Search results for ""author ross"
States Academic Press Applied Biomechanics
Charisma House Viral Jesus: Recovering the Contagious Power of the Gospel
Rowman & Littlefield The Jesuit Mission to the Lakota Sioux: A Study of Pastoral Ministry, 1886-1945
This study examines the development of ministry at the St. Francis and Holy Rosary missions in South Dakota. Using primary sources, this study seeks to understand the points of views of the Lakota Sioux Catholics during the 1920s and 1930s, and the Jesuit missionaries who reached them. It takes into particular account the patterns which develop in missiology.
Kensington Publishing Iced Under
Archway Publishing The Perfect Match
Adams Media Corporation Half in Love with Death NA
It's the era of peace and love in the 1960s, but nothing is peaceful in Caroline's life. Since her beautiful older sister disappeared, fifteen-year-old Caroline might as well have disappeared too. She's invisible to her parents, who can't stop blaming each other. A heartfelt thriller that never lets up.
Random House USA Inc Fast Boat to China: High-Tech Outsourcing and the Consequences of Free Trade: Lessons from Shanghai
Berklee Press Publications ChordScale Improvisation for Keyboard A Linear Approach to Improvisation
Random House USA Inc In a Dark Wood: My Five-Year War with a Disease that Doesn't Exist
Penguin Putnam Inc Revolutions: How Women Changed the World on Two Wheels
Penguin Putnam Inc Castaway Cove: A Shelter Bay Novel
Penguin Putnam Inc The Homecoming
Random House USA Inc The Silver Blonde
St Martin's Press Listen to This
HarperCollins Publishers Inc How We Change: (And Ten Reasons Why We Don't)
Legionarion Verlag Begegnung mit dem Berserker
Mainbook Verlag Der Mäzen
Ama Verlag Jazz Composers Companion
Alexander Verlag Berlin Das ProcaneProjekt
Alexander Verlag Berlin Die BackupMnner Ein McCorkleundPadilloFall
Grafit Verlag Das Schweigen von Brodersby Ein LandarztKrimi
Panini Verlags GmbH Endloses Feuer CadenceZyklus 2
Dorling Kindersley Verlag Heilpflanzen
Bassermann, Edition Das Ausmalbuch 64 Vorlagen nach den Bildern aus der Kultserie The Joy of Painting Freude am Malen
Prestel Verlag Royals Bilder der Königsfamilie aus der britischen VOGUE
Ueberreuter Verlag Die Bärenflüsterin
Ueberreuter Verlag Northern Lights Die Wölfe vom Charley River Northern Lights Bd. 4
Rowohlt Berlin Bildung eine Anleitung
Coppenrath F Großer Malspaß für Pferdefreunde
Campus Verlag GmbH Zwischen Freiheit und Entfremdung
Piper Verlag GmbH Die Spur des Bösen
Carl Hanser Verlag Alex Martha und die Reise ins Verbotene Land
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Oreo Ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse
Diogenes Verlag AG Unterwegs im Leichenwagen Roman Mit einem Nachwort von Donna Leon
Diogenes Verlag AG Schwarzgeld
Diogenes Verlag AG Schwarzgeld
Klett Sprachen GmbH Civilisation progressive du français Niveau intermédiaire. Lösungsheft
Taylor & Francis Ltd Photovoltaics in Cold Climates
Providing electric power to remote, cold regions at high latitude or altitude can be an expensive and technically challenging task. Photovoltaics (PV) provide a reliable and cost-effective solution yet their potential is underdeveloped, in part because of a lack of knowledge about their effectiveness in cold climates. This book illustrates the potential and the techniques for using PV in cold climates. The book starts with a general section illustrating how PV can be applied in cold climates, with a succinct overview of the main considerations and chapters covering both the solar resource and the economics. It then covers the effects of cold climates on PV systems looking at the issues around the array and electronics, the battery and energy management. The third section covers design considerations and possible configurations (stand alone/battery systems, hybrid systems, seasonal storage and system simulation). The next part covers installation and operation and the book concludes with several case studies. The book will be invaluable both for all managers charged with providing power to cold climates whether for dwellings, other buildings or technical installations and for all technicians, engineers, installers and researchers working on such installations. It will also be of great interest to those working with PV in any form, or interested to see PV technology reach its full potential.
Panini Publishing Ltd The Art Of Marvel Vol.1
Peepal Tree Press Ltd The Peepal Tree Book of Contemporary Caribbean Short Stories
Since its beginnings 33 years ago, Peepal Tree has published around 45 collections of Caribbean short stories, reinforcing the view that the short story is the Caribbean literary form par excellence. This anthology draws from those collections, plus a few guests, focusing on work written over the past twenty-five years, the majority dealing with the recent post-independence period up to the present. Though quality is the ultimate criteria, this anthology is unrivalled in its range across the Anglophone Caribbean and its diasporas, and representative of Caribbean ethnicities, gender and sexual orientations. Stories offer images of the city from ghettos to gated communities, suburbia, villages, the coastal margins. They display a range of contemporary concerns: social fragmentation, political corruption, sexual politics. They display a range of short story genres from satire, gritty realism, magical realism, fantasy, the gothic, the folkloric, horror, crime, erotica, flash fiction, the speculative…Whilst the stories in the anthology collectively offer an insightful picture of both the contemporary Caribbean and of the current status of the Caribbean short story as a form, the overall editorial aim has been to create a book that gives the reader a rich, varied and rewarding reading experience.The collection includes the work of, amongst others, Opal Palmer Adisa, Christine Barrow, Rhoda Bharath, Jacqueline Bishop, Hazel Campbell, Merle Collins, Cyril Dabydeen, Kwame Dawes, Curdella Forbes, Ifeona Fulani, Keith Jardim, Barbara Jenkins, Meiling Jin, Cherie Jones, Helen Klonaris, Sharon Leach, Jan Shinebourne, Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw and N.D. Williams.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Works of Thomas Traherne II: Commentaries of Heaven, part 1: Abhorrence to Alone
Traherne's voice can be heard as never before. THE TABLET Thomas Traherne [1637? - 1674], a clergyman of the Church of England during the Restoration, was little known until the early twentieth century, when his poetry and Centuries of Meditations were discovered. There have beensince miscellaneous publications of his poetry and devotional writings. The Works of Thomas Traherne brings together all of Traherne's extant works in a definitive, printed edition for the first time. It will include both his published and unpublished works, and his notebooks, presenting them insofar as possible by manuscript, giving due attention to their physical aspects and to their integrity as manuscript books. Volumes II and III make available the Commentaries of Heaven, preserved in one manuscript held at the British Library. Organised topically, it was intended to cover the whole of the alphabet but extends only through `A' and part of `B', with 95prose articles altogether. It possesses the characteristics of a commonplace book, encyclopaedia and dictionary, and contains poetry, meditations, philosophical discourse, and polemic. The unusual range of subjects treated, from `Abhorrence' to `Ant', `Aristotle' to `Atom', shows Traherne to be an imaginative and compelling writer in his approach to Christian theology, while maintaining both his integrity and orthodoxy as a priest.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Philosophy of Transhumanism: A Critical Analysis
Transhumanism is an international cultural movement which seeks to fundamentally transform the human condition through radical technological enhancement. Transhumanists claim that we are already in transition to a new phase of humanity where the limitations of mortality, ignorance, and suffering will soon be altered or even completely erased. The Philosophy of Transhumanism: A Critical Analysis presents the central ideas of transhumanist philosophy and offers a lens through which to reflect on the meaning of being human in anticipation of radical technology. The radical technologies in question variously include greater-than-human machine intelligence, mind-computer interfaces, gene-editing, and nanotechnology. The continued funding and interest generated by those associated with these projects suggest transhumanism is continued migration from a fringe concern to a central way of conceiving the future. Though a variety of positions exist within transhumanism, the unifying theme is a belief that the techno-engineering of a new type of upgraded human is both beneficial and inevitable. These ambitions raise serious questions about the appearance of a transhuman or even posthuman being, and warrants a critical analysis from alternative philosophical and religious perspectives. This book seeks to present the philosophy of transhumanism in a way that is both timely and accessible, and to challenge what will be seen as the core argument of transhumanist philosophy: that there is nothing about human beings that cannot be reconceived as a technical problem.
Amber Books Ltd Military Aircraft Tanks and Warships Visual Encyclopedia
From the F-22 Raptor to nuclear submarines, Military Aircraft, Tanks & Warships Visual Encyclopedia is a fascinating guide to aircraft, tanks and ships from the beginning of the Cold War to the present day with each entry or variant illustrated with a full-colour artwork with an informative caption and technical specifications.
ReadZone Books Limited Aeroplane
ReadZone Books Limited Printing