Search results for ""author thomas"
Practising Law Institute Depositions Answer Book
New Atlantic Industries Battle Cry
John Wiley & Sons Inc International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook
Practice the concepts, tools, and techniques of international financial statement analysisInternational Financial Statement Analysis Workbook gives busy professionals and those aspiring to a financial career a hands-on reference for understanding and applying the concepts and methodologies essential to accurate financial analysis. A companion to the International Financial Statement Analysis text, this practical workbook includes learning outcomes, chapter summaries, and problems that are designed to build skills and boost confidence before applying the concepts to real-world cases. The workbook offers an opportunity to test your understanding of the standards and mechanics of financial reporting and makes use of the text’s tools and techniques. This informative guide—which has practical application across international borders—aids in the understanding of financial reporting standards, income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, inventories, long-lived assets, income taxes, and much more. International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook is designed to facilitate information retention and build a strong foundation in financial statement analysis. It’s impossible to tell how well a subject is mastered without applying the relevant concepts to situations based in the real world. International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook offers the opportunity to: • Work topic-specific practice problems to facilitate intuitive understanding • Review each topic quickly using clear chapter summaries • Understand each chapter’s objective to avoid missing key information • Practice important methods and techniques before applying them in the real world International Financial Statement Analysis Workbook, Fourth Edition provides the most up-to-date knowledge and helps to apply that knowledge with carefully constructed problems.
Crabtree Publishing Co,Canada Savage Vikings
Associated University Presses Wallace Stevens and the Pennsylvania Keystone: The Influence of Origins on His Life and Poetry
Catholic Book Publishing Mi Biblia Dorada Para Ninos
Catholic Book Publishing My Golden Book of Prayers
Talonbooks Rogue Cells / Carbon Harbour
Talonbooks Discovery Passages
Alfred USA AfroLatin Rhythm Dictionary
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Classics in Mathematics Education Research
Focuses on themes surrounding evolving conceptions of learning and teaching. In the last three decades, research in mathematics education has undergone dramatic changes. The articles selected for this volume offer perspectives on the development of these themes, some of which include the process-product paradigm, gender and mathematics, problem solving, students' thinking and the role of cultural practises in the acquisition of mathematical concepts and procedures.
Naval Institute Press Introduction to Naval Architecture
Covers such topics as ship geometry, properties of shipbuilding materials, stability, submarine hydrostatics, propellers and propulsion systems, and manoeuvrability. Appendices include conversion tables, lists of fresh- and saltwater properties, and numerical integration techniques.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Virtual Roots 20 A Guide to Genealogy and Local History on the World Wide Web
Rowman & Littlefield The Genealogist's Virtual Library: Full-Text Books on the World Wide Web with free CD-ROM
Many genealogists have likely tried to find family infor-mation on the World Wide Web. The Internet has become an increasingly popular place to do research-not only for serious genealogists and local historians but for everyday computer users interested in tracing their family histories. The growing availability of full-text books and journals on the Internet has made vast amounts of valuable genealogical information available at the touch of a button. And, now there is an easy way to locate the most useful texts on the web! The Genealogist's Virtual Library is an outstanding new volume that offers a comprehensive bibliog-raphy of full-text books and journals. The Genealogist's Virtual Library directs you to the sites on the web that contain the full-text of books; these sites contain complete texts of books, not just synopses or listings. It identifies thousands of family genealogies, biographies, and local histories. The Virtual Library provides an extensive listing of these sources for genealogical research and is the first volume to give this helpful, time-saving information. The Genealogist's Virtual Library allows you to see what is available for specific areas of interest and to browse other topics. This new volume is a 'Books in Print' of full-text genealogy books available free of charge on the Internet.
Worthy Publishing THE GREAT ESCAPE
Worthy Publishing JOURNEY TO JERICHO
Worthy Publishing THE BEGINNING
Fordham University Press Fordham, A History of the Jesuit University of New York: 1841-2003
Based largely on archival sources in the United States and Rome, this book documents the evolution of Fordham from a small diocesan college into a major American Jesuit and Catholic university. It places the development of Fordham within the context of the massive expansion of Catholic higher education that took place in the United States in the twentieth century. This was reflected at Fordham in its transformation from a local commuter college to a predominantly residential institution that now attracts students from 48 states and 65 foreign countries to its three undergraduate schools and seven graduate and professional schools with an enrollment of more than 15,000 students. This is honest history that gives due credit to Fordham for its many academic achievements, but it also recognizes that Fordham shared the shortcomings of many Catholic colleges in the United States in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. There was an ongoing struggle between Jesuit faculty who wished to adhere closely to the traditional Jesuit ratio studiorum and those who recognized the need for Fordham to modernize its curriculum to meet the demands of the regional accrediting agencies. In recent decades, like virtually all American Catholic universities and colleges, the ownership of Fordham has been transferred from the Society of Jesus to a predominantly lay board of trustees. At the same time, the sharp decline in the number of Jesuit administrators and faculty has intensified the challenge of offering a first-rate education while maintaining Fordham’s Catholic and Jesuit identity. June 2016 is the 175th anniversary of the founding of Fordham University, and this comprehensive history of a beloved and renowned New York City institution of higher learning will help contribute to celebrating this momentous occasion.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Foreign Policy for America in the Twenty-first Century: Alternative Perspectives
In its unprecedented position as sole world superpower, the United States must judiciously consider what course to take in foreign affairs. Foreign Policy for America's Twenty-first Century: Alternative Perspectives presents six carefully crafted and bold approaches to this problem from some of the nation's foremost foreign policy experts. Chosen not for their unanimity but for their conflicting visions, these essays are written in accessible prose without esoteric language or scholarly jargon. Such issues as grand strategy, globalization, isolationism, and free trade are discussed in the context of a post-cold war world and a new century.
Catholic University of America Press Social Justice and Subsidiarity
The University Press of Kentucky My Century in History: Memoirs
When war broke out in Europe in 1914, political leaders in the United States were swayed by popular opinion to remain neutral; yet less than three years later, the nation declared war on Germany. In Nothing Less Than War: A New History of America's Entry into World War I, Justus D. Doenecke examines the clash of opinions over the war during this transformative period and offers a fresh perspective on America's decision to enter World War I.Doenecke reappraises the public and private diplomacy of President Woodrow Wilson and his closest advisors and explores in great depth the response of Congress to the war. He also investigates the debates that raged in the popular media and among citizen groups that sprang up across the country as the U.S. economy was threatened by European blockades and as Americans died on ships sunk by German U-boats.The decision to engage in battle ultimately belonged to Wilson, but as Doenecke demonstrates, Wilson's choice was not made in isolation. Nothing Less Than War provides a comprehensive examination of America's internal political climate and its changing international role during the seminal period of 1914--1917.
University Press of Kentucky Agrarian Kentucky Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf
B&H Publishing Group Holman Bible Atlas A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History
Baker Publishing Group The Law and Its Fulfillment – A Pauline Theology of Law
No single area of Paul's theology has occupied more scholarly attention in the last twenty years than 'Paul and the Law,'" notes Craig Blomberg. "Schreiner's The Law and Its Fulfillment remains an excellent evangelical synthesis and critique of the issues." Now this important contribution to Pauline studies is available in a paperback edition. The major purpose of The Law and Its Fulfillment is to build an accurate, relevant understanding of Pauline theology for students, pastors preaching on Paul's letters, and others who want to understand how to relate God's holiness and mercy in greater depth. Schreiner explains, "Grasping Paul's theology [of the law] is essential for understanding his soteriology, the death of Jesus, Christian ethics, the relationship between Jews and Gentiles in the new community, and the continuity and discontinuity between the Testaments.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Snare Drum The Competition Collection
University Press of America Jenner on Trial: An Ethical Examination of Vaccine Research in the Age of Smallpox and the Age of AIDS
This book examines how an Ethics Review Committee using today's ethical standards as articulated in The Nuremburg Code, and the WHO/CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects, might assess the scientific and ethical design of Edward Jenner's first experimental vaccine experiment. It explores the potential risks and benefits to young James, the adequacy of the preliminary evidence that Jenner used to justify performing his experiment, and how he might have complied with requirements for informed consent. In addition to its historical interest for 18th century England and for the origins of today's biomedical research ethics standards, the book is significant as a case study in the ethics of basic vaccine research. It thus raises relevant questions about today's vaccine research, particularly relating to HIV.
Random House USA Inc The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War
Square One Publishers The Second World War: Europe and the Mediterranean: The Westpoint Atlas
Arcadia Publishing Patrick County Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Arcadia Publishing Philadelphia Graveyards and Cemeteries Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Arcadia Publishing Inc. San Luis Obispo and Cal Poly in Vintage Postcards Postcard History
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Detalles Importantes: 163 Formas de Alcanzar La Excelencia
Irish Academic Press Ltd Turning Points in Twentieth Century Irish History
BiblioLife Shaksperean FlyLeaves and Jottings
John Wiley & Sons Inc Plan and Section Drawing
The Second Edition of this classic, comprehensive guide to plan and section drawing has been completely updated to serve the needs of today's architects and landscape architects. Sweeping stylistic and technical advances made since its original publication fifteen years ago are added to this new edition, which also includes new chapters on process and computer graphics.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux Waging a Good War: A Military History of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968
St Martin's Press Hot, Flat, and Crowded 2.0: Why We Need a Green Revolution--And How It Can Renew America
Zondervan Counseling Techniques: A Comprehensive Resource for Christian Counselors
Counseling Techniques provides a useful resource for any type of counseling practitioner. Presenting a wide variety of the most effective and commonly used techniques associated with various diagnoses, theoretical bases, and client populations, it offers experienced therapists and students alike a single, trustworthy resource for clinical reference and guidance.Each chapter includes a user-friendly, step-by-step explanation of the techniques covered. Sections survey the following: Basic types of techniques (cognitive, behavioral, experiential, and more) Techniques for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families Techniques for a wide variety of individual and family issues, including emotional dysregulation, shame, loss, sexual abuse, trauma, domestic violence, attachment wounds, and much more Featuring a lineup of top-notch, highly experienced counselors and thoroughly integrated with a Christian worldview, Counseling Techniques will equip therapists and students in various helping disciplines for the frequent clinical issues that arise in all forms of counseling.
University of Washington Press The Indonesian Rural Economy: Mobility, Work and Enterprise
The last two decades have seen unprecedented changes in the economic, political, and social fabric of most of Southeast Asia. While urban centers have been the subject of much attention, the rural areas in Asia are equally critical. These rural situations continue to be transformed as a result of processes of urbanization, industrialization, trade, and technological change. As the forces of globalization continue to expand, new opportunities and forms of employment have become more and more accessible to rural populations. Despite a growing literature on the non-farm economy and its associated employment, there is much we do not know about its characteristics and potential. In Indonesia, with a human capital resource of nearly 140 million people residing in rural areas and nearly 3 million persons entering the labor force annually, there is both a tremendous potential for developmental change and an urgency to better understand the non-farm aspects of rural areas. The Indonesian Rural Economy is the most up-to-date and authoritative work on Indonesias non-farm development characteristics and potential. These original essays by experts and well-known specialists in the field emphasize the changing importance of off-farm income and the employment contributions of small enterprises. Case studies provide unique insights. The book is both a summary of current knowledge and a call for new inquiries on this critical theme.
Braumüller GmbH Geheimnisse des Waldes
Goldegg Verlag GmbH Der Keller ist dem Österreicher sein Aussichtsturm Limitierte Sonderausgabe
Lindemanns GmbH Alles muss Rausch
Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag Der Herr vom Ringwall
DEAD SOFT Verlag Kyle Jason Together