Search results for ""Author J. P.""
Peeters Publishers Passible des historiens: Jésus de Nazareth
Quasi universellement, Jésus de Nazareth est reconnu comme personnage historique. Comme tel, il est soumis aux sciences historiques et doit en souffrir, en pâtir, toutes les tortures. C'est le sens que retient le titre donné à ce recueil consacré à la recherche du Jésus de l'histoire: Passible des historiens: Jésus de Nazareth. Recherche d'historiens qui entendent s'en tenir, concernant Jésus, à ce que leurs seuls outils permettent d'en connaître. Ce qui implique une plongée dans tous les documents qui parlent de Jésus, l'histoire se faisant à partir de documents. Plongée dans les évangiles canoniques, singulièrement, mais également dans tous les textes anciens qui parlent de Jésus, bien que non retenus dans le canon chrétien des Écritures. Sources littéraires donc. Mais qui sont nées dans un contexte particulier, principalement celui de la Galilée du premier siècle. D'où l'importance, spécialement, de ce que l'archéologie permet de dire de la situation sociale de la Galilée de Jésus, au début du premier siècle. En un sens, les études de cet ouvrage appartiennent donc aux querelles infligées à la mémoire et à l'histoire de Jésus. Elles reflètent les débats de plus de quarante années de recherche autour du Jésus historique; débats, si l'on veut, de la troisième quête, amorcée au début des années 1980, et dont elles présentent, en somme, une certaine histoire.
Peeters Publishers Pensee De L'etre Et Theorie Politique. Le Moment Suarezien. III
Au commencement du XVII- siecle, une autre direction pour l'accomplissement du projet ontologique non identifiable a celle d'une science mathematique de la nature se profile et prefigure une recurrence persistante des origines de la philosophie. Ainsi, on trouve dans le systeme suarezien la retranscription originale et reactualisee d'une ligne de force traversant la pensee antique: l'ontopolitique. Il devient alors necessaire afin d'expliciter et de justifier cette orientation, de determiner a la fois le fondement et la specificite de la relation instauree par Suarez entre l'ontologie, la theologie, l'anthropologie et le politique; ces domaines demeurent indissociables d'une crise et d'un renouveau de la philosophie premiere s'enoncant comme accomplissement ethique de la raison metaphysique. Cet ouvrage se propose d'examiner chez Suarez (1548-1617), comment la theorie du droit et de la loi prolonge la pensee de l'etant elaboree par la metaphysique en une comprehension ontologique du politique. Il s'agit precisement de mener a son terme, dans un systeme unifie du savoir, la determination de l'etant en procedant a son extension a la question de l'etre de l'homme et de l'etre-en-commun propre a la societe politique. Au commencement du XVII- siecle, une autre direction pour l'accomplissement du projet ontologique non identifiable a celle d'une science mathematique de la nature se profile et prefigure une recurrence persistante des origines de la philosophie. Ainsi, on trouve dans le systeme suarezien la retranscription originale et reactualisee d'une ligne de force traversant la pensee antique: l'ontopolitique. Il devient alors necessaire afin d'expliciter et de justifier cette orientation, de determiner a la fois le fondement et la specificite de la relation instauree par Suarez entre l'ontologie, la theologie, l'anthropologie et le politique; ces domaines demeurent indissociables d'une crise et d'un renouveau de la philosophie premiere s'enoncant comme accomplissement ethique de la raison metaphysique.
Peeters Publishers L'Europe De L'exegese Au XVIe Siecle: Interpretations De La Parabole Des Ouvriers a La Vigne (Matthieu 20,1-16)
Cet ouvrage est au croisement de deux disciplines: l'histoire et l'exegese. En matiere d'exegese, il entreprend de suivre a la trace les interpretations qui ont ete donnees a la parabole des ouvriers de la onzieme heure (Mt 20,1-16) tout au long du 16e siecle. Pour permettre une comparaison adequate des differentes interpretations, a ete mise au point une grille de lecture (inspiree de T. Todorov et de P. Ricoeur), dans laquelle sont reprises de maniere systematique toutes les operations que peut impliquer l'interpretation d'un texte. On y trouve en particulier les dispositifs formels de l'interpretation (langue, plan, langage methodologique...); les operations elaborant le sens direct ou litteral du texte (mise en oeuvre des codes lexicaux, narratifs, historiques, litteraires...); et les operations elaborant son sens indirect ou symbolique (mise en oeuvre des symbolismes lexical et propositionnel, des contextes paradigmatique et syntagmatique, de l'intertextualite, de la reappropriation du lecteur, du monde du texte...). L'application de cette methode aux differents commentaires permet de voir les operations que chacun favorise et comment il fait parler le texte biblique en lui donnant sens. Cela nous interpelle par rapport a notre propre construction du sens, dans l'exegese actuelle. En matiere historique, j'analyse d'abord la publication du texte de Mt 20,1-16 dans ses differentes editions (textes grecs, syriaques et latins) et ses multiples traductions (en latin, allemand, neerlandais, francais, italien, espagnol...). Des tableaux des variantes textuelles permettent de suivre l'evolution des traductions et de reperer leurs choix methodologiques. On decouvre ensuite les grands commentateurs du debut du 16e siecle: Erasme et Lefevre d'Etaples, tetes de file d'une exegese centree sur les codes lexicaux; Luther et Melanchthon, tetes de file d'une exegese basee sur le but du texte, dans laquelle brillent Bucer, Cajetan, Zwingli, Valdes, Bullinger. Puis on voit apparaitre une generation d'auteurs pratiquant des ponts entre les ecoles (Musculus, Titelman, Estienne) ou relancant l'ecole humaniste (Calvin, Beze) et, enfin, des ecoles tres marquees au niveau confessionnel, mais integrant les elements provenant d'autres confessions (Jansenius de Gand, Arias Montanus, Aretius, Piscator, Maldonado, Salmeron). Apparait ainsi une Europe de l'exegese: les pionniers du debut du siecle entament une revolution culturelle en matiere d'interpretation, qui franchit toutes les frontieres nationales ou confessionnelles; elle se repercute au cours du siecle en d'innombrables variations et approfondissements, qui touchent tous les pays europeens et determinent les courants d'un vaste echange d'idees. On decouvre ainsi un chapitre important de l'histoire des idees, qui se diffusent de Salamanque a Wittenberg, de Rome a Paris, de Varsovie a Londres, de Louvain a Strasbourg, de Geneve a Naples, bref un fondement de l'Europe actuelle.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La chica de antes / The Girl Before
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Le temple en calcaire: Le sanctuaire d'Athéna Pronaia (Marmaria)
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Francisco Suarez: Les Etres de Raison: Dispute Metaphysique LIV
Holy Cow Press The Pomegranate Tree Speaks from the Dictator's Garden
Penguin Putnam Inc Call Me Evie
HarperCollins Publishers Inc We All Sing with the Same Voice
Stanford University Press Sweet Talk: Paternalism and Collective Action in North-South Trade Relations
Developed nations strive to create the impression that their hearts and pockets bleed for the developing world. Yet, the global North continues to offer unfavorable trade terms to the global South. Truly fair trade would make reciprocal concessions to developing countries while allowing them to better their own positions. However, five hundred years of colonial racism and post-colonial paternalism have undermined trade negotiations. While urging developing countries to participate in trade, the North offers empty deals to "partners" that it regards as unequal. Using a mixed-methods approach, J. P. Singh exposes the actual position beneath the North's image of benevolence and empathy: either join in the type of trade that developed countries offer, or be cast aside as obstreperous and unwilling. Singh reveals how the global North ultimately bars developing nations from flourishing. His findings chart a path forward, showing that developing nations can garner favorable concessions by drawing on unique strengths and through collective advocacy. Sweet Talk offers a provocative rethinking of how far our international relations have come and how far we still have to go.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Sports Research with Analytical Solution using SPSS
A step-by-step approach to problem-solving techniques using SPSS® in the fields of sports science and physical education Featuring a clear and accessible approach to the methods, processes, and statistical techniques used in sports science and physical education, Sports Research with Analytical Solution using SPSS® emphasizes how to conduct and interpret a range of statistical analysis using SPSS. The book also addresses issues faced by research scholars in these fields by providing analytical solutions to various research problems without reliance on mathematical rigor. Logically arranged to cover both fundamental and advanced concepts, the book presents standard univariate and complex multivariate statistical techniques used in sports research such as multiple regression analysis, discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, and factor analysis. The author focuses on the treatment of various parametric and nonparametric statistical tests, which are shown through the techniques and interpretations of the SPSS outputs that are generated for each analysis. Sports Research with Analytical Solution using SPSS® also features: Numerous examples and case studies to provide readers with practical applications of the analytical concepts and techniques Plentiful screen shots throughout to help demonstrate the implementation of SPSS outputs Illustrative studies with simulated realistic data to clarify the analytical techniques covered End-of-chapter short answer questions, multiple choice questions, assignments, and practice exercises to help build a better understanding of the presented concepts A companion website with associated SPSS data files and PowerPoint® presentations for each chapter Sports Research with Analytical Solution using SPSS® is an excellent textbook for upper-undergraduate, graduate, and PhD-level courses in research methods, kinesiology, sports science, medicine, nutrition, health education, and physical education. The book is also an ideal reference for researchers and professionals in the fields of sports research, sports science, physical education, and social sciences, as well as anyone interested in learning SPSS.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Statistics for Exercise Science and Health with Microsoft Office Excel
This book introduces the use of statistics to solve a variety of problems in exercise science and health and provides readers with a solid foundation for future research and data analysis. Statistics for Exercise Science and Health with Microsoft Office Excel: Aids readers in analyzing their own data using the presented statistical techniques combined with Excel Features comprehensive coverage of hypothesis testing and regression models to facilitate modeling in sports science Utilizes Excel to enhance reader competency in data analysis and experimental designs Includes coverage of both binomial and poison distributions with applications in exercise science and health Provides solved examples and plentiful practice exercises throughout in addition to case studies to illustrate the discussed analytical techniques Contains all needed definitions and formulas to aid readers in understanding different statistical concepts and developing the needed skills to solve research problems
Thames & Hudson Ltd In Search of the Irish Dreamtime: Archaeology & Early Irish Literature
Following his account of Irish origins as evidenced by archaeology, genetics and linguistics, J. P. Mallory returns to the subject to interrogate what he calls the ‘Irish Dreamtime’: the native Irish retelling of their own origins, as related by medieval manuscripts. He attempts to explore the reality of this version of the earliest history of Ireland, which places apparently ‘mythological’ events on a concrete timeline of invasions, colonizations and royal reigns that extends even further back in time than the history of Classical Greece. Can the accounts of this ‘Dreamtime’ really inform us of the way of life in Iron Age Ireland? By comparing the world depicted in the earliest Irish literary tradition with the archaeological evidence available on the ground, Mallory explores Ireland’s rich mythological tradition and tests its claims to represent reality.
University of Washington Press Art by the Book: Painting Manuals and the Leisure Life in Late Ming China
Sometime before 1579, Zhou Lujing, a professional writer living in a bustling commercial town in southeastern China, published a series of lavishly illustrated books, which constituted the first multigenre painting manuals in Chinese history. Their popularity was immediate and their contents and format were widely reprinted and disseminated in a number of contemporary publications. Focusing on Zhou's work, Art by the Book describes how such publications accommodated the cultural taste and demands of the general public, and shows how painting manuals functioned as a form in which everything from icons of popular culture to graphic or literary cliche was presented to both gratify and shape the sensibilities of a growing reading public. As a special commodity of early modern China, when cultural standing was measured by a person's command of literati taste and lore, painting manuals provided nonelite readers with a device for enhancing social capital.
University of Illinois Press Replications: A Robotic History of the Science Fiction Film
A haunting fascination fuels our interest in the robot, the android, the cyborg, the replicant. Born in science fiction literature, the artificial human has come into its own in films, lurching to life, holding a mirror to humanity's soul. Beginning with a pre-history of the filmic robot, J. P. Telotte traces its development through early sci-fi landmarks such as Metropolis (1926), the alien films of the 1950s (including Forbidden Planet), and recent explorations of the artificial human in Blade Runner, Robocop, and the Terminator films.Replications also considers the tension between the technological wonders that science fiction depicts and the human values it champions. Film-makers employ the latest developments in technology to fashion ever more realistic human doubles, and then use them to explore what it means to be human. Telotte shows us how the sci-fi genre has always addressed changing cultural attitudes toward technology, the body, gender roles, human intelligence, reality, and even film itself.
Parthian Books Hereditation Bright Young Things Quality
Hereditation tells the story of the Sloane family. Living in New York in the middle of the 20th Century, brothers Erwin and Maynard share their brownstone Harlem house with their mother, a perpetually ill woman who has recently suffered the indignity of being abandoned by her philandering husband, Ezra.
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Stay Connected: And Other Heart-to-Heart Talks
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd How to Overcome Depression: & Other Heart to Heart Talks
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Kill Fear: Before Fear Kills You
John Libbey Eurotext Novel Approaches in the Treatment of Gastrointestinal & Liver Disease: A look into the Future
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Collecting Black Memorabilia: A Picture Price Guide
Many people enjoy collecting antique figures, dolls, toys, containers, sheet music... etc. that show black people in all styles of dress and function. They often depict famous people, musicians, and advertising figures, and the variations are many. This book displays 425 color images from several private collections, each item described with measurements and an estimated value range.
Scarecrow Press American and British Theatrical Biographies: An Index
In 1979, Scarecrow Press published J. P. Wearing’s American and British Theatrical Biography: A Directory, which enabled users to quickly locate biographical information about figures—both major and minor—who are or were connected with British and American theatre. In American and British Theatrical Biographies: An Index, Wearing has revised and extensively expanded the previous work. This edition draws upon more than 130 sources and 500 volumes that have been surveyed and indexed, providing information on more than 90,000 individuals from the earliest times to the present. For each person listed in the index, the following is provided where available: ·Name (with cross-references to stage names, pseudonyms, etc.) ·Birth and death date ·Nationality ·Theatrical occupation(s) ·Codes to sources containing more extensive biographical information While the focus of the index is on American and British figures working in live theatre before paying audiences, “foreign” personalities are included when the sources surveyed make some mention of their contribution to the British or American theatre. American and British Theatrical Biographies: An Index also embraces the spheres of ballet, opera, music, circus, and music halls. This comprehensive index is a useful source for scholars, theatrical personnel, theatre students, librarians, writers, and theatre historians.
Baker Street Studios In the Footsteps of East London Crime & Curiosities
Hodder & Stoughton The Wrong Woman: The utterly tense and gripping new thriller from the Number One internationally bestselling author
It was just a tragic accident ... Wasn't it?A completely addictive murder mystery novel from the author of In the Clearing, soon to be a major psychological thriller TV series with Disney+.'A twisty small-town PI mystery with a protagonist I didn't want to let go' IAN RANKINWhen private investigator Reid is sent to look into a suspicious car crash, he finds himself in the one place he swore he'd never go back to - the town where he grew up.Returning to Manson brings back traumatic memories that Reid has spent a decade burying; and keeping his past separate from the investigation is futile. People remember what he did all those years ago.As rumours swirl about the couple involved in the crash, Reid's line of questioning is taken in a new direction when the Chief of Police's daughter goes missing. Was the car crash just an isolated tragic accident, or is there something darker beating at the heart of this small town? Can Reid escape Manson again, or will it finally swallow him whole?Tense and claustrophobic, The Wrong Woman is an edge-of-your-seat suspense novel with provocative characters and gripping twists.
Quercus Publishing The Girl Before
NOW A MAJOR TV SERIES THE ADDICTIVE MILLION-COPY BESTSELLERBestseller in the UK Sunday Times, January 2017Bestseller in the USA New York Times, February 2017SHORTLISTED FOR THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS CRIME & THRILLER BOOK OF THE YEARTHE SUNDAY TIMES THRILLER OF THE MONTHTHE SIMON MAYO RADIO 2 BOOK CLUB PICK**********Enter the world of One Folgate Street and discover perfection . . . but can you pay the price? Jane stumbles on the rental opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to live in a beautiful ultra-minimalist house designed by an enigmatic architect, on condition she abides by a long list of exacting rules. After moving in, she makes a shocking discovery about the previous tenant, Emma, and Jane starts to wonder if her own story will be a rerun of the girl before.***********'DAZZLING' - Lee Child'ADDICTIVE' - Daily Express'DEVASTATING' - Daily Mail'INGENIOUS' - The New York Times'COMPULSIVE' - Glamour Magazine'ELEGANT' - Peter James'SEXY' - Mail on Sunday'ENTHRALLING' - Woman and Home'ORIGINAL' - The Times'RIVETING' - Lisa Gardner'CREEPY' - Heat'SATISFYING' - Reader's Digest'SUPERIOR' - The Bookseller
Peeters Publishers Syriac Gospel Translations. A Comparison of the Language and Translation Method Used in the Old Syriac, the Diatessaron, and the Peshitto
In this work the three oldest translations of the Gospels into Syriac are minutely compared in five passages, one from each Gospel and one common to the Synoptics, in order to ascertain their translation methods and linguistic differences. In the conclusion, guidelines are set forth for their use in the Greek textual apparatus and the linguistic data is applied to four questions: 1) what are the sources of the linguistic anomalies in the Old Syriac, 2) when was the Old Syriac translated, 3) who translated it, 4) what is its relation to the Diatessaron.
Peeters Publishers Exposé du mythe valentinien et textes liturgiques (NH XI, 2)
Les valentiniens ont-ils institué une première et une seconde classe du salut? Saint Irénée les en accuse en dénonçant l'arrogante impeccabilité des parfaits de la secte, leur mépris pour les psychiques de la Grande Église, leur eschatologie à double fond. L'Exposé du mythe valentinien et les textes liturgiques du codex XI de Nag Hammadi nous présentent un tableau bien différent. Pas question de vivre en conventicules d'occultistes frileux, il faut se mêler à la masse des fidèles. Nul fossé ne doit séparer les esprits parfaits des âmes simples. Tout ce monde visible est une école de l'invisible, où se dévoilent les desseins de la Providence. Jésus est venu pour «l'économie», c'est-à-dire pour les concessions miséricordieuses, en vue du «redressement» et du salut de tous. Rarement un écrit gnostique aura livré, de la rédemption, une image plus unitaire. Devant les nombreuses lacunes d'un texte très détérioré, W.-P. Funk a adopté un parti pris de prudence: les reconstructions qu'il propose procèdent de la logique et de la grammaire, à l'exclusion de tout parallèle avec d'autres documents valentiniens. À ce prix seulement, on peut préserver l'originalité d'un auteur qui, tout en exposant le mythe fondateur du valentinisme, dont il connaît déjà un grand nombre de variantes ou d'interprétations contradictoires, adopte une ligne très personnelle, que l'introduction, la traduction et le commentaire de J.-P. Mahé s'efforcent de mettre en valeur. Les textes liturgiques de l'annexe, sur le Baptême et sur l'Onction et l'Eucharistie nous introduisent au c÷ur de la communauté. En cette fin du IIe siècle, le valentinisme n'est pas encore une secte. C'est une interprétation globale de la vie chrétienne qui espère pouvoir concerner la totalité des fidèles.
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Mythistoire Tungaru. Cosmologies Et Genealogies Aux Iles Gilbert
Societe d'Etudes Linguistiques et Anthropologiques de France (SELAF) Etudes Phonologiques Tchadiennes
Contributions de J.-P. Caprile, M. Fournier, P. Nel-Balway Moundo Ndimajiba Bouny, J. Fedry, C. Decobert, F. Jouannet, S. Ruelland, P. Boyeldieu, F. Lafarge et P. Nougayrol.
Red Wheel/Weiser Find Your Bliss: Break Free of Self-Imposed Boundaries and Embrace a New World of Possibilities
Santa Monica Press The Shakespeare Diaries: A Fictional Autobiography
Blending fact with fiction and written in diary form, this unique biography of Shakespeare captures his life as never before, from his views on daily events to vivid impressions of the Elizabethan era and his role within such a world. Delightfully whimsical, Wearing's distinctive life story provides possible answers to such questions as: What was Shakespeare thinking when he wrote Hamlet? What did he and Ben Jonson talk about when they were having a drink together? Incorporates lines and fragments from Shakespeare's plays and poems.
Capstone Classroom Earth
Holy Cow Press All Good Water
Monsoon Books Operation Janus
Skinny Chinese taxi-girls dance with off-duty British military personnel at the Yam Yam nightclub to the strains of 'Rose, Rose, I love you' and 'Terang Bulan'. Attractively dressed in their long, tight-fitting, slit-sided cheongsams, the girls also listen out for loose talk, which they feed back to their Communist handlers. It is 1950s Malaya and the country is in the throes of the Malayan Emergency. As the British do battle with Communist terrorists hiding deep in the jungle, one British officer, a Communist sympathizer, has come to the attention of the staff at the Yam Yam. When Alan Hinlea, a British Gurkha captain with a hatred of a class system that has always kept him down, deserts to the guerillas and is spirited away to the jungle Communist HQ, Chin Peng, the leader of the Malayan Communist Party gloats at what he hopes will be a major propaganda victory. A fellow British Gurkha officer is despatched with five Gurkhas to hunt Hinlea down and the chase through pathless jungle becomes a race against time and a contest of deadly jungle warfare skills. Operation Janus is the first in a trilogy of books involving Gurkha military units that may be read in any order and is followed by Operation Blind Spot and Operation Four Rings. The author, JP Cross, a retired Gurkha colonel, old 'jungle hand' and counter-insurgency expert, draws on real events he witnessed during his time fighting in the Malayan Emergency and on true characters, including a British officer of his own battalion who attempted to join the Communist terrorists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Repeated Measures Design for Empirical Researchers
Introduces the applications of repeated measures design processes with the popular IBM® SPSS® software Repeated Measures Design for Empirical Researchers presents comprehensive coverage of the formation of research questions and the analysis of repeated measures using IBM SPSS and also includes the solutions necessary for understanding situations where the designs can be used. In addition to explaining the computation involved in each design, the book presents a unique discussion on how to conceptualize research problems as well as identify appropriate repeated measures designs for research purposes. Featuring practical examples from a multitude of domains including psychology, the social sciences, management, and sports science, the book helps readers better understand the associated theories and methodologies of repeated measures design processes. The book covers various fundamental concepts involved in the design of experiments, basic statistical designs, computational details, differentiating independent and repeated measures designs, and testing assumptions. Along with an introduction to IBM SPSS software, Repeated Measures Design for Empirical Researchers includes: A discussion of the popular repeated measures designs frequently used by researchers, such as one-way repeated measures ANOVA, two-way repeated measures design, two-way mixed design, and mixed design with two-way MANOVA Coverage of sample size determination for the successful implementation of designing and analyzing a repeated measures study A step-by-step guide to analyzing the data obtained with real-world examples throughout to illustrate the underlying advantages and assumptions A companion website with supplementary IBM SPSS data sets and programming solutions as well as additional case studies Repeated Measures Design for Empirical Researchers is a useful textbook for graduate- and PhD-level students majoring in biostatistics, the social sciences, psychology, medicine, management, sports, physical education, and health. The book is also an excellent reference for professionals interested in experimental designs and statistical sciences as well as statistical consultants and practitioners from other fields including biological, medical, agricultural, and horticultural sciences. J. P. Verma, PhD, is Professor of Statistics and Director of the Center for Advanced Studies at Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, India. Professor Verma is an active researcher in sports modeling and data analysis and has conducted many workshops on research methodology, research designs, multivariate analysis, statistical modeling, and data analysis for students of management, physical education, social science, and economics. He is the author of Statistics for Exercise Science and Health with Microsoft® Office Excel®, also published by Wiley.
Assimil Apprendre Le Grec Niveau A2
Unicorn Books Pvt Ltd The Witches of Waitiki
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Mantra for the Modern Man & Other Heart-to-Heart Talks
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Saints with a Difference
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Many Paths: One Goal
Sterling Publishers Pvt.Ltd Short Sketches of Saints Known & Unknown
White Pine Press A Tree Becomes a Room
Poems that travel with a sense of urgency, bearing witness to precarious beauty, fleeting joy and the unfinished work required to survive. The poems in this collection are located in many places including Italy, Russia, Hawaii, Florida, France, Texas, Minnesota and elsewhere. These different places are roots of the same tree that stands in the midst of a threatened and still beautiful earth. Through multiple locations, White explores how we might continue to live inside this vanishing with all the tools that have always been at our disposal: wonder, grief, hope and joy. The poems are meditations on this perilous moment in time and the demands that this moment places on anyone to stay curious and grateful even in the midst of our inability to change course or self-correct with a view toward the greater interconnectedness of all things.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Troponin: Informative Diagnostic Marker
Nova Science Publishers Inc Troponin: Regulator of Muscle Contraction
Nova Science Publishers Inc Focus on Numerical Analysis
The Lilliput Press Ltd The Ginger Man Letters
Showcasing for the first time 250 of renowned author J.P. Donleavy's most intimate letters, this scrupulously edited collection throws an extraordinary light on the composition, publication and afterlife of The Ginger Man.