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Dr Ludwig Reichert Le Livre Du Chevalier Errant
V&R unipress GmbH Schriften des Erich Maria Remarque-Archivs.
V&R unipress GmbH Erich Maria Remarque Jahrbuch / Yearbook.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handlungskompetenz im Ausland.: Trainingsprogramm fÃ"r Manager, Fach- und FÃ"hrungskräfte
Deutschland ist fër Peru der wichtigste Handelspartner fër die Einfuhr hochwertiger technischer Produkte sowie Abnehmer peruanischer Rohstoffe sowie landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse. Seit Jahrzehnten ist Peru zudem ein Empfängerland im Rahmen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.Peru ist kulturell, politisch und gesellschaftlich einerseits stark von der kolonialen Vergangenheit - beginnend mit der Landung des spanischen Eroberers Francisco Pizarro im Jahre 1532 an den Kësten Perus -, geprägt, andererseits von den wechselhaften politischen Entwicklungen in Sëdamerika und den Beziehungen Perus zu seinen großen Nachbarländern Argentinien und Brasilien. Die Peruaner haben im Laufe ihrer Geschichte eine sehr eigenständige Kultur entwickelt, die ihr Denken und Verhalten sowie ihre Wahrnehmung und Empfindungen in einer Art und Weise geprägt hat, die sich deutlich von der ihrer deutschen Partner unterscheidet. So geraten Deutsche in der Begegnung, in der Kommunikation und Kooperation mit Peruanern immer wieder in Situationen, in denen sie auf unerwartete Reaktionsweisen treffen, die sie nicht nachvollziehen können und auch nicht verstehen. Dies fëhrt zur Verunsicherung, zum Orientierungsverlust und im Endeffekt zu erheblichen Stressreaktionen.Dieses Buch basiert auf einer Fëlle von Erfahrungen, die Deutsche in mehrjähriger Zusammenarbeit mit Peruanern gewonnen haben. Das Trainingsprogramm bereitet anhand kulturell bedingter kritischer Interaktionssituationen auf den Arbeitsaufenthalt in Peru vor.
Carpenter's Son Publishing Animal Colony: A Cautionary Tale for Today
At the dawn of a killer colonial winter, starving and desperate to live, a brave band of Animals escape the tyranny of their human Masters. Led by a visionary stallion, they brave miles of wilderness and a treacherous river crossing to start a homeland of their own--Animal Colony. There, they find freedom and prosperity... for a while. But a seductive and destructive belief system invades Animal Colony. The humble beasts must then learn to tell truth from enticing lie, or risk losing everything for which they've fought and bled. Why are people calling Animal Colony “the novel that will save America?” Because this fast-reading novel is far more than an adventure story. It’s also a revealing trip back through American history––seen through the harmless filter of a lovable band of animals. You’ll experience the blunders, tragedies and successes of these escaped farm beasts seeking freedom from tyranny and control over their own destinies. You’ll witness the courage, wisdom and eventual folly of characters who mirror America’s past and present with uncanny clarity. You’ll even have a chance to witness a glimpse of our nation’s future. You’ll know why so many concerned Americans are buying copies for everyone whom they feel needs a gentle but persuasive dose of political clarity. Will you join them?
TESOL International Association Transforming Practices for the High School Classroom
Exisle Publishing For The Love Of A Cat: A Publisher's Story
Franciscan Academic Press The Future of the Catholic Church in the American Political Order
While there is a long-standing history of reflection among Catholics about the proper orientation of Catholicism towards American society, today the American Catholic community confronts a fundamentally new situation. Catholics face the dual threat of an ever more centralized and increasingly omnicompetent state and a new cultural ethos fundamentally incompatible with--and hostile to--Catholicism.Today, American Catholics no longer live as a religious minority in a Protestant society whose commitment to limited government and religious freedom affords Catholics considerable space to live out their faith commitments, and whose Christian character assures the existence of substantial moral commonality. Now, Catholics are a religious minority in a post-Christian society animated by an anthropology and public morality incompatible with Catholic truth and committed to the exclusion of the faith from public life.This new situation demands a rethinking on the part of American Catholics of their place in America and their relationship with American society. These essays seek to assist with this challenging task by casting light on this new situation and exploring its implications for the Church in America.
American Bar Association Cost-Effective Child Custody Litigation
Table of Contents: Introduction Alternative Billing for Attorney Representation Technology to Effectively Expedite Public Resources for Use in Child Custody Litigation Discovery and How to Effectively Get Your Needed Evidence Dealing with the Unrepresented Opposing Party Explore and Develop Options for Finding Low-Cost (Necessary) Professionals Techniques to Settle at Mediation Depose or Not to Depose The Cost-Effective Trial Litigating Child Custody in a Pandemic Final Points
Amazon Publishing Sonia Sotomayor (Spanish Edition): Jueza de la Corte Suprema
The Spanish edition of our popular free-verse biography of America’s first Hispanic Supreme Court justice. El 8 de agosto de 2009, Sonia Sotomayor se convirtió en la primera jueza hispana de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos y en la tercera mujer al servicio de la Corte. En versos libres elegantes, Carmen T. Bernier-Grand describe la trayectoria extraordinaria de Sonia Sotomayor desde su juventud en los proyectos cercanos al Yankee Stadium y sus logros académicos estelares en las universidades de la Ivy League hasta su rápido ascenso en la profesión de abogada. Cuando la confirmaron como jueza federal para el distrito sur de Nueva York, dijo: “Siento que puedo tocar el cielo”. Determinación, inteligencia aguda, pasión por la familia y la comunidad, lealtad y su dedicación a la justicia y la imparcialidad caracterizan a esta mujer extraordinaria y trabajadora; una mujer que una vez dijo: “Nunca me he considerado pobre porque he sido rica en las cosas más importantes de la vida: el amor, el cariño y el apoyo de mi familia, de mis amigos y a veces hasta de extraños”.
Amazon Publishing Sonia Sotomayor: Supreme Court Justice
On August 8, 2009, Sonia Sotomayor became the U.S. Supreme Court’s first Hispanic justice and the third woman to serve the Court. In elegant free verse, Carmen T. Bernier-Grand describes Sotomayor’s remarkable journey from her childhood in the projects near Yankee Stadium to her stellar academic achievements at Ivy League universities to her rapid rise in the legal profession. When confirmed as a federal judge in the Southern District of New York, she said, “I feel I can touch the sky.” Also included: Biographical Summary, Glossary, Chronology, Sources, and Notes.
The University of North Carolina Press Exploring Southern Appalachian Forests: An Ecological Guide to 30 Great Hikes in the Carolinas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia
This unique hiking guide to the southern Appalachian mountains leads readers to explore the rich forest ecosystems and other natural communities visitors encounter along the trail. Drawing on years of experience guiding forest walks throughout the region, Steph Jeffries and Tom Wentworth invite hikers and nature lovers to see their surroundings in new ways. Readers will learn to decipher clues from the tree canopies, forest floor, and other natural features to appreciate more fully the environmental factors that make the southern Appalachians home to an amazing biodiversity.These thirty popular hikes in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia range from short walks along Blue Ridge Parkway pull-offs to longer day trips in the region's backcountry. Offering spectacular mountain scenery and natural wildflower gardens, these trails are the perfect place to gain a new appreciation for the natural communities of the region.Features include: A summary including distance, difficulty, and GPS coordinates for each hike, a narrative description of each hike, including the unique natural features waiting to be discovered, detailed instructions to keep you on the trail, best seasons to go for wildflower and foliage views, contact information for each area, photos and maps to orient you, an illustrated guide to southern Appalachia's most common trees and shrubs, including tips on identification.
Arcadia Publishing Richmond
Arcadia Publishing (SC) African Americans in Boyle County
National Geographic Kids Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent: How Daring Slaves and Free Blacks Spied for the Union During the Civil War (History (US))
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Probiotic Dairy Products
Probiotic Dairy Products, 2nd Edition The updated guide to the most current research and developments in probiotic dairy products The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of Probiotic Dairy Products reviews the recent advancements in the dairy industry and includes the latest scientific developments in regard to the 'functional' aspects of dairy and fermented milk products and their ingredients. Since the publication of the first edition of this text, there have been incredible advances in the knowledge and understanding of the human microbiota, mainly due to the development and use of new molecular analysis techniques. This new edition includes information on the newest developments in the field. It offers information on the new ‘omic’ technologies that have been used to detect and analyse all the genes, proteins and metabolites of individuals’ gut microbiota. The text also includes a description of the history of probiotics and explores the origins of probiotic products and the early pioneers in this field. Other chapters in this resource provide valuable updates on genomic analysis of probiotic strains and aspects of probiotic products’ production and quality control. This important resource: Offers a completely revised and updated edition to the text that covers the topic of probiotic dairy products Contains 4 brand new chapters on the following topics: the history of probiotics, prebiotic components, probiotic research, and the production of vitamins, exopolysaccharides (EPS), and bacteriocins Features a new co-editor and a host of new contributors, that offer the latest research findings and expertise Is the latest title in Wiley's Society of Dairy Technology Technical Series Probiotic Dairy Products is an essential resource for dairy scientists, dairy technologists and nutritionists. The text includes the results of the most reliable research in field and offers informed views on the future of, and barriers to, the progress for probiotic dairy products.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A New Companion to Renaissance Drama
A New Companion to Renaissance Drama provides an invaluable summary of past and present scholarship surrounding the most popular and influential literary form of its time. Original interpretations from leading scholars set the scene for important paths of future inquiry. A colorful, comprehensive and interdisciplinary overview of the material conditions of Renaissance plays, England's most important dramatic period Contributors are both established and emerging scholars, with many leading international figures in the discipline Offers a unique approach by organizing the chapters by cultural context, theatre history, genre studies, theoretical applications, and material studies Chapters address newest departures and future directions for Renaissance drama scholarship Arthur Kinney is a world-renowned figure in the field
Cengage Learning, Inc Harnessing AutoCad X
"Harnessing Autocad 2012" is the newest version of the industry leader in AutoCAD texts. Continuing to provide the widest selection of discipline-specific exercises and projects for learning, this text teaches students how to use today's leading desktop design and drawing software. The updated version includes many user interface enhancements explained in detail allowing students to design with efficiency and ease. These new features are shown in step-by-step illustrations with clear explanations. The enhancements include visual style, object visibility, object selection, snaps, solid object creation, parametric constraints, transparency, hatches and gradients, external references, 3D object snaps, and solid surface modeling. New tools are included for in-depth breakdown of 3D modeling and surface modeling to provide more flexibility in usage. Specific directions show how to link Table Data with spreadsheets, single cells or range of cells. "Harnessing Autocad 2012" features discipline-specific exercises, step-by-step directions, and explanations with in-depth features taking AutoCAD texts to a new level.
Tilbury House,U.S. Waiting for a Warbler
In early April, as Owen and his sister search the hickories, oaks, and dogwoods for returning birds, a huge group of birds leaves the misty mountain slopes of the Yucatan peninsula for the 600-mile flight across the Gulf of Mexico to their summer nesting grounds. One of them is a Cerulean warbler. He will lose more than half his body weight even if the journey goes well. Aloft over the vast ocean, the birds encourage each other with squeaky chirps that say, “We are still alive. We can do this.” Owen’s family watches televised reports of a great storm over the Gulf of Mexico, fearing what it may mean for migrating songbirds. In alternating spreads, we wait and hope with Owen, then struggle through the storm with the warbler. This moving story with its hopeful ending appeals to us to preserve the things we love. The backmatter includes a North American bird migration map, birding information for kids, and guidance for how native plantings can transform yards into bird and wildlife habitat.
Loyola Press Eclesiología: La Iglesia Como Communion Y Misión
Fordham University Press The Idol and Distance: Five Studies
Marked sharply by its time and place (Paris in the 1970s), this early theological text by Jean-Luc Marion nevertheless maintains a strikingly deep resonance with his most recent, groundbreaking, and ever more widely discussed phenomenology. And while Marion will want to insist on a clear distinction between the theological and phenomenological projects, to read each in light of the other can prove illuminating for both the theological and the philosophical reader - and perhaps above all for the reader who wants to read in both directions at once, the reader concerned with those points of interplay and undecidability where theology and philosophy inform, provoke, and challenge one another in endlessly complex ways." "In both his theological and his phenomenological projects Marion's central effort to free the absolute or unconditional (be it theology's God or phenomenology's phenomenon) from the various limits and preconditions of human thought and language will imply a thoroughgoing critique of all metaphysics, and above all of the modern metaphysics centered on the active, spontaneous subject who occupies modern philosophy from Descartes through Hegel and Nietzsche.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Portable Ethicist for Mental Health Professionals, with HIPAA Update: A Complete Guide to Responsible Practice
Now fully revised and in a second edition, The Portable Ethicist for Mental Health Professionals suggests solutions to the simple and complex ethical questions mental health professionals must deal with on a daily basis. This indispensable guide arms you with the expert knowledge you need to avoid an ethical violation?or to handle the situation if a complaint is filed. Web copy, 5/14/08, RH
WW Norton & Co Outside Adventure Travel: Fly Fishing
Chase the biggest trout in the world from Montana and Labrador all the way to Chile and New Zealand. Wade Caribbean flats from the Bahamas and Mexico to Belize and Venezuela. Explore America's own undiscovered saltwater backcountry in Texas and Florida. Discover the challenge of bluewater fly fishing in Costa Rica and on Midway in the middle of the Pacific. And search out fly-rod adventure in far-flung corners of the world from Alaska and Siberia to Tierra del Fuego.
The University of Chicago Press A Biological Assessment of the Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolivia
Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, located in eastern Bolivia where the moist forests of the Amazon meet the dry forests of the Cerrado, contains numerous unique ecosystems and exceptionally high levels of biodiversity. This book presents the results not only of an intensive biological survey of the area conducted in 1991, but also of long-term research conducted from 1987 to 1995. Among other findings, the survey discovered 26 new species of plants, one new mammal species, and three new species of reptiles. This report, with text in both English and Spanish, includes extensive data appendices, a large fold-out satellite map of vegetation, and conservation recommendations for the region.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Dumping and Antidumping Trade Protection
Antidumping trade protection is one of the most frequent and ubiquitous trade policies in the global economy. This review discusses the key reference pieces in the antidumping literature that have critically defined and shaped what we know about this important and unique form of trade protection. The review critically analyzes the literature and discusses its future directions - it is an important research tool not only for new and established scholars in international economics, but also policymakers and legal scholars.
CABI Publishing Crop Improvement, Adoption and Impact of Improved Varieties in Food Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
Following on from the CGIAR study by Evenson and Gollin (published by CABI in 2003), this volume provides up-to-date estimates of adoption outcomes and productivity impacts of crop variety improvement research in sub-Saharan Africa. The book reports on the results of the DIIVA Project that focussed on the varietal generation, adoption and impact for 20 food crops in 30 countries. It also compares adoption outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa to those in South Asia, and guides future efforts for global agricultural research
University of Arkansas Press Fishes of Arkansas
The second edition of Fishes of Arkansas, in development for more than a decade, is an extensive revision and expansion of the first edition, including reclassifications, taxonomic changes, and descriptions of more than thirty new species. An invaluable reference for anyone interested in the state's fish population-from professional ichthyologists, fisheries biologists, and managers of aquatic resources, to amateur naturalists and anglers-this new edition provides updated taxonomic keys as well as detailed descriptions, photographs, and line drawings to aid identification of the state's 241 fish species. There is also much information on the distribution and biology of each species, including descriptions of habitat, foods eaten, reproductive biology, and conservation status.This project and the preparation of this publication was funded in part by a grant from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.
New York University Press Neoliberal Cities: The Remaking of Postwar Urban America
Traces decades of troubled attempts to fund private answers to public urban problems The American city has long been a laboratory for austerity, governmental decentralization, and market-based solutions to urgent public problems such as affordable housing, criminal justice, and education. Through richly told case studies from Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and New York, Neoliberal Cities provides the necessary context to understand the always intensifying racial and economic inequality in and around the city center. In this original collection of essays, urban historians and sociologists trace the role that public policies have played in reshaping cities, with particular attention to labor, the privatization of public services, the collapse of welfare, the rise of gentrification, the expansion of the carceral state, and the politics of community control. In so doing, Neoliberal Cities offers a bottom-up approach to social scientific, theoretical, and historical accounts of urban America, exploring the ways that activists and grassroots organizations, as well as ordinary citizens, came to terms with new market-oriented public policies promoted by multinational corporations, financial institutions, and political parties. Neoliberal Cities offers new scaffolding for urban and metropolitan change, with attention to the interaction between policymaking, city planning, social movements, and the market.
New York University Press Neoliberal Cities: The Remaking of Postwar Urban America
Traces decades of troubled attempts to fund private answers to public urban problems The American city has long been a laboratory for austerity, governmental decentralization, and market-based solutions to urgent public problems such as affordable housing, criminal justice, and education. Through richly told case studies from Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, New Orleans, and New York, Neoliberal Cities provides the necessary context to understand the always intensifying racial and economic inequality in and around the city center. In this original collection of essays, urban historians and sociologists trace the role that public policies have played in reshaping cities, with particular attention to labor, the privatization of public services, the collapse of welfare, the rise of gentrification, the expansion of the carceral state, and the politics of community control. In so doing, Neoliberal Cities offers a bottom-up approach to social scientific, theoretical, and historical accounts of urban America, exploring the ways that activists and grassroots organizations, as well as ordinary citizens, came to terms with new market-oriented public policies promoted by multinational corporations, financial institutions, and political parties. Neoliberal Cities offers new scaffolding for urban and metropolitan change, with attention to the interaction between policymaking, city planning, social movements, and the market.
Edinburgh University Press Some Passages in the Life of MR Adam Blair, Minister of the Gospel at Cross-Meikle
Guilford Publications Transforming Writing Instruction in the Digital Age: Techniques for Grades 5-12
An innovative, practical guide for middle and high school teachers, this book is packed with specific ways that technology can help serve the goals of effective writing instruction. It provides ready-to-implement strategies for teaching students to compose and edit written work electronically; conduct Internet inquiry; create blogs, websites, and podcasts; and use text messaging and Twitter productively. The book is grounded in state-of-the-art research on the writing process and the role of writing in content-area learning. Teacher-friendly features include vivid classroom examples, differentiation tips, links to online resources, and reproducible worksheets and forms. The large-size format facilitates photocopying.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Race, Ethnicity, and Health: A Public Health Reader
Race, Ethnicity and Health, Second Edition, is a critical selection of hallmark articles that address health disparities in America. It effectively documents the need for equal treatment and equal health status for minorities. Intended as a resource for faculty and students in public health as well as the social sciences, it will be also be valuable to public health administrators and frontline staff who serve diverse racial and ethnic populations. The book brings together the best peer reviewed research literature from the leading scholars and faculty in this growing field, providing a historical and political context for the study of health, race, and ethnicity, with key findings on disparities in access, use, and quality. This volume also examines the role of health care providers in health disparities and discusses the issue of matching patients and doctors by race. New chapters cover: reflections on demographic changes in the US based on the current census; metrics and nomenclature for disparities; theories of genetic basis for disparities; the built environment; residential segregation; environmental health; occupational health; health disparities in integrated communities; Latino health; Asian populations; stress and health; physician/patient relationships; hospital treatment of minorities; the slavery hypertension hypothesis; geographic disparities; and intervention design.
Fordham University Press That Further Shore: A Memoir of Irish Roots and American Promise
A rare and evocative memoir of a respected constitutional scholar, dedicated public servant, political reformer, and facilitator of peace in the land of his ancestors. John D. Feerick’s life has all the elements of a modern Horatio Alger story: the poor boy who achieves success by dint of his hard work. But Feerick brought other elements to that classic American success story: his deep religious faith, his integrity, and his paramount concern for social justice. In his memoir, That Further Shore, Feerick shares his inspiring story, from his humble beginnings: born to immigrant parents in the South Bronx, going on to practice law, participating in framing the U.S. Constitution’s Twenty-Fifth Amendment, serving as dean of Fordham Law, and serving as President of the New York City Bar Association and chair of state commissions on government integrity. Beginning with Feerick’s ancestry and early life experiences, including a detailed genealogical description of Feerick’s Irish ancestors in County Mayo and his laborious quest to identify them and their relationships with one another, the book then presents an evocative survey of the now-vanished world of a working-class Irish Catholic neighborhood in the South Bronx. Feerick’s account of how he financed his education from elementary school through law school is a moving tribute to the immigrant work ethic that he inherited from his parents and shared with many young Americans of his generation. The book then traces Feerick’s career as a lawyer and how he gave up a lucrative partnership in a prestigious New York City law firm at an early age to accept the office of Dean of the Fordham School of Law at a fraction of his previous income because he felt it was time to give back something to the world. John Feerick has consistently shown his commitment to the law as a vocation as well as a profession by his efforts to protect the rights of the poor, to enable minorities to achieve their rightful places in American society, and to combat political corruption. That Further Shore is an inspiring memoir of how one humble and decent man helped to make America a more just and equitable society.
Stanford University Press Beyond Common Knowledge: Empirical Approaches to the Rule of Law
An intensive global search is on for the "rule of law," the holy grail of good governance, which has led to a dramatic increase in judicial reform activities in developing countries. Very little attention, however, has been paid to the widening gap between theory and practice, or to the ongoing disconnect between stated project goals and actual funded activities. Beyond Common Knowledge examines the standard methods of legal and judicial reform. Taking stock of international experience in legal and judicial reform in Latin America, Europe, India, and China, this volume answers key questions in the judicial reform debate: What are the common assumptions about the role of the courts in improving economic growth and democratic politics? Do we expect too much from the formal legal system? Is investing in judicial reform projects a good strategy for getting at the problems of governance that beset many developing countries? If not, what are we missing?
John Wiley & Sons Inc Audel Mechanical Trades Pocket Manual
This tool needs no maintenance Fully revised and updated, this convenient guide covers the latest industrial equipment as well as all the tools and machines prevalent in older plants, even those from the early 1970s and before. Your complete reference tool * Discusses machinery installation, welding, rigging, carpentry, basic electricity, and more * Features a chapter on safety issues * Covers belts, drives, transmissions, and bearings * Examines automatic sprinkler systems * Offers tips for preventive maintenance * Includes coverage of piping and pipefitting * Reviews shop mathematics, geometry, and trigonometry
John Wiley & Sons Inc Audel Millwrights and Mechanics Guide
The hardcover, fully updated edition of the only multi-craft trade guide Respected by generations of skilled workers, Audel Millwright's and Mechanic's Guide is the only trade manual to cover maintenance and troubleshooting for all the mechanical trades in a single volume. Now available in hardcover, it covers the newest equipment on shop floors as well as older machinery, sometimes more than 30 years old, for which little maintenance and repair information remains available. Millwrights, mechanics, machinists, carpenters, pipe fitters, electricians, engineers, and those who supervise them will find this book invaluable. The only hardcover maintenance and repair manual to cover all the mechanical trades in one guide This updated guide covers new industrial machinery as well as 30-year-old equipment for which little information can be found Essential for those who repair machinery as well as machinists, carpenters, pipe fitters, electricians, millwrights, mechanics, engineers, mechanical technicians, industrial maintenance managers, and construction tradespeople This hardcover edition of Audel Millwright's and Mechanic's Guide is as valuable to today's skilled workers as previous editions were to their fathers and grandfathers.
Elsevier Health Sciences Nunn and Lumb's Applied Respiratory Physiology
Nunn's Applied Respiratory Physiology, Ninth Edition, is your concise, one-stop guide to all aspects of respiratory physiology in health, disease, and in the many physiologically challenging situations and environments into which humans take themselves - coverage is from basic science to clinical applications. Trusted for over 50 years, this most comprehensive single volume on respiratory physiology will prove invaluable to those in training or preparing for examinations in anaesthesia, intensive care, respiratory medicine or thoracic surgery - as well as an essential quick reference for physiologists and the range of practitioners requiring ready access to current knowledge in this field. Now fully revised and updated, this ninth edition includes a larger page format for improved clarity, as well as full access to the complete, downloadable eBook version. This incorporates BONUS chapters, handy topic summaries, interactive self-assessment material and a NEW series of expert lectures on key topics. The result is a more flexible, engaging and complete resource than ever before. Enhancements to this edition include: A new dedicated chapter on obesity - covering the effects of this global challenge on the physiology of the respiratory system in health and disease, in both adults and children Expanded coverage of the adverse effects of hyperoxia - including the physiology of the now popular technique of high-flow nasal therapy A revised section on air pollution - reflecting the growing importance and understanding of the impact of pollution on the lungs and other body systems, along with the latest worldwide guidelines Detailed coverage of artificial ventilation during general anaesthesia - covering post-operative respiratory complications and the physiological basis of current best-practice for optimizing ventilation Print comes with enhanced eBook - includes access to the complete, fully searchable text, PLUS: bonus chapters handy chapter summaries interactive self-assessment material a NEW series of 25 expert lectures focusing on the most essential topics in respiratory physiology
Princeton University Press Socialism and American Life, Volume I
"Easily the most comprehensive and useful work on American socialism, including its history, theories, and impact on life, culture, and economic and political parties in the United States, is as important a contribution as the essays. Hereafter, students of practically all phases of American life will turn to it for help and guidance."--U.S. Quarterly Book Review. Originally published in 1952. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
University of California Press Europe and the People Without History
Offering insight and equal consideration into the societies of the "civilized" and "uncivilized" world, "Europe and the People Without History" deftly explores the historical trajectory of so-called modern globalization. In this foundational text about the development of the global political economy, Eric R. Wolf challenges the long-held anthropological notion that non-European cultures and people were isolated and static entities before the advent of European colonialism and imperialism. Ironically referred to as "the People Without History" by Wolf, these societies before active colonization possessed perpetually changing, reactionary cultures and were indeed just as intertwined into the processes of the pre-Columbian global economic system as their European counterparts. Utilizing Marxian concepts and a vivid consideration for the importance of history, Wolf judiciously traces the effects and conditions in Europe and the rest of the "known" world, beginning in 1400 AD, that allowed capitalism to emerge as the dominant ideology of the modern era.
University of California Press The Flight of the Mind: Virginia Woolf's Art and Manic-Depressive Illness
In this major new book on Virginia Woolf, Caramagno contends psychobiography has much to gain from a closer engagement with science. Literary studies of Woolf's life have been written almost exclusively from a psychoanalytic perspective. They portray Woolf as a victim of the Freudian 'family romance,' reducing her art to a neurotic evasion of a traumatic childhood. But current knowledge about manic-depressive illness - its genetic transmission, its biochemistry, and its effect on brain function - reveals a new relationship between Woolf's art and her illness. Caramagno demonstrates how Woolf used her illness intelligently and creatively in her theories of fiction, of mental functioning, and of self structure. Her novels dramatize her struggle to imagine and master psychic fragmentation. They helped her restore form and value to her own sense of self and lead her readers to an enriched appreciation of the complexity of human consciousness.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Climate Change: Developing Southern Hemisphere Perspectives
Integrating issues of climate modelling, ecological and human dimensions of climate change, and policy implications, this volume addresses the critical problems of climate change from a Southern Hemisphere perspective. However, the spatial focus in the book is not defined just by latitude, but also by geopolitical criteria: encompassing the developing world, the tropics north of the equator, as well as regions south of the equator. The book begins by examining the geographic and geopolitical plurality of the Earth, including north and south distinctions and the science/policy plurality. A hemispheric perspective on coupled climate modelling is then discussed, providing a state-of-the-art summary of climate modelling as it pertains to the Southern Hemisphere. In addition, the book examines the interaction of humanity, the biosphere and the atmosphere, discussing the biospheric effects of climate change, possible climatic impacts of biospheric change, particularly tropical deforestation and the human health implications of climate and climate change.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introductory Statistics
An updated and revised edition of the popular introduction to statistics for students of economics or business, suitable for a one- or two-semester course. Presents an approach that is generally available only in much more advanced texts, yet uses the simplest mathematics consistent with a sound presentation. This Fifth Edition includes a wealth of new problems and examples (many of them real-life problems drawn from the literature) to support the theoretical discussion. Emphasizes the regression model, including nonlinear and multiple regression. Topics covered include randomization to eliminate bias, exploratory data analysis, graphs, expected value in bidding, the bootstrap, path analysis, robust estimation, maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation and decisions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings
Emphasizes actual structural design, not analysis, of multistory buildings for seismic resistance. Strong emphasis is placed on specific detailing requirements for construction. Fundamental design principles are presented to create buildings that respond to a wide range of potential seismic forces, which are illustrated by numerous detailed examples. The discussion includes the design of reinforced concrete ductile frames, structural walls, dual systems, reinforced masonry structures, buildings with restricted ductility and foundation walls. In addition to the examples, full design calculations are given for three prototype structures.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companies
Unlike the M&A fever that gripped so many large, publicly heldcorporations in the 1980s, the mergers and acquisitions activity ofthe 1990s is primarily centered around small and midsizebusinesses. But the sale and purchase of these companies present aunique constellation of problems, pitfalls, and challenges that maylead the unprepared buyer or seller to disappointment, difficulty,or even disaster. In this book--the only mergers and acquisitionsguide that focuses on small and midsize companies--experts fromevery profession and specialty related to the sale or acquisitionof a business lead buyers and sellers step by step through eachphase of the M&A process. Their aim is to help both partiesavoid hazards and mistakes and arrive at a fair and mutuallyprofitable arrangement. Beginning with the basics, the book offers an overview of themarket: the size and type of businesses covered; who the buyers andsellers are; why businesses are put up for sale; how to prepare abusiness for sale; and how to size up a business that is on themarket. The book's second section looks at financial and valuationissues, a particularly important area when purchasing companiesthat are not subject to SEC regulations. Coverage includesnormalizing historical financial statements, using financialforecasts, determining real ROI, valuation methods for midsizecompanies, and determining the value of partial ownerships,intangible assets, and business risk characteristics. After a detailed examination of legal issues, the book explores theroles of outside professionals in the M&A process, includingintermediaries, attorneys, accountants, business appraisers, andmachinery and technical appraisers. The book concludes with a lookat various ways of structuring the final deal and the pros and consof each arrangement from both the buyer's and seller'sperspectives. With 36 self-contained chapters that can be read in sequence orconsulted independently, Mergers and Acquisitions for Small andMidsize Companies is both a comprehensive M&A tutorial fornewcomers to the process and an indispensable reference forprofessionals involved in any aspect of the buying and selling ofsmall and midsize companies. A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying and Selling a Business from aDistinguished Group of Recognized Experts Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companiesis the perfect guide for anyone who is selling a business or hopingto buy one. Each of the nearly 30 contributors is a recognizedexpert in a particular aspect of the M&A process. These authorsexplain their topics from the ground up, assuming no previousexperience on the part of the reader and addressing the subjectfrom every conceivable angle. Areas of discussion include: * Fundamentals of the mergers and acquisitions process * Financial and valuation--normalizing historical financialstatements, utilizing forecasts, valuation methods, and more * Legal aspects--disclosure requirements, due diligence, advisorengagement letters, closing documentation * The role of outside professionals--intermediaries, attorneys,accountants, business appraisers, and machinery and technicalappraisers * The deal itself--deal structures, creative financing strategies,a case study, pros and cons of ESOPs, and much more
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division ASE's Comprehensive Strain Imaging
Strain imaging (also known as speckle-tracking echocardiography or STE) is a rapidly growing, affordable, and versatile cardiac imaging technology of great interest to clinicians in both inpatient and outpatient settings. ASE's Comprehensive Strain Imaging is the first reference designed to help you master a wide range of strain imaging/STE applications, including screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow up. Written and edited by a team of international experts from the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE), this new resource provides the information you need to optimize imaging acquisition and analysis using this important new echocardiography method. Covers step-by-step techniques on how to use strain imaging with expert tips on nuances, pitfalls, and clinical decision making. Discusses the growing range of strain imaging applications for assessing diastolic function, atrial function, heart failure, arterial disease, valve disease, hypertrophy, and other common cardiovascular conditions. Provides up-to-date information on screening and follow up of patients who receive cardio-toxic oncologic agents during cancer treatment and evaluation of patients with cardiomyopathy, heart failure, arterial disease, valve disease, implantable pacemakers, pericardial disease, hypertrophy, ischemic disease, and chest radiation. Includes more than 150 images using the latest strain imaging technology, as well as videos that depict evaluation and monitoring of patients with cardiomyopathies. Addresses future applications, including elastography. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc Who Are You? Test Your Personality
With 50 IQ, 40 Personality, and 50 EQ tests, you'll discover every facet of yourself in this book of quizzes. Who Are You? Test Your Personality is perfect for a handbag, briefcase, or rucksack! This entertaining and enlightening quiz book is great to have on hand anytime and anywhere, be it a long commute, a waiting room, or an evening at home. The collection of tests is designed to answer who you are, how you got that way, and what, if anything, you can or should do to change.Each quiz can be taken in just a few minutes and is easily scored. With a fun, modern cover, elastic closure and overall great package you will want to show off this clever quiz book wherever you go!