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Taylor & Francis Ltd The Groupwork Manual
Intended for anyone who runs or participates in group sessions, this manual offers almost 100 practical activities. It takes the user through a broad range of exercises, ideas, pitfalls and descriptions. This is an ideal companion to the "Creative Activities in Groupwork" series. The book covers every kind of group from social to community groups and from encounter to therapeutic groups. Activities include transforming sound, singing questions, name paint, ritual teambuilding, ears, eyes and mouth, survival, my favourite words, improvisations, sharing, jungle, musical hoops, space walk and interviews.
Crabtree Publishing Co,US Dream Jobs Manufacturing
John Wiley & Sons Inc Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing
The second volume of the Wiley series, Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing focuses on environmentally preferable approaches to manufacturing. Contributors present and discuss the technologies engineers need to specify and employ to make manufacturing operations environmentally friendly and conform to environmental regulations. Chapters cover Hazardous Waste Minimization and Management; Cost-Effective Manufacturing; Real-time Process Monitoring and Control; Ethics in ECM; Governmental Regulations and Policies, and Total Quality Management. In each chapter case studies are provided to guide readers in areas outside their expertise.
University of Texas Press Manufacturing the News
There is little argument that mass media news projects a particular point of view. The question is how that bias is formed. Most media critics look to the attitudes of reporters and editors, the covert news policy of a publisher, or the outside pressures of politicians and advertisers. Manufacturing the News takes a different tack. Mark Fishman’s research shows how the routine methods of gathering news, rather than any hidden manipulators, determine the ideological character of the product. News organizations cover the world mainly through “beats,” which tend to route reporters exclusively through governmental agencies and corporate bureaucracies in their search for news. Crime, for instance, is covered through the police and court bureaucracies; local politics through the meetings of the city council, county commissioners, and other official agencies. Reporters under daily deadlines come to depend upon these organizations for the predictable, steady flow of raw news material they provide. It is part of the function of such bureaucracies to transform complex happenings into procedurally defined “cases.” Thus the information they produce for newsworkers represents their own bureaucratic reality. Occurrences which are not part of some bureaucratic phase are simply ignored. Journalists participate in this system by publicizing bureaucratic reality as hard fact, while accounts from other sources are treated as unconfirmed reports which cannot be published without time-consuming investigation. Were journalists to employ different methods of news gathering, Fishman concludes, a different reality would emerge in the news—one that might challenge the legitimacy of prevailing political structures. But, under the traditional system, news reports will continue to support the interests of the status quo independently of the attitudes and intentions of reporters, editors, and news sources.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Oculoplasty
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Ultrasound
The new edition of this manual provides radiologists with the latest advances in ultrasonography. Beginning with basic principles of ultrasound and instruments, the following sections discuss the imaging of different soft tissues including the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract, pancreas, spleen, gastrointestinal system, reproductive tract and more. Images are correlated with organ specific disorders. The final chapter covers assessment of foetal wellbeing. This third edition has been thoroughly revised and includes new chapters on basic sonography of soft tissue and infertility. The comprehensive text is enhanced by nearly 300 illustrations to assist learning. Key Points Third edition, providing latest advances in ultrasonography Fully revised with new chapters on basic sonography of soft tissue and infertility Correlates images with organ specific disorders Previous edition published in 2002
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Cardiology
Manual of Cardiology is a comprehensive guide to cardiology for trainee cardiologists and practising clinicians. Covering the complete field, the book begins with cardiovascular pharmacology, diagnostic techniques and electrophysiology. The following sections examine the management of numerous cardiac disorders including coronary heart diseases, valvular heart diseases, vascular diseases, heart failure, myocardial and pericardial diseases, pulmonary vascular disease and adult congenital heart disease, and secondary heart disorders. The final sections discuss associated issues in clinical cardiology, preventative strategies for cardiovascular diseases, and evolving concepts. Modified guidelines for the management of common disorders such as angina, arrhythmias, and heart failure, have been included. Edited by internationally recognised expert Prof Kanu Chatterjee from the University of Iowa and the University of California, this invaluable manual includes more than 520 clinical photographs, diagrams and tables. Key points Comprehensive guide to complete field of cardiology for trainees Includes modified guidelines for management of common cardiac disorders Edited by internationally recognised Prof Kanu Chatterjee Features more than 520 clinical photographs, diagrams and tables
Octopus Publishing Group Whisky The Manual
Most whisky books tell you how to become an expert. This book tells you how to drink it. This highly accessible and enjoyable guide is full of practical and fascinating information about how to enjoy whisky. All whisky styles are covered, including (just whisper it) blends. Along the way a good few myths are exploded, including the idea that whisky has to be taken neat. In 'What to Drink', Dave Broom explores flavor camps - how to understand a style of whisky and - moves on to provide extensive tasting notes of the major brands, demonstrating whisky's extraordinary diversity. In 'How to Drink', he sets out how to enjoy whisky in myriad ways - using water and mixers, from soda to green tea; and in cocktails, from the Manhattan to the Rusty Nail. He even looks at pairing whisky and food. In this spirited, entertaining, and no-nonsense guide, world-renowned expert Dave Broom dispels the mysteries of whisky and unlo
Pearson Education Limited The Coaching Manual
Translated around the world, and recommended reading on many coaching programmes this bestselling book is trusted globally as the definitive guide to coaching. This carefully revised edition will guide you through the entire process from first meeting to when coaching ends, with methods, tips and techniques that simply work. Understand and develop the core skills and beliefs of an effective coach Know how to ask insightful questions that deliver valuable answers Gain practical help to plan coaching assignments that accelerate and improve your results Adeptly handle the main barriers to great coaching Feel fully confident in your ability to coach in any situation Whether you’re new to coaching or already an experienced coach, you’ll find clear guidance and principles to help you coach more effectively and with greater impact. To support you further The Coaching Manual has a range of free to download resources – templates, tools and checklists.
Haynes Publishing Group Small Engine Manual
Complete coverage for your Small Engine
Pontificio Istituto Biblico Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts
Elsevier Health Sciences The Merck Veterinary Manual
The Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) covers all domesticated species and diseases in veterinary medicine worldwide. This completely revised and redesigned new edition of the veterinary classic uses a two-column format and color throughout for easy-to-read text and tables. Hundreds of color images enhance and illustrate the text. In addition to extensive revisions and updates, this edition includes a new section on public health and zoonoses, expanded coverage of fish and aquaculture, new chapters on backyard poultry, toxicologic workplace hazards, smoke inhalation, and additional coverage of numerous new and emerging topics in veterinary medicine. . Completely revised and redesigned in a two-column, easy-to-read format with color throughout . New section on Public Health which includes a new public health primer that covers One Health, public health functions and agencies, epidemiologic principles and study types, disease outbreak investigations, food safety, and a brief discussion of public health law . Revised and expanded information on fish, aquatic systems, and aquaculture as well as poultry, pet birds, rabbits, rodents, reptiles, and amphibians . New chapters on backyard poultry and Tasmanian devils, toxicologic hazards in the workplace for veterinarians, smoke inhalation, scorpion bites, spider flies, and xylitol toxicity . Extensively revised chapters on heart disease, diagnostic imaging, pharmacology and drug resistance, wound management, equine emergency medicine, management of the neonate and neonatal encephalopathy, wound management, equine arboviral encephalomyelitis, skeletal disorders and myopathies of poultry, and chlamydiosis . Important changes to the Behavior section such as inclusion of the most recent diagnostic techniques, methods and treatment of behavioral disorders in dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals, expanded coverage of the human-animal bond, service and assistance animals, and new material on self-care for veterinarians
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Sauer's Manual of Skin Diseases
Trusted by generations of medical students, residents, and non-specialist practitioners, Sauer’s Manual of Skin Diseases continues the tradition of excellence in the fully updated 11th Edition. This bestselling dermatology manual provides full-color photographs, step-by-step instructions, and easy-to-follow algorithms for diagnosis and treatment of all common skin conditions. The practical, user-friendly format consists of two distinct parts: the first part covers the diagnosis and management of the most commonly seen skin diseases. The second part is a comprehensive Dictionary-Index to the entire field of dermatology, including rare diseases and unusual dermatologic terms.Key Features: Features new chapters on Contact Dermatitis, Cutaneous Drug Reactions, Ulcer Management, Vasculitis, Skin Diseases in the Military, and Skin Disease in the Abused Patient. Includes more than 700 full-color photographs, as well as diagnostic algorithms based on site, type of lesion, and age of patient. Covers ethnic skin, the skin and internal disease, pediatric dermatology, skin aging, obesity and dermatology, skin disease in transplant patients, sports medicine in dermatology, cutaneous signs of bioterrorism, dermatoses of pregnancy, and many more specialized areas. Continues Dr. Sauer’s commitment to simple, basic, and concise dermatology guidance for primary care practitioners, students, and others who need to effectively diagnose and treat common skin disorders. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Palabras Aladas Manual per somiar
Capstone Press Lin-Manuel Miranda
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Manual de nefrología
New Era Publications International APS Basic Study Manual
Nervous before exams? Not fully tracking in school or in any other form of education or training? Not able to actually use and apply what you learned? The Basic Study Manual explains the three most common issues students of any age or any subject encounter, and their respective remedies. The one thing we have never learnt at school is the actual know-how to overcome the typical problems that anyone of us is facing in the course of education, regardless of the subject we try to study. There are specific and simple methods that open up the road to success and joy in education. Learning is a most enjoyable activity, if you clearly understand what you are learning. This is what the Basic Study Manual is about. Age range for this book is 15+, and highly useful also for parents and teachers, as it contains highly effective tutoring tools, and makes you aware of what lies behind a students apparent inability to comprehend.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Radiology Review Manual
BMA Medical Book Awards 2018?: Radiology – Highly Commended?The British Medical Association honored Radiology Review Manual with this prestigious award.For more than 25 years, Dr. Dähnert's Radiology Review Manual has earned its reputation as the green "bible” for board exam preparation, in teaching situations, and in the daily practice of radiology. A logical organization, extensive lists of image findings and differential diagnoses, an accessible outline format, and a thorough index have made this reference the #1 choice for success on the written boards. The Eighth Edition has been completely updated to provide head-to-heel coverage of the information needed for today’s general radiology practice.NEW to this edition: A section on General Radiology has been created that covers techniques in nuclear medicine as well as contrast media, statistics, sedation, analgesia, and local anesthesia. Mnemonics have been added to help make need-to-know facts and trivia easier to find, review, and remember. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac.Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time — providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options that enable you to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Care Act Manual
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones Contaplus flex manual oficial
Manual Oficial adaptado al Certificado de Profesionalidad ADGD308 Actividades de Gestión Administrativa: Unidad Formativa 2 Código UF0516Denominación: Aplicaciones informáticas de Contabilidad.
El manual del emprendedor
Este libro representa un completo manual para orientar al emprendedor, paso a paso, en el proceso de crear e impulsar una empresa y hacerlo con éxito. Con él avanzará con firmeza y seguridad, y alejará sus incertidumbres, miedos y dudas que a menudo asaltan a todo aquel que proyecta lanzar al mercado una nueva empresa.Está estructurado en cuatro partes: la primera, Cómo empezar, describe la metodología del desarrollo de clientes y establece los catorce principios fundamentales para poner en marcha esta metodología; en la siguiente sección, El descubrimiento de clientes, formula una serie de hipótesis para asegurar que la comprensión del problema del cliente encaje con la solución propuesta; en La validación de clientes, se centra en los resultados obtenidos a través de las pruebas sobre un modelo de negocio para examinar si se pueden conseguir suficientes pedidos o usuarios con modelos de negocios repetitivos y escalables; y en la cuarta parte, el Apéndice A es una lista de comprobació
Obelisco Manual del Sanador Vibracional
Editorial Almuzara Manuel Alcántara antología personal
Gracias al poeta Manuel Alcántara he tenido la inmensa suerte de beber, en el transcurso de muchas noches seguidas de sus altas madrugadas, en las fuentes del verso y de la prosa, por medio de revelaciones que con la forma de anécdotas me hicieron ver aquel detalle que no entendía de este o ese escritor. Frente a nosotros y sentados a la misma mesa, han compartido nuestro pan y nuestra copa los versos de quienes fueron y son poetas, sin distinciones de generación, tiempo o sexo. Si de pronto un verso de Gonzalo de Berceo, o de Góngora, o de Quevedo, hundíase en nuestro vino, más tarde otro de Luis Cernuda, o de Luis Felipe Vivanco, o de Blas de Otero, o de Fernando Pessoa, mojaba un trozo de su pan en nuestro plato.Juvenal Soto
Editorial Octaedro, S.L. Manual general de evaluacin
Manual de segundos auxilios
Nos pasamos la vida buscando una aprobación que no necesitamos por parte de gente a la que le damos igual para que nos permitan seguir haciendo aquello que no nos satisface con el objetivo de conseguir algo que en realidad jamás quisimos.Esto no es un manual. Ni un diccionario. Ni tan siquiera una guía. Básicamente, porque no está ordenado. Como la vida, que viene siempre como le da la gana. Después de un polvo, un asterisco en la analítica; antes de cualquier cumpleaños, un funeral. Esto se parece más a un puñado de cuándos protagonizado por algunos quiénes que se empeñan en encontrarle a todo un porqué.
El Manual de Arduino
Arduino es una pequeña placa que cualquiera puede aprender a usar en poco tiempo para realizar circuitos electrónicosinteractivos. Es mucho menos potente que el teléfono que lleváis en el bolsillo, no tiene pantalla ni teclado... pero esextremadamente fácil de manejar y, desde hace unos años, lo utilizan miles de personas en todo el mundo para dar vidaa los más variados: desde una impresora 3D a una sierra automática, desde un termostato a un dron.Este manual recoge toda la información para utilizar Arduino de la mejor manera, desde sus fundamentos hasta losargumentos más complejos. Aprenderéis todas las funciones de Arduino, así como a conectar sensores y dispositivos detodo tipo, gracias a las explicaciones detalladas tanto de la parte electrónica como de la programación. El manual incluyetambién un capítulo dedicado a Arduino Yún, la nueva placa con Wi-Fi integrado, con la cual es fácil crear proyectosconectados a Internet.Elementos adicionales como soporte del libro disponibles onl
Herder Editorial Manual de psicopatología clínica
Este nuevo Manual de psicopatología, actualizado con los datos del DSM-5, aporta una visión sistemática y actualizada del complejo mundo de los trastornos psicopatológicos. El texto ofrece una descripción precisa de cada trastorno, sus características principales y su diagnóstico diferencial, ilustrando cada uno de ellos con casos clínicos. Será muy útil para todos los estudiantes y profesionales de la salud mental: médicos, psiquiatras, psicólogos, trabajadores sociales, educadores y terapeutas de diversa índole.Esta obra es el resultado de un trabajo conjunto de un grupo de profesores de la Universitat de Barcelona y de la Universitat Ramon Llull, con amplia experiencia docente, junto con diversos profesionales de otras instituciones. El enfoque del conjunto combina el rigor académico básico con una visión más crítica y poliédrica de los diferentes cuadros clínicos que se presentan en las consultas de salud mental.
Herder Editorial Manual de la Biblia
Este manual de la Biblia quiere ser una ayuda para la comprensión del libro sagrado. Dos son los puntos de vista que han guiado al autor en la selección del material: ante todo, el empeño por ofrecer informaciones y representaciones claras del entorno histórico, geográfico y cultural de la Biblia, a fin de hacer más transparentes los mismos textos bíblicos; y, en segundo lugar, dar aquellas referencias básicas que sirven para señalizar o al menos facilitar la comprensión interna de la doctrina bíblica. Tal vez este segundo aspecto vaya más lejos de lo que cabría esperar de un libro así, pero no debemos olvidar que la comprensión actual del sentido de los textos de la Biblia es lo que en definitiva interesa a los lectores a quienes va dirigido este estudio. En concreto, esta obra nos ofrece los puntos que siguen.Introducción a la Biblia. Una vez consignados los libros que forman el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, se especifican los rasgos típicos de la visión judía y de la cristiana
Las estructuras son un elemento esencial del proceso de construcción y constituyen, sin embargo, uno de los conceptos más difíciles de aprehender por parte de los arquitectos. Aunque a menudo los ingenieros son los responsables del cálculo estructural de un edificio, los arquitectos deben tener los conocimientos adecuados y suficientes sobre teoría y análisis estructural para proyectarlo. Bajo el sello inconfundible del maestro del dibujo arquitectónico Francis D. K. Ching, este manual ilustrado propone un nuevo enfoque del diseño estructural que pone de relieve la relación de los sistemas estructurales de un edificio entendidos como un conjunto integrado de elementos con sus propios patrones, sistema y escala con los aspectos fundamentales del proyecto arquitectónico. Los sistemas estructurales en los edificios se abordan a partir de distintos aspectos, como la composición formal y espacial, la adecuación al programa, la coordinación con otros sistemas del edificio y el cumplimiento d
Pepitas de calabaza Autobiografía de Manuel Martínez
La vida de Manuel Martínez, nacido en Madrid en 1951, puede leerse como la historia subterránea de toda una generación de inadaptados sociales; jóvenes de barrioque se enfrentaron a una maquinaria represiva heredera directa de la Santa Inquisición. Su peripecia vital puede leerse como una contrahistoria de la España ?de esa España salvaje? de la segunda mitad del siglo xx, que pasódel tardofranquismo a una democracia de consumidores.Manuel entrará en el talego como un chorizo, como un quinqui de barrio, como uno más de los miles que sufrieronla aplicación de la Ley de Vagos y Maleantes ?más tarde de Peligrosidad Social?, y saldrá de prisión convertido en un expropiador.
Spiramus Press The Employee Ownership Manual
This book is intended to meet a range of different needs and to cater for different levels of knowledge about employee ownership. If you are considering making your company employee-owned or you are advising someone going through that process, and in either case are new to the topic, you can build up your knowledge levels from Chapter 1. Alternatively, the book can be used as a reference work if you have a particular question to answer.Some parts of the book will not be relevant to every reader. For example, several Chapters consider how employees can acquire shares personally: these will not be relevant to companies which intend their employee ownership only to be through an employee trust.The book is intended as practical guide rather than a highly detailed technical treatise. Its priority is to explain key issues in an accessible fashion and to raise awareness of where further exploration and advice may be important.
McGraw-Hill Education WorkbookLaboratory Manual for Conectate
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Precalculus: Student's Solutions Manual
Buch + Kunstvlg.Oberpfalz Manufakturen in der Oberpfalz
Pitchstone Publishing Manual for Creating Atheists
For thousands of years, the faithful have honed proselytizing strategies and talked people into believing the truth of one holy book or another. Indeed, the faithful often view converting others as an obligation of their faith—and are trained from an early age to spread their unique brand of religion. The result is a world broken in large part by unquestioned faith. As an urgently needed counter to this tried-and-true tradition of religious evangelism, A Manual for Creating Atheists offers the first-ever guide not for talking people into faith—but for talking them out of it. Peter Boghossian draws on the tools he has developed and used for more than 20 years as a philosopher and educator to teach how to engage the faithful in conversations that will help them value reason and rationality, cast doubt on their religious beliefs, mistrust their faith, abandon superstition and irrationality, and ultimately embrace reason.
O'Reilly Media iWork: The Missing Manual
Apple's iWork is more versatile than ever now that there are versions for Mac, iOS, and even iCloud. The only thing iWork doesn't include is its own how-to guide. That's where this friendly, jargon-free Missing Manual comes in. With complete instructions and helpful examples, you'll quickly learn how to create stunning documents, slideshows, and spreadsheets with iWork's Pages, Keynote, and Numbers. The important stuff you need to know: Create elegant files in minutes. Save tons of time by using iWork's collection of prebuilt templates and themes. Craft a variety of documents. Use Pages to design attractive newsletters, catalogs, brochures, flyers, and posters. Build eye-popping presentations. Turn Keynote's themes and easy-to-use cinematic effects into beautiful custom slideshows. Organize and clearly convey information. Jazz up your Numbers spreadsheets with charts, images, and videos. Always have your work on hand. Store your files in iCloud and have them sync automatically to your Mac and iOS devices. Work anywhere, any time. Use the web-based iWork for iCloud to create projects on any computer - even a PC. Versions covered: This edition covers Pages for Mac 5.1 , Keynote for Mac 6.1, Numbers for Mac 3.1, version 2.1 of each iOS app, and iWork for iCloud.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manual of STEMI Interventions
Benefit from this concise yet comprehensive manual, designed to improve the practice and process of STEMI interventions Understand the varied pharmacological options available in managing STEMI patients, including newer anti-coagulants Improve your STEMI procedure technique through expert guidance, including stent choice, and other techniques such as trans radial procedures Provides an overview of STEMI networks internationally and how to set up a STEMI program Reviews future perspectives for STEMI and the role of telemedicine for STEMI procedures
Taylor & Francis Inc Manual of Immunological Methods
The Manual of Immunological Methods represents the collaboration of the Canadian Network of Toxicology Centers, a non-profit network of university-based scientists dedicated to research, training, risk assessment, and communication. This manual provides detailed immunological methods that can be utilized by researchers or practitioners who want to enhance the successful application of this science. It emphasizes the need for continuously improving the quality of experiments performed and maintaining consistency in the results obtained.The Manual of Immunological Methods presents validated assays that are accompanied by a series of tools that will guide readers in performing their own laboratory work in the spirit of the Good Laboratory Practices. It covers specific methodologies including sample collection, preparation of cells, assay conditions, and data evaluation. Discussion of species differences and comparisons of a wide variety of species is an important feature. Both graduate students and practicing researchers in the areas of immunology and immunotoxicology will appreciate the Manual of Immunological Methods as a guide to standard operating procedures in the laboratory.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Audel Electrician's Pocket Manual
Your on-the-job reference Now fully updated for the 2002 National Electrical Code, the Electrician's Pocket Manual is packed with charts, conversions, photographs, diagrams, code standards, and other information you need on the job. Find answers quickly and easily * Explains updated maintenance and construction standards * Provides details on motors, controllers, and circuits * Examines electronic components and communications wiring * Features 28 pages of drawings, diagrams, and plans * Offers guidelines for dealing with hazardous location wiring * Covers generators, mechanical power transmission, and electrical power distribution * Includes a chapter on tools and safety
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of ICU Procedures
Manual of ICU Procedures is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to intensive care procedures. The book is divided into four anatomical sections, and a final miscellaneous section. Section one covers airway and respiratory, followed by; vascular and cardiac; neurological; gastrointestinal, abdominal, and genitourinary procedures. Each section covers an extensive range of procedures, and each chapter begins with basic principles before describing the procedure step-by-step. Enhanced by 428 colour images and illustrations, Manual of ICU Procedures is an ideal resource for all critical care professionals. Key Points Step-by-step guide to a range of intensive care procedures Covers respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, genitourinary and miscellaneous procedures 428 colour images
van Haren Publishing The ITIL Process Manual
Plural Publishing Inc Basic Audiometry Learning Manual
This manual will provide beginning clinicians and students with experiences and instruction in the art and science of clinical audiometry techniques.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Imaging: A Laboratory Manual
Catholic Courses Manual for Spiritual Warfare
Amberley Publishing The Tommies' Manual 1916
How do you aim a Lewis gun? What can you do to protect your war horse from a gas attack? How do you design a barbed wire entanglement for a front line trench? What does an 18-pounder artillery piece do best? An amazing array of leaflets, books and manuals were issued by the War Office during the First World War to aid British soldiers on the Western Front. The Tommies’ Manual 1916 combines the best of them into a poignant facsimile. Most were supremely practical or highly technical; some became obsolete almost immediately, overtaken by technological advances; others hid the grim reality of war behind a prosaic title. All make fascinating reading and are reproduced here with an introduction and over seventy period illustrations.
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd Mental Health Act Manual
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Complete Horse Riding Manual
Learn all there is to know about horse riding, from horse care and show jumping to mastering dressage. Suitable for both novice and advanced riders, and for equestrian fans of all ages, this book will guide you through every stage of the riding process from the first time in the saddle to advanced riding skills. Featuring all of the latest techniques and equipment, this comprehensive and fully updated edition covers everything you need to know about basic horse training, dressage training, and mental and physical preparation - for both horse and rider - as well as how to find and develop your ultimate horse. Dive deeper into this brilliant book about horses: - llustrated in full colour throughout, with specially commissioned photographic sequences and artworks that show every riding technique with unparalleled clarity.- Includes detailed, updated sections on dressage, showjumping, cross country, and young horse training as well as how to find and develop your ultimate horse.- Combines a practical approach to technique - including illustrated troubleshooting sections - with a deep understanding, and invaluable analysis, of horse behaviour.- Presents standard riding methods in a fresh and imaginative way with overlapping "action" photo sequences.- Explains the symbiotic relationship between horse and rider that is at the heart of all successful riding.Presented in spectacular visual detail, it is the ultimate guide to perfecting your equestrian skills. Featuring tips from internationally renowned horse trainer William Micklem, Complete Horse Riding Manual is a truly thoroughbred guide that is a must-have for any horse lover.