken together, these writings chronicle the rising consciousness of a social movement of disabled people staking their claim in public policy and popular culture, a claim that is overdue for honest recognition.
Kogan Page Ltd Leading Strategy Execution: How to Engage Employees and Implement Your Strategies
Leading Strategy Execution demonstrates to senior executives ways in which they can successfully enthuse their employees so that they willingly implement essential company strategies. Having a good strategy isn't enough to guarantee a company's success - executives and managers need to ensure that their strategies are implemented correctly throughout the company, and that all staff are on board. The book is divided into three sections: 1.Energy of Engagement: This section demonstrates how to engage and energise your employees so that they really want to implement your strategy, and so that they accept their role and contribution towards making the strategy a success. 2.Energy of Change: This section illustrates ways in which executives can persuade employees to alter their habits, which may have been reinformed over a number of years by business processes and systems. Managers will learn how to give staff the exact skills and confidence needed to apply the new ways of thinking that are required to turn today's new strategy into tomorrow's business culture. 3.Energy of Management: This section reveals to executives how to energise and employ the middle managers within the business. This book will explain how to ensure that the middle managers are focused on the execution of crucial company strategies, so that they become ambassadors of change rather than instruments of inertia. Including tools, 'how to' checklists and real life examples, Leading Strategy Execution is an accessible title for busy executives, which takes a practical and light approach to the topic of strategy execution through employee engagement.
University of California Press Holding On: Family and Fatherhood during Incarceration and Reentry
Holding On reveals the results of an unprecedented ten-year study of justice-involved families, rendering visible the lives of a group of American families whose experiences are too often lost in large-scale demographic research. Using new data from the Multi-site Family Study on Incarceration, Parenting, and Partnering—a groundbreaking study of almost two thousand families, incorporating a series of couples-based surveys and qualitative interviews over the course of three years—Holding On sheds rich new light on the parenting and intimate relationships of justice-involved men, challenging long-standing boundaries between research on incarceration and on the well-being of low-income families. Boldly proposing that the failure to recognize the centrality of incarcerated men’s roles as fathers and partners has helped to justify a system that removes them from their families and hides that system’s costs to parents, partners, and children, Holding On considers how research that breaks the false dichotomy between offender and parent, inmate and partner, and victim and perpetrator might help to inform a next generation of public policies that truly support vulnerable families.
Yale University Press Collected by Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner
For more than 30 years, Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner have devoted themselves to contemporary art, and through their passion and acumen have assembled an extraordinary collection. This handsomely illustrated volume is the first to document the collection of Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner, more than 850 artworks in all media that have been promised to the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, and the Centre Pompidou, Paris. Artists represented include Lee Friedlander, Robert Gober, Jeff Koons, Christopher Wool, Ryan Gander, and Bernadette Corporation, among others, and the works span from the 1950s to 2014. Over 300 highlights illustrate the collectors’ commitment to acquiring works that challenge, excite, confound, and amuse. Essays offer context for understanding the importance of the works as a group and illuminate the art world milieus in which the collectors immersed themselves. The book also includes an engaging interview with the collectors, providing a personal perspective on contemporary art acquisition. Distributed for the Whitney Museum of American ArtExhibition Schedule:Whitney Museum of American Art (11/20/15–03/06/16)Centre Pompidou, Paris 06/16/16–01/2017
University of Washington Press Frontier Livelihoods: Hmong in the Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands
Do ethnic minorities have the power to alter the course of their fortune when living within a socialist state? In Frontier Livelihoods, the authors focus their study on the Hmong - known in China as the Miao - in the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands, contending that individuals and households create livelihoods about which governments often know little. The product of wide-ranging research over many years, Frontier Livelihoods bridges the traditional divide between studies of China and peninsular Southeast Asia by examining the agency, dynamics, and resilience of livelihoods adopted by Hmong communities in Vietnam and in China’s Yunnan Province. It covers the reactions to state modernization projects among this ethnic group in two separate national jurisdictions and contributes to a growing body of literature on cross-border relationships between ethnic minorities in the borderlands of China and its neighbors and in Southeast Asia more broadly.
Indiana University Press Nietzsche and Phenomenology: Power, Life, Subjectivity
What are the challenges that Nietzsche's philosophy poses for contemporary phenomenology? Elodie Boublil, Christine Daigle, and an international group of scholars take Nietzsche in new directions and shed light on the sources of phenomenological method in Nietzsche, echoes and influences of Nietzsche within modern phenomenology, and connections between Nietzsche, phenomenology, and ethics. Nietzsche and Phenomenology offers a historical and systematic reconsideration of the scope of Nietzsche's thought.
Indiana University Press Nietzsche and Phenomenology: Power, Life, Subjectivity
What are the challenges that Nietzsche's philosophy poses for contemporary phenomenology? Elodie Boublil, Christine Daigle, and an international group of scholars take Nietzsche in new directions and shed light on the sources of phenomenological method in Nietzsche, echoes and influences of Nietzsche within modern phenomenology, and connections between Nietzsche, phenomenology, and ethics. Nietzsche and Phenomenology offers a historical and systematic reconsideration of the scope of Nietzsche's thought.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Citizenship and PSHE – Book 2
Collins Citizenship and PSHE Book 2 (previously from Folens) is intended for children age 8-9 in Year 4. Personal development, citizenship, lifestyle and relationships are investigated through speaking and listening, reading and writing activities that encourage children to consider issues, assess options and opinions, and justify decisions. Illustrations, photographs, case studies and examples for children to discuss Speaking and listening, reading and writing activities encourage children to assess opinions and reach conclusions Photocopiable activity sheets provide support, extension and assessment Planning grids and teaching notes off full support throughout the programme
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Citizenship and PSHE – Book 3
Collins Citizenship and PSHE Book 3 (previously from Folens) is intended for children age 9-10 in Year 5. Personal development, citizenship, lifestyle and relationships are investigated through speaking and listening, reading and writing activities that encourage children to consider issues, assess options and opinions, and justify decisions. Illustrations, photographs, case studies and examples for children to discuss Speaking and listening, reading and writing activities encourage children to assess opinions and reach conclusions Photocopiable activity sheets provide support, extension and assessment Planning grids and teaching notes off full support throughout the programme
Pearson Education Limited Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning from Data, Global Edition
Statistics: The Art and Science of Learning From Data, 5th Edition helps you understand what statistics is all about and learn the right questions to ask when analyzing data, instead of just memorizing procedures. It makes accessible the ideas that have turned statistics into a central science of modern life, without compromising essential material. Students often find this book enjoyable to read and stay engaged with the wide variety of real-world data in the examples and exercises. Based on the authors' belief that it's important for you to learn and analyze both quantitative and categorial data, this text pays greater attention to the analysis of proportions than many other introductory statistics texts. Key features include: Greater attention to the analysis of proportions compared to other introductory statistics texts. Introduction to key concepts, presenting the categorical data first, and quantitative data after. A wide variety of real-world data in the examples and exercises New sections and updated content will enhance your learning and understanding. Pearson MyLab® Students, if Pearson Pearson MyLab Statistics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Pearson MyLab Statistics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
The University of Michigan Press The Body in Crisis: New Pathways and Short Circuits in Representation
The Body in Crisis introduces the English-speaking world to the work of leading Latin American dance scholar and philosopher of the body, Christine Greiner. The book offers an innovative set of tools with which to examine the role of moving bodies and bodily actions in relation to worldwide concerns, including identity politics, alterity, migration, and belonging. The book places the concept of bodymedium in dialogue with the work of Giorgio Agamben to investigate notions of alterity, and shows how an understanding of the body-environment continuum can shed light on things left unnamed and at the margins. Greiner’s analyses draw from a broad range of theory concerned with the epistemology of the body, including cognitive science, political philosophy, evolutionary biology, and performance studies to illuminate radical experiences that question the limits of the body. Her analysis of the role that bodies play in negotiations of power relations offers an original and unprecedented contribution to the field of dance studies and expands its scope to recognize theoretical models of inquiry developed in the Global South.