Search results for ""author andreas""
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research
The Handbook of International Crisis Communication Research articulates a broader understanding of crisis communication, discussing the theoretical, methodological, and practical implications of domestic and transnational crises, featuring the work of global scholars from a range of sub-disciplines and related fields. Provides the first integrative international perspective on crisis communication Articulates a broader understanding of crisis communication, which includes work from scholars in journalism, public relations, audience research, psychology, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, and international communication Explores the topic from cross-national and cross-cultural crisis communication approaches Includes research and scholars from countries around the world and representing all regions Discusses a broad range of crisis types, such as war, terrorism, natural disasters, pandemia, and organizational crises
Royal Society of Chemistry Microfluidics and Lab-on-a-chip
Microfluidic technology is revolutionising a number of scientific fields, including chemistry, biology, diagnostics, and engineering. The ability to manipulate fluids and objects within networks of micrometre-scale channels allows reductions in processing and analysis times, reagent and sample consumption, and waste production, whilst allowing fine control and monitoring of chemical or biological processes. The integration of multiple components and processes enable “lab-on-a-chip” devices and “micro total analysis systems” that have applications ranging from analytical chemistry, organic synthesis, and clinical diagnostics to cell biology and tissue engineering. This concise, easy-to-read book is perfectly suited for instructing newcomers on the most relevant and important aspects of this exciting and dynamic field, particularly undergraduate and postgraduate students embarking on new studies, or for those simply interested in learning about this widely applicable technology. Written by a team with more than 20 years of experience in microfluidics research and teaching, the book covers a range of topics and techniques including fundamentals (e.g. scaling laws and flow effects), microfabrication and materials, standard operations (e.g. flow control, detection methods) and applications. Furthermore, it includes questions and answers that provide for the needs of students and teachers in the area.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Long-Term & Dynamical Aspects of Information Security: Emerging Trends in Information & Communication Security
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Late Modernity in Crisis: Why We Need a Theory of Society
In times of entrenched social upheaval and multiple crises, we need the kind of social theory that is prepared to look at the big picture, analyze the broad developmental features of modern societies, their structural conditions and dynamics, and point to possible ways out of the crises we face. Over the last couple of decades, two German sociologists, Andreas Reckwitz and Hartmut Rosa, have sought to provide wide-ranging social theories of this kind. While their theories are very different, they share in common the view that the analysis of modernity as a social formation must be kept at the heart of sociology, and that the theory of society should ultimately serve to diagnose the crises of the present. In this book, Andreas Reckwitz and Hartmut Rosa join forces to examine the value and the limits of a theory of society today. They provide clear and concise accounts of their own theories of society, explicate their key concepts – including "singularization" in the case of Reckwitz, "acceleration" and “resonance” in the case of Rosa – and draw out the implications of their theories for understanding the multiple crises we face today. The result is a book that provides both an excellent introduction to the work of two of the most important sociologists writing today and a vivid demonstration of the value of the kind of bold social theory of modern societies that they espouse.
O'Reilly Media Mastering the Lightning Network: A Second Layer Blockchain Protocol for Instant Bitcoin Payments
The Lightning Network (LN) is a rapidly growing second-layer payment protocol that works on top of Bitcoin to provide near-instantaneous transactions between two parties. With this practical guide, authors Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Olaoluwa Osuntokun, and Rene Pickhardt explain how this advancement will enable the next level of scale for Bitcoin, increasing speed and privacy while reducing fees. Ideal for developers, systems architects, investors, and entrepreneurs looking to gain a better understanding of LN, this book demonstrates why experts consider LN a critical solution to Bitcoin's scalability problem. You'll learn how LN has the potential to support far more transactions than today's financial networks. This book examines: How the Lightning Network addresses the challenge of blockchain scaling The Basis of Lightning Technology (BOLT) standards documents The five layers of the Lightning Network Protocol Suite LN basics, including wallets, nodes, and how to operate one Lightning payment channels, onion routing, and gossip protocol Finding paths across payment channels to transport Bitcoin off-chain from sender to recipient
Emerald Publishing Limited The Disruptive Power of Online Education: Challenges, Opportunities, Responses
The higher education sector is being disrupted through the effect that technological innovations have on the educational market. As digital and mobile technologies are developing further, higher education institutions must embrace these developments to meet the needs of their learners and to not become irrelevant. In higher education, disruptive effects are mainly visible on a program/product level, with an increasing number of programs including some element of online education. Disruptive effects also become evident on a pedagogical level, where student engagement, collaboration and social learning, gamification and serious games, competency-based learning, teacher training, and overcoming geosocial divides are high on the agenda. This book considers the effect of online elements and their design on university business models and internationalization, course design, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and the scalability of online programs. It also explores how higher education institutions across the globe respond and react to the challenges and opportunities evolving in online education.
Taylor & Francis Inc Atlas of Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy
Arthroscopic surgery has been one of the biggest Orthopedic advances in the last century. It affects people of all ages. Total joint replacement may capture popular imagination, but arthroscopy continues to have a greater effect on more people. This Atlas provides the most up to date resource of advanced arthroscopic techniques, as well as including all the standard procedures. Beautifully illustrated and supported by online videos of the latest techniques, this Atlas will appeal to both experienced shoulder surgeons as well as the orthopedic surgeon seeking to enhance his or her knowledge of shoulder arthroscopy.
Zondervan All the Genealogies of the Bible: Visual Charts and Exegetical Commentary
The Bible contains hundreds of genealogies that fulfill multiple purposes, yet the significance of these genealogies can admittedly be difficult to grasp. In All the Genealogies of the Bible, author Nancy presents every genealogy in the Bible in a simple, visual format. Esteemed biblical scholars Eugene Merrill and Andreas Kostenberger supplement Dawson's work with brief commentary on each genealogy. Dawson works with both complete genealogies and partial lists, piecing together names in different passages to illustrate the interrelationships of various biblical characters for deeper study.Including more than 340 genealogies, All the Genealogies of the Bible is organized in biblical order and is equipped with tools you'll need to navigate the book easily: A detailed table of contents A Complete Index of Names Comprehensive cross-referencing A one-of-a-kind reference work, All the Genealogies of the Bible will be useful for pastors, Bible teachers, students, and anyone wanting to study the Bible more deeply from the unique vantage point of its many genealogies.
Greece & Cyprus Research Center, Incorporated Greek Texts of the Fourth to Thirteenth Centuries
Crossway Books Women in the Church: An Interpretation and Application of 1 Timothy 2:9-15 (Third Edition)
Offering a rigorous exegesis of 1 Timothy 2:9–15, this classic volume explores Paul’s teaching on women’s roles in the local church. Now includes a new preface, a new conclusion, and new and updated chapters.
Edition Axel Menges Sep Ruf, Kanzlerbungalow, Bonn: Opus 72
Text in English & German. The German Chancellor's former residential and reception building in Bonn is one of the German post-war period's most significant high-profile buildings. The "Kanzlerbungalow" was built 1963/64. The idea was Ludwig Erhard's, and it was planned by Munich architect Sep Ruf. Along with the buildings by Hans Schwippert, Egon Eiermann and Günter Behnisch, it is among the most outstanding architectural reminders of Bonn's time as the Federal Republic's capital. Situated in the park of Palais Schaumberg close to the Rhine's banks, the building could not be seen by the general public and therefore remained comparatively unknown. The Kanzlerbungalow combines its function of representing the state with that of a home. It shows classical modern influences -- primarily that of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe -- extending to the contemporary Californian "Case Study Houses". The building speaks volumes about the early Federal Republic's sense of its own identity. The question of how the still young democracy should represent itself in its architecture after the years of National Socialism found its answer with a design that combined the need for an appropriate setting for a high public function with an explicit desire to make use of the tools created by the International Style, rather than resort to outmoded formal gestures which had additionally been politically discredited by recent history. The reaction to Sep Ruf's building reflects the often undecided attitude to questions of appropriate state representation of the time. Much praised by architectural experts, the Kanzlerbungalow did not appeal to a number of Erhard's successors. It did however have a not insignificant influence on West German architects in particular, in spite of its very specialised function. It is presently undergoing extensive renovations, and is to be used for exhibitions and other purposes from 2009 onwards.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Romische Historische Mitteilungen 61/2019
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Liederkunde zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch. Heft 16
Commentary on the following hymns:EG 169 Der Gottesdienst soll fröhlich seinEG 222 Im Frieden deinEG 267 Herr, du hast darum gebetetEG 288 Nun jauchzt dem Herrn, alle WeltEG 294 Nun saget Dank und lobt den HerrenEG 320 Nun lasst uns Gott, dem HerrenEG 321 Nun danket alle GottEG 326 Sei Lob und Ehr dem höchsten GutEG 372 Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetanEG 385 Mir nach, spricht Christus, unser HeldEG 396 Jesu, meine FreudeEG 432 Gott gab uns Atem, damit wir lebenEG 443 Aus meines Herzens GrundeEG 473 Mein schönste ZierEG 499 Erd und Himmel sollen singenEG 513 Das Feld ist weiÃ
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hermeneutik der Transzendenz
An der Frage nach der Transzendenz scheiden sich die Geister. Gibt es neben den ontologischen, erkenntnistheoretischen, ethischen oder alterologischen Formen von Transzendenz überhaupt genuin religiöse Formen der Transzendenz? Und wenn ja, in welcher Beziehung stehen sie zu jenen anderen Gestalten der Transzendenz? Stimmt es, dass eine Verschiebung von einem 'vertikalen' zu einem 'horizontalen' Verständnis von Transzendenz stattgefunden hat? Aber auch wenn man daran festhält, dass die menschlich-religiöse Selbst-Transzendierung mehr als eine bloß immanente Erfahrung darstellt - wie soll man sich diese denken? Ist absolute Transzendenz nur denkbar, wenn sich diese von sich selbst her vergegenwärtigt, und inwiefern knüpft göttliche Selbst-Transzendierung auch dann modifizierend an menschliche Formen der Selbst-Transzendierung an? Die Beiträge dieses Bandes beleuchten und untersuchen diese und andere Fragen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Festschrift zu Ehren von Christian Kirchner: Recht im ökonomischen Kontext
Mit der Festschrift für Christian Kirchner sollte ein außergewöhnlicher akademischer Lehrer und Forscher zu seinem 70. Geburtstag geehrt werden, der in seiner die Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften umfassenden Laufbahn, zuletzt während seiner fast 20-jährigen Tätigkeit als Professor an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, entscheidend zur Entwicklung des modernen Wirtschaftsrechts, insbesondere des Wettbewerbs- sowie des Regulierungsrechts, beigetragen hat. Er gilt als einer der führenden Vordenker der Ökonomischen Theorie des Rechts. Überraschend ist der zu Ehrende am 17. Januar 2014 verstorben. Das Werk ist daher seinem Andenken gewidmet.Für die Festschrift haben zahlreiche renommierte Autoren aus Deutschland sowie unter anderem der Schweiz, den USA und Asien als Freunde, Weggefährten, Schüler und Kollegen Beiträge verfasst, die sich mit Problemen aus den zentralen Arbeitsgebieten des zu Ehrenden wissenschaftlich auseinandersetzen. Schwerpunkte der Beiträge bilden das Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Kartellrecht, Recht und Ökonomie der Regulierung sowie Institutionenökonomie. Dabei wird meist ein europäischer oder internationaler Bezug hergestellt und häufig eine wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Sichtweise gewählt.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Religion und Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit in Europa: Konstellationen - Kulturen - Konflikte
Die Frage nach den Wertgrundlagen der Sozialpolitik spielt für die Selbstverständigungsprozesse der Europäischen Union eine wichtige Rolle. Die europäischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten sind aus komplexen Kooperations-, Konflikt- und Transformationskonstellationen entstanden, bei denen neben dem Staat und anderen säkularen Akteuren nicht zuletzt auch religiöse Glaubensgemeinschaften beteiligt waren. Dennoch ist der Faktor Religion in der Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung bislang eher am Rande thematisiert worden. Der vorliegende Band beteiligt sich an der Schließung dieser Forschungslücke. Mit dem Ziel einer vergleichenden Analyse wird in Fallstudien zu dreizehn europäischen Ländern nach religiös-konfessionellen Einflüssen auf die sozialstaatliche Entwicklung vom Beginn der Industrialisierung bis zur Gegenwart gefragt.
Brepols N.V. The Medieval Cathedral of Trondheim: Architectural and Ritual Constructions in Their European Context
Hatje Cantz Axel Hütte: Reflexio
Inverted Baroque, Mirrored Landscapes Oberschwaben (Upper Swabia), between the Black Forest, Lake Constance and the Allgäu, offers a richness of Baroque architecture and picturesque rolling landscapes. Axel Hütte’s images are not intended as portrayals of a cultural landscape and its history. They are photographic images, but not necessarily photographically realistic images. They are, collectively, titled Reflexio. Hütte works with the inversion of the colour spectrum, the reflection of the pictorial space. The photographer’s interventions in the realistic image are a radical transformation of what the eye initially registered, they contradict experience; negate customary perception. Instead, they are an autonomous aesthetic construct and reveal a different side of reality. The two themes in these works—“Baroque” and “landscape”—thus become equivalent tools for thoroughly investigating pictorial realities.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Organisationspädagogik
In den letzten Jahren hat die organisationspädagogische Forschung sowohl im disziplinären als auch im interdisziplinären Kontext eine erhebliche Entwicklung und Aufwertung erfahren. Vor diesem Hintergrund fokussiert und bündelt dieses Handbuch Entwicklung, Forschung und Diskurse zum Verhältnis von Organisation und zentralen pädagogischen Referenzkategorien. Theorien, Methoden, Gegenstände und Arbeitsfelder der Organisationspädagogik werden von ausgewiesenen ExpertInnen diskutiert, mit Wissensbeständen pädagogischer Teildiskurse verschränkt und Anschlüsse für die professionelle Praxis eröffnet.
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Basileus Eirenophylax: Friedenskultur(en) Und Monarchische Reprasentation in Der Antike
Brill Schoningh Doing Interpretation: Perspektiven Praxeologischer Hermeneutik
De Gruyter Liebermann zeichnet: Das Berliner Kupferstichkabinett zu Gast im Max Liebermann Haus
Anlässlich des 175. Geburtstags von Max Liebermann wird erstmals der herausragende Bestand seiner Zeichnungen im Kupferstichkabinett der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin vorgestellt. Die Entwicklung Liebermanns als Künstler allgemein und als Zeichner im Besonderen machen die überwiegend noch zu Lebzeiten des Künstlers in der „Sammlung der Zeichnungen" an der Nationalgalerie zusammengetragenen Werke eindrucksvoll erlebbar. Vom selten gezeigten ersten Skizzenbuch der 1860er-Jahre über Vorstudien zu Gemälden, holländische Landschaften und Porträts prominenter Zeitgenossen bis hin zu markanten Selbstbildnissen offenbart sich das ganze Spektrum seiner Zeichenkunst. Dass die Zeichnung für Max Liebermann eine zentrale Rolle spielte, wird im Katalog – dem ersten überhaupt zum Bestand des Kupferstichkabinetts! – verdeutlicht. Ausstellung 16.12.22 bis 5.3.23, Stiftung Brandenburger Tor, Berlin Highlight anlässlich des Jubiläumsjahrs Max Liebermanns Nahezu der gesamte Zeichnungsbestand des Künstlers aus dem Berliner Kupferstichkabinett wird erstmalig präsentiert
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Christentum von rechts: Theologische Erkundungen und Kritik
Die politische Landschaft Deutschlands hat sich stark verändert. Am deutlichsten zeigt sich dies durch die Etablierung einer neuen Partei. Wenig beachtet wurde bisher, dass in der Politik von rechts auch religiöse Impulse wirksam sind. Zudem hat dieses "Christentum von rechts" auch Sprecher, die zu einer intellektuell gehaltvollen Auseinandersetzung Anlass bieten, nämlich die "Neuen Rechten". Es genügt nicht, sie nur historisch, politologisch, soziologisch oder sozialpsychologisch zu untersuchen. Vielmehr sollte man sie auch theologisch deuten und beurteilen.Wer sich theologisch mit der Neuen Rechten beschäftigt, hat nicht nur die Chance, eine zumeist unbeachtete Tiefendimension auszuleuchten. Es bietet sich ihm auch die Gelegenheit zu einer Selbstprüfung. Denn die Neuen Rechten und ihre Theologien sind nicht einfach etwas "Anderes". Bei genauerem Hinsehen zeigt sich, dass manches mehr mit "uns" zu tun hat, als "uns" lieb sein mag. Deshalb ist es so wichtig, ihre Texte präzise zu untersuchen. Wer dies tut, dem begegnen Motive, die man aus der Theologiegeschichte kannte, aber längst für überwunden hielt. Doch handelt es sich hier um virulente Gegenwartsimpulse, auf die es eine konstruktive theologische Antwort bräuchte. Diese soll hier mit den bewährten Methoden einer historisch, politologisch und soziologisch informierten Systematischen und Praktischen Theologie gesucht werden. Dabei gehen die Autoren exemplarisch vor und untersuchen einzelne Hauptakteure und Leitmotive - aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven. In dieser Offenheit möchten sie zu einer breiten theologischen Debatte anregen.
De Gruyter Analytik
Rutgers University Press Has It Come to This?: The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering on the Brink
Geoengineering is the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth's climate system in an attempt to mitigate the adverse effects of global warming. Now that climate emergency is upon us, claims that geoengineering is inevitable are rapidly proliferating. How did we get into this situation where the most extreme path now seems a plausible development? Is it an accurate representation of where we are at? Who is this “we” who is talking? What options make it onto the table? Which are left out? Whom does geoengineering serve? Why is the ensemble of projects that goes by that name so salient, even though the community of researchers and advocates is remarkably small? These are some of the questions that the thinkers contributing to this volume are exploring from perspectives ranging from sociology and geography to ethics and Indigenous studies. The editors set out this diverse collection of voices not as a monolithic, unified take on geoengineering, but as a place where creative thinkers, students, and interested environmental and social justice advocates can explore nuanced ideas in more than 240 characters.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The New Bottom Line: Bridging the Value Gaps that are Undermining Your Business
This radical, provocative and inspiring book explores a tectonic shift at the very heart of business. A shift that?s making the old bottom line of corporate profitability the servant of a new master: a new ?person-centric? bottom line of personal profitability or value ?in my life?. So what? No bottom line? No more profit? Of course not! Every organization must cover its costs. Every business has to make a profit to survive. The authors of The New Global Line remarkably show that the necessary requirements for doing so are changing, and why this transformation ? containing important elements of both evolution and revolution ? is under way, how it?s undermining the foundations of once-great businesses and brands, and how its throwing up huge new opportunities.
Emerald Publishing Limited Public Governance in Denmark: Meeting the Global Mega-Challenges of the 21st Century?
Societies all over the world are facing a host of daunting problems, including poverty, persistent unemployment, income inequality, unequal distribution of political power and participation, ageing populations, uncontrolled migration, and climate change. Public Governance in Denmark: Meeting the Global Mega-Challenges of the 21st Century? provides a nuanced account of how Denmark handles these urgent societal problems. Offering up-to-date academic analysis of Danish public governance, this edited volume encourages an informed and balanced debate about formulating and adopting political reform with reference to ‘the Danish model’. The authors explore how recent public governance changes have turned the Danish welfare state into a mix of a neo-Weberian state and an enabling state, deploying its considerable resources to create economic growth for the benefit of most Danes, satisfying the needs of citizens and businesses, and developing collaborative solutions to complex problems. Still, not all Danish policy changes have been successful and evolving problems require further reforms in the years to come. Public Governance in Denmark will be of great interest to students and scholars within the fields of public administration, governance, policy and politics as well as policy professionals engaged in analyzing, designing, and evaluating public policies and governance strategies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties
The Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties provides an authoritative treatment of fundamental issues in international treaty law. Identifying key challenges facing the modern law of treaties, the Handbook addresses the current regime and comments on potential directions of the law.Rather than an article-by-article commentary on provisions applicable to treaties, the Handbook offers an innovative study of their spatial, personal and temporal dimensions and of the tensions that arise due to the need for both flexibility and certainty in treaty relations. It analyses the interaction between treaty regimes and potential ruptures, as well as the expansion of treaty law to international organisations, corporations and individuals. Each chapter includes an 'agenda for research', highlighting areas where future work could yield significant results.This pioneering Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for researchers and advanced students, as well as providing unique insights for practitioners of international law.Contributors: E. Cannizzaro, J. d'Aspremont, K. del Mar, J. Devaney, J. Finke, M. Fitzmaurice, M. Karavias, M. Kotzur, S-I. Lekkas, V. Lowe QC, P.Merkouris, M. Milanovic, A. Nollkaemper, M. Paparinskis, I. Plakokefalos, A. Proelss, S. Ranganathan, A. Rasulov, Y. Ronen, C. J. Tams, A. Tzanakopoulos, M. Waibel, P. Webb, A. Zimmermann
Taylor & Francis Inc Underground Aqueducts Handbook
This book presents the major engineering achievements in underground aqueducts from around the world and throughout history. It provides valuable insights into water technologies and management with respect to durability, adaptability to the environment, and sustainability. Comparisons of the technological underground aqueduct developments from several regions are made. These technologies are the underpinning of modern achievements in water supply engineering and water management practices, and current issues of sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and decentralization have led engineers to consider combining older proven technologies with modern infrastructure advancements.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Prejudice and Discrimination in Europe
All papers concentrate on empirical findings throughout Europe as well as cross-national comparisons. This research reveals both consistent patterns and intriguing differences across countries. New research data from Western and Eastern European surveys and experiments New theoretical conceptualizations of prejudice Multi-disciplinary approaches Debate on policy making with reference to non European countries
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Environmental Toxicity Testing
As an integral component of environmental policy, it has become essential to regulate and monitor toxic substances. Past emphasis has been primarily on analytical approaches to the detection of specific, targeted contaminants, thus allowing chemical characterisation. However, toxicity testing or biological assessment is necessary for ecotoxicological evaluation, and this offers marked benefits and advantages that complement chemical analysis. Key issues to be addressed include identification of pertinent tests, reproducibility and robustness of these tests, and cost considerations.This book examines these issues and describes and explains the approaches that have been developed for environmental toxicity evaluations. Advantages, benefits and drawbacks of the strategies and methods are highlighted. Directed equally at ecotoxicologists, industrial chemists, analytical chemists and environmental consultants, this book is written in a way that will prove helpful to both new and experienced practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties
The Research Handbook on the Law of Treaties provides an authoritative treatment of fundamental issues in international treaty law. Identifying key challenges facing the modern law of treaties, the Handbook addresses the current regime and comments on potential directions of the law.Rather than an article-by-article commentary on provisions applicable to treaties, the Handbook offers an innovative study of their spatial, personal and temporal dimensions and of the tensions that arise due to the need for both flexibility and certainty in treaty relations. It analyses the interaction between treaty regimes and potential ruptures, as well as the expansion of treaty law to international organisations, corporations and individuals. Each chapter includes an 'agenda for research', highlighting areas where future work could yield significant results.This pioneering Handbook will prove an invaluable resource for researchers and advanced students, as well as providing unique insights for practitioners of international law.Contributors: E. Cannizzaro, J. d'Aspremont, K. del Mar, J. Devaney, J. Finke, M. Fitzmaurice, M. Karavias, M. Kotzur, S-I. Lekkas, V. Lowe QC, P.Merkouris, M. Milanovic, A. Nollkaemper, M. Paparinskis, I. Plakokefalos, A. Proelss, S. Ranganathan, A. Rasulov, Y. Ronen, C. J. Tams, A. Tzanakopoulos, M. Waibel, P. Webb, A. Zimmermann
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Societies in Transition: Sub-Saharan Africa between Conflict and Reconciliation
The second volume of the trans-disciplinary series Research in Peace and Reconciliation looks at ways of dealing with the past in Sub-Saharan Africa in recent decades and highlights the variety of peaceful strategies and processes. It asks to what extent this variety fosters the development of alternative methods for the transformation of violent conflict.The contributions focus on different African countries and regions as Chad, Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. They take into account the influence of particular cultural contexts on processes of reconciliation. In doing so, they emphasize the importance of religions, rites, and tribal customs as well as the complex legacy of colonialism. They also look at the presentation of the topic in Western media.Many thanks go to the Ernst-Abbe-Foundation (Jena) for its generous support of the publication.
Springer International Publishing AG Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation: A Handbook by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International
Commissioned by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), this needed, useful new ‘Body of Knowledge’ (BoK) collects and organizes the common understanding of a wide collection of professionals and professional associations.Modeling and simulation (M&S) is a ubiquitous discipline that lays the computational foundation for real and virtual experimentation, clearly stating boundaries—and interactions—of systems, data, and representations. The field is well known, too, for its training support via simulations and simulators. Indeed, with computers increasingly influencing the activities of today’s world, M&S is the third pillar of scientific understanding, taking its place along with theory building and empirical observation.This valuable new handbook provides intellectual support for all disciplines in analysis, design and optimization. It contributes increasingly to the growing number of computational disciplines, addressing the broad variety of contributing as well as supported disciplines and application domains. Further, each of its sections provide numerous references for further information. Highly comprehensive, the BoK represents many viewpoints and facets, captured under such topics as: Mathematical and Systems Theory Foundations Simulation Formalisms and Paradigms Synergies with Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Challenges Ethics and Philosophy Historical Perspectives Examining theoretical as well as practical challenges, this unique volume addresses the many facets of M&S for scholars, students, and practitioners. As such, it affords readers from all science, engineering, and arts disciplines a comprehensive and concise representation of concepts, terms, and activities needed to explain the M&S discipline.Tuncer Ören is Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa. Bernard Zeigler is Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona. Andreas Tolk is Chief Scientist at The MITRE Corporation. All three editors are long-time members and Fellows of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Under the leadership of three SCS Fellows, Dr. Ören, University of Ottawa, Dr. Zeigler, The University of Arizona, and Dr. Tolk, The MITRE Corporation, more than 50 international scholars from 15 countries provided insights and experience to compile this initial M&S Body of Knowledge.
Sage Publications Ltd Understanding Mental Health and Counselling
Understanding Mental Health and Counselling provides a critical introduction to key debates about how problems of mental health are understood, and to the core approaches taken to working with counselling and psychotherapy clients. In drawing out the differences and intersections between professional and social understandings of mental health and counselling theory and practice, the book fosters critical thinking about effective and ethical work with mental health service users and therapy clients. With chapters by noted academic writers and service-user researchers, and content enlivened by activities, first-person accounts and case material, the book provides a key resource for both counselling and psychotherapy trainees and those interested in the broader field of mental health.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Airy Curtains in the European Ether: Broadcasting and the Cold War
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Ungarn Und Die Internationale Politik 1848-1849
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fasse Dich kurz!: Der grenzuberschreitende Telefonverkehr der Opposition in den 1980er Jahren und das Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit
Tapping into phone calls is part of the history of telephone communication. The Ministry for State Security (MfS), despite an underdeveloped telephone network in the GDR, eagerly listened to and recorded telephone calls and used the information obtained for secret police and secret service activities. For this purpose, the State Security maintained its own departments which, on behalf of other MfS service units, specifically monitored telephone calls in the GDR, in the Federal Republic and also in cross-border telephone traffic. A historical study of the results of this wiretapping practice is very narrow for reasons of data protection. This book is the first to publish sources based on telephone surveillance measures. In addition to the scientific edition of around 150 sources, the historical context is examined, the value of the source is discussed and the listening practice and the consequences are presented in an essay from the perspective of contemporary witnesses. In addition, the technical working methods of the Stasi eavesdropping specialists are examined. The book thus introduces a group of sources that have not been known so far, provides new perspectives on the history of the SED dictatorship, the MfS and the opposition, and contains a variety of research suggestions.
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Lutheran Dualities: Guidance for Preaching the Gospel
Theologischer Verlag Wenn Jugendliche Bibel Lesen: Jugendtheologie Und Bibeldidaktik
Fondation Hardt Les Origines de la Republique Romaine
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Glucksspielrecht: Handkommentar
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG 110 Keywords Wirtschaftsethik
Von Aktivist über Nachhaltigkeit bis zu Zensur: Im Kontext der Wirtschaftsethik gibt es unzählige Fachtermini und Abkürzungen. Das vorliegende Nachschlagewerk eignet sich für den ersten schnellen Überblick. In 110 übersichtlichen Schlüsselbegriffen werden die Grundlagen erläutert. Die Erklärungen sind kompakt und verständlich formuliert und bieten Basiswissen für alle, die einen schnellen Einstieg in das Thema Wirtschaftsethik suchen, einzelne Begriffe nachschlagen oder ihr vorhandenes Wissen auffrischen möchten.
De Gruyter Schraffuren: Die Zeichnungen von Hans Funk (1928–2002)
Hans Funk (1928–2002) hatte sich in vielen Ausstellungen seit den 1960er- und 1970er-Jahren einen Namen als Zeichner gemacht. Aus Anfängen im Informel entwickelte er in seinen großformartigen Tuschzeichnungen ein umfangreiches und eigenständiges Œuvre, das zwischen Formverzicht und Formerhalt, zwischen Spontaneität und Reflexion oszilliert. Der Künstler lebte und arbeitete abseits der Metropolen mit ihren Akteuren des Kunstmarkts als Kunstlehrer im niedersächsischen Lüneburg. Mit der nun von seinem Sohn Tobias Funk herausgegebenen Publikation wird die Entwicklung seiner fulminanten Zeichenkunst in 80 Abbildungen vor Augen gestellt. In drei kunsthistorischen Essays wird das zeichnerische Œuvre eingehend beschrieben.