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John Wiley & Sons Inc Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy
Glow discharge devices have been utilized as spectrochemical sources for over one hundred years, dating back to the earliest studies of atomic structures. It has only been during the last 40 years that they have been employed in the arena of chemical analysis. Glow Discharge Plasmas in Analytical Spectroscopy presents the state of the art in the use of these devices across a wide range of applications, including materials science, environmental analysis, and bioanalytical chemistry. Glow discharge devices are well known for their application in direct solids elemental analysis of metals and alloys by optical and mass spectrometries. These basic capabilities have been extended to the analysis of non-conducting materials such as glass and ceramics and the depth resolved analysis of all kinds of technical materials. This multi-author, edited volume includes chapters which deal with both basic and highly complex applications. Glow discharge devices are now being used in very novel ways for the analysis of liquids and gases, including molecular species detection and identification, an area that was beyond the perceived scope of applicability just ten years ago. It is expected that the next decade will see a growth in the interest and application of glow discharge devices far surpassing the expectations of the last century.
University Press of America Liberty Under Law: American Constitutionalism, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
In recent decades, we have witnessed the emergence of ongoing public arguments about the intellectual and cultural foundations of our constitutional system; the norms governing constitutional interpretation and the proper role of the judiciary in this system; and the proper interpretation of certain key provisions of our fundamental law. Seen in this light, constitutional controversies of the type we are experiencing today threaten to engulf our political system in a crisis of the first magnitude. These controversies are the subject of these essays. To the extent that governmental actions are perceived by large numbers of Americans to lack constitutional warrant the result can only be the progressive erosion of the moral authority of our constitutional system. The book is divided into three parts; the contributors in the first section address the question of the intellectual foundations and cultural preconditions of the American constitutional commonwealth; in the second they discuss the ongoing debate between the proponents of an originalist approach to constitutional interpretation and their nonoriginalist critics; and in the final section they examine several contemporary controversies over the meaning of specific constitutional provisions. These essays represent serious contributions to a number of critically important scholarly debates. Contributors: Randall W. Bland, Thomas L. Pangle, Francis Canavan, S.J., Jean Bethke Elshtain, Robert Booth Fowler, William Gangi, Gerard V. Bradley, Christopher Wolfe, Sanford Levinson, Robert Scigliano, Robert J. Spitzer, Thomas G. West, George Weigel, David G. Dalin, and Herman Belz. Co-published with the Project on American Constitutionalism, Southwest Texas State University (SWT).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion
Detailed coverage of advanced combustion topics from the author of Principles of combustion, Second Edition Turbulence, turbulent combustion, and multiphase reacting flows have become major research topics in recent decades due to their application across diverse fields, including energy, environment, propulsion, transportation, industrial safety, and nanotechnology. Most of the knowledge accumulated from this research has never been published in book form—until now. Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion presents up-to-date, integrated coverage of the fundamentals of turbulence, combustion, and multiphase phenomena along with useful experimental techniques, including non-intrusive, laser-based measurement techniques, providing a firm background in both contemporary and classical approaches. Beginning with two full chapters on laminar premixed and non-premixed flames, this book takes a multiphase approach, beginning with more common topics and moving on to higher-level applications. In addition, Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion: Addresses seven basic topical areas in combustion and multiphase flows, including laminar premixed and non-premixed flames, theory of turbulence, turbulent premixed and non-premixed flames, and multiphase flows Covers spray atomization and combustion, solid-propellant combustion, homogeneous propellants, nitramines, reacting boundary-layer flows, single energetic particle combustion, and granular bed combustion Provides experimental setups and results whenever appropriate Supported with a large number of examples and problems as well as a solutions manual, Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion is an important resource for professional engineers and researchers as well as graduate students in mechanical, chemical, and aerospace engineering.
University Press of America Papers on Presidential Disability and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment
Papers on Presidential Disability and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment describes the formation, efforts, and conclusions of the Miller Center Commission on Presidential Disability and the Twenty-Fifth Amendment—the fourth national commission organized by the Center that advances the ideas on the national improvement of the presidency. Orginally, the group met to advise the Center on the necessity and feasibility of a study of presidential disability, and Commission participants were primarily physicians whose expertise were in medical questions and medical issues. As the study progressed, however, the Commission expanded to include legislators, social scientists, and policy makers who explored a wide range of issues and problems. The book is divided into four sections and an appendix. The first section details the formation of the commission, the preliminary meetings in Washington, D.C., and the subsequent proposals for the study. The second section provides an overview of the role of the presidential physician and describes the burden of conflicting loyalties—to the patient and to the country—he must face. The definition and determination of 'inability to serve' is also debated by both medical and political experts. Related to this discussion is the use of medications and treatments that may impair presidential decision-making abilities. The third section is a series of interviews and correspondence with prominent medical, legal, and political authorities. Topics discussed include: the coordination of law enforcement and national defense in the event of an attack on the president, changes in legal arrangements, the role of Congress during presidential disability, procedures for military command succession, and competing interpretations and reports are provided in the fourth section. They serve as examples of the analyses that took place prior to the formation of the Commission. Included in this section is a memorandum that foretells the differences in thinking between the original medical group that began the Commission and the diverse group as it was eventually comprised. The book concludes with several appendices. They include transfer agreements written in different administrations and an excerpt from Barbara Bush's biography that describes a discussion of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment during the Bush administration.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Linear Algebra with Mathematica
A hands-on introduction to the theoretical and computational aspects of linear algebra using Mathematica® Many topics in linear algebra are simple, yet computationally intensive, and computer algebra systems such as Mathematica® are essential not only for learning to apply the concepts to computationally challenging problems, but also for visualizing many of the geometric aspects within this field of study. Principles of Linear Algebra with Mathematica uniquely bridges the gap between beginning linear algebra and computational linear algebra that is often encountered in applied settings, and the commands required to solve complex and computationally challenging problems using Mathematica are provided. The book begins with an introduction to the commands and programming guidelines for working with Mathematica. Next, the authors explore linear systems of equations and matrices, applications of linear systems and matrices, determinants, inverses, and Cramer's rule. Basic linear algebra topics, such as vectors, dot product, cross product, and vector projection are explored, as well as a unique variety of more advanced topics including rotations in space, 'rolling' a circle along a curve, and the TNB Frame. Subsequent chapters feature coverage of linear transformations from Rn to Rm, the geometry of linear and affine transformations, with an exploration of their effect on arclength, area, and volume, least squares fits, and pseudoinverses. Mathematica is used to enhance concepts and is seamlessly integrated throughout the book through symbolic manipulations, numerical computations, graphics in two and three dimensions, animations, and programming. Each section concludes with standard problems in addition to problems that were specifically designed to be solved with Mathematica, allowing readers to test their comprehension of the presented material. All related Mathematica code is available on a corresponding website, along with solutions to problems and additional topical resources. Extensively class-tested to ensure an accessible presentation, Principles of Linear Algebra with Mathematica is an excellent book for courses on linear algebra at the undergraduate level. The book is also an ideal reference for students and professionals who would like to gain a further understanding of the use of Mathematica to solve linear algebra problems.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Equations with Latent Variables
Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data Alan Agresti Statistical Science Now has its first coordinated manual of methods for analyzing ordered categorical data. This book discusses specialized models that, unlike standard methods underlying nominal categorical data, efficiently use the information on ordering. It begins with an introduction to basic descriptive and inferential methods for categorical data, and then gives thorough coverage of the most current developments, such as loglinear and logit models for ordinal data. Special emphasis is placed on interpretation and application of methods and contains an integrated comparison of the available strategies for analyzing ordinal data. This is a case study work with illuminating examples taken from across the wide spectrum of ordinal categorical applications. 1984 (0 471-89055-3) 287 pp. Regression Diagnostics Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity David A. Belsley, Edwin Kuh and Roy E. Welsch This book provides the practicing statistician and econometrician with new tools for assessing the quality and reliability of regression estimates. Diagnostic techniques are developed that aid in the systematic location of data points that are either unusual or inordinately influential; measure the presence and intensity of collinear relations among the regression data and help to identify the variables involved in each; and pinpoint the estimated coefficients that are potentially most adversely affected. The primary emphasis of these contributions is on diagnostics, but suggestions for remedial action are given and illustrated. 1980 (0 471-05856-4) 292 pp. Applied Regression Analysis Second Edition Norman Draper and Harry Smith Featuring a significant expansion of material reflecting recent advances, here is a complete and up-to-date introduction to the fundamentals of regression analysis, focusing on understanding the latest concepts and applications of these methods. The authors thoroughly explore the fitting and checking of both linear and nonlinear regression models, using small or large data sets and pocket or high-speed computing equipment. Features added to this Second Edition include the practical implications of linear regression; the Durbin-Watson test for serial correlation; families of transformations; inverse, ridge, latent root and robust regression; and nonlinear growth models. Includes many new exercises and worked examples. 1981 (0 471-02995-5) 709 pp.
Springer Applied Probability
Basic Notions of Probability Theory.- Calculation of Expectations.- Convexity, Optimization, and Inequalities.- Combinatorics.- Combinatorial Optimization.- Poisson Processes.- Discrete-Time Markov Chains.- Continuous-Time Markov Chains.- Branching Processes.- Martingales.- Diffusion Processes.- Asymptotic Methods.- Numerical Methods.- Poisson Approximation.- Number Theory.- Entropy.- Appendix: Mathematical Review.
The History Press Ltd London A Historical Companion
A history of London
Kogan Page Ltd 101 Learning and Development Tools: Essential Techniques for Creating, Delivering and Managing Effective Training
101 Learning and Development Tools is your practical guide to all the most up-to-date training techniques, organized around the classic learning and development cycle. Whether you need a quick, ready solution or some guidance on where to go for in-depth information, this is your essential reference guide. It picks up from where you are in the process of managing learning, and helps you place it in a broader context. Each chapter is a mini guide to each tool with: a description of the tool analysis resources needed cost implications cross-references to help you identify alternative or related tools for further study or investigation 101 Learning and Development Tools is the indispensable, all-in-one-volume reference book for both professionals in the field and students learning about the subject.
Faith Library Publications Seven Vital Steps to Receiving the Holy Spirit
University Press of America Poland in a World in Change: Constitutions, Presidents, and Politics
A timely explanation of change in the newly democratic Poland. Contributors include leading Polish and American scholars, two U.S. ambassadors to Poland, Lech Walesa's principal assistants and the leading U.S. scholar on Poland. Walter Osiatynski compares the American and Polish constitutions; Lech Falandysz traces the path from communist legality to the rule of law in Poland while Janusz Onyszkiewicz looks at the transition from totalitarianism to democracy. Taking on the presidency and politics in Poland, Leszek Garlicki asks if it is the wrong institutions or the wrong persons and Eugenuisz Piontek discusses challenges of the 1990s. Turning to Poland and American foreign policy, the U.S. Ambassador John R. Davis, Jr. looks at prospects for the future and Ambassador Richard T. Davies interprets changes in Poland and Eastern Europe. Andzej Korbonski provides the summing up with a look at changes overall in Eastern Europe. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
Emerald Publishing Limited Mathematical Programming
This peer reviewed volume is part of an annual series, dedicated to the presentation and discussion of state of the art studies in the application of management science to the solution of significant managerial decision making problems. It is hoped that this research annual will significantly aid in the dissemination of actual applications of management science in both the public and private sectors. Volume 11 is directed toward the applications of mathematical programming to Multi-criteria decision making, Supply chain management, Performance management, and Risk analysis. Its use can be found both in university classes in management science and operations research, (management and engineering schools), as well as to both the researcher and practitioner of management science and operations research.
This second volume in the series is divided into four distinct sections, entitled: institutional fragmentation and policy conference; re-thinking the challenge in teaching; institutions as allies and constraints; and, toward institutional redesign in school governance.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 41
This comprehensive series of volumes on inorganic chemistry provides inorganic chemists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Every volume reports recent progress with a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers, complemented by detailed discussions and complete documentation. Each volume features a complete subject index and the series includes a cumulative index as well.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applying Psychology to Everyday Life: A Beginner's Guide
This text gives a general introduction to the subject but in a way that demonstrates its applicability to their work and to everyday life, whilst remaining academically grounded. It demonstrates how psychology can make a practical difference in the ‘real world’. Topics covered include emotions, motivation, social life and the lifespan. Basic, up-to-date introduction to psychological concepts Practical exercises and techniques Scene setting examples from real life
Faith Library Publications How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God: Legacy Edition
Indiana University Press A History of Jews in Germany since 1945: Politics, Culture, and Society
Originally published in German in 2012, this comprehensive history of Jewish life in postwar Germany provides a systematic account of Jews and Judaism from the Holocaust to the early 21st century by leading experts of modern German-Jewish history. Beginning in the immediate postwar period with a large concentration of Eastern European Holocaust survivors stranded in Germany, the book follows Jews during the relative quiet period of the fifties and early sixties during which the foundations of new Jewish life were laid.Brenner's volume goes on to address the rise of anti-Israel sentiments after the Six-Day War as well as the beginnings of a critical confrontation with Germany's Nazi past in the late sixties and early seventies, noting the relatively small numbers of Jews living in Germany up to the 1990s. The contributors argue that these Jews were a powerful symbolic presence in German society and sent a meaningful signal to the rest of the world that Jewish life was possible again in Germany after the Holocaust. This landmark history presents a comprehensive account of reconstruction of a multifaceted Jewish life in a country that carries the legacy of being at the epicenter of the Holocaust.
Pearson Education Limited Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, Global Edition
Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, 9th Edition speaks to an evolved definition of integrated marketing and teaches students how to effectively communicate in the business world. It champions the importance of weaving together all marketing activities into one clear message and voice, and helps students understand how communications are produced and transmitted. The text explores advertising and promotions, and the roles of social media, mobile messaging, and other marketing tactics to effectively reach consumers. With added tools to help learners apply concepts to real-life situations, students will understand the vital links marketers use to connect and interact with customers. MyLab® Marketing is not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Marketing is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Pearson MyLab Marketing should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
HarperCollins Publishers Putting the One Minute Manager to Work (The One Minute Manager)
How to apply the key techniques learnt in One-Minute Manager. This is the companion to the original blockbuster bestseller which has transformed businesses around the world. This is the essential companion volume to The One Minute Manager, the international bestseller praised by top managers around the world. This book shows how the One Minute management techniques can be applied on a day-to-day basis to improve performance, productivity and profits. Their message is that there is no ‘quick fix’. The keys to successful management are conviction and consistency. Putting the One Minute Manager to Work is essential reading for all those who aspire to management, and to managing well.
Church Publishing Inc Soul Friend Spiritual Direction in the Modern World
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Leadership by the Book: Tools to Transform Your Workplace
Faber Music Ltd Masque - Brass Band: (Score)
Faber Music Ltd Masque (Wind Band Score Only)
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Darkwing
John Wiley & Sons Inc Elementary Teacher's Discipline Problem Solver: A Practical A-Z Guide for Managing Classroom Behavior Problems
Elementary Teacher’s Discipline Problem Solver is a ready-to-use resource filled with practical, concrete, and teacher-tested strategies that will help you maintain order in your classroom while preserving your students' dignity. Each of the book's proven techniques has been designed with the goal of helping you maximize your teaching time and minimize the time you spend disciplining. The strategies included here may be used on an as-needed basis for occasional discipline problems or in a more formal Response-to-Intervention (RTI) framework. Elementary Teacher's Discipline Problem Solver gives you the information and the down-to-earth strategies you need to handle 63 wide-ranging classroom problems including: Aggressive Behavior * Angry Outbursts * Attention Deficit * Backtalk * Bathroom Problems * Bullying * Calling Out * Cheating * Complaining * Crying Frequently * Disorganization * Disruptive Behavior * Homework Problems * Hyperactivity * Lack of Motivation * Low Self-esteem * Lunchroom Problems * Masturbation * Perfectionism * Playground Problems * Rude Behavior * Seatwork Problems * Shyness * Spitting * Talking Excessively * Teasing * Vandalism * Whining . . . and many more.
New Directions Publishing Corporation 100 Poems from the Japanese
The poems are drawn chiefly from the traditional Manyoshu, Kokinshu and Hyakunin Isshu collections, but there are also examplaes of haiku and other later forms. The sound of the Japanese texts i reproduced in Romaji script and the names of the poets in the calligraphy of Ukai Uchiyama. The translator's introduction gives us basic background on the history and nature of Japanese poetry, which is supplemented by notes on the individual poets and an extensive bibliography.
Fordham University Press Pragmatism, Reason, and Norms: A Realistic Assessment
This collection of essays examines the issue of norms and social practices both in epistemology and in moral and social philosophy. The contributors examine the issue across an unprecedented range of issues, including epistemology (realism, perception, testimony), logic, education, foundations of morality, philosophy of law, the pragmatic account of norms and their justification, and the pragmatic character of reason itself.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Medieval Mercenaries, The Great Companies
This is the first book devoted exclusively to the history of 'The Great Companies', an assembly of mercenaries drawn from different European countries who came together to fight in the second half of the 14th century, sometimes in the employ of kings, the pope, princes or city republics, but frequently fighting on their own account.
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd Sonnets
Faith Library Publications Gifts of the Spirit
Faith Library Publications How to Turn Your Faith Loose
University Press of America The Nixon Presidency: Twenty-Two Intimate Perspectives of Richard M. Nixon
This Nixon portrait provides a comprehensive view of the Nixon presidency based on extensive oral histories with some twenty-two intimates of the former President. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
This accessible, original book is an exploration of the relevance of classical social theory in the contemporary world. It examines the work of Marx, Weber and Durkheim through the lens of new theoretical issues, such as the role of Empire, the problem of cultural differences, and the possibilities of democracy that are implicit in each theorist's perspective.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Psychology of Emotion: From Everyday Life to Theory
'It is late at night and you are sitting quietly. The neighbours are all away. Suddenly, there is a huge thump on the door, a scream and then a deathly silence...' As emotion and emotional experience are a daily occurrence, they have always been key topics of study for psychologists. Now in its fifth edition, The Psychology of Emotion is a classic student text on the subject. This textbook offers a comprehensive guide to all the main theories and concepts of emotion, and relates these back to everyday life, using examples that everyone can identify with. Written in an engaging, accessible style, this fully revised edition features: * Comprehensive overview and discussion of main theories of emotion * Real life examples to illustrate key concepts * Discussion topics * Chapter summaries * Suggestions for further reading The multi-disciplinary approach taken will appeal to those investigating emotion in the fields of philosophy and the social sciences, as well as to psychology students and lecturers. Everyone studying or teaching emotion will find The Psychology of Emotion to be an invaluable resource.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Millikan and Her Critics
Millikan and Her Critics offers a unique critical discussion of Ruth Millikan's highly regarded, influential, and systematic contributions to philosophy of mind and language, philosophy of biology, epistemology, and metaphysics. These newly written contributions present discussion from some of the most important philosophers in the field today and include replies from Millikan herself. Comprises 13 new essays that critically examine the highly regarded and influential work of Ruth Millikan Covers a wide range of Millikan's most important work, from philosophy of mind and language to philosophy of biology Features contributions by some of the most important and influential philosophers working today Includes original replies to critics by Millikan
Whitman Publishing Guide Book United States Currency 8th Edition
The University of Chicago Press The Notebooks of Henry James
"For other novelists the value of Henry James's Notebooks is immense and to brood over them a major experience. The glow of the great impresario is on the pages. They are occasionally readable and endlessly stimulating, often moving and are ocasionally relieved by a drop of gossip."—V. S. Pritchett, New Statesman "The Notebooks take us into his study, and here we can observe him, at last, in the very act of creation at his writing table."—Leon Edel, Atlantic Monthly "A document of prime importance."—Edmund Wilson, New Yorker
University Press of America Foreign Policy in the Reagan Presidency: Nine Intimate Perspectives
In this work, distinguished political figures and journalists who worked closely with Ronald Reagan examine his role in foreign policy. Contents: Preface; Introduction. PART I: PRINCIPLES OF FOREIGN POLICY; Reagan's Foreign Policy Leadership, Sterling Kernek; Reagan and the Realities of Foreign Policy, Paul H. Nitze; Reagan and International Arms Agreements, Caspar Weinberger. PART II: PERSONALITY AND POLICY-MAKING; Reagan as Decisionmaker, John C. Whitehead; Serving Reagan as Negotiator, Max M. Kampelman; Reagan's Leadership: Mystery Man or Ideological Guide? Elliott Abrams. PART III: THE REAGAN STRATEGY: PERSONAL OR INSTITUTIONAL? Administration and Technical Assistance: A.I.D.'s Western Hemisphere Program, Dwight Ink; Reagan as Foreign Policy Strategist, Paul H. Nitze; Reagan's Triumph: Personal or Institutional? Don Oberdorfer. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
University Press of America The Reagan to Bush Experience
This volume provides a synthesis of earlier Miller Center studies on presidential transitions. It also evaluates the latest presidential transition from Ronald Reagan to George Bush. It is one of the few if not the only transition study that examines the past and present. Contributors: Tom Wicker, Sir Patrick Moberly, Charles A. Bowsher, James P. Pfiffner, W. David Clinton, and Charles Untermeyer. Co-published with the Miller Center of Public Affairs.
University Press of America The Virginia Papers on the Presidency: The Miller Center Forums 1991-1996
This volume explores the dual role of the president—leader of the American people and leader and spokesman for the United States. Part I examines the roles of the president through discussions of presidential leadership at summits, relations between Congress and the president, and the organization of policy-making. In Part II the focus shifts to the role of presidential communication in the international arena. American intervention is analyzed and the role of the U.N. executive committee is considered. The experiences of presidents on crucial domestic issues—education and science—is the theme of Part III. Contributors discuss how presidential policy on these issues influences the nation's future, both domestically and internationally. Part IV is a case study of the Cuban Missle Crisis that typifies the executive's role in the international setting, and Part V focuses on public philosophy and how it relates to urgent political problems. The book concludes with observations by the Miller Center's director on the history of the Center, the Miller Center series, and the contribution of public forums to a free and constructive exchange of ideas.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology, Life History Data on Freshwater Fishes of the United States and Canada, Exclusive of the Perciformes
These volumes have, for over 30 years, been the most readily available source listing the scattered articles, theses, bulletins, and research on freshwater fish in the United States and Canada. The Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology summarizes the available data on age, growth, length weight, fecundity, reproductive behavior feeding habits, and necessary environment for each freshwater species. The comparison of species is presented in a manner easily used by fishery mangers and biologists.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology, Life History Data on Centrarchid Fishes of the United States and Canada
These volumes have, for over 30 years, been the most readily available source listing the scattered articles, theses, bulletins, and research on freshwater fish in the United States and Canada. The Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology summarizes the available data on age, growth, length weight, fecundity, reproductive behavior feeding habits, and necessary environment for each freshwater species. The comparison of species is presented in a manner easily used by fishery mangers and biologists.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Classical Social Theory: A Contemporary Approach
This accessible, original book is an exploration of the relevance of classical social theory in the contemporary world. It examines the work of Marx, Weber and Durkheim through the lens of new theoretical issues, such as the role of Empire, the problem of cultural differences, and the possibilities of democracy that are implicit in each theorist's perspective.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Psychology of Emotion: From Everyday Life to Theory
'It is late at night and you are sitting quietly. The neighbours are all away. Suddenly, there is a huge thump on the door, a scream and then a deathly silence...' As emotion and emotional experience are a daily occurrence, they have always been key topics of study for psychologists. Now in its fifth edition, The Psychology of Emotion is a classic student text on the subject. This textbook offers a comprehensive guide to all the main theories and concepts of emotion, and relates these back to everyday life, using examples that everyone can identify with. Written in an engaging, accessible style, this fully revised edition features: * Comprehensive overview and discussion of main theories of emotion * Real life examples to illustrate key concepts * Discussion topics * Chapter summaries * Suggestions for further reading The multi-disciplinary approach taken will appeal to those investigating emotion in the fields of philosophy and the social sciences, as well as to psychology students and lecturers. Everyone studying or teaching emotion will find The Psychology of Emotion to be an invaluable resource.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Aircraft Control Allocation
Aircraft Control Allocation An authoritative work on aircraft control allocation by its pioneers Aircraft Control Allocation addresses the problem of allocating redundant flight controls. It provides introductory material on flight dynamics and control to provide the context, and then describes in detail the geometry of the problem. The book includes a large section on solution methods, including ‘Banks’ method’, a previously unpublished procedure. Generalized inverses are also discussed at length. There is an introductory section on linear programming solutions, as well as an extensive and comprehensive appendix on linear programming formulations and solutions. Discrete-time or ‘frame-wise’ allocation is described, including rate-limiting, nonlinear data, and preferred solutions. Key features: Written by pioneers in the field of control allocation Comprehensive explanation and discussion of the major control-allocation solution methods Extensive treatment of linear programming solutions to control allocation A companion web site contains the code of a MATLAB/Simulink light simulation with modules that incorporate all of the major solution methods Includes examples based on actual aircraft The book is a vital reference for researchers and practitioners working in aircraft control, as well as graduate students in aerospace engineering.
Princeton University Press Credit Risk Pricing Measurement and Management
Offers a treatment of the conceptual, practical, and empirical foundations for credit risk pricing and risk measurement. This book models credit risk for the purpose of measuring portfolio risk and pricing defaultable bonds, credit derivatives, and other securities exposed to credit risk. It is intended as a resource for researchers and students.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Ka-ching
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Don't Know Much about the Solar System