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Peeters Publishers La Faute Et Sa Punition Dans Les Societes Orientales: Colloque College De France, CNRS, Societe Asiatique De Juin 2010
Les quatriemes Rencontres ont reuni membres du College de France, de la Societe Asiatique et du CNRS sur le theme de La Faute et sa punition, les civilisations orientales, des l'origine, n'etant pas tendres pour ceux qu'elles consideraient contrevenir a leurs commandements. Les contributions n'ont pas masque cette rudesse, tout en prenant soin d'institutionaliser les facons d'amener lentement a la mort les contrevenants. La tonte dans les textes bibliques sert de marquer pour le recit de moments ou la vengeance s'accomplit. Si les Assyriens n'ont pas aujourd'hui bonne reputation, ils le doivent a la facon dont ils ont poursuivi ceux qui leur resistaient. Les recits des sevices ottomans envers leurs coupables ou chez les peuples qu'ils ont conquis, ainsi que les facons qu'ont eues les empereurs chinois d'exercer leur justice, montrent que d'autres civilisations ont eu autant d'imagination qu'eux. Les textes administratifs font rentrer dans la quotidiennete des punitions et, tant qu'il n'etait pas fautif, l'esclave pouvait passer pour un membre normal de la communaute. La punition consiste le plus souvent a infliger au coupable ce qu'il redoute le plus dans cette vie, comme l'exil, ou dans l'autre, comme les supplices infernaux, le refus d'inhumer le coupable etant la perenisation de la punition, theme recurrent dans beaucoup de documentations mais etudie systematiquement a propos de la Bible. Des recits caucasiques montrent la prehistoire du mythe de Promethee, puni par les Dieux pour avoir instaure sa propre justice. Ces textes, loin du recit classique et tres empreints d'ideologie chretienne, s'en tiennent encore a la brutalite d'une demesure assurement condamnable. Du Japon proviennent des recits humoristiques se moquant du maitre de la punition qu'est cense etre le chef des enfers ou comment l'on distribue de facon inopinee des coups de baton pour inciter au mieux. L'horrible fait divers qui clot ces contributions montre jusqu'a l'epoque contemporaine le relativite des sanctions selon les points de vue.
Peeters Publishers Le Droit Ecclesiastique En Europe Et a Ses Marges (XVIIIe-XXe Siecles): Actes Du Colloque Du Centre Droit Et Societes Religieuses, Universite De Paris-Sud Sceaux, 12-13 Octobre 2007
Cet ouvrage collectif a ete realise a partir des actes du colloque organise par le centre Droit et Societes religieuses de l'Universite de Paris Sud, les 12 et 13 octobre 2007, a la Faculte Jean Monnet, a Sceaux. Dans une perspective historique mais tout en menant leurs investigations jusqu'a nos jours, les auteurs abordent les questions fondamentales relatives a la place des religions dans la societe ou a leurs relations avec les pouvoirs publics et autorites politiques, en France, dans divers pays europeens (Italie, Espagne, Suisse, Belgique, Roumanie) ou aux marges de l'Europe (Russie, Turquie). Partout, les societes se sont secularisees; quels sont les courants ideologiques qui ont accompagne ces mutations? Ces evolutions ont-elles modifie le fonctionnement d'institutions sociales comme le systeme d'education ou de sante? Partout la liberte religieuse est proclamee; doit-on en deduire que les pouvoirs publics traitent toutes les religions sur un meme mode? Certains Etats signent des concordats avec le Saint-Siege, ou promulguent des lois de liberte religieuse; d'autres se disent laiques; quels furent les processus selon lesquels les laicites italienne, turque, francaise ou autres se sont construites? Telles sont quelques-unes des interrogations auxquelles ce livre repond.
Peeters Publishers Torah et Science: Perspectives Historiques et Theoriques: Melanges Offerts a Charles Touati
Par son enseignement au Seminaire Israelite de France et a l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Section de Sciences Religieuses), et par son oeuvre ecrite, Charles Touati a fourni des contributions de premiere importance a l'etude de la Torah et de la hokhmah, les sciences sacrees et les sciences profanes, dans le judaisme talmudique et medieval. En particulier, son apport a la connaissance de Gersonide et des philosophes et halakhistes provencaux a ete decisif. Des disciples et des collegues, en France et a l'etranger, lui offrent un tribut d'articles (en francais ou en anglais) qui illustrent le theme, constitutif du judaisme et de ses contradictions, des relations entre la Torah et la hokhmah, depuis l'epoque hellenistique jusqu'a nos jours. Contributeurs: R. Brague, S. Feldman, P. Fenton, G. Freudenthal, R. Goetschel, A. Guetta, M. Hadas-Lebel, W.Z Harvey, M. Kellner, D. Lasker, J.-P. Rotschild, D. Schwartz, C. Sirat. L'ouvrage comprend une bibliographie des travaux de Ch. Touati.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites VIII: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 2004
The latest developments in ceramic, glass, and composites processing and characterization are covered in this volume. Included are papers from industry, academia, and research laboratories on the advances in basic science and technology and how these can be used to address technological issues faced by the industry.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Spectroscopic Techniques for Security, Forensic & Environmental Applications
John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites VII
The latest developments in ceramic and glass processing and characterization are covered including solution method and nanocrystalline powders, polymer precursor and sol-gel technology, microwave processing, novel processing methods, functionally graded materials, laminated object manufacturing, thin films and coatings, synthesis and characterization, diamond films, electrophoresis, and processing-microstructure-property relationships. Proceedings of the symposium held at the 105th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 27-30, in Nashville, Tennessee; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 154.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
With the help of in-depth essays from some of the world's leading philosophers, The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology explores the nature and existence of God through human reason and evidence from the natural world. Provides in-depth and cutting-edge treatment of natural theology's main arguments Includes contributions from first-rate philosophers well known for their work on the relevant topics Updates relevant arguments in light of the most current, state-of-the-art philosophical and scientific discussions Stands in useful contrast and opposition to the arguments of the 'new atheists'
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites X: Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 2004
Ceramic matrix composites are likely candidates for high-temperature structural applications in industries such as aerospace, utilities, and transportation. This volume includes papers on advances in basic science and technology of ceramic matrix composites and how these advances can be used to address technological issues faced by industry.
Nova Science Publishers Inc All Fluid-Flow-Regimes Simulation Model for Internal Flows
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Korean Art
The only college-level publication on Korean art history written in English Korean pop culture has become an international phenomenon in the past few years. The popularity of the nation’s exports—movies, K-pop, fashion, television shows, lifestyle and cosmetics products, to name a few—has never been greater in Western society. Despite this heightened interest in contemporary Korean culture, scholarly Western publications on Korean visual arts are scarce and often outdated. A Companion to Korean Art is the first academically-researched anthology on the history of Korean art written in English. This unique anthology brings together essays by renowned scholars from Korea, the US, and Europe, presenting expert insights and exploring the most recent research in the field. Insightful chapters discuss Korean art and visual culture from early historical periods to the present. Subjects include the early paintings of Korea, Buddhist architecture, visual art of the late Chosŏn period, postwar Korean Art, South Korean cinema, and more. Several chapters explore the cultural exchange between the Korean peninsula, the Chinese mainland, and the Japanese archipelago, offering new perspectives on Chinese and Japanese art. The most comprehensive survey of the history of Korean art available, this book: Offers a comprehensive account of Korean visual culture through history, including contemporary developments and trends Presents two dozen articles and numerous high quality illustrations Discusses visual and material artifacts of Korean art kept in various archives and collections worldwide Provides theoretical and interpretive balance on the subject of Korean art Helps instructors and scholars of Asian art history incorporate Korean visual arts in their research and teaching The definitive and authoritative reference on the subject, A Companion to Korean Art is indispensable for scholars and academics working in areas of Asian visual arts, university students in Asian and Korean art courses, and general readers interested in the art, culture, and history of Korea.
University of Toronto Press The Blueprint: Conservative Parties and their Impact on Canadian Politics
In this collection, J.P. Lewis and Joanna Everitt bring together a group of up-and coming-political scientists as well as senior scholars to explore the recent history of the Conservative Party of Canada, covering the pre-merger period (1993-2003) and both the minority and majority governments under Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The contributors provide nuanced accounts about the experience of conservatives in Canada which reflect the contemporary evolution of Canadian politics in both policy and practice. They challenge the assumption that Harper's government was built upon traditional "toryism" and reveal the extent to which the agenda of the CPC was shaped by its roots to the Reform and Canadian Alliance Parties. Organized thematically, the volume delves into such topics as interest advocacy, ethno-cultural minorities, gender, the media, foreign policy, and more. The Blueprint showcases the renewed vigour in political studies in Canada while revealing the contradictory story of the modern Conservative Party.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology
With the help of in-depth essays from some of the world's leading philosophers, The Blackwell Companion to Natural Theology explores the nature and existence of God through human reason and evidence from the natural world. Provides in-depth and cutting-edge treatment of natural theology's main arguments Includes contributions from first-rate philosophers well known for their work on the relevant topics Updates relevant arguments in light of the most current, state-of-the-art philosophical and scientific discussions Stands in useful contrast and opposition to the arguments of the 'new atheists'
Random House USA Inc The Sweet Smell of Christmas: A Christmas Scratch and Sniff Book for Kids
University of Hertfordshire Press Custom and Commercialisation in English Rural Society: Revisiting Tawney and Postan
English rural society underwent fundamental changes between the thirteenth and eighteenth centuries with urbanization, commercialization and industrialization producing new challenges and opportunities for inhabitants of rural communities. However, our understanding of this period has been shaped by the compartmentalization of history into medieval and early-modern specialisms and by the debates surrounding the transition from feudalism to capitalism and landlord-tenant relations. Inspired by the classic works of Tawney and Postan, this collection of essays examines their relevance to historians today, distinguishing between their contrasting approaches to the pre-industrial economy and exploring the development of agriculture and rural industry; changes in land and property rights; and competition over resources in the English countryside.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Deer: Habitat, Behavior & Conservation
Peeters Publishers From Byzantium to Iran: Armenian Studies in Honour of Nina G. Garsoian
Penguin Books Ltd The Satyricon
The Satyricon is one of the most outrageous and strikingly modern works to have survived from the ancient world. Most likely written by an advisor of Nero, it recounts the adventures of Encolpius and his companions as they travel around Italy, encountering courtesans, priestesses, con men, brothel-keepers, pompous professors and, above all, Trimalchio, the nouveau riche millionaire whose debauched feasting and pretentious vulgarity make him one of the great comic characters in literature. Estimated to date from 63 - 65 AD, and only surviving in fragments, The Satyricon nevertheless offers an unmatched satirical portrait of the age of Nero, in all its excesses and chaos.
Roli Books Pvt Ltd Delhi: Red Fort to Raisina
'Delhi: Red Fort to Raisina' traces the journey of Shahjahan's new capital of the Mughal Empire, Shahjahanabad built on the banks of river Yamuna in 1638 to New Delhi the new capital of British-ruled India in 1911. From Red Fort to Jama Masjid and from Jahanara Bagh to Hayat Bakhsh Bagh, every palace, mosque, bazaar, and bagh in the Mughal city was planned to perfection. The new city too, designed in the early twentieth century, was a blend of Mughal architecture and modern aesthetics. This book celebrates the centenary with four essays on different aspects of Delhi's history by JP Losty, Salman Khurshid, Ratish Nanda, and Malvika Singh. A lively portrait of the city and its culture and people, the book documents the transition of the oldworld charm of Shahjahanabad to a modern city with a new seat of power built on the Raisina Hill. Pramod Kapoor is a collector of historical records and photographs, and a publisher by profession. The photographs for this book were lovingly collected by him over a long period of time from all over the world. Often, the best photographs were found in old trunks lying forgotten in dusty attics or damp basements of the palaces. The biggest challenge, however, was to coax fading memories to remember names and places. A keen photographer, he has also compiled and researched photographs for pioneering books like 'India: Then and Now', 'Witness to Life and Freedom: Margaret-Bourke White in India', 'New Delhi: Making of a Capital', and the most recent 'Delhi: Red Fort to Raisina'.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pharmaceuticals, Corporate Crime and Public Health
Dukes, Braithwaite and Moloney reach the depressing conclusion that 'corporate crime in the pharmaceutical industry appears to be on the rise.' Their approach to this problem is much more nuanced than just throwing people in jail. They advocate for a pyramid of regulatory strategies including qui tam legislation and equity fines. There is an opportunity for a radical transformation of the pharmaceutical industry and the authors offer us a road map to begin that journey.'- Joel Lexchin MD, York University, CanadaThe pharmaceutical industry must exist to serve the community, but over the years it has engaged repeatedly in corporate crime and anti-social behavior, with the public footing the bill. This readable study by experts in medicine, law, criminology and public health, with deep experience of the industry, documents problems ranging from false advertising and counterfeiting to corruption, fraud and overpricing. It is a fresh and revealing look at the unacceptable pressures brought to bear on doctors, politicians, patients and the media.Uniquely, the book presents realistic and worldwide solutions for the future, with positive policies encouraging honest dealing, as well as partial privatization of enforcement and a transformation of science policy to develop the medicines that society needs most. The authors examine in turn each of the main facets of the pharmaceutical industry's activities - research, manufacturing, information, distribution and pricing - as well as some questionable aspects of its relationship with society.Offering a considered analysis of pharmaceutical rights and wrongs as they have developed, particularly over the last half-century, this book is rich in new insights for managers in the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory agencies and health agencies.Contents: Essay Part I: Setting the Scene Introduction Part II: A View of Rights and Wrongs 1. Creating a Medicine: Why, How and How Not 2. Safe, Unsafe and Improper Manufacturing Practices 3. Aggressive or Misleading Promotion 4. The Dark Art of Manipulation: The Industry and its Puppets 5. Corruption, Counterfeiting and Fraud 6. Prices, Monopolies, Abuses and the Law Part III: Transforming the Way Ahead 7. A Criminological Perspective on a Worsening Crisis 8. Positive Regulation: The Complementary Role of Supports and Sanctions 9. A Responsive Criminal Law of Pharmaceuticals 10. Privatising Enforcement 11. A New Capitalism: A New Drug Diplomacy Index
Les Belles Lettres Autolycos de Pitane, La Sphere En Mouvement. Levers Et Couchers Heliaques. Testimonia
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites VIII
Ceramic composites are leading candidate materials for high-temperature structural applications. This new book updates readers on the latest in state-of-the-art ceramic composite processing and fabrication methods, process modeling, processing-microstructure-property relationships, mechanical behavior, and characterization. Many of the most important aspects necessary for the understanding and further development of ceramic composites is covered in this volume. It will be of great interest to the technical community involved in advanced ceramic composite processing, characterization, component development, and manufacturing. Proceedings of the symposium held at the 104th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 28-May1, 2002 in Missouri; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 139.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites II
Three international symposia “Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites”, “Ceramic Matrix Composites”, and “Microwave Processing of Ceramics” were held during Materials Science & Technology 2009 Conference & Exhibition (MS&T’09), Pittsburgh, PA, October 25-29, 2009. These symposia provided an international forum for scientists, engineers, and technologists to discuss and exchange state-of-the-art ideas, information, and technology on advanced methods and approaches for processing, synthesis and characterization of ceramics, glasses, and composites. A total of 83 papers, including 20 invited talks, were presented in the form of oral and poster presentations. Authors from 19 countries (Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Russia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, U.K., and the United States) participated. The speakers represented universities, industries, and government research laboratories.
Peeters Publishers Le Rossignol Instrumental: Poesie, Musique, Modernite
La langue est faite de vibrations qui combinent rythmes et timbres. C'est par le son (donc la musique) qu'elle va d'abord creer un effet d'ordre ou au contraire de cacophonie, de desarticulation - le "desordre organise" recherche dans certaines ecoles de la poesie d'avant-garde. "C'est aussi simple qu'une phrase musicale", ecrivait Rimbaud. Il reste cependant comme un mystere a eclaircir, un mystere dont la force de seduction tient dans la part impalpable de significations (naguere on parlait de signifiance) qui se degage des deux langages associes dans une meme production, le poeme. La perspective adoptee ici est a la fois chronologique et comparative; elle est aussi interdisciplinaire dans la mesure ou elle fait appel a des experiences qui ne sont pas que de savoirs mais aussi, pour de nombreux intervenants, de creation.
Peeters Publishers Huysmans, a Cote Et Au-dela
Si la critique contemporaine connait bien le parcours de Joris-Karl Huysmans, ecrivain qui epouse d'abord la cause naturaliste avant de s'en ecarter pour s'orienter vers une quete plus personnelle, les "a cotes" de l'oeuvre restent encore dans l'ombre: poemes en prose, carnets intimes, correspondance, manuscrits inacheves, critiques d'art, etc. Le present ouvrage, qui rassemble les actes d'un colloque tenu a Cerisy l'ete 1998, tente de rendre a Huysmans la diversite et la richesse qui lui reviennent en proposant a la fois de nouvelles interpretations des textes les plus connus, ainsi qu'une exploration des marges. Le moment semble en effet venu de remettre en question une image un peu trop figee de l'oeuvre pour proposer d'autres voies de recherches, un "au-dela" qui incite a la voir sous un jour nouveau, en tenant notamment compte des textes retrouves. Nouveaux regards, nouvelles lectures reunissent ainsi specialistes internationaux, amateurs et curieux, dans un echange fecond d'idees et de perspectives. Jean-Pierre Bertrand, professeur de litterature francaise des 19e et 20e siecles a l'universite de Liege, specialiste de Jules Laforgue et de la litterature fin de siecle en France et en Belgique. Sylvie Duran, universite de Bordeaux III, specialiste de Huysmans, de sa correspondance et de son "Carnet vert". Francoise Grauby, professeur de literature francaise a l'universite de Sydney, specialiste de la litterature francaise de la fin du 19e siecle et de ses mythologies.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Complex Dynamics
CABI Publishing Amino Acids in Human Nutrition and Health
Human health issues relating to amino acids are extremely broad and include metabolic disorders of amino acid metabolism as well as their presence in food and use as supplements. This book covers the biochemistry of amino acid metabolism in the context of health and disease. It discusses their use as food supplements, in clinical therapy and nutritional support and focuses on major recent developments, highlighting new areas of research that will be needed to sustain further interest in the field.
CABI Publishing Amino Acids in Higher Plants
Amino acids play a role in the defence mechanisms and stress responses of plants, as well as in food quality and safety for humans and animals. Recent advances in the field make a comprehensive overview of the information a necessity; this book collates chapters on plant enzymes and metabolism, modulation, molecular aspects and secondary products. Also including information on ecology, the environment and mammalian nutrition and toxicology, it provides an authoritative resource.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites VI
Contains 32 papers from the following seven 2013 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T'13) symposia: Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites Advanced Materials for Harsh Environments Advances in Dielectric Materials and Electronic Devices Controlled Synthesis, Processing, and Applications of Structure and Functional Nanomaterials Rustum Roy Memorial Symposium: Processing and Performance of Materials Using Microwaves, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Ultrasound, Lasers, and Mechanical Work Solution Based Processing for Ceramic Materials
John Wiley & Sons Inc Novel Processing of Ceramics and Composites
This book provides a state-of-the-art collection of recent papers presented at the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology in September 2005. Topics include combustion synthesis, reaction forming, polymer processing, solid freeform fabrication, chemical vapor deposition, electrochemical and solution depositions, plasma synthesis and floc-casting for fabrication of nanopowders, nanorods, electronic ceramics, composites, thin films, and coatings.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Grid Technology & Applications: Recent Developments
John Libbey & Co Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia: Pathophysiological & Therapeutic Approaches
John Wiley & Sons Inc Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites V
Contains contributed 38 papers from the following seven symposia held during the 2012 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T’12) meeting: Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites Solution Based Processing for Ceramic Materials Novel Sintering Processes and News in the Conventional Sintering and Grain Growth Nanotechnology for Energy, Healthcare and Industry Dielectric Ceramic Materials and Electronic Devices Controlled Synthesis, Processing, and Applications of Structure and Functional Nanomaterials
CABI Publishing Handbook of Microbial Metabolism of Amino Acids, The
This book collates and reviews recent advances in the microbial metabolism of amino acids, emphasizing diversity - in terms of the range of organisms under investigation and their natural ecology - and the unique features of amino acid metabolism in bacteria, yeasts, fungi, protozoa and nematodes. As well as studying the individual amino acids, including arginine, sulfur amino acids, branched-chain amino acids and aromatic amino acids, a number of themes are explored throughout the work. These include: - Comparative issues between the metabolism of microbes and those of higher organisms, including plants and mammals - Potential for drug targets in pathways of both biosynthesis and degradation of amino acids - Relationship between amino acids or associated enzymes and virulence in parasitic pathogens - Practical implications for food microbiology and pathogen characterization - Future priorities relating to fundamental biochemistry of microrganisms, food quality and safety, human and animal health, plant pathology, drug design and ecology As the volume of research into the metabolism of amino acids grows, this comprehensive study of the subject is a vital tool for researchers in the fields of biological, medical and veterinary sciences, including microbiology, biochemistry, genetics and pathology. This book is also essential for corporate organizations with active research and development programmes, such as those in the pharmaceutical industry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites XI: Proceedings of the 107th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 2005
Contained in this proceeding is a variety of papers that discuss recent advances in ceramic matrix composites. Topics include processing, characterization, geopolymers, evnironmental effects, coatings, and mechanical properties.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites IX: Proceedings of the 107th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 2005
This proceedings includes papers presented at the Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites symposium. Topics include powders, films, coatings, fibers, composites, and functionally graded materials; sol-gel, polymer precursor, and soft chemistry techniques; novel processing and microstructure-property relationships; reaction forming, combustion synthesis, and CVD; oxidation of metals and mechanical alloying; electrophoresis and plasma processing; and mechanism and kinetics of processes.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites IX
Ceramic-matrix composites are strong, tough, environmentally stable, light in weight, and have the ability to withstand high operating temperatures. These characteristics make them viable candidate materials for high temperature structural applications. Twenty three are included in this volume describing the latest developments in the areas of ceramic fibers, processing and fabrication, oxide and non-oxide composites, carbon-carbon composites, geopolymer composites, mechanical behavior, corrosion and environmental effects, characterization, fiber-matrix interface, design of composites, and thermal/environmental barrier coatings. Proceedings of the symposium held at the 105th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 27-30, in Nashville, Tennessee; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 153.
Peeters Publishers Melchisedek (NH IX, 1): Oblation, Bapteme Et Vision Dans La Gnose Sethienne
Comment devient-on Pretre du Tres Haut? Rien de plus aise que d'interroger Melchisedek lui-meme, puisqu'il est eternel, comme son sacerdoce. Entre l'apocalypse de Gamaliel, qui fut a l'origine de sa vocation, et les revelations de mysterieux messagers, qui l'assurent de vaincre a la fin des temps toutes les puissances de ce monde opposees a son ministere, Melchisedek celebre sous nos yeux la liturgie du Grand Pretre celeste: il s'offre en action de graces au Pere du Tout avec tous les siens; il recoit et dispense un bapteme d'eau qui inonde de lumiere celeste et ramene a leurs origines transcendantes les fils de Seth. Demeurant sur terre de l'origine a la fin des temps, il est le maillon le plus proche d'une longue chaine de remontee des ames lumineuses. Par ses nombreuses references christologiques, ses positions antidocetes et son exegese paradoxale de l'Epitre aux Hebreux, ce traite represente un cas extreme de christianisation de la gnose sethienne. Le texte copte etabli par Wolf-Peter Funk ameliore substantiellement celui de l'Editio Princeps (1981). L'introduction de Jean-Pierre Mahe montre la coherence de cet ecrit, qui, sous une apparence apocalyptique, est en fait essentiellement liturgique et communautaire; elle en precise les liens avec la tradition sethienne. Tout en resolvant les nombreuses difficultes que pose la lecture d'un texte extremement lacunaire, le commentaire de Claudio Gianotto eclaire l'interpretation gnostique du personnage de Melchisedek et articule ses rapports avec le Christ des Evangiles et le Sauveur celeste.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses, and Composites V
The most recent advancements in the areas of ceramic/composite processing and characterization are presented in this new volume. Selected topics include sol-gel processing, microwave sintering, reaction forming/bonding, polymer precursors, rapid prototyping, mechanical alloying, diamond and diamond-like structures, and functionally graded materials. Proceedings of the symposium held at the 103rd Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 22-25, 2001, in Indiana; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 129.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites IV
With contributed papers from the 2011 Materials Science and Technology symposia, this is a useful one-stop resource for understanding the most important issues in the processing and properties of advanced ceramics and composites. Logically organized and carefully selected, the articles cover the themes of the symposia: Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites; Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites; Solution-Based Processing of Materials; and Microwave Processing of Materials. A must for academics in mechanical and chemical engineering, materials and or ceramics, and chemistry.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Processing and Properties of Advanced Ceramics and Composites III
This book contains 17 papers from the Innovative Processing and Synthesis of Ceramics, Glasses and Composites and Advances in Ceramic Matrix Composites symposia held during the 2010 Materials Science and Technology (MS&T'10) meeting, October 17-21, 2010, Houston, Texas. Topics include: Fiber Composites; Modeling and Characterization; Nanomaterials; Testing; Microstructure-Property Relationships; Advanced Coatings; and Processing Methods.
Crossway Books Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique
This volume of more than two dozen essays written by highly credentialed scientists, philosophers, and theologians from Europe and North America provides the most comprehensive critique of theistic evolution yet produced, opening the door to scientific and theological alternatives.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism
THE BLACKWELL COMPANION TO SUBSTANCE DUALISM “This is a terrific volume … by a long way, the best currently available anthology on dualism, and a worthy addition to Blackwell’s distinguished series of Companions.” Tim Crane, Central European University “A major contribution to an ongoing transformation of analytic philosophy of mind.” Howard Robinson, Central European University “This high quality volume offers a rich variety of perspectives on substance dualism and will be a valuable resource for students and researchers in philosophy of mind and philosophy of religion.” John Cottingham, University of Reading “Thorough and fair … the quality of the essays is high. This will certainly be the book on substance dualism.” Michael Tye, University of Texas at Austin Substance dualism has for some time been dismissed as an archaic and defeated position in philosophy of mind, but in recent years, the topic has experienced a resurgence of scholarly interest and has been restored to contemporary prominence by a growing minority of philosophers prepared to interrogate the core principles upon which past objections and misunderstandings rest. As the first book of its kind to bring together a collection of contemporary writing from top proponents and critics in a pro-contra format, the Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism captures this ongoing dialogue and sets the stage for rigorous and lively discourse around dualist and physicalist accounts of human persons in philosophy. Chapters explore emergent, Thomistic, Cartesian, and other forms of substance dualism — broadly conceived — in dialogue with leading varieties of physicalism, including animalism, non-reductive physicalism, and constitution theory. Loose, Menuge, and Moreland pair essays from dualist advocates with astute criticism from physicalist opponents and vice versa, highlighting points of contrast for readers in thematic sections while showcasing today’s leading minds engaged in direct debate. Taken together, essays provide nuanced paths of introduction for students, and capture the imagination of professional philosophers looking to expand their understanding of the subject. Skillfully curated and in touch with contemporary science as well as analytic theology, the Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism strikes a measured balanced between advocacy and criticism, and is a first-rate resource for researchers, scholars, and students of philosophy, theology, and neuroscience.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Ia Drang 1965: The Struggle for Vietnam’s Pleiku Province
The Pleiku campaign of October–November 1965 was a major event in the Vietnam War, and it is usually regarded as the first substantial battle between the US Army and the People’s Army of Vietnam. The brigade-sized actions involving elements of the US 1st Cavalry Division at Landing Zones X-Ray and Albany in the valley of the river Drang have become iconic episodes in the military history of the United States. In 1965, in an effort to stem the Communist tide, the Americans began to commit substantial conventional ground forces to the war in Vietnam. Amongst these was the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile), a new type of formation equipped with a large fleet of helicopters. On 19 October, North Vietnamese forces besieged a Special Forces camp at Plei Me, and after the base was relieved days later, the commander of the 1st Cavalry Division, General Harry Kinnard, advocated using his troops to pursue the retreating Communist forces. A substantial North Vietnamese concentration was discovered, but rather than the badly battered troops the US expected, these were relatively fresh troops that had recently arrived in the Central Highlands. On the morning of 14 November 1965, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry, commanded by Lt. Col. Hal Moore, landed at LZ X-Ray to start the first major set-piece battle of the Vietnam War. This title explores the events of the campaign that followed, using detailed maps, specially-commissioned bird’s-eye views, and full-colour battlescenes to bring the narrative to life.
John Libbey Eurotext Bio-Clinical Interface: Bio-Clinical Psychiatry Mapping Brain Function
CABI Publishing Handbook of Environmental Toxicology, A: Human Disorders and Ecotoxicology
A Handbook of Environmental Toxicology focuses on two key aspects: human disorders and ecotoxicology as affected by major toxins originating from biological sources and pollutants, as well as radiation generated spontaneously or as a result of anthropogenic activity. A diverse array of these potentially harmful agents regularly appear in the atmosphere, soil, water and food, compromising both human health and biodiversity in natural and managed ecosystems. This book: - provides authoritative reviews together with specialist short communications to complement the main chapters and address contemporary issues with important case studies; - explores the cutting edge of research and also indicates the likely direction of future developments; - contains extensive coverage of toxicants that are of significant current interest and will be of increasing concern for many years to come; and - encourages international cooperation in future research on pollution and other environmental agents causing harm to human health and degradation of natural habitats in the ecosystem. Written by an international team of authors from a range of educational, medical and research establishments, this book is an essential reference for advanced students and researchers in the areas of environmental sciences, ecology, agriculture, environmental health and medicine, in addition to industry and government personnel responsible for environmental regulations and directives.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Tokyo Night Parade
Spirited Away meets Where the Wild Things Are by way of yokai mythology in this enchanting picture book by debut author J. P. Takahashi and illustrator Minako Tomigahara. The night parade is about to begin . . . The ground thunders in Tokyo. A gust of wind blows. The pitter-patter of paws and claws draws closer. The air is thick with swirling, swooping demons. It’s Eka’s favorite evening of the year, the one night she refuses to miss. But it’s become harder to travel to Japan now that she’s living across the world in New York.Unsure of when she can return next to see her yokai friends, Eka tries to forget that this could be her last parade for some time. Instead, she’ll march, sing, dance, hoot, and screech until sunrise. Because on this night, there’s no time to waste—the night parade awaits.Praise for Tokyo Night Parade:"This sparkling, Miyazaki-hued story instantly whisked me back to childhood summers in Tokyo." —Kyo Maclear, author of The Big Bath House and Kumo“An unforgettable story. A remarkable debut that delivers abundantly.” —Antwan Eady, author of Nigel and the Moon Two Starred Reviews * A B&N Best Book of 2023 * School Library Journal Best Book of the Year *