Search results for ""author christine""
Oxford Archaeology North Bewsey Old Hall, Warrington, Cheshire
The origins of Bewsey Old Hall, in the Royal Forest of Burtonwood, probably lie in the late twelth or early thirteenth century, when it was held by the influential Butler family, barons of Warrington. Although much altered and diminished, Bewsey Old Hall still stands, beginning its existence as an aisled hall, surrounded by out-buildings. It is not clear when the site was moated, but a local watercourse was probably diverted at an early stage. Badly damaged by fire in the fourteenth century, the hall was substantially rebuilt, wholly or partially in stone. Parts of this complex of medieval buildings survived into the sixteenth or seventeenth century. Having been owned by the Butlers until 1586, ownership passed briefly to the Earl of Leicester, but it was soon sold on to the Ireland family, later passing to their successors, the Athertons. In the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century, a fashionable new brick house was built on the site, incorporating or reusing elements of the medieval hall. It was much enhanced in the seventeenth century by the creation of a formal terraced garden furniture, although the terracing had been levelled by 1724. Bewsey's remaining medieval structures were demolished during the eighteenth century, when the hall was extended, and landscaping works filled in parts of the moat and enlarged others as water features. In 1863, a 'New Hall' was built, and Bewsey Old Hall was left in the hands of tenants, until, in considerable disrepair, it was acquired by Warrington Development Corporation in 1974. During the late 1970s and until the mid-1980s, the site's development was traced through examination of the building, extensive excavation, and documentary research. This volume paints a vivid picture of Bewsey's development, the trials and tribulations of its inhabitants, and their relationship with the world around them.
History Press Celis Beer: Born in Belgium, Brewed in Texas
Cengage Learning, Inc Police Operations: Theory and Practice
This trusted book provides a focused, practical introduction to the key principles and practices guiding the operations of modern police departments. While maintaining its proven instructional approach and strong focus on community- and problem-oriented policing, the sixth edition of POLICE OPERATIONS: THEORY AND PRACTICE reflects the latest trends and research shaping the day-to-day operations of progressive police departments. A new "Perspectives from a First-Line Supervisor" feature shares practical, applied information. Highlights include new and revised information on evolving technology, the police officer hiring process, how police use websites and social media to communicate with the public, patrol techniques, cultural diversity, cell phone use and laws, hazardous materials response, federal emergency response agencies, and cyberterrorism. The authors complement this wealth of information with an appealing writing style, numerous photos and illustrations, and real-life examples to engage your interest, enhance learning, and demonstrate the professional relevance of chapter material. Now better than ever, this convenient book is an ideal resource for law enforcement students and professionals who want an accessible, up-to-date guide to essential principles and current trends and practices in police operations.
American Association of Museums A Museum Guide to Copyright and Trademark
Oxford Archaeology Old Abbey Farm, Risley
During the 1990s, Oxford Archaeology North (then Lancaster University Archaeological Unit) conducted a programme of evaluation, building recording, excavation and documentary research at Old Abbey Farm, Risley. This small moated site, now in Warrington Borough, was probably constructed after the sub-division of the manor of Culcheth in 1246; timbers dated by dendrochronology have suggested that a late thirteenth or possibly early fourteenth century aisled hall formerly stood on the moated platform. In the late medieval period the aisles were removed and new timber framing was built below the arcade-plates; the renovated hall was accessed by a substantial fifteenth century timber bridge. A crossing was added to the hall in the mid sixteenth century and the bridge across the moat was rebuilt in stone. From the seventeenth century, the house was subject to piecemeal underpinning and rebuilding in brick, and was extended in the mid eighteenth century. The project provided a rare opportunity to record a building during demolition and subsequently excavate below it, thereby maximising the information retrieval. The project was a runnerup in the British Archaeological Awards for 1996. The project has been generously supported by UK Waste Management Limited (Biffa Waste Services Limited) throughout.
Arcadia Publishing The Lincoln Highway Across Illinois
Springer Die LEAN BACK Perspektive: Leadership heute – 42 inspirierende Wege erfolgreicher Frauen
Mit „Lean in“ brachte Sheryl Sandberg Selbstverständlichkeit in das Thema Frauen und Führung. Sich einbringen, die Hand heben und sich trauen können sind wichtige Teile des Erfolgsrezeptes von Frau-sein. „Lean back“ greift dieses Verständnis auf und erweitert es um einen balanceschaffenden Gegenimpuls: Sich zurücklehnen, Kraft aus sich heraus schöpfen, auf sich vertrauen und wissen, was gut für einen ist, das ist der Brennstoff des Erfolgs. Nur wer Abstand gewinnt, sieht das große Ganze. Lean back bedeutet nicht, sich einfach entspannt zurückzulehnen sondern das Einnehmen der richtigen Haltung und Perspektive, um als Frau maximale Wirkung zu entfalten. Lean back und Lean in sind wie das Ying und Yang von Führung und Erfolg. Das eine kann ohne das andere nicht bestehen und nur zusammen entwickelt sich die Dynamik, die notwendig ist, um nachhaltig erfolgreich zu sein. In Lean back kommen Frauen in Führungspositionen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen und Industrien zu Wort. Sie beschreiben ihre Erfahrungen und teilen ihre Lebens- und Berufsgeschichten. „Frau in Führung“ kann viele Gesichter haben. Viele Wege führen nach Rom – es gibt nicht das eine Rezept, nur viele spannende Lebensentwürfe und -wege. Lean back bietet eine Vielfalt an Rollenmodellen und bietet damit eine erweiterte Perspektive.Im Fokus von Lean back liegen die Arbeit an der eigenen Haltung und das Persönlichkeitswachstum für Frauen, die Verantwortung übernehmen wollen.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Traumatic events are more than a narrative or singular event in a person's life; the body remembers traumatic events and can experience them over and over, even after many years have passed. This book shows how trauma-sensitive yoga can be used in individual therapy and in groups to overcome trauma, by calming the nervous system and helping people to come out of dissociative states. The book also shows teachers how to detect when certain postures trigger anxiety, and offers ways to support healing in general yoga classes.Drawing on her experience as both trauma therapist and yoga teacher, the author focuses on the body-mind connection and presents asanas and breathing exercises that can help traumatised patients re-engage and take control of their bodies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy: Economic, Institutional and Management Approaches
Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy analyses the interplay of technological, institutional, market and management factors in the dynamics of energy systems. The book aims to inform national and international policies to promote low carbon innovation.Featuring chapters by leading international experts, this book explores how innovation in energy systems will provide a core contribution to achieving national and international energy policy goals, including energy security and long-term reductions in CO2 emissions. The book elaborates approaches to understanding innovation from different disciplinary perspectives and illustrates these through case studies of national and sectoral energy systems. These cover a range of technologies including photovoltaics, wind power, fuel cells, microgeneration, combined heat and power, and efficiency standards, for both energy and transport services. It contributes to greater mutual learning between approaches as international academics from economic, institutional and management backgrounds share and analyse their respective approaches, knowledge and insights.The explicitly multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary approach will appeal to academic researchers and postgraduate students interested in energy systems and policy. It will also be of interest to policymakers involved in promoting low carbon innovation, and strategic management thinkers in energy firms and consultancies.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Space and Place in Alice Munro's Fiction: A Book with Maps in It
New essays engaging with the developing field of literary geography to devote attention to the "regional" settings of Munro's stories and how they affect her characters' development or stasis. Alice Munro, the 2013 Nobel Prize laureate in Literature, has revolutionized the architecture of the short story. This collection of essays on Munro engages with literary geography, an emergent interdisciplinary field that is located at the interface between human geography and literary studies and is one of the most salient manifestations of the ongoing spatial turn in the arts and humanities. Critical readings of Munro's stories have labeled her literary production "regional," since she sets the majority of her short stories in the area of rural Ontario where she grew up. Until now, however, little attention has been devoted to the role of that location in the stories and tothe way that particular setting interacts with her characters' development or stasis. This collection contains eleven essays organized in two parts: first, Conceptualizing Space and Place: Houses, Landscapes, Territory; and second, Close Readings of Space and Place. Contributors: Corinne Bigot, Lynn Blin, Giuseppina Botta, Fausto Ciompi, Ailsa Cox, Christine Lorre-Johnston, Robert McGill, Claire Omhovère, Anca-Raluca Radu, Eleonora Rao, Caterina Ricciardi. Christine Lorre-Johnston is a senior lecturer in English at the Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Eleonora Rao teaches English and American literatures at the University of Salerno.
Guilford Publications Collaborative Case Conceptualization: Working Effectively with Clients in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Presenting an innovative framework for tailoring cognitive-behavioral interventions to each client's needs, this accessible book is packed with practical pointers and sample dialogues. Step by step, the authors show how to collaborate with clients to develop and test conceptualizations that illuminate personal strengths as well as problems, and that deepen in explanatory power as treatment progresses. An extended case illustration demonstrates the three-stage conceptualization process over the entire course of therapy with a multiproblem client. The approach emphasizes building resilience and coping while decreasing psychological distress. Special features include self-assessment checklists and learning exercises to help therapists build their conceptualization skills.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Astronomers, Scribes, and Priests: Intellectual Interchange between the Northern Maya Lowlands and Highland Mexico in the Late Postclassic Period
Rutgers University Press Glamour in a Golden Age: Movie Stars of the 1930s
Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford and Norma Shearer, Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo, William Powell and Myrna Loy, Jean Harlow, and Gary Cooper-Glamour in a Golden Age presents original essays from eminent film scholars that analyze movie stars of the 1930s against the background of contemporary American cultural history.Stardom is approached as an effect of, and influence on, the particular historical and industrial contexts that enabled these actors and actresses to be discovered, featured in films, publicized, and to become recognized and admired-sometimes even notorious-parts of the cultural landscape. Using archival and popular material, including fan and mass market magazines, other promotional and publicity material, and of course films themselves, contributors also discuss other artists who were incredibly popular at the time, among them Ann Harding, Ruth Chatterton, Nancy Carroll, Kay Francis, and Constance Bennett.
Little, Brown & Company The Very Fairy Princess: A Spooky, Sparkly Halloween
Gerry is in search of the PERFECT costume - one that will look just right with her wings and crown. Her imagination runs wild, and she decides on a flowing angel outfit (complete with a sparkly halo, of course). Gerry and her friends are so excited for the big day... until an accidental spill threatens to ruin EVERYTHING! What is a fairy princess to do? Thankfully, Gerry knows just how to save Halloween, and also shows what it means to be a good friend. From the mother-daughter team of Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton comes another heartwarming story in the #1 New York Times bestselling Very Fairy Princess series.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Book of the City of Ladies and Other Writings
"Fresh, accurate, and engaging, this new translation of the Book of the City of Ladies helps us to understand what made Christine de Pizan so popular with her fifteenth-century contemporaries. The editors provide a rich historical and philosophical context that will be very useful to both students and scholars of the history of political ideas. The translations themselves gracefully navigate the fine line between accuracy and readability with considerable charm. Rounding out this portrait of the turmoil of fifteenth-century France, the volume is enriched by excerpts from other works, Christine's Vision, the Book of the Body Politic, and the Lamentation on France’s Ills." —Kate Forhan, Emeritus, Siena CollegeCONTENTS: Introduction A Note on Translating the Book of the City of Ladies Christine de Pizan: Her works, Her Times Suggestions for Further Reading From Christine's Vision (1405) The Book of the City of Ladies (1404–1405) From The Book of the Body Politic (1404–1407) From Lamentation on France's Ills (1410) Index
Northern Bee Books Pollen Grains & Honeydew: A guide for identifying the plant sources in honey
Dedalus Ltd S Senso (and Other Stories)
National Gallery Company Ltd Winslow Homer: Force of Nature
An accessible introduction to American painter Winslow Homer, examining his work through the lens of conflict A fresh exploration of the work of iconic American painter Winslow Homer (1836–1910) through the lens of conflict, a recurring theme in his prolific career. A persistent fascination with struggle permeates Homer’s art—from emblematic images of the Civil War and Reconstruction to dazzling tropical works and monumental marines—and reveals his lifelong engagement with the charged subjects of race, nature, and the environment. This publication illuminates Homer’s preoccupation with the complex social and political issues of his era—war, slavery, imperialism—as well as his broader concerns with the fragility of human life and dominance of nature. These powerful themes are present in his earliest Civil War and Reconstruction paintings, which explore the effect of the conflict on the landscape, soldiers, and the formerly enslaved. They continue through his later images of rural life, dramatic rescues, and hunting—paintings that grapple with the often uneasy relationship between humans and the natural world. Toward the end of his life, human figures were reduced to tiny, irrelevant presences, while the ocean acquired a pivotal role. This richly illustrated volume will be published to accompany a retrospective at the National Gallery, organized in collaboration with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Published by National Gallery Global/Distributed by Yale University Press
V&R Unipress Wissenschaftliche Forschung in Osterreich 1800-1900: Spezialisierung, Organisation, Praxis
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Exegese - ökumenisch engagiert: Der "Evangelisch-Katholische Kommentar" in der Diskussion Ã"ber 500 Jahre Reformation
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Der Osterreichische Eisenbahnsektor - Forschung, Entwicklung, Wissenstrager
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Vergangenheit der Weltgeschichte: Universalhistorisches Denken in Berlin 1800-1933
Harrassowitz Leipziger Jahrbuch Zur Buchgeschichte 25 (2017)
Harrassowitz Leipziger Jahrbuch Zur Buchgeschichte 24 (2016)
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus Handbuch
Das Jesus Handbuch präsentiert die Forschung zum historischen Jesus und Rezeptionen seiner Person auf dem aktuellen Stand der internationalen Diskussion. Es gibt einen Überblick über Deutungen Jesu in der Christentumsgeschichte von den Anfängen bis zum Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Behandelt werden des Weiteren Wirken, Lehre und Geschick Jesu in ihrem religiösen, sozialen und politischen Kontext. Dabei werden aktuelle geschichtswissenschaftliche Diskurse, archäologische Forschungen sowie Deutungen Jesu in neutestamentlichen und weiteren frühchristlichen Texten berücksichtigt. Schließlich richtet sich der Blick auf wichtige Wirkungen Jesu im frühen Christentum. Geboten wird somit ein Überblick über Person und Wirken Jesu sowie Deutungen seiner Person aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. An dem Handbuch mitgewirkt haben renommierte Forscherinnen und Forscher aus verschiedenen Kontexten. Das Handbuch bietet deshalb zugleich einen repräsentativen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Jesusforschung.
Walter de Gruyter 1975
Poetry Wales Press Welsh Artists Talking
Stewart, Tabori & Chang Inc An Affair With a House
For 28 years the world-renowned interior designer Bunny Williams has been involved in a passionate love affair with an18th-century New England manor house that she found in sad repair. From the moment she walked up the driveway and her palms began to perspire, Williams knew she wanted the affair to last forever. In her sumptuous new book, An Affair with a House, the venerable decorator describes in detail how she and her husband, antiques dealer John Rosselli, rescued, nurtured, renovated, and decorated the well-worn house, giving it new life as they restored each room, resurrected the abandoned gardens, and filled this weekend home with family and friends. Through photographs, anecdotes, how-tos, and recipes, Williams provides a rare inside look at a top decorator’s retreat and explains how she approached the joys, pleasures, challenges, obstacles, and day-to-day realities of creating a beautiful, comfortable country home. An Affair with a House provides a wealth of advice on interior decor and such topics as mixing design styles, but it also addresses such practical matters as stocking the pantry and outfitting the linen closet. Beautiful photographs of the house, the gardens, and the property’s rustic structures provide an intimate glimpse of the couple’s lifestyle and illustrate a way of life we can all appreciate and learn from. Also available from Bunny Williams: A House by the Sea and Bunny Williams On Garden Style.
Alfred Music Baby: Easy Piano
Penguin Putnam Inc Dark Hunger
Little Brown and Company Holmes, Marple & Poe: The Greatest Crime-Solving Team of the Twenty-First Century
Oxford University Press Research Methods for Digital Work and Organization: Investigating Distributed, Multi-Modal, and Mobile Work
Digital work has become increasingly common, taking a wide variety of forms including working from home, mobile work, gig work, crowdsourcing, and online volunteering. It is organizationally, interpretively, spatially, and temporally complex. An array of innovative methodologies have begun to emerge to capture this complexity, whether through re-purposing existing tools, devising entirely novel methods, or mixing old and new. This volume brings together some of these techniques in an accessible sourcebook for management, business, organizational, and work researchers. It presents a range of innovative methods which capture and analyse digitally-related work practices through reflexive accounts of real-world research projects, and elucidates the range of challenges such methods may raise for research practice. It outlines debates and recommendations, and provides further reading and information to support research practice. The book is organised in four sections that reflect different areas of focus and methodological approaches: working with screens; digital working practices; distributed work and organizing; and digital traces of work. It then concludes by reflecting on the methodological issues, research ethics, requisite skills, and future of research given the intensification of digital work during a global pandemic that has impacted all aspects of our lives.
De Gruyter Stairs
Stairs are the most important vertical circulation element. They shape the space and give the entire design a unique character. However, the requirements when planning stairs are high and vary enormously depending on the multitude of building tasks and materials. Practice Stairs orders all stair types by design and construction typologies. In addition, a planning guide explains the various stair parts, building elements, construction types as well as materials. Finally, an example part with especially appealing realised projects invites you to draw inspiration for your own practice.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 9.1: Maria Stuart
Das Trauerspiel Maria Stuart in einer in Text und Anmerkungen vollständig neu erarbeiteten Ausgabe der 1948 erschienenen Edition. Die Neubearbeitung erschließt alle bekannten Handschriften und autorisierten Drucke des Dramas und bietet ausführliche philologisch-historische Erläuterungen. Inklusive Entstehungs- und Rezeptionsgeschichte bis 1805.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Projekt: Unterricht: Projektunterricht und Professionalisierung in Lehrerbildung und Schulpraxis
On the way to becoming a professional teacher in project teaching: We show you implementation options and perspectives within the current teacher education. Part I presents the teaching form of project teaching as well as its current status in educational policy discussion and empirical educational research. A historical view of practical development deepens the understanding of the current situation. Part II offers an up-to-date insight into existing professionalization concepts of project teaching in various institutions. Innovative approaches from university, legal clerkship, advanced and further training are presented. Part III deals with current developments, open questions and future concepts of project teaching in teacher training and further education.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Jesus Sirach, Jüdisches Gesetz und kosmische Weisheit
Das Buch Jesus Sirach stellt eine gewaltige Synthese weisheitlicher, kultischer, prophetischer, rechtlicher und historiographischer Traditionen des antiken Israel und des frühen Judentums dar. Um 180 v.Chr. in Jerusalem als Lehrbuch verfasst, verbindet sein auf Hebräisch schreibender Autor das jüdische Gesetz mit der kosmischen Weisheit und formuliert Maximen zum gelingenden Leben in der vielfältigen Welt des Hellenismus. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert alle bis heute bekannten hebräischen Fragmente dieses Buchs samt deutscher Übersetzung sowie ausgewählte Texte der um 120 v.Chr. in Alexandria erstellten griechischen Übertragung. Einzelne Essays führen in die literarischen und kulturellen Kontexte des Sirachbuchs ein, beleuchten zentrale in ihm behandelte Themen wie die rechte Lebensführung, die Gerechtigkeit Gottes, die Bedeutung des Gebets oder die Auslegung der heiligen Schriften Israels und skizzieren exemplarisch die Rolle dieses jüdischen Werkes in der christlichen Frömmigkeitsgeschichte.
Birkhauser Barrier-Free Design: Principles, Planning, Examples
"Building for everyone" – that is the best definition of what lies behind the unwieldy concept of "barrier-free design": the complete and total usability of buildings, including for those with disabilities, for the integration of all of society’s members can only succeed when their environment is made accessible to them. Demographic changes demand new qualities of private and public space, qualities that are also required by new legislation. The Detail Practice volume "Barrier-Free Design" provides all planners and architects, but also interested building sponsors, with basic practical information and a range of possible planning implementations in the domain of barrier freedom. It shows how corresponding requirements can be turned into aesthetically distinguished architecture. And it demonstrates that taking barrier freedom into account in the early planning stages of a project need not lead to additional costs compared to "classical" construction and design. In addition to an overview of planning fundamentals, the book also includes the associated body of rules and regulations as well as examples of how they are embodied in actual projects and perspectives on their development in the larger European context.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Time-Predictable Architectures
Building computers that can be used to design embedded real-time systems is the subject of this title. Real-time embedded software requires increasingly higher performances. The authors therefore consider processors that implement advanced mechanisms such as pipelining, out-of-order execution, branch prediction, cache memories, multi-threading, multicorearchitectures, etc. The authors of this book investigate the timepredictability of such schemes.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Children and Adolescents in Trauma: Creative Therapeutic Approaches
Children and Adolescents in Trauma presents a variety of creative approaches to working with young people in residential children's homes, secure or psychiatric units, and special schools. The contributors describe a wide range of approaches, including art therapy and literature, and how creative methods are applied in cases of abuse, trauma, violence, self-harm and identity development. They discuss the impact of abuse and mistreatment upon the mental health of 'looked after' children, drawing links between psychoanalytic theory and practice and the study of literature and the arts. This indispensable book provides useful insights and a fresh perspective for anyone working with traumatised children and adolescents, including social workers, psychotherapists, arts therapists, psychiatrists, counsellors, psychologists and students in these fields.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Revealing the Inner World of Traumatised Children and Young People: An Attachment-Informed Model for Assessing Emotional Needs and Treatment
Bringing together the latest research and theory about a child's inner world and the impact of the world around them, this is a guide to understanding and responding to the emotional needs of traumatised children. Founded on the principle that traumatised children do not have a secure sense of self and therefore cannot relate to the outside world without becoming overwhelmed, this book brings psychoanalytic and psychodynamic understandings of child psychology together with current neuroscience and trauma theory. At the heart of the book is an attachment-informed assessment model and guidance for treatment.Professionals working therapeutically with traumatised children, including therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health workers, social workers and residential care workers, will benefit from the wealth of knowledge and valuable practice guidance presented in this book.
Humana Press Inc. Innate Immune Activation: Methods and Protocols
This volume presents standard approaches and the most recent technical advances used to study innate immune activation. Chapters detail the assessment of macrophage activation, measuring innate immune responses to bacterial viability, quantification of secreted proteins, reporter systems, protocols examining specific innate immune activation by TLRs, RLRs, cGAS, and inflammasomes. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Authoritative and practical, Innate Immune Activation: Methods and Protocols aims to be a useful and informative reference tool for further study into this vital field.
New York University Press LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader
A definitive collection of original essays on queer politics From Harvey Milk to ACT UP to Proposition 8, no political change in the last two decades has been as rapid as the advancement of civil rights for LGBTQ people. As we face a critical juncture in progressive activism, political science, which has been slower than most disciplines to study the complexity of queer politics, must grapple with the shifting landscape of LGBTQ rights and inclusion. LGBTQ Politics analyzes both the successes and obstacles to building the LGBTQ movement over the past twenty years, offering analyses that point to possibilities for the movement’s future. Essays cover a range of topics, including activism, law, and coalition-building, and draw on subfields such as American politics, comparative politics, political theory, and international relations. LGBTQ Politics presents the full range of methodological, ideological, and substantive approaches to LGBTQ politics that exist in political science. Analyses focused on mainstream institutional and elite politics appear alongside contributions grounded in grassroots movements and critical theory. While some essays celebrate the movement’s successes and prospects, others express concerns that its democratic basis has become undermined by a focus on funding power over people power, attempts to fragment the LGBTQ movement from racial, gender and class justice, and a persistent attachment to single-issue politics. A comprehensive, thought-provoking collection, LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader will give rise to continued critical discussion of the parameters of LGBTQ politics.
New York University Press LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader
A definitive collection of original essays on queer politics From Harvey Milk to ACT UP to Proposition 8, no political change in the last two decades has been as rapid as the advancement of civil rights for LGBTQ people. As we face a critical juncture in progressive activism, political science, which has been slower than most disciplines to study the complexity of queer politics, must grapple with the shifting landscape of LGBTQ rights and inclusion. LGBTQ Politics analyzes both the successes and obstacles to building the LGBTQ movement over the past twenty years, offering analyses that point to possibilities for the movement’s future. Essays cover a range of topics, including activism, law, and coalition-building, and draw on subfields such as American politics, comparative politics, political theory, and international relations. LGBTQ Politics presents the full range of methodological, ideological, and substantive approaches to LGBTQ politics that exist in political science. Analyses focused on mainstream institutional and elite politics appear alongside contributions grounded in grassroots movements and critical theory. While some essays celebrate the movement’s successes and prospects, others express concerns that its democratic basis has become undermined by a focus on funding power over people power, attempts to fragment the LGBTQ movement from racial, gender and class justice, and a persistent attachment to single-issue politics. A comprehensive, thought-provoking collection, LGBTQ Politics: A Critical Reader will give rise to continued critical discussion of the parameters of LGBTQ politics.
Edinburgh University Press Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf
These comparative essays explore the shared terrain of these modernist women writers and shed new light on their 'curious & thrilling' literary relationship.
University of Toronto Press Journalism in Crisis: Bridging Theory and Practice for Democratic Media Strategies in Canada
Journalism in Crisis addresses the concerns of scholars, activists, and journalists committed to Canadian journalism as a democratic institution and as a set of democratic practices. The authors look within Canada and abroad for solutions for balancing the Canadian media ecology. Public policies have been central to the creation and shaping of Canada's media system and, rather than wait for new technologies or economic models, the contributors offer concrete recommendations for how public policies can foster journalism that can support democratic life in twenty-first century Canada. Their work, which includes new theoretical perspectives and valuable discussions of journalism practices in public, private, and community media, should be read by professional and citizen journalists, academics, media activists, policy makers and media audiences concerned about the future of democratic journalism in Canada.
Fordham University Press More than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church: Voices of Our Times
The Second Vatican Council’s landmark document Gaudium et spes called Catholics to cultivate robust, mutually enriching dialogue with the modern world by attentively and discerningly listening to the “voices of our times.” This distinctive new publication, the first of two volumes that explore sexual diversity and the Catholic Church, gathers an important set of these voices: the testimonies and reflections of Catholic and former Catholic LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) persons, their friends, family members, and those who teach and accompany them. Drawn from a series of conferences held in autumn 2011 and offering a spectrum of professional, generational, and personal perspectives, the essays in Voices of Our Times suggest the breadth and complexity of Catholic experiences of and engagements with sexual diversity. Each writer locates her or his reflections in careful attention to how ways of experiencing sexuality and speaking about sexual diversity are embodied in and shaped by particular practices—familial, interpersonal, professional, ecclesial, cultural, and political. Part I, “Practicing Love,” introduces the voices of singles, families, couples, parents, and children who reflect on their experiences of sexual diversity in light of their experiences of Catholicism and of Catholics. Part II, “Practicing Church,” offers the perspectives of clergy and lay ministers, casting light on what pastoral workers, Catholic and otherwise, encounter as they walk with people who are grappling with issues of faith and sexuality. In Part III, “Practicing Education,” writers discuss their experiences with sexual diversity in Catholic educational settings as teachers, as students, and as witnesses to the lives, loves, and struggles of LGBTQ young adults. Finally, Part IV, “Practicing Belonging,” spotlights contributions by authors who have struggled with their identities and place within and around the Catholic community. Striving to acknowledge, honor, and respect the truth and value embodied in both LGBTQ persons’ lives and in the Catholic tradition, this book provides a close-to-the-ground look at the state of the conversation about sexual diversity among contemporary Roman Catholics in the United States. Along with its companion volume, Inquiry, Thought, and Expression, Voices of Our Times represents a unique opportunity for readers inside and outside the Catholic community to engage in a conversation that is at once vibrant and complex, difficult and needed.