Search results for ""author thomas"
InterVarsity Press Greek Commentaries on Revelation
InterVarsity Press Incomplete Commentary on Matthew (Opus imperfectum)
InterVarsity Press Psalms 51–150
Springer International Publishing AG Teaching Refugees and Displaced Students: What Every Educator Should Know
This textbook serves as a guide for practitioners whose goal is to enhance refugee students’ learning experiences. With millions of children globally in refugee or seeking asylum status, this volume is a must-read for every 21st century educator. Often, refugee students have missed a substantial amount of schooling as a result of the disruptions in their home countries and transit through refugee camps. Others have never been to school at any time. Refugees enter school with the same hopes and aspirations as other students, but they also confront serious challenges.This textbook helps educators to restore hope through the following topics: empowering refugees in school liberating structures in resettlement camps increasing opportunity at university designing compassionate pedagogies leveraging technology connecting the community Each chapter includes points to ponder as educators work to apply the principles of restoring hope for refugee students and their families. This textbook also provides practical suggestions and case studies that will help educators to put theory into practice. Teachers and professors who are passionate about honing their skills will find this book a comprehensive resource when displaced students enter their classrooms. This volume will also be of great interest to teacher-educators, pre-service teachers, educators serving in refugee camps and school administrators.
Oni Press,US Choose Your Own Adventure Eighth Grade Witch
Choose your own adventure as Rabbit, the new kid on the block enters a ghoulish world of nightmares, witches, and ghosts. As Rabbit, readers will get to choose which adventure, or nightmare they'll embark on. From learning about the mysterious witch Prudence Deadly, trouncing through spooky graveyards, meeting ghostly ancestors, or channeling some witchcraft with classmates. No one path leads to the same destination, will you choose a path that leads to the light? Or will the path you choose lead to a gruesome end? You get to decide!
Broadview Press Ltd The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Poetry and Poetic Theory Concise Edition
The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Poetry and Poetic Theory, Concise Edition is less than half the length of the full anthology, but preserves the main principles of the larger work. A number of longer poems (such as Tennyson's In Memoriam) are included in their entirety; there are generous selections from the work of all major poets, and a representative selection of other work; the work of Victorian women poets features very prominently; and a substantial selection of poetic theory is included to round out the volume.
University Press of Mississippi Faulkner and Money
Contributions by W. Fitzhugh Brundage, Jordan Burke, Rebecca Bennett Clark, James C. Cobb, Anna Creadick, Colin Dayan, Wai Chee Dimock, Sarah E. Gardner, Hannah Godwin, Brooks E. Hefner, Andrew B. Leiter, Sean McCann, Conor Picken, Natalie J. Ring, Calvin Schermerhorn, and Jay Watson.William Faulkner remains a historian's writer. A distinguished roster of historians have referenced Faulkner in their published work. They are drawn to him as a fellow historian, a shaper of narrative reflections on the meaning of the past; as a historiographer, a theorist, and dramatist of the fraught enterprise of doing history; and as a historical figure himself, especially following his mid-century emergence as a public intellectual after winning the Nobel Prize for Literature.This volume brings together historians and literary scholars to explore the many facets of Faulkner's relationship to history: the historical contexts of his novels and stories; his explorations of the historiographic imagination; his engagement with historical figures from both the regional and national past; his influence on professional historians; his pursuit of alternate modes of temporal awareness; and the histories of print culture that shaped the production, reception, and criticism of Faulkner's work.Contributors draw on the history of development in the Mississippi Valley, the construction of Confederate memory, the history and curriculum of Harvard University, twentieth-century debates over police brutality and temperance reform, the history of modern childhood, and the literary histories of anti-slavery writing and pulp fiction to illuminate Faulkner's work. Others in the collection explore the meaning of Faulkner's fiction for such professional historians as C. Vann Woodward and Albert Bushnell Hart. In these ways and more, Faulkner and History offers fresh insights into one of the most persistent and long-recognized elements of the Mississippian's artistic vision.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Clinical Handbook of Psychiatry and the Law
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Written by two renowned leaders in the field, the much-anticipated fifth edition of Clinical Handbook of Psychiatry and the Law offers mental health professionals authoritative guidance on how today’s law affects clinical practice. Each chapter in this award-winning reference presents case examples of legal issues often seen in day-to-day practice; clearly explains the governing legal rules, their rationale, and their clinical impact; and offers concrete action guides to navigating clinicolegal dilemmas. It’s a must-have resource for anyone in the mental health field who needs an easy-to-read, practical handbook addressing both longstanding legal/ethical issues and crucial recent developments in the field. Addresses recent developments including the impact of electronic health records on privacy and liability risks, new technologies, prescription drug monitoring programs, risk management in integrated care, the practitioner’s role in assessing suitability for gun ownership, and more. Reflects timely issues such as changing attitudes toward seclusion and restraint, new medications for psychiatric disorders and the role of informed consent, and increased liability and scrutiny of expert witnesses. Presents real-world case examples using an engaging, easy-to-read writing style, and includes unique action guides in each chapter that specify practical approaches to clinicolegal dilemmas. A useful study aid to help prepare for the forensic psychiatry sections of specialty board examinations. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
IVP Academic Isaiah 1–39
IVP Academic Jeremiah, Lamentations
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon International Law and the Post–Soviet Space II – Essays on Ukraine, Intervention, and Non–Proliferation
This volume deals with legal issues concerning Russias annexation of Crimea and intervention in the Donbas, so-called frozen conflicts and hybrid warfare, the use of courts and tribunals to address armed aggression, and the implications of recent events for the security guarantees connected to nuclear non-proliferation. Continuing from the first volume, which contains Parts One and Two on Chechnya and the Baltic States, this book is comprised of Part Three --Ukraine and other successor States: Territorial Integrity and its Challengers in the Post-Soviet Space; Part Four -- Intervention and International Law; Part Five -- Legal Proceedings and Unlawful Claims; and Part Six -- Non-Proliferation after Budapest.
INSTAP Academic Press Mochlos IB: Period III. Neopalatial Settlement on the Coast: The Artisans' Quarter and the Farmhouse at Chalinomouri: The Neopalatial Pottery
Mochlos is a Minoan town set on a fine harbour at the eastern side of the Gulf of Mirabello, in northeast Crete. It was first inhabited during the Neolithic period, and it had an important Minoan settlement during most of the Bronze Age. Mochlos I, to be published in three volumes, presents the results of the excavations in the Neopalatial levels of the Artisans' Quarter, and at the farmhouse at Chalinomouri. The Artisans' Quarter consisted of a series of workshops with evidence for pottery manufacture, metalworking, and weaving. Chalinomouri, a semi-independent farmhouse with strong connections to the nearby island settlement at Mochlos, was engaged in craftwork and foodprocessing as well as agriculture. This volume, Mochlos IB, presents the pottery from the site.
Medieval Institute Publications The "Other Tuscany": Essays in the History of Lucca, Pisa, and Siena during the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries
Studies of late medieval Tuscany have traditionally relied on historiographical premises derived from the experience of its intensely investigated capital city. Specifically, normative and quantitative data from Florentine sources have been employed to chart demographic, social, and economic trends during the communal age and across the period of the Black Death and its aftermath. The results have invited instructive comparisons with other regions of Italy, as well as other parts of Europe. At the same time, however, the focus on Florence in its role as a metropolitan center belies the conceptual problems inherent in the modern definition of “region,” applicable only with hindsight to medieval juridical and topographical boundaries. The essays in this volume offer non-Italian scholars a representative sample of current European research and a summary of recent debates regarding the historical evolution of those republics that posed the most formidable obstacles to the extension of Florentine hegemony. While they cover a range of topics, they all provide evidence of the important resources available to scholars working in provincial Tuscan archives and the volume offers an excellent sampling of the state of scholarship on these Italian communities.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Neurological Disorders: New Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Restoring American Competitiveness & Innovation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Digital Nation: Broadband Internet Adoption in the United States
Nova Science Publishers Inc Visual Cortex: New Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Edison: His Life and Inventions
Rowman & Littlefield National Pastime: U.S. History Through Baseball
From its modest beginnings in rural America to its current status as an entertainment industry in postindustrial America enjoyed worldwide by millions each season, the linkages between baseball’s evolution and our nation’s history are undeniable. Through war, depression, times of tumultuous upheaval and of great prosperity – baseball has been held up as our national pastime: the single greatest expression of America’s values and ideals. Combining a comprehensive history of the game with broader analyses of America’s historical and cultural developments, National Pastime encapsulates the values that have allowed it to endure: hope, tradition, escape, revolution. While nostalgia, scandal, malaise and triumph are contained within the study of any American historical moment, we see in this book that the tensions and developments within the game of baseball afford the best window into a deeper understanding of America’s past, its purpose, and its principles.
Peter Lang Publishing Inc Reformation Worlds: Antecedents and Legacies in the Anglican Tradition
A reassessment of the precedents, course, and legacy of the Reformation has occurred in the present generation of academic writing. This collection of essays brings together research by established and new scholars on themes of the Reformation with a particular focus on its antecedents and legacies in the Anglican tradition. Utilizing a diversity of topics, approaches, and methods, this book adds measurably to our knowledge of the place of the Reformation in Britain and Ireland as well as its European, North American, and African particularities. Exploring a variety of themes, this collection examines the Reformation in relation to key aspects of church organization, belief, sacrament, conversion, relationships with other denominations, theological education, church and state, worship, and issues of resilience and decline. While these themes are pursued broadly, there is a particular focus on the context of the Anglican tradition in terms of Reformation preoccupations and concerns. This collection’s thematic content, chronological span, and geographical range will also challenge accepted views, deepen understanding, and highlight new areas of enquiry, bringing new research and insights to bear on established observations. Academics will find this book of particular interest for courses on the Reformation, Early Modern Europe, and the history of Christianity.
American Society of Overseas Research Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the Other in Antiquity - Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers, AASOR 60-61
What distinguishes an individual or a group in ancient society? How do issues of gender, ethnicity, social stratification and the view of the 'other' impact individuals, groups, and societal attitudes? Foucault in his classic work, The Archaeology of Knowledge, observes that layers of information embedded in language and society often elucidate the unspoken assumptions that individuals, groups or societies hold most dear. What is perceived to distinguish one group can carry such symbolic power that whole societies structure their laws, gender roles, ethnic identities, and views toward the "other" in the light of perceived differences. The ancient world was dominated by such differences. Clothing, hair, costume, housing, gender, religion, set apart one from the other. Ascertaining the rules governing difference in antiquity is challenging. Such rules were generally assumed, not clearly delineated. To determine "the archaeology of difference" the studies in this volume draw on textual and material culture. How does archaeological data illuminate gender or ethnicity or interactions and views of the "other"? What in the archaeological evidence elucidates the attitude toward women's role in society or Jewish perspectives on the Gentiles or attitudes toward the dead? What in texts illuminates the "other" especially as it relates to the writer's or narrator's perception?
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Le Morte Darthur: The Seventh and Eighth Tales: The Seventh and Eighth Tales
P. J. C. Field, the world's preeminent Malory specialist, has wisely chosen to offer here Malory's seventh and eighth tales, recounting the decline and end of Camelot. The authoritative text is accompanied by indispensable notes and preceded by a remarkably thorough and learned--but never obscure--Introduction sufficient to prepare students and other readers to profit fully from the texts. This book is ideal for those coming to Malory for the first time and a distinct pleasure for those who already know him well. --Norris J. Lacy, E. E. Sparks Professor of French and Medieval Studies, Penn State University
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Treatise on Law
This new translation of the Treatise on Law offers fidelity to the Latin in a readable new version that will prove useful to students of the natural law tradition in ethics, political theory, and jurisprudence, as well as to students of Western intellectual history.
Scarecrow Press Ladies in the Laboratory II: West European Women in Science, 1800-1900: A Survey of Their Contributions to Research
The lives of many of the nineteenth century's most notable women of science are presented in English for the first time in this companion volume to Ladies in the Laboratory: American and British Women in Science. The present volume bridges a considerable gap in English literature available on women from twelve west European countries and their work in the biological and medical sciences, mathematics, and social sciences. A fascinating analysis of the work of notable women by national group, giving thorough data comparing the contributions of women in choice fields. Among the women presented are more than a few colorful personalities representative of the entire social scale, from a royal princess to the daughter of a Paris slum shopkeeper. Researchers in the field of women's history and science history will find this indexed volume a valuable resource.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Complete Systemic Supervisor: Context, Philosophy, and Pragmatics
The Second Edition of the definitive text on systemic clinical supervision has been fully updated and now includes a range of practical online resources. New edition of the definitive text on systemic clinical supervision, fully updated and revised, with a wealth of case studies throughout Supported by a range of practical online resources New material includes coverage of systemic supervision outside MFT and international training contexts – such as healthcare, schools and the military Top-level contributors include those practicing academic, agency, and privately contracted supervision with novice to experienced therapists The editors received a prestigious award in 2015 from the American Family Therapy Academy for their contribution to systemic supervision theory and practice
Fowler Museum At Ucla Enduring Splendor: Jewelry of India's Thar Desert
Enduring Splendor focuses on the rich and diverse silver jewelry traditions of India’s Thar Desert region, stretching across the western states of Rajasthan and Gujarat. These traditions are considered against the background of the five-thousand-year history of jewelry making across the vast Indian Subcontinent. Drawing on recent field research carried out in the city of Jaisalmer, a thriving center of contemporary jewelry production, Enduring Splendor explores for the first time the life and work of four sonis (silversmiths or goldsmiths). To contextualize this recent production, numerous illustrations of very fine examples of ninteenth- and twentieth-century jewelry types that are still worn are included. These objects have been borrowed from the Ronald and Maxine Linde Collection of Jewelry and Ritual Arts of India, part of a promised gift to UCLA, where it will find its future home with the Fowler Museum. The Linde Collection is one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of Indian jewelry in the world. This volume highlights elaborate rural styles rendered in silver as well as selected ornate examples, largely associated with the elite, made with gold and gemstones.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Treatise on Law
This new translation of the Treatise on Law offers fidelity to the Latin in a readable new version that will prove useful to students of the natural law tradition in ethics, political theory, and jurisprudence, as well as to students of Western intellectual history.
WW Norton & Co These United States: A Nation in the Making: 1890 to the Present
President Franklin Roosevelt told Americans in a 1936 fireside chat, “I do not look upon these United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.” These United States builds on this foundation to present a readable, accessible history of the United States throughout the twentieth century—an ongoing and inspiring story of great leaders and everyday citizens marching, fighting, voting and legislating to make the nation’s promise of democracy a reality for all Americans.
Disinformation Company UFO Secrets Inside Wright-Patterson: Eyewitness Accounts from the Real Area 51
SAGE Publications Inc Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts
Cross-Cultural Management: Essential Concepts introduces readers to the fundamentals of cross-cultural management by exploring the influence of culture on interpersonal interactions in organizational settings and examining the ever-increasing number of cross-cultural challenges that global managers face in today’s workplace. The Fourth Edition reflects the most current thinking on the topic and includes a series of new features including: Enhanced coverage of language issues, offering strategies for improving communication in multinational companies (Ch.6) New discussions about the relationship between immigration and international management (Ch. 11) Increased emphasis on understanding the mechanisms of cross-cultural interactions Best practices for transferring knowledge across cultures (Ch.9) Expanded coverage of cross-generational considerations (Ch.11) New and updated examples, statistics, discussion questions and references. The book is complemented by a companion website featuring a range of tools and resources for lecturers, including chapter-specific PowerPoint slides, and a Microsoft Word test bank containing multiple-choice, true/false, and open-ended questions for each chapter. Suitable reading for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking Change Management courses.
Cambridge University Press Numerical Relativity: Starting from Scratch
Numerical relativity has emerged as the key tool to model gravitational waves - recently detected for the first time - that are emitted when black holes or neutron stars collide. This book provides a pedagogical, accessible, and concise introduction to the subject. Relying heavily on analogies with Newtonian gravity, scalar fields and electromagnetic fields, it introduces key concepts of numerical relativity in a context familiar to readers without prior expertise in general relativity. Readers can explore these concepts by working through numerous exercises, and can see them 'in action' by experimenting with the accompanying Python sample codes, and so develop familiarity with many techniques commonly employed by publicly available numerical relativity codes. This is an attractive, student-friendly resource for short courses on numerical relativity, as well as providing supplementary reading for courses on general relativity and computational physics.
Oxford University Press Oxford Handbooks Clinical Tutor Study Cards: Medicine
Fully updated for the second edition, these handy pocket-sized study cards remain an innovative and versatile revision solution. Containing vital techniques and tips, the study cards condense revision into short essential bursts. Ideal for revising quickly on the move, students can also use them when carrying out examinations, or as a reminder before ward rounds and teaching sessions. Arranged into clear sections, the cards allow the reader to find and digest topics easily, whilst full colour illustrations aid quick and confident diagnoses. Taking a system-based approach, the set covers all essential diseases and syndromes in just 166 double-sided cards. Each card first describes the clinical examination and symptoms, before covering the need-to-know essentials: aetiology, indications, differential diagnoses, complications and suitable investigations. The final part of each card covers the treatment or management of the disease.
MH - Indiana University Press Oral Epics from Africa
Introduces English-speaking readers to the extensive epic traditions in Africa.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Dogmatik Und Praxis Des Strafrechtlichen Vermogensschadens
Schnell & Steiner Christoph Hehl (1847-1911): Ein Kirchenbaumeister Zwischen Dogmatismus Und Emanzipation
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Handbuch Industrie 4.0: Band 3: Logistik
Mit der Neuauflage des erfolgreichen Werkes wird die Geschichte der vierten industriellen Revolution fortgeschrieben und der Dynamik Rechnung getragen, mit der die Vision in den vergangenen zwei bis drei Jahren weiterentwickelt und verwirklicht wurde.Experten aus Wissenschaft und Technik beleuchten verschiedene Facetten der Industrie 4.0 und schaffen gleichermaßen einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik und die Vision selbst. Dies gelingt nicht zuletzt Dank einer ausgewogenen Mischung aus wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen, Praxisbeispielen und Übersichtsbeiträgen. Die Themen der Beiträge reichen von Basistechnologien über Integrations- und Migrationsansätze bis hin zu Geschäftsmodellen und Dienstleistungen für die Industrie 4.0. Zudem werden die Datensicherheit und auch rechtliche Aspekte mit Datenanalyse und maschinellem Lernen behandelt. In der dritten Auflage werden die Themenfelder um Künstliche Intelligenz, aktuelle Mobilfunkstandards und den daraus resultierenden Potentialen für eine zukünftige Plattformökonomie erweitert.Die dritte überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage erscheint wiederum in 3 Bänden. Der vorliegende dritte Band umfasst neue und bearbeitete Beiträge zur Logistik. Online ist dieses Nachschlagewerk auch über Springer Reference verfügbar.
Les Belles Lettres Heliodore, Les Ethiopiques. Theagene Et Chariclee: Tome II: Livres IV-VII
White Pine Press Dreaming of Falling Blossoms: Tune Poems of Su Dong-po
Su Dong-po is recognized as one of the main Chinese poets of the Sung Dynasty and this bilingual collection contains work never previously translated.
Monacelli Press New York 1960
American Bar Association The Community Resilience Handbook
Community resilience requires collaboration across many sectors and professions, and this book’s interdisciplinary authorship reflects that collaboration. Chapters present perspectives on: Recommended approaches and resources; Resilient infrastructure; Avoiding legal challenges to higher standards for development and redevelopment; Organizational resilience and business continuity; Resilient agriculture and environmental considerations; Financial considerations; Measuring and assessing risk; The role of lawyers in promoting resilience; Government leadership in promoting resilience; Collaboration and building a culture of continuity; and International standards on resilience.
Easton Studio Press May Day at Yale,1970: Recollections: The Trial of Bobby Seale and the Black Panthers
This book comes from first hand experiences, both in word and in pictures. It offers a partial record of a community and an institution coming together to accommodate an event while deflecting its potential violence. The history of the New Haven Green bridges over four centuries. It has served as a place for worship, for grazing cattle, staging revolutions, witness to hangings, and various campaigns. On the day before and on May Day of 1970, Yale University and New Haven prepared to host an agitated congregation of young civil rights activists with a diverse list of causes, but focused mainly on freeing Bobby Seale, the Black Panther leader. This book gives a glimpse of that diversity; diverse in cause, attitude, and dress. Marked changes in mood evolved over the approximate 32 hours. Yale and New Haven could be proud of avoiding real violence and blood shed. Like an archeological record, it exhibits not only the New Haven Green on that one day, but marks a broader shift in direction for a county at large. For those who were there, it seems painfully near. For later generations, it is likely a remote abstraction.
Sagamore Publishing Financing the Sport Enterprise
Hendrickson Academic Paul's Letter to the Romans: Theological Essays
Capstone Press Crush It!