Search results for ""author douglas""
Encounter Books,USA Putin's Master Plan: To Destroy Europe, Divide NATO, and Restore Russian Power and Global Influence
Vladimir Putin has a master plan to destroy Europe, divide NATO, reclaim Russian influence in the world, and most of all to marginalize the United States and the West in order to achieve regional hegemony and global power. Putin's unified strategy and vision for Europe has not been thoroughly discussed or articulated in any meaningful way until now. Putin's Master Plan is the first comprehensive attempt to systematically explain Putin's global strategy, which could inevitably and inexorably lead to the breakup of the NATO alliance, and potentially to war with the West. Currently, the West has no strategy, no plan, and no tactics to confront Putin's master plan other than imposing limited economic sanctions, which have done little to deter Putin's aggression--and may well have encouraged and facilitated it. The viewpoint taken here is not just alarmism, but an accurate and, for the first time, clear and sober portrayal of a frightening situation that, more and more, serious observers of European and Russian politics are openly recognizing and acknowledging. Putin's Master Plan makes the case that it is essential to wake up to Putin's strategy to destroy Europe, divide NATO, and build a new empire in the former Soviet Union. Russia has demonstrated an extraordinary level of aggression, most boldly in its outright invasions of Georgia and Ukraine. American weakness and a divided Europe have left Russia's terrified neighbors without an alternative to Russian domination, and even once-stalwart American allies such as the Republic of Georgia are on the brink of becoming part of Putin's new empire in Europe. Putin has made it clear that he sees NATO expansion as a fundamental threat to Russian nationhood, and he is systematically challenging the NATO Alliance as well as the United States. So far, he is winning.
Georgetown University Press Of Little Faith: The Politics of George W. Bush's Faith-Based Initiatives
George W. Bush had planned to swear his oath of office with his hand on the Masonic Bible used by both his father and George Washington, however, due to the inclement weather, a family Bible was substituted. Almost immediately on taking office, President Bush made passage of "faith-based initiatives" - the government funding of religious charitable groups - a legislative priority. However, "inclement" weather storm-tossed his hopes for faith-based initiatives as well. What happened? Why did these initiatives, which began with such vigor and support from a popular president, fail? And what does this say about the future role of religious faith in American public life? Amy Black, Douglas Koopman, and David Ryden - all prominent political scientists - utilize a framework that takes the issue through all three branches of government and analyzes it through three very specific lenses: a public policy lens, a political party lens, and a lens of religion in the public square. Drawing on dozens of interviews with key figures in Washington, the authors tell a compelling story, revealing the evolution of the Bush faith-based strategy from his campaign for the presidency through congressional votes to the present. They show how political rhetoric, infighting, and poor communication shipwrecked Bush's efforts to fundamentally alter the way government might conduct social services. The authors demonstrate the lessons learned, and propose a more fruitful, effective way to go about such initiatives in the future.
Harvard University Press Greek Elegiac Poetry
Noble verse.The Greek poetry of the archaic period that we call elegy was composed primarily for banquets and convivial gatherings. Its subject matter consists of almost any topic, excluding only the scurrilous and obscene. In this completely new Loeb Classical Library edition, Douglas Gerber provides a faithful translation of the fragments and significant testimonia that have come down to us, with full explanatory notes. Most substantial in this volume is the collection of elegiac verses to which Theognis’ name is attached. Drinking and merry-making are frequent themes in these poems; there are also more reflective and philosophic pieces and love poems. Together they offer an interesting picture of an aristocratic man’s views about life, friendship, fate, and daily concerns. Also notable in this volume is the martial verse of the Spartan Tyrtaeus and the poetry of Solon, Athens’ famous lawmaker.
Zondervan A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ
A landmark study of the apostle's writings by one of the world's leading Pauline scholars.Winner of the 2022 ECPA Christian Book Award for Bible Reference WorksThis highly anticipated volume gives pastors, scholars, and all serious students of the New Testament exactly what they need for in-depth study and engagement with one of Christian history's most formative thinkers and writers. A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a landmark study of the apostle's writings by one of the world's leading Pauline scholars Douglas J. Moo. Fifteen years in the making, this groundbreaking work is organized into three major sections: Part 1 provides an overview of the issues involved in doing biblical theology in general and a Pauline theology in particular. Here Moo also sets out the methodological issues, formative influences, and conceptual categories of Paul's thought. Part 2 moves on to Paul's New Testament writings, where Moo describes each Pauline letter with particular relevance to its theology. Part 3 offers a masterful synthesis of Paul’s theology under the overarching theme of the gift of the new realm in Christ. Engaging, insightful, and wise, this substantive, evangelical treatment of Paul's theology offers extensive engagement with the latest Pauline scholarship without sacrificing its readability. This volume brings insights from over thirty years of experience studying, teaching, and writing about Paul into one comprehensive guide that will serve readers as a go-to resource for decades to come.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Biblical Theology of the New Testament (BTNT) series provides upper college and seminary-level textbooks for students of New Testament theology, interpretation, and exegesis. Pastors and discerning theology readers alike will also benefit from this series. Written at the highest level of academic excellence by recognized experts in the field, the BTNT series not only offers a comprehensive exploration of the theology of every book of the New Testament, including introductory issues and major themes, but also shows how each book relates to the broad picture of New Testament Theology. "Moo has produced here a massive and monumental work on Pauline theology that will teach readers for decades to come.” —Rev. Michael F. Bird (PhD University of Queensland), Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology, Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia"Doug Moo’s A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a book all scholars and pastors should have on their shelves. It gives a sane and very well-reasoned interpretation of the key topics in Paul’s theology ... the “New Perspective,” justification, grace, and the necessary transformation of true believers."—G. K. Beale, Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary
LEG Inc. (dba West Academic Publishing Statutory Supplement to Law of Business Torts and Unfair Competition: Cases, Materials, and Problems
This supplement includes all of the Restatement provisions, uniform acts, and statutes needed for the casebook, The Law of Business Torts and Unfair Competition: Cases, Materials, and Problems (2016), by Professors Colin Marks and Douglas Moll. Among other provisions, the supplement includes material from the Second and Third Restatement of Torts, the Third Restatement of Unfair Competition, the Lanham Act, and the Uniform Trade Secrets Act.
Texas A & M University Press Kennewick Man: The Scientific Investigation of an Ancient American Skeleton
Almost from the day of its accidental discovery along the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State in July 1996, the ancient skeleton of Kennewick Man has garnered significant attention from scientific and Native American communities as well as public media outlets. This volume represents a collaboration among physical and forensic anthropologists, archaeologists, geologists, and geochemists, among others, and presents the results of the scientific study of this remarkable find. Scholars address a range of topics, from basic aspects of osteological analysis to advanced research focused on Kennewick Man’s origins and his relationships to other populations. Interdisciplinary studies, comprehensive data collection and preservation, and applications of technology are all critical to telling Kennewick Man’s story.Kennewick Man: The Scientific Investigation of an Ancient American Skeleton is written for a discerning professional audience, yet the absorbing story of the remains, their discovery, their curation history, and the extensive amount of detail that skilled scientists have been able to glean from them will appeal to interested and informed general readers. These bones lay silent for nearly nine thousand years, but now, with the aid of dedicated researchers, they can speak about the life of one of the earliest human occupants of North America.
Aspen Publishing Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods: [Connected eBook with Study Center]
Timber Press Nature's Best Hope (Young Readers' Edition): How You Can Save the World in Your Own Yard
History Press Murder at Breakheart Hill Farm: The Shocking 1900 Case That Gripped Boston's North Shore
John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles, Patterns, and Games
These active and well-known authors have come together to create a fresh, innovative, and timely approach to Discrete Math. One innovation uses several major threads to help weave core topics into a cohesive whole. Throughout the book the application of mathematical reasoning is emphasized to solve problems while the authors guide the student in thinking about, reading, and writing proofs in a wide variety of contexts. Another important content thread, as the sub-title implies, is the focus on mathematical puzzles, games and magic tricks to engage students.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visualizing Everyday Chemistry
Visualizing Everyday Chemistry is for a one-semester course dedicated to introducing chemistry to non-science students. It shows what chemistry is and what it does, by integrating words with powerful and compelling visuals and learning aids. With this approach, students not only learn the basic principles of chemistry but see how chemistry impacts their lives and society. The goal of Visualizing Everyday Chemistry is to show students that chemistry is important and relevant, not because we say it is but because they see it is.
West Academic Publishing The Law of Business Torts and Unfair Competition: Cases, Materials, and Problems
This is the first book to comprehensively integrate business torts (also known as economic torts) and unfair competition actions. The book covers all of the major tort causes of action that one might see in a commercial litigation practice, including the economic loss rule, fraud, negligent misrepresentation, tortious interference with contract and prospective contract, breach of fiduciary duty, insurance torts, breach of the duty of good faith, deceptive marketing, commercial disparagement, misappropriation, trade secrets, trademark infringement, antitrust, and civil RICO. The book also covers important state, federal, and model provisions, including the Second and Third Restatement of Torts, the Third Restatement of Unfair Competition, the Lanham Act, and the Uniform Trade Secrets Act. The authors have included numerous questions and problems to further students' thinking on more complex topics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development
An annual publication of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, this 25th anniversary edition of To Improve the Academy focuses on contributing to and expanding the scholarship of educational development. Each chapter of this volume provides context and strategies for faculty and organizational development that advances student learning. To Improve the Academy, Volume 25, offers a resource for innovating and meeting new challenges in higher education to faculty and instructional development staff, department chairs, deans, student services staff, chief academic officers, and educational consultants. Divided into five sections, the book covers topics such as POD's ethical guidelines for educational developers Educational development and sociological imagination, or the ability to connect individual experience to social structure Paradigms for readers to consider, including critical theory and chaos theory Educational development and the scholarship of teaching and learning Specific practices and issues related to improving curriculum and instruction Faculty development, vitality, and reward at different stages of the faculty career The aim of the book—and POD as an organization—is to instill in educational developers a sense of responsibility for improving the quality of teaching and learning. This anniversary edition not only celebrates this value but also guides readers to a workable understanding of how to contribute to improvements in higher education.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to the War Film
A Companion to the War Film contains 27 original essays that examine all aspects of the genre, from the traditional war film, to the new global nature of conflicts, and the diverse formats that war stories assume in today’s digital culture. Includes new works from experienced and emerging scholars that expand the scope of the genre by applying fresh theoretical approaches and archival resources to the study of the war film Moves beyond the limited confines of “the combat film” to cover home-front films, international and foreign language films, and a range of conflicts and time periods Addresses complex questions of gender, race, forced internment, international terrorism, and war protest in films such as Full Metal Jacket, Good Kill, Grace is Gone, Gran Torino, The Messenger, Snow Falling on Cedars, So Proudly We Hail, Tae Guk Gi: The Brotherhood of War, Tender Comrade, and Zero Dark Thirty Provides a nuanced vision of war film that brings the genre firmly into the 21st Century and points the way for exciting future scholarship
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Characterization of the Cellulosic Cell Wall
This volume brings together a broad array of scientific expertise to focus on the characterization and utilization of cellulosic materials. Researchers from Austria, Germany, Sweden, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and the U.S. explore many facets of the plant cell wall, from its fundamental structure and its manipulation via molecular biology to its application in composite materials. Exciting applications of near infrared spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, confocal microscopy, and molecular coupling as a viscoelastic probe provide new insights into the ultrastructure and properties of cellulosic materials.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art of Drug Synthesis
The Art of Drug Synthesis illustrates how chemistry, biology, pharmacokinetics, and a host of other disciplines come together to produce successful medicines. The authors have compiled a collection of 21 representative categories of drugs, from which they have selected as examples many of the best-selling drugs on the market today. An introduction to each drug is provided, as well as background to the biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and drug metabolism, followed by a detailed account of the drug synthesis. Edited by prominent scientists working in drug discovery for Pfizer Meets the needs of a growing community of researchers in pharmaceutical R&D Provides a useful guide for practicing pharmaceutical scientists as well as a text for medicinal chemistry students An excellent follow-up to the very successful first book by these editors, Contemporary Drug Synthesis, but with all new therapeutic categories and drugs discussed.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wiley / NBS Registry of Mass Spectral Data, 7 Volume Set
Mass spectrometry is used extensively to identify unkown chemicals in almost all areas of chemistry, biochemistry, medical chemistry, and the environmental sciences. This massive work has been compiled and written by two acknowledged leaders in their field. McLafferty and Stauffer are the authors of two previous books on mass spectral data, and of various database versions of the data--but the present 7-volume work, Registry of Mass Spectral Data, 2nd Edition is, by far, the most complete and up-to-date collection of mass spectra available in book form. In it are presented the registry spectra for 108,173 compounds.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Basic Marketing Management
To accommodate instructors who either don't use cases or prefer to select their own, we offer a marketing management book that focuses exclusively on text material. In addition, to keep the price of the book affordable, we have chosen to publish this book in a paperback form. Like the Marketing Management: Text and Cases, Seventh Edition text, this book is intended for the Sr/MBA course in Marketing Management or Marketing Strategy. 15 chapters provide good coverage of the subject in a compact format.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks
Revised and updated with a special emphasis on innovations in social media, the second edition of Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks stands as the most popular and highly acclaimed anthology in the dynamic and multidisciplinary field of cultural studies. Features several new readings with a special emphasis on topics relating to new media, social networking, feminist media theory, and globalization Includes updated introductory editorials and enhanced treatment of social media such as Twitter and YouTube New contributors include Janice Radway, Patricia Hill-Collins, Leah A. Lievrouw, Danah M. Boyd, Nicole B. Ellison, and Gloria Anzaldúa
The University of Chicago Press The Myth of the Imperial Presidency: How Public Opinion Checks the Unilateral Executive
Throughout the history of the United States, the nation's presidents have shown a startling power to act independently of Congress and the courts. Using such tools as executive orders and memoranda, presidents have taken the country to war, abolished slavery, authorized widespread electronic surveillance, shielded undocumented immigrants from deportation, and more. As a result, executive authority has at times been accused of verging on the imperial. In this book, Dino P. Christenson and Douglas L. Kriner consider an oft-overlooked question: Given the strength of unilateral executive action and the steep barriers for Congress and the courts to successfully check it, what stops presidents from asserting control even more broadly than they already do? The answer, Christenson and Kriner argue, lies in the reactions of everyday Americans. With robust empirical data and compelling case studies, the authors reveal the extent to which domestic public opinion limits executive might. Presidents are emboldened to pursue their own agendas when they enjoy high levels of public support, and constrained when they are down in the polls, as unilateral action could jeopardize future initiatives and render presidents even more politically vulnerable. Although they find little evidence that the public instinctively recoils against the use of unilateral action, Congress and the courts can sway the public's view via their criticism of unilateral policies. Thus, other branches can still check the executive branch through political means. On the whole, as long as presidents are concerned with public opinion, Christenson and Kriner contend that fears of an imperial presidency are overblown. However, a president who responds only to the narrow base and ignores the mass public could pose a unique threat to checks and balances.
The University of Chicago Press A Manual of the Mammalia: An Homage to Lawlor's "handbook to the Orders and Families of Living Mammals"
The taxonomy of recent mammals has lately undergone tremendous revision, but it has been almost four decades since the last update to Timothy E. Lawlor's acclaimed identification guide the Handbook to the Orders and Families of Living Mammals. Integrating the latest advances in research, Douglas A. Kelt and James L. Patton provide this long-overdue update in their new, wholly original work, A Manual of the Mammalia. Complemented by global range maps, high-resolution photographs of skulls and mandibles by Bill Stone, and the outstanding artwork of Fiona Reid, this book provides an overview of biological attributes of each higher taxon while highlighting key and diagnostic characters needed to identify skulls and skins of all recent mammalian orders and most families. Kelt and Patton also place taxa in their currently understood supra-familial clades, and discuss current challenges in higher mammal taxonomy. Including a comprehensive review of mammalian anatomy to provide a foundation for understanding all characters employed throughout, A Manual of the Mammalia is both a user-friendly handbook for students learning to identify higher mammal taxa and a uniquely comprehensive, up-to-date reference for mammalogists and mammal-lovers from across the globe.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, EMEA Edition
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers provides a practical approach to probability and statistical methods. Students learn how the material will be relevant in their careers by including a rich collection of examples and problem sets that reflect realistic applications and situations. This product focuses on real engineering applications and real engineering solutions while including material on the bootstrap, increased emphasis on the use of p-value, coverage of equivalence testing, and combining p-values. The content, examples, exercises and answers presented in this product have been meticulously checked for accuracy.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Theories Of Integration: The Integrals Of Riemann, Lebesgue, Henstock-kurzweil, And Mcshane
The book uses classical problems to motivate a historical development of the integration theories of Riemann, Lebesgue, Henstock-Kurzweil and McShane, showing how new theories of integration were developed to solve problems that earlier integration theories could not handle. It develops the basic properties of each integral in detail and provides comparisons of the different integrals. The chapters covering each integral are essentially independent and could be used separately in teaching a portion of an introductory real analysis course. There is a sufficient supply of exercises to make this book useful as a textbook.
Skyhorse Publishing Building the Wall: The Play and Commentary
Like Hamilton, Angels in America, and The Vagina Monoloques, a powerful, poliltically charged drama that speaks directly to the present moment—the dawn of the Trump era and the implications of his anti-immigration rhetoric turned into policy. Publication is part of a nationwide event, with the play going into production instantly and opening in a National New Play Network Rolling World Premiere in five theaters across the country: Fountain Theatre in LA (3/18/17) Curious Theater in Denver (4/4/17) Forum Theater in Washington, DC, 4/27–5/7, moving to its Silver Springs, MD, stage 5/18 Borderlands Theater in Tucson (February 2018) City Theatre in Miami (9/27-10/8/17) Other theaters that aren't part of the NNPN will also stage the play, including: Adobe Rose Theater in Santa Fe (date TK) New World Stages in New York City (previews starting 5/12/17; opening 5/21/17) The play and its nationwide rolling premiere have garnered a NY Times article and it will receive much more publicity after each opening: Robert Schenkkan is the real deal: winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Drama and a Tony Award for Best Play, he is the author of All the Way, which was made into the movie starring Bryan Cranston, and co-screenwriterof Hacksaw Ridge; he is extremely well-connected culturally and in the media and has a practiced stage presence. Dystopian fiction is immensely popular now, and the dystopian premise of this play addresses the national mood. Includes essays from three noted historians on: the real purpose of the border wall, our dark history of restictionism in immigration, and the tradition of political protest in the arts for the last century.
Rowman & Littlefield Cultural Encounters with the Environment: Enduring and Evolving Geographic Themes
In Cultural Encounters with the Environment, a distinguished group of contributors offers a fresh and original view of contemporary geography. The authors explore the role of four traditional themes in the Onew cultural geographyO: the interplay between the evolution of particular biophysical niches and the activities of the culture groups that inhabit them; the diffusion of cultural traits; the establishment and definition of culture areas; and the distinctive mix of geographical characteristics that gives places their special character in relation to one another. By examining how cultural space is constructed; how environment is remade, understood, and imaged as a consequence; and how people lay claim to place, this volume establishes a compelling case for the importance of these enduring concepts to present and future trajectories in cultural geography.
Cornell University Press Manpower and the Armies of the British Empire in the Two World Wars
In the first and only examination of how the British Empire and Commonwealth sustained its soldiers before, during, and after both world wars, a cast of leading military historians explores how the empire mobilized manpower to recruit workers, care for veterans, and transform factory workers and farmers into riflemen. Raising armies is more than counting people, putting them in uniform, and assigning them to formations. It demands efficient measures for recruitment, registration, and assignment. It requires processes for transforming common people into soldiers and then producing officers, staffs, and commanders to lead them. It necessitates balancing the needs of the armed services with industry and agriculture. And, often overlooked but illuminated incisively here, raising armies relies on medical services for mending wounded soldiers and programs and pensions to look after them when demobilized. Manpower and the Armies of the British Empire in the Two World Wars is a transnational look at how the empire did not always get these things right. But through trial, error, analysis, and introspection, it levied the large armies needed to prosecute both wars. Contributors Paul R. Bartrop, Charles Booth, Jean Bou, Daniel Byers, Kent Fedorowich, Jonathan Fennell, Meghan Fitzpatrick, Richard S. Grayson, Ian McGibbon, Jessica Meyer, Emma Newlands, Kaushik Roy, Roger Sarty, Gary Sheffield, Ian van der Waag
John Wiley & Sons Inc Design of Experiments for Reliability Achievement
ENABLES READERS TO UNDERSTAND THE METHODS OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN TO SUCCESSFULLY CONDUCT LIFE TESTING TO IMPROVE PRODUCT RELIABILITY This book illustrates how experimental design and life testing can be used to understand product reliability in order to enable reliability improvements. The book is divided into four sections. The first section focuses on statistical distributions and methods for modeling reliability data. The second section provides an overview of design of experiments including response surface methodology and optimal designs. The third section describes regression models for reliability analysis focused on lifetime data. This section provides the methods for how data collected in a designed experiment can be properly analyzed. The final section of the book pulls together all of the prior sections with customized experiments that are uniquely suited for reliability testing. Throughout the text, there is a focus on reliability applications and methods. It addresses both optimal and robust design with censored data. To aid in reader comprehension, examples and case studies are included throughout the text to illustrate the key factors in designing experiments and emphasize how experiments involving life testing are inherently different. The book provides numerous state-of-the-art exercises and solutions to help readers better understand the real-world applications of experimental design and reliability. The authors utilize R and JMP® software throughout as appropriate, and a supplemental website contains the related data sets. Written by internationally known experts in the fields of experimental design methodology and reliability data analysis, sample topics covered in the book include: An introduction to reliability, lifetime distributions, censoring, and inference for parameter of lifetime distributions Design of experiments, optimal design, and robust design Lifetime regression, parametric regression models, and the Cox Proportional Hazard Model Design strategies for reliability achievement Accelerated testing, models for acceleration, and design of experiments for accelerated testing The text features an accessible approach to reliability for readers with various levels of technical expertise. This book is a key reference for statistical researchers, reliability engineers, quality engineers, and professionals in applied statistics and engineering. It is a comprehensive textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in statistics and engineering.
Rutgers University Press Genocide as Social Practice: Reorganizing Society under the Nazis and Argentina's Military Juntas
Genocide not only annihilates people but also destroys and reorganizes social relations, using terror as a method. In Genocide as Social Practice, social scientist Daniel Feierstein looks at the policies of state-sponsored repression pursued by the Argentine military dictatorship against political opponents between 1976 and 1983 and those pursued by the Third Reich between 1933 and 1945. He finds similarities, not in the extent of the horror but in terms of the goals of the perpetrators. The Nazis resorted to ruthless methods in part to stifle dissent but even more importantly to reorganize German society into a Volksgemeinschaft, or people’s community, in which racial solidarity would supposedly replace class struggle. The situation in Argentina echoes this. After seizing power in 1976, the Argentine military described its own program of forced disappearances, torture, and murder as a “process of national reorganization” aimed at remodeling society on “Western and Christian” lines. For Feierstein, genocide can be considered a technology of power—a form of social engineering—that creates, destroys, or reorganizes relationships within a given society. It influences the ways in which different social groups construct their identity and the identity of others, thus shaping the way that groups interrelate. Feierstein establishes continuity between the “reorganizing genocide” first practiced by the Nazis in concentration camps and the more complex version—complex in terms of the symbolic and material closure of social relationships —later applied in Argentina. In conclusion, he speculates on how to construct a political culture capable of confronting and resisting these trends. First published in Argentina, in Spanish, Genocide as Social Practice has since been translated into many languages, now including this English edition. The book provides a distinctive and valuable look at genocide through the lens of Latin America as well as Europe.Download open access ebook here.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Pedro Páramo
University of California Press A Global History of Sexual Science, 1880–1960
Sex has no history, but sexual science does. Starting in the late nineteenth century, people all over the world suddenly began to insist that understandings of sex be based on science. As Japanese and Indian sexologists influenced their German and American counterparts, and vice versa, sexuality, modernity, and imaginings of exotified "Others" became intimately linked. The first anthology to provide a worldwide perspective on the birth and development of the field, A Global History of Sexual Science contends that actors outside of Europe-in Asia, Latin America, and Africa-became important interlocutors in debates on prostitution, birth control, and transvestism. Ideas circulated through intellectual exchange, travel, and internationally produced and disseminated publications. Twenty scholars tackle specific issues, including the female orgasm and the criminalization of male homosexuality, to demonstrate how concepts and ideas introduced by sexual scientists gained currency throughout the modern world.
Yale University Press 40 under 40: Craft Futures
In this beautifully illustrated volume, published in celebration of the Renwick Gallery's fortieth anniversary, author Nicholas Bell highlights forty artists (all under the age of forty) actively engaged in creating objects that are transforming contemporary craft. 40 Under 40 investigates evolving notions of craft within traditional media such as ceramics and metalwork, as well as in fields as varied as sculpture, industrial design, installation art, fashion, and sustainable manufacturing. Viewing craft's heritage as a set of flexible tools rather than a rigid structure, Bell shows how this exciting group of young artists has produced work that not only breaks boundaries, but also uses an expanded conceptual framework, establishing craft's important role in the world of contemporary art and culture today.Distributed for the Smithsonian American Art MuseumExhibition Schedule:Smithsonian American Art Museum(07/20/12–02/3/13)
University of Illinois Press Herndon's Informants: Letters, Interviews, and Statements about Abraham Lincoln
Winner of the Abraham Lincoln Institute Book Award More than 600 letters and interviews providing information about Abraham Lincoln's prepolitical and prelegal careers are included in this volume, a priceless collection never before available in one place. Women to whom Lincoln proposed marriage, political allies and adversaries, judges and fellow attorneys, longtime comrades, erstwhile friends--all speak out here in words first gathered by William H. Herndon, Lincoln's law partner, between 1865 and 1890. Historian David Herbert Donald has called Herndon's materials "the basic source for Abraham Lincoln's early years."Some of those Herndon questioned were illiterate; others could read but barely write. Completion of this undertaking took the editors to three major collections for the mammoth task of transcribing documents that often were nearly illegible.Invaluable to Lincoln scholars and intriguing to anyone curious about Lincoln and his times, the book includes an introduction, scholarly annotations, a registry of the informants, and a detailed topical index.
The University of Chicago Press Yellowstone Wolves: Science and Discovery in the World's First National Park
In 2020, it will have been twenty-five years since one of the greatest wildlife conservation and restoration achievements of the twentieth century took place: the reintroduction of wolves to the world's first national park, Yellowstone. Eradicated after the park was established, then absent for seventy years, these iconic carnivores returned to Yellowstone in 1995 when the US government reversed its century-old policy of extermination and--despite some political and cultural opposition--began the reintroduction of forty-one wild wolves from Canada and northwest Montana. In the intervening decades, scientists have studied their myriad behaviors, from predation to mating to wolf-pup play, building a one-of-a-kind field study that has both allowed us to witness how the arrival of top predators can change an entire ecosystem and provided a critical window into impacts on prey, pack composition, and much else. Here, for the first time in a single book, is the incredible story of the wolves' return to Yellowstone National Park as told by the very people responsible for their reintroduction, study, and management. Anchored in what we have learned from Yellowstone, highlighting the unique blend of research techniques that have given us this knowledge, and addressing the major issues that wolves still face today, this book is as wide-ranging and awe-inspiring as the Yellowstone restoration effort itself. We learn about individual wolves, population dynamics, wolf-prey relationships, genetics, disease, management and policy, newly studied behaviors and interactions with other species, and the rippling ecosystem effects wolves have had on Yellowstone's wild and rare landscape. Perhaps most importantly of all, the book also offers solutions to ongoing controversies and debates. Featuring a foreword by Jane Goodall, beautiful images, a companion online documentary by celebrated filmmaker Bob Landis, and contributions from more than seventy wolf and wildlife conservation luminaries from Yellowstone and around the world, Yellowstone Wolves is a gripping, accessible celebration of the extraordinary Yellowstone Wolf Project--and of the park through which these majestic and important creatures once again roam.
SAGE Publications Inc Building to Impact: The 5D Implementation Playbook for Educators
Turn ideas into goals—and goals into impact The road to school improvement and student achievement is paved with good intentions—so why does the destination seem so far away? If you’re like most educators, the answer is a pothole known as the implementation gap. This book provides a road map to bypassing that gap in your school or district, offering a carefully researched, field-tested methodology that takes leadership teams, professional learning communities, and educators all the way from good ideas to systematic impact. Following the five Ds, you’ll: Discover goals worth pursuing and problems worth addressing Design instruments and actions that generate deep impact Deliver interventions and collect data Double-back to monitor your progress and evaluate the impact Double-up to enhance, sustain, and scale your success You became an educator to make a difference in students’ lives. With this playbook, you’ll transform research and ideas into achievable actions—and make maximum impact.
Oxford University Press Les Liaisons dangereuses
The complex moral ambiguities of seduction and revenge make Les Liaisons dangereuses (1782) one of the most scandalous and controversial novels in European literature. The subject of major film and stage adaptations, the novel's prime movers, the Vicomte de Valmont and the Marquise de Merteuil, form an unholy alliance and turn seduction into a game - a game which they must win. This new translation gives Laclos a modern voice, and readers will be able a judge whether the novel is as `diabolical' and `infamous' as its critics have claimed, or whether it has much to tell us about the kind of world we ourselves live in. David Coward's introduction explodes myths about Laclos's own life and puts the book in its literary and cultural context. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias has been so extensively updated for its third edition that the book now features a new title: Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias: Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications. The editors bring you 21 polished chapters, each updating the fundamentals and progressing to advanced concepts, providing state-of-the-art knowledge with highly relevant material for experienced electrophysiologists as well as fellows in training. This streamlined new edition features: Two new editors, both widely published and leaders in the field of catheter ablation 21 instead of 39 chapters, achieved by focusing on primary topics of broad interest and assimilating information from a wide range of sources Fewer authors, chosen for their recognized contributions to the topics under discussion, providing a more integrated and coherent approach Anatomic insights from leading pathologist Sie
American Bar Association International Guide to Export Controls and Economic Sanctions, Second
Export controls and economic sanctions increasingly affect day-to-day business operations across the globe. No company with cross-border operations or even a multinational work force is immune from their application or can afford to ignore these laws. In recent years, controls over the export of goods, technology, and services now represent a core and extremely complex area of corporate compliance whether your client is involved in import/export activity, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, licensing agreements, distribution contracts, or banking and finance transactions.Since the first edition of International Guide to Export Controls and Economic Sanctions was published in 2014, export control laws have undergone profound change and the scope of international economic sanctions laws has expanded to affect virtually every industry in every corner of the World. Years in the making, the second edition of this handbook greatly expands the scope of the first edition. It provides an overview of this challenging and dynamic body of law in the U.S., twenty-three other countries and the EU. International Guide to Export Controls and Economic Sanctions, Second Edition, will be a valuable resource to both seasoned and novice counsel and compliance professionals alike, providing a thorough and practical guide in identifying the myriad issues, navigating the rules, and managing client legal and compliance risks in export controls and economic sanctions law.
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Orthodox Chinese Buddhism: A Contemporary Chan Master's Answers to Common Questions
Lexington Books Gladly to Learn and Gladly to Teach: Essays on Religion and Political Philosophy in Honor of Ernest L. Fortin, A.A.
For half a century, Ernest Fortin's scholarship has charmed and educated theologians and philosophers with its intellectual search for the best way to live. Written by friends, colleagues, and students of Fortin, this book pays tribute to a remarkable thinker in a series of essays that bear eloquent testimony to Fortin's influence and his legacy. A formidable commentator on Catholic philosophical and political thought, Ernest Fortin inspired others with his restless inquiries beyond the boundaries of conventional scholarship. With essays on subjects ranging across philosophy, political science, literature, and theology Gladly to Learn and Gladly to Teach reflects the astonishing depth and breadth of Fortin's contribution to contemporary thought.
Random House USA Inc Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Studies in Medievalism XVII: Defining Medievalism(s)
New essays attempt to survey and map out the increasingly significant discipline of medievalism. Medievalism has been attracting considerable scholarly attention in recent years. But it is also suffering from something of an identity crisis. Where are its chronological and geographical boundaries? How does it relate to the Middle Ages? Does it comprise neomedievalism, pseudomedievalism, and other "medievalisms"? Studies in Medievalism XVII directly addresses these and related questions via a series of specially-commissioned essays from some of the most well-known scholars in the field; they explore its origins, survey the growth of the subject, and attempt various definitions. The volume then presents seven articles that often test the boundaries of medievalism: they look at echoes of medieval bestiaries in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books, the influence of the Niebelungenlied on Wagner's Ring cycle, representations of King Alfred in two works by Dickens, medieval tropes in John Bale's Reformist plays, authenticity in Sigrid Undset's novel Kristin Lavransdatter, incidental medievalism in Handel's opera Rodelinda, and editing in the audio version of Seamus Heaney's Beowulf. CONTRIBUTORS: KATHLEEN VERDUIN, CLARE A. SIMMONS, NILS HOLGER PETERSEN, TOM SHIPPEY, GWENDOLYN A. MORGAN, M. J. TOSWELL, ELIZABETH EMERY, KARL FUGELSO, EMILY WALKER HEADY, MARK B. SPENCER, GAIL ORGELFINGER, DOUGLAS RYAN VAN BENTHUYSEN, THEA CERVONE, WERNER WUNDERLICH, EDWARD R. HAYMES
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law
This comprehensive Research Handbook provides an in-depth analysis of the different financial law approaches, legal systems and trends throughout Asia. Considering how reforms following the crises have been critical for the development and growth of the region, this insightful book explores a broad range of post-crisis financial regulatory issues. It also examines how inconsistent and divergent approaches to financial market regulation are curtailing the region's potential. By focusing on the legal frameworks and regulatory models at a national level, this innovative Research Handbook addresses opportunities and challenges for financial markets and convergence in the region. Key topics include the different legal and regulatory approaches to common issues, such as banking regulation and resolution, FinTech, insolvency frameworks and ASEAN financial market integration. Specific regulatory approaches are discussed in relation to areas such as Renminbi internationalization, Islamic banking and finance, shadow banking, crowdfunding, venture capital, derivatives, bond and securities markets. The book concludes with an analysis of the impact of FinTech on regulatory convergence in Asia. The Research Handbook on Asian Financial Law will be of great value to law students, academics and policymakers working across a diverse range of fields including financial regulation, Asian studies, banking resolution and insolvency. Contributors include: D. Arner, J. Barberis, L. Bromberg, S. Butt, A. Chan, C. Chen, V. Chen, H. Dervan, D. Donald, D. Elms, S. Gao, E. Gibson, A. Godwin, S.i Han, L.C. Hang, C. Hofmann, I.R. Ibrahim, S. Jensen, S. Kourabas, T. Lindsey, T. Morishita, D. Neo, M.H. Nguyen, I. Ramsay, W. Shen, T. Srinopnikom, S. Steele, N.N. Thani, C.-h. Tsai, W.Y. Wan, C. Watters, C. Xi
University of Toronto Press An Algonquin Maiden: A Romance of the Early Days of Upper Canada
New York University Press Gödel's Proof
An accessible explanation of Kurt Gödel's groundbreaking work in mathematical logic In 1931 Kurt Gödel published his fundamental paper, "On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems." This revolutionary paper challenged certain basic assumptions underlying much research in mathematics and logic. Gödel received public recognition of his work in 1951 when he was awarded the first Albert Einstein Award for achievement in the natural sciences—perhaps the highest award of its kind in the United States. The award committee described his work in mathematical logic as "one of the greatest contributions to the sciences in recent times." However, few mathematicians of the time were equipped to understand the young scholar's complex proof. Ernest Nagel and James Newman provide a readable and accessible explanation to both scholars and non-specialists of the main ideas and broad implications of Gödel's discovery. It offers every educated person with a taste for logic and philosophy the chance to understand a previously difficult and inaccessible subject. New York University Press is proud to publish this special edition of one of its bestselling books. With a new introduction by Douglas R. Hofstadter, this book will appeal students, scholars, and professionals in the fields of mathematics, computer science, logic and philosophy, and science.