Search results for ""author kenneth"
Random House USA Inc Getting Religion: Faith, Culture, and Politics from the Age of Eisenhower to the Era of Obama
Faith Library Publications Healing Scriptures
Faith Library Publications Plans Purposes & Pursuits
Faith Library Publications Right and Wrong Thinking
Johns Hopkins University Press Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment: Medical Specialists and Cancer Survivors Tell You What You Need to Know
A diagnosis of breast cancer can be overwhelming. The disease is frightening and the medical landscape confusing. In the wake of fear and confusion comes the need to make decisions about treatment. This book provides women with medically reliable and up-to-date information to help them with these decisions. Within these pages is a team of private consultants-including surgeons, medical oncologists, radiologists, plastic surgeons, and women who have faced breast cancer-each of whom offers sound advice and valuable insight. In addition to describing surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and breast reconstruction, the medical experts clarify choices and offer support, while breast cancer survivors tell their own stories of pain, perseverance, and triumph. Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment is a rare blend of medical expertise and compelling personal accounts that empowers those with breast cancer to meet the disease with confidence, knowledge, and hope.
Johns Hopkins University Press Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment: Medical Specialists and Cancer Survivors Tell You What You Need to Know
A diagnosis of breast cancer can be overwhelming. The disease is frightening and the medical landscape confusing. In the wake of fear and confusion comes the need to make decisions about treatment. This book provides women with medically reliable and up-to-date information to help them with these decisions. Within these pages is a team of private consultants-including surgeons, medical oncologists, radiologists, plastic surgeons, and women who have faced breast cancer-each of whom offers sound advice and valuable insight. In addition to describing surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and breast reconstruction, the medical experts clarify choices and offer support, while breast cancer survivors tell their own stories of pain, perseverance, and triumph. Choices in Breast Cancer Treatment is a rare blend of medical expertise and compelling personal accounts that empowers those with breast cancer to meet the disease with confidence, knowledge, and hope.
Arcadia Publishing Southeastern Pennsylvania Trolleys Images of Rail
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The One Minute Manager Balances Work and Life
Little, Brown & Company What Your DrHypothyroidism A Simple Plan for Extraordinary Results What Your Doctor May Not Tell You
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Don't Know Much about the Bible
OUP USA Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology Lessons in Sociology
Designed to introduce students to key concepts and methods in sociology and to engage them in critical thinking, Ten Lessons in Introductory Sociology provides a brief and valuable overview to four major questions that guide the discipline: Why sociology?, What unites us?, What divides us?, and How do societies change?
Pearson Education Management Information Systems
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Don't Know Much About(r) Anything: Everything You Need to Know But Never Learned about People, Places, Events, and More!
Liverpool University Press The Indiculus luminosus of Paul Alvarus
Paul Alvarus wrote the Indiculus luminosus in 854 in response to the executions of a number of Córdoban Christians, beginning with the monk Isaac in 851, who had denounced Muhammad in public. The first half of the treatise offers an extended apologia in defence of the militant actions of these spontaneous blasphemers. In the second half, Alvarus argues at length, on the basis of key passages in Daniel and Job, that Muhammad was a precursor to Antichrist. Alvarus undertook this exegetical project not only to create a context within which the actions of the Córdoban blasphemers would make sense, but to criticize the Córdoban Christian leadership at the time for being too cosy with the local Islamic rulers. While Alvarus relied on Jerome’s Commentary on Daniel and Gregory’s Moralia in Iob, he transcended them, offering a truly novel exegesis. In the process, he shed important light on the nature of Christian life under Islamic rule and demonstrated a surprisingly deep knowledge of Islam. The Indiculus luminosus is the perfect complement to the writings of his friend, Eulogius, who may in fact have encouraged Alvarus to undertake this task.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Globalisation and Development
Characterised by conceptual diversity, the Handbook of Globalisation and Development presents contributions from prominent international researchers on all aspects of globalisation and carefully considers their role across a whole host of development processes. The Handbook is structured around seven key areas: international trade, international production, international finance, migration, foreign aid, a broader view, and challenges. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, the section on 'a broader view' delves into dimensions of globalisation and development that go beyond the mere economic, such as culture, technology, health, and poverty. Carefully crafted, the chapters herein offer a rigorous and comprehensive assessment of the available research to date and provide an assessment of policy options across all areas considered. Comprehensive and engaging, this Handbook will be an important reference for researchers in academia, government, and international organisations as well as for policy analysts needing access to the central research results in the field. Post-graduate students of international development will also find this a thorough and essential overview.Contributors include: J.C. Anyanwu, E.D. Arias, M. Baliamoune-Lutz, J.K. Boyce, R. Chanda, J. Clapp, D.A. Clark, G. Debebe, K.A. Elliott, G. Epstein, S. Fennell, M. Forsyth, S. Gopalan, P. Gupta, I. Hardie, D. Hulme, P. James, C. Jeffords, D. Kingsbury, A. Klekowski von Koppenfels, O. Kodongo, Z. Kone, S. Lundan, P. Martin, L. Ndikumana, K. Ojah, I. Omelaniuk, C. Ozden, K. Reinert, L. Rethel, D. Roy, L. Shelley, T. Schrecker, J.P. Singh, I. Sirkeci
Temple University Press,U.S. Workers of the World, Enjoy!: Aesthetic Politics from Revolutionary Syndicalism to the Global Justice Movement
The rise of the public sphere, as chronicled by social movements spanning the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first centuries
Guilford Publications The Psychology of Religion and Coping: Theory, Research, Practice
When faced with a crisis, why do some people turn to religion to help them cope, while others turn away? Is religious belief merely a defense or a form of denial? Is spirituality a help or a hindrance in times of stress? Building a much-needed bridge between two different worlds of thought and practice--religion and psychology--this volume sensitively interweaves theory with first-hand accounts, clinical insight, and scientific research. The book underscores the need for greater sensitivity to religion and spirituality in the context of helping relationships, and suggests a range of ways that faith might be used more fully to help people in crisis.
Candlewick Press (MA) Gather
Candlewick Press,U.S. Gather
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Housework: Craft Production and Domestic Economy in Ancient Mesoamerica
Households are, without question, the most important social units in human society. They are interactive social units whose primary concern is the day-to-day well being of their kith and kin. Households reproduce themselves and provide their members with the economic, psychological, and social resources necessary to live their lives. Although households vary enormously in size and organization, they are the fundamental social settings in which families are defined and cultural values are transmitted through a range of domestic activities and rituals. Despite their many functions, it is the range and productivity of their economic activities that determine the success, survival and well being of their members. Households are the primary production and consumption units in society and provide the vehicle through which resources are pooled, stored, and distributed to their members. Survival and reproduction is their business and the work they do determines their success.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes and Perspectives
This book situates the essential areas of psychology within a cultural perspective, exploring the relationship of culture to psychological phenomena, from introduction and research foundations to clinical and social principles and applications. • Includes contributions from an experienced, international team of researchers and teachers • Brings together new perspectives and research findings with established psychological principles • Organized around key issues of contemporary cross-cultural psychology, including ethnocentrism, diversity, gender and sexuality and their role in research methods • Argues for the importance of culture as an integral component in the teaching of psychology
Edinburgh University Press Mission, Race and Colonialism in Malawi: Alexander Hetherwick of Blantyre
The first intellectual biography of Alexander Hetherwick, a key figure in Scotland-Malawi relations Makes extensive use of rarely consulted primary sources, both in Malawi and in Scotland, with particular attention to Hetherwick's prolific correspondence Includes a fresh account of the dynamics at play in the creation of Malawi as a nation, with special attention to the role played by Scottish missionaries, Hetherwick in particular Presents a critical examination of the way in which Blantyre Mission both absorbed and resisted the prevailing racism and colonialism of the early 20th century Presents an appraisal of Blantyre Mission's distinctive philosophy and policy; and of how, under Hetherwick's leadership, it navigated the social, cultural and political challenges of the early 20th century Mission, race and colonialism were three forces shaping Malawi's history during the early years of the twentieth century. These three found a concentrated meeting point in the life of Scottish missionary Alexander Hetherwick, who led Blantyre Mission from 1898 to 1928. This book presents a fresh assessment of this towering figure in Malawi's history, contesting the scholarly consensus that Hetherwick betrayed the early ideals of Blantyre Mission by compromising too much with the colonial system that was in force during his leadership. The book assesses the pervasive influence of colonialism, from which Hetherwick was not exempt, and traces the ways in which he resisted such influence through his relentless commitment to the interests of the African community and the inspiration he found in the emergence of the African church.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cost Accounting For Dummies
Take control of overhead, budgeting, and profitability with cost accounting Cost accounting is one of the most important skills in business, and its popularity as a course in undergraduate and graduate business and management programs speaks to its usefulness. But if you’ve ever felt intimidated by the subject’s jargon or concepts, you can stop worrying. Cost accounting is for everyone! In Cost Accounting For Dummies, you’ll be taken step-by-step through the basic and advanced topics found in a typical cost accounting class, from how to define costs and how to allocate them to products or services. You’ll learn how to determine if a capital expenditure is worth it and how to design a budget model that forecasts changes in costs based on activity levels. Whether you’re a student in your first cost accounting course or a professional trying to get a grip on your books, you’ll benefit from: Simple methods to evaluate business risks and rewards Explanations of how to manage and control costs during periods of business change and pivots Descriptions of how to use cost accounting to price IT projects Cost Accounting For Dummies is the gold standard in getting a firm grasp on the challenging and rewarding world of cost accounting.
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV
Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Computer Vision is a rapidly expanding area and it is becoming progressively easier for developers to make use of this field due to the ready availability of high quality libraries (such as OpenCV 2). This text is intended to facilitate the practical use of computer vision with the goal being to bridge the gap between the theory and the practical implementation of computer vision. The book will explain how to use the relevant OpenCV library routines and will be accompanied by a full working program including the code snippets from the text. This textbook is a heavily illustrated, practical introduction to an exciting field, the applications of which are becoming almost ubiquitous. We are now surrounded by cameras, for example cameras on computers & tablets/ cameras built into our mobile phones/ cameras in games consoles; cameras imaging difficult modalities (such as ultrasound, X-ray, MRI) in hospitals, and surveillance cameras. This book is concerned with helping the next generation of computer developers to make use of all these images in order to develop systems which are more intuitive and interact with us in more intelligent ways. Explains the theory behind basic computer vision and provides a bridge from the theory to practical implementation using the industry standard OpenCV libraries Offers an introduction to computer vision, with enough theory to make clear how the various algorithms work but with an emphasis on practical programming issues Provides enough material for a one semester course in computer vision at senior undergraduate and Masters levels Includes the basics of cameras and images and image processing to remove noise, before moving on to topics such as image histogramming; binary imaging; video processing to detect and model moving objects; geometric operations & camera models; edge detection; features detection; recognition in images Contains a large number of vision application problems to provide students with the opportunity to solve real problems. Images or videos for these problems are provided in the resources associated with this book which include an enhanced eBook
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamental Principles of Fiber Reinforced Composites, Second Edition
This is a leading basic text on advanced FR composite materials, including plastic, metal and ceramic matrix materials. An interdisciplinary approach is used with the emphasis on analytical methods for better understanding of key concepts. Many case histories, and fully worked examples illustrate concepts. Also included are current techniques for non-destructive testing, in-service monitoring, and failure analysis. More than 200 schematics, microphotographs and photographs illustrate concepts, materials and design.
Tyndale House Publishers A Child's First Bible
Fordham University Press The Philosophy of Knowledge
This volume includes a reworking of the landmark essay "Introduction to the Study of Practical Wisdom," and new material drawn from notes and schemata.
Rutgers University Press Beneath the Surface: Understanding Nature in the Mullica Valley Estuary
2021 winner of Non-fiction popular category: New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance The Mullica Valley estuary and its watershed, formed over the last 10,000 years, are among the cleanest estuaries along the east coast of the United States. This 365,000-acre ecosystem benefits from a combination of protected watershed, low human population density, and general lack of extensive development. In Beneath the Surface, marine scientist Ken Able helps the reader penetrate the surface and gain insights into the kinds of habitats, animals, and plants that live there. Readers will gain a better understanding of the importance of these shallow waters; how the amount of salt in the water determines where animals and plants are found in estuaries; the day-night, seasonal, and annual variation in their occurrence; and how change is occurring as the result of climate variation. Throughout the book are insightful sidebars telling intimate stories of where various animals came from and where they are going as they travel through the estuary on their way to and from other portions of the east coast. Beneath the Surface emphasizes the kinds and importance of the animals and plants that live beneath the surface of this unique ecosystem.
University of Nebraska Press John Sutter and a Wider West
This volume begins with John Sutter's own account of his life and the discovery of gold at his sawmill in 1848. Leading historians Howard R. Lamar, Albert L. Hurtado, Iris H. W. Engstrand, Richard W. White, and Patricia Nelson Limerick then demythologize Sutter while giving him a more secure place in western history.
HarperCollins oneminutemanagermeetsthemonkey
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introductory Nuclear Physics
This comprehensive text provides an introduction to basic nuclear physics, including nuclear decays and reactions and nuclear structure, while covering the essential areas of basic research and practical applications. Its emphasis on phenomonology and the results of real experiments distinguish this from all other texts available. Discussions of theory are reinforced with examples which illustrate and apply the theoretical formulism, thus aiding students in their reading and analysis of current literature. The text is designed to provide a core of material for students with minimal background in mathematics or quantum theory and offers more sophisticated material in separate sections.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 54
The cutting edge of scientific reporting . . . PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry experimentation. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry continues in its tradition of being the most respected avenue for exchanging innovative research. This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume offers an in-depth, far-ranging examination of the changing face of the field, providing a tantalizing glimpse of the emerging state of the science. "This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews." -Journal of the American Chemical Society "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry." -Chemistry in Britain CONTENTS OF VOLUME 54 * Atomlike Building Units of Adjustable Character: Solid-State and Solution Routes to Manipulating Hexanuclear Transition Metal Chalcohalide Clusters (Eric J. Welch and Jeffrey R. Long) * Doped Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Characterization, Physical Properties, and Applications (J. Daniel Bryan and Daniel R. Gamelin) * Stereochemical Aspects of Metal Xanthane Complexes: Molecular Structures and Supramolecular Self-Assembly (Edward R. T. Tiekink and Ionel Haiduc) * Trivalent Uranium: A Versatile Species for Molecular Activation (Ilia Korobkov and Sandro Gambarotta) * Comparison of the Chemical Biology of NO and HNO: An Inorganic Perspective (Katrina M. Miranda and David A. Wink) * Alterations of Nucleobase pKa Values upon Metal Coordination: Origins and Consequences (Bernhard Lippert) * Functionalization of Myoglobin (Yoshihito Watanabe and Takashi Hayashi)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 53
The cutting edge of scientific reporting . . . PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry experimentation. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry continues in its tradition of being the most respected avenue for exchanging innovative research. This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientists with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume offers an in-depth, far-ranging examination of the changing face of the field, providing a tantalizing glimpse of the emerging state of the science. "This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews." -Journal of the American Chemical Society "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry." -Chemistry in Britain CONTENTS OF VOLUME 53 * Main Group Dithiocarbamate Complex (Peter J. Heard) * Transition Metal Dithiocarbamates-1978-2003 (Graeme Hogarth)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 47
Straight from the frontier of scientific investigation . . . PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Nowhere is creative scientific talent busier than in the world of inorganic chemistry. And the respected Progress in Inorganic Chemistry series has long served as an exciting showcase for new research in this area. With contributions from internationally renowned chemists, this latest volume reports the most recent advances in the field, providing a fascinating window on the emerging state of the science. "This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth, but also by the depth and quality of the reviews." --Journal of the American Chemical Society. "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelf of the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of original papers on inorganic chemistry." --Chemistry in Britain. CONTENTS OF VOLUME 47 Terminal Chalcogenido Complexes of the Transition Metals (Gerard Parkin, Columbia University) * Coordination Chemistry of Azacryptands (Jane Nelson, Vickie McKee, and Grace Morgan, The Queen's University, Northern Ireland) * Polyoxometallate Complexes in Organic Oxidation Chemistry (Ronny Neumann, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) * Metal-Phosphonate Chemistry (Abraham Clearfield, Texas A&M University) * Oxidation of Hydrazine in Aqueous Solution (David M. Stanbury, Auburn University) * Metal Ion Reconstituted Hybrid Hemoglobins (B. Venkatesh, J. M. Rifkind, and P. T. Manoharan, Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre, IIT, Madras, India) * Three-Coordinate Complexes of "Hard" Ligands: Advances in Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity (Christopher C. Cummins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) * Metal-Carbohydrate Complexes in Solution (Jean-Francois Verchere and Stella Chapelle, Universite de Rouen, France; Feibo Xin and Debbie C. Crans, Colorado State University).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 45
Innovation today . . . Practice tomorrow. PROGRESS in Inorganic Chemistry Today's cutting-edge chemical experimentation is a foretaste of thetechnical arsenal of tomorrow's chemist. Progress in InorganicChemistry affords instant and convenient access to every area ofinnovative chemical research and has long served as theprofessional chemist's index to the newest and influential turns ininorganic chemistry. Featuring the work of internationally renownedchemists, Volume 45 discusses: * Selective Recognition of Organic Molecules by Metallohosts (JamesW. Canary and Bruce C. Gibb, New York University) * Metallacrowns: A New Class of Molecular Recognition Agents(Vincent L. Pecoraro, Ann J. Stemmler, Brian R. Gibney, Jeffrey J.Bodwin, Hsin Wang, Jeff W. Kampf, and Almut Barwinski, Universityof Michigan) * The Interpretation of Ligand Field Parameters (Adam J. Bridgemanand Malcolm Gerloch, University Chemical Laboratories) * Chemistry of Transition Metal Cyanide Compounds: ModernPerspectives (Kim R. Dunbar and Robert A. Heintz, Michigan StateUniversity) * Assembling Sugars and Metals: Novel Architectures andReactivities in Transition Metal Chemistry (Umberto Piarulli andCarlo Floriani, University of Lausanne) * Oxygen Activation Mechanism at the Binuclear Site of Heme-CopperOxidase Superfamily as Revealed by Time-Resolved Resonance RamanSpectroscopy (Teizo Kitagawa and Takashi Ogura, Institute forMolecular Science) "This series is distinguished not only by its scope and breadth,but also by the depth and quality of the reviews." --Journal of theAmerican Chemical Society "This series is a valuable addition to the library of thepracticing research chemist, and is a good starting point forstudents wishing to understand modern inorganic chemistry."--Canadian Chemical News "[This series] has won a deservedly honored place on the bookshelfof the chemist attempting to keep afloat in the torrent of originalpapers on inorganic chemistry." --Chemistry in Britain
University of Illinois Press A Ghetto Takes Shape: Black Cleveland, 1870-1930
Pilgrims Book House Epochs in Buddhist History
Nova Science Publishers Inc Application of Phytobiotechnology in the Control of Tropical Infectious Diseases
Nova Science Publishers Inc Palladium: Compounds, Production & Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Rethinking Nuclear Power in the United States
Nova Science Publishers Inc Caffeine & Health Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Petroleum Refining & Oil Well Drilling: Problems, Processes & Industry Prospects
Historic New Orleans Collection,U.S. Vicksburg, Southern City Under Siege: William Lovelace Foster’s Letter Describing the Defense and Surrender of the Confederate Fortress on the Mississippi
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Hegel's Epistemology: A Philosophical Introduction to the Phenomenology of Spirit
Provides a succinct philosophical introduction to Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit for non-specialists and students, focusing on Hegel's unique and insightful theory of knowledge and its relations to 20th-century epistemology.
Rowman & Littlefield Archaeological Oddities: A Field Guide to Forty Claims of Lost Civilizations, Ancient Visitors, and Other Strange Sites in North America
Does evidence show that Native Americas residing in Utah a thousand years ago lived among dinosaurs, depicting those creatures in their rock art? Did some of those same ancient Americans also encounter visitors from other planets, painting images of space-suited aliens on canyon walls? Have archaeologists discovered evidence that members of the Lost Tribes of Israel visited ancient America, leaving their mark by engraving the Ten Commandments in Hebrew on rocks in New Mexico? And Ohio? Is there archaeological evidence of ancient Celtic visitors to the New World in the form of messages etched in stone, megalithic monuments, and even the remnants of the villages in which they lived? Are American archaeologists covering up the remains of lost cities deeply ensconced in a secret cave in Arizona and in a subterranean chamber in Missouri? Finally, have archaeologists discovered the far western outpost of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh, not in Egypt or even Africa, but in, of all places, California? Those questions and more are answered by archaeologist Ken Feder in Archaeological Oddities: A Field Guide to Forty Claims of Lost Civilizations, Ancient Visitors, and Other Strange Sites in North America that the above listed questions and others addressed in his book represent the equivalent of “fake news” about America’s ancient past. The forty sites he highlights are, in fact, fascinating and fun places to visit. Feder’s guide provides an entertaining summary of those forty sites along with the practical information you’ll need to visit them. This full-color book includes over 100 fascinating photographs.
Faith Library Publications Healing Belongs to Us