Search results for ""Author Frances"
Oxford University Press Machiavelli's Broken World
Machiavelli was painfully aware of living in a disastrous moment of Italy's history: foreign invasions, occupations and shattered states. He was harshly critical of Italy's princes (such as Francesco Sforza), its professional military class (especially Cesare Borgia), and the Church (Pope Julius II), and this is a study of his evaluation of their failures and of their underlying causes. He believed that the root of Italy's political weakness was the excessive ambition of its elite classes, who, like their counterparts in ancient Rome, were prepared to overthrow governments that obstructed their ambition. Machiavelli formulates this phenomenon, first theoretically, then historically in the context of the Florentine Republic's descent into family-based factionalism, which culminated in the brittle Medici regime. The most damaging tyranny, according to Machiavelli, was the collective tyranny of wealthy elites ready to undermine law and government to preserve and augment their power and wealth.
Alianza Editorial Cdiz Episodios Nacionales 8 primera serie
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles ?guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares? a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. Baluarte de la resistencia frente a los franceses, Cádiz se convierte en síntesis de una nueva España en la que pugnan el deseo de reformar sus instituciones y las posturas tenaces e irreductibles ante el invasor. A través de Gabriel de Araceli, de guarnición en la Isla, Galdós nos da en el presente episodio una visión directa de aquel denso y brillante mundo gaditano en el que se cruzan y entremezclan héroes de ficción y protagonistas históricos.
Editorial CCS Fuentes salesianas Don Bosco y su obra
Respondiendo a las indicaciones del Capítulo General XXVII para que se traduzcan las Fuentes Salesianas (CG XXVII n. 67.6), EDITORIAL CCS presenta este esperado volumen. El libro comienza con una introducción que sitúa a Don Bosco en la historia, la pedagogía y la espiritualidad de su tiempo. El contenido está estructurado en tres partes: Escritos y documentos para la historia de Don Bosco y de la obra salesiana (Francesco Motto), Escritos y testimonios de Don Bosco acerca de la educación y la escuela (José Manuel Prellezo), Escritos y testimonios de Don Bosco sobre la vida espiritual (Aldo Giraudo). La obra se completa con las fuentes, la bibliografía y un índice temático que facilitará el empleo sistemático del contenido.
Editorial Anagrama S.A. Solal
Cuando apareció Solal, la primera novela de Albert Cohen, el éxito fue inmediato y la crítica francesa le saludó como un escritor extraordinario, a pesar de la novedad y complejidad de su propuesta narrativa. En ella aparecían por primera vez sus inolvidables personajes: el joven Solal y sus atrabiliarios y desternillantes Esforzados, Saltiel, Comeclavos, Salomon, Michaël, Mattathias. También sus grandes temas: la búsqueda del Absoluto a través del amor, los juegos de seducción con reglas refinadas hasta el delirio, el tormento de los celos, la muerte; la omnipresencia del judaísmo: Solal, en una fulgurante carrera, pasa de la efervescencia resignada del ghetto a las intrigas sociopolíticas del mundo occidental
Editorial Universidad de Almería Filosofía de la elocuencia 1777
La Filosofía de la elocuencia, de Antonio de Capmany y Montpalau, publicada por vez primera en 1777, es uno de los tratados de retórica más importantes de todos los escritos en lengua castellana. Esta obra se encuentra inmersa en el contexto de la preocupación que durante el siglo XVIII, se mostró en Europa por las cuestiones relacionadas con la gramática, la retórica, la oratoria y la poética. A saber, se trataba de reivindicar el arte de persuadir, conmover y provocar actos en los oyentes o en los lectores mucho más que conservar un conjunto de normas destinadas a dar mayor efectividad propagandística? a un discurso, que era en lo que había degenerado la retórica desde la Edad Media. Capmany, recogiendo ideas de la ilustración -sobre todo, la Enciclopedia francesa (Voltaire, D'Alembert, Montesquieu)-, concibe la elocuencia como una facultad natural por la que los ciudadanos elaboran textos orales o escritos mediante los cuales no sólo han de convencer a los demás de la validez y cert
Ediciones Akal Cuaderno s XIII
La obra única de Villard de Honnecourt consiste en un cuaderno de sesenta y seis láminas cuyo manuscrito aquí reproducido se conserva en la Biblioteca Nacional francesa. Memoria de un arquitecto itinerante, colección de dibujos de un destacado artista, libro de notas de un espíritu inventivo y típico de su tiempo, el conjunto constituye una obra inclasificable y excepcional. Y ello en un momento, a principios del siglo XIII, en el que Europa conoce una explosión arquitectónica sin precedentes que ve nacer entre otras las catedrales de Meaux, Chartres, Reims, Cambrai o Laon. Inmerso, pues, en esa actividad, el autor ha concebido su Cuaderno como manual de enseñanza en el que nos muestra los procedimientos técnicos utilizados, además de dejarnos testimonio de su genio inventor. La edición del Cuaderno se acompaña de cuatro estudios monográficos. Así, la medievalista Régine Pernoud estudia al autor situándolo en su tiempo: Alain Elande-Brademburg analiza el arte de Villard. Jean Gimpel ha
HarperCollins Publishers The End of Summer
''An enthralling, layered triumph'' SUNDAY TIMES, Thriller of the Month''An elegant, provocative, twisting thriller hugely entertaining and beautifully written'' CHRIS WHITAKER''So brilliant I stayed up into the early hours to finish it'' PRIMA, Book of the MonthYour mother is not who you think she isWhen the phone rings in Judy McVee's Languedoc farmhouse, she knows her past has finally caught up with her. It's her daughter, frantically asking why there are journalists on her London doorstep making terrible accusations.Decades earlier, Judy was a girl with big plans to ensnare a rich husband, to make something of herself, to rise above her upbringing and leave behind past tragedies. Wealthy young widower Rory Harrington seemed the perfect target but Judy hadn't reckoned on actually falling in love with him.Now her daughter Francesca, who has secrets of her own, must come to terms with the realisation that the mother she thought she knew wasn't real. Where has Judy gone and was anyt
Canelo The Cornish Blacksmith's Daughter: An enthralling wartime saga
The Great War rages in Europe. Will two Cornish women overcome tragedy and scandal to expose the truth?Verity Tregorran is one of the local blacksmith’s nine daughters, and madly in love with the boy next door, Ned Chegwidden, who is now serving in the trenches of World War I. She must withhold her true feelings for Ned from her parents, who would be horrified to learn of her attachment to someone outside the family’s strict Christian sect.On the coastal path one evening, Verity witnesses something suspicious on the cliffs which causes her to fear the involvement of German spies. There’s only one person she can turn to: Effie Dawes, wife of the local police constable. Effie faces tragedy as her husband fights overseas, while scandal threatens to rock Verity’s family, but the two friends remain determined in their efforts to discover what really happened on the cliffs…An enthralling wartime saga perfect for fans of Lynn Johnson and Francesca Capaldi.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Light of Italy: The Life and Times of Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino
The story of the Renaissance city and palace of Urbino, and the life of the extraordinary man who created it: Federico da Montefeltro. 'Painstakingly researched and yet unfailingly readable' Ross King 'An insight into one of Renaissance Italy's most glamorous courts' Catherine Fletcher 'The perfect tour guide to the past' Literary Review 'A fabulous merging of seductive design with bravura scholarship' Alexandra Harris 'A superior study... Packed with detail' TLS The one-eyed mercenary soldier Federico da Montefeltro, lord of Urbino between 1444 and 1482, was one of the most successful condottiere of the Italian Renaissance: renowned humanist, patron of the artist Piero della Francesca, and creator of one of the most celebrated libraries in Italy outside the Vatican. From 1460 until her early death in 1472 he was married to Battista, of the formidable Sforza family, their partnership apparently blissful. In the fine palace he built overlooking Urbino, Federico assembled a court regarded by many as representing a high point of Renaissance culture. For Baldassare Castiglione, Federico was la luce dell'Italia – 'the light of Italy'. Jane Stevenson's affectionate account of Urbino's flowering and decline casts revelatory light on patronage, politics and humanism in fifteenth-century Italy. As well as recounting the gripping stories of Federico and his Montefeltro and della Rovere successors, Stevenson considers in details Federico's cultural legacy – investigating the palace itself, the splendours of the ducal library, and his other architectural projects in Gubbio and elsewhere.
University of Notre Dame Press Many Faces of Beauty
The volume The Many Faces of Beauty joins the rich debate on beauty and aesthetic theory by presenting an ambitious, interdisciplinary examination of various facets of beauty in nature and human society. The contributors ask such questions as, Is there beauty in mathematical theories? What is the function of arts in the economy of cultures? What are the main steps in the historical evolution of aesthetic theories from ancient civilizations to the present? What is the function of the ugly in enhancing the expressivity of art? and What constitutes beauty in film? The sixteen essays, by eminent scientists, critics, scholars, and artists, are divided into five parts. In the first, a mathematician, physicist, and two philosophers address beauty in mathematics and nature. In the second, an anthropologist, psychologist, historian of law, and economist address the place of beauty in the human mind and in society. Explicit philosophical reflections on notoriously vexing issues, such as the historicity of aesthetics itself, interculturality, and the place of the ugly, are themes of the third part. In the fourth, practicing artists discuss beauty in painting, music, poetry, and film. The final essay, by a theologian, reflects on the relation between beauty and God. Contributors: Vittorio Hösle, Robert P. Langlands, Mario Livio, Dieter Wandschneider, Christian Illies, Francesco Pellizzi, Bjarne Sode Funch, Peter Landau, Holger Bonus, Pradeep A. Dhillon, Mark W. Roche, Maxim Kantor, Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Mary Kinzie, Dudley Andrew, and Cyril O’Regan.
Gagosian Gallery Damien Hirst: For Heaven's Sake
For Heaven's Sake was produced for the Damien Hirst: Forgotten Promises inaugural exhibition at Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong in 2011. The book title, named after the artwork "For Heaven's Sake" (2008), includes full-color plates of the skull, including fabrication shots and installation shots at the Hong Kong exhibition where this life-size human baby skull cast in platinum and covered in 8,128 pavé-set perfect diamonds: 7,105 natural fancy pink diamonds and 1,023 white diamonds on the fontanel was shown for the first time. Also included are 8 unique preliminary drawings by the artist. This spectacular memento mori was cast from an original skull that formed part of a nineteenth-century pathology collection that Hirst acquired some years ago. As Hirst says: "Diamonds are about perfection and clarity and wealth and sex and death and immortality. They are a symbol of everything that's eternal, but then they have a dark side as well." The book includes a short text by curator, writer and critic, Francesco Bonami published in both Chinese and English. Bonami is the Manilow Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. He is also the artistic director of the Fondazione Sandretto ReRebaudengo per l'Arte in Turin, Fondazione Pitti Discovery in Florence and the Centro di Arte Contemporanea Villa Manin. He was the director of the 50th Biennale di Venezia of Visual Arts in 2003.
Ara Llibres El laberint de la felicitat
Aquesta és la història d'algú que ho havia perdut tot, i es va trobar a si mateix -el seu tresor més preuat- en el centre del laberint.Aquest llibre té dues ales, com la Papallona de la Llum, i no s'ha posat a les teves mans per casualitat.Depèn de tu que segueixi volant per mostrar a qui ho necessiti el camí cap al centre del laberint.Àlex Rovira és coautor del best-seller La bona sort i autor de La brúixola interior i Els set poders, que han obtingut un gran èxit internacional. A banda de collaborar setmanalment a la cadena SER i fer conferències arreu del món, escriu articles d'opinió per a El País Semanal.Francesc Miralles és especialista en llibres d'autoajuda i autor de la novella inspiradora amor en minúsucula i del thriller El Quart Reich. Escriu articles sobre espiritualitat a les revistes Integral i CuerpoMente.
Túnez, en el corazón del Mediterráneo, es un lugar donde fenicios, romanos, bizantinos, árabes, italianos y franceses dejaron su huella.Si queréis la guía del Trotamundos será vuestro cicerone. La primera escala del viaje es la capital, donde descubriréis una de las medinas más hermosas y su viejo centro colonial, además de los valiosos mosaicos romanos del Museo Nacional del Bardo.No lejos está Sidi-bou-Said, un pueblo costero de paredes blancas, y los restos de la púnica Cartago. Al oeste, la Costa de Coral, que alterna cabos, calas y acantilados, se extiende de Bizerta a Tabarka. También podréis visitar el Parque Nacional de Ichkeul, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Desde Tabarka el recorrido prosigue hacia los yacimientos romanos de Bulla Regia,Dugga, Makthar, Sbeitla, Haidra y Thuburbo Maius.El cabo Bon, al este de la capital, se distingue por su
Ara Llibres Història de Catalunya al revés
El llibre que teniu a les mans és sorprenent i original. Escrit amb un estil trepidant i punyent, aquesta Història de Catalunya al revés esdevé una revisió irònica dels darrers tres-cents anys d'història de Catalunya. A partir de la hipòtesi que les tropes de Felip V de Borbó no haurien ocupat mai els Països Catalans, els autors basteixen una teranyina argumental protagonitzada per personatges com Rafael Casanova, Josep Bonaparte, Anselm Clavé, Francesc Macià o Jordi Pujol. Què hauria passat si el Decret de Nova Planta no hagués representat un perjudici per a Catalunya? I si Lev Trotsky, Albert Einstein i, fins i tot, Marlene Dietrich s'haguessin convertit en aliats de la causa catalana? I si el primer home en trepitjar la lluna no hagués estat Neil Armstrong? Aquestes i altres respostes les trobareu a l'interior d'aquest llibre.
Quin hablar en europeo Prxima aparicin
En este libro, Basurto y Domínguez plantean por fin seriamente la cuestión de la ausencia de una lengua común como un problema político para el futuro de Europa. Con el fin de abordarlo, emprenden un fascinante recorrido histórico por la formación de las diversas lenguas europeas desde el Imperio Romano hasta el austrohúngaro, pasando por la Revolución Francesa, y nos muestran el intenso entrecruzamiento que siempre ha existido entre política, lengua, educación e identidad nacional. Además de un sugerente repaso al convulso pasado lingüístico del Viejo Continente, en estas páginas se ofrece una aguda visión de la Bruselas actual, con todas sus contradicciones y superposiciones lingüísticas e indentitarias. El presente ensayo no solo resulta innovador por atreverse a plantearla pregunta sobre la unión lingüística europea, sino también por arriesgarse a sugerir posibles y sorprendentes soluciones.
Headline Publishing Group Italian for Beginners
Say 'arrivederci, lonely harts' with another fabulous page-turner from Kristin Harmel Cat Kennedy has always lived life on the safe side, until the day she wildly accepts an invitation to spend a month with an ex-boyfriend in Italy. But her reunion with the slick and gorgeous Francesco turns out to be short-lived, and soon she finds herself alone in Rome. It will take an unexpected friendship with a fiery Italian waitress, a whirlwind Vespa tour of the Eternal City with a handsome stranger, and a surprise encounter with an old acquaintance to show Cat that life doesn't always work out the way you expect, and that sometimes you have to have to let yourself fall in order to fly.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal: New Perspectives on the Housing Act of 1949
The consequences of the federal Housing Act of 1949—which supported the clearance and redevelopment of “blighted” areas across the nation—were felt by communities of all sizes, not just large cities. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal presents a more comprehensive view of the federal urban renewal program by situating the experiences of large cities like Baltimore, MD and Philadelphia PA alongside other geographies, such as the small city of Waterville, ME, suburban St. Louis County in Missouri, the State of New York, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and others. Chapters identify trends and connections that cut across jurisdictional boundaries, investigate who used federal funds, how those funds were used, and examine the profound short and long-term consequences of the program. Taken as a whole, the essays showcase the unexpected diversity of how different communities used the federal urban renewal program. The Many Geographies of Urban Renewal allows us to better understand what was arguably the most significant urban policy of the 20th century, and how that policy shaped the American landscape. Contributors include Francesca Russello Ammon, Brent Cebul, Robert B. Fairbanks, Leif Fredrickson, Colin Gordon, David Hochfelder, Robert K. Nelson, Benjamin D. Lisle, Stacy Kinlock Sewell and the editor.
El viejo nombre de Trafalgar, la punta de occidente, sigue resonando hoy en día más allá de las cartas náuticas, topónimo impreso en la memoria colectiva de tres naciones europeas merced al encarnizado combate que allí tuvo lugar el 21 de octubre de 1805 entre las escuadras francoespañola y británica. Más de doscientos años después, nuestros conocimientos y nuestra perspectiva sobre la batalla se han enriquecido gracias al trabajo conjunto de investigadores españoles, franceses y británicos, que, en lugar de intercambiar mortales cañonazos desde sus navíos, ponen en común trabajo de archivo, hipótesis y conclusiones.Una labor colosal de la que se nutre este libro, una obra colectiva que ha conseguido reunir en sus páginas a algunos de los más destacados especialistas de España, Francia y Reino Unido sobre la batalla de Trafalgar para ofrecer una síntesis renovada acerca de las cuestiones más importantes relacionadas con este crucial hecho de armas: desde la política internacional h
Officina Libraria Battista Franco: Drawings
Giovanni Battista Franco (before 1510 - 1561) was an Italian mannerist painter, draughtsman and engraver. Native of Venice, he spent the first part of his career in Rome, but by 1536 had settled in Florence. Back in Rome by 1542, he painted a fresco of the Capture of Saint John the Baptist for the Oratorio di San Giovanni Decollato. In 1545 he was summoned by Duke Guidobaldo II to Urbino, where he painted frescoes in the Duomo (destroyed). The last ten years of his career were spent in Venice, where among his significant works are a Baptism of Christ for San Francesco della Vigna and the ceiling decoration of the Fondaco dei Tedeschi and the Biblioteca Marciana. Franco is better known as a draughtsman and recent scholars such as A. E. Popham found much to praise in 'Franco's extraordinary skill, with his rather scratchy but effective line, and his combination of Michelangelesque and Raphaelesque forms.' Among his drawings there are numerous studies of antique subjects taken from Roman sarcophagi. Text in French.
St Martin's Press The Loft Generation: From the de Koonings to Twombly: Portraits and Sketches, 1942-2011
The Loft Generation: From the de Koonings to Twombly; Portraits and Sketches, 1942–2011 is an invaluable account by an artist at the center of a landmark era in American art. Edith Schloss writes about the painters, poets, and musicians who were part of the postwar movements and about her life as an artist in New York and later in Italy, where she continued to paint and write until her death in 2011. Schloss was born in Germany and moved to New York City during World War II. She became part of a thriving community of artists and intellectuals that included Elaine and Willem de Kooning, Larry Rivers, John Cage, and Frank O’Hara. She married the photographer and filmmaker Rudy Burckhardt. She was both a working artist and an incisive critic, and was a candid and gimlet-eyed witness of the close-knit community that was redefining the world of art. In Italy she spent time with Giorgio Morandi, Cy Twombly, Meret Oppenheim, and Francesca Woodman. In The Loft Generation, Schloss creates a rare and irreplaceable up-close record of an era of artistic innovation and the colorful characters who made it happen. There is no other book like it. Her canny observations are indispensable reading for all critics and researchers of this vital period in American art.
Drawn and Quarterly Art Comic
Matthew Thurber s Art Comic is a blunt and hilarious assault on the swirling hot mess that is the art world. From sycophantic fans to duplicitous gallerists, fatuous patrons to self-aggrandizing art stars, he lampoons each and every facet of the eminently ridiculous industry of truth and beauty. Follow Cupcake, the Matthew Barney obsessive; Epiphany nee Tiffany Clydesdale, the divinely inspired performance artist; Ivanhoe, a modern knight in search of artistic vengeance, and his squire, Turnbuckle. Each artist is more ridiculous than the last, yet they are tested and transformed by the even more absurd machinations of Thurber s fantastical art world. Can the Free Little Pigs destroy this blighted system? Will The Group continue its indirect assassination of promising young artists? Can artistic integrity exist in this world amid the capitalist co-opting, petty rivalries, otherworldly portals, heavenly interventions, and murders at sea? Art Comic is brimming with references and cameos, outsize personalities and shuddering nonsense?Robert Rauschenberg smashes a beer bottle, Francesca Woodman, a wineglass. In the center of it all, Thurber s twisted drawings and laugh-out-loud dialogue convey a complicated picture of an industry at the intersection of fantasy and reality. Part scathing condemnation, part irreverent appreciation, Thurber s comics skewer the art world in a way only an art lover can.
Boom! Studios Saban's Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 8
The Necessary Evil event continues as Tommy must prove he’s worthy of becoming the White Ranger, while Jason, Trini and Zack must decide if they will become the new OMEGA RANGERS - even if it means deceiving everyone they hold dear.THE TRUE ORIGIN OF THE WHITE RANGER! The critically-acclaimed Necessary Evil event continues, as the Power Rangers are left reeling from the events of their war with Lord Drakkon in Shattered Grid. But perhaps none is more affected than Tommy Oliver, formerly the Green Ranger, and now without purpose...until Zordon brings him a new opportunity. But what will take for Tommy to prove he’s worth of being the all-new WHITE RANGER? Meanwhile, Jason, Trini and Zack must decide if they will become the new OMEGA RANGERS - even if it means deceiving everyone they hold dear. The writing duo of New York Times bestseller Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and the GLAAD Award-nominated Sina Grace (Iceman) join artists Francesco Mortarino (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) and Eduardo Francisco (Adventures of Superman) to answer some of the biggest questions in Power Rangers history! Collects Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #25-28.
University of Notre Dame Press Humanophone
The poetry in Humanophone, the third volume from award-winning poet Janet Holmes, celebrates composers and creators such as Harry Partch, Raymond Scott, Leon Theremin, and George Ives, who had to invent new instruments to capture the music heard in their “mind’s ear.” Taking its title from a George Ives invention—an instrument made from a group of humans, each of whom sings a single note, arrayed like a xylophone—Humanophone appears on its surface to be about music. But its real subject is the artist’s creative dilemma—how to deliver a new idea, whether it be a song or a poem, through existing media. Holmes works language into a variety of forms both familiar—syllabics, couplets, villanelles, sonnets—and engagingly new. With everything from kumquats to abandoned wedding pictures, Clara Bow to Bill Robinson, Keats’s belle dame to Dante’s Francesca, feng shui to a recipe for octopus, Humanophone celebrates how the body shapes art from the world it is given. In Humanophone, Holmes not only chronicles events such as Harry Partch’s transformation of glass chemical containers from the Berkeley Radiation Lab into the melodious and beautiful Cloud-Chamber Bowls, but also traces a playful path through the familiar, as a trombone’s upwards glissando becomes “a backwards pratfall/in brass.” Engaging a broad array of subjects, Holmes’s poetry is as delightful as it is thoughtful, as simple as it is complex.
Peeters Publishers Nouveaux acquis sur la formation des noms en grec ancien: Actes du Colloque international, Université de Rouen, ERIAC, 17-18 octobre 2013
Quatre-vingts ans après la parution de l'ouvrage toujours fondamental de Pierre Chantraine intitulé La Formation des noms en grec ancien (1933), le colloque international de Rouen (17-18 octobre 2013) s'est donné pour objectif de présenter quelques-uns des progrès effectués dans l'étude des suffixes qui servent à former les substantifs, les adjectifs et les adverbes en grec ancien, et d'observer ceux-ci sur la longue période qui va du grec mycénien jusqu'à la koiné. Les contributions réunies dans ce volume traitent de plusieurs séries suffixales importantes et sont précédées par des réflexions générales sur l'accentuation et sur le fonctionnement de la dérivation. L'étymologie n'est pas négligée puisqu'elle permet d'insérer des termes synchroniquement obscurs dans des séries dérivationnelles connues. La formation des noms en grec ancien n'est donc pas un sujet clos. Il importait de montrer que des progrès se font chaque jour et qu'il y a bien de nouveaux acquis. Les contributions réunies sont dues à des hellénistes de grand nom et à de jeunes espoirs talentueux, Francesco Dedè (Milan), Éric Dieu (Toulouse), José Luis García Ramón (Cologne), Nicole Guilleux (Caen), Daniel Kölligan (Cologne), Claire Le Feuvre (Paris), Audrey Mathys (Paris), Michael Meier-Brügger (Berlin), Georges-Jean Pinault (Paris), Christina Skelton (Los Angeles), Brent Vine (Los Angeles), Rémy Viredaz (Genève), ainsi qu'aux deux éditeurs du volume, Alain Blanc, professeur de linguistique des langues anciennes à l'Université de Rouen, et Daniel Petit, professeur de linguistique indo-européenne à l'École Normale Supérieure de Paris et directeur d'études à l'École Pratique des Hautes Études.
Toccata Press Martinu and the Symphony
The first systematic assessment of the symphonic style of the Czech composer Bohuslav Martinu [1890-1959], tracing the evolution of his musical language and including detailed analyses of all six symphonies. Over the past few decades the music of the Czech composer Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959) has enjoyed a slow but steady rise in popularity, and his six symphonies, written between 1942 and 1953, have now been recorded many times; concert performances are on the increase, too. But Martinu and the Symphony is not only the first book in English intended to help the music-lover to a deeper understanding of these glorious works - it is by far the most comprehensive work on the subject in any language. Each Symphony is examined in turn, the analyses revealing what makes each creation so individual yet also so clearly part of a close-knit family of works and identifying the elements of his melodic, harmonic and instrumental style which produce Martinu's very personal vibrant and organic symphonic manner. Martinu and the Symphony is illustrated with almost 200 musical examples, taken not only fromthe Symphonies but also from his other works for large orchestra. His path to symphonic mastery is examined in unprecedented detail: attention is at last paid to the early orchestral works which, although largely unperformed andunpublished even now, afford fascinating glimpses of the composer to come. A study of the late triptychs The Frescoes of Piero della Francesca and The Parables rounds out this appraisal of Martinus enthralling symphonic and orchestral legacy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multispace: Architecture at the Dawn of the Metaverse
Guest-edited by Owen Hopkins Multispace exists at the intersection of the physical and digital, and in the blurring of their previously clear dividing lines. Multispace is not a single space, but a hybrid space where, in effect, we occupy multiple spaces simultaneously. We enter it on a Zoom call, when we are in our office and in a meeting with 20 people; when we are cycling down a country lane whilst racing against thousands of others who also use the Strava app; when we are watching a TV show while live tweeting; or, perhaps most literally, when wandering around the local park looking for creatures that only appear on a smartphone screen. A fundamental question of this AD is why the phenomena that multispace describes are of concern to architects. The answer is that multispace points to a situation that is at root an architectural one. Offering both a collective and highly personalised experience, static and dynamically customisable, and above all at the same time public and private, multispace lies at the centre of a set of tensions, concerns and preoccupations at the core of our conception of architecture as theory and practice. It is the messy space between, with rough and uneven edges that are constantly shifting. Contributors: Aleksandra Belitskaja, Alice Bucknell, Jesse Damiani, Wendy Fok, Andrew Kovacs, Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg, Micaela Mantegna, Holly Nielsen, Giacomo Pala, Paula Strunden, Lucia Tahan, and Francesca Torello and Joshua Bard. Featured architects and artists: iheartblob, Ibiye Campis, Office Kovacs, Space Popular and Liam Young.
Prestel RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology
Reflecting on a range of themes, from extractive industries to the politics of care, this timely exhibition catalog looks at environmental and gender justice as indivisible parts of a global struggle. A culturally diverse selection of works by Laura Aguilar, melanie bonajo, Xaviera Simmons, Minerva Cuevas, Barbara Kruger, Nadia Huggins, Ana Mendieta, Sim Chi Yin, Pamela Singh, Francesca Woodman and others are presented alongside works of an activist nature to demonstrate how women are regularly at the forefront of advocating and caring for the planet. Amplifying these visions are illuminating essays by experts in the field, including Professor Kathryn Yusoff, Professor Astrida Neimanis, Professor Catriona Sandilands and Professor Elizabeth DeLoughrey, that consider a diverse range of pertinent topics such as hydrofeminism, the body as earth, queer ecologies, and environmental racism. Together these texts and important artworks reveal how the oppression of women, feminized bodies and indigenous, Black and trans communities and the degradation of the planet are inextricably linked—and the ways in which understanding our environment can resist and overcome the logic of capitalist economies.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The History and Life Stories of European Women in the Arts: From the Middle Ages to the Present
Offering historical identity fortified by the presence of women belonging to the various areas of creative and intellectual life, this book allows readers to understand greater contexts of their identity. The history of female artists is an indicator of how social identity was erased from the historiography which asserted itself in nineteenth-century Europe. Analysis of the biographical pathways traced here reveals how women in the Middle Ages and beyond have been active protagonists of the arts, received reviews, as well as had an authoritative role as the esteemed and attentive witnesses of the society around them.Reconstruction of social relationships, intellectual and creative production as well as of the life stories of some of Europe’s most important female artists, foregrounds this omission and highlights their extraordinary nature.The different stories contained in this book narrate the lives and works of Hildegard von Bingen, Francesca Caccini, Mary Wollstonecraft, George Sand, Lou Andreas Salomé and Elke Mascha Blankenburg.By reinforcing the awareness of social and historical origins, the informed reader is better equipped to tackle their futures and build up their personalities.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Accidental Producer: How Anyone Can Get Their Show on Stage
Found yourself organising a show that you didn’t mean to? Or frustrated that no one else is producing your show and just want to do it yourself? You’re not alone. The Accidental Producer is the first-timer’s guide to getting a play, musical or anything else on stage. This step by step handbook explains every stage of the production process, from funding your project to selling the show and everything in between. Written by an experienced theatre producer this book additionally shares the perspectives of eleven industry specialists you might encounter on your journey. · Park Theatre Artistic Director, Jez Bond on how to connect to a venue decision maker · Fleabag producer, Francesca Moody on the secrets to success at the Edinburgh Fringe · Arts Council England Relationship Manager, Paula Varjack on how securing their funding actually works · Press representative, Chloe Nelkin on how to maximise a show’s press coverage · Agent, Alex Segal on approaching star actors This much-needed book’s liberating message is that anyone can produce a successful show, especially if they have in their armoury the advice of those that have come before.
Getty Trust Publications Eyewitness Views - Making History in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Canaletto, Bernardo Bellotto, Luca Caravarijs, Giovanni Paolo Panini, Francesco Guardi, Hubert Robert-these renowned view painters are perhaps best known for their expansive canvases depicting the ruins of Rome or the canals of Venice. Many of their most splendid paintings, however, feature important contemporary events. Little explored by scholars, they stand out by virtue of their extraordinary artistic quality, vibrant atmosphere, and historical interest. Imbued with a sense of occasion, even drama, and often commissioned by or for rulers, princes, and ambassadors as records of significant events in which they participated, these occasions motivated some of the greatest artists of the era to produce their most exceptional work. Lavishly illustrated and exhaustively researched, this volume provides the first-ever comprehensive study-in any language-of this type of view painting. In examining these paintings alongside the historical events depicted in them, Peter Bjorn Kerber carefully reconstructs the meaning and context these paintings possessed for the artists who produced them and the patrons who commissioned them, as well as for their contemporary viewers. This vital book represents a major contribution to the field of view painting studies and will be an essential resource to scholars and enthusiasts.
Alianza Editorial Zaragoza episodios nacionales 6 primera serie
El gran friso narrativo de los Episodios Nacionales sirvió de vehículo a Benito Pérez Galdós (1843-1920) para recrear en él, novelescamente engarzada, la totalidad de la compleja vida de los españoles -guerras, política, vida cotidiana, reacciones populares- a lo largo del agitado siglo XIX. Prisionero de los franceses en el episodio anterior ??Napoleón en Chamartín??, Gabriel de Araceli se fuga y se dirige a Zaragoza para incorporarse al ejército que se está organizando con fuerzas dispersas. El destino lo lleva a ser uno de los valerosos defensores de la ciudad en el segundo y más fuerte de los ?sitios?. Junto con otros personajes de total creación literaria, Araceli convive con el general Palafox y las demás figuras históricas que realmente intervinieron en la gran gesta popular.
Pocas obras dicen tanto en su título como la que aquí se presenta. Porque, en La fiesta revolucionaria de Mona Ozouf, quedan contenidas todas esas políticas de la Revolución francesa de que hablara B. Baczko. Desde las primeras páginas del libro, el lector descubre que es la propia fiesta la que se abre al plural; que no hay fiesta, sino fiestas; que la fiesta es imaginario de la política (el espectáculo de una comunidad como invención de sí misma), combate revolucionario (cada una de las gloriosas jornadas) e institución (y aquí debe considerarse toda la problemática de la fundación). Pero, al hilo del relato, ese mismo lector colige que la fiesta revolucionaria también es Una, que es forma de la que participan el moderantismo de los constituyentes, el ardor de los jacobinos del año II o la reacción de los termidorianos.
Palabra de guerrillero
El fenómeno guerrillero español durante la ocupación francesa de 1808 provocó asombro en toda Europa y animó a no pocos rincones del continente en su rebelión contra los ejércitos imperiales. Mezcla de bandoleros, contrabandistas y soldados improvisados, las numerosas y eficaces partidas que en concreto operaron en el sur peninsular tuvieron en jaque a un considerable número de efectivos enemigos y jugaron un importante papel en su ayuda a las tropas regulares españolas e inglesas. Pero tras cada voluntario en la guerrilla había una historia personal, una tragedia cuya catarsis resolvían los fusiles o las navajas. La presente novela se escribe sobre geografías reales y unas bases documentales tan sólidas que muchas veces superan a la más dura e imaginativa de las ficciones.
Nick Hern Books Feeling Afraid As If Something Terrible Is Going To Happen
'I'm thirty-six, I'm a comedian, and I'm about to kill my boyfriend.' A permanently single, professionally neurotic stand-up comedian finally meets his Mr Right – and then does everything wrong. Is Mr Right quite what he seems? And just how far will the comedian go to get a laugh? Marcelo Dos Santos's play Feeling Afraid As If Something Terrible Is Going To Happen is a dark and bitingly funny one-man show about vulnerability, intimacy, ego and truth. It premiered in the Roundabout at the 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, produced by Francesca Moody Productions, directed by Matthew Xia, and starring Samuel Barnett. The critically acclaimed, Fringe First-winning production transferred to the Bush Theatre, London, in November 2023.
Acantilado Viaje literario por América Latina
En los años setenta del siglo XX, los mismos de la epopeya castrista, apareció en la escena literaria en lengua española una nueva generación de escritores latinoamericanos, exaltadores de la naturaleza y de la libertad, del vitalismo y del color. Fue la generación del boom, que tiene en García Márquez su exponente más ejemplar. Francesco Varanini recorre los caminos de un mapa imaginario que cruza el continente, a través del cual pone al descubierto a quienes considera malos maestros?Neruda, Carpentier?, relee sus más altas voces?Borges, Lezama Lima?, subraya los autores que se han mantenido fieles a las propias raíces?Cabrera Infante, Cortázar?y nos descubre algún tesoro semienterrado?Felisberto Hernández, Adalberto Ortiz o Andrés Caicedo?. Es un viaje rico en sugestiones, a medio camino entre el ensayo, la biografía y la crítica. Un viaje al centro de la literatura y a su periferia, apasionado, polémico y, por encima de todo, apasionante.
La mente reaccionaria el conservadurismo desde Edmund Burke hasta Donald Trump
Qué es el conservadurismo y qué está realmente en juego para sus defensores? Corey Robin analiza el asunto desde sus raíces, en la reacción contra la Revolución francesa. Argumenta que el derecho fue inspirado, y todavía está unido, por su hostilidad para emancipar las órdenes inferiores. Algunos conservadores avalan el libre mercado, otros se oponen a ello. Algunos critican al Estado, otros lo celebran. Detrás de estas diferencias está el impulso de defender el poder y el privilegio contra movimientos que exigen libertad e igualdad, al mismo tiempo que hacen llamamientos populistas a las masas. Pero, a pesar de su oposición a estos movimientos, los conservadores favorecen una concepción dinámica de la política y la sociedad, que involucra a menudo la autotransformación, la violencia y la guerra. Las ideas conservadoras también son altamente adaptables a los nuevos desafíos y circunstancias de cada momento. Esta parcialidad a favor de la violencia y la capacidad de reinvención han sido
Los miserables
Jean Valjean, un exconvicto al que encerraron durante veinte años por robar un pedazo de pan, se convierte en un hombre ejemplar que lucha contra la miseria y la injusticia y que empeña su vida en cuidar a la hija de una mujer que ha debido prostituirse para salvar a la niña. Así, Jean Valjean se ve obligado a cambiar varias veces de nombres, es apresado, se fuga y reaparece. Al mismo tiempo, debe eludir al comisario Javert, un policía inflexible que lo persigue convencido de que tiene cuentas pendientes con la justicia. El enfrentamiento entre ambos se produce durante las revueltas de 1832 en París, donde, en las barricadas, un grupo de jóvenes idealistas planta cara al ejército en defensa de la libertad. Y, entre todo ello, historias de amor, de sacrificio, de redención, de amistad,.Por que el progreso, la ley, el alma, Dios, la Revolución francesa, la prisión, el contrato social, el crimen, las cloacas de París, el idilio amoroso, el maltrato, la pobreza, la justicia. todo tiene
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. El caminito de infancia espiritual según la vida y escritos de santa Teresita del Niño Jesús
La filiación divina constituye el fundamento de toda relación con Dios. Esa es la oración que Jesús enseña a sus discípulos, al explicarles cómo orar: el Padrenuestro. Pero, qué idea podemos formarnos de Dios como Padre? Una idea de ternura? O más bien de respeto, o incluso de temor? El autor, a principios del siglo XX, acude a los escritos de Teresa de Lisieux para desarrollarlos y mostrar al lector la grandeza y hondura que esconden. La joven carmelita francesa es, por este motivo, una de las grandes santas de la historia de la Iglesia. El Padre Gabriel Martin, de los misioneros diocesanos de la Vendée (Francia), escribió este breve tratado poco después de la muerte de Teresa de Lisieux, y fue publicado en castellano en 1924. La joven carmelita fue beatificada un año antes por Pío XI. Este mismo pontífice la canonizará en 1925, y en 1997 Juan Pablo II la nombrará Doctora de la Iglesia.
Nocturna Ediciones En la turba
El 29 de mayo de 1985, la emoción reina en las calles de Bruselas: va a tener lugar la gran fiesta del fútbol en el Estadio de Heysel entre la Juventus y el Liverpool. Una hora antes de que empiece, dos centenares de hinchas británicos acorralan a los aficionados italianos en una zona del estadio. Aprisionadas contra las vallas protectoras, treinta y nueve personas mueren aplastadas por la multitud y más de seiscientas resultan heridas. Sin embargo, el partido no se cancela: los cuerpos se apilan en un espacio anexo al campo y la final de la Copa de Europa da comienzo.Tres años más tarde, la tragedia ha marcado profundamente a quienes lograron sobrevivir a ese viaje al fin de la noche y sus vidas se entrecruzan en el antes y el después.En la turba, ganadora del Premio de Novela Fnac en 2006, es una soberbia obra escrita por uno de los más talentosos autores de la narrativa francesa actual.
Plaza & Janés Diario de una ninfomana Diary of a Nympho Obras Diversas
La descarnada historia autobiográfica de una mujer que acaba ejerciendo la prostitución de lujo.Diario de una ninfómana es el conmovedor relato de una mujer francesa, de buena familia, licenciada en dirección de empresas, que narra su evolución vital a través de las relaciones sexuales que va teniendo: con los sepultureros de un cementerio, con un árabe muy aficionado a la Coca-Cola, con un policía sin escrúpulos, con desconocidos en lugares imprevistos... Multitud de vivencias que asume con la máxima libertad que tiene cualquier persona: la que uno se concede a sí mismo y no la que se ve obligado a tener. Esta peculiar manera de relacionarse la lleva a vivir una verdadera odisea al lado de un hombre maquiavélico empeñado en maltratarla psicológicamente. Para sobrevivir al dolor y debido a sus ilimitadas ansias de curiosidad, ejercerá la prostitución en una agencia de contactos de lujo. Allí se enfrentará a la debilidad de los hombres, a su vulnerabilidad: hombres de reconocido
La desconocida
EL REGRESO DE ROSA MONTERO A LA NOVELA NEGRA, JUNTO AL GANADOR DEL PREMIO QUAIS DU POLAR OLIVIER TRUCEs de noche y en el puerto de Barcelona un guardia hace su ronda cuando su pastora alemana se para en seco a olfatear desesperadamente un contenedor. Al llegar, los mossos d#esquadra hallan en su interior a una mujer en posición fetal, inconsciente y deshidratada. Tiene una brecha en la sien, quemaduras en la cara y el cuerpo, y no recuerda quién es ni cuál es su lengua materna, pero está viva. Mientras se recupera en el Hospital Clínic, un hombre intenta asesinarla. La inspectora Anna Ripoll, experta en trata de mujeres, parece haber dado con su identidad y su dirección: Alicia Garone; 19, rue du Chariot, Lyon. En la ciudad francesa el inspector Erik Zapori busca el modo de librarse de la investigación a la que asuntos internos lo está sometiendo por delitos de corrupción y proxenetismo. Nada mejor que viajar a España a ayudar en la resolución de un caso, aunque puede que est
Headline Publishing Group It's in the Blood
As a Premiership, World Cup and Grand Slam winner, no one better embodies the charisma and the colour of English rugbys greatest era than Lawrence Dallaglio. He has some story to tell, not just of the formidable exploits on the field, but an extraordinary life off it. His only sister, Francesca, was the youngest to perish in the Marchioness disaster and her death at 19 remains the great sadness of his life. In addition to this and his much-talked about England exploits, he also led his club Wasps to the summit of European rugby, winning two Heineken Cups and three consecutive English Premiership titles. Full of drama, controversy and great sadness, Lawrence Dallaglios story the last of the great World Cup heroes is the one every rugby fan has been waiting to read.
Penguin Books Ltd Life Lessons from Remarkable Women: Tales of Triumph, Failure and Learning to Love Yourself
THE PERFECT GIFT FOR THE REMARKABLE WOMAN IN YOUR LIFE! If you could share one lesson from your life with every woman, what would it be?Stylist magazine has asked that question of remarkable women from the worlds of entertainment, politics, sport and fashion. With honesty, wit and a serious no-BS attitude, their lessons address the challenges every woman faces today, from climbing the career ladder and finding inner fulfilment, to forging authentic relationships and overcoming life's setbacks.Each of these impressive women, including actress Romola Garai and comedian Francesca Martinez, has a tale to tell and an experience to share. Empowering, engaging and unapologetically impassioned, their incisive observations will make you think, reflect - and kick serious ass.These are life lessons for women, by women.
París era una rave
Ona y Leo coinciden por casualidad en el mismo avión con destino a París. Con todos los tópicos típicos de las comedias románticas, los protagonistas se reencontrarán en la sonada 'Secret Fairy Day', una fiesta secreta que tiene lugar una vez al mes, con la intención de compartir una noche de pasión a la francesa. Pero justo antes de entregarse a su primer beso, el chico vomita sobre la alfombra del vecino de abajo, que no es otro que el mismísimo Alejandro Jodorowsky, quien sufre los desmanes de los invitados a la 'soirée'. Harto de ser tomado por el pito del sereno, el escritor, cineasta, tarotista y psicomago los condenará eternamente con una maldición: De la fiesta no podréis escapar, en París para siempre os quedaréis, condenados a quererse, obligados a odiarse?.Desde ese momento, lo que parecía ser un relato naíf y cursi se transformará en toda una peripecia surrealista por las nebulosas calles de París: polacos mutantes, un agente secreto clavadito a Ryan Gosling, un puticlu
Damiani Marco Anelli: Artist Studios New York
The artist’s studio occupies a unique place in the popular imagination. Its environment is both the site of the artist’s creative production, and a deeply private, personal space that nourishes and bears witness to the artist’s working process, in a continuous interplay with its location, layout, interior and ambience. This rare access to the studio by a trusted visitor provides a unique opportunity to experience the lives of artists working in New York, through their methods, materials and influences, contained within the intimate space of the studio, and observed with an acutely sensitive eye. Artist Studios in New York – which Marco Anelli has been exploring since 2011 - leads the viewer into the creative process of internationally famous artists such as Alex Katz, Alfredo Jaar, Cecily Brown, Dan Colen, Elisabeth Peyton, Francesco Clemente, Jack Pierson, Joan Jonas, Joyce Pensato, Jonas Mekas, Jordan Wolfson, Julian Schnabel, Julie Mehretu, Kiki Smith, Lawrence Weiner, Mariko Mori, Marina Abramovic, Matthew Barney, Mickalene Thomas, Nate Lowman, Pat Steir, Rob Wynne, Robert Longo, Stanley Whitney, Tony Oursler, Ugo Rondinone, Urs Fisher, Vik Muniz.
Forma Edizioni Vasco Bendini. Ombre prime
Catalogue of the exhibition dedicated by La Galleria Nazionale di Roma to Vasco Bendini on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth, which opened in March 2022. The volume accompanies the discovery of the career of one of the major artists of the second half of the Italian 20th century, from his early training with Giorgio Morandi, up to the great Roman solo exhibitions and the Biennales of his maturity. The work of Vasco Bendini, dear to critics such as Francesco Arcangeli and Maurizio Calvesi, opens in the immediate postwar period, following an informal language in search of the volto as a universal archetype, to then focus on gesture and matter, under the influence of, among others, Jean Fautrier. The 1960s are characterised by the inclusion in the paintings of heterogeneous objects and materials, in an approach to Arte Povera and then, with actions and installations, to the Neodada way of doing things. The central objective for Bendini remains in fact the involvement of the viewer, in a fruitful dialogue necessary for the development of his poetics. A large selection of archival photos, along with essays and alleri productions of the works, is flanked by a critical anthology and unpublished writings by the Master. Text in English and Italian.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Move Like A Lion
Get up off the sofa and start moving with former Blue Peter presenter Radzi Chinyanganya, in his first children's book.Learn to walk like a crab, swing like a monkey, and slide like a penguin in this book from the Winter Olympics presenter that helps children have fun and get active, all the while learning about favourite animals. Simple exercises show children different activities they can easily do, any time and any place, with no extra equipment required!Inside the pages of this entertaining children's book, you'll discover: - 40 delightful activities where readers mimic the movements of their favourite animals- A fun fusion of animal facts (science) and physical education to create an engaging and unique experience- Charming illustrations and step-by-step instructions that show children how to do different posesAll of the moves in the book are modelled on the natural movements of the animals and can be easily integrated into the day, with an exercise to do when you wake up, suggestions for ones to do during the day, and a relaxing exercise to help children settle down for bedtime. Radzi wants every child to enjoy the amazing way exercise can make you feel. Illustrations by Francesca Rosa accompany the exercises, showing young readers exactly what they need to do for each one. Ideal for both active kids and children who are a bit more reluctant to go out and play, this exciting new book teaches them about the natural world as they have fun moving their bodies.
Ediciones Cátedra Los silencios del coronel Bramble
André Maurois escribió esta ingeniosa y amena novela cuando estuvo destinado como intérprete y agente de enlace con la Fuerza Expedicionaria Británica, durante la Primera Guerra Mundial. Sus funciones fueron idénticas a las que, luego, adjudicaría al personaje de Aurelle, narrador de este libro: asegurar el enlace con las baterías francesas que apoyaban a su división. El coronel Bramble surgió en el momento histórico oportuno: símbolo de una victoria que muchos vieron como el cumplimiento de una justa y anhelada venganza contra el viejo enemigo de allende el Rin. Pero no era un libro rencoroso ni vindicativo, sino conciliador. Siempre he creído ?afirmaría Maurois? que las palabras, más que los hechos, separan a unos hombres de otros y que en el silencio y en la acción es más fácil llegar a una alianza.