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Rutgers University Press Prohibition Gangsters: The Rise and Fall of a Bad Generation
Master story teller Marc Mappen applies a generational perspective to the gangsters of the Prohibition era—men born in the quarter century span from 1880 to 1905—who came to power with the Eighteenth Amendment.On January 16, 1920, the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution went into effect in the United States, “outlawing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors.” A group of young criminals from immigrant backgrounds in cities around the nation stepped forward to disobey the law of the land in order to provide alcohol to thirsty Americans. Today the names of these young men—Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Dutch Schultz, Legs Diamond, Nucky Johnson—are more familiar than ever, thanks in part to such cable programs as Boardwalk Empire. Here, Mappen strips way the many myths and legends from television and movies to describe the lives these gangsters lived and the battles they fought. Placing their criminal activities within the context of the issues facing the nation, from the Great Depression, government crackdowns, and politics to sexual morality, immigration, and ethnicity, he also recounts what befell this villainous group as the decades unwound. Making use of FBI and other government files, trial transcripts, and the latest scholarship, the book provides a lively narrative of shootouts, car chases, courtroom clashes, wire tapping, and rub-outs in the roaring 1920s, the Depression of the 1930s, and beyond. Mappen asserts that Prohibition changed organized crime in America. Although their activities were mercenary and violent, and they often sought to kill one another, the Prohibition generation built partnerships, assigned territories, and negotiated treaties, however short lived. They were able to transform the loosely associated gangs of the pre-Prohibition era into sophisticated, complex syndicates. In doing so, they inspired an enduring icon—the gangster—in American popular culture and demonstrated the nation’s ideals of innovation and initiative. View a three minute video of Marc Mappen speaking about Prohibition Gangsters.
The University of Chicago Press Reinventing Hollywood: How 1940s Filmmakers Changed Movie Storytelling
In the 1940s, American movies changed. Flashbacks began to be used in outrageous, unpredictable ways. Soundtracks flaunted voice-over commentary, and characters might pivot from a scene to address the viewer. Incidents were replayed from different characters' viewpoints, and sometimes those versions proved to be false. Films now plunged viewers into characters' memories, dreams, and hallucinations. Some films didn't have protagonists, while others centered on anti-heroes or psychopaths. Women might be on the verge of madness, and neurotic heroes lurched into violent confrontations. Combining many of these ingredients, a new genre emerged--the psychological thriller, populated by women in peril and innocent bystanders targeted for death. If this sounds like today's cinema, that's because it is. In Reinventing Hollywood, David Bordwell examines for the first time the full range and depth of trends that crystallized into traditions. He shows how the Christopher Nolans and Quentin Tarantinos of today owe an immense debt to the dynamic, occasionally delirious narrative experiments of the Forties. With verve and wit, Bordwell examines how a booming movie market during World War II allowed ambitious writers and directors to push narrative boundaries. Although those experiments are usually credited to the influence of Citizen Kane, Bordwell shows that similar impulses had begun in the late 1930s in radio, fiction, and theatre before migrating to film. And despite the postwar recession in the industry, the momentum for innovation continued. Some of the boldest films of the era came in the late forties and early fifties, as filmmakers sought to outdo their peers. Through in-depth analyses of films both famous and virtually unknown, from Our Town and All About Eve to Swell Guy and The Guilt of Janet Ames, Bordwell assesses the era's unique achievements and its legacy for future filmmakers. The result is a groundbreaking study of how Hollywood storytelling became a more complex art. Reinventing Hollywood is essential reading for all lovers of popular cinema.
Simon & Schuster Ltd Seven Exes: 'Made me laugh out loud... fresh, fast-paced and joyous.' BETH O'LEARY
Pre-order DATE WITH DESTINY, the brand new Lucy Vine novel, coming May 2024. 'Seven Exes made me laugh out loud. It's fresh, fast-paced and joyous. Lucy Vine's writing is so warm and funny - her books are the literary equivalent of an amazing girls' night out.' Beth O'Leary Esther is out with her two friends, bemoaning her lack of relationship, when she finds a magazine from the noughties. Seeking comfort – and a laugh – she turns to the dating advice only to find an article that feels a little too close to home. According to the journalist, there are seven people a woman will date before finding the one: The First Love, The Work Mistake, The Friend with Benefits, The Overlap, The Missed Chance, The Bastard and The Serious One. Her friends laugh but Esther realises each of her exes fits these roles perfectly. Deciding that she’s mistaken her true love in the reject pile she decides to contact each of her exes to find out which is the one that got away... 'Clever, perceptive and screamingly funny... a book you'll never, ever want to break up with.'Lauren Bravo 'Funny, hopeful and agonisingly relatable, Esther is all of us. Lucy Vine writes with such compelling honesty, Seven Exes made me laugh, made me cry and made me want to call all my friends to tell them I loved them then call my exes to apologize/punch them in the nuts. Equal parts romcom and life lesson, it's a must-read.'Lindsey Kelk 'Riotously funny, charming, and nostalgic, Seven Exes is a truly optimistic look at turning 30 and all the mess that can come with. Superb!' Laura Jane Williams ‘SEVEN EXES was such a joy to read. I adore everything Lucy writes but I think this is her best one yet.’Holly Bourne 'It’s clever, charming and addictive – it’s everything you want from a romantic comedy.' YOU online
Casemate Publishers From the Realm of a Dying Sun. Volume 3: Iv. Ss-Panzerkorps from Budapest to Vienna, February-May 1945
In the closing months of World War II, with Budapest’s fall on 12 February 1945 and the breakout attempt by the IX SS-Gebirgskorps having failed, the only thing the IV. SS-Panzerkorps could do was fall back to a more defensible line and fortify the key city of Stuhlweissenburg. Exhausted after three relief attempts in January 1945 and outnumbered by the ever-increasing power of Marshal Tolbukhin’s Third Ukrainian Front, SS-Obergruppenführer Gille’s veterans dug in for a lengthy period of defensive warfare.However, Adolf Hitler had not forgotten about the Hungarian theatre of operations nor the country’s rich oilfields and was sending help. To the detriment of the defence of Berlin, SS-Oberstgruppenführer Sepp Dietrich’s legendary 6. Panzerarmee was on its way, not to retake Budapest, but to encircle and destroy Tolbukhin’s forces and completely reverse the situation in south-eastern Europe in Hitler’s favour. This overly ambitious offensive, known as Frühlingserwachen (Spring Awakening), was soon bogged down in the face of resolute Soviet defences aided by the springtime thaw. Heralded as Nazi Germany’s last great offensive of World War II, it resulted in great losses to Hitler’s last armoured reserve in exchange for only minor gains. Though it played a supporting role during the battle, the IV. SS-Panzerkorps was soon caught up in its aftermath, after the Red Army launched its Vienna Operation that nearly swept the armies of Heeresgruppe Süd from the battlefield.Withdrawing into Austria, Gille’s battered corps attempted to bar the route into Germany, while the Red Army bore down on Vienna. Forced to endure relentless Soviet attacks as well as the caustic leadership of the 6. Armee commander, General Hermann Balck, the men of the IV. SS-Panzerkorps fought their way through Austria to reach the safety of the demarcation line where it finally surrendered to U.S. forces on 9 May 1945 after nearly a year of relentless campaigning.
Peeters Publishers L'Europe De L'exegese Au XVIe Siecle: Interpretations De La Parabole Des Ouvriers a La Vigne (Matthieu 20,1-16)
Cet ouvrage est au croisement de deux disciplines: l'histoire et l'exegese. En matiere d'exegese, il entreprend de suivre a la trace les interpretations qui ont ete donnees a la parabole des ouvriers de la onzieme heure (Mt 20,1-16) tout au long du 16e siecle. Pour permettre une comparaison adequate des differentes interpretations, a ete mise au point une grille de lecture (inspiree de T. Todorov et de P. Ricoeur), dans laquelle sont reprises de maniere systematique toutes les operations que peut impliquer l'interpretation d'un texte. On y trouve en particulier les dispositifs formels de l'interpretation (langue, plan, langage methodologique...); les operations elaborant le sens direct ou litteral du texte (mise en oeuvre des codes lexicaux, narratifs, historiques, litteraires...); et les operations elaborant son sens indirect ou symbolique (mise en oeuvre des symbolismes lexical et propositionnel, des contextes paradigmatique et syntagmatique, de l'intertextualite, de la reappropriation du lecteur, du monde du texte...). L'application de cette methode aux differents commentaires permet de voir les operations que chacun favorise et comment il fait parler le texte biblique en lui donnant sens. Cela nous interpelle par rapport a notre propre construction du sens, dans l'exegese actuelle. En matiere historique, j'analyse d'abord la publication du texte de Mt 20,1-16 dans ses differentes editions (textes grecs, syriaques et latins) et ses multiples traductions (en latin, allemand, neerlandais, francais, italien, espagnol...). Des tableaux des variantes textuelles permettent de suivre l'evolution des traductions et de reperer leurs choix methodologiques. On decouvre ensuite les grands commentateurs du debut du 16e siecle: Erasme et Lefevre d'Etaples, tetes de file d'une exegese centree sur les codes lexicaux; Luther et Melanchthon, tetes de file d'une exegese basee sur le but du texte, dans laquelle brillent Bucer, Cajetan, Zwingli, Valdes, Bullinger. Puis on voit apparaitre une generation d'auteurs pratiquant des ponts entre les ecoles (Musculus, Titelman, Estienne) ou relancant l'ecole humaniste (Calvin, Beze) et, enfin, des ecoles tres marquees au niveau confessionnel, mais integrant les elements provenant d'autres confessions (Jansenius de Gand, Arias Montanus, Aretius, Piscator, Maldonado, Salmeron). Apparait ainsi une Europe de l'exegese: les pionniers du debut du siecle entament une revolution culturelle en matiere d'interpretation, qui franchit toutes les frontieres nationales ou confessionnelles; elle se repercute au cours du siecle en d'innombrables variations et approfondissements, qui touchent tous les pays europeens et determinent les courants d'un vaste echange d'idees. On decouvre ainsi un chapitre important de l'histoire des idees, qui se diffusent de Salamanque a Wittenberg, de Rome a Paris, de Varsovie a Londres, de Louvain a Strasbourg, de Geneve a Naples, bref un fondement de l'Europe actuelle.
Texas A & M University Press America's Airports: Airfield Development
A history of the relationship between cities and their airports during the formative years of 1918-47. It highlights the early history of experimentation and innovation in the development of municipal airports and identifies the factors that made cities responsible for their own air access.
Canelo Just Like That: The perfect feel-good romance to make you smile
Is fur-ever on the cards for these enemies-at-first-sight?Jess is smashing her Edinburgh events management job right now. Her boss is talking about a promotion, her clients love her and other companies want her. But all of that comes to an abrupt halt when her brother has a sudden stroke. Jess doesn’t think twice about stepping in as his carer, but her boss is not so understanding.Demoted to managing low-end events, Jess is less than thrilled to be assigned to a small animal park in need of raising funds. She’s even less happy when she clashes with arrogant head keeper, Nick. He's frustrated with her squeamishness; she thinks he’s a lech. Nick wants a baggage-free life; Jess has so much drama going on, even the Kardashians can’t keep up.But maybe saving the animals of East Lothian Wildlife Park will help these op-paw-sites find some common ground…A stunning romance, filled with humour and heart, perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Miranda Dickinson and Laura Jane Williams.Praise for Just Like That ‘Left me with all the feels. Beautifully flawed characters and a heartfelt story at its core, this is a book to love!’ USA Today bestseller Andie Newton‘The perfect, warmest hug of a read’ Mandy Baggot‘A page-turny romance with humour and heart. Books like this are what I love about romance.’ Sandy Barker‘I adored this book! It made me giddy.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Nina Kaye has done it again with this captivating read! Tensions simmer and are built up fantastically through Kaye’s writing. A fantastic read that I would recommend.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Will easily puts a smile on the reader’s face. Kaye has created a book full of strength, optimism, trust & determination.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘I’ve loved all of Nina’s previous books, and this one was no exception! She manages to combine very serious subjects – in this case, disability and suddenly having caring responsibilities thrust upon you – with sweet romance.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and it was just perfect and what I needed in a romance. I was captivated until the end.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘Absolutely fantastic plot! Could not put the book down once I began reading it.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘I absolutely loved this book. I found the writing strong, the characters had depth and warmth … the story flowed nicely. This spoke to me.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review‘A heartwarming tale that explores the complexities of family, career, and unexpected connections. It's a story of resilience… with a touch of humour and romance that will leave readers captivated until the very end.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Reader review
Oxford University Press Inc Stealth: The Secret Contest to Invent Invisible Aircraft
On a moonless night in January 1991, a dozen U.S. aircraft appeared in the skies over Baghdad. To the Iraqi air defenses, the planes seemed to come from nowhere. Their angular shape, making them look like flying origami, rendered them virtually undetectable. Each aircraft was more than 60 feet in length and with a wingspan of 40 feet, yet its radar footprint was the size of a ball bearing. Here was the first extensive combat application of Stealth technology. And it was devastating. Peter Westwick's new book illuminates the story behind these aircraft, the F-117A, also known as the Stealth Fighter, and their close cousin the B-2, also known as the Stealth Bomber. The development of Stealth unfolded over decades. Radar has been in use since the 1930s and was essential to the Allies in World War Two, when American investment in radar exceeded that in the Manhattan Project. The atom bomb ended the war, conventional wisdom has it, but radar won it. That experience also raised a question: could a plane be developed that was invisible to radar? That question, and the seemingly impossible feat of physics and engineering behind it, took on increasing urgency during the Cold War, when the United States searched for a way both to defend its airspace and send a plane through Soviet skies undetected. Thus started the race for Stealth. At heart, Stealth is a tale of not just two aircraft but the two aerospace companies that made them, Lockheed and Northrop, guided by contrasting philosophies and outsized personalities. Beginning in the 1970s, the two firms entered into a fierce competition, one with high financial stakes and conducted at the highest levels of secrecy in the Cold War. They approached the problem of Stealth from different perspectives, one that pitted aeronautical designers against electrical engineers, those who relied on intuition against those who pursued computer algorithms. The two different approaches manifested in two very different solutions to Stealth, clearly evident in the aircraft themselves: the F-117 composed of flat facets, the B-2 of curves. For all their differences, Lockheed and Northrop were located twenty miles apart in the aerospace suburbs of Los Angeles, not far from Disneyland. This was no coincidence. The creative culture of postwar Southern California-unorthodox, ambitious, and future-oriented-played a key role in Stealth. Combining nail-biting narrative, incisive explanation of the science and technology involved, and indelible portraits of unforgettable characters, Stealth immerses readers in the story of an innovation with revolutionary implications for modern warfare.
Headline Publishing Group The Hookup Plan: An irresistible enemies-to-lovers rom-com
'With smoking hot chemistry, next to no angst, and a friend group that is literally squad goals, Rochon has written another winner' - The Dating Playbook is one of Vulture's Best Romances of 2021! If you love Helen Hoang, Abby Jimenez and Talia Hibbert, you'll LOVE Farrah Rochon, whose books are always witty, hot, and engaging (BuzzFeed)!'A total knockout: funny, sexy, and full of heart' Kirkus..................................What happens when three women discover, thanks to the live tweeting of a disastrous date, that they've all been duped by the same man? They become friends of course!It was only supposed to be for one night . . . Successful pediatric surgeon London Kelley just needs to find some balance and de-stress. According to her friends Samiah and Taylor, what London really needs is a casual hookup. A night of fun with no strings. But no one - least of all London - expected it to happen at her high school reunion with Drew Sullivan, millionaire, owner of delicious abs, and oh yes, her archnemesis.Now London is certain the road to hell is paved with good sex. Because she's found out the real reason Drew's back in Austin: to decide whether her beloved hospital remains open. Worse, Drew is doing everything he can to show her that he's a decent guy who actually cares. But London's not falling for it. Because while sleeping with the enemy is one thing, falling for him is definitely not part of the plan...................................Raves for Farrah Rochon:'Relatable and real . . . I smiled the whole time I was reading' Andie J. Christopher'The free-spirited, tell-it-like-it-is page-turner you've been looking for!' Kwana Jackson'A multilayered story about friendship, love, and following your dreams - all of it told with heart and emotion' Nalini Singh'Funny, fresh, sexy, and heartfelt. This is my new favorite romance series' Suzanne Brockmann'A smart, funny digital-age romance about real women living in the real world. Couldn't put it down!' Abby Jimenez'A masterpiece of modern-day Jane Austen with effortless, razor-sharp social commentary, romance, and humor. Farrah Rochon is one of the absolute best romance writers today. Period' Kristan Higgins'Swoon-worthy romance, the power of true friendship, and a grand gesture that makes your heart sigh with pure satisfaction. Absolutely a must-read summer romance!' Priscilla Oliveras'Rochon is a romance master who adeptly writes interesting and dynamic characters . . . A richly layered conflict adds depth and complexity to this charming workplace romance' Kirkus
Cornell University Press The Spirit of Things: Materiality and Religious Diversity in Southeast Asia
What role do objects play in crafting the religions of Southeast Asia and shaping the experiences of believers? The Spirit of Things explores religious materiality in a region marked by shifting boundaries, multiple beliefs, and trends toward religious exclusivism. While most studies of religion in Southeast Asia focus on doctrines or governmental policy, contributors to this volume recognize that religious "things"—statues, talismans, garments, even sacred automobiles—are crucial to worship, and that they have a broad impact on social cohesion. By engaging with religion in its tangible forms, faith communities reiterate their essential narratives, allegiances, and boundaries, and negotiate their coexistence with competing belief systems. These ethnographic and historical studies of Southeast Asia furnish us with intriguing perspectives on wider debates concerning the challenges of secularization, pluralism, and interfaith interactions around the world. In this volume, contributors offer rich ethnographic analyses of religious practices in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Burma that examine the roles materiality plays in the religious lives of Southeast Asians. These essays demonstrate that religious materials are embedded in a host of practices that enable the faithful to negotiate the often tumultuous experience of living amid other believers. What we see is that the call for plurality, often initiated by government, increases the importance of religious objects, as they are the means by which the distinctiveness of a particular faith is "fenced" in a field of competing religious discourses. This project is called "the spirit of things" to evoke both the "aura" of religious objects and the power of material things to manifest "that which is fundamental" about faith and belief. Contributors: Julius Bautista, National University of Singapore; Sandra Cate, San Jose State University, California; Margaret Chan, Singapore Management University; Liana Chua, Brunel University, London; Cecilia S. de la Paz, University of the Philippines (Diliman); Alexandra de Mersan, Centre Asie du Sud-Est (Paris) and Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales; Johan Fischer, Roskilde University, Denmark; Janet Hoskins, University of Southern California; Klemens Karlsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; Laurel Kendall, American Museum of Natural History and Columbia University, New York City; H. Leedom Lefferts, Drew University and Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore; Nguyên Thi Thu Huong, Academic Council of the National Museum of History, Hanoi, and Vietnam Museum of Ethnology; Anthony Reid, Australian National University, University of California–Los Angeles, and National University of Singapore; Richard A. Ruth, United States Naval Academy; Kenneth Sillander, University of Helsinki; Vu Thi Thanh Tâm, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology; and Yeoh Seng Guan, Monash University, Malaysia
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Special Operations Consolidated B-24 Liberators: The Unknown Secret and Specialized Duties Aircraft
Despite being America’s most produced bomber, the Consolidated B-24 Liberator has forever flown in the shadow of its more famous and glamorous B-17 rival. The workmanlike B-24 performed multiple unheralded roles in all theatres beyond its also multiple offensive missions, making it the war’s most versatile heavy bomber. Besides its offensive bombing, anti-submarine, and mining missions, the Liberator performed many little known “inoffensive” duties. Undoubtedly the most colourful of all Liberators were the so-called assembly ships of the Groups of the 2nd Air Division. Their unique paint schemes of stripes, polka dots, and checkerboard, were designed to make them ultra-conspicuous for their task of acting as leaders on which a Group formation could assemble their combat formations more quickly for a combat mission The Consolidated F-7 was a photographic reconnaissance version of the B-24 Liberator. The F-7 saw service in most theatres of the war. The long range of the Liberator also made it well suited to mapping missions during the war and post-war. Beginning in early 1944, to aid the Allied liberation of Europe, Carpetbagger B-24s were utilized to parachute spies, called “Joes” or “Janes”, or provide aerial supply of weapons and other matériel to resistance fighters in occupied Europe. Liberators also participated in the dropping of 2.75 billion propaganda leaflets using various techniques and delivery devices. Electronic Warfare played an important part in Allied global pre-invasion plans to discover the location of enemy radars, and, if possible, destroy them. This interception and analysis of an enemy electronic radiation was the origin of present day ELINT (ELectonicINTelligence). Modified RAF B-24D Airborne Electronic Reconnaissance Liberators, codenamed Ferret, were Radio Counter Measures and Electronic Intelligence aircraft that played a major role in European air opera¬tions. During 1942 the AAF became interested in aerial refueling as a means to bombing Japan. A shorter-range B-17E was selected as the receiver aircraft while the more spacious B-24D acted as the tanker. Although these tests were considered to be successful, the availability of longer-ranging B-29s and bases ever closer to Japan diminished the urgency of wartime aerial refueling. During the war, eighty-three B-24s crashed or made forced landings in Switzerland, sixty in Sweden, and several in Russia, Spain, Portugal, and Turkey. Many of these Liberators landed undamaged or were repaired to be flown by these nations. Of particular interest are the six Liberators that were captured and flown by the Luftwaffe. Packed with a unique collection of photographs. Special Operations Consolidated B-24 Liberators reveals the most unusual and little-known facets of the Second World War’s most versatile bomber.
Museyon Guides City Style: a Field Guide to Global Fashion Capitals
'City Style' is a guide to the world's most fashionable cities, curated by their most stylish residents. From the runways of New York and Paris to the streets of Tokyo and the club scene of London, our expert guides give you a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the local look and how to get it, complete with required reading (magazines and blogs), street style photos and a comprehensive designer guide with photos. In addition, interviews with designers, stylists and other industry insiders answer the question: What makes each city uniquely stylish? REVIEWS: Get schooled in international fashion. We admit it: one of the best parts about travelling is getting to scope out another city's style culture. But sometimes, it's harder than it looks to adopt the fashion sense of a foreign place without seeming like an overeager tourist. In City Style: A Field Guide to Global Fashion Capitals, looking like a (stylish) local is made easy. The guidebook-slash-fashion magazine includes must-see hotspots for cities like New York, Paris, Stockholm, and Sydney. It has tons of pictures, features on up-and-coming stores, and lists of local blogs and magazines. But the book isn't just about shopping. You can also check out interviews with local tastemakers, read about iconic designers, and even brush up on each city's fashion history (for instance, did you know that Prada dates back to 1913 in Milan?). It's the perfect companion for anyone who is travelling to a cool new place and wants to get an insiders look before they go. And even if you're not planning a trip in the near future, who cares? You can still dress the part. --NYLON magazine BOOK CLUB What could be more fun for fashionistas than a guide to the eight fashion capitals of the world? Each city section provides an insider's look at what's in, with an emphasis on useful information for the visitor. As stated in the guide's foreword, 'Like it or not, fashion is the one art form we encounter every day.... All over the world, our clothing says something about who we are in the local visual language...and those symbols change from city to city'; There are listings of required reading (both magazines and blogs), neighbourhoods, and hot spots; designer directories; and lots of illustrative photos. At the end of the list, preceded by New York, Paris, Milan, London, Tokyo, Stockholm, and Sydney, Los Angeles gets short shrift (owing, in part, to its non-seasonal climate). Verdict: Although this guide may have limited appeal for most travellers, its comprehensive nature makes it a valuable resource for anyone interested in today's world of fashion. -- Janet Ross --Library Journal ILLUSTRATIONS Illustrated throughout
Simon & Schuster Ltd Married at First Swipe: 'If you've binged Married At First Sight, you need this novel to be your next read' Cosmopolitan
'A total delight. Witty and fresh - I absolutely loved it!' MILLY JOHNSONIn the modern tech-fuelled world of dating, is it possible to find true love? Hannah lives life on the edge. Never one to pass up on a new adventure, she has truly been living her best life. But once the adrenaline wears off, she wishes she had someone to spend the quieter moments with too. Learning that her best friend’s online dating business has taken a hit, she comes up with an idea that just might solve both of their problems... Jess has been with her husband for twenty years. They have a stable marriage, great kids and run their own businesses. But what looks like a perfect life from the outside has its own problems within, and with her business on the brink Jess can’t help but wonder where the spark has gone in her life, and whether settling down is all it’s cracked up to be. When Hannah embarks upon her latest scheme: finding a man using Jess’s dating app and meeting him for the first time at the altar, both women start to realise the grass isn't always greener. Can Hannah help her friend save her failing business or will Jess stop her from making what could be the biggest mistake of her life? 'A very funny, feel-good read' HOLLY MILLER‘Fun, feelgood, fab!’ KATE EBERLEN'Refreshing, brilliantly-written and highly addictive! HELLY ACTON'A witty, warm, wonderful read!' SOPHIE COUSENS'Fresh, funny, and wonderfully timely – it's feel-good fiction at its finest!' LAURA JANE WILLIAMS'Funny, feel good and full of warmth, love and friendship' LAURA KEMP'A witty, tender story that packs a real emotional punch. I loved it!' NICOLA GILL‘A heart-warming and joyous page-turner. Impossible to put down!’ HOLLY MARTIN'If you’re looking for a story to make you giggle, shed a few tears and cheer, this is the one!' MIRANDA DICKINSON'Enthralling and entertaining!' HEIDI SWAIN'I couldn’t put it down. What a wonderful, warm, wise and witty book!' ALEX BROWN'Fresh, funny and romantic, I totally loved it' SARAH MORGAN'Fresh, funny, and the perfect tonic for these gloomy times' LIA LOUIS'Witty, fun and fresh, Married at First Swipe is the perfect book to lift your spirits and put a smile on your face' PHAEDRA PATRICK'A fabulously fun, heart-warming novel' ANNA BELL'Heartwarming, insightful and very, very funny' KATIE MARSH
Baen Books Library of the Sapphire Wind
Instead of mentors, they got monsters . . . That’s what Xerak, Vereez, and Grunwold think when three strange creatures shimmer into being within the circle of Hettua Shrine. Their conclusion is reasonable enough. After all, they’ve never seen humans before. As for Margaret Blake, Peg Gallegos, and Tessa Brown—more usually known as Meg, Peg, and Teg—they’re equally astonished but, oddly enough, better prepared. Age and experience have accustomed them to surprises. A widely varied course of reading material has intellectually prepared them for the idea that other worlds, even worlds where people with traits more commonly ascribed to “animals” may exist. Then there is the mysterious verse that Teg speaks as they arrive, words that seem to indicate that the Shrine must have been at least partially responding to the request made of it. Despite doubts on all sides, the three unlikely mentors join forces with the three young “inquisitors” and venture out into the world Peg dubs “Over Where.” First they must find the Library of the Sapphire Wind, destroyed years before. Will they find answers there, or is this only the first stage in their search? About Jane Lindskold: “Intricately plotted. . . . a thought-provoking tale of magic and politics, enlivened by Firekeeper's wry and wolfish point-of-view.” —Publishers Weekly on Wolf's Blood “Lindskold delivers an exotic historical fantasy that takes the reader from Victorian England to Egypt.” —Publishers Weekly on The Buried Pyramid “I loved it. A thrilling, edge-of-the-seat read—I couldn't put it down!” —Tamora Pierce on Fire Season (cowritten with David Weber)
Princeton University Press Do Animals Think?
Does your dog know when you've had a bad day? Can your cat tell that the coffee pot you left on might start a fire? Could a chimpanzee be trained to program your computer? In this provocative book, noted animal expert Clive Wynne debunks some commonly held notions about our furry friends. It may be romantic to ascribe human qualities to critters, he argues, but it's not very realistic. While animals are by no means dumb, they don't think the same way we do. Contrary to what many popular television shows would have us believe, animals have neither the "theory-of-mind" capabilities that humans have (that is, they are not conscious of what others are thinking) nor the capacity for higher-level reasoning. So, in Wynne's view, when Fido greets your arrival by nudging your leg, he's more apt to be asking for dinner than commiserating with your job stress. That's not to say that animals don't possess remarkable abilities--and Do Animals Think? explores countless examples: there's the honeybee, which not only remembers where it found food but communicates this information to its hivemates through an elaborate dance. And how about the sonar-guided bat, which locates flying insects in the dark of night and devours lunch on the wing? Engagingly written, Do Animals Think? takes aim at the work of such renowned animal rights advocates as Peter Singer and Jane Goodall for falsely humanizing animals. Far from impoverishing our view of the animal kingdom, however, it underscores how the world is richer for having such a diversity of minds--be they of the animal or human variety.
Casemate Publishers The Battle of Bong Son: Operation Masher/White Wing, 1966
Operation Masher/White Wing targeted the regiments of the North Vietnamese Army Sao Vang Division operating in the Bong Son area in northeast Binh Dinh Province in central South Vietnam. The operation started on January 24, 1966, immediately after the Vietnamese New Year (Tet) and ended six weeks later. It was led by newly promoted Colonel Harold G. Moore, who as a lieutenant colonel commanded the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry in the battle of Landing Zone X-Ray in the Ia Drang Valley two months earlier.In 41 days of sustained fighting, the 1st Cav battled each of the three regiments of the Sao Vang Division, resulting in enemy losses of more than 3,000 KIA. This came at the cost of 199 Americans killed on the battlefield and 46 more who died in the crash of a U.S. Air Force C-123 aircraft en route to the battlefield, making it one of the deadliest battles of the entire Vietnam War.Operation Masher/White Wing was a success. The 1st Cav demonstrated that it had the firepower, mobility, and leadership to find the enemy and deliver a severe blow to it in terms of personnel and equipment losses and in forced evacuation from formerly “secure” base areas, seemingly proving the value of the search-and-destroy strategy.However within a few weeks, intelligence reports indicated that North Vietnamese soldiers were returning to the Bong Son area in small groups. By late April, the Sao Vang Division was back in the area in force. Operation Masher/White Wing proved to be the start of a very long and deadly struggle between the 1st Cav and North Vietnamese for control of Binh Dinh Province—multiple search & destroy operations eventually resulted in more than 9,000 enemy KIA and 2,358 enemy detained, with friendly losses of more than 1,200 KIA, 5,775 WIA, and 27 MIA. While Masher/White Wing demonstrated that search & destroy operations were very effective at the tactical level but without a high-level strategy to stop the unabated flow of fresh Communist troops and supplies into South Vietnam, it wasn’t clear just how they contributed to overall victory. At the start of 1968, General Westmoreland ordered the 1st Cav to terminate its operations in the Bong Son area, bringing the battle to a close.
Texas A & M University Press Landmark Speeches of National Socialism
The power which has always started the greatest religious and political avalanches in history rolling has from time immemorial been the magic power of the spoken word, and that alone.""Adolf Hitler, Mein KampfAs historians have long noted, public oratory has seldom been as pivotal in generating and sustaining the vitality of a movement as it was during the rise and rule of the National Socialist Party, from 1919 to 1945. Led by the charismatic and indefatigable Hitler,National Socialists conducted one of the most powerful rhetorical campaigns ever recorded. Indeed, the mass addresses, which were broadcast live on radio, taped for re-broadcast, and in many cases filmed for play on theater newsreels throughout the Third Reich, constituted one of the most thorough exploitations of media in history. Because such evil lay at the heart of the National Socialist movement, its overwhelming rhetoric has often been negatively characterized as propaganda. As Randall Bytwerk points out, however, the ""propaganda"" label was anything but negative in the minds of the leaders of the National Socialist movement. In their view, the clear, simplistic, and even one-sided presentation of information was necessary to mobilize effectively all elements of the German population into the National Socialist program. Gathered here are thirteen key speeches of this historically significant movement, including Hitler's announcement of the party's reestablishment in 1925 following the unsuccessful Beer Hall Putsch, four addresses by Joseph Goebbels, the 1938 Kristallnacht speech by Julius Streicher, and four speeches drafted as models for party leaders' use on various public occasions. The volume concludes with Adolf Hitler's final public address on January 30, 1945, three months before his suicide. Several of these works are presented for the first time in English translation. Bytwerk provides a brief introduction to each speech and allows the reader to trace the development and downfall of the Nazi party.Landmark Speeches of National Socialism is an important volume for students of rhetoric, World War II, Nazi Germany, and the Holocaust.
Cornell University Press Surprise: The Poetics of the Unexpected from Milton to Austen
Today, in the era of the spoiler alert, "surprise" in fiction is primarily associated with an unexpected plot twist, but in earlier usage, the word had darker and more complex meanings. Originally denoting a military ambush or physical assault, surprise went through a major semantic shift in the eighteenth century: from violent attack to pleasurable experience, and from external event to internal feeling. In Surprise, Christopher R. Miller studies that change as it took shape in literature ranging from Paradise Lost through the novels of Jane Austen. Miller argues that writers of the period exploited and arbitrated the dual nature of surprise in its sinister and benign forms. Even as surprise came to be associated with pleasure, it continued to be perceived as a problem: a sign of ignorance or naïveté, an uncontrollable reflex, a paralysis of rationality, and an experience of mere novelty or diversion for its own sake. In close readings of exemplary scenes—particularly those involving astonished or petrified characters—Miller shows how novelists sought to harness the energies of surprise toward edifying or comic ends, while registering its underpinnings in violence and mortal danger. In the Roman poet Horace’s famous axiom, poetry should instruct and delight, but in the early eighteenth century, Joseph Addison signally amended that formula to suggest that the imaginative arts should surprise and delight. Investigating the significance of that substitution, Miller traces an intellectual history of surprise, involving Aristotelian poetics, Cartesian philosophy, Enlightenment concepts of the passions, eighteenth-century literary criticism and aesthetics, and modern emotion theory. Miller goes on to offer a fresh reading of what it means to be "surprised by sin" in Paradise Lost, showing how Milton’s epic both harks back to the symbolic functions of violence in allegory and looks ahead to the moral contours of the novel. Subsequent chapters study the Miltonic ramifications of surprise in the novels of Defoe, Haywood, Richardson, Fielding, and Sterne, as well as in the poems of Wordsworth and Keats. By focusing on surprise in its inflections as emotion, cognition, and event, Miller’s book illuminates connections between allegory and formal realism, between aesthetic discourse and prose fiction, and between novel and lyric; and it offers new ways of thinking about the aesthetic and ethical dimensions of the novel as the genre emerged in the eighteenth century.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Educause Leadership Strategies, Preparing Your Campus for a Networked Future
"Anyone with a serious interest in the future of education will find this book provocative, prescient, prescriptive, and pivotal. It is a must-read for those responsible for preparing educational institutions at all levels for their new role in our networked society."--Vinton G. Cerf, senior vice president, MCI WORLDCOM, and chairman, Internet Society "Transformative. That's what networks are; that's the role our institutions must fill for society; and that's what our leadership must be. This book provides valuable insight into networks and the challenges we must address to ensure that higher education thrives in the Knowledge Age."--Molly Corbett Broad, president, University of North Carolina "This book will prove essential to presidents and other campus leaders who must plan for, and invest in, the networking infrastructures that will powerfully impact the futures of our institutions."--John Hitt, president, University of Central Florida "All of educational practice will eventually contribute to the creative and fast-paced links that we know through the Internet. The thoughtful essays in this volume can, indeed, help us prepare for that future."--Jane Margaret "Maggie" O'Brien, president, St. Mary's College of Maryland This first volume from the EDUCAUSE Leadership Strategies series examines the changes and challenges that the advanced Internet2 will bring to higher education campuses everywhere. Edited by Mark Luker and featuring the insights of experienced campus leaders and information professionals, this forward-thinking guide provides a roadmap to the extraordinary capabilities of the advanced Internet to come. The contributors reveal how this new networking environment will affect business operations, academic instruction, libraries, information management, regional partnerships, federal funding, policy decisions, and more. Each chapter offers specific recommendations and strategic advice to help institutional leaders make complex decisions about the future of networking on their campuses-such as when, how, and how much to invest in upgrading current technology to support the new networking environment. Far from a technical study, Preparing Your Campus for a Networked Future is a pragmatic exploration of what leaders can do to prepare for continually evolving technology.
Princeton University Press Auden's Apologies for Poetry
Common wisdom has it that when Auden left England for New York in January 1939, he had already written his best poems. He left behind (most critics believe) all the idealisms of the 1930s and all serious concerns to become an unserious poet, a writer of ingenious, agreeable, minor lyrics. Lucy McDiarmid argues that such readers, spoiled by the simple intensities of apocalypse, distort and misjudge Auden's greatest work. She shows that once Auden was freed from the obligation to criticize and reform the society of his native country, he devoted his imaginative energies to commentary on art. And about art he was never complaisant: with greater passion than he had ever used to undermine "bourgeois" society, Auden undermined literature. Every major poem and every essay became a retractio, a statement of art's frivolity, vanity, and guilt. Auden's Apologies for Poetry, then, sets forth the unorthodox notion that the chief subject of later, "New Yorker" Auden is the insignificance of poetry. Commenting on all the major poems and essays from the 1930s through the 1960s, and analyzing manuscript revisions and unpublished works, it charts the changes in Auden's poetics in the light of his shift from an oral to a written model of poetry. In his earliest work Auden voices the tentative hope that poems can be like loving spoken words, transforming and redeeming, themselves carriers of value. After 1939 he takes for granted a written model. His later essays and poems deny art spiritual value, claiming that "love, or truth in any serious sense" is a "reticence," the unarticulated worth that exists--if at all--outside the words on the page. Later Auden creates a poetics of apology and self-deprecation, a radical undermining of poetry itself. Originally published in 1990. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
The University of Chicago Press The Angel in the Marketplace: Adwoman Jean Wade Rindlaub and the Selling of America
The popular image of a mid-century ad woman is of a feisty girl beating men at their own game, a female Horatio Alger protagonist battling her way through the sexist workplace. But before the fictional rise of Peggy Olson or the real-life stories of Patricia Tierney and Jane Maas came Jean Wade Rindlaub: a female powerbroker who used her considerable success in the workplace to encourage other women--to stick to their kitchens. The Angel in the Marketplace is the story of one of America's most accomplished advertising executives. It is also the story of how advertisers like Rindlaub sold a postwar American dream of capitalism and a Christian corporate order. Rindlaub was responsible for award-winning, mega sales-generating advertisements for all things domestic, including Oneida Silverware, Betty Crocker Cake Mix, Campbell's Soup, and Chiquita Bananas. Her success largely came from embracing, rather than subverting, the cultural expectations of women. She believed her responsibility as an advertiser was not to spring women from their trap, but to make that trap more comfortable. Rindlaub wasn't just selling silverware and cakes, she was selling the virtues of free enterprise. By following the arc of Rindlaub's career from the 1920s through the 1960s, we witness how a range of cultural narratives--advertising chief among them--worked powerfully to shape women's emotional and economic behavior in support of the free market system. Alongside Rindlaub's story, Ellen Wayland-Smith provides a riveting history of how women were repeatedly sold the idea that their role as housewives was more powerful, and more patriotic, than any outside the home. And by buying into the image of morality through an unregulated market, many of these women helped fuel backlash against economic regulation and socialization efforts throughout the twentieth century. The Angel in the Marketplace is a nuanced portrayal of a complex woman, one who both shaped and reflected the complicated cultural, political, and religious forces defining femininity in America at mid-century. This compelling account of one of advertising's most fervent believers is a tale of a Mad Woman we haven't been told.
St Martin's Press Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, At Home and Abroad
Friday, January 6, 2017: On that day, as always, John Brennan’s alarm clock was set to go off at 4:15 a.m. But nothing else about that day would be routine. That day marked his first and only security briefing with President-elect Donald Trump. And it was also the day John Brennan said his final farewell to Owen Brennan, his father, the man who had taught him the lessons of goodness, integrity, and honour that had shaped the course of an unparalleled career serving his country from within the intelligence community. In this brutally honest memoir, Brennan, the son of an Irish immigrant who settled in New Jersey, describes the life that took him from being a young CIA recruit enamoured with the mystique of spy work, secretly defiant enough to drive a motorcycle and sport a diamond earring, and invigorated by his travels in the Middle East to being the most powerful individual in American intelligence. He details his experiences with very different presidents and what it’s been like to bear responsibility for some of the nation’s most crucial and polarising national security decisions. He pulls back the curtain on the inner workings of the Agency, describing the selfless, patriotic, and invisible work of the women and men involved in national security. He also examines the insularity, arrogance, and myopia that have, at times, undermined its reputation in the eyes of the American people and of members of other branches of government. Through topics ranging from George W. Bush’s intervention in Iraq to his thoughts on the CIA’s controversial use of enhanced interrogation techniques to his eye-opening account of the planning of the raid that resulted in Bin Ladin’s death to his realisation that Russia had interfered with the 2016 election, Brennan brings the reader behind the scenes of some of the most crucial moments in recent U.S. history. He also candidly discusses the times he has failed to live up to his own high standards and the very public fallouts that have resulted. With its behind-the-scenes look at how major U.S. national security policies and actions unfolded during his long and distinguished career - especially during his eight years in the Obama administration - John Brennan’s memoir is a work of history with strong implications for the future of America and our country’s relationships with other world powers.
Select Books Inc People Tools for Business Volume 2
Great Relationships Are Your Key To Business Success. Whether you're just starting your career or have been in the business world for years, this book provides all the tools you'll need to create long lasting success in your life. Why wait to build the life you've always dreamed of? Running your life is very much like running a business, and People Tools for Business is filled with practical ideas to help you run your life more effectively and efficiently.YOU CAN MAKE A CAREER OUT OF BEING HAPPY In this sequel to his New York Times Bestseller People Tools (January 2014), Alan C. Fox shares the most important lessons from his successful and distinguished life. The reader can use the tools described in this book to achieve success both in the boardroom and at home. WHAT ARE PEOPLE TOOLS? "People Tools" are practical life skills that are easy to understand. They are free to use and yet they will significantly improve your ability to work well with other people. From developing self-confidence, to making healthier life decisions to being a better manager, each tool provides a straightforward approach to help you get more effective results.Filled with insightful examples and entertaining anecdotes, People Tools is fun to read but will have long-lasting impact. The stories will charm you; the advice will change your life. TAKE CONTROL: YOU ARE THE SOLE PROPRIETOR OF YOUR OWN LIFE. The time-tested tools outlined in this book are useful shortcuts that you can use to solve everyday problems. You will find the advice applicable not only to business but to all aspects of your personal life as well. GET ADVICE FROM THE BEST IN THE BUSINESSAlan C. Fox has used the People Tools outlined in this book to build a rich and fulfilling life. He has built a commercial real estate company worth more than $1.5 billion, launched a nationally renowned poetry journal, and established a foundation that provides millions in funding to non-profit organizations that work with young people. He has also raised a large and loving family and created a trusted circle of close friends and colleagues.Let Alan Be Your Personal MentorLife and work are full of challenges, but with the practical strategies outlined in this book, Alan will show you how to live the life of your dreams.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies
COMPARATIVE URBANISM ‘Comparative Urbanism fully transforms the scope and purpose of urban studies today, distilling innovative conceptual and methodological tools. The theoretical and empirical scope is astounding, enlightening, emboldening. Robinson peels away conceptual labels that have anointed some cities as paradigmatic and left others as mere copies. She recalibrates overly used theoretical perspectives, resurrects forgotten ones long in need of a dusting off, and brings to the fore those often marginalised. Robinson’s approach radically re-distributes who speaks for the urban, and which urban conditions shape our theoretical understandings. With Comparative Urbanism in our hands, we can start the practice of urban studies anywhere and be relevant to any number of elsewheres.’ Jane M. Jacobs, Professor of Urban Studies, Yale-NUS College, Singapore ‘How to think the multiplicity of urban realities at the same time, across different times and rhythmic arrangements; how to move with the emergences and stand-stills, with conceptualisations that do justice to all things gathered under the name of the urban. How to imagine comparatively amongst differences that remain different, individualised outcomes, but yet exist in-common. No book has so carefully conducted a specifically urban philosophy on these matters, capable of beginning and ending anywhere.’ AbdouMaliq Simone, Senior Research Fellow, Urban Institute, University of Sheffield The rapid pace and changing nature of twenty-first century urbanisation as well as the diversity of global urban experiences calls for new theories and new methodologies in urban studies. In Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies, Jennifer Robinson proposes grounds for reformatting comparative urban practice and offers a wide range of tactics for researching global urban experiences. The focus is on inventing new concepts as well as revising existing approaches. Inspired by postcolonial and decolonial critiques of urban studies she advocates for an experimental comparative urbanism, open to learning from different urban experiences and to expanding conversations amongst urban scholars across the globe. The book features a wealth of examples of comparative urban research, concerned with many dimensions of urban life. A range of theoretical and philosophical approaches ground an understanding of the radical revisability and emergent nature of concepts of the urban. Advanced students, urbanists and scholars will be prompted to compose comparisons which trace the interconnected and relational character of the urban, and to think with the variety of urban experiences and urbanisation processes across the globe, to produce the new insights the twenty-first century urban world demands.
Penguin Books Ltd Prize Women: The fascinating story of sisterhood and survival based on shocking true events
Based on the incredible true story of The Great Stork Derby, Prize Women is the profoundly moving novel that sheds light on a scandalous moment in history just as relevant today'Gorgeous. Prize Women took my breath away. I haven't stopped thinking about it' JENNIFER SAINT'Wonderfully evocative and intelligent. Sheds light on a scandalous moment in history I knew nothing about, told with great sensitivity and grace. I was entranced' EMMA STONEX'This heartbreaking story explores friendship, strength and the fight to survive' WOMAN'S WEEKLY___________Toronto, 1926.A childless millionaire leaves behind an astonishing will: the recipient of his fortune will be decided in a contest known as 'The Great Stork Derby'. His money will go to the winner: the woman who bears the most children in the ten years after his death.Lily di Marco is young, pregnant, and terrified of her husband. Fleeing to Toronto, she arrives on the doorstep of glamorous free spirit Mae Thebault. At a time when men hold all the power, Lily and Mae look out for each other. But as their friendship grows, Lily wonders if there's more to Mae - and her past - than she has been told . . .And as the Great Depression bites, the Stork Derby contest - with its alluring prize - proves too good to ignore for Lily and Mae, each living hand to mouth.These best friends are now fierce rivals. But if only one woman can win, what will the contest cost the other?___________'A profoundly moving and absolutely gripping novel about the choices women face - and the choices they are denied. I cannot recommend it highly enough' ELODIE HARPER'This tale of two women resonates with what is happening in the world today. I was gripped by Lily and Mae's story, the desperate choices that women still face' LOUISE HARE'Fascinating historical fiction with a feminist slant' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'A serious, thoughtful and epic journey into the trials of motherhood . . . With her contrasting female characters, Lea interrogates the fight for female agency across class divides, a struggle that continues to this day. A fascinating snapshot of another time, perhaps not as far removed from our own as we might hope' JANICE HALLET'Wonderfully researched and full of evocative historical detail' CULTUREFLY 'Masterful. Caroline Lea is a superb storyteller, and Prize Women deserves a huge readership. So good, I had to pull myself away' ELIZABETH MACNEAL
Katharine Publishing The Hypnobirthing Book - Childbirth with Confidence and Calm: The definitive guide to childbirth from the home of hypnobirthing
The definitive guide to childbirth from the Home of Hypnobirthing More than 100,000 copies sold worldwide, helping countless babies into the world. 15 unique relaxation scripts to help prepare you for a calm and confident birth. Audio download to accompany the book so it's easy to make practice and relaxation part of your daily routine KGH is The home of Hypnobirthing, KGH is taught in Hospitals, Antenatal Classes and by Midwives and Birthing Professionals all around the world. The KGH Teacher training course is accredited by the Royal College of Midwives and is the source material for many other Hypnobirthing books and courses. This major new update of The Hypnobirthing Book is your complete and essential guide to making the birth of your child the most wonderful and uplifting experience of both your lives. The book's calm and confident advice - rooted in Katharine's many years of practical experience as a doula and teacher - describes what happens to your body during pregnancy and childbirth, empowering you to listen to your body to help you to achieve a calm and confident birth. The book explains the vital role of the birth partner and covers all types of birth situation. When you follow the proven logical and evidence based KG Hypnobirthing techniques, you will have all the tools you need to release any fears you have about labour and to enjoy your baby's birth. Tips and techniques for overcoming previous birth trauma and other challenges help you achieve the birth you want - for you and your baby The thing about KGHypnobirthing is that it works,' - a KG Hypnobirthing father 'Beyond grateful to... Katharine for the inspiration, wisdom and guidance she shared, which empowered us more than I can explain' Ella Mills, Deliciously Ella 'Katharine Graves is the Godmother of Awakened Midwifery. She teaches a very important aspect of feminism; how to honour and unleash (perhaps) the greatest power of humanity, the ability to create life and consciously bring it forth into the world' - Russell Brand 'My work with Katharine kept me calm and focused as my labour took a number of unexpected twists and turns. I felt well prepared and although I ended up having a C-section rather than a planned natural birth, I found her programme helped enormously to guide me through each step. Baby Rae and I now happily listen to Katharine's meditations together - I think she recognises her voice!' - Sarah-Jane Mee
Hachette Books I Am Debra Lee: A Memoir
*Well-Read Black Girl - Book Club Pick*As an incredible glass-ceiling breaker and the woman who brought timeless television shows like The Game and Being Mary Jane to cable, Debra Lee has been the visionary responsible for elevating Black images and storytelling for decades. Now she's telling her own story, in an intimate and eye-opening tale about the triumphant and tricky moments of a career in entertainment.I Am Debra Lee is a page-turner, filled with deeply personal revelations, juicy celebrity intel, and electrifying behind-the-scenes stories that reveal how she went from a girl raised in the segregated South to leading the first Black company traded on the New York Stock Exchange and how she juggled social responsibility while managing a company targeted toward the Black community. In a rousing narrative, Lee writes: "I don't just love Black culture-the magic in our hair, the swagger in our steps, the particular way we can say 'alright now' to fit our changing moods-Black culture saved me." In her exciting debut, she answers all of our questions about building an unapologetically Black enterprise as a Black woman. What to do when you're forced to attend a board meeting eight weeks after a C-section. How to manage a team of men when you're the first female CEO at the company. How she learned the hard way to say no to those in power when their vision didn't align with her purpose.I Am Debra Lee tackles lessons that women CEOs rarely dare to. She addresses her personal struggles with motherhood and "having it all," navigating reproductive choice, fertility, and #MeToo while achieving great professional success. Being Black and a woman in corporate life isn't easy for anyone. But Lee shows how she evolved from a shy girl who dreaded public speaking to becoming a force to be reckoned with as she helped build the leading entertainment company for Black audiences and consumers of Black culture globally.?I Am Debra Lee is a must-read for all strivers in any industry. Lee is a truthteller about the critical choices that Black leaders face. As she has done her whole career, in this book, she opens the door for others to come after her, by sharing the truth behind her own inspiring story of power, perseverance, and success.
Little, Brown Book Group The Warning: A nail-biting, gripping psychological thriller
My little boy's room was empty, his bed neatly made. Alarm bells should have rung immediately. Then the knock on the door came. All I remember is a thick fog wrapping itself tightly around me. This couldn't be happening to us . . . Three years ago, nurse Zoe's son Ethan was found drowned in a muddy river by their home, along with his best friend Josh. With no witnesses, their deaths were ruled a tragic accident. Heartbroken, Zoe and her family move away from her home. They're just beginning to get back to some kind of normality, when, out of the blue, Zoe receives an anonymous email: You need to find out the truth about what happened to your son. Don't let this rest. Don't believe the lie. Shaken, Zoe starts an obsessive hunt for the truth. But why is her husband so reluctant to help? And why is Josh's mother so determined not to believe her? An absolutely unputdownable psychological thriller about a mother's desperate search for the truth. Fans of Jane Corry, Jenny Blackhurst and Rachel Abbott will be hooked from the very first page.See what readers are saying about The Warning:'Man, what a book! Can I repeat again - what a book!...a thrilling rush in each page ...a total rollercoaster ride. I loved its bumpy roads, the twists and turns churned my stomach, and I enjoyed every bit of it'. Book Reviews by Shalini'Oh my goodness! This twisty thriller keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way until the very end ...fascinating ... I could not put it down...interesting and captivating.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars.'Absolutely cracking psychological thriller... a truly magnificent read. I was glued to it from start to finish, barely able to put it down... the exact book I needed to kick my reading mojo back into gear.' Leah Reads Books'OMG Kathryn Croft has done it again!!! I devoured this book in two days!!! I absolutely loved it along with all the other books I've read of hers. From the beginning to end kept in suspense and shock. I really didn't see any of it coming.' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'I proudly hand over 5 twisty messed-up stars to this book!!! I loved this and all the WTF moments... It was so freakin' cool to read! Very interesting plot(s) going on here!! Twisted, twisty, dark, sad, awesome!!! Oh let's just say... THAT ending!... 5 Stars from me!!!' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Your Gardening Year 2023: A Monthly Shortcut to Help You Get the Most from Your Garden
An easy-to-use, beautifully illustrated book to help you know the key things to do in your garden through 2023.How soon can I sow my sweet peas? When should I prune my clematis? What can I do to add plenty of winter colour to my borders? Is there anything to do in January? Find the answers to all these questions and more with Your Gardening Year 2023 - a book that every gardener should have as they embark on a new year of planting, sowing, pruning, and growing. This easy-to-use gardening guide is packed with essential tasks and top tips for every month of the year, with sections on general garden care, growing fruit and vegetables, and getting the best out of containers. Discover which plants will look their best each month and mark the progression of the seasons with a dedicated note section so you can record your garden successes and make plans for next year. With beautiful illustrations to accompany each month, Your Gardening Year 2023 is a must-have resource for all gardeners--whether you're looking for a handy at-a-glance guide for yourself or a gift for a green-fingered loved one.Get your gardening gloves on and join the journey as you explore: - Twelve chapters, one for each month, featuring the following content- 'Around the Garden' pages offer short, easy-to-follow garden tasks for a range of subjects, including 'General Care',- 'Trees, Shrubs, and Climbers', 'Perennials, Annuals, Bulbs, and Bedding', and 'Containers', alongside a series of 'Ten-minute Tasks' to help readers make best use of their time in the garden- Dedicated pages on 'The Kitchen Garden', with 'Harvest Highlights' showcasing the very best produce that month.- Illustrated 'At Their Best' profile spreads showcase five plants with seasonal appeal.- 'Get Ahead' activities for readers wanting to make the most of their time.- A notes page for readers to record their gardening successes and observations.- At-a-glance crop planner showing when to sow, plant out, and harvest popular vegetables and fruits.- Beautiful illustrations to add a timely and inspirational reminder of the garden that month.A must-have volume for the novice gardener looking for tips and tricks as they get into the rhythm of the gardening year, and doubling up as great gift purchase for the gardening lover in your life!
Johns Hopkins University Press Starfish: Biology and Ecology of the Asteroidea
Among the most fascinating animals in the world's oceans are the more than 2,000 species of starfish. Called "Asteroids" by scientists who study them (after their taxonomic name, Asteroidea) - or sea stars in some parts of the world-starfish are easily recognized because of their star-like form. "Starfish" is a comprehensive volume devoted to the integrative and comparative biology and ecology of starfish. Written by the world's leading experts on starfish, the integrative section covers topics such as reproduction, developmental biology and ecology, larval ecology, and the ecological role of starfish as a group. The comparative section considers the biology and ecology of important species such as Acanthaster planci, Heliaster helianthoides, Asterias amurensis, and Pisaster ochraceus. Replete with detailed, scientifically accurate illustrations and the latest research findings, "Starfish" examines the important role of these invertebrates in the marine environment, a topic of great interest because of their impact on the food web. As major predators that are able to evert their stomach and wrap it around their prey, starfish can have a significant impact on commercial fisheries. "Starfish" are of interest not only to echinoderm specialists but also to marine biologists and invertebrate zoologists in general and, increasingly, to the medical community. A starfish's ability to regenerate body parts is almost unequalled in the animal world, making them ideal models for basic science studies on the topic. Contributors: Charles D. Amsler, Bill J. Baker, Mario Barahona, Michael F. Barker, Maria Byrne, Juan Carlos Castilla, Katharina Fabricius, Patrick Flammang, Andrew S. Gale, Carlos F. Gaymer, Jean-Francois Hamel, Elise Hennebert, John H. Himmelman, Michel Jangoux, John M. Lawrence, Tatiana Manzur, James B. McClintock, Bruce A. Menge, Annie Mercier, Anna Metaxas, Sergio A. Navarette, Timothy D. O'Hara, John S. Pearse, Carlos Robles, Eric Sanford, Robert E. Scheibling, Richard L. Turner, Carlos Renato R. Ventura, Kristina M. Wasson, and Stephen A. Watts.
Taylor & Francis Ltd UN Millennium Development Library: Health Dignity and Development: What Will it Take?
The Millennium Development Goals, adopted at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000, are the world's targets for dramatically reducing extreme poverty in its many dimensions by 2015 income poverty, hunger, disease, exclusion, lack of infrastructure and shelter while promoting gender equality, education, health and environmental sustainability. These bold goals can be met in all parts of the world if nations follow through on their commitments to work together to meet them. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals offers the prospect of a more secure, just, and prosperous world for all. The UN Millennium Project was commissioned by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan to develop a practical plan of action to meet the Millennium Development Goals. As an independent advisory body directed by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, the UN Millennium Project submitted its recommendations to the UN Secretary General in January 2005. The core of the UN Millennium Project's work has been carried out by 10 thematic Task Forces comprising more than 250 experts from around the world, including scientists, development practitioners, parliamentarians, policymakers, and representatives from civil society, UN agencies, the World Bank, the IMF, and the private sector. In this report the UN Millennium Project Task Force on Water and Sanitation outlines the bold yet practical actions that are needed to increase access to water and sanitation. The report underscores the need to focus on the global sanitation crisis, which contributes to the death of 3900 children each day, improve domestic water supply, and invest in integrated development and management of water resources, all of which are necessary for countries to reduce poverty and hunger, improve health, advance gender equality and ensure environmental sustainability. Implementing the recommendations of this report will allow all countries to halve the proportion of people without access to safe water and sanitation by 2015.
Bonnier Books Ltd Case Sensitive: A gripping forensic mystery set in Camden
ONE OF THE GUARDIAN'S BEST CRIME/THRILLERS OF 2023**DON'T MISS CASSIE RAVEN'S NEWEST MYSTERY, DEAD FALL, AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER NOW!**'I LOVE THIS SERIES!' ELLY GRIFFITHS'TIMELY, GRITTY AND DARK' PAULA HAWKINS'THIS SERIES IS NOT TO BE MISSED' THE GUARDIANWhen the dead are silent, she will be their voice . . .Goth-girl mortuary technician Cassie Raven has seen thousands of dead bodies but when a drowned man knocks against the hull of her canalboat, it's a bit too close to home.Cassie is grappling with the loss of her 'gift' - her conviction that she could sense the last thoughts of the dead - and at first the mystery man with the golden-green eyes isn't sharing his secrets.But the case gets under her skin and when Cassie joins forces with Detective Phyllida Flyte, together they start to dredge up secrets from the past . . .Yet someone is watching, someone who's ready to kill to stop those secrets coming to the surface.FEATURED IN HEAT MAGAZINE, THE SUNDAY TIMES AND THE GUARDIAN.PRAISE FOR THE CASSIE RAVEN SERIES:'Spellbinding storytelling' Val McDermid'Like Silent Witness but more believable' Susi Holliday 'Blackly humorous, with a fabulously one-of-a-kind protagonist' Heat Magazine'Ingenious and sardonically written' Financial Times'[A] gritty novel with an engaging heroine' Sunday Times'A terrific, well-placed plot' Spectator'Cassie Raven is a lot of fun to spend time with' Big Issue'Excellent fun, compulsive and Cassie Raven is a protagonist I want to meet again soon' James Oswald'Cassie Raven is a blast of fresh air, striding onto the crime scene like a punk superstar' Sarah Hilary'Move over Silent Witness - Cassie Raven is an utterly compelling contemporary forensic heroine' Isabelle Grey'A fresh and exciting new series' Claire McGowan'One of the best series openers I've read in years' Jane Casey
University of Pennsylvania Press Toussaint Louverture and the American Civil War: The Promise and Peril of a Second Haitian Revolution
At the end of the eighteenth century, a massive slave revolt rocked French Saint Domingue, the most profitable European colony in the Americas. Under the leadership of the charismatic former slave François Dominique Toussaint Louverture, a disciplined and determined republican army, consisting almost entirely of rebel slaves, defeated all of its rivals and restored peace to the embattled territory. The slave uprising that we now refer to as the Haitian Revolution concluded on January 1, 1804, with the establishment of Haiti, the first "black republic" in the Western Hemisphere. The Haitian Revolution cast a long shadow over the Atlantic world. In the United States, according to Matthew J. Clavin, there emerged two competing narratives that vied for the revolution's legacy. One emphasized vengeful African slaves committing unspeakable acts of violence against white men, women, and children. The other was the story of an enslaved people who, under the leadership of Louverture, vanquished their oppressors in an effort to eradicate slavery and build a new nation. Toussaint Louverture and the American Civil War examines the significance of these competing narratives in American society on the eve of and during the Civil War. Clavin argues that, at the height of the longstanding conflict between North and South, Louverture and the Haitian Revolution were resonant, polarizing symbols, which antislavery and proslavery groups exploited both to provoke a violent confrontation and to determine the fate of slavery in the United States. In public orations and printed texts, African Americans and their white allies insisted that the Civil War was a second Haitian Revolution, a bloody conflict in which thousands of armed bondmen, "American Toussaints," would redeem the republic by securing the abolition of slavery and proving the equality of the black race. Southern secessionists and northern anti-abolitionists responded by launching a cultural counterrevolution to prevent a second Haitian Revolution from taking place.
Princeton University Press Virtue and Beauty: Leonardo's Ginevra de' Benci and Renaissance Portraits of Women
This beautifully illustrated and exquisitely designed volume of paintings, sculpture, medals, and drawings celebrates the extraordinary flowering of female portraiture, mainly in Florence, beginning in the latter half of the fifteenth century. Included are many of the finest portraits of women (and a few of men) by Filippo Lippi, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Antonio Pollaiuolo, Botticelli, Verrocchio, and Leonardo da Vinci--whose remarkable double-sided portrait of Ginevra de' Benci, which departs notably from tradition, is the focus of special attention. It was in Florence during this period that portraiture expanded beyond the realm of rulers and their consorts to encompass women of the merchant class. This phenomenon, long known to scholars, is here presented to a larger audience for the first time. The catalogue, which accompanies an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, traces how the humanist praise of women influenced and enlivened their depiction. It also considers how meaningful costumes and settings were chosen. Works from outside Florence by such masters as Pisanello, Rogier van der Weyden, and Ercole Roberti shed additional light on the evolution of female portraiture during the century from c. 1440 to c. 1540. An introduction by editor and exhibition organizer David Alan Brown and four engaging essays by other experts on Renaissance art--Dale Kent, Joanna Woods-Marsden, Mary Westerman Bulgarella and Roberta Orsi Landini, and Victoria Kirkham--perfectly complement the more than one hundred illustrations, which include ninety-seven full-color plates. The catalogue entries are concise while revealing the key aspects of each portrait--from style and sources to ongoing scholarly debates. This elegant, enlightening book is itself a telling portrait not only of the art but also of the broader issues of women's freedom, responsibility, and individuality in a most exceptional era. EXHIBITION SCHEDULE National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. September 30, 2001-January 6, 2002
Zaffre Life Sentence: An intriguing new case for Camden forensic sleuth Cassie Raven
FEATURED ON THE SUNDAY TIMES' CRIME BOOKS OF THE YEAR LIST - 'SUPERB' JOAN SMITH, SUNDAY TIMES**DON'T MISS CASSIE RAVEN'S NEWEST MYSTERY, DEAD FALL, AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER NOW!**'I LOVE THIS SERIES!' ELLY GRIFFITHS'ENGROSSING, SHARP, UTTERLY ORIGINAL' TAMMY COHEN'A MUST-READ SERIES' JAMES OSWALD'CASSIE RAVEN IS MY FAVOURITE NEW CHARACTER' WILLIAM SHAW'WARM, ENGAGING AND ORIGINAL' MARI HANNAH'AN ENGROSSING AND INTRIGUING READ' FAITH MARTIN 'TWISTY AND TREMENDOUS' MARA TIMONCamden mortuary technician Cassie Raven returns to solve another ingenious forensic mystery. Perfect for fans of Tess Gerritsen, Patricia Cornwell and Kathy Reichs. Mortuary technician Cassie Raven believes the last thoughts of the dead linger like static in the air...Cassie has always had a strange affinity with death, ever since her parents were killed in a car crash when she was four. At least that's what she grew up believing...But that was a lie. Cassie's father is alive. He was convicted of murdering her mother and spent years behind bars. Now he's out - and he's looking for her.He swears he didn't do it. And Cassie wants to believe him.To find the truth, she must turn detective. As she seeks answers, help is to be found in inexplicable places - for the dead are ready to talk.PRAISE FOR THE CASSIE RAVEN SERIES:'Spellbinding storytelling' Val McDermid'Like Silent Witness but more believable' Susi Holliday'Blackly humorous, with a fabulously one-of-a-kind protagonist' Heat Magazine'[A] gritty novel with an engaging heroine' Sunday Times'Ingenious and sardonically written' Financial Times'Cassie Raven is an utterly compelling contemporary forensic heroine' Isabelle Grey'A fresh and exciting new series' Claire McGowan'One of the best series openers I've read in years' Jane Casey'Cassie Raven is a blast of fresh air, striding onto the crime scene like a punk superstar' Sarah Hilary
University Press of Kansas Launch the Intruders: A Naval Attack Squadron in the Vietnam War, 1972
Each pilot and bombardier/navigator sat side by side in an all-weather jet built for low-level bombing runs, precision targeting, and night strikes. Their success—and their very lives—depended on teamwork in flying their versatile A-6 Intruders. And when the North Vietnamese mounted a major offensive in 1972, they answered the call.Carol Reardon chronicles the operations of Attack Squadron 75, the "Sunday Punchers," and their high-risk bombing runs launched off the U.S.S. Saratoga during the famous LINEBACKER campaigns. Based on unparalleled access to crew members and their families, her book blends military and social history to offer a unique look at the air war in Southeast Asia, as well as a moving testament to the close-knit world of naval aviators.Theirs was one of the toughest jobs in the military: launching off the carrier in rough seas as well as calm, flying solo and in formation, dodging dense flak and surface-to-air missiles, delivering ordnance on target, and recovering aboard safely. Celebrating the men who climbed into the cockpits as well as those who kept them flying, Reardon takes readers inside the squadron's ready room and onto the flight decks to await the call, "Launch the Intruders!" Readers share the adrenaline-pumping excitement of each mission—as well as those heart-stopping moments when a downed aircraft brought home to all, in flight and on board, that every aspect of their lives was constantly shadowed by danger and potential death.More than a mere combat narrative, Launch the Intruders interweaves human drama with familial concerns, domestic politics, and international diplomacy. Fliers share personal feelings about killing strangers from a distance while navy wives tell what it's like to feel like a stranger at home. And as the war rages on, headlines like Jane Fonda's visit to Hanoi and the Paris Peace Accords are all viewed through the lens of this heavily tasked, hard-hitting attack squadron.A rousing tale of men and machines, of stoic determination in the face of daunting odds, Reardon's tale shines a much-deserved light on group of men whose daring exploits richly deserve to be much better known.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Spanish Cove: Escape to Spain with this heartwarming summer romance!
'Absolutely wonderful. I feel as though I've been on holiday’ – Jane Lovering The perfect escapist romance. Let yourself be whisked away to sun-drenched Spain for a holiday you won't forget. For fans of Rosanna Ley, Jennifer Bohnet and Lucy Coleman. Piano teacher Marina Meyer is delighted when her mother offers to help buy her own place in London, even though it means returning to Spain to sell the family holiday home. Cala Turquesa may be beautiful, but it also holds painful memories of Marina's father, who tragically died there in a boating accident. When Marina befriends turtle-saving vet Mati, it's hard to believe she could have stayed away so long. And then there's handsome property developer Agustín, who has set his sights on more than just the real estate... But as Marina clears out her father's belongings, memories resurface, along with troubling questions about the circumstances of his death. Can Marina overcome these to find happiness in the Spanish Cove? Perfect for fans of Rosanna Ley, Jennifer Bohnet and Lucy Coleman. Readers love The Spanish Cove! 'Wow wow wow! What a wonderful delightful read... It simply is the best summer read' NetGalley 5* Review 'Amazing summer read...I consumed this book in one sitting' NetGalley 5* Review 'Truly stunning book from Cherry; her books get better and better... Beautifully written with lovely descriptions' NetGalley 5* Review 'Amazing... The characters and scenery quickly hooked me in and it was tough to put down' NetGalley 5* Review 'Love, love this book... Great holiday read!' NetGalley 5* Review 'Perfect for taking on holiday and reading by the pool or on the beach! Full of love, loss, romance and sunshine. A very easy read that you will not want to put down' NetGalley 5* Review 'Hugely enjoyable... The perfect summertime read!!' NetGalley 5* Review 'Absolutely brilliant... I just wish I could give it more than five stars! I couldn't stop reading till I found out how it would end!' NetGalley 5* Review 'Oh my. Read in an afternoon... Just have to read it' NetGalley 5* Review 'Perfect beach read which whisked me off to Spain!' NetGalley 4* Review
Princeton University Press Designing San Francisco: Art, Land, and Urban Renewal in the City by the Bay
A major new urban history of the design and development of postwar San Francisco Designing San Francisco is the untold story of the formative postwar decades when U.S. cities took their modern shape amid clashing visions of the future. In this pathbreaking and richly illustrated book, Alison Isenberg shifts the focus from architects and city planners--those most often hailed in histories of urban development and design--to the unsung artists, activists, and others who played pivotal roles in rebuilding San Francisco between the 1940s and the 1970s. Previous accounts of midcentury urban renewal have focused on the opposing terms set down by Robert Moses and Jane Jacobs--put simply, development versus preservation--and have followed New York City models. Now Isenberg turns our attention west to colorful, pioneering, and contentious San Francisco, where unexpectedly fierce battles were waged over iconic private and public projects like Ghirardelli Square, Golden Gateway, and the Transamerica Pyramid. When large-scale redevelopment came to low-rise San Francisco in the 1950s, the resulting rivalries and conflicts sparked the proliferation of numerous allied arts fields and their professionals, including architectural model makers, real estate publicists, graphic designers, photographers, property managers, builders, sculptors, public-interest lawyers, alternative press writers, and preservationists. Isenberg explores how these centrally engaged arts professionals brought new ideas to city, regional, and national planning and shaped novel projects across urban, suburban, and rural borders. San Francisco's rebuilding galvanized far-reaching critiques of the inequitable competition for scarce urban land, and propelled debates over responsible public land stewardship. Isenberg challenges many truisms of this renewal era--especially the presumed male domination of postwar urban design, showing how women collaborated in city building long before feminism's impact in the 1970s. An evocative portrait of one of the world's great cities, Designing San Francisco provides a new paradigm for understanding past and present struggles to define the urban future.
University of California Press Pictures of Belonging: Miki Hayakawa, Hisako Hibi, and Miné Okubo
This unprecedented exhibition reintroduces three trailblazing Japanese American artists of the pre–World War II generations. Pictures of Belonging: Miki Hayakawa, Hisako Hibi, and Miné Okubo brings together over ninety works by three pioneering Japanese American artists from the pre–World War II era. Despite long careers and critical acclaim, Miki Hayakawa, Hisako Hibi, and Miné Okubo have largely been overlooked in traditional American art history. This groundbreaking exhibition reintroduces their work and explores their deep connections with each other for the first time. Through three chronological sections, the exhibition traces the careers of these artists from the 1920s to the 1990s. "Faces & Communities" presents pre–World War II portraiture and figurative works, while "Belongings & (dis)Locations" showcases landscapes and still lifes from the prewar and wartime periods. The final section, "Explorations & Rediscoveries," features postwar abstractions. Pictures of Belonging foregrounds the rich and heterogeneous oeuvres of Hayakawa, Hibi, and Okubo, which spanned eight decades and four states, highlighting the diverse communities in which these trailblazing artists flourished before, during, and after World War II. Published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name, this book shifts the spotlight from the injustice and tragedy of Japanese American incarceration toward a broader picture of the so-called American experience through the compelling, divergent lives and artworks of these women of Japanese descent. Published by the Japanese American National Museum in association with University of California Press and with support from the Terra Foundation for American Art and the National Endowment for the Arts. Exhibition dates: February 24 to June 30, 2024, at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, Utah November 15, 2024, to August 17, 2025, at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, District of Columbia October 2, 2025, to January 4, 2026, at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania February 5, 2026, to April 19, 2026, at the Monterey Museum of Art, Monterey, California Fall 2026 at the Japanese American National Museum, Los Angeles, California
HarperCollins Publishers The Hiker
In the wilderness, it’s kill or be killed… MISSINGWhen Gemma Kline is reported missing after setting off on a solo hike in the remote Pennines, her sister, Sarah, is dumbfounded. How can someone disappear without a trace? PRESUMEDTravelling to the isolated town where Gemma was last seen, Sarah discovers it’s not the first time a young woman has vanished from the hills in mysterious circumstances. As she digs deeper, it quickly becomes apparent that neither disappearance is what it first seems – especially when unwelcoming locals share chilling tales about what’s really lurking on the moors… MURDEREDWhatever has happened to her sister, one thing is clear: this town has secrets someone would kill to keep. But even on the fells, nothing stays buried forever… A gripping and atmospheric crime thriller set in one of the most remote corners of the British wilderness, perfect for fans of Chris Hammer, Jane Harper and Michael Connelly. Readers love The Hiker: ‘Now this was GOOD! What a story! Brilliantly gripping!’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘I loved this book… gripping with atmosphere and tension. Twisty, creepy, and unpredictable.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Full of unexpected twists and turns… it really keeps you guessing till the last page.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Engaging and menacing… nothing and nobody are what they seem.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘So, so, so good! Eerie, beautiful, haunting, shocking… the writing was absolutely superb, bringing the incredible setting and shock-factor alive. Excellent thriller!’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘This twisty storyline had me hooked and I tore through the pages… kept me on the edge of my seat.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Dark and foreboding… A great read.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘An excellent crime thriller… held my attention from start to finish.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A real page turner! Five stars.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘This book kept me on the edge of my seat with twists and turns throughout… impossible to put down!’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘A fantastic read full of mystery and suspense. And that ending…. I did not see that coming! Highly recommended.’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘The many twists and turns had me gasping aloud. I could not put this book down… And I have firmly decided I will never be going on a solo hike again!’ NetGalley Reviewer, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
HarperCollins Publishers The Mirror and the Light (The Wolf Hall Trilogy)
The Sunday Times bestseller Shortlisted for the Women’s Prize for Fiction Longlisted for the Booker Prize ‘It is a book not read, but lived’ Telegraph ‘Her Cromwell novels are, for my money, the greatest English novels of this century’ Observer The bestselling sequel to Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies, the stunning conclusion to Hilary Mantel’s Man Booker Prize-winning Wolf Hall trilogy. ‘If you cannot speak truth at a beheading, when can you speak it?’ England, May 1536. Anne Boleyn is dead, decapitated in the space of a heartbeat by a hired French executioner. As her remains are bundled into oblivion, Thomas Cromwell breakfasts with the victors. The blacksmith’s son from Putney emerges from the spring’s bloodbath to continue his climb to power and wealth, while his formidable master, Henry VIII, settles to short-lived happiness with his third queen, Jane Seymour. Cromwell is a man with only his wits to rely on; he has no great family to back him, no private army. Despite rebellion at home, traitors plotting abroad and the threat of invasion testing Henry’s regime to breaking point, Cromwell’s robust imagination sees a new country in the mirror of the future. But can a nation, or a person, shed the past like a skin? Do the dead continually unbury themselves? What will you do, the Spanish ambassador asks Cromwell, when the king turns on you, as sooner or later he turns on everyone close to him? With The Mirror and the Light, Hilary Mantel brings to a triumphant close the trilogy she began with Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies. She traces the final years of Thomas Cromwell, the boy from nowhere who climbs to the heights of power, offering a defining portrait of predator and prey, of a ferocious contest between present and past, between royal will and a common man’s vision: of a modern nation making itself through conflict, passion and courage. A Guardian Book of the Year • A Times Book of the Year • A Daily Telegraph Book of the Year • A Sunday Times Book of the Year • A New Statesman Book of the Year • A Spectator Book of the Year Sunday Times Bestseller (08/03/2020)
Melbourne Books Chalet Monet: Inside the Home of Dame Joan Sutherland and Richard Bonynge
Situated in a dress circle position on the slopes of the village of Les Avants, overlooking Lake Geneva in Switzerland, Chalet Monet is the magnificent home of Dame Joan Sutherland OM AC DBE and her husband, Maestro Richard Bonynge AC CBE. In his charming, eloquent, conversational style, Richard Bonynge takes us inside the home he has shared with Dame Joan, and in so doing provides rare insight into the lives of two of the greatest international cultural icons in opera of all time. The Chalet was introduced to Dame Joan and Richard by their close friend Noël Coward who resided in the neighbouring property. The opulence of each of the distinctive rooms over the four floors and vistas from the Chalet is artfully captured in stunning photography. Paintings and objets dart line the walls and fill the cabinets, each with their own provenance; presented by royalty or celebrities, embroided by Dame Joan or collected by Richard. Through the stories of these artefacts, told by Richard in eloquent conversational style, we learn about the life and times of two of the most formidable figures associated with opera in the 20th century. "For those fortunate enough to have discovered and experienced the thrill of opera and all the larger than life characters associated with it, to enter Chalet Monet is somewhat of a fairy tale experience that could be taken right out of a Cinderella story ... Chalet Monet is a house with a thousand stories. It is living history, theatrical, a beautiful home with enormous spirit like its owners. It radiates grandeur yet intimacy with places to sit and contemplate, views to linger over, books to be read, paintings to admire and music to listen to. It is a treasure trove for the senses where many a story has been told orbegun. Only its walls and its owners remember the decades of music making here and possibly the oddneighbour and the cows on the grassy slopes ... Thank you, Richard for allowing us to enter your private and colourful world." From the Preface by Fiona Janes, Artistic Director/General Manager Joan Sutherland & Richard Bonynge Foundation. This sumptuously produced coffee table book captures the essence of the fairy tale that is Chalet Monet.
Hodder & Stoughton The Flying Prince: Alexander Obolensky: The Rugby Hero Who Died Too Young: The Sunday Times Rugby Book of the Year Winner 2022
**Winner of the Rugby Book of the Year at the Sports Book Awards 2022**Prince Alexander Sergeevich Obolensky made his name on a cold January day at Twickenham in 1936, his achievements captured for posterity by the newsreels of the time. On his England debut, having already scored one exhilarating try, the striking blond winger collected a pass on the right and, path blocked, veered left at such a pace that a line of opponents were left grasping at thin air. It was a historic try, unrivalled in skill and speed - and it inspired England's first ever victory over the All Blacks.Born to a noble family in St Petersburg in 1916, he had been due a life of wealth and privilege, until revolution forced the Obolenskys to flee Russia. Arriving in Britain with just a handful of possessions, they were reduced to relying on handouts, little Alex's very education resting on the charity of others. But as the young boy began his new life in a strange country, it was his natural sporting ability that would bring him lasting fame. The controversial selection for England of a Russian-born prince was a huge story in the press, stirring up xenophobia as well as excitement at the 19-year-old Oxford student's sheer pace. His later exploits on and off the field would keep his name in the papers, yet Alex was destined to win only four international caps, despite touring with the Lions and appearing for the Barbarians. After joining the RAF to serve his adopted king and country, he died at the controls of a Hurricane in March 1940.Bringing a fascinating era to life, The Flying Prince explores the mystery and mythology surrounding Alexander Obolensky, and for the first time tells the full story of the sporting hero who died too young.*****'Well-researched . . . a pleasure to read. There are plenty of colourful characters' - THE TIMES'The fascinating tale of the Russian-born aristocrat who helped England beat the All-Blacks for the first time' JOHN AIZLEWOOD, I NEWS'A first biography from Hugh Godwin, rugby correspondent of the i, and a fine fist he's made of it too' - BEST RUGBY BOOKS 2021'Expertly fills in the gaps . . . Now we have a biography his story deserves' - THE RUGBY PAPER
Grub Street Publishing Italian Food
Jane Grigson wrote of Italian Food ‘Basil was no more than the name of bachelor uncles, courgette was printed in italics as an alien word, and few of us knew how to eat spaghetti or pick a globe artichoke to pieces. ... Then came Elizabeth David like sunshine, writing with brief elegance about good food, that is, about food well contrived, well cooked. She made us understand that we could do better with what we had.’ Published in 1954 the importance of this book, which required a full year's research in Italy, can only be appreciated when you realise that she was working in a post-rationing England which regarded Italian cuisine as nothing more than variations on pasta and veal. What she discovered was an enormous wealth of regional diversity in ingredients, methods, and even language, where the same pasta shape can be called three or four names in different parts of the country. She understood that all Italian cooking is regional; there is no 'national' cuisine and so there are eight recipes for aubergines, fourteen for artichokes, five for fennel and seven for lentils, all from different regions. But if such descriptions seem to today’s reader overly thorough it is because many of her 1950's audience would have never heard of risotto, gorgonzola, prosciutto or even olive oil, let alone been able to purchase them. This is a critical and analytical look at Italian food – her personality and point of view come out on almost every page – organised by type of dish rather than by region and is full of details of kitchens and cooking by painters from the 14th, 15th and 18th centuries. The book is filled with asides and quotes from Italian writers and thinkers and as confirmation that this is more a work of scholarship than a simple book on cookery, there are appendices of bibliographies and notes on wine. If you want to explore the authentic regional roots of the Italian kitchen, Elizabeth David's masterpiece is the place to start. And the joy and relevance of this book today is that recipes that could only be read 60 years ago can now be cooked and savoured. Elizabeth David’s acclaimed writings are often cited as an inspiration by many of today’s leading chefs, as well as home cooks, and are essential to any serious cookery book collection.
Casemate Publishers From the Riviera to the Rhine: Us Sixth Army Group August 1944–February 1945
Two months after D-Day, just as the battle of Normandy was reaching its climax, with all eyes on the Falaise Pocket, the Allies unleashed the second invasion of France not in the Pas de Calais but the French Riviera. Immaculately planned, effectively undertaken, the Allies quickly broke out of their bridgehead, drove 400 miles into France in three weeks, and liberated 10,000 square miles of French territory while inflicting 143,250 German casualties. On September 10 they linked up with Patton’s Third Army and advanced into the Vosges Mountains, taking Strasbourg and holding the area against the Germans’ final big attack in the west: Operation Nordwind in January 1945. US Seventh Army and 6th Army Group undertook a successful campaign placing a third Allied army group with its own independent supply lines, in northeastern France at a time when the two northern Allied army groups were stretched to the limit. Without this force the Allies would have struggled to hold the frontage to Switzerland and Third Army would have been exposed to attack in its southern flank—something that could have had disastrous repercussions particularly during the Ardennes offensive of December 1944.The images of palm trees and azure seas obscure our view of this campaign. It was no cakewalk. The Germans knew the Allies were coming and had strong defences in the area. A shortage of landing craft, vehicles, and matériel meant that the US Seventh and French First armies were restricted in the assault. The heavy fog and anti-glider defences made for a difficult airborne assault, but it was carried out effectively, the amphibious assault was textbook in execution and the invasion of southern France ended up as a significant victory. But the story of 6th Army Group wasn’t finished. Taking up a position on the east flank of Third Army it fought its way through the Vosges and withstood the Germans’ last throw: Operation Nordwind—the vain attempt to relieve pressure on the Ardennes assault by attacking in the Vosges. Heavy fighting pressed hard towards Strasbourg but the Allies were ultimately victorious, inflicting severe losses on the Germans.
John Murray Press A Memoir of My Former Self: A Life in Writing
'A guide to the mind of one of the great English novelists of the last half-century' Guardian'Like hearing the voice of an old friend' Observer'Extraordinary . . . a quality of timelessness and prescience' New Statesman, Book of the Year'Magical . . . Here we meet not just Mantel the Cromwell-catcher, but Mantel the quill-sharp critic of contemporary life' The Times, Book of the YearAs well as her celebrated career as a novelist, Hilary Mantel long contributed to newspapers and journals, unspooling stories from her own life and illuminating the world as she found it. This strand of her writing was an integral part of how she thought of herself. 'Ink is a generative fluid,' she explains. 'If you don't mean your words to breed consequences, don't write at all.' A Memoir of My Former Self collects the finest of this writing over four decades. Mantel's subjects are wide-ranging. She discusses nationalism and her own sense of belonging; our dream life flopping into our conscious life; the mythic legacy of Princess Diana; the many themes that feed into her novels - revolutionary France, psychics, Tudor England - and other novelists, from Jane Austen to V. S. Naipaul. She writes about her father and the man who replaced him; she writes fiercely and heartbreakingly about the battles with her health she endured as a young woman, and the stifling years she found herself living in Saudi Arabia. Here, too, is a selection of her film reviews - from When Harry Met Sally to RoboCop - and, published for the first time, her stunning Reith Lectures, which explore the process of art bringing history and the dead back to life.From her unique childhood to her all-consuming fascination with Thomas Cromwell that grew into the Wolf Hall Trilogy, A Memoir of My Former Self reveals the shape of Hilary Mantel's life in her own dazzling words, 'messages from people I used to be.' Compelling, often very funny, always luminous, it is essential reading from one of our greatest writers.'A smart, deft, meticulous, thoughtful writer, with such a grasp of the dark and spidery corners of human nature' Margaret Atwood'Mantel was a queen of literature . . . her reign was long, varied and uncontested' Maggie O'Farrell
HarperCollins Publishers Just My Luck
THE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER!What if winning means losing everything?‘A gripping story of greed, lies and dark family secrets’ Lisa Jewell‘Utterly engrossing and brilliant’ Lucy Foley‘Addictive, provocative… brilliantly crafted’ TM Logan It’s the stuff dreams are made of – a lottery win so big, it changes everything. For fifteen years, Lexi and Jake have played the same six numbers with their friends, the Pearsons and the Heathcotes. Over dinner parties, fish & chip suppers and summer barbecues, they’ve discussed the important stuff – the kids, marriages, jobs and houses – and they’ve laughed off their disappointment when they failed to win anything more than a tenner. But then, one Saturday night, the unthinkable happens. There’s a rift in the group. Someone doesn’t tell the truth. And soon after, six numbers come up which change everything forever. Lexi and Jake have a ticket worth £18 million. And their friends are determined to claim a share of it. Sunday Times Number One bestseller Adele Parks returns with a riveting look at the dark side of wealth in this gripping take on friendship, money and betrayal, and good luck gone bad… Praise for Just My Luck: ‘Adele Parks never takes her foot off the gas, every book is tighter, faster, better than the last. Just My Luck is a gripping story of greed, lies and dark family secrets. I read it in a two-day frenzy’ Lisa Jewell ‘Utterly engrossing and brilliant’ Lucy Foley ‘A compelling take on one of those “what if” scenarios that we’ve all wondered about. Addictive, provocative and thoroughly relatable – a brilliantly crafted reminder to be careful what you wish for’ TM Logan ‘An absolute joy: gripping, shocking and surprising. A cautionary tale about what one couple’s sudden wealth can do to old friendships’ Jane Fallon ‘Fabulous… her best yet’ Daily Mail ‘Stupendous! I read this totally compelling modern-day morality tale over a weekend – I couldn’t put it down. As ever, Adele Parks does not disappoint – you’ll love it’ Ruth Jones ‘Like a deft magician, this book reveals its twists only at the very end, I was completely astonished’ Rosamund Lupton
Cornerstone Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises
From the former Treasury Secretary, the definitive account of the unprecedented effort to save the U.S. economy from collapse in the wake of the worst global financial crisis since the Great DepressionOn 26 January, 2009, during the depths of the financial crisis and having just completed five years as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Timothy F. Geithner was sworn in by President Barack Obama as the seventy-fifth Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Now, in a strikingly candid, riveting, and historically illuminating memoir, Geithner takes readers behind the scenes during the darkest moments of the crisis. Swift, decisive, and creative action was required to avert a second Great Depression, but policy makers faced a fog of uncertainty, with no good options and the risk of catastrophic outcomes.Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises takes us inside the room, explaining in accessible and forthright terms the hard choices and politically unpalatable decisions that Geithner and others in the Obama administration made during the crisis and recovery. He discusses the most controversial moments of his tenures at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and at the Treasury, including the harrowing weekend Lehman Brothers went bankrupt; the searing crucible of the AIG bonuses controversy; the development of his widely criticized but ultimately successful plan in early 2009 to end the crisis; the bracing fight for the most sweeping financial reforms in seventy years; and the lingering aftershocks of the crisis, including high unemployment, the fiscal battles, and Europe’s repeated flirtations with the economic abyss. Geithner also shares his personal and professional recollections of key players such as President Obama, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson, and Larry Summers, among others, and examines the tensions between politics and policy that have come to dominate discussions of the U.S. economy. An insider’s account of how the Obama administration saved the economy but lost the American people, Stress Test reveals a side of Timothy Geithner that only few have seen.