Search results for ""author kenneth"
Oceano El Nido
Academica Press Inventing the Philosopher: An Essay on the Dialogues of Plato
In this penetrating and graceful analysis, Monique Dixsaut reveals that the project of Plato's dialogues is to "invent the philosopher" in a sense the term never again had. The dialogues show, by dramatic and dialectical instantiation, that a person seeking truth engenders a coherent system intended to determine what is. Since one cannot judge a path until he has taken it to the end, this "science of free men" comes upon truth and acquires intelligence; the ideas develop from a thinking that desires to think in a different way, without asking whether this is possible. One who thinks in this way does not have to become a philosopher. He is one, and can only know what that means because he already is one. For him, intelligence supersedes logic, desire is more compelling than duty, pleasure signals hierarchy more strongly than values, and the fact of finding, seeing, and becoming more inventive guarantees truth more surely than conforming to method. Dixsaut's treatment is fundamental, yet unique. For those who love the dialogues of Plato, this book will help them understand why in a profound new sense.
Penguin Putnam Inc Practical Wisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing
Pelican Publishing Co Grandissimes, The
Random House USA Inc Inkling
Paulist Press International,U.S. Saint Kevin and the Blackbird
The early Celtic Christians placed great emphasis on the importance of care for God’s creation, as seen in a number of beautiful and tender stories. The story of Saint Kevin and the Blackbird is perhaps the most beautiful of them all.
Faber Music Ltd Infernal Ride
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Ethical Space of Mindfulness in Clinical Practice: An Exploratory Essay
Mindfulness is a burgeoning field of study and practice within mental health care and medicine. Yet ethical codes, and the philosophy of the therapist-client relationship, differ greatly between disciplines, and even more between those disciplines and mindfulness-based approaches. The potential for ethical dilemmas is therefore significant. Donald McCown breaks new ground by taking a focused look at an ethics derived from contemporary clinical mindfulness practice itself. What does a secular ethics of mindfulness look like? Who is competent to work therapeutically with mindfulness, and how does one delimit areas and levels of competence? How do clinicians ethically understand the therapist-client relationship from the therapeutic position of mindfulness? And how do clinicians respond when the necessary restraints of their professional role and ethics code come into conflict with the mindfulness-based relationship and therapeutic position?This book makes a vital contribution to the understanding of ethics as the cornerstone of mindfulness-based practice, and will be of interest to all those involved in delivering mindfulness-based interventions, including psychologists, counselors, spiritual directors, occupational therapists, physicians, nurses, and educators.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Appreciating Asperger Syndrome: Looking at the Upside - with 300 Positive Points
People with Asperger Syndrome have many characteristics that are frequently seen in a negative light. Brenda Boyd shows that for every characteristic of AS that can be looked at negatively, there are several positive aspects that can be drawn on and developed. Discussing AS in general terms, she talks through the reasons why people with AS approach life in the way they do, and what an enormous contribution they make to the world. She then explores different characteristics of AS; while she acknowledges the negative perception so many people have of these characteristics, she points out the large number of advantages to the Aspergers way of thinking for individuals with AS, those around them and society as a whole. For every negative, Boyd proves there are many more positives. From their refreshing honesty to their originality and potential to become leaders rather than followers, people with AS have many admirable personality traits that should be nurtured. This book shows that by adjusting our perceptions of what is 'normal' and embracing diversity, AS can not only be understood and accepted, but appreciated. Appreciating Asperger Syndrome is a celebration of AS which should be read by individuals with AS, family members, and anyone who knows or works professionally with individuals with AS.
Getty Trust Publications Cultural Memories in the Roman Empire
Memory studies -- one of the most vibrant research fields of the present day -- brings together such diverse disciplines as art and archaeology, history, religion, literature, sociology, media studies, and neuroscience. In scholarship on ancient Rome, studies of social and cultural memory complement traditional approaches, opening up new horizons as we contemplate the ancient world. The fifteen essays presented here explore memory in the Roman Empire, addressing a wide spectrum of cultural phenomena from a range of approaches. Ancient Rome was a memory culture par excellence and memory pervades all aspects of Roman culture, from literature and art to religion and politics. This volume is the first to address the cultural artifacts of Rome through the lens of memory studies. An essential guide to the material culture of Rome, this book brings important new concepts to the fore for both scholars of the ancient world and those of social and cultural memory throughout human history.
Edinburgh University Press Sino-Enchantment: The Fantastic in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas
Approaches the recent resurgence of the fantastic in Chinese cinemas Offers the framework of 'Sino-enchantment' as a new theoretical lens through which readers can engage elements of the fantastic in Chinese cinema Addresses the increasing prominence of fantastic narratives, imagery and styles in Chinese films Interested not simply in CGI effects, but as much in the ideological, aesthetic and ethical ramifications of the fantastic in contemporary film culture Although Chinese film audiences have always maintained a foundational cultural interest in the fantastic, this trend has dramatically increased over the last decade. Sino-Enchantment is the first work in English to approach this recent explosion of fantastic film in Chinese cinemas, where each re-envisioning of the form is determined by cultural, economic, political and technological factors to produce fresh inventions and creative reinventions of familiar narratives, characters and tropes. With case studies of films such as The Assassin (2015), Monster Hunt (2015) and The Great Wall (2016), this novel approach uses the framework of 'Sino-enchantment' as a new theoretical lens through which readers can engage with elements of the fantastic in Chinese cinema.
Kregel Publications,U.S. 40 Questions About Creation and Evolution
Simon & Schuster The Leadership Pill: The Missing Ingredient in Motivating People Today
How can you become a more successful manager, a stronger team leader and a motivator who gets the best results from a group? Ken Blanchard's inspiring new book provides the answer. In a beguiling, sometimes humorous fashion, THE LEADERSHIP PILL conjures up a tantalizing possibility: what if there was a pill that could stimulate the natural powers of the mind and body to provide leadership? THE LEADERSHIP PILL shows how to apply the right techniques, no matter how pressured a business situation.
Random House USA Inc Pirates of the Caribbean (Disney Classic)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Housing Economics and Public Policy
This book is a timely assessment of 20 years of progress in the field of housing economics and its application to policy and practice. Two decades on from the publication of Duncan Maclennan's influential Housing Economics, 16 leading housing experts - both academics and policy makers from across the world - now honour Maclennan's contributions. The chapters here present a contemporary survey of key issues in housing, from urban housing markets and sub-market modelling, to the economics of social housing, the basis for housing planning, economic analysis of neighbourhoods, and the connections between academic work and policy development. For students, researchers and practitioners in housing, urban economics and social policy, Housing Economics and Public Policy: . provides up to date and comprehensive reviews of major areas of the housing economics literature . sheds light on the economic, social and spatial processes that affect housing . includes discussion of major areas of cutting edge housing economics research and identifies continuing gaps . presents a synthesis of housing economics research on both sides of the Atlantic . assesses the impact of theory on policy and practice
Columbia University Press The Bhāgavata Purāna: Selected Readings
Formalized by the tenth century, the expansive Bhagavata Purana resists easy categorization. While the narrative holds together as a coherent literary work, its language and expression compete with the best of Sanskrit poetry. The text's theological message focuses on devotion to Krishna or Vishnu, and its philosophical outlook is grounded in the classical traditions of Vedanta and Samkhya. No other Purana has inspired so much commentary, imitation, and derivation. The work has grown in vibrancy through centuries of performance, interpretation, worship, and debate and has guided the actions and meditations of elite intellectuals and everyday worshippers alike. This annotated translation and detailed analysis shows how one text can have such enduring appeal. Key selections from the Bhagavata Purana are faithfully translated, while all remaining sections of the Purana are concisely summarized, providing the reader with a continuous and comprehensive narrative. Detailed endnotes explain unfamiliar concepts and several essays elucidate the rich philosophical and religious debates found in the Sanskrit commentaries. Together with the multidisciplinary readings contained in the companion volume The Bhagavata Purana: Sacred Text and Living Tradition (Columbia, 2013), this book makes a central Hindu masterpiece more accessible to English-speaking audiences and more meaningful to scholars of Hindu literature, philosophy, and religion.
The University of Chicago Press Landscapes of a Distant Mother
The state of exile is often described as being without a country. Born in Tehran but living in Germany, the eminent Iranian writer Said has suffered two forms of exile. Estranged from Iran for political reasons, he was also separated from his mother shortly after his birth when his parents divorced. At the age of forty-three, however, Said received word that his mother was traveling abroad and wanted to see him. Landscapes of a Distant Mother is the account of his journey to her and their wrenching reunion. An autobiography of longing and loss, the book offers a haunting portrait of a son's broken relationship with his mother and the Islamic dictatorship that shadows both their lives. Landscapes of a Distant Mother gives English-speaking readers an introduction to one of Europe's most important immigrant writers. Unsentimental and spare, the book chronicles the discomfiting sensation of viewing one's mother as a stranger and all the psychological implications of their mutual disappointment. Said's distance from his mother - whom he describes almost clinically, with her "particular way of speaking, the style laced with religious formulas, inclined to emotionalism, self-pity and expletives" - becomes a measure of the alienation he feels from everything around him. In this sharp, extended letter to his mother, Said gives voice to the full meaning of modern exile - its political force, profound sadness, and perpetual yearning.
Pearson Education Limited Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, Global Edition
Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, 9th Edition speaks to an evolved definition of integrated marketing and teaches students how to effectively communicate in the business world. It champions the importance of weaving together all marketing activities into one clear message and voice, and helps students understand how communications are produced and transmitted. The text explores advertising and promotions, and the roles of social media, mobile messaging, and other marketing tactics to effectively reach consumers. With added tools to help learners apply concepts to real-life situations, students will understand the vital links marketers use to connect and interact with customers. MyLab® Marketing is not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Marketing is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Pearson MyLab Marketing should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Dover Publications Inc. Elements of Modern Mathematics
3DTotal Publishing Ltd Creating Characters for the Entertainment Industry: Develop Spectacular Designs from Basic Concepts
Creating Professional Characters: Develop Spectacular Designs from Basic Concepts is an inspiring and informative exploration of how popular professional character designers take the basic concept of a character in a production brief and develop these ideas into an original, high-quality design. Suitable for student and professional character designers alike, this book focuses on how to approach your character designs in ways that ensure the target audience and production needs are met while still creating fun, imaginative characters. This visually appealing book includes twenty thorough tutorials guiding you through the design and decision making processes used to create awesome characters. Replicating the processes used in professional practice today, this book demonstrates the types of brief a professional designer might receive, the iterative design process used to explore the brief, the influence of production feedback on the final design, and how final designs are presented to clients. This detailed, enlightening book is an excellent guide to creating incredible imaginative characters suitable for your future professional projects.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Aniline: Structural/Physical Properties, Reactions & Environmental Effects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Forest Management for Resilience, Adaptation & Watershed Protection
Cengage Learning, Inc Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments
Succeed in your organic laboratory course with MACROSCALE AND MICROSCALE ORGANIC EXPERIMENTS, Seventh Edition. This proven, authoritative manual emphasizes safety and features new themed Modules experiments with real world applications. Using the manual's mix of macroscale and microscale experiments, you'll gain the knowledge and confidence you need to perform a wide variety of experiments, as well as experience working with conventionally-sized glassware.
Pearson Education Limited Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Develop business understanding through real-life examples and latest developments in the field Procurement and Supply Chain Management, 10th Edition, by Farrington is the most comprehensive and accessible textbook on procurement and supply chain management currently available. It is the ideal textbook for those aspiring to be leaders in the profession, and for those who are engaged in professional studies for the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply examinations (at both the foundation and professional stages). It is also of value to specialists in other fields who require understanding of the role and influence of this area of business performance. Using extensive real-life examples the subject matter has been brought to life throughout the book, and provides a truly international focus on procurement and supply chain. This fully revised edition covers new developments in the procurement and supply chain field, and offers new chapters on public sector procurement and socially responsible procurement. New to this edition: A new chapter on Public Sector Procurement, recognising the public sector’s impact on the global economy A new chapter on Sustainability and Socially Responsible Procurement, recognising that this is a highly challenging global issue wherein procurement has great influence and more initiatives are needed Extensively updated throughout to reflect material changes in the procurement professio Dr Brian Farrington is the Managing Director of his specialist company, Brian Farrington Limited. They provide training and consultancy support to the public and private sectors of business. They work on major projects and high-value, high-profile and high-risk procurements. He has extensive experience in the USA, Canada, Southern Africa, Hong Kong and Europe. He has resolved major disputes and negotiated complex contracts, including outsourcing key business services. Pearson, the world’s learning company. Dr Brian Farrington is the Managing Director of his specialist company, Brian Farrington Limited. They provide training and consultancy support to the public and private sectors of business. They work on major projects and high-value, high-profile and high-risk procurements. He has extensive experience in the USA, Canada, Southern Africa, Hong Kong and Europe. He has resolved major disputes and negotiated complex contracts, including outsourcing key business services. Pearson, the world’s learning company.
McGraw-Hill Education Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Flashcards, Third Edition
200 high-yield cards with a clinical vignette on every disease-specific cardLANGE Flash Cards: Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Third Edition are a quick, concise, and effective way to review the essential concepts of microbiology. These cards help you learn the medically important aspects of the subject and cover the basic and clinical aspects of bacteriology, virology, mycology, parasitology, and infectious diseases.One side of the card features a clinical vignette that is a mini-case study of the disease and the flip side presents the etiology and epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment and prevention of the disorder.Features•A super-effective portable learning tool •Covers major microbial diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites •Teaches medical microbiology in the context of clinical cases •Great for last minute exam preparation
McGraw-Hill Education General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts
The seventh edition of General Chemistry continues the tradition of presenting only the material that is essential for a one-year general chemistry course. It strikes a balance between theory and application by incorporating real-world examples; helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basis of chemical activity; and developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Although the seventh edition incorporates many impressive features, such as conceptual idea review, animations correlated to the text, and hand-sketched worked examples, General Chemistry is still 200 to 300 pages shorter and much less expensive than other two-semester textbooks. Dr. Chang and Dr. Goldsby’ concise-but-thorough approach will appeal to efficiency-minded instructors and value-conscious students.
Ariadne Press Austria in the Thirties: Culture & Politics
Elsinor Verlag e.K. Curious Journey: The IRA and Cumann Na Mban, 1916-1923
The University of Chicago Press The Political Orchestra: The Vienna and Berlin Philharmonics during the Third Reich
This is a groundbreaking study of the prestigious Berlin and Vienna Philharmonics during the Third Reich. Making extensive use of archival material, including some discussed here for the first time, Fritz Trümpi offers new insight into the orchestras’ place in the larger political constellation. Trümpi looks first at the decades preceding National Socialist rule, when the competing orchestras, whose rivalry mirrored a larger rivalry between Berlin and Vienna, were called on to represent “superior” Austro-German music and were integrated into the administrative and social structures of their respective cities—becoming vulnerable to political manipulation in the process. He then turns to the Nazi period, when the orchestras came to play a major role in cultural policies. As he shows, the philharmonics, in their own unique ways, strengthened National Socialist dominance through their showcasing of Germanic culture in the mass media, performances for troops and the general public, and fictional representations in literature and film. Accompanying these propaganda efforts was an increasing politicization of the orchestras, which ranged from the dismissal of Jewish members to the programming of ideologically appropriate repertory—all in the name of racial and cultural purity. Richly documented and refreshingly nuanced, The Political Orchestra is a bold exploration of the ties between music and politics under fascism.
Springer, India, Private Ltd Monetary Policy in India: A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective
This book presents research that applies contemporary monetary theory and state-of-the-art econometric methods to the analysis of the monetary and financial aspects of the Indian economy and the impact of monetary policy on economic performance. Indian monetary policy has attracted significant attention from Indian and international macroeconomists over the last several years. Interest in how monetary policy influences economic performance and how monetary policy is conducted in India is growing. The prospects for further financial sector reform and ongoing inflation in India have sparked new interest in the role of money and monetary policy in India among economists, policy makers and students alike. The book should also interest economists outside India because it studies monetary economics in a major emerging market economy and makes advances in the analysis of how financial market imperfections and structural constraints influence the effects of monetary policy.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. World Report 2016: Events of 2015
Higherlife Development Service The Forgotten Baptism: Your Leadership Path To Fulfilling Your Vision
University Press of America Ideology, Values, and Technology in Political Life
What are the pervasive forces for change in the modern world? Looking back on political,social, and economic upheavals of the past two hundred years, a casual observer might conclude that it has been politics alone. Conversely, Stunkel and Sarsar assert that ideology, technology, and values played equally as crucial roles then as they do now. As three of the most influential 'ideas' in the modern world—ideology, values and technology are acutely addresed in this volume in order to clarify what they are and what their significance is for political life.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Organizational Learning in Schools
This volume presents the view that what matters most are learning processes in organizations and ways of enhancing the sophistication and power of these processes. Each contributor, therefore, explicitly addresses the meaning(s) of organizational learning which they have adopted themselves.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Management Perspectives on the Covid-19 Crisis: Lessons from New Zealand
New Zealand (NZ) offers an astonishing story regarding its Covid-19 response. This book argues that NZ offers lessons for business and management actors across various geographical and political contexts in the world. In this book, we draw attention to problems and challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic from a functional management and organisational perspective. In particular, contributors explore centralised and decentralised decision-making, the notion of economic growth, well-being on a national level and on a personal level, and business recovery and how NZ’s exporting and internationalisation strategies have been affected by Covid-19. The intricate complexity of globalised supply chains, the consequences of low levels of buffer in optimised outsourcing and offshoring agreements and the criticality of ‘non-critical’ labour for the seamless functioning and organisation of society are also examined. Finally, the contributors explore the NZ Covid-19 response’s geopolitical significance beyond the Pacifica/Oceania region. In so doing, they illuminate how the NZ experience can offer insights and learning for business and management in other countries.This book will be key reading for business and organisational scholars interested in international business, internationalization and the geo-political and business implications of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Seven Stories Press,U.S. World Report 2018: Events of 2017
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Pacing to Support the Failing Heart
This new title in the American Heart Association Clinical Series offers an up-to-date overview of the causes and damage related to dyssynchronopathy - a new pathophysiological entity related to spontaneous or pacing-induced mechanical abnormalities which causes heart failure. It presents the most recent diagnostic non-invasive tools and provides simple, practice-oriented therapeutic proposals for heart failure patients.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Re-Scripting Walt Whitman: An Introduction to His Life and Work
This introductory guide to Walt Whitman weaves together the writer’s life with an examination of his works. · An innovative introductory guide to Walt Whitman. · Weaves together the writer’s life with an examination of his works. · Focuses especially on Whitman’s evolving masterpiece Leaves of Grass. · Examines the material conditions and products of Whitman’s “scripted life”, including his original manuscripts. · Investigates Whitman’s “life in print” – his belief that he could literally embody himself in his books. · Linked to a large electronic archive of Whitman’s work at
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Valuing Environment and Natural Resources
Over-exploitation of environment and natural resources is becoming increasingly widespread in the modern world. To combat this, environmental economists have attempted to value such resources in order to ensure that they are given due recognition in any ex ante appraisal, or ex post evaluation of projects or policies; and also to ensure that optimal levels of consumption are determined for the resource. This authoritative title brings together seminal papers published in the last three decades which demonstrate the application of a number of techniques employed to value a range of environmental and natural resources. It will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners with an interest in environmental affairs and natural resources.
Baker Publishing Group Without a Doubt – Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions
It can be difficult to answer questions about the Christian faith-even for Christians who regularly read their Bibles and attend church. What can they say to a skeptic who questions Christian doctrine or truth claims? What about young Christians who want answers to their tough questions? Without a Doubt covers questions on everything from the doctrine of the incarnation to religious pluralism, from evolution to moral relativism, with rational answers for even the most stubborn skeptic. Chapters contain charts, relevant biblical texts, and outlines to help readers grasp key ideas relevant to proclaiming the gospel to an unbeliever or discussing doctrine with another Christian.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems: An introduction to Theory and Applications
Designed for pharmacy students Now updated for its Second Edition, Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems provides pharmacy students with a much-needed introduction to the mathematical intricacies of thermodynamics in relation to practical laboratory applications. Designed to meet the needs of the contemporary curriculum in pharmacy schools, the text makes these connections clear, emphasizing specific applications to pharmaceutical systems including dosage forms and newer drug delivery systems. Students and practitioners involved in drug discovery, drug delivery, and drug action will benefit from Connors' and Mecozzi's authoritative treatment of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as well as their attention to drug molecules and experimental considerations. They will appreciate, as well, the significant revisions to the Second Edition. Expanding the book's scope and usefulness, the new edition: Explores in greater depth topics most relevant to the pharmacist such as drug discovery and drug delivery, supramolecular chemistry, molecular recognition, and nanotechnologies Moves the popular review of mathematics, formerly an appendix, to the front of the book Adds new textual material and figures in several places, most notably in the chapter treating noncovalent chemical interactions Two new appendices provide ancillary material that expands on certain matters bordering the subject of classical thermodynamics Thermodynamics need not be a mystery nor confined to the realm of mathematical theory. Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems, Second Edition demystifies for students the profound thermodynamic applications in the laboratory while also serving as a handy resource for practicing researchers.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Practical Periodontics
The second edition of this popular textbook provides a concise and easy-to-follow guide that will increase the confidence of students and clinicians alike in managing all aspects of periodontal care. Practical Periodontics provides evidence-based information on the essentials of clinical periodontology, written by internationally renowned contributors in an accessible, practical style. It covers all aspects of the discipline, including the aetiology of periodontal diseases, clinical management, patient education, paediatric care, and the interaction of periodontology with other dental disciplines such as implant dentistry and orthodontics. This book will be invaluable to all undergraduate dentistry, hygiene and therapy students. It is also highly relevant for practising dentists, dental hygienists and therapists as a source of up-to-date, evidence-based information on periodontics. Supported by a wide range of online material, including video, case reports and revision questions Practical approach that brings learning to life Accessible style, chapter overviews, learning objectives and key points boxes to aid revision Full colour illustrations to demystify complex processes New chapter on implants Aligns with European Federation of Periodontology and British Society of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry guidelines for care and management of patients with periodontitis Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Skyhorse Publishing The Whole Food Pregnancy Plan: Eat Clean & Feel Good with Complete Nutrition
Get both mama and baby on track for a healthy, happy, and delicious life! More and more studies show that the human body is not meant to digest the amount of processed wheat we've grown accustomed to. Whether you have Celiac disease or are simply trying to reduce your gluten intake, you are guaranteed to benefit from this insightful book. We all know that "you are what you eat." And once you conceive, your baby is what you eat as well—prenatal health and nutrition during pregnancy is so imperative! The US is one of only eight countries in the world where the rate of mortality for pregnant women is on the rise, and obesity is one of the primary causes of this phenomenon—half of all pregnant women are considered overweight (not due to baby weight gained during pregnancy, which is completely natural and expected). Widely accepted, doctor- and dietitian-prescribed nutrition guidelines actually may be contributing to the growing obesity and gestational diabetes epidemics. Newly expectant mothers receive a packet of health information from their doctors, including a nutrition pamphlet, which proscribes a daily food regimen with 100 grams of sugar per day—the amount of sugar in 10 glazed donuts! Aimee has developed a comprehensive nutrition guide that helps expecting and postpartum women achieve ideal health and weight during pregnancy and beyond. Implementing philosophies of current, highly-effective gluten-free nutrition trends that have not been fully introduced to the prenatal and postpartum populations, The Whole Pregnancy offers a detailed dietary regimen that is based on whole and unprocessed foods, low-glycemic carbohydrates, quality proteins, and essential fats. Developed by a certified nutritionist, the meal-planning system presents a variety of simple, delicious recipes to benefit mother and baby. It also provides special instruction for each stage of pregnancy, including the first, second, and third trimesters, as well as the “fourth trimester” of postpartum weight loss and nursing.
McGraw-Hill Education Philosophy ISE
Philosophy: The Power of Ideas offers a comprehensive overview of Western Philosophy, Eastern Influences, Feminist Philosophy and Postcolonial thought. Known for its engaging, conversational writing style, each chapter provides clear introductions to even the most difficult philosophical concepts and includes selected primary readings from some of the most important thinkers of all time.**Available exclusively through McGraw-Hill Create®, Discourses: A Database of Classical and Contemporary Readings for Philosophy by Donald C. Abel is an online collection of more than 450 readings that can be customized for your course.
Tuttle Publishing Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana: A Workbook for Self-Study
Learning Hiragana and Katakana is a systematic and comprehensive Japanese workbook that is perfect for self-study or use in a classroom setting.Written Japanese combines three different types of characters: the Chinese characters known as kanji, and two Japanese sets of phonetic letters, hiragana and katakana, known collectively as kana, that must be mastered before the Japanese kanji can be learned. Learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana provides beginning-level students of Japanese a thorough grounding in the basic hiragana and katakana phonetic symbols or syllabaries. A comprehensive introduction presents their primary function, origin, pronunciation and usage. The main body of the book is devoted to presenting the 92 hira and kata characters along with their variations, giving step-by-step guidelines on how to write each character neatly in the correct stroke order, with generous practice spaces provided for handwriting practice. This Japanese workbook includes: Systematic and comprehensive coverage of the two Japanese kana systems. Ample provision for Japanese kana practice, review, and self-testing at several levels Detailed reference section explaining the origin and function of kana, and the various kana combinations. Access to online Japanese audio files to aid in correct pronunciation. Helpful additional information for language students accustomed to romanized Japanese. Vocabulary selected for usefulness and cultural relevance. About this new edition:The new third edition has been expanded and revised to include many additional reading and writing exercises. Accompanying online recordings demonstrate the correct pronunciation of all the characters, vocabulary, and sentences in the book.
Oro Editions Truth and Lies in Architecture
"‘Truth and Lies in Architecture’ delves deep into the soul of architects and their work." — Naser Nader Ibrahim, Amazing Architecture This is a collection of provocative essays that journey into the vexed circumstance of contemporary architectural practice. The nature of the great cultural, social, political, environmental, and consumerist challenges facing the contemporary architect are explored, interpreted, and questioned, while drawing connections from architecture theory, philosophy, science, literature, and film sources in an attempt to negotiate the territory between the truth and lies in architecture. These essays written by a leading Australian architect represent a level of comprehensive critical awareness rarely found within the architectural profession and one would be hard pressed to find another comparable figure in contemporary architectural practice. The entire argumentation is impressive, challenging, intellectually at the highest level and beautifully written.
McGraw-Hill Education Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach ISE
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach takes students through the research process, from getting and developing a research idea, to designing and conducting a study, through analyzing and reporting data. The eleventh edition addresses the change in research practices to supplement or replace null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) with other analytic approaches, including Bayesian analysis. Information on the research process is presented in a lively and engaging way, highlighting the numerous decisions that must be made when designing and conducting research and emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct, both in the treatment of research subjects and in the conduct of research and reporting research results.
The University of Chicago Press The Voice Imitator
The Austrian playwright, novelist, and poet Thomas Bernhard (1931-89) is acknowledged as among the major writers of our times. At once pessimistic and exhilarating, Bernhard's work depicts the corruption of the modern world, the dynamics of totalitarianism, and the interplay of reality and appearance.In this stunning translation of The Voice Imitator, Bernhard gives us one of his most darkly comic works. A series of parable-like anecdotes—some drawn from newspaper reports, some from conversation, some from hearsay—this satire is both subtle and acerbic. What initially appear to be quaint little stories inevitably indict the sterility and callousness of modern life, not just in urban centers but everywhere. Bernhard presents an ordinary world careening into absurdity and disaster. Politicians, professionals, tourists, civil servants—the usual victims of Bernhard's inspired misanthropy—succumb one after another to madness, mishap, or suicide. The shortest piece, titled "Mail," illustrates the anonymity and alienation that have become standard in contemporary society: "For years after our mother's death, the Post Office still delivered letters that were addressed to her. The Post Office had taken no notice of her death."In his disarming, sometimes hilarious style, Bernhard delivers a lethal punch with every anecdote. George Steiner has connected Bernhard to "the great constellation of Kafka, Musil, and Broch," and John Updike has compared him to Grass, Handke, and Weiss. The Voice Imitator reminds us that Thomas Bernhard remains the most caustic satirist of our age.