Search results for ""author thomas"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Settle it Out of Court: How to Resolve Business and Personal Disputes Using Mediation, Arbitration, and Negotiation
An attorney and conflict resolution specialist offers youstep-by-step guidance to settling your disputes out of court....Marital, employer/employee, matter what your dispute,this lucid and witty how-to guide offers you proven strategies andstep-by-step guidance to resolving it fairly, equitably, andwithout the time and expense of a court trial. Packed withreal-life examples and anecdotes and written in plain English,Settle It Out of Court is a valuable, entertaining resource forbusinesspeople, negotiators, and just about anybody involved in adispute. Advance praise for Settle It Out of Court. "...a timely, insightful, practical, and extraordinarilywell-written book on how to achieve fair and dignified resolutionsof our disputes. Through real-life experiences, well-toldanecdotes, and humor, Mr. Crowley provides a step-by-stepguide...which is fun to read, easy to understand, and easy to use."Keith Hunter Regional Vice President American ArbitrationAssociation "...a real gem. It s timely, witty, and it s desperately needed bymillions of litigants and their attorneys...should be requiredreading for every business professional entering into a contract,every parent contemplating divorce, and every supervisor who findshimself or herself sitting opposite an irate employee." Dr. PeterS. Adler, PhD Managing Director, The Accord Group Former Directorof the State of Hawaii Center for Alternative DisputeResolution "...a rare combination of tremendously useful information conveyedin a simple, witty, readable manner.... For anyone feeling trappedin a dispute, this will be a welcome road map to reaching a fair,fast, and economical resolution while keeping one s sanity intact."James K. Hoenig Arbitrator, mediator, attorney, and psychologist
John Wiley & Sons Inc Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS
Provides the tools needed to successfully perform adaptive tests across a broad range of datasets Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS illustrates the power of adaptive tests and showcases their ability to adjust the testing method to suit a particular set of data. The book utilizes state-of-the-art software to demonstrate the practicality and benefits for data analysis in various fields of study. Beginning with an introduction, the book moves on to explore the underlying concepts of adaptive tests, including: Smoothing methods and normalizing transformations Permutation tests with linear methods Applications of adaptive tests Multicenter and cross-over trials Analysis of repeated measures data Adaptive confidence intervals and estimates Throughout the book, numerous figures illustrate the key differences among traditional tests, nonparametric tests, and adaptive tests. R and SAS software packages are used to perform the discussed techniques, and the accompanying datasets are available on the book's related website. In addition, exercises at the end of most chapters enable readers to analyze the presented datasets by putting new concepts into practice. Adaptive Tests of Significance Using Permutations of Residuals with R and SAS is an insightful reference for professionals and researchers working with statistical methods across a variety of fields including the biosciences, pharmacology, and business. The book also serves as a valuable supplement for courses on regression analysis and adaptive analysis at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels.
John Wiley & Sons Inc International Project Management: Leadership in Complex Environments
The theory, practice, and example projects of international project management A Singaporean corporation builds a manufacturing facility in Cambodia, with a Chinese partner, a Cambodian government agency, and value chain organizations in Germany, Morocco, Vietnam, and Brazil. A Russian charity operates in the Balkans and the Persian Gulf. Pharmaceuticals and food come from ten different countries, physicians are from the EU and Russia, and donations are from Central Asia and the subcontinent. A transnational organization markets through divisions in eighty-two countries. The products are designed in Italy, Sweden, and France, with customization done in each respective country. International projects involve a complex network of cultures, politics, laws, languages, and resources that goes beyond the traditional training and experience of most project managers. International Project Management examines the different dimensions and responsibilities of international projects, and outlines what a project manager must know to lead global projects successfully. It also provides guidelines and examples for the international project management processes. This book explores the professional best practices of international projects, emphasizing the importance of leadership skills and virtual teamwork to successfully navigate an international project. Along with discussions on the process groups, such as initiating, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing out, this reference is organized according to these knowledge areas: Introduction to international project management Integration management HR management (Diversity & Communications) Scope management Cost and progress management Risk management Time management Customer satisfaction (Quality) Procurement management CPE in the future Integrating the PMBOK® Guide—Fourth Edition, and the ICB, International Project Management provides international project managers, whether experienced or beginners, with the high cross-cultural intelligence, creative communication skills, ability to establish and maintain dependable project management processes, and compelling curiosity to manage international projects successfully. (PMBOK is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
John Wiley & Sons Inc Low Impact Development and Sustainable Stormwater Management
Sustainable Stormwater Management introduces engineers and designers to ideas and methods for managing stormwater in a more ecologically sustainable fashion. It provides detailed information on the design process, engineering details and calculations, and construction concerns. Concepts are illustrated with real-world examples, complete with photographs. This guide integrates the perspectives of landscape architects, planners, and scientists for a multi-disciplinary approach. This is an enlightening reference for professionals working in stormwater management, from engineers and designers to developers to regulators, and a great text for college courses.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Regression Methods
"Over the years, I have had the opportunity to teach several regression courses, and I cannot think of a better undergraduate text than this one."—The American Statistician "The book is well written and has many exercises. It can serve as a very good textbook for scientists and engineers, with only basic statistics as a prerequisite. I also highly recommend it to practitioners who want to solve real-life prediction problems." (Computing Reviews) Modern Regression Methods, Second Edition maintains the accessible organization, breadth of coverage, and cutting-edge appeal that earned its predecessor the title of being one of the top five books for statisticians by an Amstat News book editor in 2003. This new edition has been updated and enhanced to include all-new information on the latest advances and research in the evolving field of regression analysis. The book provides a unique treatment of fundamental regression methods, such as diagnostics, transformations, robust regression, and ridge regression. Unifying key concepts and procedures, this new edition emphasizes applications to provide a more hands-on and comprehensive understanding of regression diagnostics. New features of the Second Edition include: A revised chapter on logistic regression, including improved methods of parameter estimation A new chapter focusing on additional topics of study in regression, including quantile regression, semiparametric regression, and Poisson regression A wealth of new and updated exercises with worked solutions An extensive FTP site complete with Minitab macros, which allow the reader to compute analyses, and specialized procedures Updated references at the end of each chapter that direct the reader to the appropriate resources for further study An accessible guide to state-of-the-art regression techniques, Modern Regression Methods, Second Edition is an excellent book for courses in regression analysis at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a valuable reference for practicing statisticians, engineers, and physical scientists.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Algebra
Finally a self-contained, one volume, graduate-level algebra text that is readable by the average graduate student and flexible enough to accommodate a wide variety of instructors and course contents. The guiding principle throughout is that the material should be presented as general as possible, consistent with good pedagogy. Therefore it stresses clarity rather than brevity and contains an extraordinarily large number of illustrative exercises.
St Martin's Press The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century (Further Updated and Expanded)
Pennsylvania State University Press A Conservative Environmentalist
A wealthy textile titan from Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Frank Masland Jr. was an ardent political conservative and an equally fervent conservationist who was well known and highly respected in the mid-twentieth-century environmental preservation community. This eye-opening biography charts Masland's life work, telling the story of how he and fellow Republicans worked with Democrats to expand the national park system, preserve wild country, and protect the environment. Though a conservative conservationist appears to be a contradiction in terms today, this was not necessarily the case when Masland and his compatriots held sway. Conservatives, Masland insisted, had a duty to be good stewards of the earth for present and future generations, and they worked closely with members of both parties in Congress and nonpolitical conservation groups to produce landmark achievements. When conservatives turned against environmentalism during the Reagan presidency, Masland refused to join what historian
Indiana University Press The Richmond Group Artists
This is the untold story of a group of artists whose interest in fostering art in their community made an authentic contribution to the history of art in America. Taking for their subjects the local people, flora, and landscapes, they developed a distinctive impressionistic style, uninfluenced by other art movements in Indiana. Richmond, Indiana, became an important center for art in the Midwest, a place that nourished and inspired the artists whose work this book celebrates.
The University of Chicago Press A History of the University of Chicago
Emerald Publishing Limited Managerial Economics: Theory and Practice
Managerial economics is the application of economic theory and quantitative methods (mathematics and statistics) to the managerial decision-making process. This book will appeal to students with limited prior training in economics and quantitative methods. It assumes that students will have had mathematics training at least through pre-calculus and that they have had a course in elementary statistics. It also expects students to have had an undergraduate course in intermediate microeconomics. The book includes these features: an Online Instructor's Manual; an Online Study Guide; a problem-solving approach to the study of managerial economics that combines the features of a standard managerial economics textbook with those of a separate study guide; a method for helping business students develop the analytical skills necessary for success in the study of managerial economics, finance, and management; and, a more extensive review of mathematical techniques than most comparable textbooks. It contains a separate chapter on game theory, including: noncooperative, simultaneous-move, one- shot games; cooperative, simultaneous-move, infinitely- repeated games (including collusions, cheating rules, and determinants of collusive agreements); cooperative, simultaneous-move, finitely- repeated games; focal-point equilibria; multistage games; bargaining with and without symmetric and asymmetric impatience. It contains a chapter on the time value of money and capital budgeting. There is the accentuation of risk, uncertainty, and the economics of information throughout Book. It is practice oriented, avoiding complex theoretical explanations with cumbersome notation. The problems are included in each section and are made integral to learning and understanding subjects. Math review uses economic relationships instead of general notation. There is excellent balance among motivation, theory, and examples, and clear exposition. It emphasizes utility and applicability, not innovation. Chapters conclude with: chapter review, key terms and concepts, chapter questions, chapter exercises, and selected readings.
HarperCollins How To Read Literature Like A Professor
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Social Studies for Antigua and Barbuda – Workbook Grade 2
Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies has been specially written by a local teacher to meet the needs of local schools, teachers and students. The books in this series provide full coverage of the primary social studies syllabus for Antigua and Barbuda, with engaging illustrations and activities to keep students interested and to help them learn. Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies provides everything teachers need for the Antigua and Barbuda Social Studies syllabus at primary level. This course has been specially developed by an extremely experienced local teacher who truly understands the needs of primary students and how to keep them engaged and interested in learning. It provides a skills-based approach to learning fully set in local contexts to allow students to develop tools and skills for learning and a wider knowledge of their own island and the Caribbean.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Social Studies for Antigua and Barbuda – Workbook Grade 1
Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies has been specially written by a local teacher to meet the needs of local schools, teachers and students. The books in this series provide full coverage of the primary social studies syllabus for Antigua and Barbuda, with engaging illustrations and activities to keep students interested and to help them learn. Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies provides everything teachers need for the Antigua and Barbuda Social Studies syllabus at primary level. This course has been specially developed by an extremely experienced local teacher who truly understands the needs of primary students and how to keep them engaged and interested in learning. It provides a skills-based approach to learning fully set in local contexts to allow students to develop tools and skills for learning and a wider knowledge of their own island and the Caribbean.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Social Studies for Antigua and Barbuda – Workbook Grade 6
Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies has been specially written by a local teacher to meet the needs of local schools, teachers and students. The books in this series provide full coverage of the primary social studies syllabus for Antigua and Barbuda, with engaging illustrations and activities to keep students interested and to help them learn. Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies provides everything teachers need for the Antigua and Barbuda Social Studies syllabus at primary level. This course has been specially developed by an extremely experienced local teacher who truly understands the needs of primary students and how to keep them engaged and interested in learning. It provides a skills-based approach to learning fully set in local contexts to allow students to develop tools and skills for learning and a wider knowledge of their own island and the Caribbean.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Social Studies for Antigua and Barbuda – Workbook Grade 5
Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies has been specially written by a local teacher to meet the needs of local schools, teachers and students. The books in this series provide full coverage of the primary social studies syllabus for Antigua and Barbuda, with engaging illustrations and activities to keep students interested and to help them learn. Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies provides everything teachers need for the Antigua and Barbuda Social Studies syllabus at primary level. This course has been specially developed by an extremely experienced local teacher who truly understands the needs of primary students and how to keep them engaged and interested in learning. It provides a skills-based approach to learning fully set in local contexts to allow students to develop tools and skills for learning and a wider knowledge of their own island and the Caribbean.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Social Studies for Antigua and Barbuda – Workbook Grade 4
Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies has been specially written by a local teacher to meet the needs of local schools, teachers and students. The books in this series provide full coverage of the primary social studies syllabus for Antigua and Barbuda, with engaging illustrations and activities to keep students interested and to help them learn. Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies provides everything teachers need for the Antigua and Barbuda Social Studies syllabus at primary level. This course has been specially developed by an extremely experienced local teacher who truly understands the needs of primary students and how to keep them engaged and interested in learning. It provides a skills-based approach to learning fully set in local contexts to allow students to develop tools and skills for learning and a wider knowledge of their own island and the Caribbean.
HarperCollins Publishers Primary Social Studies for Antigua and Barbuda – Student’s Book Grade 3
Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies has been specially written by a local teacher to meet the needs of local schools, teachers and students. The books in this series provide full coverage of the primary social studies syllabus for Antigua and Barbuda, with engaging illustrations and activities to keep students interested and to help them learn. Collins Antigua Primary Social Studies provides everything teachers need for the Antigua and Barbuda Social Studies syllabus at primary level. This course has been specially developed by an extremely experienced local teacher who truly understands the needs of primary students and how to keep them engaged and interested in learning. It provides a skills-based approach to learning fully set in local contexts to allow students to develop tools and skills for learning and a wider knowledge of their own island and the Caribbean.
Highwater Press Nimoshom and His Bus
Augsburg Fortress Publishers A Rumor of Black Lutherans
Gale Ecco, Print Editions A Letter to the Lord Marquis of Buckingham, Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, Chiefly on the Subject of the Numerous Emigrant French Priests and Others of the Church of Rome: Second Ed
Exisle Publishing Untethered: Living the digital nomad life in an uncertain world
Kaleidoscope Publishing, Inc Lamborghini Huracan
Bellwether Media Lamborghini Sian
Astral International Pvt. Ltd. Bells Cathedrals
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church Of Manchester: A Short History And Description Of The Church And Of The Collegiate Buildings Now Known As Chetham's HospitalThis book is a result of an effort made by us towards making a contribution to the preservation and repair of original classic literature. In an attempt to preserve, improve and recreate the original content, we have worked towards:1. Type-setting & Reformatting: The complete work has been re-designed via professional layout, formatting and type-setting tools to re-create the same edition with rich typography, graphics, high quality images, and table elements, giving our readers the feel of holding a 'fresh and newly' reprinted and/or revised edition, as opposed to other scanned & printed (Optical Character Recognition - OCR) reproductions. 2. Correction of imperfections: As the work was re-created from the scratch, therefore, it was vetted to rectify certain conventional norms with regard to typographical mistakes, hyp
Jaico Publishing House Full engaged: Using The Practicing Mind
Pentagon Press Towards Social Justice
Towards Social Justice brings together papers from various perspectives in the humanities and social sciences on different issues related to the impact of positive discrimination on marginalised communities with special reference to Scheduled Caste-groups in India.This book contains some of the articles presented at a national seminar organised by the ICSSR, North Eastern Regional Centre and tries to address the question of how the well-being of the Scheduled Caste population can be promoted, with emphasis on the North-Eastern region to enable them to live a dignified life. Has the policy of positive discrimination worked? Do the states implement the reservation policy for the SCs in letter and spirit? How effective is the SC and ST Commission in removing the social, economic and political deprivation of the Scheduled Castes? This book will be of great help to the government, both at the Centre and the States, while making policies for the marginalized groups to empower them.
Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd Clinical Microbiology
Floating Opera Press Remember the Details
At Bay Press Tulpa Mea Culpa
Clarity Books The Betrayal
Attorney Olivia Sinclair is shocked when she receives an anonymous video showing her husband Richard sleeping with someone else. After years of handling other people's divorces, she thought she could recognise a marriage in trouble. She angrily throws Richard out of the home they share. But days later she's arrested - for the murder of his mistress. Olivia knows she's innocent but, with all the evidence pointing at her and an obvious motive, she must find the real killer to clear her name. She may be used to dealing with messy divorces, but this one will be her most difficult case yet. Olivia's husband has already betrayed her - but would he set her up for murder?
Parthian Books Luggage from Elsewhere
A boy comes of age near Swansea. He belongs to the baby-boom generation but this is a time and place of bust. Eight-strong at the offset, his group of friends includes Will, a council estate intellectual, and Karen, who graduates from lonely cocktails on the dance floor to convivial militant vandalism. But first love ends for two of them in sordid circumstances, and the group is three down at the finish, when the narrator faces an uncertain future. This novel explores the emergence of political identity, which grows from class to national consciousness and celebrates that brand of idealism that has never since the early Eighties recaptured its clarity of purpose.
Legend Publishing,US EasyScript Express -- How to Take Fast & Legible Notes: An Easy Alternative to Shorthand
Imperial College Press Representations Of Finite And Lie Groups
This book provides an introduction to representations of both finite and compact groups. The proofs of the basic results are given for the finite case, but are so phrased as to hold without change for compact topological groups with an invariant integral replacing the sum over the group elements as an averaging tool. Among the topics covered are the relation between representations and characters, the construction of irreducible representations, induced representations and Frobenius reciprocity. Special emphasis is given to exterior powers, with the symmetric group Sn as an illustrative example. The book concludes with a chapter comparing the representations of the finite group SL2(p) and the non-compact Lie group SL2(P).
Free Association Books The Dialectics of Schizophrenia
Summarizes various approaches to schizophrenia and points to their weaknesses and strengths. To gain a better understanding of the condition, the text considers factors including deprivation, cultural influences and brain function. It also challenges over-reliance on 19th century phenomenology.
Reaktion Books China in Seven Banquets
A unique perspective on Chinese food history through seven iconic meals.
University of Wales Press Cyfan-dir Cymru: Ysgrifau ar Gyfannu Dwy Lenyddiaeth Cymru
Dyma gasgliad o ysgrifau sy’n archwilio rhai o’r dolennau cyswllt cymhleth a chyfoethog rhwng diwylliannau llên Cymraeg a llên Saesneg Cymru dros ganrif a mwy. Mae’r testunau a drafodir yn amrywio o bynciau cyffredinol (tarddiad y syniad fod y Cymry yn genedl gapelog; delweddau Cymru o Ewrop; ei hagwedd at y Taleithiau) i ddadansoddiadau manwl o weithiau unigol (Gwaed yr Uchelwyr; Ymadawiad Arthur); ac astudiaeth o awduron sydd wedi eu hanwybyddu i raddau helaeth (Pennar Davies; Alun Llywelyn-Williams).
Haynes D1 - Bluffers Bluffers Guide to Rock Instant wit and wisdom
Nova Science Publishers Inc Influences and Importance of Self-Awareness, Self-Evaluation and Self-Esteem
Nova Science Publishers Inc An Introduction to the Interpersonal-Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (I-CBT) Treatment System: A 21st Century Recipe for Mental Health Treatment Success
Nova Science Publishers Inc National Security & Preparedness: Issues, Developments & Analyses -- Volume 2
Nova Science Publishers Inc Compendium of Cognitive Linguistics: Volume 3
Greenleaf Book Group LLC Roll-Up: The Past, Present, and Future of Utilities Consolidation
An insiders' guide to everything interested readers need to know about the ongoing consolidation of the utilities industry. Roll-Up delves into the rich history of utilities consolidation-from the original, highly fragmented US industry structure, through the development of industry views on consolidation and participation, to the drivers and events occurring in the cycles of the modern era. Roll-Up also explores the changing motivations for combinations, the hands-on perspectives of successful transactions, and gives a glimpse into what could happen next for utility mergers and acquisitions. Expert utilities consultant Tom Flaherty interviewed twelve current or former chief executive officers, investment bankers, attorneys, and ratings analysts who provided introspection and commentary on their experiences with consolidation in the modern era from 1995-2020. These notable individuals made the tough decisions about whether to pursue a transaction, and they provided constant advice to management, crafted merger agreements, and evaluated the logic of transactions and the potential for successful outcomes. From deal execution to the current nature of business simplification and portfolio rationalization, Roll-Up covers the past and present of utilities consolidation and looks over the horizon at how future transactions might evolve beyond those seen today.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 7
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 6
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 4
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Computer Science Research: Volume 1