Search results for ""Author Frances"
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Paul Klee: The Sylvie and Jorge Helft Collection
Drawing occupies a prominent place in the work of Paul Klee (1879-1940). Klee attached great importance to drawing and in particular to the line as the principle from which the realisation and visual generation of an idea emanates. This aspect is also a core interest of collectors Sylvie and Jorge Helft, who over almost five decades have assembled some 70 of Klee's pencil, pen and pastel drawings, as well as watercolours, etchings, and lithographs, which the artist has created between 1914 and 1940. The Helff’s Klee collection forms an extraordinarily coherent whole. This book, published in conjunction with an exhibition at the Museo d'arte della Svizzera italiana (MASI) in Lugano from 4 September 2022 to 8 January 2023, features for the first time this unique selection from Klee’s oeuvre. A conversation with Sylvie and Jorge Helft by MASIS’s director Tobia Bezzola and essays by philosopher Francisco Jarauta, art and literary critic Juan Manuel Bonet, and art dealer and curator Achim Moeller supplement the full colour plates.
Dalkey Archive Press Waltz
First published in 1936, and considered one of the most groundbreaking and significant novels written in Catalan, "Waltz" tells the tale of an idle, introspective, and somewhat oblivious young "man without qualities" as he stumbles through a milieu of civic upheaval and bourgeois tragedy, waltzing from one prospective bride to another, never willing to compromise his ideals, and so never quite becoming an adult. With one foot in the romanticism of Goethe or Kleist, and another in the wildly differing takes on the modern novel provided by Aldous Huxley, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust, respectively, "Waltz" is an occasionally absurd comedy of indecision and indolence structured in imitation of the dance from which it takes its title.
Officina Libraria Raphael, Painter and Architect in Rome: Itineraries
Raphael arrived in Rome in 1508 and remained there until his death in 1520, working as painter and architect for popes Julius II and Leo X and for the most prestigious patrons. Here the artist changed his painting style several times, looking at the works of Michelangelo, Sebastiano del Piombo and the vast repertoire of ancient painting and sculpture. In the Eternal City Raphael practised architecture for the first time, designing buildings that reflected the models of Antiquity such as the Pantheon, the descriptions deriving from written sources such as Vitruvius' treaty on architecture, and the examples of modern architects like Donato Bramante. This guide supplies essential and up to date information on all the civil or religious buildings designed or built by Raphael in Rome, and the frescoes and paintings, housed in churches or museums, whether executed in the city or arrived there at a later stage.
Park Books Labics - Structures: A System of Relations
Labics, based in Rome, is a leader among Italy's up-and-coming architecture firms and has gained great international acclaim for submissions to competitions and a number of realised projects. This first-ever monograph on Labic's fast growing, impressive body of work features some twenty of their designs, representing the entire range of the firm's achievements. The selection comprises housing and office buildings, museums and cultural centres, schools, public spaces, and subway stations, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Iran, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, and the UK. All are documented with atmospheric photographs and a wealth of plans and diagrams to illustrate the concept and many details of each project. Structure, in a variety of notions of the term, is guiding Labic's approach. Consequently, the book is arranged in five chapters exploring geometric, bearing, circulation, public space, and urban and territorial structures in topical essays. This provides the frame for the featured projects, all of which exemplify the importance of the respective type of structure for Labic's work.
Igloo Books Goodnight, Sleepy Snowman: Padded Board Book
Thomas Nelson Publishers Dangerous Prayers: 50 Powerful Prayers That Changed the World
World-changers. Rebels. Rejecters of the status quo. Throughout history, Christians were never meant to have a safe faith. Highlighting people throughout the millennia, this book is a compilation of faith, facts, and art that celebrate the prayer lives of spiritual giants and invigorate your faith.Dangerous Prayers is an inspiring collection of prayers from people who have changed the world. This four-color gift book features: the exploration of 50 dynamic prayers from historical figures, cultural icons, political leaders, saints, and martyrs biographical information on the 50 people featured--from St. Francis of Assisi to Harriet Tubman to Billy Graham portraiture art and an easy-to-follow layout a table of contents for easy reference and a presentation page for gifting a ribbon marker, so you won’t lose your place This valuable resource is perfect for: men and women interested in learning more about prayer, the Christian faith, and spiritual discipline homeschooling families or parents wanting to teach their children about historical Christianity gifting to loved ones who enjoy biographies and history No matter your age, position, or status, praying dangerous prayers will change your life—and likely the world around you as well.
McGraw-Hill Education Fixed Income Mathematics, Fifth Edition: Analytical and Statistical Techniques
The brand-new edition of this classic guide for high-level investors covers the latest tools and techniques for dealing with all aspects of fixed-income portfolio managementFixed Income Mathematics is known around the world as the leading guide to understanding the concepts and evaluative methodologies for bonds, mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, and other fixed income instruments—and the fifth edition gets you up to date on the newest analytical frameworks.Fixed Income Mathematics begins with basic concepts of the mathematics of finance, then systematically builds on them to reveal state-of-the-art methodologies for evaluating them and managing fixed-income portfolios. Concepts are illustrated with numerical examples and graphs, and you need only a basic knowledge of elementary algebra to understand them.This new edition includes numerous entirely new chapters—Risk-Adjusted Returns, Empirical Duration, Analysis of Floating-Rate Securities, Holdings-Based Return Attribution Analysis, Returns-Based Style Attribution Analysis, Measuring Bond Liquidity, Descriptive Measures, and Machine Learning—and provides substantially revised chapters on: Interest rate modeling Probability theory Optimization models and applications to bond portfolio management Historical return measures Measuring historical return volatility The concepts and methodologies for evaluating fixed income securities have changed dramatically over the past 15 years. This edition explains the numbers behind these changes and provides the knowledge you need to consistently control both the cost and risk of investing in debt.
Pluto Press To Exist is to Resist: Black Feminism in Europe
This book brings together activists, artists and scholars of colour to show how Black feminism and Afrofeminism are being practiced in Europe today, exploring their differing social positions in various countries, and how they organise and mobilise to imagine a Black feminist Europe. Deeply aware that they are constructed as 'Others' living in a racialised and hierarchical continent, the contibutors explore gender, class, sexuality and legal status to show that they are both invisible - presumed to be absent from and irrelevant to European societies - and hyper-visible - assumed to be passive and sexualised, angry and irrational. Through imagining a future outside the neocolonial frames and practices of contemporary Europe, this book explores a variety of critical spaces including motherhood and the home, friendships and intimate relationships, activism and community, and literature, dance and film.
Hachette Children's Group Horrid Henry Rules the World: Ten Favourite Stories - and more!
Ten side-splitting stories revolving around Horrid Henry's school days: his attempts to get out of Nurse Needle's injections and sabotage Miss Impatience Tutu's dance class, his cunning ploy to be off school sick, his determination to meet the Queen, win at football and star in the Christmas play, and much more. In his dreams he is King Henry the Horrible, and everyone does just what he says -- but Horrid Henry knows that life's not like that. A spot-the-hidden-object picture, Henry's inventive sick notes, a letter from Buckingham Palace, pages from his diary, photos from the school year book and lots more extra material fills this funny book.
Albert Whitman & Company Perfect Paper Plane
MIT Press Ltd Technology in World Civilization: A Thousand-Year History: Revised and expanded edition
Penguin Books Ltd Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 50 Postcards
A stunning set of postcards celebrating fifty extraordinary women who have changed the world -- from the team behind the phenomenally successful Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls'Every single rebel girl I know (and some rebel women, too) will be getting this gorgeous box of postcards, with inspiring quotes from extraordinary women, for Christmas' - Sam Baker, The PoolFrom Malala and Michelle Obama to Ada Lovelace and Zaha Hadid, this set of beautifully designed postcards celebrates some of the most remarkable women featured in Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. With a short bio on each card and inspiring quotes, this is the perfect gift for all the rebels in your life.Featuring:Creators: Frida Kahlo, The Brontë Sisters, Julia Child, Nina Simone, Zaha Hadid, Xian Zhang, Ada Lovelace, Maud Stevens Wagner, Maria Callas, and Millo Castro ZaldarriagaLeaders: Queen Elizabeth I, Fadumo Dayib, Yaa Asantewaa, Jingu, Hatshepsut, Nanny of the Maroons, Lakshmi Bai, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Michelle Obama, and Eufrosina CruzPioneers: Sylvia Earle, Ann Makosinski, Jane Goodall, Alek Wek, Maria Sibylla Merian, Balkissa Chaibou, Wang Zhenyi, Mae C. Jemison, Cholita Climbers, and Maria ReicheChampions: Yursa Mardini, Maya Gabeira, Wilma Rudolph, Serena and Venus Williams, Mary Kom, Alfonsina Strada, Amna Al Haddad, Misty Copeland, Simone Biles, and Ashley FiolekWarriors: Sonita Alizadeh, Claudia Ruggerini, Malala Yousafzai, Manal Al-Sharif, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Anna Politkovskaya, Harriet Tubman, Miriam Makeba, and Irena Sendlerowa
Skira Lorenzo Lotto
Duomo Ediciones Grandes Y Pequeños
Lunwerg Editores El temps vist des del cel
Encuadernación: Rústica con solapasColección. General
José J. Olañeta Editor La nube del no saber en la que el alma se une a Dios
J.M. Bosch Editor Desencuentros entre la Polica y el pblico Factores de riesgo y estrategias de gestin Spanish Edition
La inmensa mayoría de los encuentros entre la policía y la ciudadanía son placenteros y satisfactorios para ambas partes, tal como demuestran los resultados de las encuestas existentes en estos momentos. Sin embargo, cuando algunos de esos encuentros, a causa de los múltiples factores que pueden incidir en ellos, se complican y se acaba utilizando algún tipo de fuerza por una o ambas partes las controversias que se originan pueden tener consecuencias notables de cara a la opinión pública y para las relaciones de la policía con el público, relaciones vitales para la legitimidad policial en un estado democrático. Las discusiones en relación a estos desencuentros suelen ser muy viscerales y adolecen de fundamentos sólidos. De hecho, no hay en nuestro contexto estudios solventes sobre los factores que inciden en la aparición de tensión en los encuentros entre la policía y los miembros del público. Es necesario, por tanto, identificar tan detalladamente como se pueda los factores, personale
Sirena de los Vientos Oxímoron entre el autismo a la mística
Editorial Verbo Divino Lucas evangelista de la ternura de Dios 10 catequesis para descubrir al Dios de la Misericordia Palabra y Vida Spanish Edition
A través de diez catequesis, este libro nos ayuda a descubrir al Dios de la misericordia. La exposición de cada una de ellas se estructura de la forma siguiente: Introducción, situación del episodio en el conjunto del evangelio, lectura del texto, elementos de la narración, síntesis final. Cada capitulo comprende, además, una ficha /(lectio divina): propuesta de trabajo en grupo y reflexión personal.
Gestión 2000 Gestión de destinos turísticos sostenibles
El destino es la unidad base de planificación turística. Mejorar el valor de la experiencia y adecuar el número de turistas a la capacidad de carga facilita que el territorio y el patrimonio no sólo no se agoten sino que revivan constantemente.Desde esta óptica sostenible, se acomete en este libro la gestión integral de los destinos. Para ello, se reclama como condición sine qua non el consenso entre el sector público, el privado, los residentes y los turistas y se fundamenta en que cada cual sepa claramente cuál es su aportación económico-financiera a la causa.Este libro de management es un ejercicio riguroso y acomete este proceso integral de gestión fijando cada una de las fases de la elaboración. Incluye un análisis comparado de la gestión de los mejores destinos mundiales.
Gym neuronas de 70 juegos para ejercitar tu cerebro
Una manera muy entretenida de activar las neuronas. Con 70 juegos muy variados con los que ejercitar el cálculo y la lógica, reforzar la memoria y enriquecer los conocimientos de todo tipo... para así trabajar diversas habilidades cognitivas: el análisis visual-espacial, la comprensión verbal, la concentración, la resistencia a las interferencias...Los juegos presentan 3 niveles de dificultad y cada lector puede autoevaluarse para descubrir cuál es su nivel.
La vida secreta de los genes Spanish Edition
Descubre cómo el ADN hace que cada uno de nosotros seamos únicos. Este libro permite descubrir el pasado, el presente y el futuro del genoma humano y, acompañado de atractivas ilustraciones en color, ayuda a entender el mundo de la genética, desde sus fundamentos hasta las teorías más avanzadas.Derek Harvey responde a las grandes preguntas de este apasionante campo de estudio, desde la naturaleza de la herencia, la evolución y la reproducción hasta el modo el que los genes se organizan y cómo se lee el ADN.
Amigas mgicas Cloe y su Unicornio 6 Spanish Edition
Sexto volumen de la serie middle grade más exitosa: Cloe y su Unicornio!Unos van al cole en autobús... y otros van en unicornio!Desde que Cloe tiene un unicornio de mejor amiga no han dejado de pasar cosas un tanto inexplicables.Esta vez, una devastadora tempestad se ha cargado la electricidad de toda la ciudad. Los mayores dicen que solo es una tormenta típica de invierno, pero Cloe y Caléndula se dan cuenta de que no todo es lo que parece: puede que esta lluvia sea mágica! Para resolver el caso tendrán que unirse a Max, que está deseando que vuelva la electricidad para enchufar su videojuego, y a su archienemiga Dakota, que cuenta con la ayuda de unos gremlins serviciales.Podrán llegar al fondo del caso y salvar a la ciudad de la tormenta mágica?
Larousse Gym memoria más de 90 juegos para estimular tu memoria
Un conjunto de más de 90 juegos para " muscular " la memoria.Con 3 niveles de dificultad, estos juegos potencian la atención, favorecen la concentración, estimulan la capacidad asociativa y refuerzan la observación visual.Todo el mundo puede comprobar el nivel de su memoria mediante un sencillo cálculo de la puntuación.
B de Blok (Ediciones B) Una amiga muy especial
La primera espectacular novela gráfica protagonizada por Cloe y su unicornio!Crees en los unicornios?Cloe sí.Todo empezó cuando lanzó una piedra a un lago y le dio en la cara a un unicornio, lo cual le concedía a la pequeña un deseo. Entonces, Cloe pidió que el unicornio, Caléndula Nariz Celestial, se convirtiera en su mejor amiga.De aquí surgió una gran amistad entre ellas. Podrán una niña precoz y una mágica criatura del bosque encontrar algo en común? Claro que sí! Aquí tienes la prueba y sus divertidas aventuras.
Todo respuestas 150 preguntas y rcords sorprendentes
Cuál es el bebé animal más grande? En qué país europeo se come más chocolate? Quién pone los huevos más caros? Los canguros hacen saltos de 20 metros, verdadero o falso?Diviértete descubriendo y respondiendo a las 150 preguntas de este juego con la ayuda de un adulto!
Larousse Qué haría Marx
Te has preguntado alguna vez si Kant tendría algo que decir sobre tu adicción a las redes sociales? O si Platón habría sido capaz de mediar en las constantes discusiones que mantienes sobre qué programas ver por la tele? Has considerado si Hobbes habría aceptado darle de comer a tu hámster mientras estás de vacaciones?Mediante 40 preguntas y problemas cotidianos como punto de partida para explorar las grandes cuestiones políticas de nuestros tiempos, este libro te dará un curso acelerado de teoría política y una introducción a las teorías e ideas de los grandes pensadores políticos de todos los tiempos.
Nova Casa Editorial Los inuit cazadores del Gran Norte
Ediciones Antígona, S.L. La razn nunca duerme sueo y locura en la literatura del Barroco
Es este un ensayo breve, pero a la vez profundo acerca de los conceptos del Sueño y la Locura y su funcionamiento en el interior de las estructuras tragicómicas del Barroco. Se trata de un tema al que apenas nadie se ha encarado a través de una indagación como la que el autor dispone en estas páginas. El análisis tiene como objeto evidenciar el funcionamiento de la razón en el interior de las tramas literarias del Barroco incidiendo en la idea de que el sueño, como elemento importante de la estructura dramática, no induce a error: se presenta en constante oposición ante la idea de una locura instalada en medio de la vida cotidiana de los hombres y que en esa época es el signo irónico que hace confundir las señales de la ilusión y la verdad. Entre el delirio que caracteriza a la locura ?una razón vacía, expuesta a una verdad errónea y por lo tanto enfrentada a sí misma? y la insensatez del sueño ?unas imágenes apostadas fuera de la realidad, que confunden el juicio y la vigilia del pens
PalmArtPress Ilsebill salzt nach
Karibu Jeder Tag mit dir ein Wunder
C.H. Beck Harmonizing Digital Contract Law
John Wiley & Sons Inc Italian For Dummies
Italian For Dummies, 2nd Edition, features more than 25% new and revised content and contains a revamped organisation, plus expanded coverage of necessary grammar for the beginner as well as a more focused approach to major tenses and conjugations that readers at this level need to know.
Spinifex Press Imago
Molly Rose Moon dreamt of worms the night before she married Jimmy Brown in Tooting Bec. The young couple were on their way to Australia. When Molly agrees to go on a journey across hemispheres she’s looking for an escape from home. Once there she meets Marj. Fat Marj. Imago is a story of love and obsession, of seduction and transformations. The threading together of skins, of bodies. It’s a story of metamorphosis, taking and eating, larvae and pupae, the risks of stagnation. Possibilities of death.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Experimental Fashion: Performance Art, Carnival and the Grotesque Body
Shortlisted for the Millia Davenport Publication Award. Experimental Fashion traces the proliferation of the grotesque and carnivalesque within contemporary fashion and the close relation between fashion and performance art, from Lady Gaga's raw meat dress to Leigh Bowery's performance style. The book examines the designers and performance artists at the turn of the 21st century whose work challenges established codes of what represents the fashionable body. These innovative people, the book argues, make their challenges through dynamic strategies of parody, humour and inversion. It explores the experimental work of modern designers such as Georgina Godley, Bernhard Willhelm, Rei Kawakubo and fashion designer, performance artist, and club figure Leigh Bowery. It also discusses the increased centrality of experimental fashion through the pop phenomenon, Lady Gaga.
Amazon Publishing Trouble the Living: A Novel
From Northern Ireland to Southern California and back—a mother and daughter confront the violence of the past in an enthralling novel about the possibility of love and redemption during the most transforming and unsettled times. It’s the final years of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and Bríd and her sister, Ina, try to maintain a stable life in a divided country. Pushed by her mother’s fanaticism and a family tragedy, Bríd joins the IRA and makes a devastating choice. Frightened and guilt ridden, she flees, leaving behind Ireland and her family for America. Years later, her guilt and tragic history still buried, Bríd is an overprotective mother raising her sensitive daughter, Bernie, in Southern California. Growing up amid a different kind of social unrest, Bernie’s need for independence and her exploration of her sexuality drive a wedge into their already-fragile relationship. When mother and daughter are forced to return to Northern Ireland, they both must confront the past, the present, and the women they’ve become. As they navigate their troubled legacies, mother and daughter untangle the threads of love, violence, and secrets that formed them—and that will stubbornly, beautifully, bind them forever.
Editorial Juventud, S.A. Lucrecia Borja y su familia
El recuerdo de los Borja - y no Borgia, como generalmente se les denomina- se proyecta sobre la Historia con una definición algo enigmática, pues mientras incontables narradores han formado en torno a ellos una leyenda de crímenes y violencias, otros, de pluma más sobria y de menos fantasía, aunque más circunspectos y escrupulosos, suscitan una visión completamente opuesta a esas ficciones tan difundidas.
Midas Collection Frida Kahlo Diego Rivera
Impedimenta La comedia literaria de Roldán a Boris Vian
La Comedia Literaria es una delicia para los amantes de las letras y un cómic para los alérgicos a la literatura. Un hallazgo para aquellos a los que les gusta acercarse a la historia por la puerta trasera. Catherine Meurisse, una de las grandes de la novela gráfica actual, nos sumerge en una alocada danza que rompe con los tabúes que suponen nuestros maestros para caricaturizarlos y llevarlos hasta extremos ridículos, mostrándonos sus grandezas y sus miserias, cada una más divertida que la anterior.Amas la literatura francesa? Sabes la fecha exacta del nacimiento de Rabelais y cuál era la comida favorita de Proust? Este cómic es para ti.Odias la literatura francesa? Tiendes a confundir a Flaubert con Voltaire? La palabra romance solo te recuerda al día de San Valentín? Este cómic es para ti.
Headline Publishing Group The Dilemma
A complex marriage, treachery and blackmail - all in Penny Vincenzi's THE DILEMMA 'A total indulgence' Ideal HomeAll Francesca Channing had to do in order to keep her marriage alive, her children safe, her life intact, was to tell a lie. One simple, straightforward lie. But it wasn't that simple or straightforward at all. Her life, as Bard Channing's third wife, was very far from easy. He was charismatic, powerful and rich - and he adored her. He was also manipulative and scheming, with a family as large and complex as his business. But it was an emotional crisis of her own which finally put Francesca's dilemma into perspective, and made her wonder if she loved Bard enough to lie for him...
Carcanet Press Ltd PN Review 262
The November-December 2021 issue Includes 'Scattered Snows, to the North' by Carl Phillips, shortlisted for the Forward Prize Best Single Poem Award 2022 Major spread of poems by Carl Phillips, one of America's leading contemporary poets, essayists and translators Jee Leong Koh's erotic lyrics Poet-editor Rachael Allen in conversation Raymond Williams remembered Francesca Brooks's 'Love Letters of the Hampstead Modernists' New to PN Review this issue: Subha Mukherji, Charlie Louth, Joyelle McSweeney and Michelle Penn and more...
L'Erma Di Bretschneider La Retorica Della Diplomazia Nella Grecia Antica E a Bisanzio
MIT Press Ltd The Soul at Work: From Alienation to Autonomy
Fordham University Press Oh Capitano!: Celso Cesare Moreno—Adventurer, Cheater, and Scoundrel on Four Continents
Italian adventurer and sea captain Celso Cesare Moreno traveled the world lying, scheming, and building an extensive patron/client network to establish his reputation as a middleman and person of significance. Through his machinations, Moreno became a critical player in the expansion of western trade and imperialism in Asia, the trafficking of migrant workers and children in the Atlantic, the conflicts of Americans and Native Hawaiians over the fate of Hawaii, and the imperial competitions of French, British, Italian, and American governments during a critically important era of imperial expansion during the nineteenth century. Oh Capitano! teases out Moreno’s enormous peculiarities and fascination as well as his significance. Celso Cesare Moreno was simultaneously toxic, deceitful, and charming in equal measure. He wandered, adventured, cheated, exaggerated, promoted (mainly himself), and continuously created newly invented past lives. He repeatedly sought a role at the center of a globalizing world with gusto and had no qualms about lying or betraying others. He claimed at times to be the ruler of a Southeast Asian island that he then offered for sale to several western nations. He briefly became prime minister of Hawai’i. He testified before the U.S. Congress as an expert witness. He sought to promote a trans-Pacific cable project. He fought with the ministers and leaders of many countries (and with his fellow Italians and Catholic churchmen almost everywhere) but was more often ignored and rejected than feted. He was accused, probably with good cause, of abusing his obligations after claiming guardianship of the sons of King David Kalakaua of Hawaii. Dragged by his uncontrollable polemical passions, the old Captain died alone, unloved by anyone and with no significant relations to others. With its focus on Moreno, Oh Capitano! illustrates some of the most puzzling cultural traits of emigrant Italian elites. Called a “carpetbagger,” “land pirate,” “extinct volcano,” among many other derogatory monikers, Celso emerges in this fascinating biography as a multifaceted, chameleon-like personality not reducible to a single epithet.
Fordham University Press Oh Capitano!: Celso Cesare Moreno—Adventurer, Cheater, and Scoundrel on Four Continents
Italian adventurer and sea captain Celso Cesare Moreno traveled the world lying, scheming, and building an extensive patron/client network to establish his reputation as a middleman and person of significance. Through his machinations, Moreno became a critical player in the expansion of western trade and imperialism in Asia, the trafficking of migrant workers and children in the Atlantic, the conflicts of Americans and Native Hawaiians over the fate of Hawaii, and the imperial competitions of French, British, Italian, and American governments during a critically important era of imperial expansion during the nineteenth century. Oh Capitano! teases out Moreno’s enormous peculiarities and fascination as well as his significance. Celso Cesare Moreno was simultaneously toxic, deceitful, and charming in equal measure. He wandered, adventured, cheated, exaggerated, promoted (mainly himself), and continuously created newly invented past lives. He repeatedly sought a role at the center of a globalizing world with gusto and had no qualms about lying or betraying others. He claimed at times to be the ruler of a Southeast Asian island that he then offered for sale to several western nations. He briefly became prime minister of Hawai’i. He testified before the U.S. Congress as an expert witness. He sought to promote a trans-Pacific cable project. He fought with the ministers and leaders of many countries (and with his fellow Italians and Catholic churchmen almost everywhere) but was more often ignored and rejected than feted. He was accused, probably with good cause, of abusing his obligations after claiming guardianship of the sons of King David Kalakaua of Hawaii. Dragged by his uncontrollable polemical passions, the old Captain died alone, unloved by anyone and with no significant relations to others. With its focus on Moreno, Oh Capitano! illustrates some of the most puzzling cultural traits of emigrant Italian elites. Called a “carpetbagger,” “land pirate,” “extinct volcano,” among many other derogatory monikers, Celso emerges in this fascinating biography as a multifaceted, chameleon-like personality not reducible to a single epithet.
LUP - University of Michigan Press The Best of the Grammarians
A founding father of the ""art of philology"", Aristarchus of Samothrace (216-144 BCE) developed a sound, almost scientific method of literary exegesis. This book offers a systematic study of the most famous grammarian in Alexandria, places Aristarchus and his Iliadic scholia within the context and cultural environment of his own time.