Search results for ""author kenneth"
Hatje Cantz Promontorio: Architecture and the Reflective Practice
Architecture as Reflective Practice This publication features projects that the partnership PROMONTORIO developed over the past 30 years. Together they constitute an impressive body of work for various places across Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the USA, ranging from city planning, to culture and education, heritage and conservation, commercial and mixed-use, in addition to hospitality and leisure. The idea of a reflective practice, set forth by PROMONTORIO, summons the ability to critically and ethically reflect on its own actions, while engaging in a process of continuous adaptation and learning. Perceived as a kind of "practicing school" for various generations in Portugal, the practice evolved, in both theory and practice, through the idea that deliberate reflection on experience is essential to cultivate a developmental insight on architecture.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Janeway Immunologie
Jetzt wieder auf dem neuesten Stand: DIE Einführung in die Immunologie für Studierende der Biowissenschaften und der MedizinDer Janeway, das bewährte und viel gelobte Standardlehrbuch der Immunologie, liegt nun erneut in einer vollständig überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Fassung vor. Das Werk führt den Leser in gewohnter Souveränität durch alle Aspekte des Immunsystems – vom ersten Einsatz der angeborenen Immunität bis zur Erzeugung der adaptiven Immunantwort, von den vielfältigen klinischen Konsequenzen normaler und pathologischer immunologischer Reaktionen bis zur Evolution des Immunsystems.In der 9. Auflage sind unter anderem neue Erkenntnisse zur modularen Immunantwort, zur Klassenwechsel-Rekombination, zur Vielfalt der CD4-T-Zellen, zu Chemokin-Netzwerken, zur Umgehung der Immunabwehr durch Pathogene und zur Immuntherapie von Krebs integriert. Zahlreiche neue Abbildungen veranschaulichen die im Text erläuterten Prozesse und Konzepte. Der umfangreiche Anhang zu den Methoden der Immunologie ist um etliche neue Techniken erweitert worden. Zudem wurden die Verständnisfragen an den Kapitelenden komplett überarbeitet. Das in zahlreiche Sprachen übersetzte Werk besticht durch seine Aktualität, seine konzeptionelle Geschlossenheit und seine ansprechende Illustration. Es bleibt damit in diesem unverändert rasant fortschreitenden Fachgebiet ein hochaktueller und verlässlicher Begleiter.Stimmen zu früheren Auflagen:Dieses Buch bringt Studenten und Wissenschaftlern die Immunologie aktuell und in hervorragender Weise näher. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Müller-Lantzsch, Universitätskliniken HomburgDie neue Auflage ist kaum noch zu schlagen. Prof. Dr. Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Infektionsbiologie, BerlinHervorragend. Dieses Lehrbuch genügt sämtlichen Ansprüchen! Prof. Dr. Andreas Dotzauer, Uni BremenDas Buch besticht durch die hervorragende Vermittlung von Grundlagenwissen, das es in weiterer Folge ermöglicht, auch die komplexen Zusammenhänge bei klinisch-immunologischen Fragestellungen zu verstehen. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sipos, Medizinische Universitätsklinik WienDie auf das wesentliche reduzierten graphischen Darstellungen haben einen besonderen didaktischen Wert, vor allem angesichts der Komplexität dieses Fachgebiets. Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra, TU MünchenUnter den Immunologie-Lehrbüchern nimmt dieses sicher heute den vorderen Rang ein. Es macht Vergnügen, sich von ihm bilden zu lassen. BiospektrumAlles in allem ein wunderbar gestaltetes, umfassendes Lehrbuch, dessen Schwerpunkt deutlich auf der Erklärung grundlegender Mechanismen der Immunabwehr liegt. Naturwissenschaftliche RundschauDas Buch ist didaktisch hervorragend, vor allem auch in den Abbildungen, und bietet am Ende der Kapitel prägnante Zusammenfassungen, Fragen zum Überprüfen des Gelernten und Hinweise auf Originalarbeiten. Pharmazie in unserer Zeit Uneingeschränkt empfehlenswert; es eignet sich besonders für Biologiestudenten zur Prüfungsvorbereitung, für Mediziner als Nachschlagewerk, aber auch für Studenten und Dozenten anderer Fächer. Chirurgische PraxisDieses packende moderne Lehrbuch [bietet] jungen Biologen und Medizinern die gegenwärtig beste Möglichkeit, die Mechanismen des Immunsystems in ihrem evolutionären und funktionellen Kontext und medizinischen Bezug kennen zu lernen und vielleicht für ihre eigene zukünftige Tätigkeit zu entdecken. Prof. Dr. Klaus Rajewsky im Vorwort zur 5. Auflage
CABI Publishing Temperature Adaptation in a Changing Climate: Nature at Risk
Temperature adaptation is a much neglected field in the minds of climate change researchers and policy makers. However, increasing fluctuations in temperature mean that the risk of cold and heat stress will pose an increasing threat to both wild and cultivated plants and animals, with frost injury expected to cause devastating damage to crops on an increasingly large scale. Thus, improving shared knowledge of the biological mechanisms of temperature adaptation in plants and animals will help prevent major losses of crops and genetic resources in the future.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Urban Planning
With the global expansion of urbanization there is a need to ensure that cities develop in a way that allows all residents to benefit from urban life. This volume contains a collection of classic and more recent papers that provide insight into the problems encountered in urbanization and the ways in which planning has evolved to meet the resultant challenges. It is broad in its coverage, and its content includes both theoretical and applied contributions as well as looking at urban planning issues in the developing as well as the developed world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Facilities Planning
This important book brings together a careful selection of the major works in planning which relate to the provision of public facilities - such as recreation grounds, parks and sports arenas. The opening sections present classic, theoretic papers that lay both the general and the specific foundations for why some facilities are treated outside of the market. Key topics such as institutional issues, the role of the private sector, and the assessment and evaluation of public facilities planning and financing are then examined. Finally, the volume looks at some of the more novel approaches that are emerging in the provision of public facilities, and concludes with a selection of case studies that demonstrate the application of a set of planning approaches.This authoritative volume will be a useful resource to researchers and planning practitioners alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Planning Models
While planning involves seeking ways of influencing future behavior, it is important to have at the outset an abstraction of the world upon which to base an assessment of outcomes. The papers in this collection represent some of the major works in the field of planning models, with land use planning as a core theme. The collection is divided into several parts:Part 1 focuses on location models and embraces a series of classic survey papers as well as a number of more specific contributions covering such topics as the distribution of residential activities. This is followed in part 2 by papers concerned with spatial interaction and, in particular the gravity model. Part 3 of the collection contains papers on micro-macro models that look at ways of moving from individual to collective behavior, whilst part 4 is concerned with dynamic models. Part 5 of the volume reflects an increasing interest in the role of various networks in the formulation of plans, and finally part 6 completes the volume with a selection of policy-planning models.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Automobile
This is an authoritative collection of previously published articles on important aspects of the 'automobile age'.The volume has been divided into five areas of interest. Part I focuses on supply side issues related to the car industry, technological change in the transport sector and future developments of automobile technology. Parts II, III and IV deal with the demand for automobile transport within the overall transport system. The final section deals with private and social costs, externalities such as accidents, congestion and pollution, and policy interventions.Rapidly growing car ownership has brought about a remarkable increase in mobility. The mobility and travel choices need to be analysed within complex networks. The strong mutual interactions between transport and spatial developments have led to an intense debate on 'car dependence' and related spatial systems analyses.This collection will be an invaluable source of reference to students, teachers and researchers in the field of transport studies and the history of the car industry.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Social and Cultural Forms of Modernity: Understanding Modern Societies, Book III
This book considers the social and cultural aspects of 20th-century modern industrial social formations, focusing on Britain and Europe, with reference to North America and Australasia. The main topics of the social dimension include an analysis of the class, gender and racial divsions; women, the family, and the romantic sphere; patterns of consumption; and conceptions of the self, the body and sexuality. The section on cultural dimensions focuses on an analysis of contemporary ideologies and belief systems; the growth in popular culture, the revolution in mass communications; the reshaping of knowledge in education and the modern metropolis as the privileged scene of modernity.
The University of Chicago Press Opera in Theory and Practice, Image and Myth
The History of Italian Opera marks the first time a team of scholars has worked together to investigate the entire Italian operatic tradition, rather than limiting its focus to major composers and their masterworks. Including both musicologists and historians of other arts, the contributors approach opera not only as a distinctive musical genre but also as a form of extravagant theater and a complex social phenomenon.This sixth volume in the series centers on the sociological and critical aspects of opera in Italy, considering the art in the context of an Italian literary and cultural canon rarely revealed in English and American studies. In its six chapters, contributors survey critics' changing attitudes toward opera over several centuries, trace the evolution of formal conventions among librettists, explore the historical relationships between opera and Italian literature, and examine opera's place in Italian popular and national culture. In perhaps the volume's most striking contribution, German scholar Carl Dahlouse offers his most important statement on the dramaturgy of opera.
Starry Forest The Wind in the Willows
Oro Editions Reveal, Filter, Evolve, Effect: Sustainable Architecture by FXFOWLE: 4 Volume Set
The four themes are threads that weave the work together and as a whole define the design philosophy of the firm. The firm's emphasis on sustainability is a current that runs through the narrative of each book. Each book focuses on design process and collaboration. Each project is presented in depth and will underscore the methodology, aesthetics, techniques and ethos of the firm. With future volumes planned, these sets will track the progression of ideas that evolve over time through the work that enacts the ideas, and informs the work to come. REVEAL exposes the territory between architecture and landscape. Buildings and urban plans apply an ecological approach, merging with the larger structures of the environment. Architecture and constructed systems resonate with natural systems, bringing the experience of landscape to designed space. FILTER refines the association between architecture and context. Vernacular structures and distinctive local customs provide a frame of reference for the generation of form. Incorporating culture and climate infuses buildings with a sense of place and develops a close bond with the natural environment. EVOLVE advances the bond between architecture and history. Remaking historic buildings and districts engages culture, heritage, and conservation along with architecture and planning. Materials, methods, and expression foster respect, authenticity, and interconnectivity in buildings new and old. EFFECT realizes the relationship between architecture and program. The function and use of a building offer a powerful conceptual tool that may be interpreted and inflected. Crafted alongside the tangible components of a building, the intangible aspects of program enhance form and function.
McGraw-Hill Education Intended Consequences: How to Build Market-Leading Companies with Responsible Innovation
A pioneering venture capitalist provides an actionable framework for founders and executives to create innovative, enduring companies built for growth and for societal good.The Milton Friedman philosophy that companies exist only to increase shareholder value is dead and buried. The old Silicon Valley tenets of “move fast and break things,” minimum viable products, and hyper engagement at any cost must be replaced with new principles for an era of responsible innovation. We can no longer manage businesses solely for growth. With innovation comes responsibility: to generate returns beyond profits and to recenter technology as a force for good in the world. This requires a shift in the way organizations approach and value work.A company’s mindset—its intent to do good, avoid harmful consequences, and innovate responsibly—is not enough. That mindset must be supported by a business model, a mechanism that leaders must intentionally and proactively build along with the company from the ground up, one that incentivizes and rewards the organization for fulfilling its intentions. Companies need a new set of KCIs, or key consequence indicators, that measure factors such as its impact on customers’ energy consumption, whether its product is being used equally across socioeconomic groups, or if it is actually solving the social problem it is addressing. Not only is this the right thing to do—increasingly, it is what customers, employees, and shareholders demand of business.In this inspiring, practical, and actionable guide, Hemant Taneja: lays out the argument for why a new model of company building and leadership is necessary—and how it can lead to better performance explores why social-good businesses are some of the greatest opportunities today, detailing examples of billion-dollar startups that are addressing inequality, climate change, systemic societal problems, and chronic disease—all while generating profit and positive shareholder returns presents a topic-by-topic road map that addresses business models, artificial intelligence, ethical growth, culture, governance, and good citizenship Intended Consequences is designed as the ultimate playbook for founders, entrepreneurs, leadership teams, and investors on how to build and maintain a responsible innovation company.
HarperCollins Publishers Higher Geography: Preparation and Support for SQA Exams (Leckie Complete Revision & Practice)
Exam Board: SQA Level: Higher Subject: Geography Two books in one! Combining a revision guide and a full set of practice test papers, this fantastic resource is all you need to revise for the exam. The revision guide• Covers all of the topics in the CfE Higher Geography curriculum, broken down into manageable chunks for easy revision• Clearly explains key concepts, research evidence and real-life applications• Contains Quick Tests to let students check their knowledge and understanding as they go along The practice test papers• Are in the format and the style of the SQA exam, giving students an opportunity to practice taking the Higher Geography exam Marking instructions and sample answers are provided online, so students can check their progress.
Columbia University Press A Companion to The Story of the Stone: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide
The Story of the Stone (also known as Dream of the Red Chamber) is widely held to be the greatest work of Chinese literature, beloved by readers ever since it was first published in 1791. The story revolves around the young scion of a mighty clan who, instead of studying for the civil service examinations, frolics with his maidservants and girl cousins. The narrative is cast within a mythic framework in which the protagonist’s rebellion against Confucian strictures is guided by a Buddhist monk and a Taoist priest. Embedded in the novel is a biting critique of imperial China’s political and social system.This book is a straightforward guide to a complex classic that was written at a time when readers had plenty of leisure to sort through the hundreds of characters and half a dozen subplots that weave in and out of the book’s 120 chapters. Each chapter of the companion summarizes and comments on each chapter of the novel. The companion provides English-speaking readers—whether they are simply dipping into this novel or intent on a deep analysis of this masterpiece—with the cultural context to enjoy the story and understand its world.The book is keyed to David Hawkes and John Minford’s English translation of The Story of the Stone and includes an index that gives the original Chinese names and terms.
MIT Press Building Problem Solvers Listings
Rowman & Littlefield Birth of the Nation: The Federal Congress, 1789-1791
Birth of the Nation is the first comprehensive treatment of the work of the critically important Congress which converted the words of the Federal Constitution of 1787 into action and brought to a close the American Revolution.
Ave Maria Press Finding Your Way After Your Child Dies
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of the Contemporary United Kingdom
The last quarter of a century, from 1979 to 2007, has been eventful for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The year 1979 brought major changes to the United Kingdom, in particular when the political climate altered radically with the coming to power of the Conservatives under Margaret Thatcher following the disastrous "Winter of Discontent," which was characterized by economic woes and labor unrest. In 1997, the political climate shifted once again when the New Labour party won a landslide victory and the government was run by the left-leaning centrist, Tony Blair. The period witnessed conflicts raging both at home and abroad, it saw the premature death of a princess, and, more positively, the reemergence of the UK economy. The Historical Dictionary of Contemporary United Kingdom seeks to present the events, people, and trends of the last 28 years and to help explain the current state of the United Kingdom. Knowledge of this is vital to understanding the society, politics, personalities, and actions that are shaping the country right now. This is done through a chronology dating from 1979 to the present, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 700 cross-referenced dictionary entries on significant persons, places, events, institutions, and organizations, as well as the political, economic, social, cultural, and religious facets.
Oxford University Press Inc Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology
Designed to introduce students to key concepts and methods in sociology and to engage them in critical thinking, Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology provides a brief and valuable overview to four major questions that guide the discipline: * Why sociology? * What unites us? * What divides us? * How do societies change? Deftly balancing breadth and depth, the book makes the study of sociology accessible, relevant, and meaningful. Contextualizing the most important issues, Ten Lessons helps students discover "the sociological imagination" and what it means to be part of an engaged public discourse.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making. (An accurate, robust forecast is critical to effective decision making). The focus of the research annual is applications - and practitioner-oriented. The topics will normally include sales and marketing, forecasting, new product forecasting, judgmentally based forecasting, the application of surveys to forecasting, forecasting for strategic business decisions, improvements in forecasting accuracy, and sales response models. It is the direction of the editorial board to stimulate the interest of the practitioners of forecasting to methods and techniques that are relevant.
Emerald Publishing Limited Applications of Management Science
Applications of Management Science presents current studies in the application of management science to the solution of significant managerial decision-making problems. It significantly aids in the dissemination of the solution of managerial decision-making problems with management science methodologies. With a focus on the application of management science methodologies data envelopment analysis and multi-criteria decision making, this volume is split into three sections: 1. Applications of optimization; 2. Data envelopment analysis and applications; 3. Data envelopment analysis. To those involved in the applications of multi-criteria decision making, data envelopment analysis and decision making, in a realistic managerial problem solving environment through the use of state of the art management science modelling, this is a must-read.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Catholicism For Dummies
Peer through the stained glass and get an inside look at Christianity's most popular religion Catholicism can seem a bit mysterious to non-Catholics—and even Catholics. Embrace your curiosity and turn to Dummies for answers! Full of fascinating facts and written in a friendly style, Catholicism For Dummies explains the basics of Catholic beliefs like the importance of Sunday Mass; the seven sacraments; the purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary; heaven, hell, and purgatory; the Trinity; and so much more. You'll learn about the Catholic perspective on women as priests, saints as examples of how to live, and prayer as the basis of a relationship with God. This easy-to-read resource offers an overview of a rich and diverse faith. You'll also discover: The ins and outs of living as a Catholic and why followers of the faith observe traditions like attending Mass on certain days of the year, praying the rosary, and not eating meat on Fridays Information on what the pope does, how he is selected, the history of the Vatican, and what it's like to be a priest in today's society Details about the church's position on modern social issues, like poverty, abortion and the death penalty, same-sex marriage, and contraception Whether you're a cradle Catholic or just curious about the world's second largest religion, Catholicism For Dummies has the answers you're seeking to a faith that's been around for thousands of years. Order your copy today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Debunkery: Learn It, Do It, and Profit from It -- Seeing Through Wall Street's Money-Killing Myths
Legendary money manager Ken Fisher outlines the most common—and costly—mistakes investors make. Small cap stocks are best for all time. Bunk! A trade deficit is bad for markets. Bunk! Stocks can't rise on high unemployment. Bunk! Many investors think they are safest following widely accepted Wall Street wisdom—but much of Wall Street wisdom isn't so wise. In fact, it can be costly bunk. In Debunkery: Learn It, Do It, and Profit From It—Seeing Through Wall Street's Money-Killing Myths, Ken Fisher—named one of the 30 most influential individuals of the last three decades by Investment Advisor magazine—details why so many investors fail to get the long-term results they desire. The short answer is many investors fail to question if what they believe is true—and are therefore blinded by tradition, biases, ideology, or any number of cognitive errors. Your goal as an investor shouldn't be to be error-free—that's impossible. Rather, to be more successful, you should aim to lower your error rate. Debunkery gets you started by debunking 50 common myths—but that's just the beginning. It also gives you the tools you need to continue to do your own debunkery for the rest of your investing career.
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Technology and the Garden
Taylor & Francis Inc G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Drug Discovery
The broad range of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) encompasses all areas of modern medicine and have an enormous impact on the process of drug development. Using disease-oriented methods to cover everything from screening to expression and crystallization, G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Drug Discovery describes the physiological roles of GPCRs and their involvement in various human diseases.The book presents current approaches in drug discovery that include target selection, establishment of screening and functional assays. It also covers recombinant GPCR expression for drug screening and structural biology, different methods for structural characterization of GPCRs, and the importance of bioinformatics. The book has been carefully edited to avoid overlapping information, some duplication has been intentionally permitted so that each chapter can function as an independent unit. Providing in-depth discussions on structure and dynamics of GPCRs, this book outlines the importance of the GPCRs to drug discovery in general and drug targets specifically.Daniel E. Levy, editor of the Drug Discovery Series, is the founder of DEL BioPharma, a consulting service for drug discovery programs. He also maintains a blog that explores organic chemistry.
IEEE Computer Society Press,U.S. Reliable Distributed Computing with the Isis Toolkit
John Wiley & Sons Inc How to Smell a Rat: The Five Signs of Financial Fraud
A timely guide to uncovering financial fraud 2008 and 2009 will be remembered for bear markets, a global credit crunch, and some of the largest investment scams ever. But these scams are nothing new, they've been repeated throughout history, and there will certainly be more to come. But the good news is fraudsters often follow the same basic playbook. Learn the playbook, and know how to ask the right questions, and financial fraud can be easy to detect and simple to avoid. In How to Smell a Rat, trusted financial expert Ken Fisher provides you with an inside's view on how to spot financial disasters before you become a part of them. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, this reliable resource takes an engaging look at recent and historic examples of fraudsters, how they operated, and how they can be easily avoided. Fisher also shows you the quick, identifiable features of financial frauds and arms you with the questions to ask when assessing a money manager. Prepares you to identify and avoid financials cams that could instantly destroy your wealth Contains examples that highlight how financial frauds are committed Provides questions everyone should ask before entering any investment endeavor With How to Smell a Rat as your guide, you'll learn how to protect your interests and assets from unnecessary losses.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Debunkery: Learn It, Do It, and Profit from It -- Seeing Through Wall Street's Money-Killing Myths
Legendary money manager Ken Fisher outlines the most common—and costly—mistakes investors make. Small cap stocks are best for all time. Bunk! A trade deficit is bad for markets. Bunk! Stocks can't rise on high unemployment. Bunk! Many investors think they are safest following widely accepted Wall Street wisdom—but much of Wall Street wisdom isn't so wise. In fact, it can be costly bunk. In Debunkery: Learn It, Do It, and Profit From It—Seeing Through Wall Street's Money-Killing Myths, Ken Fisher—named one of the 30 most influential individuals of the last three decades by Investment Advisor magazine—details why so many investors fail to get the long-term results they desire. The short answer is many investors fail to question if what they believe is true—and are therefore blinded by tradition, biases, ideology, or any number of cognitive errors. Your goal as an investor shouldn't be to be error-free—that's impossible. Rather, to be more successful, you should aim to lower your error rate. Debunkery gets you started by debunking 50 common myths—but that's just the beginning. It also gives you the tools you need to continue to do your own debunkery for the rest of your investing career.
University of Texas Press The Courthouse Square in Texas
With its dignified courthouse set among shade trees and lawns dotted with monuments to prominent citizens and fallen veterans, the courthouse square remains the civic center in a majority of the county seats of Texas. Yet the squares themselves vary in form and layout, reflecting the different town-planning traditions that settlers brought from Europe, Mexico, and the United States. In fact, one way to trace settlement patterns and ethnic dispersion in Texas is by mapping the different types of courthouse squares.This book offers the first complete inventory of Texas courthouse squares, drawn from extensive archival research and site visits to 139 of the 254 county seats. Robert Veselka classifies every existing plan by type and origin, including patterns and variants not previously identified. He also explores the social and symbolic functions of these plans as he discusses the historical and modern uses of the squares. He draws interesting new conclusions about why the courthouse square remains the hub of commercial and civic activity in the smaller county seats, when it has lost its prominence in others.
Emerald Publishing Limited Handbook of Transport Modelling
Since 2000, there has been an exponential amount of research completed in the field of transport modelling thereby creating a need for an expanded and revised edition of this book. National transport models have taken on the new modelling methods and there have been theoretical and empirical advances in performance measurement. Coverage will include current demand methods, data issues, valuation, cost and performance, and updated traffic models. Supplementary case studies will illustrate how modelling can be applied to the study of the different transport modes and the infrastructures that support them.The second edition of this handbook will continue to be an essential reference for researchers and practitioners in the field. All contributions are by leading experts in their fields and there is extensive cross-referencing of subject matter. This book features expanded coverage on emerging trends and updated case studies. It addresses models for specific applications (i.e. parking, national traffic forecasting, public transport, urban freight movements, and logistics management).
Emerald Publishing Limited Handbook of Transport Systems and Traffic Control
This book discusses transport systems and the implementation of related public policy - a relevant topic with contemporary traffic congestion, environmental intrusion, transport safety, and budget issues. It is a resource for both experienced researchers and those new to the field.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Review Questions in Ophthalmology
Approach your exams with confidence using Review Questions in Ophthalmology , Third Edition. You’ll find a concise review of all specialty rotations in ophthalmology, plus key areas such as embryology, anatomy, pediatrics, plastics, and lenses. Real-life clinical cases and more than 1,000 multiple choice questions with answers and explanations in this comprehensive review of ophthalmology provide core knowledge for all residents and fellows in ophthalmology, preparing you for success – both on your exams and in your practice! Test yourself with 1,000+ multiple choice questions, including answers and explanations. Clearly visualize what you’re likely to see on exams and in practice, thanks to more than 400 clinical photographs, fluorescein angiograms, and CT, MRI, and ultrasound images. Focus on common diseases for more useful self-assessment and real-life clinical preparation. LWW’s Online Resources for review content is all housed on ThePoint, which provides flexible learning solutions and resources using Review Questions in Ophthalmology, 3rd Edition. Test yourself with 1,000+ multiple choice questions, including answers and explanations. More than 400 clinical images (including photographs, fluorescein angiograms, and CT, MRI, and ultrasound images) Complete content for easy navigation
MIT Press Ltd Introduction to Quantum Algorithms via Linear Algebra
Nova Science Publishers Inc Air & Water Management for the Home: Select Research & Techniques
David & Charles Better Living Through Origami: 20 Creative Paper Projects for a Beautiful Home
Take papercraft to a new creative level and turn your home into a designer haven with this mindful DIY interiors book by Dutch design duo Studio Snowpuppe. Learn how to create 20 items of functional home decor - using simple, origami-inspired paper folding and manipulation techniques, and then show off your DIY creations at the heart of your home. Step-by-step illustrations will guide you through the projects, which include beautiful lampshades, creative wall art ideas, an ingenious clock, pretty decorations, coasters, vases, picture frames and more - all with a stylish modern aesthetic. Using readily available paper and card stock, you can create some stunning designer accents for your home for a fraction of the cost of store-bought versions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Paths to Wealth Through Common Stocks
Paths to Wealth through Common Stocks contains one original concept after another, each designed to greatly improve the results of those who self-manage their investments -- while helping those who rely on professional investment advice select the right advisor for their needs. Originally written by investment legend Philip A. Fisher in 1960, this timeless classic is now reintroduced by his well-known and respected son, successful money manager Ken Fisher, in a new Foreword. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Paths to Wealth through Common Stocks expands upon the innovative ideas found in Fisher's highly regarded Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits -- summarizing how worthwhile profits have been and will continue to be made through common stock ownership, and revealing why his method can increase profits while reducing risk. Many of the ideas found here may depart from conventional investment wisdom, but the impressive results produced by these concepts -- which are still relevant in today's market environment -- will quickly remind you why Philip Fisher is considered one of the greatest investment minds of our time.
Emerald Publishing Limited Advances in Business and Management Forecasting
Volume 13, Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, is a blind refereed serial publication. It presents state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales forecasting, retailing, service contracts, bankruptcy prediction, executive compensation, and call center staffing. The orientation of this volume is for business applications for both the researcher and the practitioner of forecasting. Volume 13 is divided into three sections: Marketing, Sales and Service Forecasting; Economic, Financial and Insurance Forecasting; and, CEO Compensation and Operations Forecasting. An interdisciplinary group of experts explore wide-ranging topics including omnichannel retailing, growth business cycles, under-resampling methods to detect non-injured passengers within car accidents and regression modeling of CEO compensation.
WW Norton & Co The Spread of Nuclear Weapons: An Enduring Debate
Over the past fifteen years, The Spread of Nuclear Weapons has been a staple in International Relations courses because of its brevity and crystal-clear explanations. The new edition, An Enduring Debate, continues the important discussion of nuclear proliferation and the dangers of a nuclear-armed world. With new chapters on the questions surrounding a nuclear North Korea, Iran, and Iraq and the potential for a world free of nuclear weapons, this Third Edition will continue to generate a lively classroom experience.
Stackpole Books City Trees: ID Guide to Urban & Suburban Species
Covers all the common trees, even nonnative ones that might not be found in other guides Species accounts for 130 trees found in cities, suburbs, small towns, neighborhoods, parks, and empty lots 213 color photos show leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds Includes information about the history and uses of each tree
Nai010 Publishers Oase 75: 25 Years of Critical Reflection on Architecture
V&R unipress GmbH Migrations- und Integrationsforschung.: Sicherheits- und Nutzendiskurse im österreichischen Migrationsregime
Broadview Press Ltd Felix Holt
When William Blackwood, George Eliot’s publisher, first saw the manuscript of Felix Holt in 1866 he could not contain his enthusiasm; in a letter to a friend he described the novel as “a perfect marvel. The time is 1832 just after the passing of the Reform Bill, and surely such a...series of pictures of English Life, manners, and conversation never was drawn. You see and hear the people speaking. Every individual character stands out a distinct figure.”A political radical and a child of the working class, Felix has lost faith in a political system in which candidates never represent the interests of the working class. Harold Transome, the cynical son of wealthy Tory landowners, embraces radical politics for very different reasons. Both Harold and Felix vie for the affections of Esther Lyon, and she must weigh her feelings for them with the social and material goals she has set for herself. Their personal drama unfolds against the broad canvas of social and political upheaval of 1830s England.This edition is based on the text of the first edition of the novel published in three volumes in 1866, and includes a full introduction, a wide range of appendices including reviews, as well as Eliot’s “Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt”; “The Legal Plot of Felix Holt”; and a chronology of Eliot’s life and career.
McGraw-Hill Companies Looseleaf for Human Diversity in Education
McGraw-Hill Education Loose Leaf for Case Studies in Finance
Pearson Education (US) Principles of Applied Engineering Student Edition -- Texas -- CTE/School
Thieme Publishing Group Antiresorptive Drug-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ) - A Guide to Research
A collaboration between some of the leading international experts in the field, AOCMF proudly presents Antiresorptive Drug-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ)-a Guide to Research, which unravels the many biologic processes and risk factors associated with this debilitating condition. With its unknown pathophysiology, lack of established management regimens, and because of the millions of patients currently taking antiresorptive agents, this important book on ARONJ has been produced to provide the latest in contemporary evidence and insight. The book's key features include: Detailed analysis of the historical definitions, classifications, and clinical features of ARONJ Review of the risk factors and treatment options currently available, and why the jaw bone is predominantly affected Discussion on the use of large and small animals in modelling. With dozens of clinical images to help illustrate the impact of this condition on real patients, Antiresorptive Drug-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ)-a Guide to Research is an excellent resource for anyone involved or interested in this important medical field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Instruments and Institutions
Economic Incentives are playing an increasingly important role in pollution control.This authoritative collection - edited by leading contributors to the field - presents the most important published work on the legal and economic instruments and institutions which have been used during the last thirty years to control pollution. The papers focus on issues of instrument design, implementation, enforcement and evaluation, and consider strategies for coping with uncertainty and 'second-best' situations.