Search results for ""Author Frances"
Fordham University Press Italoamericana: The Literature of the Great Migration, 1880-1943
To appreciate the life of the Italian immigrant enclave from the great heart of the Italian migration to its settlement in America requires that one come to know how these immigrants saw their communities as colonies of the mother country. Edited with extraordinary skill, Italoamericana: The Literature of the Great Migration, 1880-1943 brings to an English-speaking audience a definitive collection of classic writings on, about, and from the formative years of the Italian-American experience. Originally published in Italian, this landmark collection of translated writings establishes a rich, diverse, and mature sense of Italian-American life by allowing readers to see American society through the eyes of Italian-speaking immigrants. Filled with the voices from the first generation of Italian-American life, the book presents a unique treasury of long-inaccessible writing that embodies a literary canon for Italian-American culture—poetry, drama, journalism, political advocacy, history, memoir, biography, and story—the greater part of which has never before been translated. Italoamericana introduces a new generation of readers to the “Black Hand” and the organized crime of the 1920s, the incredible “pulp” novels by Bernardino Ciambelli, Paolo Pallavicini, Italo Stanco, Corrado Altavilla, the exhilarating “macchiette” by Eduardo Migliaccio (Farfariello) and Tony Ferrazzano, the comedies by Giovanni De Rosalia, Riccardo Cordiferro’s dramas and poems, the poetry of Fanny Vanzi-Mussini and Eduardo Migliaccio. Edited by a leading journalist and scholar, Italoamericana introduces an important but little-known, largely inaccessible Italian-language literary heritage that defined the Italian-American experience. Organized into five sections—“Annals of the Great Exodus,” “Colonial Chronicles,” “On Stage (and Off-Stage),” “Anarchists, Socialist, Fascists, Anti-Fascists,” and “Apocalyptic Integrated / Integrated Apocalyptic Intellectuals”—the volume distinguishes a literary, cultural, and intellectual history that engages the reader in all sorts of archaeological and genealogical work. The original volume in Italian: Italoamericana Vol II: Storia e Letteratura degli Italiani negli Stati Uniti 1880-1943
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Age 7+ – Zayn Levels Up: Band 05/Green
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds features exciting fiction and non-fiction decodable readers to enthuse and inspire children. The 7+ books are designed for children aged 7+ who need more practice to acquire phonics skills. They have age-appropriate content, more mature images, and are fully aligned to Letters and Sounds Phases 3–5. Zayn is playing on his games console when there is a power cut. He'd been trying to reach Level 50 for weeks! After trying and failing to switch his console back on, he is shocked to discover that the Level 50 gatekeeper, a fearsome bear, has appeared in his bedroom. The bear is fed up of being the bad guy and wants to help instead. The pair have a fun day in Zayn's garden as the bear trains him up to reach the next level. In fact, they have so much fun that Zayn forgets all about the computer game! Green/Band 5 books offer early readers patterned language and varied characters. The focus sounds in this book are: /ai/ ay, a-e, ey /ee/ ea /igh/ i-e, i /oa/ o, oe, ow, oul, o-e /oo/ ew, ou, u /ar/ a /ow/ ou /or/ al /ur/ ear, or, ir /e/ ea /oi/ oy /o/ a /air/ ere, ear, are /u/ o, our, o-e. Pages 30 and 31 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
HarperCollins Publishers Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds – Shoot a Hoop: Band 02B/Red B
Can Lee and Nick get a goal? This football-based fiction story was written by Sasha Morton. Can Lee and Nick get a goal? This football-based fiction story was written by Sasha Morton. Red B level/ Band 2B offers emergent readers simple but varied text with familiar objects and actions, combined with simple story development and a satisfying conclusion. The focus sounds in this book are: /ee/ /igh/ /oo/ /or//ur/ /air/ /ure/ /er/ Pages 14 and 15 allow children to re-visit the content of the book, supporting comprehension skills, vocabulary development and recall. Reading notes within the book provide practical support for reading Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds with children, including a list of all the sounds and words that the book will cover.
Marsilio Corpus Domini: From the Glorified Body to the Ruins of the Soul
From the hyperreal to the fragmentary: the body in contemporary art This thematic catalog contains more than 110 works by 34 international artists exploring new frontiers in depictions of the human body, exploring themes of life and death, youth and old age, work and migration, loss of balance and bodily life in the time and space of the present. From works by well-known hyperrealists such as Duane Hanson, John DeAndrea and Carole Feuerman, it proceeds to other types of narration where the body is evoked rather than represented. In works such as Christian Boltanski’s Prendre la Parole (Speaking Up), Ibrahim Mahama’s John B B, Chiharu Shiota’s Over the Continents, Dayanita Singh’s Suitcase Museum and Charles LeDray’s Mens Suits, the body seems to have vanished, leaving behind only traces. Fragments of the body and its mutation, and even the mutable conditions of society, are present in the works of Oscar Munoz, AES + F Group, Yael Bartana, Alfredo Jaar, Janine Antoni, Robert Gober, Marc Quinn, Andres Serrano, Robert Longo, Michel Rovner and Franko B.
Silver Press Revolutionary Letters
By turns a handbook of countercultural living, a manual for street protest, and a feminist broadside against the repressive state apparatus, Revolutionary Letters is a modern classic, as relevant today as it was at its inception, 50 years ago. During the tumult of 1968, Beat poet Diane di Prima began writing her ‘letters’, poems filled with a potent blend of utopian anarchism and Zen-tinged ecological awareness that were circulated via underground newspapers and stapled pamphlets. First published in 1971 by Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s City Lights in the US, di Prima would go on to publish four subsequent editions, expanding the collection each time. During the last years of her life, di Prima got to work on the final iteration of this lifelong project, collecting all of her previously published ‘letters’ and adding the new work, poems written from 2007 up to the time of her death in October 2020.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Learning From Autistic Teachers: How to Be a Neurodiversity-Inclusive School
In this strikingly honest collection, developed from a pioneering new research project, autistic teachers and other autistic school professionals share their stories of the challenges and successes of their careers. Contributors challenge assumptions and stereotypes whilst highlighting the unique strengths autistic staff can bring to schools when their own needs are accommodated.The book explores exclusion and identity, understanding and acceptance, intersectionality and facilitating inclusion. It also celebrates the positives that come with being an autistic teacher, such as relating to neurodivergent pupils and conveying passion and enthusiasm for a subject through intense interests, or demonstrating particular skills in school leadership. It examines how workplace set up can sometimes exclude autistic individuals and lead to skilled teachers and those in other education roles, including visiting professionals, leaving the profession, and sets out the accommodations that can prevent this from happening.
Skira Lorenzo Lotto
Duomo Ediciones Grandes Y Pequeños
Lunwerg Editores El temps vist des del cel
Encuadernación: Rústica con solapasColección. General
José J. Olañeta Editor La nube del no saber en la que el alma se une a Dios
J.M. Bosch Editor Desencuentros entre la Polica y el pblico Factores de riesgo y estrategias de gestin Spanish Edition
La inmensa mayoría de los encuentros entre la policía y la ciudadanía son placenteros y satisfactorios para ambas partes, tal como demuestran los resultados de las encuestas existentes en estos momentos. Sin embargo, cuando algunos de esos encuentros, a causa de los múltiples factores que pueden incidir en ellos, se complican y se acaba utilizando algún tipo de fuerza por una o ambas partes las controversias que se originan pueden tener consecuencias notables de cara a la opinión pública y para las relaciones de la policía con el público, relaciones vitales para la legitimidad policial en un estado democrático. Las discusiones en relación a estos desencuentros suelen ser muy viscerales y adolecen de fundamentos sólidos. De hecho, no hay en nuestro contexto estudios solventes sobre los factores que inciden en la aparición de tensión en los encuentros entre la policía y los miembros del público. Es necesario, por tanto, identificar tan detalladamente como se pueda los factores, personale
Sirena de los Vientos Oxímoron entre el autismo a la mística
Editorial Verbo Divino Lucas evangelista de la ternura de Dios 10 catequesis para descubrir al Dios de la Misericordia Palabra y Vida Spanish Edition
A través de diez catequesis, este libro nos ayuda a descubrir al Dios de la misericordia. La exposición de cada una de ellas se estructura de la forma siguiente: Introducción, situación del episodio en el conjunto del evangelio, lectura del texto, elementos de la narración, síntesis final. Cada capitulo comprende, además, una ficha /(lectio divina): propuesta de trabajo en grupo y reflexión personal.
Gestión 2000 Gestión de destinos turísticos sostenibles
El destino es la unidad base de planificación turística. Mejorar el valor de la experiencia y adecuar el número de turistas a la capacidad de carga facilita que el territorio y el patrimonio no sólo no se agoten sino que revivan constantemente.Desde esta óptica sostenible, se acomete en este libro la gestión integral de los destinos. Para ello, se reclama como condición sine qua non el consenso entre el sector público, el privado, los residentes y los turistas y se fundamenta en que cada cual sepa claramente cuál es su aportación económico-financiera a la causa.Este libro de management es un ejercicio riguroso y acomete este proceso integral de gestión fijando cada una de las fases de la elaboración. Incluye un análisis comparado de la gestión de los mejores destinos mundiales.
Gym neuronas de 70 juegos para ejercitar tu cerebro
Una manera muy entretenida de activar las neuronas. Con 70 juegos muy variados con los que ejercitar el cálculo y la lógica, reforzar la memoria y enriquecer los conocimientos de todo tipo... para así trabajar diversas habilidades cognitivas: el análisis visual-espacial, la comprensión verbal, la concentración, la resistencia a las interferencias...Los juegos presentan 3 niveles de dificultad y cada lector puede autoevaluarse para descubrir cuál es su nivel.
La vida secreta de los genes Spanish Edition
Descubre cómo el ADN hace que cada uno de nosotros seamos únicos. Este libro permite descubrir el pasado, el presente y el futuro del genoma humano y, acompañado de atractivas ilustraciones en color, ayuda a entender el mundo de la genética, desde sus fundamentos hasta las teorías más avanzadas.Derek Harvey responde a las grandes preguntas de este apasionante campo de estudio, desde la naturaleza de la herencia, la evolución y la reproducción hasta el modo el que los genes se organizan y cómo se lee el ADN.
Amigas mgicas Cloe y su Unicornio 6 Spanish Edition
Sexto volumen de la serie middle grade más exitosa: Cloe y su Unicornio!Unos van al cole en autobús... y otros van en unicornio!Desde que Cloe tiene un unicornio de mejor amiga no han dejado de pasar cosas un tanto inexplicables.Esta vez, una devastadora tempestad se ha cargado la electricidad de toda la ciudad. Los mayores dicen que solo es una tormenta típica de invierno, pero Cloe y Caléndula se dan cuenta de que no todo es lo que parece: puede que esta lluvia sea mágica! Para resolver el caso tendrán que unirse a Max, que está deseando que vuelva la electricidad para enchufar su videojuego, y a su archienemiga Dakota, que cuenta con la ayuda de unos gremlins serviciales.Podrán llegar al fondo del caso y salvar a la ciudad de la tormenta mágica?
Larousse Gym memoria más de 90 juegos para estimular tu memoria
Un conjunto de más de 90 juegos para " muscular " la memoria.Con 3 niveles de dificultad, estos juegos potencian la atención, favorecen la concentración, estimulan la capacidad asociativa y refuerzan la observación visual.Todo el mundo puede comprobar el nivel de su memoria mediante un sencillo cálculo de la puntuación.
B de Blok (Ediciones B) Una amiga muy especial
La primera espectacular novela gráfica protagonizada por Cloe y su unicornio!Crees en los unicornios?Cloe sí.Todo empezó cuando lanzó una piedra a un lago y le dio en la cara a un unicornio, lo cual le concedía a la pequeña un deseo. Entonces, Cloe pidió que el unicornio, Caléndula Nariz Celestial, se convirtiera en su mejor amiga.De aquí surgió una gran amistad entre ellas. Podrán una niña precoz y una mágica criatura del bosque encontrar algo en común? Claro que sí! Aquí tienes la prueba y sus divertidas aventuras.
Todo respuestas 150 preguntas y rcords sorprendentes
Cuál es el bebé animal más grande? En qué país europeo se come más chocolate? Quién pone los huevos más caros? Los canguros hacen saltos de 20 metros, verdadero o falso?Diviértete descubriendo y respondiendo a las 150 preguntas de este juego con la ayuda de un adulto!
Larousse Qué haría Marx
Te has preguntado alguna vez si Kant tendría algo que decir sobre tu adicción a las redes sociales? O si Platón habría sido capaz de mediar en las constantes discusiones que mantienes sobre qué programas ver por la tele? Has considerado si Hobbes habría aceptado darle de comer a tu hámster mientras estás de vacaciones?Mediante 40 preguntas y problemas cotidianos como punto de partida para explorar las grandes cuestiones políticas de nuestros tiempos, este libro te dará un curso acelerado de teoría política y una introducción a las teorías e ideas de los grandes pensadores políticos de todos los tiempos.
Nova Casa Editorial Los inuit cazadores del Gran Norte
Ediciones Antígona, S.L. La razn nunca duerme sueo y locura en la literatura del Barroco
Es este un ensayo breve, pero a la vez profundo acerca de los conceptos del Sueño y la Locura y su funcionamiento en el interior de las estructuras tragicómicas del Barroco. Se trata de un tema al que apenas nadie se ha encarado a través de una indagación como la que el autor dispone en estas páginas. El análisis tiene como objeto evidenciar el funcionamiento de la razón en el interior de las tramas literarias del Barroco incidiendo en la idea de que el sueño, como elemento importante de la estructura dramática, no induce a error: se presenta en constante oposición ante la idea de una locura instalada en medio de la vida cotidiana de los hombres y que en esa época es el signo irónico que hace confundir las señales de la ilusión y la verdad. Entre el delirio que caracteriza a la locura ?una razón vacía, expuesta a una verdad errónea y por lo tanto enfrentada a sí misma? y la insensatez del sueño ?unas imágenes apostadas fuera de la realidad, que confunden el juicio y la vigilia del pens
PalmArtPress Ilsebill salzt nach
Karibu Jeder Tag mit dir ein Wunder
C.H. Beck Harmonizing Digital Contract Law
John Wiley & Sons Inc Italian For Dummies
Italian For Dummies, 2nd Edition, features more than 25% new and revised content and contains a revamped organisation, plus expanded coverage of necessary grammar for the beginner as well as a more focused approach to major tenses and conjugations that readers at this level need to know.
Spinifex Press Imago
Molly Rose Moon dreamt of worms the night before she married Jimmy Brown in Tooting Bec. The young couple were on their way to Australia. When Molly agrees to go on a journey across hemispheres she’s looking for an escape from home. Once there she meets Marj. Fat Marj. Imago is a story of love and obsession, of seduction and transformations. The threading together of skins, of bodies. It’s a story of metamorphosis, taking and eating, larvae and pupae, the risks of stagnation. Possibilities of death.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Experimental Fashion: Performance Art, Carnival and the Grotesque Body
Shortlisted for the Millia Davenport Publication Award. Experimental Fashion traces the proliferation of the grotesque and carnivalesque within contemporary fashion and the close relation between fashion and performance art, from Lady Gaga's raw meat dress to Leigh Bowery's performance style. The book examines the designers and performance artists at the turn of the 21st century whose work challenges established codes of what represents the fashionable body. These innovative people, the book argues, make their challenges through dynamic strategies of parody, humour and inversion. It explores the experimental work of modern designers such as Georgina Godley, Bernhard Willhelm, Rei Kawakubo and fashion designer, performance artist, and club figure Leigh Bowery. It also discusses the increased centrality of experimental fashion through the pop phenomenon, Lady Gaga.
Amazon Publishing Trouble the Living: A Novel
From Northern Ireland to Southern California and back—a mother and daughter confront the violence of the past in an enthralling novel about the possibility of love and redemption during the most transforming and unsettled times. It’s the final years of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and Bríd and her sister, Ina, try to maintain a stable life in a divided country. Pushed by her mother’s fanaticism and a family tragedy, Bríd joins the IRA and makes a devastating choice. Frightened and guilt ridden, she flees, leaving behind Ireland and her family for America. Years later, her guilt and tragic history still buried, Bríd is an overprotective mother raising her sensitive daughter, Bernie, in Southern California. Growing up amid a different kind of social unrest, Bernie’s need for independence and her exploration of her sexuality drive a wedge into their already-fragile relationship. When mother and daughter are forced to return to Northern Ireland, they both must confront the past, the present, and the women they’ve become. As they navigate their troubled legacies, mother and daughter untangle the threads of love, violence, and secrets that formed them—and that will stubbornly, beautifully, bind them forever.
Skira Milan: Ten Masterpieces
The city of Milan encloses some of the most important masterpieces of Italian art. This special guide to the city, realized on the occasion of the 2015 Expo, offers an art histor - ical tour focusing on ten works not to be missed by visitors: Leonardo’s Last Supper , Michelangelo’s Rondanini Pieta , Raphael’s Marriage of the Virgin , Piero della Francesca’s Brera Madonna , Caravaggio’s Basket of Fruit , the Portrait of a Lady attributed to Pollaiolo, Andrea Mantegna’s Lamentation of Christ , but also Francesco Hayez’s Kiss , Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo’s Fourth Estate and Umberto Boccioni’s Riot in the Galleria.
Combel Ediciones Editorial Esin, S.A. Animales
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Ichigo-ichie / Savor Every Moment: The Japanese Art of Ichigo-Ichie: Ichigo-ichie / The Book of Ichigo Ichie. The Art of Making the Most of Every Moment, the Japanese Way
Brepols N.V. The Litany in Arts and Cultures
Stone Arch Books Cora and the Terrible Twister: A Tri-State Tornado Survival Story
Stone Arch Books Racing Ransom
Shelter Harbor Press The Big Book of Giant Sea Creatures and the Small Book of Tiny Sea Creatures
Sourcebooks, Inc Horrid Henry and the Mega-Mean Time Machine
Chronicle Books Cinderella / Cencienta
Penguin Random House India The Golden Girls Mad Libs: World's Greatest Word Game
Wits University Press From Tools to Symbols: From Early Hominids to Modern Humans
A number of researchers have tried to characterise the anatomy and behavioural systems of early hominid and early modern human populations in an attempt to understand how we became what we are. Can archaeology, palaeo-anthropology and genetics tell us how and when human cultures developed the traits that make our societies different from those of our closest living relatives? In which cases are these differences substantial, and when do they simply reflect our definitions of culture, species, the image we have of their evolution or of ourselves? From Tools to Symbols, a collection of twenty-seven selected papers from a South African-French conference organised in honour of the well-known palaeo-anthropologist Phillip Tobias, provides a multidisciplinary overview of this field of study. It is based on collaborative research conducted in sub-Saharan Africa by South African, French, American and German scholars in the last twenty years, and represents an excellent synthesis of the palaeontological and archaeological evidence of the last five million years of human evolution.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Music, Language and Autism: Exceptional Strategies for Exceptional Minds
Children with autism often have an intense natural musicality. This book explains how music and language 'work' as systems of communication, and why music holds such a fascination for many young people on the autism spectrum. There are strategies for showing how music can be used to support language development and even substitute for verbal communication. Exploring the progression from a young child's intuitive engagement with music, to using it as a scaffold for communication, socialisation and understanding, the book illustrates, through the use of detailed case studies, how music nurtures a sense of self and provides a positive outlet to express inner thoughts and feelings without resorting to challenging or even destructive behaviours.Presenting an innovative approach to the use of music with people on the autism spectrum, this book will be a fascinating resource for speech and language therapists, music therapists, occupational therapists, teachers, teaching assistants, educational psychologists, carers and parents of people with autism.
Maverick Arts Publishing Glitched!: (Grey Chapter Reader)
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Legal Institutions and Economic Development
This insightful collection of classic papers explores the effects of various legal institutions and policies on economic development. The editors include analysis of the historical, current, and future conditions of numerous legal traditions and strategies, both nationally and globally. The volume will enhance understanding of how legal policies influence economic growth. It will also contribute to the selection and advancement of those legal policies most likely to improve overall economic development and social welfare.This volume is an invaluable reference source for both scholars and practitioners interested or involved in the development of legal policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Recent Developments in Law and Economics
This three-volume set is an authoritative selection of some of the most important published papers in law and economics. It provides an extensive overview of recent work for law and economics scholars and an opportunity to explore developments in particular fields for those interested in more specialized study. Volume I presents current theories being applied in property law and intellectual property. Volume II addresses current issues in torts, criminal law, and remedies. Volume III explores a variety of approaches to contract and corporate law. These innovative papers offer ideas for the improvement of current legal policies and identify areas requiring additional study to further enhance our understanding of ways in which economics can inform the development of law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Analysis of International Law
Through original and incisive contributions from leading scholars, this book applies economics and other rational choice methods to understanding public international law, providing a birds-eye view on some of its most fundamental elements from the perspective of economics.The chapters cover a range of topics, beginning with the building blocks of the nation state, and continuing with the sources and the enforcement of international law and its various applications and extensions. The application of economic analysis to public international law is still in its formative stages, and Economic Analysis of International Law provides a useful overview, as well as setting directions for new research.This volume provides a path through recent literature while identifying new areas and issues for research, making it an invaluable resource for scholars of public international law.Contributors include: A. Bell, T. Broude, B.L. Coggins, T. Ginsburg, A. Guzman, I. Kala, E. Kontorovich, J.D. Morrow, F. Parisi, D. Pi, E. Spolaore, P.B. Stephan, A. van Aaken