Search results for ""insights""
Rowman & Littlefield Hesitation Kills: A Female Marine Officer's Combat Experience in Iraq
This riveting memoir is the first book written by a female Marine about the war in Iraq and one of the only books written by a woman who has experienced combat firsthand. Deploying to Iraq in 2003, Jane Blair's aerial reconnaissance unit was assigned to travel ahead of and alongside combat units throughout the initial phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Throughout her deployment, Jane kept a journal of her and her fellow lieutenants' combat experiences, which she draws on to convey the immediacy of life in the military, not just for a woman but for all Marines. Jane's stories highlight the drama and chaos of wartime Iraq along with the day-to-day challenges every soldier faced: from spicing up a "pasta with alfredo sauce" MRE to keeping the insidious sand at bay. She also copes with a bullying superior officer while trying to connect with local civilians who have long been viewed as "the enemy." She recounts the struggles specific to women, including being respected as a Marine rather than dismissed as "the weaker sex" and battling the prejudices of male soldiers who don't believe women belong in uniform. And always, she fights the personal loneliness of being separated from her husband, balanced with the challenge and joy of stealing a private moment with him when his unit is close by. Jane describes not only her experiences as a young lieutenant and as a woman but also those of her fellow Marines, whom she lauds as the true heroes of her story. Ultimately, she learns from her commanding officer, and her fellows in arms, what it truly means to be a leader, both in the military and in life. Weaving her story together with the experiences of the ordinary people of Iraq, this book offers compelling insights into the profound impact of the war on the lives of soldiers and civilians alike. Her unforgettable narrative bridges the gap between those who have experienced the Iraq War firsthand and those in America who could only follow its life-altering events from a distance.
Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom
Updated with new research and insights, the second edition of this foundational guide to the how of differentiation provides the thoughtful strategies teachers need to create and maintain classrooms where each student is recognized and respected and every student thrives.One of the most powerful lessons a teacher must learn is that classroom management is not about control; it's about delivering the support and facilitating the routines that will make the classroom work for each student, and thus, set all students free to be successful learners.In Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom, Carol Ann Tomlinson and Marcia B. Imbeau explore the central priorities and mindsets of differentiation and provide practical guidelines for making effective student-centered, academically responsive instruction a reality. Their classroom management approach is based on three critical understandings:1. When students are engaged, they have no motivation to misbehave.2. When students understand that their teacher sees them as worthwhile people with significant potential, it opens doors to learning.3. The classroom can't work for anybody until it works for everybody.Written for K–12 teachers and instructional leaders, this book is packed with strategies for structuring and pacing lessons, organizing learning spaces and materials, starting and stopping class with purpose, setting up and managing routines, and shifting gears if something isn't going well. It also gives teachers the guidance they need to help students, colleagues, and parents understand the goals of differentiated instruction and contribute to its success. Along with examples of recommended practice drawn from real-life classrooms at a variety of grade levels, you will find answers to frequently asked questions and specific advice for balancing content requirements and the needs of learners. You'll gain confidence as a leader for and in your differentiated classroom and be better prepared to teach in a way that's more efficient and rewarding for you and more effective for every student in your care.
Hay House Inc The Breathable Body: Transforming Your World and Your Life, One Breath at a Time
Renowned breathing expert offers a guide to conscious breathing with skills for reducing stress, alleviating tension, returning breath to its natural state of harmony, and opening your heart.Breath moves in wavelike motions. When breath flows freely within the body, we live in a natural state of harmony, making choices that enhance well-being and generate energy.Each individual breath travels through us in a unique way depending on its flow, texture, speed, and patterning. Like a leaf falling from a tree that spirals to the ground, waves of breath travel through the airways of the body in a spiraling motion. This is the way air moves, the way breath moves, and the way oceans, rivers, and lakes move, too. When we tighten our passageways and compromise our breathing, our health suffers.Most of us are born with the ability to breathe freely and naturally, but as the years go by, our breathing becomes labored—compromised by fear, disappointment, trauma, and pollutants. So we contract our breathing body and create ways that feel protective of our vulnerable selves but actually constrict the oxygen intake and thus the nourishment our body receives.In The Breathable Body: Transforming Your World and Your Life, One Breath at a Time, Robert Litman shares the insights and practices he has discovered during more than 30 years of professional experience in conscious breathing and movement. Born with breathing difficulties and suffering from asthma as a child, Robert found ways to overcome his own childhood PTSD and now shares trauma-sensitive teachings to help people breathe and live better.You can change your life—including alleviating symptoms of asthma, snoring, sleep apnea, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, digestive difficulties, and fatigue—by changing how you breathe. The techniques in this book will teach you how to support and protect your body and its respiratory system. Through conscious breathing, movement, sound, and a clear understanding of anatomy and respiration, we learn habits that support healthy and natural breathing.
St Martin's Press God Is Here: Reimagining the Divine
Toba Spitzer's God Is Here is a transformative exploration of the idea of God, offering new paths to experiencing the realm of the sacred. Most of us are hungry for a system of meaning to make sense of our lives, yet traditional religion too often leaves those seeking spiritual sustenance unsatisfied. Rabbi Toba Spitzer understands this problem firsthand, and knows that too often it is traditional ideas of the deity-he's too big, too impersonal, and too unbelievable-that get in the way. In God Is Here, Spitzer argues that whether we believe in God or fervently disbelieve, what we are actually disagreeing about is not God at all, but a metaphor of a Big Powerful Person that limits our understanding and our spiritual lives. Going back to the earliest sources for Judaism as well as Christianity, Spitzer discovers in the Hebrew Bible a rich and varied palette of metaphors for the divine-including Water, Voice, Fire, Rock, Cloud, and even the process of Becoming. She addresses how we can access these ancient metaphors, as well as those drawn from rabbinic tradition and modern science, to experience holiness in our daily lives and to guide us in challenging times. In the section on water, for instance, she looks at the myriad ways water flows through the Biblical stories of the Israelites and emerges as a powerful metaphor for the divine in the Prophets and Psalms. She invites us to explore what it might mean to "drink from God," or to experience godly justice as something that "rains down" and "flows like a river." Each chapter contains insights from the Bible and teachings from Judaism and other spiritual traditions, accompanied by suggestions for practice to bring alive each of the God metaphors. Rabbi Toba Spitzer has helped many people satisfy their spiritual hunger. With God Is Here she will inspire you to find new and perhaps surprising ways of encountering the divine, right where you are.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Urban Energy Systems: Modeling and Simulation for Smart Cities
URBAN ENERGY SYSTEMS With climate change and energy issues infiltrating seemingly every aspect of our lives, it is more important than ever to continue the march toward sustainability. It is not just about switching to a gasoline-free car or installing solar panels. Many countries, including our own, are dealing with these very difficult problems by converting to “smart cities” and other “green energy” projects. This is perhaps one of the most important issues facing our world today. Urban energy systems play a critical role in the sustainability and resilience of smart cities. As cities continue to grow and face increasing energy demands, it becomes essential to develop efficient and sustainable energy solutions. Modelling and simulation techniques provide valuable insights into the design, operation, and optimization of urban energy systems, supporting the transition towards more sustainable and smart cities. This perspective highlights the importance of modelling and simulation in achieving sustainable urban energy systems and their role in shaping smart cities. Modelling and simulation play a crucial role in achieving sustainable urban energy systems and shaping smart cities. By integrating diverse energy systems, optimizing renewable energy integration, enabling demand-side management, supporting microgrid and storage system design, enhancing resilience, and facilitating policy evaluation, these tools empower decision-makers to develop and implement sustainable energy solutions. Embracing a modelling and simulation perspective in urban energy planning supports the transition towards more sustainable, efficient, and resilient smart cities that meet the energy needs of present and future generations. This book uncovers the latest research in the field of urban energy sustainability and climate management. Urban energy sustainability and climate management have been employed successfully for various purposes like human-computer interaction, decision-making, recommender systems, and so on. Data analytics have supported these applications through various efficient and effective methods. Covering all of these topics, this is a “one-stop shop” for engineers, students, policymakers, scientists, and other industry professionals working with smart cities and urban energy systems. It is a must have for any library.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Turner Letters: Letters from Home: from Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire to St Andrews, New Brunswick, 1830-1845
The Turner Letters cover the years 1830-45 and give a lively view of life in a rural village in times of upheaval. The Turner Letters originated in Milton Ernest in Bedfordshire. They travelled to St Andrews in New Brunswick, Canada, to Thomas Turner, brother of John, the principal writer. They survived the journey by sailing boat and later steam ship. In the 1980s they returned to England and were bought by the Bedfordshire Record Office, so they are now housed a few miles from where they were written. The Turner Letters cover the years 1830-45 and give a lively view of life in a rural village in times of upheaval. The main writer of the letters, John Turner, was a Methodist baker, whose father ran a farm. John's religion and his hatred of the Church of England colours his writing. John Turner's sharp insights cover a number of the major issues of the day such as the Reform Bill, the New Poor Law and rural unrest as well as local issues such as the establishment of fox hound kennels in the village. His description of the villagers in 1834 is particularly valuable, bringing them to life and giving a real sense of what life in Milton Ernest was actually like. John's brother, Thomas, was a merchant in a small Canadian port close to the United States border. Part of the correspondence relates to Thomas's suppliers and gives an idea of the precariousness and danger of the passage from England to Canada and the difficulties of setting up a new business overseas. Above all the Turner letters tell human stories. The tragedy of the drowning of Susannah, Thomas's wife, in 1834 is revealed in graphic newspaper descriptions. John and Thomas Turner's sister was abused by her alcoholic husband. John's own life was frustrating, initially coping with his housekeepers and later, when he gave up his bakery and returned to his father's farm, coping with an aged and obstinate man, who did not appreciate him.
The Catholic University of America Press Death, Judgement, Heaven, and Hell: Sayings of the Fathers of the Church
Catholic University of America Press is proud to present the second volume in its new Sayings of the Fathers of the Church Series. Featuring a wide range of scholars compiling material from our acclaimed Fathers of the Church volumes, each title will be devoted to a few specific areas of theology. The inaugural volume covered The Seven Deadly Sins, and future volumes are planned to focus on Angels and Demons, the Mass, and Mary.Nothing has the power to inspire, or terrify us like the unknown. Life after death is the perhaps the greatest unknown that confronts mankind. But the wisdom of the Church, especially in the teachings of the Church Fathers, reminds us that we know a great deal about what awaits us at the end of life.What the Church knows about the four last things?death judgment, heaven, and hell?is essential for helping on the way of the pilgrimage of life. The teachings of the Fathers, far from sating our curiosity, serve to increase the power of heaven to inspire us, and of hell to terrify.In this volume, canon lawyer and writer Edward Condon compiles a book full of wisdom and compelling insights. More than anything, the Fathers warn us that our life is short, and the reckoning for how we have lived it eternal. The urgency of the Church's message, brought to life in the sayings of the Fathers, comes to remind us of our true calling and inheritance in baptism, and of the richness of the heavenly reward, which is not so much the fruit of our efforts on Earth but the fulfillment of God's promise of love to us. The terror of hell is not the threat of the dictator, but a dire warning of the true scope of our freedom as children of God.This book, rich with the traditional teachings of the church, will guide and inspire readers as they continue their life journeys, which have a beginning but no end.
The Catholic University of America Press Spirit's Gift: The Metaphysical Insight of Claude Bruaire
Spirit's Gift is the first book in English devoted to the philosophy of Claude Bruaire (1936-1982). Its focus is the notion of gift, a notion that has recently been the subject of lively debate involving Jacques Derrida, Jean-Luc Marion, Marcel Mauss, and others. What makes Bruaire's approach to this subject distinctive is that he treats it ontologically. This book critically examines the two main insights that govern Bruaire's ontology of gift (ontodology). First, gift is being in its spiritual way of being. ""Spiritual"" in this case does not stand for one quality among others, but, more radically, it is what makes being be itself. Second, being itself (ipsum esse) is gift only because, as Christian Revelation suggests, the fullness proper to pure act is first of all an absolutely free donation in itself and to itself before being donation to another (creation). The coalescence of being, freedom, and spirit grounds the claim that being is gift. Bruaire's thought is presented in dialogue with his two main sources: German Idealism (Hegel and Schelling) and Christian revelation. Bruaire spent the bulk of his career as a professor at the Sorbonne in Paris. Although not himself a Hegelian, he enjoyed and enjoys great standing as a scholar of and commentator on Hegel's philosophy. With Marion, Bruaire was a founding member of the French edition of the theological journal Communio, and he was held in high regard by the great Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar. Bruaire's metaphysical account of gift also has affinities to that offered by Karol Wojytla - and subsequently developed under his pontificate as John Paul II. While Bruaire's understanding of gift is decidedly philosophical, it is also of considerable theological interest, bearing as it does upon questions of Trinitarian theology, theological anthropology, and the Catholic sacrament of marriage. Rightly understood, his conception of gift sheds considerable light on the Thomistic understanding of Ipsum esse subsistens. It can also contribute to a philosophical retrieval of the category of causality and to the elucidation of the ontological ground of ethics.
University of Oklahoma Press Corn Dance: Inspired First American Cuisine
Growing up in Shawnee, Oklahoma, among a host of grandmothers and aunties, Loretta Barrett Oden learned the lessons and lore of Potawatomi cooking, along with those of her father’s family, whose ancestors arrived on the Mayflower. This rich cultural blend came to bear in the iconic restaurant she opened in Santa Fe, the Corn Dance CafÉ, where many of the dishes in this book had their debut, setting Loretta on her path to fame as one of the most influential Native chefs in the nation, a leader in the new Indigenous food movement, and, with her Emmy Award–winning PBS series, Seasoned with Spirit: A Native Cook’s Journey, a cross-cultural ambassador for First American cuisine.Corn Dance: Inspired First American Cuisine tells the story of Loretta’s journey and of the dishes she created along the way. Alongside recipes that combine the flavors of her Oklahoma upbringing and Indigenous heritage with the Southwest flair of her Santa Fe restaurant, Loretta offers entertaining and edifying observations about ingredients and cooking culture. What kind of quail might turn up in your vicinity, for instance; what to do with piñon nuts, sumac, or nopales (cactus paddles); when to add a bundle of pine needles or a small branch of cedar to your braise: these and many practical words of wisdom about using the fruits of the forest, stream, or plain, accompany Loretta’s insights on everything from the dubious provenance of fry bread to the Potawatomi legend behind the Three Sisters—corn, beans, and squash, the namesake ingredients of Three Sisters and Friends Salad, served at Corn Dance CafÉ and now at Thirty Nine Restaurant at First Americans Museum in Oklahoma City, where Oden is the Chef Consultant. Amply illustrated and adapted to bring the taste of Native tradition into the home kitchen, Corn Dance invites readers to join Loretta Oden on her inspiring journey into the Indigenous heritage, and the exhilarating culinary future, of North America.
Thomas Nelson Publishers NIV, The Woman's Study Bible, Leathersoft, Blue, Full-Color, Red Letter: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation
A study Bible with thousands of verse commentary notes designed by women specifically for women to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation.The Woman’s Study Bible poignantly reveals the Word of God to women, inviting them to receive God’s truth for balance, hope, and transformation. Special features designed to speak to a woman’s heart appear throughout the Bible text, revealing Scripture-based insights about how godly womanhood grows from a woman’s identity as a Christ-follower and a child of the Kingdom. Now with a beautiful full-color redesign, The Woman’s Study Bible reflects the contributions of over 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds.Trusted by women worldwide, The Woman’s Study Bible has been recognized with the ECPA Platinum Award for selling over 4 million copies across translations.Features Include: Beautiful full-color design throughout for you to enjoy as you engage Scripture Detailed biographical portraits allow you to learn from the lives of over 100 women in the Bible Thousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notes explain each passage and provide meaning to Scripture Over 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issues for you to glean wisdom from and apply to your life Insightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophy to deepen your theological knowledge Book introductions and outlines provide an overview and context for each book Hundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family trees show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical themes Quotes from godly women throughout history to encourage and guide your faith journey Set of full-page maps of the biblical world show a visual representation of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Topical index and concordance help locate words and see the number of occurrences throughout the Bible Easy-to-read large10.5-point print size
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, End-of-Verse Reference Bible, Compact, Leathersoft, Teal, Red Letter, Comfort Print: Holy Bible, New King James Version
An easy-to-carry Bible that easily fits in a purse or backpack with cross references allowing this Bible to be an ideal choice to take with you wherever you go.Reading the Bible on the go? This compact-sized edition was designed with you in mind. Even though this Bible is small, you don’t have to compromise size for readability. Plus, thousands of cross references are conveniently located at the end of verses to help you make connections throughout Scripture.Trusted by millions of believers around the world, the NKJV remains the bestselling modern “word-for-word” translation. It balances the literary beauty and familiarity of the King James tradition with an extraordinary commitment to preserving the grammar and structure of the underlying biblical languages. And while the translators relied on the traditional Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic text used by the translators of the 1611 KJV, the comprehensive translator notes offer important insights about the latest developments in biblical manuscript studies. The result is a Bible translation that is both beautiful and uncompromising—perfect for serious study, devotional use, and reading aloud.Features include: Line-matched for improved clarity when reading Verse-style Scripture format starts each verse on its own line so it’s easy to navigate the text Verse-by-verse cross-references give you to find related passages quickly and easily Words of Christ in red help you quickly identify Jesus’ teachings and statements Portable personal-size format allows this Bible to be a perfect travel companion wherever you go Durable and flexible Smyth-sewn binding allows the Bible to lay flat wherever you are reading Concordance for looking up a word’s occurrences throughout the Bible Full color maps show the layout of Israel and other biblical locations for better context Ribbon markers make it easy navigate and keep track of where you were reading Easy-to-read extra-large 7.5-point NKJV Comfort Print
University Press of Kansas Race, Sex, and the Freedom to Marry: Loving v. Virginia
In 1958 Mildred Jeter and Richard Loving, two young lovers from Caroline County, Virginia, got married. Soon they were hauled out of their bedroom in the middle of the night and taken to jail. Their crime? Loving was white, Jeter was not, and in Virginia--as in twenty-three other states then--interracial marriage was illegal. Their experience reflected that of countless couples across America since colonial times. And in challenging the laws against their marriage, the Lovings closed the book on that very long chapter in the nation's history. Race, Sex, and the Freedom to Marry tells the story of this couple and the case that forever changed the law of race and marriage in America.The story of the Lovings and the case they took to the Supreme Court involved a community, an extended family, and in particular five main characters--the couple, two young attorneys, and a crusty local judge who twice presided over their case--as well as such key dimensions of political and cultural life as race, gender, religion, law, identity, and family. In Race, Sex, and the Freedom to Marry, Peter Wallenstein brings these characters and their legal travails to life, and situates them within the wider context--even at the center--of American history. Along the way, he untangles the arbitrary distinctions that long sorted out Americans by racial identity--distinctions that changed over time, varied across space, and could extend the reach of criminal law into the most remote community. In light of the related legal arguments and historical development, moreover, Wallenstein compares interracial and same-sex marriage. A fair amount is known about the saga of the Lovings and the historic court decision that permitted them to be married and remain free. And some of what is known, Wallenstein tells us, is actually true. A detailed, in-depth account of the case, as compelling for its legal and historical insights as for its human drama, this book at long last clarifies the events and the personalities that reconfigured race, marriage, and law in America.
WW Norton & Co Economics Rules: The Rights and Wrongs of the Dismal Science
In the wake of the financial crisis and the Great Recession, economics seems anything but a science. In this sharp, masterfully argued book, Dani Rodrik, a leading critic from within, takes a close look at economics to examine when it falls short and when it works, to give a surprisingly upbeat account of the discipline. Drawing on the history of the field and his deep experience as a practitioner, Rodrik argues that economics can be a powerful tool that improves the world—but only when economists abandon universal theories and focus on getting the context right. Economics Rules argues that the discipline's much-derided mathematical models are its true strength. Models are the tools that make economics a science. Too often, however, economists mistake a model for the model that applies everywhere and at all times. In six chapters that trace his discipline from Adam Smith to present-day work on globalization, Rodrik shows how diverse situations call for different models. Each model tells a partial story about how the world works. These stories offer wide-ranging, and sometimes contradictory, lessons—just as children’s fables offer diverse morals. Whether the question concerns the rise of global inequality, the consequences of free trade, or the value of deficit spending, Rodrik explains how using the right models can deliver valuable new insights about social reality and public policy. Beyond the science, economics requires the craft to apply suitable models to the context. The 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers challenged many economists' deepest assumptions about free markets. Rodrik reveals that economists' model toolkit is much richer than these free-market models. With pragmatic model selection, economists can develop successful antipoverty programs in Mexico, growth strategies in Africa, and intelligent remedies for domestic inequality. At once a forceful critique and defense of the discipline, Economics Rules charts a path toward a more humble but more effective science.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Sheehy's Emergency Nursing: Principles and Practice
Written by emergency nurses for emergency nurses, this comprehensive, evidence-based resource covers the issues and procedures that are often unique to the emergency department. New developments and changes in clinical practice are incorporated throughout. The user-friendly format features more than 350 high-quality illustrations and 150 tables that highlight essential concepts and offer quick access to vital information. Key coverage includes clinical fundamentals, treatment for trauma and medical-surgical emergencies, the foundations of emergency nursing practice, and special populations. 58 contributors offer valuable insights from a broad range of clinical positions in rural, suburban, and urban areas. High-quality radiographs and other diagnostic images help you learn to identify common conditions - especially head trauma, fractures, and dislocations. Logically organized, chapters are grouped into six sections for quick access to important content: Foundations of Emergency Nursing, Professional Practice, Clinical Foundations of Emergency Nursing, Major Trauma Emergencies, Medical and Surgical Emergencies, and Special Patient Populations. Tables and boxes highlight and summarize critical information for at-a-glance reference. A separate unit on special patient populations covers topics such as child abuse, elder abuse, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, substance abuse and behavioral/pediatric/obstetrical emergencies. Priority nursing diagnoses are highlighted in a quick-reference appendix to help you focus on the most serious problems. Five new chapters bring you the most reliable, up-to-date information on these key topics: Management of the Critical Care Patient in the Emergency Department Family Presence During Resuscitation Forensic Nursing Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Agents of Mass Destruction Influenza: Seasonal, Avian, and Pandemic Expanded coverage of shock and sepsis provides essential information on pathophysiology and diagnosis, with valuable guidelines for managing these patients. A detailed discussion of various types of triage systems and triage acuity ratings examines valid and reliable methods for differentiating between patients who require immediate treatment and those who can wait. Additional coverage of behavioral health emergencies includes new information on agitation, substance abuse, and suicide prevention.
HarperChristian Resources Teaching the Heart of the Old Testament: Communicating Life-Changing Truths from Genesis to Malachi
A Communicator’s Toolkit for Teaching the Old Testament Having the right resources gives you a powerful edge in communicating the message of the Old Testament effectively in this media-driven, sensory-intensive culture. You’ll learn how to effectively connect with the minds, imaginations, and hearts of your listeners. Designed to maximize your connection and impact, it is a communicator’s toolbox for teaching your congregation 32 life-changing messages from the Old Testament. It is a stand-alone resource that can also be used in conjunction with the Exploring the Old Testament Bible study series to facilitate a nine-month church wide study of the Old Testament. Based on Pastor John Ortberg’s OTC series at the New Community services of Willow Creek Community Church, this teaching resource will enable churches to raise the level of biblical literacy and understanding among its congregation. * Historical, cultural, and geographical backgrounds unlock the meanings of Bible passages. Transport your listeners thousands of years into the past so they can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the ancient world. * Illustrations, humorous stories, and word pictures engage the imagination and emotions, bringing home the timeless message of the Old Testament with clarity and freshness. * Creative applications help listeners make the leap from learning Old Testament lessons to living the Christian life. The genius of this teaching guide is its flexibility. Customize your messages from a treasury of resources. This revolutionary tool provides up to 16 categories of material for each message. No need to spend countless hours doing research—a wealth of ideas and resources lies at your fingertips! The preaching and teaching guide includes: •Creative Message Ideas •Heart of the Message •Heart of the Messenger •Historical Context Notes •Illustrations •Interpretive Insights •Life Applications •Narrative on Life •Narrative on the Text •New Testament Connections •On the Lighter Side •Pause for Prayer •Pause for Reflection •Quotable Quotes •Significant Scriptures •Word Studies
The Collective Book Studio Dear White Women: Let's Get (Un)comfortable Talking about Racism
"Dear white women: please do us all a favor and buy this book….Then READ IT." —Kate Schatz, New York Times bestselling authorWHAT CAN I DO TO HELP? This is a question that many seemingly well intentioned White people ask people of color. Yet, it places the responsibility to educate on their peers, friends, colleagues, and even strangers, rather than themselves. If you've ever asked or been asked "What can I do to help combat racism?" then Dear White Women: Let's Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism is the answer you're looking for. From the creators of the award winning podcast Dear White Women, this book breaks down the psychology and barriers to meaningful race discussions for White people, contextualizing racism throughout American history in short, targeted chapters. Sara Blanchard and Misasha Suzuki Graham bring their insights to the page with: Personal narratives Historical context Practical tips Dear White Women challenges readers to encounter the hard questions about race (and racism) in order to push the needle of change in a positive direction.PRAISE FOR DEAR WHITE WOMEN: "Dear White Women: Let's Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism is a book that needs to be read by all people." —Shanicia Boswell, Author and Founder of Black Moms Blog "This gentle but firm guide will appeal to readers interested in putting the concept of anti-racism into action." —Publishers Weekly "Smart, insightful....Sara Blanchard and Misasha Suzuki Graham provide a blueprint for thinking through the hard questions, recognizing that crossing identity lines requires intentional and continuous practice." —Ji Seon Song, Acting Professor of Law, University of California at Irvine "The invisibility of Native Americans from U.S. society must be a part of our racial reckoning, something Sara Blanchard and Misasha Suzuki Graham have taken care to address in this thoughtful look at race in America.” —Crystal Echo Hawk (Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma), Founder and Executive Director of IllumiNative
Temple Lodge Publishing Dementia: Anthroposophical Perspectives
Dementia, a broad category of brain diseases including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, affects millions of people worldwide. Although its impact is primarily focused on populations of Western countries, orthodox medicine has not been able to discover the causes of dementia, let alone develop successful treatments or a cure. Given this situation, there are good reasons to investigate the psycho-spiritual factors connected to the outbreak of the illness. As the author states in her Preface: 'The conception of man that is given priority today by the scientific world hardly takes into account that in addition to the physical-material component, for which certain degenerative or pathological processes can be determined with the help of technical apparatus, there are other components of his being to be taken into account which cannot be investigated in that way. So long as the cause of an illness is not sought in connection with those spiritual components of the human being, a successful treatment of the patient cannot be assured.' Developing successful methods of treatment requires a full understanding of the human being.This can not be achieved through observation with the outer senses only, but increasingly calls for spiritual-scientific perception. Through this method, as founded by Rudolf Steiner, great service can be rendered to humanity, including precise research into the causes of ill-health. The factors involved in the eruption of modern afflictions, such as dementia, can be determined by careful consideration of humanity's - as well as the individual's - destiny. In this succinct but rich study, Judith von Halle describes her investigations into the phenomenon of dementia, beginning with a general outline of the anthroposophical conception of the human being and society, and applying that knowledge to what today is increasingly referred to as an epidemic. This book does not demand medical expertise, but requires an effort to engage with the psycho-spiritual conditions of dementia sufferers. It provides a wealth of insights and guidance to approaching one of the greatest challenges of our time.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Tensions and Barriers in Improving Maternity Care: The Story of a Birth Centre
We have written this book because the story it tells warrants a wide audience. We see the purpose of this book as informing discussion and decision-making around reconfigurations of maternity care, so that planning, communication, management and recruitment can be improved and shared vision articulated and understood.A" Throughout the world, women-centred care is gaining prominence in providing maternity care. Many birth centres open each year to meet this need - but at the same time, many close or are shelved. So why should the turnover in organisations that deliver such a vital service to women be so high, thwarting many midwives from practising as they would wish? This carefully researched and passionate book tells the story of a birth centre that did fail, and the painful but valuable lessons it presents for others. Many of the issues and behaviours illustrated - lack of leadership, support, vision and plain-dealing, and tensions between bureaucracy and women-centred care - will find resonance in maternity services and midwifery experiences in the UK and throughout the world. Tensions and Barriers in Improving Maternity Care is a vital and challenging resource for all midwives, managers and policy makers and shapers with an interest in maternity and women-centred care. "A remarkably detailed analysis of the politics of a birth centre trapped in a medicalised system that threatened and rapidly destroyed it. It is a vivid example of how autonomous midwifery is undermined by an organisational structure in which management focuses exclusively on one model of care." - From the Foreword by Sheila Kitzinger 'I would recommend this powerful book to all supervisors of midwives as it provides profound insights into the impact of loss and grief upon the midwives who are often left feeling isolated and vulnerable when dealing with difficult circumstances.' - Nessa McHugh, lecturer in midwifery at Edinburgh Napier University, and leader of the Preparation and Practice of Supervisors of Midwives programme.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Three Preludes to the Song of Roland: Gui of Burgundy, Roland at Saragossa, and Otinel
The first complete English translation of three chansons de geste inspired by the Romance epic, the Song of Roland. The success of the eleventh-century Song of Roland gave rise to a series of around twenty related chansons de geste, known collectively as the Cycle of the King. In addition to reworkings of the Song of Roland in Old French and other medieval languages, these poems are devoted to the numerous military campaigns of Charlemagne against the Muslims before and after the tragic Battle of Roncevaux. These texts provide valuable insights into the medieval reception of the Roland material, exemplifying the process of cycle formation and attesting to the diversity of the Romance epic. Far from presenting a simplistic view of the clash of civilizations, these chansons de geste display a web of contradictions, offering both a glorification and a critique of hatred and violence. This volume offers English translations of the three epic poems whose action directly precedes the events of the Song of Roland. Gui of Burgundy extends the period of time spent in Spain by Charles and his army from seven to twenty-six years, which gives the sons of the Twelve Peers the opportunity to reach adulthood and come to the rescue of their fathers. Roland at Saragossa, composed in Occitan, takes place in the days immediately preceding the decisive defeat and relates in an heroi-comic manner how Roland sneaks into Saragossa at the request of the pagan Queen Braslimonda, who has been enraptured by his strength and beauty. Finally, Otinel tells of a Saracen envoy who comes to Paris to challenge Charlemagne on behalf of the Emir Garsile, who has his capital in Lombardy. The action takes place in France and northern Italy in a lull between the capture of Pamplona and the defeat at Roncevaux. The translations are presented with notes, and the volume includes an introduction placing the poems in their wider historical and cultural contexts.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd New Medieval Literatures 20
Cutting-edge and fresh new outlooks on medieval literature, emphasising the vibrancy of the field. New Medieval Literatures is an annual of work on medieval textual cultures, aiming to engage with intellectual and cultural pluralism in the Middle Ages and now. Its scope is inclusive of work across the theoretical, archival, philological, and historicist methodologies associated with medieval literary studies, and embraces the range of European cultures, capaciously defined. Essays in this volume investigate a range of writers from late antiquity to the fifteenth century. They explore encounters between humans and animals in French romance; reflect on what contemporary sound studies can offer to Anglo-French poetry; trace how the reception of Trojan history is influenced by late medieval military practices; attend to the complex multilingualism of a devotional poetry that tests the limits of both language and theology; analyse the ways in which Christ's sexuality upsets religious typology inlate medieval drama; document the lines of national and European affinities found in French poetic manuscripts; and argue for why we should study "ugly" manuscripts of practical instruction not only for what they teach us but alsofor their insights into medieval literacy. Texts discussed include romances such as Chrétien de Troyes's Yvain and Béroul's Tristan; the theologian John of Howden's adaptation of the Philomela legend in his Rossignos; Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde read alongside siege chronicles of the Hundred Years War; Bruder Hans's quadrilingual Ave Maria; the York Corpus Christi Plays; the poetry of Charles d'Orléans; and a group oflate medieval manuscripts which include herbals, account books, and medical treatises. KELLIE ROBERTSON is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Maryland; WENDY SCASE is Geoffrey Shepherd Professor of Medieval English Literature at the University of Birmingham; LAURA ASHE is Professor of English at the University of Oxford and Fellow and Tutor at Worcester College, Oxford; PHILIP KNOX Is University Lecturer inEnglish and Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, Contributors: Lukas Hadrian Ovrom, Terrence Cullen, Steven Rozenski, Tison Pugh, Rory G. Critten, Daniel Wakelin.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Letters of Seamen in the Wars with France, 1793-1815
Letters of seamen below the rank of commissioned officer which tell us a great deal about shipboard life and about seamen's attitudes. Letters of seamen below the rank of commissioned officer are rare, both in original form and in print. This edited collection of 255 letters, written by seamen in the British Navy and their correspondents between 1793 and 1815, gives voice to a group of men whose lives and thoughts are otherwise mostly unknown. The letters are extremely valuable for the insights which they give into aspects of life below decks and the subjects close to the writers' hearts:money matters, ties with home and homesickness. They also provide eye-witness accounts of events during a tumultuous and important period of British and European history. One group of letters, included as a separate section, comprises the letters of seamen and their family and friends which were intercepted by the authorities during the mutinies of 1797. These letters shed a great deal of light on the extraordinary events of that year and of seamen's attitudes to the mutinies. The editors' introductory material, besides highlighting what the letters tell us about seamen's lives and attitudes, also discusses the extent of literacy amongst seamen, setting this into its wider contemporary popular context. The letters are supported by a substantial editorial apparatus and two detailed appendices containing biographies of seamen and information on select ships which took part in the mutinies of 1797. Helen Watt, a professional archivist and researcher, is currently Project Archivist with the Borthwick Institute for Archives, University of York, and has also worked on other research projects at The National Archives, Kew, theNational Library of Wales and the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth. Anne Hawkins, a retired civil servant, was Secretary of the Ships' Names and Badges Committee in the early 1990s and has family links with the Navy and Admiralty.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation
Over the past few decades, corporations have been neglected in studies of international political economy (IPE). Seeking to demystify them, what they are, how they behave and their goals and constraints, this Handbook introduces the corporation as a unit of analysis for students of IPE. Providing critical discussion of their global and domestic power, and highlighting the ways in which corporations interact with each other and with their socio-political environment, this Handbook presents a thorough and up-to-date overview of the main debates around the role of corporations in the global political economy. Bringing together international contributors, this Handbook provides a nuanced and global perspective on the IPE of corporations. With a multidisciplinary introduction to corporations from an IPE perspective, this Handbook investigates the role of the corporation in the twenty-first century and highlights the complexities of corporations and the environments in which they exist. Chapters provide insights into corporations' internal structures, how they are embedded in their national environments and how their transnational relations are structured, as well as their position in the global economy. Carefully written and edited to ensure accessibility, the Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation is a crucial resource for students of IPE seeking to deepen their understanding of the discipline as well as for postgraduate scholars who need reference material within which to frame their research. Contributors: C. Bakir, M.V. Balestro, T.L. Berge, D. Bohle, L. Campling, W.K. Carroll, J. Clifton, F. de Beule, D. Díaz-Fuentes, A. Dienes, M. Ebenau, S. Eckert, J. Eckhardt, D. Finchelstein, D. Fuchs, B. Ganson, J.-C. Graz, C. Gregoratti, T. Gumbert, H. Hveem, O.C. Iheduru, A. Jakli , D. Kinderman, J. Klinkhammer, H.-A. Lee, C. May, L. Mondi, G. Morgan, A. Nölke, S. Pinto, M. Pohlmann, A. Rebérioux, A. Roberts, G. Roudaut, J.P. Sapinski, V. Scepanovic, B. Selwyn, S. Tornhill, A. Wennmann, M.A. Witt, J. Woods, K. Young
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ethical Leadership: A Primer: Second Edition
The world cries out for ethical leaders. We expect the best, but we are often left profoundly disappointed. While leadership programs may feature ethics as part of their curriculum, the approach is often either simplistic or overly esoteric. This second edition addresses this scarcity of resources for training ethical leaders, providing a primer of several ethical frameworks accompanied by extended examples to help inform decision-making. It also addresses several leadership models that claim an ethical component. The new edition also includes new chapters on the ethics of care and toxic leadership, and new case studies for all chapters. By providing a consistent case analysis based on the Five Components of Leadership Model, readers benefit from a comprehensive approach to understanding ethical leadership.By using the Five Components of Leadership Model as a consistent point of reference, McManus, Ward, and Perry offer readers a variety of insights on ethical leadership. Conclusions include the importance of drawing from multiple ethical and leadership perspectives, moving away from exclusively leader-centric approaches to ethical leadership, the importance of asking questions to maximize self-awareness, and considering multiple points of view whenever addressing an ethical conundrum. To connect ‘ethical thinking’ and ‘ethical doing,’ the text uses classroom-friendly framing questions, timelines, visual models, summary tables, case studies, discussion questions, and recommended resources for additional study. After reading the book, students will benefit from a foundational understanding of theories and models of both ethics and leadership, as well as a concrete view of what these theories and models look like in practice. Professors will benefit by having all of these resources in one text, viewed through the lens of the Five Components of Leadership Model.Striving to be both comprehensive and approachable, this book is an excellent resource for upper-level students studying leadership, especially those who are new to philosophy or ethics. It is inclusive enough to serve as a primary text or as a supplement for a well-rounded ethics or leadership course.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public–Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development: Finance, Stakeholder Alignment, Governance
Large infrastructure projects often face significant cost overruns and stakeholder fragmentation. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) allow governments to procure long-term infrastructure services from private providers, rather than developing, financing and managing infrastructure assets themselves. Aligning public and private interests and institutional logics to create robust, decades-long service contracts subject to shifting economic and political contexts is a significant cross-sectoral governance challenge. This work summarizes over a decade of research conducted by scholars at Stanford s Global Projects Center and multiple US and International collaborators to enhance the governance of both infrastructure projects and institutional investors, whose long term, cash flow obligations align especially well with the kinds of long term inflation-adjusted returns that PPP infrastructure projects can generate. In these pages, multiple theoretical perspectives are integrated and combined with empirical evidence to examine how experiences from more mature PPP jurisdictions can help improve PPP governance approaches worldwide. The information contained here will appeal to engineering, economics, political science, public policy and finance scholars interested in the delivery of high-quality, sustainable infrastructure services to the citizens in countries with established and emerging market economies. Officials in national, state/provincial and local government agencies seeking alternative financing and service provision strategies for their civil and social infrastructure, and legislators and their staff members interested in promoting PPP legislation will find this book invaluable. It will also be of high interest to long-term investment professionals from pension funds, sovereign funds, family offices and university endowments seeking to deploy money into the infrastructure asset class, and practitioners seeking insights into methods for enhancing stakeholder incentive alignment, reducing transaction costs and improving project outcomes in PPPs. Contributors: B.G. Cameron, G. Carollo, C.B. Casady, E.F. Crawley, K. Eriksson, W. Feng, M.J. Garvin, K.E. Gasparro, R.R. Geddes, W.J. Henisz, D.R. Lessard, R.E. Levitt, T. Liu, A.H.B. Monk, D.A. Nguyen, C. Nowacki, W.R. Scott, R. Sharma, A.J. South
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Social Entrepreneurship
Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. In the last two decades social entrepreneurship has grown in energy and impact as entrepreneurial spirit has increasingly turned to finding solutions for social, cultural and environmental issues. As social entrepreneurship has grown in popularity, so too has its academic study. A Research Agenda for Social Entrepreneurship brings together contributions from developing paths in the field to signpost the directions ahead for the study of social entrepreneurship. Moving beyond mainstream approaches to entrepreneurship, this innovative and insightful book offers a unique view into the contemporary state of social entrepreneurship research. Impressive and diverse, this book explores not only established research, but also draws out implications for social entrepreneurship from legal scholarship, gender studies and indigenous research, as well as investigating regional contexts. Moreover, the contributors take inspiration from emerging societal trends, such as the circular economy and the turn of entrepreneurship to ecology and the environment. Featuring diverse insights from different disciplinary and geographical perspectives, this book is invaluable to students of social entrepreneurship at all levels who are in need of a broad and cutting-edge overview of the topics. Researchers seeking original research topics and questions will benefit from this book's insight into the future of the subject. The accessible style will also serve social entrepreneurs themselves, offering a fascinating exploration of the many pathways for social entrepreneurship. Contributors: G. Alarifi, A. Brady, D. Burand, E. Castellas, L.-P. Dana, A. de Bruin, P. Dey, B. Doherty, M. Duniam, A.M. Eikenberry, R. Eversole, H. Haugh, R. Hazenberg, M. Henriksson, C. Henry, E. Henry, D. Holt, M. Hultman, N. Johansson, A. Kaijser, P. Kittipanya-ngam, E. Kromidha, K.V. Lewis, L. Marti, C. Mason, B. Meldrum, J. Ormiston, P. Robson, M.J. Roy, R. Spear, S. Teasdale, B. Wallsten, R. Ziegler
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public–Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development: Finance, Stakeholder Alignment, Governance
Large infrastructure projects often face significant cost overruns and stakeholder fragmentation. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) allow governments to procure long-term infrastructure services from private providers, rather than developing, financing and managing infrastructure assets themselves. Aligning public and private interests and institutional logics to create robust, decades-long service contracts subject to shifting economic and political contexts is a significant cross-sectoral governance challenge. This work summarizes over a decade of research conducted by scholars at Stanford s Global Projects Center and multiple US and International collaborators to enhance the governance of both infrastructure projects and institutional investors, whose long term, cash flow obligations align especially well with the kinds of long term inflation-adjusted returns that PPP infrastructure projects can generate. In these pages, multiple theoretical perspectives are integrated and combined with empirical evidence to examine how experiences from more mature PPP jurisdictions can help improve PPP governance approaches worldwide. The information contained here will appeal to engineering, economics, political science, public policy and finance scholars interested in the delivery of high-quality, sustainable infrastructure services to the citizens in countries with established and emerging market economies. Officials in national, state/provincial and local government agencies seeking alternative financing and service provision strategies for their civil and social infrastructure, and legislators and their staff members interested in promoting PPP legislation will find this book invaluable. It will also be of high interest to long-term investment professionals from pension funds, sovereign funds, family offices and university endowments seeking to deploy money into the infrastructure asset class, and practitioners seeking insights into methods for enhancing stakeholder incentive alignment, reducing transaction costs and improving project outcomes in PPPs. Contributors: B.G. Cameron, G. Carollo, C.B. Casady, E.F. Crawley, K. Eriksson, W. Feng, M.J. Garvin, K.E. Gasparro, R.R. Geddes, W.J. Henisz, D.R. Lessard, R.E. Levitt, T. Liu, A.H.B. Monk, D.A. Nguyen, C. Nowacki, W.R. Scott, R. Sharma, A.J. South
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of the Sharing Economy
With the radical growth in the ubiquity of digital platforms, the sharing economy is here to stay. This Handbook explores the nature and direction of the sharing economy, interrogating its key dynamics and evolution over the past decade and critiquing its effect on society. Using an interdisciplinary perspective, this Handbook analyses labour, governance, trust and consumption in the contemporary sharing economy. It questions the apparent contradiction between its components: the moral economy of small-scale communal sharing versus the far-flung reaches of the market economy. Chapters explore ways to resolve this paradox, theorizing hybrid economic forms and considering the replacement of human trust inherent in the sharing economy with a transactional reputation economy. Featuring a variety of both conceptual explorations and empirical investigations in a variety of different cross-cultural contexts, this Handbook illustrates how and, more importantly, why the sharing economy has reshaped marketplaces, and will continue to disrupt them as it develops. Written in an accessible style, this thorough Handbook offers crucial insights for researchers across a variety of disciplines interested in the trajectories of modern consumption, as well as students studying the sharing economy. Practitioners, policy makers and public speakers working in and around the sharing economy will also benefit from this book's unique analysis of trends in consumer economics. Contributors include: A. Arvidsson, G. Avram, F. Bardhi, H. Bartling, M. Baz Radwan, R. Belk, H.H. Chang, A. Chattopadhyay, R. Corten, D. Dalli, A. DeCrop, N. Drozdova, G. Eckhardt, T. Eriksson, E. Fischer, F. Fortezza, A. Gandini, A. Gessinger, A. Graul, A. Gruen, A.J. Hawley, I. Kleppe, S. Kurtmollaiev, M. Laamanen, C. Laurell, C.X. Li, A. Light, R.J. Lutz, J. Mallargé, K. Mikolajewska-Zaj c, L. Mimoun, M. Möhlmann, O. Mont, J. Morales, A. Mukherjee, C. Oberg, L.K. Ozanne, E. Papaoikonomou, G. Patsiaouras, C. Pitt, K. Plangger, M. Rocas-Royo, A. Ryan, C. Sandstrom, M. Saren, K. Strzyczkowski, W. Suetzl, T. Teubner, C. Valor, P. van den Bussche, G. von Richthofen, Y. Voytenko Palgen, S. Wahlen, T. Widlok, P. Zidda, L. Zvolska
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector
This volume is the definitive work on banking sector crisis management. It covers all recent legislative developments and it provides cognate analysis by leading experts on matters covering the whole spectrum of bank crisis management, ranging from early intervention and provision of emergency liquidity assistance by the central bank to group resolution and the workings of the Single Resolution Mechanism. Additionally, country reports of all major jurisdictions such as Australia, the US, UK, Germany, Japan and China provide comprehensive overviews of the current state. It will prove an invaluable companion to all those seeking to demystify this most complex area of legal and regulatory practice.'- Emilios Avgouleas, University of Edinburgh, UKIn this timely Handbook, over 30 prominent academics, practitioners and regulators from across the globe provide in-depth insights into an area of law that the recent global financial crisis has placed in the spotlight: bank insolvency law.Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector discusses the rules that govern a bank insolvency from the perspectives of the various parties that are affected by these rules. Thus, whilst many bank insolvency rules have been enacted only recently and their application is still clouded by a host of uncertainties, this book takes the perspectives of the relevant authorities, of the bank and of the bank's counterparties.Providing a comprehensive approach to crisis management in the banking sector, this Handbook will prove a valuable resource for academics, postgraduate students, practitioners and international policymakers.Contributors include: J. Adriaanse, D. Bernstein, V. Borger, A. Bornemann, W. Bosma, A. Campbell, A. Carr, B. Clarke, P. Davies, T. Dijkhuizen, P. Durban, J. Gabilondo, F. Garcimartín, M. Haentjens, T. Hayashi, T.F. Huertas, B.P.M. Joosen, S. Kaltsouni, Q. Kong, R. Mason, P. Moffatt, M. Murray, P. Rank, J.-P. van der Rest, M.I. Saez, R.A. Sahni, M. Schillig, D. Schoenmaker, J. Sluysmans, M. Timmer, N. van Triet, V. Troiano, T. Verdoes, L. Verrill, B. Wessels, S. Yonghui, G.S. Zavvos
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Gerald Finzi's Letters, 1915-1956
A fully annotated edition of more than 1600 letters from and to Gerald Finzi, spanning the composer's life from ca. the early 1920s up until his untimely death in 1956. WINNER of the 2022 C.B. Oldman prize, by the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAMLS UK & Irl) Gerald Finzi's (1901-1956) masterpiece is the radiant and touching cantata Dies Natalis. He is also highly regarded for his Thomas Hardy song-settings, for his Intimations of Immortality, and for his fine cello and clarinet concertos. As a scholar, he championed the then neglected composers Hubert Parry and Ivor Gurney, and the eighteenth-century John Stanley, William Boyce and Richard Mudge, composers he revived with the amateur orchestra he founded. Diana McVeagh, Finzi's biographer, brings together more than 1600 letters from and to Gerald Finzi, spanning the composer's life from the early 1920s until his untimely death in 1956. His more than 160 correspondents include Ralph Vaughan Williams, Herbert Howells, Edmund Rubbra, Arthur Bliss and Howard Ferguson, Michael Tippett, Benjamin Britten and Sir John Barbirolli, the poet Edmund Blunden, and the artist John Aldridge, making this a portrait not only of Gerald Finzi but also of his group of composer, musician and artist friends in the first half of the twentieth century. In these mostly unpublished letters Finzi emerges as a multi-faceted and complex character, developing from a solitary, introverted youth into a man with strong views and wide interests: education, pacifism, vegetarianism, the Arts and Crafts movement and the English pastoral tradition, among others. From amusing trivia to the deeply serious ideas and principles Finzi set out at the onset of war and in the 1950s, these letters allow for first-hand insights into his personality and background. This definitive edition is fully annotated, offering context with substantial commentaries on the correspondence, illustrations by Joy Finzi, a chronology, bibliography and a catalogue of works.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Renewable Energy law and Development: Case Study Analysis
This is a unique book written by one of the leading scholars in the field. It uses detailed case studies to analyze the successes, failures and challenges of renewable energy initiatives in developing and emerging countries.Incorporating the insights and perspectives of researchers who come from the respective countries covered, the study compares some of the most exciting success stories, including: China's meteoric rise from near zero use of renewable energy to being the world leader in solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and wind energy; Brazil's success in becoming the world s top ethanol producer and exporter; and India's pioneering use of a hedge plant to produce biodiesel and its use of animal and human wastes for rural electrification. The book also describes Indonesia s disastrous palm oil program which cut down its forests and excavated its peat bogs. It concludes that good leadership is the largest factor in success, but that it is also critical to include public participation, training, transparency, environmental consideration, fair labor practices, protection against exploitation and enforcement.This book is designed to be helpful to other countries seeking to initiate renewable energy programs. It will appeal to local administrators and policymakers, field personnel from UN agencies and NGOs, and renewable energy funders, as well as to academic researchers.Contents: Preface Introduction 1. Case Studies of Renewable Energy in China with Chen Yitong, Long Xue and Zheyuan Liu 2. Nuclear Power in China: Successes and Challenges with Jingru Feng 3. Renewable Energy in the Philippines with Alvin K. Leong 4. Case Study of the Implementation of the Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Pilot Plant in Aïn Beni Mathar, Morocco with Alexis Thuau 5. Case Study of Biofuels in India with Sayan S. Das 6. Case Study of Renewable Energy in Brazil with Douglas S. Figueiredo and Lia Helena M.L. Demange 7. Case Study of Indonesia's Palm Oil-based Biodiesel Program with Christopher J. Riti 8. Case Study of Renewable Energy in Pakistan with Shakeel Kazmi 9. Conclusion Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd What is Wrong with Islamic Economics?: Analysing the Present State and Future Agenda
'I read with great interest the current state of Islamic economics and finance as examined by Muhammad Akram Khan, who has given a fresh outlook for the readers to find out its limitations and to search for its solutions. Khan has read widely in the subject matter, and presented his views with reference to literature and thoughtful and logical arguments. While many may not agree with his arguments or will have a better explanation, I find his arguments at least worthy of examination to strengthen the arguments of those who might oppose him. Although Khan is critical of the subject matter, he is very sympathetic to the greater objectives of Islamic economics and provides his own prescriptions to achieve those objectives.'- M. Kabir Hassan, University of New Orleans, USWhat is Wrong with Islamic Economics? takes an objective look at the state of the art in Islamic economics and finance. It analyses reasons for perceived stagnation and also suggests a way forward.As well as probing various myths, the book presents several innovative ideas and a methodology for developing the subject on new foundations. It also highlights weaknesses in the conventional position on prohibition of interest, which has led Islamic banks devise a series of legal tricks. The author notes how the original aim of devising a new brand of banking has become less prominent whilst Islamic banks now position themselves more closely to conventional banks. The book also offers insights into how certain traditional thinking has seemingly ignored the egalitarian spirit of the law of zakah and created a scenario where zakah is not able to help the billions of poor people around the globe.This detailed book will appeal to students, professors, researchers, Islamic banks and finance houses, consulting companies, accounting firms, and regulatory bodies. Professional economists, libraries in research and training organizations, as well as anyone with a general interest in the topic will find much to interest them.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Public Administration and Governance
It is about time for another Handbook, and Massey and Johnston have given us a good one. It is to be commended particularly for having avoided the Anglocentricity of some previous volumes. Eminent scholars line up to give us useful frameworks for thinking about governance, and mature analyses of current systems across the continents. An excellent addition to both library and classroom.'- Christopher Pollitt, Leuven Public Government Institute, BelgiumTaking a comparative approach unmatched by any other book on this topic, this vital Handbook explores key questions around the ways in which public administration and governance challenges can be addressed by governments in an increasingly globalized world. World-leading experts explore contemporary issues of government and governance, as well as the relationship between civil society and the political class. The insights offered will allow policy makers and officials to explore options for policy making in a new and informed way.Adopting global perspectives of governance and public sector management, the Handbook includes scrutiny of current issues such as: public policy capacity, wicked policy problems, public sector reforms, the challenges of globalization and complexity management. Practitioners and scholars of public administration deliver a range of perspectives on the abiding wicked issues and challenges to delivering public services, and the way that delivery is structured. The Handbook uniquely provides international coverage of perspectives from Africa, Asia, North and South America, Europe and Australia.Practitioners and scholars of public administration, public policy, public sector management and international relations will learn a great deal from this Handbook about the issues and structures of government and governance in an increasingly complex world.Contributors: Perri 6, J.T. Anagnoson, G. Andranovich, A. Badran, G. Bouckaert, R. Cameron, S.S. Cankar, G.M. Cejudo, D. Curry, W. Drechsler, R.C. Gomes, J. Halligan, G. Hammerschmid, B.W. Head, S. Jilke, K. Johnston, A. Massey, D. Mctavish, J. O'Flynn, V. Petkovcek, R. Pyper, R.A.W Rhodes, D.J. Savoie, L. Secchi, A. Tiernan, K.K. Tummala, S. Van De Walle, Z. Zhu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Mastering the Ethical Dimension of Organizations: A Self-Reflective Guide to Developing Ethical Astuteness
Donna Ladkin gives us an entirely novel and creative approach to thinking about, and importantly, doing and teaching ethics. The book is practice-based in the best sense of the word, using meditation and other attention techniques to enhance awareness, inquiry, and ultimately ethical insight at the personal and organizational levels. It is accessible to students at all levels of learning, with exercises that will generate personal insights. At the same time, it is grounded in a wide range of sources, both philosophical and managerial, that enhance the credibility of its approach. This book will enhance the ethics and the lives of people who read it and practice its approaches.'- Sandra Waddock, Boston College Carroll School of Management, US'This book guides students and practitioners through the building blocks of ethical practice. It provides readers with an opportunity to reflect on their beliefs and develop skills they need to competently resolve the thorny ethical problems of organizational life. Ladkin grounds her discussion in virtue ethics and the ethics of care but never lets the philosophic theories weigh it down. The book offers an intellectually sound, friendly, and helpful take on the practice of organizational ethics.'- Joanne B. Ciulla, University of Richmond, USWith the use of exercises, reflective prompts and case studies, Mastering the Ethical Dimension of Organizations offers a practice-based approach to developing the skills critical to responding ethically to organizational dilemmas.Starting from the premise that ethical issues within organizations rarely come 'packaged', this book encourages an understanding of ethics beyond organizational compliance systems or codes of conduct. Instead, it argues that our ability to respond ethically requires ethical perception, moral imagination and discernment akin to aesthetic judgement; capabilities it fosters through a clear, programmed approach.Engagingly and accessibly written by a leading communicator in the field, this book will be essential for postgraduate students of business, management or leadership. Human resource management professionals, corporate responsibility managers and those in other organizational roles will also find this to be an insightful resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governpreneurship: Establishing a Thriving Entrepreneurial Spirit in Government
'After more than twenty years in public office and ten years traveling the world for my Foundation, I've concluded that the best outcomes occur when a strong, effective private sector works together with an innovative, entrepreneurial government to promote the economy. I know that as you read this book, you ll gain invaluable insights about the type of government that will succeed in the twenty-first century.' - From the foreword by President William Jefferson Clinton Challenging the traditional view that entrepreneurship is exclusively a private-sector concern, Governpreneurship presents a compelling argument for increased focus on entrepreneurship in public sector organizations. The only book to date to focus specifically on government entrepreneurship, this innovative volume combines Robert D. Hisrich's vast theoretical knowledge with the practical experience of Amr Al-Dabbagh, who applied entrepreneurship in the Saudi public sector with excellent results. Featuring forewords by former US President Bill Clinton and former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, as well as four case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of government entrepreneurship in action, this fascinating book breaks new ground in a rapidly growing field. In a time when government funds are being reduced and its services increasingly questioned, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit within the government becomes a vital concern. Although there is no ideal model for achieving government entrepreneurship, this volume outlines a number of innovative strategies designed to help public sector managers undertake their public mission while developing an entrepreneurial culture within their organization. The authors offer thorough and indispensible advice covering every aspect of government entrepreneurship, from framework to policy to funding and beyond. Finally, the book concludes with four case studies that explore successful government entrepreneurial undertakings in Ireland, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland. Government officials and other leaders in the public sector will find this book an indispensible guide to establishing an entrepreneurial focus in their organizations. Professors and students working in entrepreneurship, public sector management, and other business-related fields will also have much to admire in this innovative addition to the literature.
New Harbinger Publications Surviving Teacher Burnout: A Weekly Guide to Build Resilience, Deal with Emotional Exhaustion, and Stay Inspired in the Classroom
A teacher’s self-care guide for building resilience, boosting emotional strength, and finding hope in the face of daily stress and overwhelming challenges.If you’re an educator who works with children, you often face intense pressure in the classroom. This was true before the pandemic, but now you may be feeling it even more. You aren’t alone. From having to adapt to remote learning on the spot, to balancing the impacts of the pandemic on your personal life, many teachers are experiencing record levels of stress, trauma, and burnout. In addition, as an entire generation of students struggle to meet the academic and social emotional learning (SEL) challenges caused by a extended remote learning, you may be dealing with kids who are anxious, traumatized, and likely a year or two behind developmentally as they return to the classroom. It’s a lot to manage, and you may feel like you are at your breaking point.Written by an educational director at the Greater Good Science Center, Surviving Teacher Burnout is a 52-week self-care guide for teachers that features simple, low-lift strategies for increasing resilience and fostering greater well-being, confidence, and hope. Grounded in research-based positive psychology, the book offers tons of practical activities and journal-style prompts to help you cultivate feelings of gratitude, optimism, mindfulness, forgiveness, empathic joy, self-compassion, purpose, and curiosity—so you can return to your classroom each day with renewed energy and inspiration.You’ll also find doable strategies to share with other educators to help infuse more positive energy in classrooms and schools, and create more supportive systems that promote a sense of meaning, belonging, and connectedness among teachers and students.If you’re like many educators, you may feel you lack the time and energy to engage in self-care practices. This guide offers bite-sized insights and activities that are simple, approachable, and usable, so you can thrive in the classroom, in your community, and in life!
Basic Books Language at the Speed of Sight: How We Read, Why So Many Can't, and What Can Be Done About It
According to a leading cognitive scientist, we've been teaching reading wrong. The latest science reveals how we can do it right.In 2011, when an international survey reported that students in Shanghai dramatically outperformed American students in reading, math, and science, President Obama declared it a "Sputnik moment": a wake-up call about the dismal state of American education. Little has changed, however, since then: over half of our children still read at a basic level and few become highly proficient. Many American children and adults are not functionally literate, with serious consequences. Poor readers are more likely to drop out of the educational system and as adults are unable to fully participate in the workforce, adequately manage their own health care, or advance their children's education.In Language at the Speed of Sight, internationally renowned cognitive scientist Mark Seidenberg reveals the underexplored science of reading, which spans cognitive science, neurobiology, and linguistics. As Seidenberg shows, the disconnect between science and education is a major factor in America's chronic underachievement. How we teach reading places many children at risk of failure, discriminates against poorer kids, and discourages even those who could have become more successful readers. Children aren't taught basic print skills because educators cling to the disproved theory that good readers guess the words in texts, a strategy that encourages skimming instead of close reading. Interventions for children with reading disabilities are delayed because parents are mistakenly told their kids will catch up if they work harder. Learning to read is more difficult for children who speak a minority dialect in the home, but that is not reflected in classroom practices. By building on science's insights, we can improve how our children read, and take real steps toward solving the inequality that illiteracy breeds.Both an expert look at our relationship with the written word and a rousing call to action, Language at the Speed of Sight is essential for parents, educators, policy makers, and all others who want to understand why so many fail to read, and how to change that.
Fordham University Press Incarnating Grace: A Theology of Healing from Sexual Trauma
Prioritizes survivors of abuse by reexamining Christian ideals about suffering and salvation More than half of women and almost one in three of men in the United States have experienced sexual violence at some time in their lives. Yet our Christian tradition has failed survivors of sexual violence, who have been taught to believe that traumatic suffering brings us closer to God. Incarnating Grace attempts to save our broken ways of talking about God’s grace by unearthing liberating resources buried in the Christian tradition. Christian ideas about salvation have historically contributed to sexual violence in our communities by reinforcing the idea that suffering is salvific. But a God worth worshiping does not want human beings to suffer. Drawing on the sixteenth-century Spanish mystic Teresa of Avila as well as contemporary political and feminist theologians, philosophers, and legal scholars, author and Associate Professor of theology Julia Feder offers an account of Christian salvation as mystical-political. Feder begins by describing the breadth of traumatic wounding and the shape of traumatic recovery, as articulated by psychologists. Since the fullness of post-traumatic healing requires reserves deeper than those which can be articulated by the secular field of psychology alone, the book then introduces the Spanish Carmelite Saint Teresa of Avila and her theological insights, which are most helpful for constructing a post-traumatic theology of healing. Arguing that God stands against violence and suffering, the book also examines the notion of “senseless suffering,” a technical term that comes from Edward Schillebeeckx, a Catholic twentieth-century Flemish priest and theologian. The suffering of sexual violence serves no higher purpose or greater human value and pushes against all ways of making sense of the world as good and orderly. In the following chapters, Feder turns to two Christian virtues that animate post-traumatic recovery, courage and hope, and explores how Christian hope can provide a language to empower courageous activity undertaken toward healing. Incarnating Grace opens a new dialogue about salvation and violence that does not allow evil to have the last word.
Cornell University Press Law, Economics, and Conflict
In Law, Economics, and Conflict, Kaushik Basu and Robert C. Hockett bring together international experts to offer new perspectives on how to take analytic tools from the realm of academic research out into the real world to address pressing policy questions. As the essays discuss, political polarization, regional conflicts, climate change, and the dramatic technological breakthroughs of the digital age have all left the standard tools of regulation floundering in the twenty-first century. These failures have, in turn, precipitated significant questions about the fundamentals of law and economics. The contributors address law and economics in diverse settings and situations, including central banking and the use of capital controls, fighting corruption in China, rural credit markets in India, pawnshops in the United States, the limitations of antitrust law, and the role of international monetary regimes. Collectively, the essays in Law, Economics, and Conflict rethink how the insights of law and economics can inform policies that provide individuals with the space and means to work, innovate, and prosper—while guiding states and international organization to regulate in ways that limit conflict, reduce national and global inequality, and ensure fairness. Contributors: Kaushik Basu; Kimberly Bolch; University of Oxford; Marieke Bos, Stockholm School of Economics; Susan Payne Carter, US Military Academy at West Point; Peter Cornelisse, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Gaël Giraud, Georgetown University; Nicole Hassoun, Binghamton University; Robert C. Hockett; Karla Hoff, Columbia University and World Bank; Yair Listokin, Yale Law School; Cheryl Long, Xiamen University and Wang Yanan Institute for Study of Economics (WISE); Luis Felipe López-Calva, UN Development Programme; Célestin Monga, Harvard University; Paige Marta Skiba, Vanderbilt Law School; Anand V. Swamy, Williams College; Erik Thorbecke, Cornell University; James Walsh, University of Oxford. Contributors: Kimberly B. Bolch, Marieke Bos, Susan Payne Carter, Peter A. Cornelisse, Gaël Giraud, Nicole Hassoun, Karla Hoff, Yair Listokin, Cheryl Long, Luis F. López-Calva, Célestin Monga, Paige Marta Skiba, Anand V. Swamy, Erik Thorbecke, James Walsh
New York University Press No Place on the Corner: The Costs of Aggressive Policing
Winner, 2019 Goddard Riverside Stephan Russo Book Prize for Social Justice, given by the Goddard Riverside Community Center The impact of stop-and-frisk policing on a South Bronx community What’s it like to be stopped and frisked by the police while walking home from the supermarket with your young children? How does it feel to receive a phone call from your fourteen-year-old son who is in the back of a squad car because he laughed at a police officer? How does a young person of color cope with being frisked several times a week since the age of 15? These are just some of the stories in No Place on the Corner, which draws on three years of intensive ethnographic fieldwork in the South Bronx before and after the landmark 2013 Floyd v. City of New York decision that ruled that the NYPD’s controversial “stop and frisk” policing methods were a violation of rights. Through riveting interviews and with a humane eye, Jan Haldipur shows how a community endured this aggressive policing regime. Though the police mostly targeted younger men of color, Haldipur focuses on how everyone in the neighborhood—mothers, fathers, grandparents, brothers and sisters, even the district attorney’s office—was affected by this intense policing regime and thus shows how this South Bronx community as a whole experienced this collective form of punishment. One of Haldipur’s key insights is to demonstrate how police patrols effectively cleared the streets of residents and made public spaces feel off-limits or inaccessible to the people who lived there. In this way community members lost the very ‘street corner’ culture that has been a hallmark of urban spaces. This profound social consequence of aggressive policing effectively keeps neighbors out of one another’s lives and deeply hurts a community’s sense of cohesion. No Place on the Corner makes it hard to ignore the widespread consequences of aggressive policing tactics in major cities across the United States.
New York University Press The Urban Church Imagined: Religion, Race, and Authenticity in the City
Explores the role of race and consumer culture in attracting urban congregants to an evangelical church The Urban Church Imagined illuminates the dynamics surrounding white urban evangelical congregations’ approaches to organizational vitality and diversifying membership. Many evangelical churches are moving to urban, downtown areas to build their congregations and attract younger, millennial members. The urban environment fosters two expectations. First, a deep familiarity and reverence for popular consumer culture, and second, the presence of racial diversity. Church leaders use these ideas when they imagine what a “city church” should look like, but they must balance that with what it actually takes to make this happen. In part, racial diversity is seen as key to urban churches presenting themselves as “in touch” and “authentic.” Yet, in an effort to seduce religious consumers, church leaders often and inadvertently end up reproducing racial and economic inequality, an unexpected contradiction to their goal of inclusivity. Drawing on several years of research, Jessica M. Barron and Rhys H. Williams explore the cultural contours of one such church in downtown Chicago. They show that church leaders and congregants’ understandings of the connections between race, consumer culture, and the city is a motivating factor for many members who value interracial interactions as a part of their worship experience. But these explorations often unintentionally exclude members along racial and classed lines. Indeed, religious organizations’ efforts to engage urban environments and foster integrated congregations produce complex and dynamic relationships between their racially diverse memberships and the cultivation of a safe haven in which white, middle-class leaders can feel as though they are being a positive force in the fight for religious vitality and racial diversity. The book adds to the growing constellation of studies on urban religious organizations, as well as emerging scholarship on intersectionality and congregational characteristics in American religious life. In so doing, it offers important insights into racially diverse congregations in urban areas, a growing trend among evangelical churches. This work is an important case study on the challenges faced by modern churches and urban institutions in general.
Duke University Press See It Feelingly: Classic Novels, Autistic Readers, and the Schooling of a No-Good English Professor
“We each have Skype accounts and use them to discuss [Moby-Dick] face to face. Once a week, we spread the worded whale out in front of us; we dissect its head, eyes, and bones, careful not to hurt or kill it. The Professor and I are not whale hunters. We are not letting the whale die. We are shaping it, letting it swim through the Web with a new and polished look.”—Tito Mukhopadhyay Since the 1940s researchers have been repeating claims about autistic people's limited ability to understand language, to partake in imaginative play, and to generate the complex theory of mind necessary to appreciate literature. In See It Feelingly Ralph James Savarese, an English professor whose son is one of the first nonspeaking autistics to graduate from college, challenges this view. Discussing fictional works over a period of years with readers from across the autism spectrum, Savarese was stunned by the readers' ability to expand his understanding of texts he knew intimately. Their startling insights emerged not only from the way their different bodies and brains lined up with a story but also from their experiences of stigma and exclusion. For Mukhopadhyay Moby-Dick is an allegory of revenge against autism, the frantic quest for a cure. The white whale represents the autist's baffling, because wordless, immersion in the sensory. Computer programmer and cyberpunk author Dora Raymaker skewers the empathetic failings of the bounty hunters in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Autistics, some studies suggest, offer instruction in embracing the nonhuman. Encountering a short story about a lonely marine biologist in Antarctica, Temple Grandin remembers her past with an uncharacteristic emotional intensity, and she reminds the reader of the myriad ways in which people can relate to fiction. Why must there be a norm? Mixing memoir with current research in autism and cognitive literary studies, Savarese celebrates how literature springs to life through the contrasting responses of unique individuals, while helping people both on and off the spectrum to engage more richly with the world.
DK Science of Running: Analyze your Technique, Prevent Injury, Revolutionize your Training
Revolutionize your running techniques! Learn how to run better and faster, with more energy while avoiding injury. There is a science to running, and now you can learn about it too! Whether you are new to running, or have conquered a few marathons in your time, this runner's guide will show you how to train efficiently, find a suitable running regime, and master the art of running for life!Inside the pages of this running book, you’ll find:- Explanations on the anatomy and physiology of the runner.- Easy-to-read descriptions of how running involves every system in the body.- A scientific breakdown of what happens under the skin at every stage of the running cycle.- Featuring anatomy of common injuries and exercise programs for both prevention and recovery.- 30 key exercises and how to perfect precision to optimize their benefits.- Bespoke training plans for runners at all levels.Expert-led insights backed by scientific research will show you how to start running, how to run faster, and how to improve your flexibility and gait for running efficiency and safety. Included in the Science of Running are exercises and training programs that target each muscle to ensure you become a stronger, better runner. The clear CGI images show annotations to muscle mechanics so you know you are taking the right steps and perfecting technique. Learn the science behind your body’s energy systems, proper hydration and nutrition. From long-distance to marathon running, this sports book will completely transform your performance of injury-free running and help you to smash your goals one step at a time, proving the ideal running gift for the fitness fanatic in your life. At DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why not dive deeper into our successful Science of series, where you can discover the research and scientific theories behind exercise and sport. Explore the anatomy of yoga to perfect your practice in Science of Yoga; or redefine your daily routine with Science of Living.
Elsevier Health Sciences Transplantation of the Liver
Drs. Busuttil and Klintmalm present Transplantation of the Liver, 3rd Edition, which has been thoroughly revised to offer you the latest protocols, surgical approaches, and techniques used in this challenging procedure. Encompassing today's expert knowledge in the field, this medical reference book is an ideal single source for authoritative, up-to-date guidance on every imaginable aspect of liver transplantation. "They have, in fact, succeeded in raising the bar yet again and making their work product even better in the third edition of Transplantation of the Liver." Forewords by, Thomas E. Starzl, June 2015 Access valuable pearls, pitfalls, and insights from Dr. Ronald Busuttil and Dr. Goran Klintmalm, two of the world's preeminent experts in liver surgery. Understand today's full range of transplantation techniques with complete step-by-step descriptions of each, and access the background information and management options for each hepatic disease entity. Take advantage of detailed discussions of everything from pathophysiology and patient and donor selection, to transplantation anesthesia and operative procedures; immunosuppression; postoperative care; and ethical issues. Overcome your toughest challenges in liver transplantation. Many new and thoroughly revised chapters include: Deceased Organ Donation after Cardiac and Brain Death; Liver Transplantation for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis; Extended Criteria Donors; Best Techniques for Biliary and Vascular Reconstruction in Living Donor Transplantation; Small for Size Syndrome; Dual Grafts for Transplantation; Arterial Reconstructions-Pitfalls; Transition of Pediatric Patients to Adulthood; Immunosuppressive Biologic Agents; Long Term Toxicity of Immunosuppressive Therapy; Stem Cell and Liver Regeneration; and Extracorporeal Perfusion for Resuscitation of Marginal Grafts. Stay current in your field and optimize patient outcomes with coverage of the most recent advances in living donor transplantation, pediatric transplantation, and gene and stem cell therapy. Access the latest information on anti-rejection/immunosuppressive drugs, as well as comprehensive discussions of each drug or combination of drugs used to suppress immune system. Effortlessly search the entire text online at Expert Consult.
Taylor & Francis Inc Physician Integration & Alignment: IPA, PHO, ACOs, and Beyond
Today, with physician and hospital reimbursement being cut and tied to quality incentives, physicians and health plans are revisiting the concept of integration. Payers are demanding that the industry do more with less without sacrificing quality of care. As a result, physicians again find themselves integrating and aligning with hospitals that have the resources they lack or must develop together.Written by an acknowledged expert in the field of physician integration and managed care contracting, Physician Integration & Alignment: IPA, PHO, ACOs, and Beyond examines physician integration and alignment in the current healthcare market. It outlines the common characteristics of integrated groups and various organizational structures, and also explains how you can avoid making the same mistakes of the past. Filled with suggestions and ideas from successfully integrated practices, the book: Identifies industry drivers for the resurgence of integrated models and the need for aligned models Provides a look at the common characteristics of integrated and aligned groups and how the components can work together Discusses antitrust and other regulatory concerns present when considering the right organizational and management structure Offers time- and money-saving checklists, lessons learned, models, and templates—saving you thousands of dollars in consulting fees Maria K. Todd provides readers with the vision and practical tools needed to organize their business entities in a manner that will maximize economic clout and provide quality of care for both the hospital and physician group. This much-needed resource includes helpful insights on topics such as declining physician reimbursement, declining margins, physician shortages, physician-hospital competition, rising practice investment requirements, the return to capitation as a payment mechanism, and recent changes in the relationships between physicians and health systems.Maria currently is the principle of the largest globally integrated health delivery system in the world with over 6,000 hospitals and 85,000 physicians spanning 95 countries. She has developed more than 200 integrated and aligned IPAs, PHOs, ACOs, MSOs and healthcare clusters in her career.
Johns Hopkins University Press Renewable Energy and Wildlife Conservation
Brings together disparate conversations about wildlife conservation and renewable energy, suggesting ways these two critical fields can work hand in hand.Renewable energy is often termed simply "green energy," but its effects on wildlife and other forms of biodiversity can be quite complex. While capturing renewable resources like wind, solar, and energy from biomass can require more land than fossil fuel production, potentially displacing wildlife habitat, renewable energy infrastructure can also create habitat and promote species health when thoughtfully implemented.The authors of Renewable Energy and Wildlife Conservation argue that in order to achieve a balanced plan for addressing these two crucially important sustainability issues, our actions at the nexus of these fields must be directed by current scientific information related to the ecological effects of renewable energy production. Synthesizing an extensive, rapidly growing base of research and insights from practitioners into a single, comprehensive resource, contributors to this volume• describe processes to generate renewable energy, focusing on the Big Four renewables—wind, bioenergy, solar energy, and hydroelectric power• review the documented effects of renewable energy production on wildlife and wildlife habitats• consider current and future policy directives, suggesting ways industrial-scale renewables production can be developed to minimize harm to wildlife populations• explain recent advances in renewable power technologies• identify urgent research needs at the intersection of renewables and wildlife conservationRelevant to policy makers and industry professionals—many of whom believe renewables are the best path forward as the world seeks to meet its expanding energy needs—and wildlife conservationists—many of whom are alarmed at the rate of renewables-related habitat conversion—this detailed book culminates with a chapter underscoring emerging opportunities in renewable energy ecology.Contributors: Edward B. Arnett, Brian B. Boroski, Regan Dohm, David Drake, Sarah R. Fritts, Rachel Greene, Steven M. Grodsky, Amanda M. Hale, Cris D. Hein, Rebecca R. Hernandez, Jessica A. Homyack, Henriette I. Jager, Nicole M. Korfanta, James A. Martin, Christopher E. Moorman, Clint Otto, Christine A. Ribic, Susan P. Rupp, Jake Verschuyl, Lindsay M. Wickman, T. Bently Wigley, Victoria H. Zero
John Wiley & Sons Inc Machine Learning Theory and Applications: Hands-on Use Cases with Python on Classical and Quantum Machines
Machine Learning Theory and Applications Enables readers to understand mathematical concepts behind data engineering and machine learning algorithms and apply them using open-source Python libraries Machine Learning Theory and Applications delves into the realm of machine learning and deep learning, exploring their practical applications by comprehending mathematical concepts and implementing them in real-world scenarios using Python and renowned open-source libraries. This comprehensive guide covers a wide range of topics, including data preparation, feature engineering techniques, commonly utilized machine learning algorithms like support vector machines and neural networks, as well as generative AI and foundation models. To facilitate the creation of machine learning pipelines, a dedicated open-source framework named hephAIstos has been developed exclusively for this book. Moreover, the text explores the fascinating domain of quantum machine learning and offers insights on executing machine learning applications across diverse hardware technologies such as CPUs, GPUs, and QPUs. Finally, the book explains how to deploy trained models through containerized applications using Kubernetes and OpenShift, as well as their integration through machine learning operations (MLOps). Additional topics covered in Machine Learning Theory and Applications include: Current use cases of AI, including making predictions, recognizing images and speech, performing medical diagnoses, creating intelligent supply chains, natural language processing, and much more Classical and quantum machine learning algorithms such as quantum-enhanced Support Vector Machines (QSVMs), QSVM multiclass classification, quantum neural networks, and quantum generative adversarial networks (qGANs) Different ways to manipulate data, such as handling missing data, analyzing categorical data, or processing time-related data Feature rescaling, extraction, and selection, and how to put your trained models to life and production through containerized applications Machine Learning Theory and Applications is an essential resource for data scientists, engineers, and IT specialists and architects, as well as students in computer science, mathematics, and bioinformatics. The reader is expected to understand basic Python programming and libraries such as NumPy or Pandas and basic mathematical concepts, especially linear algebra.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Machine and Deep Learning Using MATLAB: Algorithms and Tools for Scientists and Engineers
MACHINE AND DEEP LEARNING In-depth resource covering machine and deep learning methods using MATLAB tools and algorithms, providing insights and algorithmic decision-making processes Machine and Deep Learning Using MATLAB introduces early career professionals to the power of MATLAB to explore machine and deep learning applications by explaining the relevant MATLAB tool or app and how it is used for a given method or a collection of methods. Its properties, in terms of input and output arguments, are explained, the limitations or applicability is indicated via an accompanied text or a table, and a complete running example is shown with all needed MATLAB command prompt code. The text also presents the results, in the form of figures or tables, in parallel with the given MATLAB code, and the MATLAB written code can be later used as a template for trying to solve new cases or datasets. Throughout, the text features worked examples in each chapter for self-study with an accompanying website providing solutions and coding samples. Highlighted notes draw the attention of the user to critical points or issues. Readers will also find information on: Numeric data acquisition and analysis in the form of applying computational algorithms to predict the numeric data patterns (clustering or unsupervised learning) Relationships between predictors and response variable (supervised), categorically sub-divided into classification (discrete response) and regression (continuous response) Image acquisition and analysis in the form of applying one of neural networks, and estimating net accuracy, net loss, and/or RMSE for the successive training, validation, and testing steps Retraining and creation for image labeling, object identification, regression classification, and text recognition Machine and Deep Learning Using MATLAB is a useful and highly comprehensive resource on the subject for professionals, advanced students, and researchers who have some familiarity with MATLAB and are situated in engineering and scientific fields, who wish to gain mastery over the software and its numerous applications.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Concrete City: Material Flows and Urbanization in West Africa
CONCRETE CITY “Armelle Choplin’s Concrete City weaves a novel and engaging analysis of urbanization by tracing the journeys of cement and people making urban life in West Africa. From post-independence high modernist ambitions to building the opportunities to make a living, the emerging transnational corridor along the West African coast provides a starting point for insights which will expand and inform understanding of both established and newly emerging urbanization processes in many different contexts.” —Jennifer Robinson, Professor of Geography, University College of London, UK “In this very innovative and superbly illustrated book, Armelle Choplin makes cement vibrant with affect, politics, economic interests and cultural meanings. She takes us to a fascinating journey along the West African urban corridor following the social life of concrete and showing how this material shapes contemporary urbanization and everyday life.” —Ola Söderström, Professor of Geography, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland Concrete City: Material Flows and Urbanization in West Africa delivers a theoretically informed, ethnographic exploration of the African urban world through the life of concrete. Emblematic of frenetic urban and capitalistic development, this material is pervasive, shaping contemporary urban landscapes and societies and their links to the global world. It stands and circulates at the heart of major financial investments, political forces and environmental debates. At the same time, it epitomises values of modernity and success, redefining social practices, forms of dwelling and living, and popular imaginaries. The book invites the reader to follow bags of cement from production plant to construction site, along the 1000-kilometre urban corridor that links Abidjan to Accra, Lomé, Cotonou and Lagos, combining the perspectives of cement tycoons, entrepreneurs and political stakeholders, but also of ordinary men and women who plan, build and dream of the Concrete City. With this innovative exploration of urban life through concrete, Armelle Choplin delivers a fascinating journey into and reflection on the sustainability of our urban futures.