Search results for ""author frances"
Rizzoli International Publications Rudolf Polanszky
Rudolf Polanszky s cerebral and uniquely multidisciplinary work embraces the chance occurrences that arise throughout the creative process. The recent works presented in this volume exemplify the canvas-mounted and floor-based assemblages that he has been developing since the 1990s. To make his richly textured assemblages, Polanszky shatters and recombines salvaged industrial materials including acrylic glass, aluminum, silicone, and wire into purely aesthetic forms, freeing them of their original contexts. An essay by Francesco Stocchi considers the artist s work in relation to the concept of the void, while a conversation with the artist by Hans-Ulrich Obrist offers an overview of Polanszky s career. These illuminating texts are accompanied by full-color plates, ample rich details, and photographs of the artist at work in his studio.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Spectrum of Light: Inspirational Interviews with Families Affected by Autism
The emotional trauma that families go through when they find out their child has an autism spectrum disorder can feel like being plunged into darkness. Francesca Bierens is here to show that there is also a light at the end of the tunnel. Over a period of fourteen years, Francesca Bierens interviewed ten families of children on the autism spectrum. This book records their answers: how they felt, how they coped, and what gave them strength and solace. Each family discusses how they reacted when they found out their child had autism, and their feelings leading up to diagnosis. They share their positive and negative experiences of professionals, and describe the support that they received, often from grandparents, respite care givers, support groups and other parents. Two of the original children, now in their 20s, also talk about the experience of growing up with autism, and describe how their lives are now. Above all, Bierens' message, and that of the families she interviews, is one of inspiration and hope, showing that there is light, love and laughter along the way. Their stories should be read by anyone who is affected by or working with autism.
Boom! Studios Power Rangers Vol. 3
Reeling from a crippling defeat at the hands of their new enemy, the Omega Rangers retreat and must turn to their greatest enemy to stop the Empyreals.CAN THE OMEGA RANGERS AND DRAKKON SAVE THE UNIVERSE? Reeling from a crippling defeat at the hands of their new enemy, the Omega Rangers retreat to Safehaven in search for a way to stop the Empyreals. Will Drakkon, previously their greatest enemy and now their tenuous ally, provide the answers they seek… or will he show his true colors and betray them in the most dire hour? Meanwhile, the Emissaries have their own plans, which may hold the key to saving the entire universe! Superstar writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and fan favorite artist Francesco Mortarino (Firefly: Bad Company) ramp up the stakes in this latest chapter of the UNLIMITED POWER era. Collects Power Rangers #9-12.
White Star Big Book of Giant Animals, The Small Book of Tiny Animals
The largest and the smallest creatures of the animal kingdom meet in two books so closely linked as to become a single volume! In fact, the mini book of the smallest animals, which resembles its characters also in the format, fits perfectly into the enormous cover of the book of the largest animals. In both volumes the animals are presented by texts full of information and amusing curiosities, and poetic and funny illustrations by Francesca Cosanti, an artist able to draw both ironically and sensitively these extraordinary examples of Nature. Ages: 4 plus
University of California Press Big Brands Are Watching You: Marketing Social Justice and Digital Culture
How is morality understood in the marketplace? Why do brands speak out about certain issues of injustice and not others? And what is influencer culture’s role in social and political activism? Big Brands Are Watching You investigates corporate culture, from the branding of companies and nations to television portrayals of big business and the workplace. Francesca Sobande analyzes media, interviews, survey responses, and ephemera from the history of advertising as well as exhibitions in London, brand stores in Amsterdam, a music festival in Las Vegas, and archives in Washington, DC, to illuminate the world of branding.
Laertes Editorial, S.L. Llibre de Fra Bernat
Degut a Francesc de la Via, de la vida del qual, a cavall entre els segles XIV i XV, se saben ben poques coses, El Llibre de Fra Bernat és una narració en vers, en forma de codolada, a la manera dels fabliaux francesos, genere en què s'inscriu, si bé se'n desmarca per la intenció realista i perquè reflecteix situacions més concretes i objectives. Amb un clar propòsit satíric i parodie, ple d'ironia, amb un ambient de picardia, aquesta obra narra la història d'un frare que va a visitar la seva estimada, una monja d'un monestir. Quan hi arriba, però, acompanyat pel mateix autor del llibre, es troba que la dona és requerida amorosament, primer per un cavaller i després per un canonge, als quals promet concedir els seus favors sexuals a canvi d'uns valuosos presents. Aquest és el punt d'arrencada d'aquesta narració plena de dinamisme, de despreocupació moral i de riquesa de llengua i d'estil. L'únic que, al final, aconseguirà de ficar-se al llit amb la monja serà l'autor del llibre, a qui
Abrams Spookytale (An Abrams Trail Tale)
Discover spook-tacular surprises in this board book adventure, with die-cut pages to peek through and gatefolds to open From Christopher Franceschelli, creator of the Abrams Block Book series, comes the Abrams Trail Tale series, taking readers on unforgettable holiday-themed adventures. In this Halloween story, follow two children on their way to a haunted house as they travel through the woods, across a swamp, and past creaking gates. Young readers will delight in the clever die-cut surprises on nearly every spread and the dramatic quadruple gatefold at the end that folds out into a special Halloween surprise.
Elogio del errorinvierte arriesta equivocateinvierte
No he fracasado. He encontrado 10.000 soluciones que no funcionan. Esta frase del gran inventor Thomas Alba Edison puede servir de resumen del espíritu que como emprendedor e inversor ha guiado siempre a Francesc Robert: el de no tener miedo al fracaso
Boom! Studios Power Rangers Vol. 2
In order to save the universe, the new Power Rangers team must once again turn to their greatest enemy - Lord Drakkon - but after their shocking discovery, they need him more than ever!LORD DRAKKON - FRIEND OR FOE? In order to save the universe, the new Power Rangers team must once again turn to their greatest enemy - Lord Drakkon - but after their shocking discovery, they need him more than ever. But a new enemy is rising, one tied to the secret history of the Power Rangers, and it will take every member of this new team to defeat them. But is Lord Drakkon ready to betray the New Power Rangers or is he truly on a path to redemption? Superstar writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and fan favorite artist Francesco Mortarino (Firefly: Bad Company) continue the UNLIMITED POWER era, as the Power Rangers continue their new mission...and Drakkon takes the next step towards his secret goal. Collects Power Rangers #5-8.
Andana Editorial Por o fugirem
Enfrontar-se a les pors o fugir. Un dilema complicat de resoldre. Si vols posar-te a prova i saber quina és la teua opció, hauries de llegir ara aquest llibre. A Por o fugirem trobaràs una selecció de les millors llegendes de por (sí, de les llegendes de tota la vida, de les que fan por de veritat) actualitzades i adobades amb una bona dosi d?humor, ironia, misteri i, sobretot, molta por.Joan Borja, Francesc Gisbert i Víctor Labrado, tres dels autors que millor coneixen el nostre llegendari són els responsa-bles d?aquestes narracions que venen acompanyades per les suggeridores illustracions d?Aitana Carrasco.
Tate Publishing Glenn Ligon: Encounters and Collisions
Glenn Ligon (b1960) is one of the most significant American artists of his generation. Much of his work relates to abstract expressionism and minimalist painting, remixing formal characteristics to highlight the cultural and social histories of the time, such as the civil rights movement. The exhibition brings together artworks and other material he references in his own work and writings, or work with which he shares certain affinities. This publication is both a comprehensive exhibition catalogue, which fully illustrating all works in the exhibition from artists including Chris Ofili, Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Lorna Simpson, Felix Gonzalez-Torres and Jasper Johns, accompanied by newly commissioned texts by Glenn Ligon, Francesco Manacorda, Alex Farquharson, and Gregg Bordowitz; and an anthology of around 20 texts selected/excerpted by Glenn Ligon.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Fast Growing Firms in a Slow Growth Economy: Institutional Conditions for Innovation
Europe needs more innovative companies that grow quickly and end up big. This book examines SME growth, innovation and success, to suggest that fast growing firms could offer a major contribution to the recovery of a European economy. The contributors examine 11 case studies from Italian firms, breaking the book up into three parts: context, actors and strategy. The topics discussed include entrepreneurship and technological clusters, innovative start-ups and growth factors, and family firms as the incubators of new ventures.Students and scholars of entrepreneurship and other related disciplines will find this book to be of interest. It will also be of use to practitioners in the field, working with and alongside SMEs. Contributors include: S. Albertini, G. Antonelli, B. Balboni, A. Berni, S. Bonesso, G. Bortoluzzi, M. Brumana, D. Campagnolo, L. Cassia, A. Comacchio, S. Consiglio, F. Crisci, C.E. De Marco, C. Dossena, V. Finotto, A. Francesconi, D. Gamba, D. Giacomini, M. Gianecchini, P. Gubitta, M.P. Iacono, F. Izzo, G. Lauto, G. Magnani, M. Martine, B. Masiello, P.A.M. Mazzurana, T. Minola, C. Muzzi, A. Onetti, A. Piccaluga, A. Pisoni, D. Pittino, P. Pressiani, T. Pucci, M. Talaia, A. Tognazzo, A. Tracogna, F. Visintin, L. Zanni, A. Zucchella
Los cinco continentes del amor
Una enternecedora y profunda novela escrita en colaboración por Javier Ruescas y Francesc Miralles.El Amante Europeo conoce los secretos de la seducción y el romanticismo, pero a menudo construye la relación desde la fantasía.El Amante Americano vive el amor como un éxito vital, pero es más efectivo en sociedad que en las distancias cortas.El Amante Africano se guía por la cercanía y la pasión, pero adolece de impaciencia e inseguridad.El Amante Asiático quiere y cuida desde el respeto absoluto, pero le cuesta dar voz a lo que siente su corazón.El Amante Oceánico se guía por la inspiración del momento y es impredecible; hoy te lo da todo y mañana desaparece en cualquier aventura.A qué continente pertenece tu corazón?
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Importance of Being Earnest: Revised Edition
The Importance of Being Earnest is one of the most enduringly popular of British comic dramas, and a mainstay of English literature and drama courses at college and university level. This is an ideal edition for students with on-page notes to help clarify meaning, and a completely new introduction. In the new introduction, Francesca Coppa explores recent critical approaches to the play, including queer and postcolonial readings, as well as giving the context in which the play was written and how it relates to Wilde's personal life and public persona. The introduction also discusses the play's stage history, providing students with an ideal overview of the play and its resonances for contemporary audiences.
Harvard University Press Invectives
Francesco Petrarca, one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive ancient Roman language and literature. Petrarch’s four Invectives, written in Latin, were inspired by the eloquence of the great Roman orator Cicero. The Invectives are directed against the cultural idols of the Middle Ages—against scholastic philosophy and medicine as well as the dominance of French culture. They defend the value of literature and provide a clear statement of the values of Renaissance humanism. The new translations in this volume, commissioned for the I Tatti Renaissance Library, include the first English translation of three of the four invectives.
Workman Publishing Sew What! Skirts: 16 Simple Styles You Can Make with Fabulous Fabrics
Blending expert advice with inspiring designs, Sew What! Skirts will delight both novice and veteran sewers alike. This spiral-bound book lays flat for easy reference and features full-color photographs of 16 sample skirts, with illustrated step-by-step instructions for completing each one. Encouraging you to experiment with bold patterns and unique fabrics, Francesca DenHartog and Carole Ann Camp provide simple guidelines for translating body measurements into panel dimensions. Create a custom-tailored wardrobe that fits perfectly and showcases your unique and personal style.
Quaderns Crema De cara a la paret
De cara a la paret és un recull dels articles humorístics que Francesc Trabal va publicar al ?Diari de Sabadell? entre 1924 i 1929. Iniciats contemporàniament als primers esbossos de L?any que ve, els textos aquí reproduïts semblen respondre a la secreta aspiració trabaliana, negada a les seves novelles, d?estendre els pressupòsits estètics i humorístics de L?any que ve a la narrativa. Amb l?absurd i la proocació més detonant com a punt de partida, constitueixen una mostra de l?humor trabalià més genuí i la mesura d?una heterodòxia impossible. La tria, l?edició i el pròleg han estat a càrrec de Miquel Bach (Sabadell 1945), bon coneixedor de l?obra trabaliana, que des de 1973 ha anat publicant diversos articles sobre la Colla de Sabadell.
John Murray Press Stronger than Death: Hart Crane's Last Year in Mexico
'Poignant and fiercely intelligent, this is the best work of creative non-fiction I have read in years' FIONA MOZLEY'Profound, moving and courageous' NICHOLAS ALLEN, IRISH TIMESIn April 1931, modernist poet Hart Crane arrived in Mexico City. Between mood swings, dire financial difficulties, and a rotating series of personal estrangements, Hart was struggling to make the parts of a fragmentary world cohere. This move to Mexico was one in a long list of attempts to find security. In just over a year he would be dead.In July 1932, Grace Crane picks up the morning paper. Scanning the headlines, she is halted on page five. Her son's eyes stare back at her, tinted pink by the thin paper: 'POET LOST AT SEA FROM SHIP'.Hart Crane's death has accrued a morbid mythology, often overshadowing discussions of his work. In Stronger than Death Francesca Bratton focuses instead on Hart's vivid life and his turbulent final year among the vibrant artistic and political communities of Mexico City. Interwoven with Hart's story is that of his mother, exploring Grace's lifelong frustrated creativity and, after his death, her attempts to reach him through seance. Finally, the book explores Hart's legacy as a queer man and as a poet, informed by Francesca's responses to his work during her own periods of mental illness. Part-memoir, part-biography, Stronger than Death is a profound and lyrical meditation on grief, mental health, enduring love and the power of poetry.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Women in the Wilderness: The "Female Legislation" of the Book of Numbers (Num 5,11-31; 27,1-11; 30,2-17)
How were legal issues featuring women treated and resolved in the Book of Numbers? Francesco Cocco studies a trio of texts and finds the prominent place afforded to women quite peculiar and, it seems, at odds with the notions of autonomy, freedom, self-determination, or whatever other synonym can be married conceptually to the idea of women in leading roles. This in-depth investigation goes beyond appearances however to reveal a broader, perhaps even unexpected, understanding of these three literary traditions - traditions which are the product of the skillful amalgamation of narrative and legislative material so characteristic of the Torah in general and the Book of Numbers in particular.
Edinburgh University Press ZarathustraS Moral Tyranny
In this reading of Nietzsche's most elusive work, Francesca Cauchi claims that Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a moral polemic, one grounded in its own set of moral values that posits its own moral goal - the self-overcoming of Christian morality through the creation of new values.
White Star Treasure Island: From the Masterpiece by Robert Louis Stevenson
Set sail for adventure with this thrillingly illustrated edition of Robert Louis Stevenson's beloved novel of pirates, buried treasure, and danger! Yo ho ho! Come along with Jim Hawkins as he searches for the deserted island where old Captain Flint buried his treasure - and helps fight a band of pirates led by the legendary Long John Silver. Filled with excitement on every page, Treasure Island takes young readers on a high-seas adventure they'll never forget. The journal-like format of this edition will make kids feel as if they're actually reading Jim's diary, while Francesca Rossi's large, colourful illustrations bring the pirate world to life. Ages: 6 and up
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Business Management: Is there a Narcissist in Every Successful Entrepreneur?
Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Business Management offers a comprehensive analysis with theoretical and empirical grounding for understanding how entrepreneurial personality shapes small business outcomes. It explores why entrepreneurs act differently when facing similar situations and why some are more successful than others. Simona Leonelli and Francesca Masciarelli provide detailed quantitative and qualitative analyses based on original datasets, identifying the main personality traits of an entrepreneur. They particularly focus on how entrepreneurial narcissism affects small businesses and influences habitual entrepreneurship. Chapters draw on research techniques from a wide variety of disciplines including strategic management, entrepreneurial finance and innovation studies to reveal the importance and role of personality traits in shaping firm outcomes. This book represents an important step towards the development of a more complete understanding of the entrepreneur's role in a small firm. It will be a valuable resource for scholars and researchers interested in entrepreneurial behavior and SMEs, in particular how personality affects business outcomes. The focus on how personal characteristics, traits and qualities can lead to success will also be of interest to entrepreneurs and business advisors.
University of Notre Dame Press Manuscript Poetics: Materiality and Textuality in Medieval Italian Literature
Manuscript Poetics explores the interrelationship between the material features of textual artifacts and the literary aspects of the medieval Italian texts they preserve. This original study is both an investigation into the material foundations of literature and a reflection on notions of textuality, writing, and media in late medieval and early modern Italy. Francesco Marco Aresu examines the book-objects of manuscripts and early printed editions, asking questions about the material conditions of production, circulation, and reception of literary works. He invites scholars to reconcile reading with seeing (and with touching) and to challenge contemporary presumptions about technological neutrality and the modes of interfacing and reading. Manuscript Poetics investigates the correspondences between textuality and materiality, content and medium, and visual-verbal messages and their physical support through readings of Dante Alighieri’s Vita nova, Giovanni Boccaccio’s Teseida, and Francesco Petrarca’s canzoniere (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta). Aresu shows that Dante, Boccaccio, and Petrarca evaluated and deployed the tools of scribal culture to shape, signal, or layer meanings beyond those they conveyed in their written texts. Medieval texts, Aresu argues, are uniquely positioned to provide this perspective, and they are foundational to the theoretical understanding of new forms and materials in our media-saturated contemporary world.
HENI Publishing Writings on Art 2006-2021
Following the success of Writings on Art 1980–2005, HENI presents the highly anticipated final volume to complete a two-volume collection of writings on art by Robert Storr, one of the world’s leading art critics and curators. Featuring the best of Storr’s criticism – reviews, essays, articles, many of which previously unpublished – from 2006 to the present day, the book includes his texts on artists such as Gego, Carrie Mae Weems, David Hammons, Jenny Holzer, Jasper Johns, Gerhard Richter, El Anatsui and Francesco Clemente. Written with his signature intellect and wit, his writings range from essays on performances of femininity in Cindy Sherman’s photographic oeuvre to dialectics of race in the work of Kara Walker. Expertly curated from his prolific output, and illustrated with 175 images to accompany 51 texts, Writings on Art is the definitive collection of Storr’s multi-faceted writing with his finger on the pulse of contemporary art – a must-read for curators and students, artists, exhibition-goers and all those interested in the art and culture of today.
Boom! Studios Power Rangers Vol. 1
A new Power Rangers team comes together to battle a new cosmic threat - and only Lord Drakkon, their greatest enemy, can save them! It’s a new beginning perfect for longtime fans and new readers alike.A NEW ERA BEGINS HERE WITH A NEW TEAM -AND ONLY LORD DRAKKON CAN SAVE THEM! Only the original Power Rangers, now known as the Omega Rangers - Jason, Trini and Zack - can hope to defeat a new cosmic threat, but their secret weapon is... the villainous Lord Drakkon?! Zordon forbids the new Power Rangers team from contacting Drakkon, so if they want to save the universe then they’ll have to go rogue - and go up against their Mighty Morphin allies. But will Drakkon be their ally...or the one who dooms them all? Superstar writer Ryan Parrott (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and fan favorite artist Francesco Mortarino (Firefly: Bad Company) introduce the UNLIMITED POWER era, perfect for longtime fans and new readers alike - and nothing will ever be the same! Collects Power Rangers #1-4.
White Star Classic Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen
A beautiful collection of stories from one of the most beloved fairy-tale writers of all time: Hans Christian Andersen. Hans Christian Andersen's tales are among the most famous and loved by children everywhere. This stunningly illustrated collection includes some of his best-known works - The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, The Tin Soldier and The Princess and the Pea - as well as other less-familiar but equally magical stories: The Snow Queen, The Wild Swans, The Tinderbox, and The Emperor and the Nightingale. Francesca Rossi's gorgeous watercolour illustrations enrich and enhance the text, making this beautiful volume perfect for Andersen's many fans. Ages: 6 plus
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Public Law: The Collected Economic Essays of Richard A. Posner, Volume Three
Judge Richard A. Posner's work on the economics of public law is a critical component of the interaction between the new law and economics movement and public choice theory. It exemplifies the parallel influence that these two important intellectual movements have had on the current understanding of legal institutions. Together with an insightful introduction by Francesco Parisi, this volume brings together his most important contributions on areas such as: the economics of constitutional law and legislation the economics of criminal law the economics of labour law and employment discrimination the economics of antitrust. The Economics of Public Law will be essential reading for economists, lawyers and judges alike.
Ortac Press Pinch Me: Trying to Feel Real in the 21st Century
This is a book about how it feels to exist. About the moments we come off autopilot and engage fully with the world around us. The fleeting moments in which our minds and bodies connect totally to one another and to our environment. Intimate, impassioned and full of humour, PINCH ME follows art historian Francesca Ramsay's far-reaching journey in search of answers to one of life's most complex and essential questions: What does it mean to feel real? Tackling this ancient subject through a contemporary lens, PINCH ME is a raw, lyrical reflection on finding connection with oneself, one another and the modern world. Ramsay investigates what it is to experience reality, the reasons so many of us are feeling the lack of it today, and crucially, how we might be able to get it back.
Union Square & Co. Italian Snacking
In Italian cuisine, there is an entire category of smaller bites-spuntini-meant to be enjoyed at in-between meal moments of the day. This book by Italian food expert Anna Francese Gass introduces the American audience to the complete range of spuntini culture, with recipes drawn from all across the country.
Debolsillo Desayuno con partculas Breakfast with particles La Ciencia Como Nunca Antes Se Ha Contado
Un excitante y revelador viaje al interior de la mente y a los orígenes de la vida a través de la física cuántica.Tienes en las manos un ensayo sobre física cuántica.Un momento, por favor. Espera!No permitas que esto te asuste y sueltes el libro de golpe.Aceptarías una invitación a desayunar?Si decides aventurarte a navegar entre estas páginas, descubrirás un universo tan maravilloso como desconcertante. La teoría cuántica es una de las más bellas y asombrosas de la ciencia. Las reglas que sigue son alocadas en comparación con nuestro día a día. Son antiintuitivas. Al adentrarnos en el mundo cuántico se ponen en jaque nuestras creencias sobre la realidad, y también las de nuestra realidad cotidiana.Sonia Fernández-Vidal, escritora y doctora en Física Cuántica, y Francesc Miralles, escritor y periodista, nos invitan a un divertido desayuno al que también asistirán Newton, Einstein, Heisenberg y otros célebres físicos de la historia. Entre magdalenas, tostadas, café con
Ediciones Cátedra Las palabras del tiempo un ideario para pensar históricamente
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Historia. Serie MenorLas palabras, al igual que las sociedades, cambian y se transforman a lo largo del tiempo. Términos como democracia, libertad, Estado, nación, progreso, propiedad... tienen un significado distinto al que han tenido desde que empiezan a utilizarse. A través de la historia de los conceptos, el historiador toma plena conciencia de la historicidad y contingencia del lenguaje, del discurso histórico.El libro de Francesco Benigno, profesor en la Universidad de Teramo y uno de los grandes historiadores italianos actuales, refleja magistralmente las fluctuaciones del discurso histórico en la Europa del siglo xx y la crisis de identidad de nuestro propio registro conceptual. Frente a los cantos de sirena de los arquetipos conceptuales determinados implacablemente por el contexto histórico en el que vivimos, no hay más salida científica que la rebeldía respecto a la presión del tiempo presente y la busca del pasado sin hipotecas n
Impedimenta El viatge
El relato en primera persona del tortuoso periplo que emprenderá una familia para escapar de los horrores de la guerra para poder formar un nuevo hogar.Cómo explicar a un niño lo que se siente al tener que huir de casa por la guerra? El viaje, de Francesca Sanna, es uno de los más esperados y bellos álbumes infantiles del año. El relato en primera persona del tortuoso periplo que emprenderá una familia para escapar de los horrores de la guerra e intentar encontrar un lugar en el que formar un nuevo hogar, evitando la gran cantidad de peligros que acechan en cada paso del camino. Una fábula que es también una historia real, son muchas historias reales, cuyas imágenes logran acercar y hacer comprensible lo inimaginable. Los ojos de un niño nos guían a través de la oscuridad en busca de los colores de un futuro mejor.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Istrien 1840-1914: Eine kulturelle Versuchsstation des Habsburgerreiches
Eine Versuchsstation für die kulturelle Diversität und Hybridität des Habsburgerreiches: Als solche betrachtete die offizielle Statistik und Ethnographie Österreichs die Region Istrien nach der Bedrohung durch die 1848er-Revolution. Diese Einschätzung findet sich bis zum Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges in zahlreichen wissenschaftlichen und politischen Narrativen über die Halbinsel in der nördlichen Adria. Das Lokale wurde zum Muster für die Erklärung des Globalen, als Teil des Repertoires, mit dem die Donaumonarchie ihre neue Macht legitimierte. Francesco Toncich untersucht die Rolle des lokalen wie monarchieweiten Wissenschaftsbetriebes, der solche Kategorisierungsmuster im Wechselspiel zwischen Regionalismus, Nationalismus und Imperialismus entwickelte. Mithilfe einer wissenschaftshistorischen Analyse zeichnet er die Herausbildung einer regionalen Mikro- innerhalb der imperialen Makroordnung nach.
Transcript Verlag The Game of Urban Regeneration – Culture & Community in London 2012 and Berlin′s Mediaspree
Who wins and who loses in urban regeneration? What are the mechanisms at play?Francesca Weber-Newth looks at two neighbourhoods that are adjacent to large-scale regeneration schemes: the 2012 Olympic park in London and the Mediaspree waterside development in Berlin. By analysing how urban regeneration is experienced on the ground, her study counters the notion that Olympic-led regeneration is any different from other forms of neoliberal urban development. Adopting Pierre Bourdieu's view of the social world as made up of competitive "games", an analysis of the two neighbourhoods reveals how the concepts of "culture" and "community" are strategically employed in the "game" of urban regeneration - to the benefit of some and the detriment of others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Sustainable Entrepreneurship: How entrepreneurs create value from sustainable opportunities
Sustainable Entrepreneurship: How entrepreneurs create value from sustainable opportunities presents new frameworks to illustrate how entrepreneurs create value from sustainable opportunities and producing benefits for their business, society, and the environment. Employing research and analytical techniques from a wide variety of disciplines, including strategic management, regional studies, and innovation studies, Sustainable Entrepreneurship contributes to existing literature on this subject by delving deeply into the nature of sustainable entrepreneurial opportunities through the analysis of how contemporary wealth creators capitalize on those openings. Francesca Masciarelli and Simona Leonelli argue that entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in resolving ecological challenges through the creation of products, services and production methods that are simultaneously environmentally friendly and competitive on the market. This rigorous work offers unique new insights and represents a step towards the development of a more comprehensive analysis of sustainable entrepreneurship. By drawing on diverse perspectives, it demonstrates that the entrepreneur should consider the main sources of entrepreneurial opportunities and scrutinize the strategies and the local conditions that enable firms to create value.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Strife of Love in a Dream
Exactly 500 years after its first publication by the great Venetian printing house Aldus Manutius, Francesco Colonna's weird, erotic, allegorical antiquarian tale, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, was translated into English and reprinted in full, together with all of its 174 original - and enchanting - woodcut illustrations. It is one of the most important documents of Renaissance imagination and fantasy, and its woodcuts are a primary source for Renaissance ideas on both buildings and gardens. This translation was first published in 1999 in a large format that exactly matched the original in size, design and typography. This new, smaller paperback edition retains all the text and illustrations and is easy to handle and read. Long prized by bibliophiles, pored over by generations of scholars, this classic book may now gain the wider audience its melancholy genius merits.
Taschen GmbH Art Record Covers. 40th Ed.
Since the dawn of modernism, visual and music production have had a particularly intimate relationship. From Luigi Russolo’s 1913 Futurist manifesto L’Arte dei Rumori (The Art of Noise) to Marcel Duchamp’s 1925 double-sided discs Rotoreliefs, the 20th century saw ever more fertile exchange between sounds and shapes, marks and melodies, and different fields of composition and performance. In Francesco Spampinato’s unique anthology of artists’ record covers, we discover the rhythm of this particular cultural history. The book presents 450 covers and records by visual artists from the 1950s through to today, exploring how modernism, Pop Art, Conceptual Art, postmodernism, and various forms of contemporary art practice have all informed this collateral field of visual production and supported the mass distribution of music with defining imagery that swiftly and suggestively evokes an aural encounter. Along the way, we find Jean-Michel Basquiat’s urban hieroglyphs for his own Tartown record label, Banksy’s stenciled graffiti for Blur, and a skewered Salvador Dalí butterfly on Jackie Gleason’s Lonesome Echo. There are insightful analyses and fact sheets alongside the covers listing the artist, performer, album name, label, year of release, and information on the original artwork. Interviews with Tauba Auerbach, Shepard Fairey, Kim Gordon, Christian Marclay, Albert Oehlen, and Raymond Pettibon add personal accounts on the collaborative relationship between artists and musicians.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Philosophical Posthumanism
The notion of ‘the human’ is in need of urgent redefinition. At a time of radical bio-technological developments, and in light of the political and environmental imperatives of our age, the term ‘posthuman’ provides an alternative. The philosophical landscape which has developed as a response to the crisis of the human, includes several movements, such as: Posthumanism, Transhumanism, Antihumanism and Object Oriented Ontology. This book explains the similarities and differences between these currents and offers a detailed examination of a number of topics that fall under the “posthuman” umbrella, including the anthropocene, artificial intelligence and the deconstruction of the human. Francesca Ferrando affords particular focus to Philosophical Posthumanism, defined as a philosophy of mediation which addresses the meaning of humanity not in separation, but in relation to technology and ecology. The posthuman shift thus emerges in the global call for social change, responsible science and multispecies coexistence.
Image Comics Leone: Notes on a Life
Leone arrived to the States from Southern Italy on a boat, a story common to many. Once in New York, he worked on construction sites of skyscrapers and buildings, filling his days with effort and music. Called to arms by his country he goes back home, leaving the life that he built for himself in the States, lovers and friends, to fight the war - and save many lives.The life of Leone contains so many stories: the stories of all those who left home but never forgot their origins, and who spread courage and love in the world before going back home.Leone is a symbol of courage and strength, an unstoppable force guided by just one need: to go back home.LEONE is a true story of an Italian man who migrated to the US to seek fortune, freedom and jazz. From the stage of his last concert in New York City before going back home, through the sound of his trumpet Leone tells us about his past and future, a tale made of jazz, memories and time leaps. An emotional trip by superstar artist Carmine Di Giandomenico (The Flash, Daredevil: Battlin' Jack Murdock) and the talented Francesco Colafella.Immigration seen from the eyes of who's leaving home, a common theme to men and women all over the world.
GEDISA El erotismo Lerotismo
Francesco Alberoni incursiona en el misterioso territorio del erotismo, hasta ahora un ámbito reservado al psicoanálisis y la sexología, y descubre que, en realidad, ha sido un terreno explorado por los más grandes escritores y filósofos, en el que encontraron una gran variedad de experiencias: la seducción y el sueño, la conquista y el abandono. Parecía imposible hallar un hilo conductor, un orden en este bullir de emociones y sensaciones.Pero Alberoni avanza seguro en este laberinto de lo erótico. Nos hace reconocer aquello que suponíamos inconfesable; permite comprendernos y comprender a los demás; nos proporciona un nuevo lenguaje para un aspecto esencial de nuestra vida.
Disfrutar 1
Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch y Mateu Casañas lideran desde su restaurante en Barcelona, la vanguardia de la gastronomía mundial con una decidida apuesta por la creatividad como seña de identidad. Por primera vez comparten, en esta obra, los secretos de su proyecto más influyente con la publicación de este primer volumen correspondiente al periodo 2014-2017. Disfrutar es la historia de uno de los restaurantes más importantes de la culinaria moderna, un espacio singular con unos anfitriones que han creado escuela. Con todo detalle, se desgranan las claves de su cocina creativa, su evolución y las técnicas y conceptos que les han hecho célebres, desvelando abundante material inédito. Incluyendo un archivador que reproduce su metodología perfectamente documentada, se muestra una selección de más de 100 platos de su Catálogo 2014-2017. Algunas de sus creaciones más famosas, paso a paso, con fotografías de su estrecho colaborador Francesc Guillamet.
Andana Editorial Els amics del Butoni
Maria i el seu gos Busca viuran una aventura plena de màgia i fantasia, amb la companyia del dimoni xicotet, la Quarantamaula, la dama encantada i el cavaller Henoc, el temible caçador de monstres. El dimoni xicotet ha escapat de l'escola dels monstres i Maria i els seus amics hauran de trobar-lo abans que el malvat caçador."Els amics dels monstres" és la nova collecció de contes escrits per Francesc Gisbert i illustrats per Cristina Duran, publicats per Andana editorial. Després de l'èxit de La Maria no té por, tornen les criatures fantàstiques de nostre imaginari popular que han seduït milers de xiquets i xiquetes.
White Star Around the World in Eighty Days: From the Masterpiece by Jules Verne
Some novels are considered classics of children literature, read by numerous generations of young readers who made them immortal. That is the case with Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, a true prototype for many later adventure tales. The thrilling race against time of eccentric Phileas Fogg and his manservant Passepartout, having to run around the planet to win a bet, is here presented in a modern and original way, thanks to the splendid drawings by Francesca Rossi, an artist able to capture the vivid atmosphere of the story. Ages: 6 plus
Red Hen Press What Small Sound
Francesca Bell’s second collection of poems, What Small Sound, interrogates what it means to be a mother in a country where there are five times as many guns as children; female in a country where a woman is raped every two minutes; and citizen of a world teeming with iniquities and peril. In poems rich in metaphor and music and unflinching in their gaze, Bell offers us an exacting view of the audiologist’s booth and the locked ward as she grapples with the gradual loss of her own hearing and the mental illness spreading its dark wings over her family. This is a book of plentiful sorrows but also of small and sturdy comforts, a book that chronicles the private, lonely life of the body as well as its tender generosities. What Small Sound wrestles with some of the broadest, most complicated issues of our time and also with the most fundamental issue of all: love. How it shelters and anchors us. How it breaks us and, ultimately, how it pieces us back together.
White Star Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea: From the Masterpiece by Jules Verne
Plunge down, down, to the bottom of the sea with this breathtaking illustrated version of Jules Verne's classic tale Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Verne's early sci-fi novel is a timeless masterpiece that predicted the invention of the submarine. This stunningly illustrated retelling introduces young readers to the enigmatic Captain Nemo and takes them along on a fantastic voyage on-board the Nautilus. Artist Francesca Rossi vividly captures the ocean's depths and the amazing creatures that live there, bringing children right into the heart of the adventure. Ages: 6 plus
HarperCollins Publishers The Map of Bones (Fire Sermon, Book 2)
The second book in Francesca Haig’s incredible Fire Sermon series. ‘Set in a vividly realised world of elite Alphas and their ‘weaker’ Omega twins, it holds a mirror up to our obsession with perfection’ – The Guardian The Omega resistance has been brutally attacked, its members dead or in hiding. The Alpha Council’s plan for permanently containing the Omegas has begun. But all is not entirely lost: the Council’s seer, The Confessor, is dead, killed by her twin’s sacrifice. Cass is left haunted by visions of the past, while her brother Zach’s cruelty and obsession pushes her to the edge, and threatens to destroy everything she hopes for. As the country moves closer to all-out civil war, Cass will learn that to change the future she will need to uncover the past. But nothing can prepare her for what she discovers: a deeply buried secret that raises the stakes higher than ever before.
Silvana Pietro Consagra
The book retraces the inventive richness of Pietro Consagra (Mazara del Vallo, 1920 – Milan, 2005), one of the most seminal figures on the international art scene of the 20th century. It proposes a comparison between different moments in the artist’s creative path, thus making it possible to emphasise both the elements of continuity in his work, but also and above all the specificities of the individual periods, offering a varied panorama of his continuous reinventions of forms and his experimentation with materials. Francesca Pola identifies Consagra’s path not in a purely chronological sense, but rather according to a reading key highlighting the importance of the relationship between sculpture, space and observer: a specific focus on the “location” of the plastic presence in relation to the observer, the fulcrum of the characteristic “frontal sculpture” codified by Consagra starting from his famous Colloqui of the early 1950s and contextually theorised as early as his book Necessità della scultura (1952). Text in English and Italian.
Officina Libraria Il Corpo e l’Anima: Da Donatello a Michelangelo Scultura Italiana del Rimascimento
This exhibition, being held at the musée du Louvre in Paris, and its catalogue follow those dedicated to Florentine sculpture in the early Renaissance, 1400-1460, that took place in 2013-14 (Le Printemps de la Renaissance). The period scrutinised is 1460-1520 but the geographical coordinates are widened to include Northern Italy (Venice, Milan, Pavia, Padua, Bologna) and Rome as the artistic landscape of Italy becomes more complex. Some of the great sculptors, in fact, travelled and their style and their ideas influenced pre-existing local tradition. These new artistic languages share a common characteristic: the relationship to Greco-Roman Antiquity, especially in the representation of grace and passion: the expression of pathos and the theatrical quality of religious works, the symbolic richness of profane works and finally the development of a new and refined style which will find its highest expression in Roman classicism and in the work of Michelangelo. The catalogue includes the works of, among others, Donatello, Antonio Pollaiolo, Bertoldo di Giovanni, Giovanfrancesco Rustici, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Guido Mazzoni, Bartolomeo Bellano, Cristoforo Solari, Tullio Lombardo, Andrea Riccio, and Bambaia, Sansovino, and Michelangelo. Text in Italian.