Search results for ""Author Bernd"
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Burgertum Und Glaube: Konturen Der Stadtischen Reformation
Aschendorff Verlag Hugonis de Sancto Victore de Sacramentis Christianae Fidei
Bild Und Heimat Verlag Die GrtnerBande und drei weitere Flle
Bild Und Heimat Verlag Blutiger Osten 17 Sparpaket Staffel 17
Südost-Verlag Wandern im Bayerischen Wald
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Die EifelConnection Der 21 SiggiBaumeisterKrimi
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Requiem fr einen Henker Ein SiggiBaumeisterKrimi
Buch + Kunstvlg.Oberpfalz Das grne Dach Bilderreise durch ein Naturparadies im Herzen Europas
Grafit Verlag EifelFilz Band der EifelSerie
Grafit Verlag EifelGold 2 Band der EifelSerie
Helios Verlagsges. Auf ein letztes Wort Zeitzeugen erinnern sich an die Kmpfe um Bautzen 1945
Lukas Verlag Käthe Kollwitz in Berlin
Schulz-Kirchner Verlag Gm Dysarthrie Ein Ratgeber fr Angehrige
expert verlag ESDSchutz Normen Konzepte und Messtechnik in der Praxis
Haufe Lexware GmbH Systematische Bewerberinterviews inkl Arbeitshilfen online Mit der VeSiErMethode Kompetenzen erkennen und bewerten
Duncker & Humblot Das Fuhren Eines Fahrzeugs Im Strafrecht: Ein Dogmatischer Neuansatz Unter Betrachtung Der Strafrechtlichen Verantwortung Von Nutzern Automatisierter Fahrzeuge
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations
With a focus on providing concrete teaching strategies for scholars, the Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations blends both theory and practice in an accessible and clear manner.In an effort to help faculty excel as classroom teachers, the expert contributors offer representation from various types of institutions located throughout the world. Split into three distinct parts, this book discusses:- curriculum and course design- teaching subject areas- in class teaching techniquesThis important Handbook is an essential guide for anyone looking to teach political science and international relations at the university level. Contributors: V. Asal, E.A. Bennion, E. Berndtson, J.L. Bernstein, A. Blair, M.A. Boyer, A. Broscheid, M. Brown, F. Buckley, J. Craig, B. Gentry, R. Glazier, K. Hamann, J. Hamner, C. Harris, J. Ishiyama, K. Kas, B. Kauffman, K. King, C. Leston-Bandeira, S. Lightfoot, J.K. Lobasz, D. Malet, M.P. Marks, H. Maurer, E.F.Mcclellan, W.J. Miller, M.J. Moore, E.A. Oldmixon, A. Paczynska, G. Pleschova, C. Raymond, E. Richards, B.E. Ricks, R.G. Rodriguez, J.S. Rofe, J.M. Scott, E. Sheppard, E.Simon, B. Smentkowski, E.T. Smith, J.C. Strachan, P.E. Sum, S. Thornton, S. Usherwood, B. Valeriano, W.L. Watson
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lutherjahrbuch 88. Jahrgang 2021: Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung
Das Lutherjahrbuch ist das bedeutendste Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung und wird im Auftrag der Luther-Gesellschaft e.V. von Christopher Spehr, Jena, herausgegeben. Ausgewählte Buchbesprechungen und die für Lehre und Forschung unverzichtbar Lutherbibliographie orientieren darüber hinaus über bedeutende Publikationen zur Luther- und Reformationsforschung.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Brecht Yearbook / Das Brecht-Jahrbuch 43
The leading scholarly publication on Brecht; volume 43 contains a wealth of articles on diverse topics and a reconstruction of the two-chorus version of The Exception and the Rule. Published for the International Brecht Society by Camden House, the Brecht Yearbook is the central scholarly forum for discussion of Brecht's life and work and of topics of interest to him, especially the politics of literature and theater in a global context. It encourages a wide variety of perspectives and approaches and, like Brecht, is committed to the use value of literature, theater, and theory. Volume 43 opens with a reconstruction of Brecht's two-chorus version of The Exception and the Rule (Reiner Steinweg) and continues with a selection of Helmut Heißenbüttel's reviews of Brecht's work. Four articles (by Christine Künzel, Carsten Mindt, Judith Niehaus,and Sebastian Schuller) address Brechtian aspects of Gisela Elsner's novels. The next two essays (by Hunter Bivens and Friedemann Weidauer) revisit Brecht's reflections on affect and empathy. Also included are papers from the 2016IBS "Recycling Brecht" Symposium: on Brecht's recycling of Lenin in his "neue Dramatik" (Joseph Dial), on Paul Celan as a reconfiguration of Brecht (Paul Peters), on Brecht's adaptation of Shakespeare's Coriolanus (MartinRevermann), and on Hilary Mantel's Brechtian reconfiguration of Thomas Cromwell (Markus Wessendorf). The volume features Richard Schröder's farewell lecture on Brecht's Life of Galileo and an essay by Ulrich Plass on BerndStegemann's allegedly Brechtian reclamation of critical realism. It concludes with Zhang Wei's interview with the Chinese dramaturg, playwright, and Brecht translator Li Jianming. Editor Markus Wessendorf is a Professorin the Department of Theatre and Dance at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa in Honolulu.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations
With a focus on providing concrete teaching strategies for scholars, the Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Political Science and International Relations blends both theory and practice in an accessible and clear manner.In an effort to help faculty excel as classroom teachers, the expert contributors offer representation from various types of institutions located throughout the world. Split into three distinct parts, this book discusses:- curriculum and course design- teaching subject areas- in class teaching techniquesThis important Handbook is an essential guide for anyone looking to teach political science and international relations at the university level. Contributors: V. Asal, E.A. Bennion, E. Berndtson, J.L. Bernstein, A. Blair, M.A. Boyer, A. Broscheid, M. Brown, F. Buckley, J. Craig, B. Gentry, R. Glazier, K. Hamann, J. Hamner, C. Harris, J. Ishiyama, K. Kas, B. Kauffman, K. King, C. Leston-Bandeira, S. Lightfoot, J.K. Lobasz, D. Malet, M.P. Marks, H. Maurer, E.F.Mcclellan, W.J. Miller, M.J. Moore, E.A. Oldmixon, A. Paczynska, G. Pleschova, C. Raymond, E. Richards, B.E. Ricks, R.G. Rodriguez, J.S. Rofe, J.M. Scott, E. Sheppard, E.Simon, B. Smentkowski, E.T. Smith, J.C. Strachan, P.E. Sum, S. Thornton, S. Usherwood, B. Valeriano, W.L. Watson
KBV Verlags-und Medienges DER Bar
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Der Bunker
edition federleicht Das Dunkel im Inneren des Wolfes
edition federleicht Die Rückkehr der Kraniche
Baessler, Hendrik Verlag Naturerlebnis und Industrielandschaft
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Der Monat vor dem Mord
KBV Verlags-und Medienges Der letzte Agent
Reichel Verlag Prophezeiungen zur Zukunft Europas und reale Ereignisse
Grafit Verlag EifelKreuz
Grafit Verlag EifelMll Kriminalroman Band der EifelSerie
Grafit Verlag EifelSchnee 4 Band der EifelSerie
Königshausen & Neumann Chancen und Grenzen moderner Bilderbuchgestaltung Eine Studie zu Ausdrucksqualitten und Tabuthemen
BoD - Books on Demand Freiheit und Glück
Brandstätter Verlag Café Landtmann
Schmidt, Erich Verlag Intertextualitt Eine Einfhrung
Hogrefe AG Grn fr die Seele Menschen aufblhen lassen
Heyne Taschenbuch Lockvogel Roman
Duncker & Humblot Das Verwenden Von Kennzeichen Verfassungswidriger Organisationen in Computerspielen Im Spiegel Des 86a Abs. 1 Nr. 1 Stgb Und Des Jugendmedienschutzes
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Individuation
Schiffer Publishing Ltd From Space to Earth: Laboratory and Marketplace
Fifty years have changed our view of space. The spin-off technologies from the world's space programs have an ever increasing influence on our daily lives. While early spaceflights were mainly nationalistic demonstrations of power, today a wide range of scientific or technological objectives are carried out in space through international cooperation. Commercial missions are also funded by the private sector. Space is now a scientific laboratory, a marketplace, and a workplace. This book describes the latest developments in spaceflight and looks toward humanity's future beyond earth. Over 400 vivid color photos and illustrations present spaceflight's past, present, and future. Complex scientific and technical aspects of the world's space programs are explained in understandable terms. Current research and trends, along with new applications, are discussed. Welcome to the very real final frontier and all the possibilities for its productive, cooperative use.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Between Gospel and Election: Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9-11
How do the truth claims of the gospel of Christ square with the biblical testimony to God's abiding election of the Jewish people? In Romans 9-11, the apostle Paul reflects deeply on this fundamental theological question. The interpretation of these chapters has long been contested, however. The present volume assesses the current state of research and opens up fresh lines of inquiry, taking into account insights generated both by the "New Perspective on Paul" and by ongoing Jewish-Christian dialogue. Twenty-six essays in English and German - representing the fields of Biblical Studies, Judaic Studies, Systematic Theology and Practical Theology - examine the theological horizons, history of interpretation, literary contexts, argumentative structure, theological themes and contemporary significance of Paul's arguments. With contributions by:Friedrich Avemarie, John M. G. Barclay, William S. Campbell, Susan Eastman, Reinhard Feldmeier, Beverly Roberts Gaventa, A. Katherine Grieb, Klaus Haacker, Wolfgang Kraus, Mark D. Nanos, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, Enno Edzard Popkes, Mark Reasoner, Wolfgang Reinbold, Martin Rothgangel, Dieter Sänger, Berndt Schaller, Frank Schleritt, Notger Slenczka, Katherine Sonderegger, R. Kendall Soulen, Christoph Stenschke, Annette Steudel, J. Ross Wagner, Florian Wilk, N. Thomas Wright
Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH Kunst um 1800