Search results for ""Author Thomas"
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cultures, Nationalism and Populism: New Challenges to Multilateralism
This book examines the role of the cultural factor, and patterns of its interaction with social, economic and political developments, in fostering identity-based new populisms and various forms of political authoritarianism across the globe. Comparing authoritarianism in the Asian and Western context, this book attempts to shed light on the different ways in which new political actors make use of cultural traditions or constructs in order to justify their claims to power and challenge the culture of modernity as understood in the Western world. Lastly, the book focuses on the consequence of these new challenges for multilateral cooperation at regional and global levels, asking the question: is the world going towards fragmentation and anarchy or a pluralist and innovative form of multilateral cooperation?This book will be of key interest to scholars and students of populism and authoritarianism studies, democracy, global governance and more broadly to international relations.
Carolina Academic Pr First Amendment Law
Peeters Publishers Q22: 28, 30. You Will Judge the Twelve Tribes of Israel
The fifth volume in the series Documenta Q is concerned with the reconstruction of the Q text behind Luke 22:28, 30 par. Matt 19:28. The International Q Project's presentation of the critical text of Q 22:28, 30, together with the exhaustive history of research on which it is based, will enhance considerably research in the Sayings Gospel Q, the historical Jesus, and New Testament christology. Further, nowhere else in the Synoptic tradition is the claim of the Jesus movement regarding Israel stated more clearly than in Q 22:28, 30. The database and evaluations are an expanded and revised version of those presented and discussed at the meeting of the International Q Project in Chigaco 1994. Just prior to the bibliography at the conclusion of the volume the resultant critical text of Q 22:28, 30 is printed. This Greek text is followed by English, German and French translations. (Lucan chapter and verse numeration is used as a convenience and a mere convention.)
V&R unipress GmbH Applied Research in Psychology and Evaluation.
Dr Ludwig Reichert B VIII 6/7: B VIII 6 Ostlicher Mittelmeerraum 1204 Bis 1291. 1: 4 Mio. B VIII 7 Westliches Kleinasien. Byzantiner Und Turkmenen 1291 Bis 1337. 1: 2 Mio.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Youth and Media: Current Perspectives on Media Use and Effects
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH The Sonification Handbook
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblisch-Theologische Studien: Ehre, Scham und Schuld im alten Israel, in seinem Umfeld und in der gegenwärtigen Lebenswelt
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Vom Umgang Mit Schatzen: Internationaler Kongress Krems an Der Donau 28. Bis 30. Oktober 2004
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Grundlagen einer gerechten Organverteilung: Medizin - Psychologie - Recht - Ethik - Soziologie
Organe sind knapp, und die Zahl der Patienten, die versterben, oder nicht wieder gut zu machende Schäden an ihrer Gesundheit erleiden, bevor ihnen mit einer Transplantation geholfen werden kann, steigt ständig. Nach welchen Prinzipien aber sollen Lebenschancen an Bürger zugeteilt werden, die an Leben oder Gesundheit bedroht sind, wenn nicht allen von ihnen geholfen werden kann? Wer soll weiter leiden? Wer soll sterben, wenn nicht alle leben können? Diese Frage kann nicht allein mit medizinischem Wissen beantwortet werden; sie zwingt vielmehr unausweichlich zu normativen Wertungen und zu einer Zusammenschau dessen, was Medizin, Psychologie, Recht, Ethik und Soziologie zur Lösung dieses Problems beitragen können.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Contergan: Hintergrunde Und Folgen Eines Arzneimittel-Skandals
Harrassowitz Vlad Der Pfahler - Dracula: Tyrann Oder Volkstribun?
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Glaube Und Vernunft: Studien Zur Kirchen- Und Theologiegeschichte Des Spaten 18. Jahrhunderts
Theologischer Verlag Reformierter Abendmahlsgottesdienst: Partitur Zum Chor-Gottesdienst
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Theologie und Textgeschichte: Septuaginta und Masoretischer Text als Äußerungen theologischer Reflexion
Die Textversionen des Masoretischen Textes und der Septuaginta sind weit mehr als nur textkritisch zu betrachtende Zeugnisse zur Rekonstruktion des ältesten erreichbaren Textes des Alte Testaments. Sie sind vielmehr Spiegel einer weitergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit den Texten und damit auch Zeugnisse theologischer Debatte und Aktualisierung durch Neugestaltung eines vorgegebenen Textes. Aus diesem Grund sind in diesem Band, der gleichzeitig die Vorträge dokumentiert, die im Januar 2015 auf einem gleichnamigen Symposium zur Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Siegfried Kreuzer in Wuppertal gehalten wurden, Beiträge versammelt, die der textgeschichtlichen Fragestellung insbesondere in ihrem theologischen Aspekt nachgehen: Septuaginta und Masoretischer Text als Äußerungen theologischer Reflexion.
Bellevue Literary Press From the Shadows
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Acoustics
The central theme of the chapters is acoustic propagation in fluid media, dissipative or non-dissipative, homogeneous or nonhomogeneous, infinite or limited, placing particular emphasis on the theoretical formulation of the problems considered.
Rebellion Publishing Ltd. Creatures: The Legacy of Frankenstein
Victor Frankenstein is the first to unlock the key to life, but not the last.Over two centuries of relentless advancement, five more minds find the secret, and five more creatures are made. Five more stories end in tragedy. From the stinking streets of 1850s London to the sun-drenched hysteria of a modern cruise liner, amidst passion, jealousy, art, obsession, desperation and war, Creatures is a hidden history of a forbidden science.
Minnesota Historical Society Press The Lincoln del Cookbook
Hampton Roads Publishing Co Tuning In: A Journalist, 6 Trance Channelers and Messages from the Other Side
Picture Window Books The Legend of the Vampire
McGraw-Hill Companies Loose Leaf for Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 6e Student Solutions Manual
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of Corporate Finance
Rizzoli International Publications Birds of a Feather: Wildfowl Decoys At Shelburne Museum
Bird decoys were used for hunting in North America until the advent of hunting regulations in the early twentieth century, when decoys started to be prized and collected as masterpieces of American folk art. This handsome book is the first examination of the historic and unparalleled decoy collection at Shelburne Museum. Featuring new photography of 250 of the museum s most important and artistically carved decoys, it includes examples made by the most respected American carvers: Charles Osgood, Lem and Steve Ward, John Blair, Bill Bowman, Nathan Cobb, Jr., Lee Dudley, James Holly, Jr., Nathan Horner, Albert Laing, Joseph Lincoln, A. Elmer Crowell, and Charles Shang Wheeler. The story of the collection begins with Joel Barber, the pioneer decoy enthusiast and New York architect, artist, and carver, whose gift of 400 superior examples established the collection in 1952. Several essays provide groundbreaking scholarship on the origins, construction, and attribution of bird decoys, imparting critical advancements to our modern understanding of this revered tradition.
Baker Publishing Group Launch – Starting a New Church from Scratch
Starting a church from scratch? Start here! Launch offers specific strategies for beginning a church with no members, no money, and no staff. Readers get clear, practical how-to strategies for quickly raising funds, creating a team, planning services, effective evangelism, and rapidly developing a growing membership. Specific advice is included for reaching that often difficult-to-target demographic, the 20- to 40-year-old. Now thoroughly revised and expanded to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of church planting.
Hal Leonard Corporation Cosi Fan Tutte
Random House USA Inc Gargantua and Pantagruel: Introduction by Terence Cave
Random House USA Inc Kalamata's Kitchen
Dora the Explorer meets No Reservations in this delicious picture book debut! Follow Kalamata and her alligator sidekick on the first of many exciting food adventures in a charming story about facing fears and overcoming back-to-school jitters.Grown-ups never seemed to notice, but Kalamata's kitchen table was magical. Under her table, she and Al Dente could transport themselves anywhere....Tomorrow is Kalamata's first day at a new school, and she's nervous! What if the kids aren't friendly? Or worse, what if they don't like alligators!? If only Kalamata and Al Dente could go to back to the Indian spice market they visited this summer, then maybe she'd remember how to feel brave when new experiences seem scary. Luckily for Kalamata, all the magic required for her journey is right in her own kitchen! As Kalamata and her alligator friend, Al Dente, transport themselves to a magical land filled with tasty ingredients, she realizes being brave is exciting! And most importantly, she learns that when we're nervous about trying new things, food can comfort us and remind us to stay curious, courageous, and compassionate.
QuestFriendz SuperQuesters: The Case of the Stolen Sun
Discover your inner superhero with the adventures of the SUPERQUESTERS! Ada Twist, Scientist meets PJ Masks in this unique, interactive adventure book series expertly designed to develop children's STEM skills in immersive ways never done before. Meet Lilli and her best friends Leo and Bea - three endlessly curious kids with BIG imaginations. When they unite to solve a challenging science problem, they turn into SUPERHEROES Lillicorn, Leo Zoom and Bea Bumble and journey to a world full of magic, adventure and quests. And now they want YOU to join in the mission and the fun. Can you help them to track down Lord Grumble and his Snapettes and return the stolen sun to Questland? This unique interactive story with hands-on activities is expertly designed in line with the Key Stage 1 and early Key Stage 2 Computing, Maths and Science National Curriculum to help children develop their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) skills in innovative new ways. Children develop 12 STEM skills including problem solving, coding, sequencing, debugging and algorithms as they complete each interactive quest…and discover their inner superhero along the way. Motivating and empowering, each book features over 100 reusable stickers including magical charm rewards and a reward chart to help children mark their progress and celebrate success. To support grown-ups, spark children's curiosity and bring the adventure further to life there's a 'how to use this book' guide, glossary and answer page, plus free additional hands-on activities and further learning resources to download at: If you're a superhero enthusiast, love learning through play or enjoy books such as Ada Twist, Scientist, Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, Look Up! and the Fantastically Great Women series, you'll LOVE this! It's time to Read, Quest, Learn! Also available in the series: SuperQuesters: The Case of the Missing Memory - Shortlisted for The Week Junior Book Awards 2023: Children's Book of the Year - STEM category SuperQuesters: The Case of the Great Energy Robbery - out 5th October 2023 SuperQuesters: The Case of the Angry Sea - coming in 2024
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Landesrecht Niedersachsen: Studienbuch
Hatje Cantz Sparano + Mooney Architecture: A Way of Working
The American architectural firm of Sparano + Mooney in Salt Lake City, Utah and Los Angeles, CA, stands for sustainable and innovative buildings that are harmoniously embedded in spectacular mountain landscapes. In this volume, architectural critic Michael Webb presents ten projects with the aid of photographs, drawings, sketches and texts, visualizing the process by which architectural ideas are conceived and realized. The architects respond in their plans to the overwhelming natural surroundings with restrained forms and the innovative detailing of materials. The firm's models, sketches, conceptual drafts and fully executed buildings offer thoughtful perspective on developing architecture that thrives on the relationship between concept and place. Accompanying essays relate the buildings to their regional contexts and also highlight analogies to Land Art.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig,Germany Helen Levitt / Henri Cartier-Bresson. Mexico
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Gastrointestinale Operationen und technische Varianten: Operationstechniken der Experten
Chirurgische Eingriffe an gastrointestinalen Organen unterliegen trotz Standardisierung und weitreichender Technisierung nach wie vor zum Teil erheblichen Unterschieden. Für alle Chirurgen ist es von großem Interesse, die individuellen technischen Varianten einzelner auf diesem Gebiet ausgewiesener Chirurgen kennen zu lernen und so ihr eigenes operatives Repertoire zu erweitern. In diesem Buch werden die chirurgischen Eingriffe für eine Auswahl wichtiger Operationen von Experten in ihrer spezifischen Vorgehensweise Schritt für Schritt und reich bebildert dargestellt. Zahlreiche renommierte Chirurgen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum ebenso wie internationale Autoren beschreiben ihr Procedere. Außergewöhnliche und schwierige Situationen, wie unerwartete Befunde, anatomische Varianten oder Blutungszwischenfälle, finden besondere Berücksichtigung.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geschichte der musikalischen Interpretation im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Band 3: Aspekte - Parameter
Nachdem Band 1 Ästhetik und Ideengeschichte, Band 2 Institutionen und Medien der Interpretation thematisiert haben, befasst sich Band 3 mit der klingenden Interpretation selbst. Behandelt werden all jene Kategorien, die für Interpretation und ihre Wahrnehmung grundlegend sind: · Tempo und Tempomodifikationen, Dynamik, Phrasierung und Artikulation, Portamento und Vibrato, Textaussprache, Stimmung und Intonation.· die verwendeten Instrumente mit ihren spieltechnischen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einschließlich der menschlichen Stimme· „Medien“ der Interpretation: Körper, Raum sowie die technischen Medien der Speicherung und Reproduktion, die Tonträger. Von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist ferner die Frage, in welchem Umfang man dem Notentext einer Komposition folgt bzw. von ihm abweicht („Willkürliche Veränderungen“, „Retuschen“, Ensemblekoordination), und welche Rolle regionale Differenzen bei der Interpretation spielen.
Springer International Publishing AG The Complete Business Guide for a Successful Medical Practice
This text provides physicians with the basic business skills in order for them to become involved in the financial aspect of their practices. The text will help the physician decide what kind of practice they would like to join (i.e. private practice, small group practice, solo practice, hospital employment, large group practice, academic medicine, or institutional\government practice) as well as understand the basics of contracting, restrictive covenants and how to navigate the road to partnership. Additional topics covered include, monthly balance sheets, productivity, overhead costs and profits, trend analysis and benchmarking. Finally, the book provides advice on advisors that doctors will need to help with the business of their professional and personal lives. These include accountants, bankers, lawyers, insurance agents and other financial advisors.The Complete Business Guide for a Successful Medical Practice provides a roadmap for physicians to be not only good clinical doctors but also good businessmen and businesswomen. It will help doctors make a difference in the lives of their patients as well as sound financial decisions for their practice.
Bookmarks Publications The Revival Of Resistance: The 2022-3 strikes, and the battles still to come
Taylor & Francis Ltd Endovascular Techniques in the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease
Direct from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Endovascular Techniques in the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease is intended for neurologists, neurosurgery fellows-in training, and practicing clinicians with an interest in endovascular procedures. This essential volume: Reviews equipment, devices, and therapeutic agents such as anti-coagulants and thrombolytics Describes the clinical management of ischemic cerebrovascular disease, including thrombectomy and stenting Examines hemorrhagic CVD and discusses aneurysms, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and vascular malformations Explains cutting-edge techniques related to occlusive cerebrovascular disease, arteriovenous malformation, and other extra- and intracranial cerebrovascular diseases
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Big Data in Small Business: Data-Driven Growth in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
This important book considers the ways in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can thrive in the age of big data. To address this central issue from multiple viewpoints, the editors introduce a collection of experiences, insights, and guidelines from a variety of expert researchers, each of whom provides a piece to solve this puzzle.Contributions address the limitations faced by SMEs in their access to data and demonstrate that the key to overcoming this issue is to be aware of these limitations, to work within them, and to use them to think creatively about how to overcome obstacles in new ways. They discuss Artificial Intelligence, revenue blueprinting, GDPR compliance, and other key topics related to the relationships between SMEs and data. Offering ideas to inspire big data-driven success by SMEs making smaller investments, the book argues that there must be a place for “ordinary” data-driven journeys that are available to firms of any size.Stimulating further thought and action, Big Data in Small Business will be of great interest to academics, researchers, and practitioners in areas such as strategic management, organizational and innovation studies, marketing, and sales. The ideas and information in this book will help fill knowledge gaps related to important aspects of capabilities, functions, and transformations of big data that drive business growth.
Emerald Publishing Limited Rethinking the Business Models of Business Schools: A Critical Review and Change Agenda for the Future
Management education growth and the rise in accompanying business schools over the last few decades are fuelled by global economic development, coupled with the promise of success in business careers. Recently, questions have been raised about the value and relevance of a traditional business school education – so what does the future hold for traditional business schools? In this book, we examine the current model and the pressure points of business schools by considering the evolution of – and the various value chains that are associated with – business school offerings (including MBA, undergraduate, pre-experienced and executive programmes). We also offer insight on funding and value orientation, and the potential challenges these may raise for some schools. To highlight these challenges, we provide a strategic group framework for business schools and review the implications of future strategies for these groups. Finally, after reviewing the current landscape of business school mergers, alliances and failures, we reflect on innovation considerations for the business school business model. Management education is changing, and business schools must be ready to re-evaluate their strategies for growth… and, in some cases, survival.
Emerald Publishing Limited Community Colleges Worldwide: Investigating the Global Phenomenon
This volume of the "International Perspectives on Education and Society" series comparatively examines various two-year and community college institutions worldwide. While these institutions are called by different names and may not all be structured the same around the world, their core mission remains consistently: to respond to the needs of their local community. Inspired by the German Volkshochschule, founded in 1844, this model is now throughout the U.S., Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, Thailand and other nations. While the community college "label" is debatable and possibly controversial in and of itself, these institutions all serve the needs of their local communities by bridging the gap between academic and technical training with open and accessible learning. Students served by these institutions come from various socioeconomic backgrounds including age, race, culture, gender, and income levels. Two-year and community colleges adapt and institutionalize differently to meet various community needs, whether they provide students with technical training, the ability to transfer to four-year higher education institutions, remedial education or lifelong learning opportunities. This volume analyzes the ways this model has served and continues to serve communities in different international contexts for similar purposes.
Apple Academic Press Inc. Microscopy Applied to Materials Sciences and Life Sciences
This new volume, Microscopy Applied to Materials Sciences and Life Sciences. focuses on recent theoretical and practical advances in polymers and their blends, composites, and nanocompos¬ites related to their microscopic characterization. It highlights recent accomplishments and trends in the field of polymer nanocomposites and filled polymers related to microstructural characterization. This book gives an insight and better understanding into the development in microscopy as a tool for characterization. The book emphasizes recent research work in the field of microscopy in life sciences and materials sciences mainly related to its synthesis, characterizations, and applications. The book explains the application of microscopic techniques in life sciences and materials sciences, and their applications and state of current research carried out.The book aims to foster a better understanding of the properties of polymer composites by describing new techniques to measure microstructure property relationships and by utilizing techniques and expertise developed in the conventional filled polymer composites. Characterization techniques, particularly microstructural characterization, have proven to be extremely difficult because of the range of length-scales associated with these materials. Topics include:•Instrumentation and Techniques: advances in scanning probe microscopy, SEM, TEM, OM. 3D imaging and tomography, electron diffraction techniques and analytical microscopy, advances in sample preparation techniques in-situ microscopy, correlative microscopy in life and material sciences, low voltage electron microscopy. •Life Sciences: Structure and imaging of biomolecules, live cell imaging, neurobiology, organelles and cellular dynamics, multi-disciplinary approaches for medical and biological sciences, microscopic application in plants, microorganism and environmental science, super resolution microscopy in biological sciences.•Materials Sciences: materials for nanotechnology, metals alloys and inter-metallic, ceramics, composites, minerals and microscopy in cultural heritage, thin films, coatings, surfaces and interfaces, carbon based materials, polymers and soft materials and self-assembled materials, semiconductors and magnetic materials. Polymers and inorganic nanoparticles. The volume will be of significant interest to scientists working on the basic issues surrounding polymers, nanocomposites, and nanoparticulate-filled polymers, as well as those working in industry on applied problems, such as processing. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of this research, the book will be valuable to chemists, materials scientists, physicists, chemical engineers, and processing specialists who are involved and interested in the future frontiers of blends.
Getty Trust Publications Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities
A pathbreaking call to halt the intertwined crises of cultural heritage attacks and mass atrocities and mobilize international efforts to protect people and cultures. Intentional destruction of cultural heritage has a long history. Contemporary examples include the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan, mosques in Xinjiang, mausoleums in Timbuktu, and Greco-Roman remains in Syria. Cultural heritage destruction invariably accompanies assaults on civilians, making heritage attacks impossible to disentangle from the mass atrocities of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing. Both seek to eliminate people and the heritage with which they identify. Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities assembles essays by thirty-eight experts from the heritage, social science, humanitarian, legal, and military communities. Focusing on immovable cultural heritage vulnerable to attack, the volume's guiding framework is the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), a United Nations resolution adopted unanimously in 2005 to permit international intervention against crimes of war or genocide. Based on the three pillars of prevent, react, and rebuild, R2P offers today's policymakers a set of existing laws and international norms that can and--as this book argues--must be extended to the protection of cultural heritage. Contributions consider the global value of cultural heritage and document recent attacks on people and sites in China, Guatemala, Iraq, Mali, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen. Comprehensive sections on vulnerable populations as well as the role of international law and the military offer readers critical insights and point toward research, policy, and action agendas to protect both people and cultural heritage. A concise abstract of each chapter is offered online in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish to facilitate robust, global dissemination of the strategies and tactics offered in this pathbreaking call to action. The free online edition of this publication is available at Also available are free PDF, EPUB, and Kindle/MOBI downloads of the book.
Edinburgh University Press Between Deleuze and Foucault
Deleuze and Foucault had a long, complicated and productive relationship, in which each was at various times a significant influence on the other. This collection combines 3 original essays by Deleuze and Foucault, in which they respond to each other’s work, with 16 critical essays by key contemporary scholars working in the field. The result is a sustained discussion and analysis of the various dimensions of this fascinating relationship, which clarifies the implications of their philosophical encounter.