Search results for ""author manus"
Almuzara Manual del Guionista de Television
Almuzara Manual Para Una Correcta Sintaxis
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual de endocrinología y metabolismo
Quill Driver Books, U.S. Pediatrcian's New Baby Owner's Manual
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Greenman's Principles of Manual Medicine
With a focus on the “how” and “why” of manual medicine techniques, Greenman’s Principles of Manual Medicine, Fifth Edition, gives you the tools you need to improve patients’ neuromusculoskeletal system function. Covering the foundations of manual medicine as well as specific techniques for diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal pain, this popular osteopathic guide features more than 1,000 photographs that walk you step by step through each technique. Taking you systematically from principles and concepts, through specific techniques and procedures, to clinical correlations, this new edition is thoroughly up to date and features a clinical focus that prepares you for today’s practice.NEW in the 5th Edition: A new chapter on clinical correlations of the upper quarter, covering the stabilizing roles of the specialized layers of the thoracolumbar fascia beyond the trunk into the thorax, cervical spine, and cranium. Updated simple and effective diagnostic and sutural treatment approaches for the osseous cranium. Easy to follow, consistent approach to cervical mobilization with impulse techniques. Updated terminology for normal lumbosacral and sacroiliac motion.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology
Based on the data contained in the four-volume Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, BMDB-9 also includes new genera and species, new combinations, and new taxa published through the January 1992 issue of the IJSB. Users will find short general descriptions that encompass all organisms by Groups; shape and size, Gram reaction, other pertinent morphological features, motility and flagella, relations to oxygen, basic type of metabolism, carbon and energy sources, habitat and ecology. BMDB-9 also includes discussions of difficulties in identification, keys or tables to genera and species, genus descriptions, synonyms, other nomenclatural changes, and numerous illustrations.
Marcombo Manual de Word 2010
Word 2010 es el más conocido y seguramente el mejor logrado procesador de textos disponible en el mercado actual. Con este manual publicado en color y que ahora tiene en sus manos, podrá conocer a fondo esta aplicación de Microsoft Office que optimiza el proceso de creación y edición de documentos de textos.No importa si usted es un usuario habitual de la aplicación que busca un libro de apoyo para sus funciones avanzadas, o si jamás ha trabajado con Word; en este Manual Word 2010 encontrará una valiosa herramienta que le permitirá sacar el máximo provecho a sus potentes funciones.Mediante sencillos y a la vez elaborados ejercicios, se describen detalladamente las herramientas del programa y sus importantes mejoras. Entre las novedades de la versión 2010, destaca la mejorada interfaz de usuario con el nuevo menú Archivo y la Vista Backstage, que permite ejecutar un gran número de operaciones de gestión de documentos desde una misma ventana. Destacan también los cambios en lo qu
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual Washington de terapéutica médica
Manual Washington® de terapéutica médica es una de las obras insignes más reconocidas de la literatura médica mundial. Su estilo clásico de listado con los conceptos más útiles vertidos en enunciados claros y concisos la ha convertido en una de las obras más utilizadas y referenciadas por estudiantes de medicina, médicos residentes y especialistas en todo el mundo. Con más de 1 millón de copias vendidas en todo el mundo y traducciones a más de 20 idiomas, esta 37.ª edición mantiene su misión inicial de proporcionar un apoyo clínico integral e incidir positivamente en la atención de los pacientes. En esta edición se ha revisado y actualizado el contenido en su totalidad, para reflejar los últimos avances en medicina basada en evidencia y tecnología dirigida al diagnóstico y tratamiento. Con un sólido enfoque en medicina interna, la obra proporciona una cobertura integral de los padecimientos de mayor prevalencia e incidencia en todas las especialidades y subespecialidades médicas, y en cada uno aborda principios generales, características clínicas y estrategia terapéutica, con fundamento en la evidencia más reciente. Además, la obra incluye contenido adicional sobre atención general de pacientes, como evaluación y manejo, pre y posoperatorios, tratamiento de afecciones agudas, trasplantes y medicina transfusional.
Birkhauser Refurbishment Manual: Maintenance, Conversions, Extensions
Planning tasks involving existing structures are currently among the most common types of contract, and almost every structure makes different demands and raises individual problems. Reflecting this state of affairs, there are a dizzying number of publications on the market, most of which are quite specialized. The Refurbishment Manual cuts through this jungle of publications. It defines terms and concepts, combines the narrowly focused perspectives of the specialists, and offers concrete approaches to this wide-ranging topic. The Refurbishment Manual closes the gap between basic constructional literature and one-sided, highly specialized technical literature. It constitutes a practical planning aid on the subject of refurbishment, providing a basic introduction to the relevant aspects of building physics, fire protection, sustainability and energy, hazardous materials, construction materials for interior and façade, historic preservation, and technical building equipment. It offers concrete tips on planning steps, methods of building analysis, and cost benchmarks, as well as clear constructional solutions with built projects as examples. A unique feature of the volume is the specially developed timeline, which allows the planner to quickly grasp, categorize, and evaluate a concrete building task and thus obtain an efficient planning overview. Planungsaufgaben im Bestand gehören derzeit zu den häufigsten Auftragsarten und nahezu jedes Bauwerk stellt andere Anforderungen und weist individuelle Probleme auf. Analog dazu gibt es auf dem Markt eine fast unüberschaubare Anzahl Publikationen in meist sehr spezialisierter Form. Der Sanierungsatlas möchte Licht in diesen Publikationsdschungel bringen: Er definiert Begrifflichkeiten, vereint die fokussierenden Betrachtungsweisen der Fachleute und vermittelt konkrete Herangehensweisen an diese weit gefächerte Thematik. Der Sanierungsatlas schließt die Lücke zwischen grundlegender Baukonstruktions- und sehr einseitig spezialisierter Fachliteratur. Das Buch stellt eine praktische Planungshilfe zum Thema Sanierung dar – und zwar in Form von relevanter Grundlagenvermittlung zu Bauphysik, Brandschutz, Nachhaltigkeits- und energetischen Aspekten, Schadstoffen, Baustoffen im Innenraum und an der Fassade, zu Aspekten der Denkmalpflege ebenso wie zur technischen Gebäudeausstattung. Er liefert konkrete Hinweise zu Planungsschritten, Methoden der Bauanalyse und Kostenkennwerten sowie anschauliche Konstruktionslösungen am Beispiel gebauter Projekte. Einzigartig ist die speziell entwickelte Zeitschiene, mit deren Hilfe eine konkrete Bauaufgabe schnell erfasst, kategorisiert und bewertet werden kann – und die dem Planer somit einen effizienten Planungsüberblick verschafft.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Washington Manual of Oncology
Focusing on the essential information you need to know for the clinical practice of oncology, this practical volume in the Lippincott Manual series provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in the field. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of cancer management, all at your fingertips for quick review and reference. The Washington Manual® of Oncology, 4th Edition, by Drs. Daniel Morgensztern, Armin Ghobadi, and Ramaswamy Govindan, is an ideal reference for oncologists, residents, fellows, medical students, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. , The latest, most reliable cancer management recommendations in the famous fast-access Washington Manual® outline format that includes easy-to-follow guidelines, tables, graphs, and algorithms. Thoroughly revised from cover to cover, including new content on gene and cellular immunotherapy for cancer, management of antineoplastic-induced nausea and vomiting as well as new sections on neuroendocrine carcinoma and myelodysplastic syndromes. Concise, clearly written sections on the principles of oncology, site-specific cancers, and therapy and support. Key information on chemotherapeutic agents and regimens in the appendices. The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by WoltersKluwer Health under license from Washington University. , Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. ,
Russell Enterprises Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual: Fasttrack Edition
Pearson Education (US) Student Solutions Manual for Introductory Algebra
The manual provides detailed solutions to the odd-numbered section-level exercises and to all margin, Relating Concepts, Summary, Chapter Review, Chapter Test, and Cumulative Review Exercises.
Pearson Education (US) Criminal Justice Student Writer's Manual, The
This comprehensive book is designed to accompany the primary text in any criminal justice class where writing is emphasized, or can be used as an excellent primary text for a criminal justice course in writing administrative and technical reports. The Criminal Justice Student Writer's Manual, 6e is designed to help students learn how to research and write in criminal justice, and improve their writing ability in general. While helping students with every aspect of the writing process–formatting, source citations, grammar, sentence structure, research, and utilizing available sources–it relieves instructors from the time consuming job of teaching these skills, and allows them to concentrate on the subject matter of the course they are teaching. This book is the most comprehensive book on the market that deals specifically with writing criminal justice papers. It gives specific directions for writing a variety of papers in criminal justice, from introductory to advanced, while also providing instructions on “how to write,” and how to format the paper and cite sources following the American Sociological Association’s and the American Psychological Association’s guidelines. There is really no other book on the market that provides the comprehensive directions to writing papers in criminal justice that are found in The Criminal Justice Student Writer’s Manual.
RCPsych Publications Perinatal Mental Health: The EPDS Manual
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) is a questionnaire and was designed as a simple means of screening for postnatal depression in health care settings. The scale is now in use around the world and this book is a practical guide to using the scale in clinical practice, its origins and development background. This second edition has been revised and contains much advice based on years of experience. All chapters and references have been updated and the chapters on screening and counselling have been considerably revised, the evidence base on interventions for perinatal depression is provided, plus details of innovative methods such as internet-based therapy. The scale can also be used by researchers seeking information on factors which influence the emotional well-being of new mothers and their families and guidance is also given on use of the scale in research settings. The book will be useful for psychologists, psychiatrists, health visitors, midwives, family doctors, obstetricians and community psychiatric nurses, plus researchers in perinatal health.
Delta Publicaciones Manual de psicología jurídica laboral
La planeación estratégica se ha convertido desde hace décadas en una de las herramientas de la planeación empresarial más utilizadas alrededor del mundo, sin importar el tamaño y el tipo de empresa al cual se refiera. Es, por tanto, que éste libo presenta a los lectores (ya sean empresarios o académicos) una versión en manual práctico para aplicar el proceso completo en cualquier tipo deorganización empresarial moderna.En torno a la estructuración del libro, este se divide en dos grandes capítulos, a saber: el primero titulado "Del concepto de planeación al de planeación estratégica", que apuntará a establecer los referentes teóricos más destacadosdel tema de la planeación y de la planeación estratégica, soportando de esta manera la parte conceptual del texto; en un segundo capítulo denominado "Proceso de elaboración de la planeación estratégica", se presenta el desarrollo delproceso completo de una manera práctica, paso a paso, con ejemplos prácticos yreales de diferentes sectores, em
Bayer Hermanos, S.A. Contabilidad local 2006 manual prctico
Desclée De Brouwer Manipuladores cotidianos manual de supervivencia
La mayoría de los conflictos humanos surge entre dos personas que intentan alcanzar una meta. Cuando dos personas interactúan tienen necesidades que pueden ser compartidas, excluyentes o tangenciales. En el primer caso es previsible esperar que se produzca una colaboración en la que la posición de dominio de uno de los participantes no tenga especial importancia. Si las metas son excluyentes, y especialmente si no comparten ningún aspecto, la utilización de la otra persona para alcanzarlas puede ser, en algún aspecto, crucial.Precisamente de ello trata este libro. De cómo muchas personas, casi todas, utilizan estrategias para conseguir que otras les ayuden, incluso a costa de abandonar sus propias metas. Es un proceso que comienza con técnicas sutiles de comunicación motivadora y va adquiriendo tintes cada vez más agresivos, convirtiéndose en chantaje emocional, acoso, violencia psíquica e incluso agresiones físicas.A lo largo de la obra se repasan las estrategias de manipulaci
Editorial Tecnos Manual práctico de propiedad intelectual
La propiedad intelectual es una de las ramas del derecho más poco estudiadas dentro de la formacion universitaria y que, sin embargo, tiene una importancia extraordinaria dentro de la economía del conocimiento.Pese a que un gran número de personas han de tratar con los derechos de autor y derechos afines o conexos, no existen instrumentos adecuados de consulta que permitan, con un lenguaje claro y una utilidad práctica solventar sus problemas.El Manual Práctico de Propiedad Intelectual pretende abordar, como novedad absoluta en el mercado editorial español, los principales aspectos de la materia, con un especial cuidado en aquellos temas relacionados con Internet y las nuevas tecnologías. Todo ello contado de un modo sencillo pero riguroso. Los objetivos de este libro están en función de sus destinatarios: Para estudiantes de propiedad intelectual ofrecerles un texto claro y provechoso de la materia, huyendo de discusiones doctrinales o contenidos excesivamente teóricos.Par
ESIC Editorial Manual de planificación de medios
Este libro va dirigido a todos los profesionales que de forma directa o indirecta tienen relación con el mundo de los medios publicitarios. Facilita una primera toma de contacto a los que se enfrentan por primera vez con la no fácil tarea de gestionar los medios desde cualquier ángulo, tanto la compra como la venta, tanto el trato directo como el contacto ocasional. Pero también trata aspectos muy avanzados de la planificación y la compra y puede servir de consulta a los profesionales experimentados respecto de aspectos concretos relativos a la práctica profesional.Los planificadores y compradores de medios encontrarán en este libro una guía segura que les oriente en su trabajo cotidiano. Pero también los restantes profesionales del marketing necesitan conocer muchos de los términos y conceptos que se explican en él. Lo mismo sucede con los que se sirven de la planificación desde el lado del anunciante (directores de marketing, de marca, de producto, de ventas?). Ni que decir tiene
Rowman & Littlefield U.S. Army Operations Field Manual
The U.S. Army believes our nation's future is one of "persistent conflict"— protracted confrontation among state, nonstate, and individual actors willing to use violence to achieve their political and ideological ends. Operations, required reading for Army leadership, provides the intellectual core of how our Army will organize, train, equip, and conduct operations in this environment. In other words, this manual explains how to run the best army in the world. Operations breaks down:The Army's expeditionary and campaign capabilities, its personnel as its most important advantage."Conflict" from stable peace to general war, and establishes five operational themes.The Army's operational concept—full spectrum operations, which seize, retain, and exploit the initiative and achieve decisive results through offense, defense, and stability or civil support operations.Combat power, the means by which Army forces conduct full spectrum operations.The principles of command and control and how they affect the operations process—plan, prepare, execute, and assess.The divide between military theory and practice.Information superiority.And, the requirements for Army forces in international joint campaigns.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Fission Yeast: A Laboratory Manual
Royal Society of Chemistry Cellulose Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Manufacturing
Cellulose nanoparticles (CNP) are a class of bio-based nanoscale materials, which are of interest due to their unique structural features and properties such as biocompatibility, biodegradability, and renewability. They are promising candidates for applications including in biomedicine, pharmaceuticals, electronics, barrier films, nanocomposites, membranes, and supercapacitors. New resources, extraction procedures and treatments are currently under development to satisfy increasing demands for cost-effective and sustainable methods of manufacturing new types of cellulose nanoparticle-based materials on an industrial scale. Cellulose Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Manufacturing concentrates on advanced high performance cellulose nanocomposites. Chapters cover the synthesis of advanced materials, manufacturing, and applications of cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibrils. Together with Volume 1, these books form a useful reference work for graduate students and researchers in chemistry, materials science, nanoscience and green nanotechnology.
Springer International Publishing AG A Guide to Additive Manufacturing
This open access book gives both a theoretical and practical overview of several important aspects of additive manufacturing (AM). It is written in an educative style to enable the reader to understand and apply the material. It begins with an introduction to AM technologies and the general workflow, as well as an overview of the current standards within AM. In the following chapter, a more in-depth description is given of design optimization and simulation for AM in polymers and metals, including practical guidelines for topology optimization and the use of lattice structures. Special attention is also given to the economics of AM and when the technology offers a benefit compared to conventional manufacturing processes. This is followed by a chapter with practical insights into how AM materials and processing parameters are developed for both material extrusion and powder bed fusion. The final chapter describes functionally graded AM in various materials and technologies. Throughout the book, a large number of industrial applications are described to exemplify the benefits of AM.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Cutty Sark Pocket Manual
Constructed on the Clyde in 1869 for the Jock Willis Shipping Line, Cutty Sark was one of the last tea clippers to be built and one of the fastest. Cutty Sark spent just a few years on the tea routes before the opening of the Suez Canal and the increasing use of steamships made clippers unprofitable on shorter routes. It was turned to the trade in wool from Australia, where for ten years she held the record time for a journey to Britain. After finishing her time in service as cargo ship, and then a training and cadet ship, it was transferred to permanent dry dock at Greenwich, London, for public display. This handy and illuminating pocket manual collates original documents to tell the fascinating story of how the legendary Cutty Sark was commissioned, her design and building, life on board and her notable journeys.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia
A fully updated new edition of this practical guide to managing anesthesia in horses and other equids, providing updated and expanded information in a concise, easy-to-read format Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia provides practitioners and veterinary students with concise, highly practical guidance to anesthetizing horses, donkeys, and mules. Using a bulleted quick-reference format, this popular resource covers the basic physiological and pharmacological principles of anesthesia, patient preparation and monitoring, and the management of sedation and anesthesia. Chapters written by leading veterinary anesthesiologists contain numerous clinical images and illustrations, case examples, tables, diagrams, and boxed summaries of important points. Now in full color, the second edition features extensively revised and updated information throughout. New sections cover chronic pain, management of horses undergoing MRI, ventilators, nerve blocks for reproductive surgery, muscle relaxants, various new drugs, paravertebral anesthesia, treatment of pain using acupuncture and physical rehabilitation techniques, and more. Up-to-date appendices contain drug lists and dosages as well as equations related to equine cardiovascular and respiratory systems. This concise, easy-to-follow guide: Provides practical, clinically oriented information on anesthetizing equids Uses a bulleted format designed for fast access of key information Offers step-by-step instructions and diagrams of nerve blocks of the limbs, head, and ophthalmic structures Includes new coverage of topics including regulation of extracellular fluid and blood pressure, acid-base disorders, and hemodynamic effects of autonomic drugs Manual of Equine Anesthesia and Analgesia, Second Edition, remains a must-have resource for all equine practitioners and veterinary students involved with anesthetizing horses.
Wolters Kluwer Health The Duke Manual of Glaucoma Surgery
Concise, authoritative, and easy to navigate, The Duke Manual of Glaucoma Surgery offers a step-by-step, highly illustrated approach to the most commonly performed glaucoma surgeries and procedures. Ideal for glaucoma specialists, ophthalmic surgeons, residents, and fellows, it contains practical guidance from Drs. Divakar Gupta, Leon Herndon, Kelly Muir, as well as other experts at Duke University, making it an unparalleled “how-to” manual for the wide variety of cases and operative scenarios you may encounter. Offers a step-by-step outline for each surgical procedure, from preoperative considerations through postoperative care, including numerous surgical pearls. Contains 200 full-color photographs and illustrations that clearly depict techniques and other essential aspects of glaucoma surgery. Covers surgery basics, pediatrics, and management of challenging surgical scenarios. Provides access, via the eBook, to surgical videos from the Duke archive. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Obelisco Manual del Pendulo Hebreo
Jrp Ringier Fabrice Gygi A Manual
Klincksieck Manuel Pratique d'Armenien Ancien
Exisle Publishing The Australian Beekeeping Manual
Behrman House Inc.,U.S. The Social Action Manual
The six workshops in this handbook expand teens' understanding of why doing social action is important and show how to successfully plan execute and evaluate a social action project or initiative.
DK Complete Horse Riding Manual
Learn all there is to know about horse riding, from horse care and show jumping to mastering dressage. Suitable for both novice and advanced riders, and for equestrian fans of all ages, this book will guide you through every stage of the riding process from the first time in the saddle to advanced riding skills. Featuring all of the latest techniques and equipment, this comprehensive and fully updated edition covers everything you need to know about basic horse training, dressage training, and mental and physical preparation – for both horse and rider – as well as how to find and develop your ultimate horse. Dive deeper into this brilliant book about horses: - llustrated in full color throughout, with specially commissioned photographic sequences and artworks that show every riding technique with unparalleled clarity.- Includes detailed, updated sections on dressage, showjumping, cross country, and young horse training as well as how to find and develop your ultimate horse.- Combines a practical approach to technique – including illustrated troubleshooting sections – with a deep understanding, and invaluable analysis, of horse behavior.- Presents standard riding methods in a fresh and imaginative way with overlapping “action” photo sequences.- Explains the symbiotic relationship between horse and rider that is at the heart of all successful riding.Presented in spectacular visual detail, it is the ultimate guide to perfecting your equestrian skills. Featuring tips from internationally renowned horse trainer William Micklem, Complete Horse Riding Manual is a truly thoroughbred guide that is a must-have for any horse lover.
The Workbook / Laboratory Manual provides more conventional, drill-like practice of the Strategie, Lessico, and Strutture material presented in the textbook using a variety of written activities and audio activities. In addition, each chapter includes a Cultura section which expands upon the cultural themes of the chapter through additional listening activities (Ascoltiamo!), a new culture reading (Leggiamo!), and a new process-writing activity (Scriviamo!). A revised culture feature in this section reviews the new cultural material presented in the chapter: In Italia, Culture a confronto, Un po' di cultura and Regioni d'Italia.Covers Chapters 1-16 and includes activities for Per saperne di pià for instructors who wish to cover more material in their curriculum.Answers in the back of the workbook.
Outlook Verlag A Manual of Anthropology
Outlook Verlag A Manual of Anthropology
Little Tiger Press Group Trailblazers: Lin-Manuel Miranda
Be inspired by the lives of trailblazers past and present in this fun and factual biography series! How did Lin-Manuel Miranda become the multi-award-winning creator behind a hit Broadway show? As a child, Lin-Manuel spent his time listening to the sounds and rhythms of New York. Taking part in school productions and writing his own plays, he knew early on he was destined for the stage. While on holiday years later, he read a biography of Alexander Hamilton and came up with an idea for an original musical take on American history. Discover how this aspiring actor went on to create the most talked about show in decades and take the world by storm with his creativity! TRAILBLAZERS biographies are packed with little-known trivia, fascinating facts and lively illustrations.
Haynes Publishing Group Haynes Manual On Bodywork
Complete coverage for your Bodywork
The Crowood Press Ltd The Horse Grooming Manual
Grooming is of vital importance to a horse's health and welfare. This highly illustrated book provides practical advice for establishing good grooming practice. Topics covered in the book are: handling of the horse for grooming; routine cleaning and grooming; clipping and trimming; grooming for showing, eventing, dressage, racing and hunting; healthcare associated with the skin and grooming, and how to spot problems. Includes over 300 step-by-step colour photographs to illustrate techniques.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pediatric Nursing Procedure Manual
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Prehospital Life Support Manual
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Diabetes Care
Manual of Diabetes Care provides an up-to-date overview of the diagnosis and management of diabetes, with an emphasis on therapeutic guidance for clinicians. Beginning with an introduction to the condition and its epidemiology, the following chapters describe Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and diagnosis and screening. Management of diabetes through both pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacological methods, for different related conditions is then discussed in depth, including diabetes in pregnancy and in the elderly. The final sections examine complications in diabetes such as diabetic foot, renal problems and co-morbidities, as well as prevention of the disease. Key points Provides overview of diagnosis and management of diabetes Describes both pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacological treatment Extensive coverage of complications in diabetes Highly illustrated with nearly 140 images, diagrams and tables
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of 3D Echocardiography
3D echocardiography is an ultrasound technique allowing cardiographers to see three-dimensional images of the heart in real time, rather than the traditional two-dimensional images. This allows more accurate assessment and management of valvular and congenital heart disease. This manual is a concise guide to 3D echocardiography. Beginning with an introduction to the technique, the following chapters discuss its use in the evaluation of different heart conditions. With more than 160 colour images and illustrations, including 3D echo clippings presented in atlas format, this manual also includes a free DVD introducing 3D echocardiography and illustrating its techniques. Key points Concise guide to 3D echocardiography and its techniques Discusses its use in evaluating different types of heart disease Includes free DVD illustrating techniques More than 160 colour images and illustrations Features 3D echo clippings in atlas format
Volonte & Co. Handpan The Complete Manual
This book is the result of a long study in the art of percussion. Here you will find a natural learning path, guiding the reader step by step, beginning with basic techniques and arriving at an advanced level. It's ideal even for those who don't read music. Also, each exercise has an accompanying video on the DVD, at both a slow and faster tempo. Some think that technique is not required to play the handpan, only instinct. To emit any kind of sound from the instrument, a certain level of technique is required, be it rudimentary or instinctive. If this wasn't the case, no sound would be emitted. So it is up to us to decide to continue to play the handpan instinctively or to discover that more exists, more concepts that we would not be able to develop by instinct alone.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual Washington de Pediatría
La 3.ª edición del Manual Washington® de Pediatría, del Dr. Andrew J. White, se centra en la información necesaria esencial para la atención pediátrica en el hospital, la UCI, el servicio de urgencias o la consulta externa de subespecialidades. Además, ofrece un contenido conciso y de alto rendimiento que refleja los avances más recientes en este campo. Dividido en 31 capítulos y 7 apéndices, este práctico volumen presenta un enfoque breve y lógico para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los problemas pediátricos más comunes de los pacientes hospitalizados, así como referencias basadas en la evidencia. También aborda los retos habituales a los que se enfrentan residentes, internos, pediatras y estudiantes de medicina, además de ofrecer soluciones prácticas y orientación experta, todo ello en un recurso portátil y fácil de usar.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual de medicina vascular