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JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Verantwortlichkeit in komplexen Daten-Ökosystemen: Versuch einer Weiterentwicklung des Datenschutzes im Kontext der verteilten Verarbeitungsrealität
Bei der Nutzung von Apps oder dem Besuch von Websites sind immer mehr Akteure daran beteiligt, personenbezogene Daten zu vielfältigen Zwecken zu verarbeiten. Oftmals sind sie für Betroffene nicht sichtbar, in ihrem Handeln kaum kontrollierbar. Gleichzeitig stellen mächtige Plattformen meist die Infrastruktur für Verarbeitungen. Diese Entwicklung stellt die Angemessenheit des privaten Datenschutzrechts und seiner Zuschreibung von Verantwortlichkeit auf die Probe. In diesem Spannungsfeld nutzt Florian Wittner interdisziplinäre Erkenntnisse, um die wichtigsten Akteursrollen und ihre Kontroll- und Einflusssphären aufzuzeigen und mit dem Verantwortlichkeitskonzept der DSGVO unter Berücksichtigung der EuGH-Entscheidungen Wirtschaftsakademie und Fashion ID abzugleichen. So werden Defizite aufgezeigt und Vorschläge für eine Weiterentwicklung des Regulierungskonzepts der DSGVO auf Basis einer neuartigen datenschutzrechtlichen Plattformverantwortlichkeit gemacht.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Transformative Strafrechtskritik: Überlegungen im Anschluss an Nietzsches Vision einer neuen Gerechtigkeit
Soziale Bewegungen des Abolitionismus und der Transformativen Gerechtigkeit fordern einen neuen Umgang mit sozialer Devianz und Gewalt jenseits von gegenwärtigen Trends der Strafverschärfung und Abschreckung. Als einer der wortgewandtesten und scharfsinnigsten Analytiker von strafrechtlicher Punitivität gilt Friedrich Nietzsche. Er kritisiert die Strafe als sublimierten Gewalttrieb, als Unterwerfungsgestus und als Mechanismus der Entfremdung von der Gesellschaft. Nietzsche nimmt hiermit viele Argumente der modernen Strafrechtskritik des 20. Jahrhunderts vorweg. In diesem Essay zeigt Franziska Dübgen die Aktualität seiner Argumente und untersucht Ansatzpunkte eines alternativen Umgangs mit Verbrechen bei Nietzsche. Im Dialog mit feministischen und race-kritischen Ansätzen eruiert die Autorin das Potential eines machtkritischen Ansatzes in der Rechtsphilosophie und skizziert eine Gerechtigkeitskonzeption, die nicht länger auf Vergeltung basiert.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gottes Geist: Die biblische Rede vom Geist im Kontext der antiken Welt
Dem Heiligen Geist kommt in den traditionellen Kirchen und Theologien eher eine Statistenrolle zu. Dagegen nimmt er in den pentekostalen und neopentekostalen Bewegungen und den von dort bis tief in die traditionellen Konfessionen hineinwirkenden charismatischen Neuaufbrüchen des Globalen Südens, wo das Christentum im Gegensatz zu unseren Breiten in stetigem Wachstum begriffen ist, die Rolle eines Hauptdarstellers ein. Dieser Spannung stellt sich die vorliegende Studie Reinhard Feldmeiers in der Form einer Exegese, welche die biblischen Zeugnisse im Kontext der Religions- und Geistesgeschichte der griechisch-römischen Antike auslegt und dabei sowohl die elementare Bedeutung des Geistes für das Frühchristentum wie auch die damit verbundene Notwendigkeit einer Unterscheidung der Geister aufzeigt. So will der Autor der Geistvergessenheit der Kirchen der Nordhalbkugel wie der Geistversessenheit mancher Kirchen des Globalen Südens den kritischen Spiegel des biblischen Zeugnisses vorhalten und Impulse zu weiterem theologischen Nachdenken geben.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der wettbewerbsrechtliche Schutz von Investitionen vor Marktversagen: Eine rechtsvergleichende und rechtsökonomische Untersuchung zum unmittelbaren Leistungsschutz im US-amerikanischen und deutschen Recht
Die Entwicklung der Medien- und Informationsgüterindustrie hat wiederholt neuartige Immaterialgüter und Verwertungsformen hervorgebracht. Der Verlust der physischen oder technologischen Herrschaft über unkörperliche Güter warf dabei stets die Frage nach rechtlicher Schutzgewährung auf, wie sich gegenwärtig in der Diskussion um das deutsche und das prospektive europäische Verlegerleistungsschutzrecht zeigt. Benedikt Flöter untersucht mittels rechtsvergleichender und rechtsökonomischer Methoden die Schutzbegründungen für Immaterialgüter im deutschen und US-amerikanischen Wettbewerbsrecht. Auf Grundlage der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wird ein wettbewerbsrechtlicher Investitionsschutztatbestand entwickelt, der unter strengen Anforderungen im Vorfeld des legislativen Tätigwerdens neuartigen Immaterialgütern Schutz vor drohendem Marktversagen gewähren könnte, ohne das bestehende Anreizsystem des Immaterialgüterrechts zu unterlaufen.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Science in Qumran Aramaic Texts
Qumran Aramaic texts were not written on the spot. Dated to various times, they represent fragments of biblical books, works related to biblical traditions, and several texts citing biblical passages. The texts contain a number of Mesopotamian elements. By the 7th century BC Mesopotamia had become bilingual, and Aramaic became the mediating language that conveyed cuneiform literature and science to foreign groups living in Mesopotamia and abroad. In the present volume, science is understood as human knowledge about the natural and human world that had been described, systematized, and transmitted. Thus, traditional fields of science are expanded by astrology, magical healing, and others. The contributors show that Qumran Aramaic texts reflect the incorporation and adaptation of Mesopotamian science into the culture of Jewish diaspora communities. They express a new scientific worldview created by these groups as well as their self-definition, and show a new face to the community that preserved them.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Galilee and Gospel: Collected Essays
This collection of essays brings together a number of studies of Galilee in Hellenistic and Roman times. Sean Freyne evaluates the important archaeological work in the Galilee and brings this evidence into a critical dialogue with the literary evidence. The emerging profile of the social and religious world of Galilee has proved highly influential in discussions about the historical Jesus, especially in relation to the matrix of Early Christianity. Several individual studies demonstrate how the reconstructed social world, viewed as text, offers the possibility of new readings of familiar gospel texts.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Altägyptische Amulette und ihre Handhabung
Obgleich es aus dem alten Ägypten sowohl zahlreiche erhaltene Amulette als auch Texte mit Hinweisen für ihre Anwendung gibt, fehlt bislang eine angemessene übergreifende Untersuchung dazu. Joachim Friedrich Quack bietet eine detaillierte Behandlung dieser Artefakte und (Meta)texte von der Vorgeschichte (4. Jtsd. v. Chr.) bis in die römische Kaiserzeit (ca. 3.-4. Jhd. n. Chr.). Die Darstellung erfolgt einerseits chronologisch, andererseits thematisch, indem zusammengehörige Sachgruppen übergreifend vorgestellt werden. Bei der Behandlung der Amulette wird ein besonderes Gewicht auf archäologisch gut dokumentierte Gräberfelder gelegt, um chronologische Entwicklungen besser zu fassen. Dadurch kann z.B. eine sehr diesseitsorientierte Amulettausstattung der Dritten Zwischenzeit klar von einer am Vorbild des Osiris orientierten, spezifisch funerären ab der 26. Dynastie differenziert werden.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Dokumente zur Geschichte des deutschen Zionismus 1933-1941
Dieser Band enthält die wichtigsten Quellen zur Geschichte des deutschen Zionismus und zur Arbeit der zionistischen Bewegung im Zeitraum zwischen Hitlers Machtergreifung im Jahr 1933 und dem Jahr 1941, das mit dem Beschluss der "Endlösung der Judenfrage" die finale Verschärfung der nationalsozialistischen Judenverfolgung markiert. Die Dokumente spiegeln die Entwicklung der judenfeindlichen Politik des NS-Regimes und die zunehmenden Schwierigkeiten der Juden und ihrer Gemeinden, der Verfolgung zu entfliehen. Zugleich offenbaren die Textquellen die wachsende Bedeutung des Zionismus für die Reaktion der deutschen Juden auf ihre nationalsozialistische Umgebung.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Evolution des logischen Raumes: Aufsätze zu Hegels Nichtstandard-Metaphysik
Der Schwerpunkt dieses Werkes, einer Aufsatzsammlung, liegt auf der theoretischen Philosophie Hegels, einerseits auf der Methode und den Anfangskapiteln der Phänomenologie des Geistes, andererseits auf der Wissenschaft der Logik. Anton Friedrich Kochs Hauptanliegen ist es zu zeigen, daß Hegel im Einvernehmen mit der Skepsis, d. h. ohne metaphysische Prämissen philosophiert. Insbesondere wird die Wissenschaft der Logik als der Versuch einer voraussetzungslosen Theorie präsentiert und auf dieser Basis in ihren zentralen Lehren rational rekonstruiert. Wenn man unter dem logischen Raum die Gesamtheit dessen versteht, was der Fall sein und gedacht werden kann, wird man die Metaphysik als die Theorie des logischen Raumes betrachten dürfen. Das Alleinstellungsmerkmal der Hegelschen Logik ist es nun, daß sie den logischen Raum nicht als unwandelbare Gegebenheit, sondern als einen prätemporalen, logischen Prozeß faßt, in dessen Verlauf die begrifflichen Kernbestimmungen aller möglichen metaphysischen Theorien ihre Auftritte haben, sich dabei als inkohärent erweisen und jeweils von Nachfolgerbestimmungen abgelöst werden, die ebenfalls inkohärent sind. Am Ende bleibt keine siegreiche Einzelbestimmung als Kern einer neuen Standard-Metaphysik übrig, sondern eine methodische Reflexion auf den logischen Prozeß insgesamt. So ist Hegels Logik als Evolutionstheorie des logischen Raumes zugleich eine Kritik jeder möglichen Standard-Metaphysik, versteht sich aber selbst noch als streng theoretische, nicht-hermeneutische Wissenschaft und insofern noch als Metaphysik, wenn auch als Nichtstandard-Metaphysik.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Belial und Katechon: Eine Untersuchung zu 2Thess 2,1-12 und 1Thess 4,13-5,11
Zwei Fragen bilden den Kern der vorliegenden traditionsgeschichtlichen Untersuchung über die eschatologischen Vorstellungen in den beiden Thessalonicherbriefen (1Thess 4,13-5,11 und 2Thess 2,1-12): die traditionsgeschichtliche Herkunft der Bezeichnung 'der Mensch der Gesetzlosigkeit' (2Thess 2,3) / ''der Gesetzlose' (2Thess 2,8) und die Frage nach urchristlichen Überlieferungen, die den eschatologischen Vorstellungen aus beiden Thessalonicherbriefen nahe stehen könnten.In Bezug auf die traditionsgeschichtliche Herkunft des 'Menschen der Gesetzlosigkeit' zeigt Fritz W. Röcker, dass der Begriff 'Belial' mit 'Gesetzlosigkeit''/ 'Gesetzloser' wiedergegeben wurde. Belial bezeichnet im Alten Testament, in 'Qumran', den atl. Pseudepigraphen und im Neuen Testament stets Sachverhalte oder Personen, die gegen Gottes Gesetz oder gegen Gott gerichtet sind. Zudem ist der Begriff nahezu überall mythisch konnotiert. Als nächstliegende urchristliche Überlieferung, die den eschatologischen Vorstellungen aus den Thessalonicherbriefen zugrunde liegen könnte, hat sich die Überlieferung, die in Mt 24 aufgenommen ist, herauskristallisieren lassen. Aufgrund der Nähe, die diese Texte zueinander aufweisen, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass der 2Thess den 1Thess mit seinen Ausführungen auf dem Hintergrund einer Überlieferung, wie sie auch Mt 24 vorgelegen hatte, ergänzen bzw. fortsetzen will. Die Naherwartung der Parusie im 1Thess und die Vorstellung von der Verzögerung derselben im 2Thess werden jeweils als Reaktionen verstanden, die auf unterschiedliche Fragen in der Gemeinde von Thessaloniki zurückzuführen sind. Der/das Katechon dürfte am ehesten mit dem Verkündiger des Evangeliums / dem Evangelium zu identifizieren sein.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Identity of God's People and the Paradox of Hebrews
Does the letter to the Hebrews confirm traditional notions of Jewish identity, does it articulate a fresh notion of Christian identity, or is neither of these alternatives adequate? Taking the motif of the "people of God" in Hebrews as his starting point, Ole Jakob Filtvedt explores these questions, and argues that the answer must be related to a paradoxical tension between newness and continuity in Hebrews. Prior attempts to read Hebrews within a supersessionist paradigm are critiqued, but so are more recent interpretations that see Hebrews as confirming a "radical new perspective" on Christian origins.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Nutzungskonflikte im Luftraum
Am Himmel wird es immer enger. Der Luftraum mag zunächst grenzenlos erscheinen, lässt jedoch als knappes Gut nur eine endliche Zahl gleichzeitiger Nutzungen zu. Nutzungskonflikte sind - auch mit Blick auf die stetig wachsende Bedeutung der unbemannten Luftfahrt - vorprogrammiert. Hans Flemming Maltzahn untersucht Möglichkeiten zu ihrer luftrechtlichen Bewältigung. Er weist nach, dass Nutzungskonflikte im einheitlichen europäischen Luftraum (Single European Sky) ein nicht nur tatsächliches, sondern auch ein rechtliches Problem darstellen. Er beantwortet die Frage, wie das einfache Recht Nutzungskonflikte um Luftraumressourcen de legelata und de lege ferenda löst. Ist die heutige Luftraumordnung Verteilungsordnung? Erkenntnisse liefert Hans Flemming Maltzahn schließlich zu gegenwärtigen und künftig denkbaren rechtlichen Strukturen und Instrumenten für Kapazitätssteigerungen.
HarperCollins Focus The FirstTime Manager HR
The must-have resource for HR managers who want to lessen the learning curve, succeed in their role, and set themselves up for future growth.The world of work continues to grow more complex with hybrid work, a shortage of talent, and a mandate for more inclusive environments where employees can do their very best work every day with peace of mind. These changes have created many exciting opportunities but also carry big risks for HR managers on the front lines in organizations in transition.Bestselling author and Human Resources expert Paul Falcone breaks down the landscape for new managers to quickly get up to speed covering recruitment, employee relations, compensation and benefits, “HR Defense” legal and compliance strategies to keep your organization safe, as well as “HR Offense” strategies to help drive organizational strategy and performance. This one-of-a-kind guide will:Round out your exposure to the full gam
Taylor & Francis Ltd Broadcasting the Blues: Black Blues in the Segregation Era
Broadcasting the Blues: Black Blues in the Segregation Era is based on Paul Oliver's award-winning radio broadcasts from the BBC that were created over several decades. It traces the social history of the blues in America, from its birth in the rural South through the heyday of sound recordings. Noted blues scholar Paul Oliver draws on decades of research and personal interviews with performers--some of whom he "discovered" and recorded for the first time--to draw a picture of how the blues aesthetic developed, giving new insights into the role blues played in American society before racial integration.The book begins by outlining the history of the blues from African music through country stomps, ragtime songs, and field hollers. From the heroic figures of black folksong--including the steel-driving railroad worker John Henry and the destructive Boll Weevil--to the content of the emerging blues, the author discusses the "meaning" behind the often coded words of the blues, evoking topics such as playful sexuality, magic and medicine, the stresses of segregation, and commentary on national events. Finally, the author traces the history of blues documentation, showing how our views of the early blues have been shaped through a complex interplay of social forces, and indicating possible lines for future research.
Faber & Faber Golden Child: Winner of the Desmond Elliot Prize 2019
A TIMES AND EVENING STANDARD BOOK OF THE YEARWINNER OF THE DESMOND ELLIOTT PRIZE 2019WINNER OF THE AUTHORS' CLUB FIRST NOVEL AWARDWINNER OF THE MCKITTERICK PRIZE 2020ONE OF THE BBC'S '100 NOVELS THAT SHAPED OUR WORLD'LONGLISTED FOR THE JHALAK PRIZE AND THE EDINBURGH FESTIVAL FIRST BOOK AWARDWINNER OF BARNES & NOBLE'S 2019 DISCOVER NEW WRITERS PRIZE'So hard to put down.' Daily Mail'Startling . . . Remarkable.' Economist'Right away I was utterly absorbed.' Sarah Jessica ParkerOne father. Two sons. An impossible choice.When thirteen-year-old Paul doesn't return home one afternoon, even his twin brother, Peter, doesn't know where he is. So their father, Clyde, must set out into the dark Trinidadian bush with a torch, to search for him on foot. And when the reasons for Paul's disappearance become clear, Clyde will be faced with a terrible decision. How does a father choose between his children? How does he weigh up what each one is worth? Which one is the golden child?
Rowman & Littlefield The Freach and Keen Murders: The True Story of the Crime That Shocked and Changed a Community Forever
In November 1973, William J. Wright, a former patient and trustee of the Farview State Hospital for the Criminally Insane, brutally murdered two teenage boys, Edmund Keen and Paul Freach, in Lackawanna County, a region that took great pride in not only its history, but its reputation as a friendly, family-oriented, safe place to live. It was a place where families could leave their doors unlocked, and be confident about allowing their children to play and explore outdoors. Yet all that would change in an instant. The brutal murders of these two boys forever altered the way people thought of this region and the safe neighborhoods they had come to take for granted. Kathleen P. Munley and Paul R. Mazzoni tell a story of unbelief, anger, and fear, but also courage and fortitude. They delve deep into the Commonwealth v. William J. Wright trial, looking inside the investigation, the trial, and how the public was impacted by this unthinkable crime. In captivating detail, the authors weave together the events of this devastating crime and remind us that, even in the pleasant light of day, evil can and does exist, and one must always be on guard.
Faber Music Ltd More Graded Studies for Flute Book Two
More Graded Studies for Flute Book Two, by Sally Adams and Paul Harris, brings together saxophone study repertoire spanning the entire spectrum of technique from the 19th Century onward, and provides a firm foundation for progress. Featuring core studies alongside specially composed pieces by Paul Harris, this comprehensive collection applies the Simultaneous Learning approach to instrumental technique. Book Two takes the student from Intermediate to Advanced level (approx. Grades 6–8). The studies are arranged in order of increasing difficulty according to a carefully planned technical progression, and each study comes with a list of Simultaneous Learning musical ingredients for players to explore in preparation for the music. **ABRSM selected piece (Flute 2018-2021): Sea Echo **ABRSM selected piece (Flute 2018-2021): Study in D minor **ABRSM selected piece (Flute 2018-2021): Presto ‘humoroso’ **ABRSM selected piece (Flute 2018-2021): Theme and Variation
World Wisdom Books The Man Who Dreamed of Elk Dogs: & Other Stories from Tipi
In this beautifully illustrated book by award-winning author Paul Goble, readers can discover the fascinating story of how horses first appeared to the tribes of the American Plains. In his final collection of “stories from the tipi,” Goble features a collection of 23 traditional stories from the Blackfoot, Lakota, Assiniboin, Pawnee, and Cheyenne nations. This book features a foreword by Lauren “Candy” Waukau-Villagomez, an educator and author of works on the oral traditions and storytelling of the North American tribes.
Faber Music Ltd More Graded Studies for Saxophone Book One
More Graded Studies for Saxophone Book One, by Paul Harris, brings together saxophone study repertoire spanning the entire spectrum of technique from the 19th Century onward, and provides a firm foundation for progress. Featuring core studies alongside specially composed pieces by Paul Harris, this comprehensive collection apply the Simultaneous Learning approach to instrumental technique. Book One begins at Elementary level and progresses to Intermediate (approx. Grades 1–5).The studies are arranged in order of increasing difficulty according to a carefully planned technical progression, and each study comes with a list of Simultaneous Learning musical ingredients for players to explore in preparation for the music.
Liverpool University Press First and Last Editions: England's Second-Hand Bookshops
This book, which is a mixture of fact, anecdote and quotation, describes the author's meandering exploration of some of the best of England's provincial second-hand bookshops, from Newcastle-upon-Tyne to the Isles of Scilly. Judged by the contents of the author's bookshelves, he has a strong but highly selective interest in sport, with rugby union, cricket and bowls foremost, and the odd place allowed to football and golf. There are biographies and autobiographies from Bernard Shaw to Alan Ross; a dozen volumes by W. H. Hudson, greatest of naturalists; travels with Henry James and Paul Theroux and Edwin Muir; books on cinema Westerns; essays by Ford Madox Ford and Edward Thomas; a novel or two; and a little poetry. The bulk of these books are dependent, to a greater or lesser extent, on fact, suggesting, correctly, that their owner is a journalist.
Chipstone Foundation Ceramics in America 2012 Ceramics in America Annual
Now in its twelfth year of publication, Ceramics in America is considered the journal of record for historical ceramic scholarship in the American context.A partial list of articles coming in the 2012 edition: "History of Baltimore Porcelain" Barbara And Ken Beem"Stone-Ware of Excellent Quality, Alexandria Manufacture" Part I: The Pottery of John Swann Barbara H. Magid"Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Japanese Domestic Wares from British Columbia" Douglas E. Ross"The Stoneware of Early Albany: A Mystery Solved" Warren F. Hartmann "Paul Cushman: The Premier Albany Potter and His Fascinating Stoneware" Paul Cushman "Ceramics from the 1813 Prize Brig Ann Auction, Salem, Massachusetts" George L. Miller"Ceramics from the Tortugas Shipwreck: A Spanish Navio of the 1622 Tierra Firme Fleet" Sean Kingsley, Ellen Gerth, and Michael HughesPlus New Discoveries and six new book reviews.
Faber Music Ltd More Graded Studies for Saxophone Book Two
More Graded Studies for Saxophone Book Two by Paul Harris brings together saxophone study repertoire spanning the entire spectrum of technique from the 19th Century onward and provides a firm foundation for progress. Featuring core studies alongside specially composed pieces by Paul Harris, this comprehensive collection applies the Simultaneous Learning approach to instrumental technique. Book Two takes the student from Intermediate to Advanced level (approx. Grades 6–8). The studies are arranged in order of increasing difficulty according to a carefully planned technical progression, and each study comes with a list of Simultaneous Learning musical ingredients for players to explore in preparation for the music.
Faber & Faber Why Brownlee Left
Why Brownlee Left, a Poetry Book Society Choice and winner of the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, confirmed Paul Muldoon's reputation as the most inventive voice of his generation when it was first published in 1980. The key figure in the poet's third collection is the enigmatic Brownlee; strong-willed and wayward, past shaky, future hazy, present whereabouts uncertain. There are many new departures here, but Why Brownlee Left also explores with increasing authority themes already apparent in New Weather (1973) and Mules (1977). It culminates in a retelling of 'Immram Mael Duin', a strange voyage of self-discovery by the poet's legendary ancestor.
Faber Music Ltd More Graded Studies for Clarinet Book Two
More Graded Studies for Clarinet Book Two, by Paul Harris, brings together saxophone study repertoire spanning the entire spectrum of technique from the 19th Century onward, and provides a firm foundation for progress. Featuring core studies alongside specially composed pieces by Paul Harris, this comprehensive collection applies the Simultaneous Learning approach to instrumental technique. Book Two takes the student from Intermediate to Advanced level (approx. Grades 6–8). The studies are arranged in order of increasing difficulty according to a carefully planned technical progression, and each study comes with a list of Simultaneous Learning musical ingredients for players to explore in preparation for the music.
Flame Tree Publishing Music of the Night: from the Crime Writers’ Association
Music of the Night is a new anthology of original short stories contributed by Crime Writers' Association (CWA) members and edited by Martin Edwards, with music as the connecting theme. The aim, as always, is to produce a book which is representative both of the genre and the membership of the world’s premier crime writing association. The CWA has published anthologies of members’ stories in most years since 1956, with Martin Edwards as editor for over 25 years, during which time the anthologies have yielded many award-winning and nominated stories by writers such as Ian Rankin, Reginald Hill, Lawrence Block, and Edward D. Hoch. Stories by long-standing authors and stellar names sit alongside contributions from relative newcomers, authors from overseas, and members whose work haven’t appeared in a CWA anthology before. Contents List: Abi Silver – Be Prepared Alison Joseph – A Sharp Thorn Andrew Taylor – Wrong Notes Antony M. Brown – The Melody of Murder Art Taylor – Love Me or Leave Me Brian Price – The Scent of an Ending Cath Staincliffe – Mix Tape C. Aird – The Last Green Bottle Chris Simms – Taxi Christine Poulson – Some Other Dracula David Stuart Davies – Violin – CE Dea Parkin – The Sound and the Fury Jason Monaghan – A Vulture Sang in Berkeley Square Kate Ellis – Not a Note L.C. Tyler – His Greatest Hit Leo McNeir – Requiem Martin Edwards – The Crazy Cries of Love Maxim Jakubowski – Waiting for Cornelia Neil Daws – The Watch Room Paul Charles – The Ghosts of Peace Paul Gitsham – No More ‘I Love You’s’ Peter Lovesey – And the Band Played On Ragnar Jónasson – 4x3 Shawn Reilly Simmons – A Death in Four Parts Vaseem Khan – Bombay Blues FLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction & fantasy, and crime / mystery / thriller categories. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices. Learn more about Flame Tree Press at and connect on social media @FlameTreePress
Stanford University Press Copyright's Highway: From the Printing Press to the Cloud, Second Edition
In Copyright's Highway, one of the nation's leading authorities on intellectual property law offers an engaging, readable, and intelligent analysis of the effect of copyright on American politics, economy, and culture. From eighteenth-century copyright law, to the "celestial jukebox," to the future of copyright issues in the digital age, Paul Goldstein presents a thorough examination of the challenges facing copyright owners and users. In this fully updated second edition, the author expands the discussion to cover the latest developments and shifts in copyright law for a new audience of scholars and students. This expanded edition introduces readers to present and future debates regarding copyright law and policy, including a new chapter on the technological shift in emphasis from producer to consumer and the legal shift from exclusive rights to exceptions and limitations to those rights. From Gutenberg to Google Books, Copyright's Highway, Second Edition, offers a concise, essential resource for the internet generation.
Vehicule Press The Veiled Sun: From Auschwitz to New Beginnings
A Holocaust memoir from Paul Schaffer, who survived Auschwitz to become a successful industrialist, honored by the country of FranceBy the age of 14, Paul Shaffer had received a comprehensive education in Vienna. He spent his teenage years, first on the run from the Nazis in Belgium and France, and then in Auschwitz from 1942 to 1945, and survived to become a successful industrialist who was honored by the government of France. The carefully chosen vignettes and descriptions in this Holocaust memoir provide insights into a middle-class Jewish childhood in prewar Vienna, attitudes to Jewish refugees in Vichy France, arrest and detention in France, survival in Auschwitz, and the return to postwar France to face the challenges of reintegration into French society. With photos of the author in the Siemens factory where he worked as an inmate, this emotional memoir is an attempt to comprehend those events and examine the range of human behavior he himself witnessed. Shaffer’s account was written with students in mind, and consequently deliberately omits detailed descriptions of the most horrifying aspects of life as a concentration camp inmate.
Peeters Publishers Divinising Experience: Essays in the History of Religious Experience from Origen to Ricoeur
There is hardly a category more prominent in modern and postmodern reflection on religion than that of religious experience. In "Divinising Experience", scholars gathered in the Research Group 'Theology in a Postmodern Context' (K.U.Leuven), have sought to investigate from quite different perspectives the theological approaches of twelve key authors in the history of religious experience. Organised chronologically, they present studies on Origen, St Augustine, St Thomas Aquinas, St Ignatius of Loyola, Friedrich Schleiermacher, William James, Wolfhard Pannenberg, Paul Tillich, John Henry Newman, Edward Schillebeeckx, Hans Urs von Balthasar and Paul Ricoeur. Not surprisingly, each of the investigations in itself suggests a different approach to and an analysis of 'experience' as a category. This volume therefore presents almost a 'double movement' on the one hand as enquiries into specific thinkers, and on the other to discover who we are as readers, when we take up the category of religious experience as a reading key. In their own way, the twelve essays of "Divinising Experience" provide a kind of introductory reader in the question of religious experience.
Penguin Books Ltd The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties
*FEATURED IN BILL GATES'S 2019 SUMMER READING RECOMMENDATIONS* 'This is a beautifully written and important book. Read it' Martin Wolf, Financial TimesFrom world-renowned economist Paul Collier, a candid diagnosis of the failures of capitalism and a pragmatic and realistic vision for how we can repair itDeep new rifts are tearing apart the fabric of Britain and other Western societies: thriving cities versus the provinces, the highly skilled elite versus the less educated, wealthy versus developing countries. As these divides deepen, we have lost the sense of ethical obligation to others that was crucial to the rise of post-war social democracy. So far these rifts have been answered only by the revivalist ideologies of populism and socialism, leading to the seismic upheavals of Trump, Brexit and the return of the far right in Germany. We have heard many critiques of capitalism but no one has laid out a realistic way to fix it, until now. In a passionate and polemical book, celebrated economist Paul Collier outlines brilliantly original and ethical ways of healing these rifts - economic, social and cultural - with the cool head of pragmatism, rather than the fervour of ideological revivalism. He reveals how he has personally lived across these three divides, moving from working-class Sheffield to hyper-competitive Oxford, and working between Britain and Africa, and acknowledges some of the failings of his profession. Drawing on his own solutions as well as ideas from some of the world's most distinguished social scientists, he shows us how to save capitalism from itself - and free ourselves from the intellectual baggage of the 20th century.These times are in desperate need of Paul Collier's insights. The Future of Capitalism restores common sense to our views of morality, as it also describes their critical role in what makes families, organizations, and nations work. It is the most revolutionary work of social science since Keynes. Let's hope it will also be the most influential - George Akerlof, Nobel Laureate in Economics, 2001 In this bold work of intellectual trespass, Paul Collier, a distinguished economist, ventures onto the terrain of ethics to explain what's gone wrong with capitalism, and how to fix it. To heal the divide between metropolitan elites and the left-behind, he argues, we need to rediscover an ethic of belonging, patriotism, and reciprocity. Offering inventive solutions to our current impasse, Collier shows how economics at its best is inseparable from moral and political philosophy' - Michael Sandel, author of What Money Can't Buy and JusticeFor thirty years, the centre left of politics has been searching for a narrative that makes sense of the market economy. This book provides it - John Kay, Fellow of St John's College, Oxford and the author of Obliquity and Other People's Money For well-to-do metropolitans, capitalism is the gift that goes on giving. For others, capitalism is not working. Paul Collier deploys passion, pragmatism and good economics in equal measure to chart an alternative to the divisions tearing apart so many western countries. -Mervyn King, former Governor of the Bank of England
SPCK Publishing A Month with St Francis
Spend a month in the company of St Francis, with sixty-two reflections to enrich your mornings and evenings. ‘[Francis received] the unhealed everlasting wounds that heal the world.’ - G. K. Chesterton, St. Francis of Assisi Praise for the A Month with series: ‘This series helps us to be properly nurtured by the living, radical Christian tradition of faith.’ - Mark Oakley, author and Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral, London St Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Franciscan Order, lived in early thirteenth-century Italy and is known as the patron saint of animals.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc No Map, Great Trip: A Young Writer’s Road to Page One
Newbery Medalist Paul Fleischman reflects on his childhood with his award-winning father, Sid Fleischman, and details his own path to becoming a writer in this memorable book that is part memoir, part travelogue, and part reflection on craft and creativity.No Map, Great Trip is an excellent choice for aspiring authors, language arts classrooms, and fans of Gail Carson Levine’s Writing Magic. Acclaimed author Paul Fleischman considers how growing up with a father who was an award-winning author helped to shape and inspire his own career. Paul and Sid Fleischman are the only father-son Newbery Medalists in history, and life in the Fleischman home was extraordinary. Readers will feel like part of the family in this humorous and aspirational chronicle. Paul Fleischman is the author of the Newbery Award-winning Joyful Noise and the classroom classic Seedfolks, as well as many other acclaimed and beloved titles. His books are taught and performed in classrooms across the country.Part memoir, part travelogue (young Paul travels from California to New Hampshire by himself), part writing book, and part reflection on art and creativity, this inspirational book includes black-and-white photographs, as well as writing tips and prompts just right for budding authors. No Map, Great Trip is a great gift for young writers, language arts teachers, and fans of Jack Prelutsky’s Pizza, Pigs, and Poetry and Ralph Fletcher’s A Writer’s Notebook.
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of France
From the construction of Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower to the Fall of the Bastille and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen to Napoléon Bonaparte's defeat at Waterloo to Albert Camus' L'Etranger and the existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre, France has been a part of some of the greatest and most memorable events in human history. Author Gino Raymond relates the history of these events in the second edition of the Historical Dictionary of France. Through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on kings, politicians, authors, architects, composers, artists, and philosophers, a thorough history of France is presented.
Faber Music Ltd Selected Solos for Tenor Saxophone: Grades 4-6
Selected Solos for Tenor Saxophone for soprano/tenor saxophone contains pieces for the Grade 4-6 level player. With works by composers such as Bizet and Vivaldi standing aside the ever-popular Pam Wedgwood and Paul Harris, players are sure to find this music both stimulating and appealing.
Stanford University Press Copyright's Highway: From the Printing Press to the Cloud, Second Edition
In Copyright's Highway, one of the nation's leading authorities on intellectual property law offers an engaging, readable, and intelligent analysis of the effect of copyright on American politics, economy, and culture. From eighteenth-century copyright law, to the "celestial jukebox," to the future of copyright issues in the digital age, Paul Goldstein presents a thorough examination of the challenges facing copyright owners and users. In this fully updated second edition, the author expands the discussion to cover the latest developments and shifts in copyright law for a new audience of scholars and students. This expanded edition introduces readers to present and future debates regarding copyright law and policy, including a new chapter on the technological shift in emphasis from producer to consumer and the legal shift from exclusive rights to exceptions and limitations to those rights. From Gutenberg to Google Books, Copyright's Highway, Second Edition, offers a concise, essential resource for the internet generation.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Why Should I Trust the Bible?
The Bible is a cobbled–together selection of ancient writings that have been changed so many times by so many people over hundreds of years that surely the text can no longer be trusted – right? Certainly, there are plenty of people who take this view. Timothy Paul Jones here addresses the fact that the Bible is a difficult book to believe. It is full of incidents that seem highly improbable, if not impossible. Written for people who are sceptical of its accuracy, and of its authority, this book takes a reasonable look at the claims made about the Bible.
Fonthill Media Ltd Changing Jarrow
A nostalgic tour of Jarrow illustrated by old photographs of the town, selected from the author's quite unique and extensive collection. The images, many of which have never been published before, feature street scenes, notable buildings, social history, industry, events and transport. Jarrow was renowned as a town built on shipbuilding and steel working, courtesy of the Palmer shipbuilding empire, who reigned supreme supplying the world's fleet with more than 1000 vessels until its demise in 1933. It was this abrupt closure of the world famous shipyard which instigated the infamous 'Jarrow Crusade'. The fascination eight picture postcards which were given to Paul Perry in 1966 were the beginning of a journey, a journey which has lasted close to fifty years. The postcards were to form the backbone of the author's extensive collection and have multiplied into many thousands of images, some of which he share's with you within the pages of this publication.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Class-Book of New Testament History
A Class-Book of New Testament History forms a sequel to the author's Class-Book of Old Testament History, continuing the narrative from the point at which it ends, and carrying it on to the close of St Paul's second imprisonment at Rome.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Project Finance: Applications and Insights to Emerging Markets Infrastructure
Tackle infrastructure development projects in emerging markets with confidence In Project Finance: Applications and Insights to Emerging Markets Infrastructure, distinguished professor and author Paul Clifford insightfully applies the fundamental principles of project finance structuring to infrastructure investments in emerging markets. Using leading emerging market case studies to illuminate the underlying themes of the book, the author provides a practitioner’s perspective and incisive analysis of concepts crucial to a complete understanding of project finance in emerging markets, including: · Risk management · ESG and impact investing · The emergence of new global multilateral development banks · China’s Belt and Road Initiative Project Finance bridges the gap between theoretical infrastructure development, investment, and finance and the implementation of that theory with instructive and applicable case studies. Throughout, the author relies on a grounded and quantitative approach, combining the principles of corporate finance with straightforward explanations of underlying technologies, frameworks, and national policies. This book is an invaluable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in finance, as well as professionals who are expected to deal with project and infrastructure finance in emerging markets.
Fox Chapel Publishing Little Book of Wooden Bowls: Wood-Turned Bowls Crafted by Master Artists from Around the World
This craftsman's companion celebrates the woodturners and innovative artists from around the world who have taken bowl-making to a higher level of aesthetic form. Little Book of Wooden Bowls features 31 of today's finest woodworkers and artisans--such as Virginia Dodson, Binh Pho, Harvey Fein, Paul Fennell, and Marilyn Campbell--who share their personal motivations, thought processes, and the studio techniques they employ to bring out the breathtaking beauty of wood. Each artist's profile includes full-color, studio-quality photographs of their most spectacular work, including vessels, bowls, platters, and more, along with insights on their design ideas and objectives. Curated by prominent wood art authorities Kevin Wallace and Terry Martin, this book is sure to become a treasure in every woodworking library.
Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art The Dominion of Flowers
How a wave of exotic botanical imports from across Britain's empire shaped its gardens.
Christian Focus Publications Ltd Galatians: A Mentor Commentary
While Dr. McWilliams' exposition of Galatians keeps in mind the various mischaracterizations of Paul's epistle that have become dominant, his purpose is not primarily polemical. The author sees Paul's paramount concern to be acceptance with God through the work of Christ. McWilliams affirms: "everywhere in every way Paul's concern is with the gospel; he is concerned with the personal salvation of sinners." Written principally, though not exclusively as an aid to preachers, Galatians is an exposition that is scholarly yet readable, combining the rare qualities of depth and brevity. Galatians is sent out to the reading public with the prayer that it might be used of God to extend the gospel of Jesus Christ and the truth of justifying righteousness through the proclamation of free grace to sinners who need the message of salvation through Christ alone!Mentor commentaries combine a high view of scripture with access to the latest academic theological research. This unique combination allows the reader to see what recent scholarly research has discovered without losing sight of the inerrancy of scripture.
Penguin Books Ltd Figures in a Landscape: People and Places
A rich feast of travel writing, literary essays and fascinating interviews from Sunday Times bestselling travel author Paul Theroux'Wonderful... Evidence of both the breadth of Theroux's interests and his skill in bringing them to life' Sunday Times Culture Drawing together a fascinating body of writing from over 14 years of work, Figures in a Landscape ranges from profiles of cultural icons (Oliver Sacks, Elizabeth Taylor, Robin Williams) to intimate personal remembrances; from thrilling adventures in Africa to literary writings from Theroux's rich and expansive personal reading. Collectively these pieces offer a fascinating portrait of the author himself, his extraordinary life, restless and ever-curious mind.'Theroux's work remains the standard by which other travel writing must be judged' Observer'The world's most perceptive travel writer' Daily Mail
Associated Music Publishers, Inc. Flutings for Paula Flute and Percussion
House of Anansi Press Ltd ,Canada A Plea for Constant Motion
Quietly atmospheric and darkly foreboding, A Plea for Constant Motion is an ominous, and occasionally unnerving, new work of fiction by award-winning author Paul CarlucciPenetrating and visceral, yet always offset by small moments of tenderness and humour, A Plea for Constant Motion is a powerful examination of the innate desire in everyone to change their lives and strive for something better.Two couples share a disastrous dinner after their children are killed in a botched kidnapping overseas. A teacher with a passion for cartography orchestrates a bizarre apology after intentionally hitting a student. Desperate to be friends, a man ignores his neighbour’s strange behaviour to the peril of himself and others. A young girl babysits for a family friend, dimly aware that her presence is required for more than just childcare.Dexterously divided into two parts and a surreal intermission, the characters in these stories find themselves confronted by situations that leave them either struggling to escape or firmly rooted in place. Paul Carlucci’s formidable work is by turns familiar and disquieting, sober and surreal, a stark and carefully crafted examination of the human condition.
Flame Tree Publishing Fellstones
Fellstones takes its name from seven objects on the village green. It’s where Paul Dunstan was adopted by the Staveleys after his parents died in an accident for which he blames himself. The way the Staveleys tried to control him made him move away and change his name. Why were they obsessed with a strange song he seemed to have made up as a child? Now their daughter Adele has found him. By the time he discovers the cosmic truth about the stones, he may be trapped. There are other dark secrets he’ll discover, and memories to confront. The Fellstones dream, but they’re about to waken. FLAME TREE PRESS is the imprint of long-standing Independent Flame Tree Publishing, dedicated to full-length original fiction in the horror and suspense, science fiction & fantasy, and crime / mystery / thriller categories. The list brings together fantastic new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices. Learn more about Flame Tree Press at and connect on social media @FlameTreePress.
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Flame Tree Publishing House of Skin
"Fans of ghost stories like The Haunting of Hill House and Hell House will love this book." - Horror Maiden Myles Carver is dead. But his estate, Watermere, lives on, waiting for a new Carver to move in. Myles’s wife, Annabel, is dead too, but she is also waiting, lying in her grave in the woods. For nearly half a century she was responsible for a nightmarish reign of terror, and she’s not prepared to stop now. She is hungry to live again…and her unsuspecting nephew, Paul, will be the key. Julia Merrow has a secret almost as dark as Watermere’s. But when she and Paul fall in love they think their problems might be over. How can they know what Fate—and Annabel—have in store for them? Who could imagine that what was once a moldering corpse in a forest grave is growing stronger every day, eager to take her rightful place amongst the horrors of Watermere? FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launched in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.