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De Gruyter Grundlagen der Organischen Chemie
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Setting Signs for Europe: Why Diacritics Matter for European Integration
More than 20 years have passed since the introduction of the Universal Character Set. However, legacy applications still cannot even render German umlauts correctly. Part of this problem is a hidden political agenda: Consciously or unconsciously, patterns of the Cold War are continued in the interaction between Western and Eastern European languages. This book examines the current use of diacritical marks in Western Europe, such as the use of names from Slavic languages in electronic data processing systems. The role of the media as multiplier receives particular attention, with most error examples taken from actual media coverage. Considering international, EU, and national law and referring to landmark court decisions, Kappenberg answers the question: 'Is there a right to diacritical marks in people's names?' This is followed by a description of current practice in several European countries. Finally, Setting Signs for Europe answers the question how in the framework of the EU's multilingualism policy, effective approaches can be created to raise awareness among software vendors, the media, government agencies, and individuals regarding the correct handling of diacritics. Kappenberg also assesses the use of diacritics as a style element and offers an improved input method for diacritics.
Transcript Verlag (Dis)Orienting Media and Narrative Mazes
(Dis)Orientation appears to be a phenomenon that is connected to media in numerous respects: today, finding your way in the world often means finding your way with the help of as well as within media, which in turn creates new virtual realms of (dis)orientation. This book deals with recent media technologies and structures (navigation devices, databases, transmediality) and unconventional narrative patterns (narrative complexity, plot twists, non-linearity), using the ambivalent concept of (dis)orientation as a shared focus to analyse various phenomena of contemporary media, thereby raising overarching questions about current mediascapes.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Strafrecht in Der Krise: Erkenntnisse Zum Gesamten Strafrecht Nach Zwei Jahren Pandemie
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Jahrbuch der Religionspädagogik (JRP)
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Landesrecht Niedersachsen: Studienbuch
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Kindesmisshandlung: Medizinische Diagnostik, Intervention und rechtliche Grundlagen
Das bewährte Fachbuch zum Kinderschutz in der Medizin bietet Strategien für den Umgang mit Verdachtsfällen von Kindesmisshandlung und -vernachlässigung, fundierte fachliche Grundlagen für die Diagnose, Sicherheit in Rechtsfragen und erprobte Konzepte für die Intervention. Fundierte somatische Diagnostik Leitliniengerecht, hohe Evidenz Rationale diagnostische Strategien Forensische Befundsicherung Kindergynäkologische Grundlagen Umsichtige Intervention & Prävention Gesprächsführung mit Eltern Interdisziplinäre Netzwerke schaffen und nutzen Frühe Hilfen Umgang mit Missbrauch in Institutionen Gesellschaftliche und rechtliche Grundlagen Auszüge wichtigster Gesetze Gesetzlicher Opferschutz, psychosoziale Folgen Kompakt und praxisrelevant Korrekte Anamnese und Dokumentation Merkblätter, Checklisten, Internetadressen Praxistipps, Differenzialdiagnosen und Fallstricke Vom „unguten Gefühl“ zu evidenzbasiertem Handeln.Unter Berücksichtigung der neuesten internationalen Leitlinien, Literatur, Gesetze und Rechtsprechung.Das erste deutschsprachige Handbuch für fachgerechte medizinische Diagnostik und Intervention. Das notwendige „Handwerkszeug“ für Ärzte und andere Gesundheitsberufe, um in der täglichen Praxis die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Als Leitfaden, Ratgeber und Nachschlagewerk für Ärzte, aber auch alle anderen beteiligten Fachleute im Kinderschutz: Juristen, Polizei, Jugendämter, Beratungsstellen ….
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Schulseelsorge - Ein Handbuch
Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes Interoperability – An Introduction to IFC and buildingSMART Standards, Integrating Infrastructure Modeling
The first comprehensive book explaining the backbone for digital construction methods: the Industry Foundation Classes schema. Interoperable data schemas are the prerequisite to advancing the use of digital methods in the architectural engineering and construction industry. However, the predominant Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) are complex and have been focused on the representation of buildings only. With the extension for infrastructures, Interoperability aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of the IFC structure as well as its application to infrastructure assets. Finally, buildingSMART specifications are presented and contextualized for their use in digital workflows.
Argobooks Ich und Du
Meidenbauer, Martin, Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH & Co. KG National Parks and Tourism: Answers to a Global Question from the International Competence Network of Tourism Management (ICNT)
Der Tourismus ist in Gebieten mit Nationalparks und weiteren geschützten Landschaften häufig ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsfaktor und gilt als ein zentrales Standbein für die zukünftige Entwicklung der oft peripher gelegenen Regionen. Für viele Besucher sind geschützte Landschaften ein Garant für Ruhe, Erholung und naturnahe Kulisse in attraktiven Reisezielen. Aufgrund ihrer naturräumlichen Ausstattung erfüllen Schutzgebiete oft wichtige Urlaubsmotive wie Ausübung von naturnahen Freizeitaktivitäten. Insbesondere in Reisezielen mit Schutzgebieten treffen touristische jedoch auch auf naturschützerische Interessen, die es miteinander zu vereinbaren gilt. In Beiträgen von Tourismusexperten aus Australien, China, Deutschland, Mexiko und Neuseeland stellt das Buch Untersuchungsergebnisse und Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis zum Thema «National Parks and Tourism» vor. Im Fokus stehen neben den Herausforderungen einer touristischen Nutzung u.a. Fragen der touristischen Vermarktung oder landestypische Besonderheiten. Dieser Sammelband erscheint im Nachklang zur 1. International Tourism Conference des «International Competence Network of Tourism Management (ICNT)», einem Netzwerk von 11 Hochschulen weltweit.In areas with national parks and other protected landscapes, tourism is often an important economic factor and is considered the main pillar for the future development of these, often remote, regions. For many visitors, protected areas are a guaranty for peace and relaxation and a natural backdrop for an attractive holiday option. Due to their rural nature, protected areas are often suitable for recreational activities. However, when it comes to holiday destinations which boast protected areas, both tourism and nature conservation issues need to be addressed and carefully balanced out. The book in hand introduces significant findings and practical case studies regarding the topic «National Parks and Tourism» through contributions by tourism experts from Australia, China, Germany, Mexico, and New Zealand. The focus of this work is on the challenges of tourism operations as well as, amongst others, questions regarding tourism marketing activities or country-specific characteristics. This anthology is published as a result of the First International Tourism Conference of the «International Competence Network of Tourism Management (ICNT)«, a network of 11 international universities.
Schnell & Steiner Welterbe Bergpark Wilhelmshohe - Die Wasserkunste
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sozialdemokratie: Indes. Zeitschrift für Politik und Gesellschaft 2018, Heft 03
Die Diagnose einer Krise der Sozialdemokratie ist beinahe ein Gemeinplatz, Krisendeutungen zum Niedergang sozialdemokratischer Parteien sind mittlerweile Legion. Nicht nur die Schlussfolgerungen, auch die in den Blick genommenen Facetten des Niedergangs sind dabei die immer gleichen: rückläufige Wählerzahlen, schwindende Organisationskraft, konzeptionelle Leere. Vor diesem Hintergrund mag es verwundern, dass der Schwerpunkt des Heftes 3/2018 der INDES die Sozialdemokratie ist vorhersehbar, langweilig, zu oft schon wiederholt mag der kritische Leser einwenden. Doch in dieser Ausgabe stehen nicht Abstieg und aktuelle Schwäche der Sozialdemokratie im Fokus, wenngleich sich beides nicht vollständig ausblenden lässt, sondern ihre Perspektiven, Optionen, Potentiale. Die Frage nach Auswegen aus der gegenwärtig zu konstatierenden Malaise soll dabei Ausgangspunkt sein. Wie müssten sich sozialdemokratische Parteien heute positionieren, wo ihren gesellschaftlichen Ort suchen, um ihren fortschreitenden Bedeutungsverlust aufzuhalten, gar umzukehren? Kann die Sozialdemokratie noch Emanzipationsbewegung der Arbeiterschaft sein oder soll sie ihre Zielgruppen entlang neuer gesellschaftlicher Trennungslinien suchen? Welchen Bedarf gibt es im 21. Jahrhundert nach sozialdemokratischen Ideen? Und was lässt sich lernen aus den Beispielen zuletzt gegen den generellen Trend erfolgreicher Sozialdemokratien? Oder liegt das sozialdemokratische Heil jenseits der zunehmend enger gewordenen eigenen Organisationsgrenzen in einer neuen linken Sammlungsbewegung?
Harrassowitz Deutschlernen in Spanien Und Portugal: Eine Teilkommentierte Bibliographie Von 1502 Bis 1975
Taylor & Francis Inc Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications, Third Edition
Completely revised text that reflects to emergent trends and cutting-edge advances in pharmaceutical biotechnology, this Third Edition provides a well-balanced framework for understanding every major aspect of pharmaceutical biotechnology, including drug development, production, dosage forms, administration, and therapeutic developments. New chapters cover evolving areas regarding biopharmaceuticals, including oligonucleotides, siRNA and various monoclonal antibodies, immunogenicity, gene therapy, and the regulatory issues factoring into the biopharmaceutical approval process
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Bau-Projekt-Management: Grundlagen und Vorgehensweisen
Systematisches Projektmanagement ist die Basis für eine erfolgreiche Abwicklung von Bauvorhaben im Hinblick auf die wirtschaftlichen, terminlichen und technologischen Ziele. Die Autoren geben präzise Antworten auf diese Fragen: Was genau bedeutet Projektmanagement, welche Leistungsinhalte umfasst es und welche rechtlichen Grundlagen sind zu beachten? Dabei werden dem Leser die Methoden von der ersten Projektidee bis zur endgültigen Inbetriebnahme ausführlich vermittelt. Zur optimalen Steuerung von Prozessen, Planung und Realisierung baulicher Anlagen sind alle Grundlagen im Management durch zahlreiche Abbildungen und praxisbezogene Beispiele erklärt. Die Autoren haben sich auch dem Einsatz neuer Medien zum Thema "Information und Kommunikation bei Bauprojekten" in einem gesonderten Kapitel gewidmet. Das erfolgreich eingeführte Buch ist als effektive Grundlage für die zukünftige Projektarbeit im Bauwesen gedacht.
Verlag Herder Vita Et Miracula Sanctae Theclae - Leben Und Wunder Der Heiligen Thekla: Griechisch - Deutsch
Springer International Publishing AG Machine Learning Control – Taming Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence
This is the first textbook on a generally applicable control strategy for turbulence and other complex nonlinear systems. The approach of the book employs powerful methods of machine learning for optimal nonlinear control laws. This machine learning control (MLC) is motivated and detailed in Chapters 1 and 2. In Chapter 3, methods of linear control theory are reviewed. In Chapter 4, MLC is shown to reproduce known optimal control laws for linear dynamics (LQR, LQG). In Chapter 5, MLC detects and exploits a strongly nonlinear actuation mechanism of a low-dimensional dynamical system when linear control methods are shown to fail. Experimental control demonstrations from a laminar shear-layer to turbulent boundary-layers are reviewed in Chapter 6, followed by general good practices for experiments in Chapter 7. The book concludes with an outlook on the vast future applications of MLC in Chapter 8. Matlab codes are provided for easy reproducibility of the presented results. The book includes interviews with leading researchers in turbulence control (S. Bagheri, B. Batten, M. Glauser, D. Williams) and machine learning (M. Schoenauer) for a broader perspective. All chapters have exercises and supplemental videos will be available through YouTube.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Anthropologische Aufbrüche: Alttestamentliche und interdisziplinäre Zugänge zur historischen Anthropologie
Der Mensch ist ein Gegenstand des Nachdenkens gewesen, solange es das Nachdenken gibt, in Religion und Theologie, in der Philosophie, in der Politik, der Gesellschaft und im Alltag. Aber kaum eine Zeit war in der Lage, Grenzen des Menschseins, vermeintliche körperliche und psychische Unveränderlichkeiten und Bedingtheiten so zu verändern, wie wir das heute tun können.Die Ent-Deckung der »Menschensicht« des Alten Testaments, seines expliziten Nachdenkens und seiner unausgesprochenen Annahmen über den Menschen, eröffnen in zweierlei Hinsicht Erkenntnismöglichkeiten:Zum einen gehört das Alte Testament unbestritten zu dem religiösen und kulturellen Erbe, das uns mehr bestimmt, als vielen geläufig ist. Wer sich in unserer Gegenwart über den Menschen orientieren will, muss das eigene Herkommen verstehen und die Tradition begreifen, um verantwortlich mit ihr umzugehen.Zum anderen führt die Erkenntnis des zeitlich Vergangenen und damit unweigerlich auch Fremden dazu, das eigene Selbstverständnis zu hinterfragen. Der durch diesen Dialog über die Zeiten hinweg gewonnene Freiraum eröffnet neue Denkräume, schafft Offenheiten, um auch aktuelle Fragestellungen neu begreifen zu können. Beides gilt für die jüdisch-christliche Tradition wie auch für die dadurch bestimmte Kultur.Die Aufsätze des vorliegenden Sammelbandes wollen diesem Anliegen dienen und bieten verschiedene thematische und methodische Zugänge zu folgenden alttestamentlich-anthropologischen Forschungs- und Themenfeldern: Konzepte Historischer Anthropologie; Anthropologische Begriffe, Mensch und Körper im Alten Testament, Anthropologische Positionen im Alten Testament; Anstöße alttestamentlicher Anthropologie für gegenwärtige Theologie und Philosophie; Emotionen sowie Sinne des Menschen.
Schnell & Steiner Bilder Sehen: Perspektiven Der Bildwissenschaft
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament: Testament
Springer International Publishing AG Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications
This introductory text explains both the basic science, production, quality, dosage forms, administration, economic and regulatory aspects and the clinical applications of biotechnology-derived pharmaceuticals. It serves as a complete one-stop source for undergraduate/graduate pharmacists and pharmaceutical science students. An additional important audience are pharmaceutical scientists in industry and academia, particularly those who have not received formal training in pharmaceutical biotechnology and are inexperienced in this field. The rapid growth and advances in the field made it necessary to revise this textbook in order to continue providing up-to-date information and introduce readers to cutting edge knowledge and technology of this field. This Sixth Edition completely updates the previous edition and includes additional coverage on new approaches such as oligonucleotides, siRNA, mRNA, gene therapy, cell therapies, monoclonal antibodies and vaccines. With more than 3-million-chapter downloads, the fifth edition of the textbook has achieved widespread distribution as a key educational resource for the field of pharmaceutical biotechnology.
Rowman & Littlefield The Man Who Stalked Einstein: How Nazi Scientist Philipp Lenard Changed the Course of History
By the end of World War I, Albert Einstein had become the face of the new science of theoretical physics and had made some powerful enemies. One of those enemies, Nobel Prize winner Philipp Lenard, spent a career trying to discredit him. Their story of conflict, pitting Germany’s most widely celebrated Jew against the Nazi scientist who was to become Hitler’s chief advisor on physics, had an impact far exceeding what the scientific community felt at the time. Indeed, their mutual antagonism affected the direction of science long after 1933, when Einstein took flight to America and changed the history of two nations. The Man Who Stalked Einstein details the tense relationship between Einstein and Lenard, their ideas and actions, during the eventful period between World War I and World War II.
V&R unipress GmbH OsnabrÃ"cker Universitätsreden
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gegeneinander glauben – miteinander forschen?: Paradigmenwechsel frühneuzeitlicher Wissenschaftskulturen
Den inhaltlich-thematischen Ausgangspunkt des Bandes bildet das sich verändernde Verhältnis von frühneuzeitlicher Astronomie und Physik zur christlichen Religion im Allgemeinen und zu ihren konfessionsspezifischen Ausprägungen im Besonderen. Vor diesem Hintergrund nehmen die versammelten Beiträge exemplarisch die entsprechenden, mit dem Wandel des Weltbildes verbundenen Prozesse anhand des zur Transkonfessionalität tendierenden Paradigmenwechsels in den frühneuzeitlichen Wissenschaftskulturen in den Blick. Dabei bieten die Welt, deren Bilder einen Wandel durchliefen, die Naturwissenschaften, die den Wandel vorantrieben, und die Theologien, die sich von einstigen Gewissheiten über Gott und Welt verabschiedeten, sich neu konstituierten und das Leben sowie die Naturforschung in der Frühen Neuzeit entscheidend mitbestimmten, eine dankbare Fläche für eine interkonfessionell vergleichende Untersuchung konfessioneller Spezifika.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Narrating Friendship and the British Novel, 1760-1830
Friendship has always been a universal category of human relationships and an influential motif in literature, but it is rarely discussed as a theme in its own right. In her study of how friendship gives direction and shape to new ideas and novel strategies of plot, character formation, and style in the British novel from the 1760s to the 1830s, Katrin Berndt argues that friendship functions as a literary expression of philosophical values in a genre that explores the psychology and the interactions of the individual in modern society. In the literary historical period in which the novel became established as a modern genre, friend characters were omnipresent, reflecting enlightenment philosophy’s definition of friendship as a bond that civilized public and private interactions and was considered essential for the attainment of happiness. Berndt’s analyses of genre-defining novels by Frances Brooke, Mary Shelley, Sarah Scott, Helen Maria Williams, Charlotte Lennox, Walter Scott, Jane Austen, and Maria Edgeworth show that the significance of friendship and the increasing variety of novelistic forms and topics represent an overlooked dynamic in the novel’s literary history. Contributing to our understanding of the complex interplay of philosophical, socio-cultural and literary discourses that shaped British fiction in the later Hanoverian decades, Berndt’s book demonstrates that novels have conceived the modern individual not in opposition to, but in interaction with society, continuing Enlightenment debates about how to share the lives and the experiences of others.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Medialität, Unmittelbarkeit, Präsenz: Die Nähe des Heils im Verständnis der Reformation
Die Autoren der Beiträge dieses interdisziplinär angelegten Bandes widmen sich dem Medienverständnis und der Medienpraxis der Reformation des 16. Jahrhunderts. Auf der Grundlage des Konsenses, dass die Erfolge der Reformation wesentlich mit ihrem Charakter als Medienereignis zusammenhängen, wird diskutiert, wie innovativ die Medialität der Reformation im Verhältnis zum Spätmittelalter, zum Renaissance-Humanismus und innerhalb des allgemein-kulturellen Medienwandels des 15. Jahrhunderts war. Kann man von einer reformatorischen "Medienrevolution" sprechen, die mit einem neuen Verständnis von Gnadenunmittelbarkeit und Heilspräsenz zusammenhing? Mit Beiträgen von: Matthieu Arnold, Christoph Burger, Reinhold Friedrich, Sabine Griese, Sven Grosse, Johanna Haberer, Berndt Hamm, Thomas Kaufmann, Susanne Köbele, Volker Leppin, Gudrun Litz, Christine Magin, Martin Ohst, Ron Rittgers, Marcus Sandl, Gury Schneider-Ludorff, Wolfgang Simon, Susanne Wegmann, Andreas Zecherle
Emerald Publishing Limited Body Art
Body art, especially tattoos and piercings, has enjoyed an explosion of interest in recent years. However, the response of many health professionals and researchers to this phenomenon is often negative, as body art continues to be associated with issues ranging from ill mental health to offending behaviors. Arguing for a reappraisal of the diverse range of practices that fall under this heading, Brian Brown and Virginia Kuulei Berndt reconsider body art as an underappreciated yet accessible source for mental and physical wellbeing. How, they ask, does body art open up new sources of community, sociality, and aesthetics? How is it used for the reclamation of one’s body, as a marker of success or accomplishment, or for building friendships? How does participation in these practices impact the health and wellbeing of body artists themselves? Providing a radical rethink that integrates tattoos and other body modifications within health, wellbeing, and positive psychology, Body Art disrupts the narrative of stigmatisation that so often surrounds these practices to welcome a broader discussion of the benefits they can offer.
University of California Press Armenia: Portraits of Survival and Hope
A remarkable view of how geopolitics affects ordinary people, this book documents, in words and pictures, the lives of Armenians in the last two decades. Based on intimate interviews with three hundred Armenians and featuring Jerry Berndt's superb photographs, it brings together firsthand testimony about the social, economic, and spiritual circumstances of Armenians during the 1980s and 1990s, when the country faced an earthquake, pogroms, and war. At times shocking and deeply emotional, Armenia: Portraits of Survival and Hope is a story of extreme suffering and hardship, a searching look at the fight for independence, and an exceptionally complex portrait of the human spirit. A companion to the Millers' highly acclaimed work Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide, which documented the genocide of 1915, this book focuses on four groups of people: survivors of the earthquakes that devastated northwestern Armenia in 1988; refugees from Azerbaijan who fled Baku and Sumgait because of pogroms against them; women, children, and soldiers who were affected by the war in Nagorno-Karabakh; and ordinary citizens who survived several winters without heat because of the blockade against Armenia by Turkey and Azerbaijan. The Millers' narrative situates these accounts contextually and thematically, but the voices of individuals remain paramount. The Millers also describe their personal experiences in repeated research trips, inviting us to look beyond the headlines and think beyond the circumstances of our own lives as they bring contemporary Armenia to life.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Eisenbahn zwischen Markt und Staat in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart
Die Bahnreform im Jahre 1994 hat die Aufgaben von Markt und Staat bei der Eisenbahn grundlegend neu geordnet. Die Reform reiht sich in die 180jährige Geschichte der Eisenbahn ein, in der sie verschiedene Organisationsformen zwischen Markt und Staat erlebt hat. Der Tagungsband beleuchtet dieses Spannungsverhältnis und zeigt auf, dass die klare Trennung zwischen an wirtschaftlichen Zielen ausgerichteter unternehmerischer Tätigkeit und staatlich-hoheitlichen Aufgaben kein Selbstläufer ist. Im Spannungsfeld von Wettbewerb und Regulierung ist sie vielmehr eine ständige Herausforderung für den gesamten Eisenbahnsektor. Die Geschichte zeigt, dass die Frage, ob die private Wirtschaft das Grundbedürfnis des Transports auf der Schiene innerhalb der industriellen Gesellschaft ausreichend absichert oder ob und inwieweit der Staat Verantwortung übernehmen muss, nicht neu ist. Regulatorische und ökonomische Strategien sollten deshalb für den Eisenbahnsektor nicht ohne eine Berücksichtigung der Erfahrungen der jüngeren Gegenwart und der Anfangszeit der Eisenbahn entwickelt und angewendet werden.
Amsterdam University Press Conflict and Violence in Medieval Italy 568-1154
This collection of essays from both established and emerging scholars analyses the dynamic connections between conflict and violence in medieval Italy. The contributors present a new critique of power that sustained both kingship and locally based elite networks throughout the Italian peninsula. A broad temporal range, covering the sixth to the twelfth centuries, allows this book to cross a number of 'traditional' fault-lines in Italian historiography – 774, 888, 962 and 1025. The essays provide wide-ranging analyses of the role of conflict in the period, the operation of power and the development of communal consciousness and collective action by individuals and groups. It is thus essential reading for scholars, students and general readers who wish to understand the situation in medieval Italy.
John Wiley & Sons Total Defence Forces in the TwentyFirst Century
This volume considers the various groups that make up total defence forces: the military, reservists, civil defence servants, and contractors working for private military and security companies. It offers an essential analysis of civilian-military personnel integration and collaboration toward defence goals in the twenty-first century.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur. Band 1-3
John Wiley & Sons Inc Advances in Bioenergy: The Sustainability Challenge
The increasing deployment of bioenergy frequently raises issues regarding the use of land and raw materials, infrastructure and logistics. In light of these sometimes conflicting interests Advances in Bioenergy provides an objective and wide-ranging overview of the technology, economics and policy of bioenergy. Offering an authoritative multidisciplinary summary of the opportunities and challenges associated with bioenergy utilization, with international researchers give up-to-date and detailed information on key issues for biomass production and conversion to energy. Key features: *Discusses different bioenergy uses such as transportation fuels, electricity and heat production. *Assesses emerging fields such as bio-based chemicals and bio-refineries. *Debates conditions for the mobilization of sustainable bioenergy supply chains and outlines governance systems to support this mobilization. * Dedicated chapters to sustainability governance and emerging tools such as certification systems and standards supporting growth of a sustainable bioenergy industry. *Considers the political, environmental, social and cultural context related to the demand for energy resources, the impact of this demand on the world around us, and the choices and behaviours of consumers. This book will be a vital reference to engineers, researchers and students that need an accessible overview of the bioenergy area. It will also be of high value for politicians, policymakers and industry leaders that need to stay up to date with the state-of-the-art science and technology in this area.
McGill-Queen's University Press Total Defence Forces in the Twenty-First Century
Total defence, as a concept, combines and extends military and civil defence: in a state of war or emergency, all social institutions mobilize to defend the state. Total defence forces, led by a diverse workforce of defence and security professionals, are critical to both national defence and international security goals.Total Defence Forces in the Twenty-First Century looks at the various groups that make up this workforce: members of the military’s regular force, reservists, defence civil servants, and contractors working for private military and security companies. When civilian staff and military personnel work towards a common goal, their distinct professional cultures and identities can make integration challenging. Despite the often high levels of partnership, underlying differences affect the quality of the collaboration and, ultimately, organizational and operational effectiveness. Defence ministries around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of optimizing the ways in which they employ and integrate civilian and military personnel.This volume focuses on a critical question: what are the main challenges to workforce integration and collaboration, and how can such challenges be overcome to deliver the full potential of the total defence force? Together, scholars and practitioners provide some answers.
JP Medical Ltd Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors: A Multidisciplinary Review with Case Presentations
This is a comprehensive, lavishly illustrated review of orthopaedic oncology that is multi-disciplinary, integrative and highly practical. Introductory chapters cover overviews of the basics of bone and soft tissue tumors – the pathology, radiology and surgical and oncologic management. These are followed by chapters covering all tumor types organized according to the 2013 WHO classification of bone and soft tissue tumors. Each class of tumor is dealt with in detail, with case presentations illustrating how they would be diagnosed and managed in a clinical setting. The range of variation of each tumor type is indicated with appropriate radiological and pathological images. Detailed tables and flow charts provide quick access to vital diagnosis and staging information for each tumor type. This book provides an expert, case-based approach to orthopaedic oncology and patient care for trainees and practising orthopaedic surgeons, pathologists and radiologists. A practical and comprehensive review of orthopaedic oncology Covers all tumor types and their range of variation Organized according to the 2013 WHO classification of bone and soft tissue tumours Tables and flow charts provide diagnosis and staging information for each tumor type
GRAFIT Verlag Eifel-Liebe
Universitatsverlag Winter Iconographies of Power: The Politics and Poetics of Visual Representation
The University of Chicago Press Economic Dimensions of Personalized and Precision Medicine
Personalized and precision medicine (PPM)—the targeting of therapies according to an individual’s genetic, environmental, or lifestyle characteristics—is becoming an increasingly important approach in health care treatment and prevention. The advancement of PPM is a challenge in traditional clinical, reimbursement, and regulatory landscapes because it is costly to develop and introduces a wide range of scientific, clinical, ethical, and socioeconomic issues. PPM raises a multitude of economic issues, including how information on accurate diagnosis and treatment success will be disseminated and who will bear the cost; changes to physician training to incorporate genetics, probability and statistics, and economic considerations; questions about whether the benefits of PPM will be confined to developed countries or will diffuse to emerging economies with less developed health care systems; the effects of patient heterogeneity on cost-effectiveness analysis; and opportunities for PPM’s growth beyond treatment of acute illness, such as prevention and reversal of chronic conditions. This volume explores the intersection of the scientific, clinical, and economic factors affecting the development of PPM, including its effects on the drug pipeline, on reimbursement of PPM diagnostics and treatments, and on funding of the requisite underlying research; and it examines recent empirical applications of PPM.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur. Band 1-3 Unter 'bibliographie Unselbstandiger Literatur - Linguistik' / Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur: 2013
The University of Chicago Press Measuring and Modeling Health Care Costs
Health care costs represent a nearly 18% of U.S. gross domestic product and 20% of government spending. While there is detailed information on where these health care dollars are spent, there is much less evidence on how this spending affects health. The research in Measuring and Modeling Health Care Costs seeks to connect our knowledge of expenditures with what we are able to measure of results, probing questions of methodology, changes in the pharmaceutical industry, and the shifting landscape of physician practice. The research in this volume investigates, for example, obesity’s effect on health care spending, the effect of generic pharmaceutical releases on the market, and the disparity between disease-based and population-based spending measures. This vast and varied volume applies a range of economic tools to the analysis of health care and health outcomes. Practical and descriptive, this new volume in the Studies in Income and Wealth series is full of insights relevant to health policy students and specialists alike.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Assessing Progress in the Implementation of Zimbabwe's New Constitution: National, Regional and Global Perspectives
John Wiley & Sons Inc Gauss and Jacobi Sums
Devised in the 19th century, Gauss and Jacobi Sums are classical formulas that form the basis for contemporary research in many of today's sciences. This book offers readers a solid grounding on the origin of these abstract, general theories. Though the main focus is on Gauss and Jacobi, the book does explore other relevant formulas, including Cauchy.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Das Reich Der Vandalen Und Seine (Vor-)Geschichte
Universitatsverlag Winter Cultural Interactions: Fifty Years of American Studies in Germany