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John Wiley & Sons Inc Modern Drug Synthesis
Following Contemporary Drug Synthesis and The Art of Drug Synthesis (Wiley, 2004 and 2007), two well-received works, is this new book that demystifies the process of modern drug discovery for practitioners and students. An enhanced introduction covers areas such as background, pharmacology, SAR, PK/PD, efficacy, and safety. Focusing on the advantages of process synthesis versus the discovery synthetic route, Modern Drug Synthesis features authoritative coverage by distinguished editors and authors (some chapter authors are the actual inventor of the drug) of twenty different drug molecules.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Workplace Assessment
Handbook of Workplace Assessment Given the trend for organizations to streamline their workforces and focus on acquiring and retaining only top talent, a key challenge has been how to use assessment programs to deliver a high-performing workforce that can drive revenues, shareholder value, growth, and long-term sustainability. The Handbook of Workplace Assessment directly addresses this challenge by presenting sound, evidence-based, and practical guidance for implementing assessment processes that will lead to exceptional decisions about people. The chapters in this book provide a wide range of perspectives from a world-renowned group of authors and reflect cutting-edge theory and practice. The Handbook of Workplace Assessment provides the framework for what should be assessed and why and shows how to ensure that assessment programs are of the highest quality reviews best practices for assessing capabilities across a wide variety of positions summarizes key strategic applications of assessment that include succession management, mergers, acquisitions and downsizings, identification of potential, and selection on a global scale highlights advances, trends, and issues in the assessment field including technology-based assessment, the legal environment, alternative validation strategies, flaws in assessment, and the strategic use of evaluation to link assessment to organizational priorities This SIOP Professional Practice Series Handbook will be applicable to HR professionals who are tasked with implementing an assessment program as well as for the users of assessments, including hiring managers and organizational leaders who are looking for direction on what to assess, what it will take, and how to realize the benefits of an assessment program. This Handbook is also intended for assessment professionals and researchers who build, validate, and implement assessments.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonlinear Regression Analysis and Its Applications
Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series The Wiley-Interscience Paperback Series consists of selected books that have been made more accessible to consumers in an effort to increase global appeal and general circulation. With these new unabridged softcover volumes, Wiley hopes to extend the lives of these works by making them available to future generations of statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists. "The authors have put together an extraordinary presentation of concepts and methods concerning the use and analysis of nonlinear regression models . . . highly recommend[ed] . . . for anyone needing to use and/or understand issues concerning the analysis of nonlinear regression models." —Technometrics "[This book] provides a good balance of relevant theory and application with many examples . . . [and it] provides the most balanced approach to theory and application appropriate for a first course in nonlinear regression modeling for graduate statistics students." —Mathematical Reviews "[This book] joins a distinguished list of publications with a reputation for balancing technical rigor with readability, and theory with application. [It] upholds tradition . . . [and is] a worthwhile reference for the marketing researcher with a serious interest in linear models." —Journal of Marketing Research This book offers a balanced presentation of the theoretical, practical, and computational aspects of nonlinear regression and provides background material on linear regression, including the geometrical development for linear and nonlinear least squares. The authors employ real data sets throughout, and their extensive use of geometric constructs and continuing examples makes the progression of ideas appear very natural. The book also includes pseudocode for computing algorithms.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Superelectrophiles and Their Chemistry
Superelectrophiles and Their Chemistry contains, for the first-time, a discussion of the basics of this emerging field of organic chemistry, alongside tools to help the reader apply the chemistry. Specific tools include an evaluation of the ways to increase the strength of electrophiles, the classification of superelectrophiles, the solvation issues, a review of methods for studying superelectrophilicity, with details of the superelectrophiles that have been identified and studied. Additional information includes substituent effects in activation of superelectrophiles, and solvation in chemical reactions, as well as an insightful look into future applications.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Long War - Insurgency, Counterinsurgency and Collapsing States
The rise and fall of the Cold War coincided with the universalization and consolidation of the modern nation-state as the key unit of the wider international system. A key characteristic of the post-Cold War era, in which the US has emerged as the sole superpower, is the growing number of collapsing or collapsed states. A growing number of states are, or have become, mired in conflict or civil war, the antecedents of which are often to be found in the late-colonial and Cold War era. At the same time, US foreign policy (and the actions of other organizations such as the United Nations) may well be compounding state failure in the context of the post-9/11 Global War on Terror (GWOT) or what is also increasingly referred to as the ‘Long War’. The Long War is often represented as a ‘new’ era in warfare and geopolitics. This book acknowledges that the Long War is new in important respects, but it also emphasizes that the Long War bears many similarities to the Cold War. A key similarity is the way in which insurgency and counterinsurgency were and continue to be seen primarily in the context of inter-state rivalry in which the critical local or regional dynamics of revolution and counter-revolution are marginalized or neglected. In this context American policy-makers and their allies have again erroneously applied a ‘grand strategy’ that suits the imperatives of conventional military and geo-political thinking rather than engaging with what are a much more variegated array of problems facing the changing global order. This book provides a collection of well-integrated studies that shed light on the history and future of insurgency, counterinsurgency and collapsing states in the context of the Long War.This book was previously published as a special issue of Third World Quarterly.
Pennsylvania State University Press Alter Icons: The Russian Icon and Modernity
Passage into the modern world left the Russian icon profoundly altered. It fell into new hands, migrated to new homes, and acquired new forms and meanings. Icons were made in the factories of foreign industrialists and destroyed by iconoclasts of the proletariat. Even the icon’s traditional functions—whether in the feast days of the church or the pageantry of state power—were susceptible to the transformative forces of modernization. In Alter Icons: The Russian Icon and Modernity, eleven scholars of Russian history, art, literature, cinema, philosophy, and theology track key shifts in the production, circulation, and consumption of the Russian icon from Peter the Great’s Enlightenment to the post-Soviet revival of Orthodoxy. Alter Icons shows how the twin pressures of secular scholarship and secular art transformed the Russian icon from a sacred image in the church to a masterpiece in the museum, from a parochial craftwork to a template for the avant-garde, and from a medieval interface with the divine to a modernist prism for seeing the world anew.In addition to the editors, the contributors are Robert Bird, Elena Boeck, Shirley A. Glade, John-Paul Himka, John Anthony McGuckin, Robert L. Nichols, Sarah Pratt, Wendy R. Salmond, and Vera Shevzov.
The University of Chicago Press The Food Web of a Tropical Rain Forest
Destruction of tropical rain forests has increased exponentially in recent years, as have efforts to conserve them. However, information essential to these conservation programs - an understanding of the population dynamics of the community at risk - has often been unavailable to the scientists and resource managers who need it most. This volume seeks to fill the gap by presenting a comprehensive description and analysis of the animal community of the tropical rain forest at El Verde, Puerto Rico. Building on more than a decade of field research, the contributors weave the complex strands of information about the energy flow within the forest - who eats whom - into a tool for understanding community dynamics known as a food web.
Springer Publishing Co Inc The Health Services Executive (HSE): Tools for Leading Long-Term Care and Senior Living Organizations
Encounter Books,USA Putin's Master Plan: To Destroy Europe, Divide NATO, and Restore Russian Power and Global Influence
Vladimir Putin has a master plan to destroy Europe, divide NATO, reclaim Russian influence in the world, and most of all to marginalize the United States and the West in order to achieve regional hegemony and global power. Putin's unified strategy and vision for Europe has not been thoroughly discussed or articulated in any meaningful way until now. Putin's Master Plan is the first comprehensive attempt to systematically explain Putin's global strategy, which could inevitably and inexorably lead to the breakup of the NATO alliance, and potentially to war with the West. Currently, the West has no strategy, no plan, and no tactics to confront Putin's master plan other than imposing limited economic sanctions, which have done little to deter Putin's aggression--and may well have encouraged and facilitated it. The viewpoint taken here is not just alarmism, but an accurate and, for the first time, clear and sober portrayal of a frightening situation that, more and more, serious observers of European and Russian politics are openly recognizing and acknowledging. Putin's Master Plan makes the case that it is essential to wake up to Putin's strategy to destroy Europe, divide NATO, and build a new empire in the former Soviet Union. Russia has demonstrated an extraordinary level of aggression, most boldly in its outright invasions of Georgia and Ukraine. American weakness and a divided Europe have left Russia's terrified neighbors without an alternative to Russian domination, and even once-stalwart American allies such as the Republic of Georgia are on the brink of becoming part of Putin's new empire in Europe. Putin has made it clear that he sees NATO expansion as a fundamental threat to Russian nationhood, and he is systematically challenging the NATO Alliance as well as the United States. So far, he is winning.
Georgetown University Press Of Little Faith: The Politics of George W. Bush's Faith-Based Initiatives
George W. Bush had planned to swear his oath of office with his hand on the Masonic Bible used by both his father and George Washington, however, due to the inclement weather, a family Bible was substituted. Almost immediately on taking office, President Bush made passage of "faith-based initiatives" - the government funding of religious charitable groups - a legislative priority. However, "inclement" weather storm-tossed his hopes for faith-based initiatives as well. What happened? Why did these initiatives, which began with such vigor and support from a popular president, fail? And what does this say about the future role of religious faith in American public life? Amy Black, Douglas Koopman, and David Ryden - all prominent political scientists - utilize a framework that takes the issue through all three branches of government and analyzes it through three very specific lenses: a public policy lens, a political party lens, and a lens of religion in the public square. Drawing on dozens of interviews with key figures in Washington, the authors tell a compelling story, revealing the evolution of the Bush faith-based strategy from his campaign for the presidency through congressional votes to the present. They show how political rhetoric, infighting, and poor communication shipwrecked Bush's efforts to fundamentally alter the way government might conduct social services. The authors demonstrate the lessons learned, and propose a more fruitful, effective way to go about such initiatives in the future.
Harvard University Press Greek Elegiac Poetry
Noble verse.The Greek poetry of the archaic period that we call elegy was composed primarily for banquets and convivial gatherings. Its subject matter consists of almost any topic, excluding only the scurrilous and obscene. In this completely new Loeb Classical Library edition, Douglas Gerber provides a faithful translation of the fragments and significant testimonia that have come down to us, with full explanatory notes. Most substantial in this volume is the collection of elegiac verses to which Theognis’ name is attached. Drinking and merry-making are frequent themes in these poems; there are also more reflective and philosophic pieces and love poems. Together they offer an interesting picture of an aristocratic man’s views about life, friendship, fate, and daily concerns. Also notable in this volume is the martial verse of the Spartan Tyrtaeus and the poetry of Solon, Athens’ famous lawmaker.
Zondervan A Theology of Paul and His Letters: The Gift of the New Realm in Christ
A landmark study of the apostle's writings by one of the world's leading Pauline scholars.Winner of the 2022 ECPA Christian Book Award for Bible Reference WorksThis highly anticipated volume gives pastors, scholars, and all serious students of the New Testament exactly what they need for in-depth study and engagement with one of Christian history's most formative thinkers and writers. A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a landmark study of the apostle's writings by one of the world's leading Pauline scholars Douglas J. Moo. Fifteen years in the making, this groundbreaking work is organized into three major sections: Part 1 provides an overview of the issues involved in doing biblical theology in general and a Pauline theology in particular. Here Moo also sets out the methodological issues, formative influences, and conceptual categories of Paul's thought. Part 2 moves on to Paul's New Testament writings, where Moo describes each Pauline letter with particular relevance to its theology. Part 3 offers a masterful synthesis of Paul’s theology under the overarching theme of the gift of the new realm in Christ. Engaging, insightful, and wise, this substantive, evangelical treatment of Paul's theology offers extensive engagement with the latest Pauline scholarship without sacrificing its readability. This volume brings insights from over thirty years of experience studying, teaching, and writing about Paul into one comprehensive guide that will serve readers as a go-to resource for decades to come.ABOUT THE SERIES: The Biblical Theology of the New Testament (BTNT) series provides upper college and seminary-level textbooks for students of New Testament theology, interpretation, and exegesis. Pastors and discerning theology readers alike will also benefit from this series. Written at the highest level of academic excellence by recognized experts in the field, the BTNT series not only offers a comprehensive exploration of the theology of every book of the New Testament, including introductory issues and major themes, but also shows how each book relates to the broad picture of New Testament Theology. "Moo has produced here a massive and monumental work on Pauline theology that will teach readers for decades to come.” —Rev. Michael F. Bird (PhD University of Queensland), Academic Dean and Lecturer in Theology, Ridley College in Melbourne, Australia"Doug Moo’s A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a book all scholars and pastors should have on their shelves. It gives a sane and very well-reasoned interpretation of the key topics in Paul’s theology ... the “New Perspective,” justification, grace, and the necessary transformation of true believers."—G. K. Beale, Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary
Alfred Music Children's March: Conductor Score & Parts
Alfred Music Children's March: Conductor Score
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visualizing Everyday Chemistry
Rowman & Littlefield Rhetorics Of Order: Ordering Rhetorics in English Neoclassical Literature
Fordham University Press Conversations on Peirce: Reals and Ideals
The essays in this book have grown out of conversations between the authors—and their colleagues and students—over the past decade and a half. Their germinal question concerned the ways in which Charles Sanders Peirce was and was not both an idealist and a realist. The dialogue began as an exploration of Peirce’s explicit uses of these ideas and then turned to consider the way in which answers to the initial question shed light on other dimensions of Peirce’s architectonic. The essays explore the nature of semiotic interpretation, perception, and inquiry. Moreover, considering the roles of idealism and realism in Peirce’s thought led to considerations of Peirce’s place in the historical development of pragmatism. The authors find his realism turning sharply against the nominalistic conceptions of science endorsed both explicitly and implicitly by his nonpragmatist contemporaries. And they find his version of pragmatism holding a middle ground between the thought of John Dewey and that of Josiah Royce. The essays aims to invite others to consider the import of these central themes of Peircean thought.
University of Oklahoma Press The U.S. Army in the West, 1870-1880: Uniforms, Weapons, and Equipment
The U.S. Army in the West, 1870-1880, Douglas C. McChristian describes the development of army uniforms, equipment, and small arms during a pivotal decade of experimentation and against the backdrop of a highly influential military operation-the Indian campaigns in the West.McChristian discusses the evolution of military clothing, equipment, and arms throughout the decade and fully describes each type of item and its modifications. Drawing much new information from the records of the Ordnance and Quartermaster departments, he also adds the human perspective with excerpts from previously unpublished 1875 field reports.Lavishly illustrated with more than two hundred photographs gathered from public and private collections across the nation, this book is an invaluable reference for collectors, curators, and students of militaria and of the colorful frontier era.
University Press of America King of Kings: A Silver Screen Gospel
The 1961 film "King of Kings" ranks among the most popular "Jesus movies" ever made. However, the film inevitably leads viewers to ask, "Is that in the Bible, or did they make that up, or what?" "King of Kings:" A Silver Screen Gospel attempts to answer these questions. Mikkelson & Gregg place the film in the gospel genre and argue that it is a form of "silver screen gospel." Provided is a scene-by-scene summary of and commentary on the movie via a "synoptic" approach. The analysis is anchored by reviewing scenes of "King of Kings" alongside analogous events in the New Testament. The detailed commentaries also explore the relationship of the scenes to other ancient literary sources such as the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible, non-canonical gospels, apocryphal literature, ancient Jewish and Roman authors such as Josephus and Tacitus, and more.
University Press of America Introducing the Bible: The New Testament
This book provides an up-to-date theologically balanced introduction to the Bible and its study, which takes biblical scholarship seriously and takes an affirming stance on faith. Its treatment of the New Testament literature attempts to provide a theologically balanced approach with attention to traditional concerns of introduction, plus a focus on issues of relevance and practical religious value in the study and interpretation of scripture. In doing so, the authors avoid the polemic tone of some of the more conservative introductions, as well as the more speculative and 'value-free' perspectives of more progressive readings. Each chapter relating to a biblical book is divided into the following categories: a brief overview of the book; background concerns; literary considerations; the message; value and relevance for today; issues for discussion and reflection; further reading. Under these rubrics, the volume explores a wide range of questions readers have put to the bible both historically and more recently.
Permuted Press The Five Laws of Retail: How the Most Successful Businesses Have Mastered Them and How You Should Too
Standing at the intersection of history, business, and anthropology, this is the definitive guidebook for succeeding and prospering in any retail enterprise. As a senior retail executive for some of the best-known and most successful retail brands in the U.S. and abroad, author George Troy understands today’s volatile retail landscape. In this time of tremendous challenge and realignment within the retail industry, retail executives and countless others are searching for answers and direction. Troy defines the underlying principles that have, for millennia, governed everything we retail—not just clothing and books, but also politics, religion, art, and other “products” and services. He explains how retailing really works and the rules for long-term success. For anyone wanting to be at the top of the retail food chain, The Five Laws of Retail brings together To Sell Is Human with The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to give you the tools for success in today’s fast-changing world. After all, we are all selling something.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease
Current heart failure therapeutics affects symptoms without appreciably reducing the mortality rate of 50% in five years -- suggesting a failure in treating the underlying mechanism. This book proposes a new mechanism for heart failure; immune mediated cardiac remodelling for cardiac dysfunction. The outstanding editor team of two internationally recognized immunologists -- Ronald Watson, who has studied heart disease in immune dysfunction for a decade and has a patent for an immunotherapy of heart disease by immune regulation, and Douglas Larson, whose experience in cardiac transplantation immunology has provided the foundation for research into novel therapeutics for heart failure and hypertension – makes Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease the definitive reference to the state of the science in this area. The four parts of the book address: Immune Dysfunction Leading to Heart Disease: Induction by Physiological Changes Immune Dysfunction Promoting CVD: Induction by Transplantation Drugs Immune Dysfunction Leading to Heart Dysfunction: Induction or Prevention by Cardiotherapeutic Drugs Immune Dysfunction Leading to Heart Disease: Induction by Pathogens Both researchers and practitioners will find this authoritative volume an excellent source of information on novel immune targeted therapeutics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Anthropology of Violent Death: Theoretical Foundations for Forensic Humanitarian Action
The first book to specifically focus on the theoretical foundations of humanitarian forensic science Anthropology of Violent Death: Theoretical Foundations for Forensic Humanitarian Action consolidates the concepts and theories that are central to securing the posthumous dignity of the deceased, respecting their memories, and addressing the needs of the surviving populations affected. Focusing on the social and cultural significance of the deceased, this much-needed volume develops a theoretical framework that extends the role of humanitarian workers and specifically the actions of forensic scientists beyond an exclusively legal and technical approach. Anthropology of Violent Death is designed to inspire and alerts the scientific community, authorities, and the justice systems to think and take actions to avoid the moral injury in society and cultures due to grave disrespect against humanity, its memories and reconciliation. Humanitarian forensic science faces the role of mediator between the deceased and those who are still alive to guarantee the respect and dignity of humanity. Contributions from renowned experts address post-mortem dignity, cultural perceptions of violent death and various mortuary sites, the forms and critical effects of the so-called forensic turn and humanitarian action, the treatment of violent death in post-conflict societies, respect for the dead under International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Islamic law, the ethical management of the death of migrants, and much more. In an increasingly violent world, this volume, develops a theoretical component for death management in scenarios where humanitarian action is required Facilities better understanding between the social sciences, the forensic sciences, and justice systems in situations involving violent death Discusses the latest theories from leading scholars and practitioners to enhance the activities of forensic scientists and authorities who have the difficult responsibility of making decisions It provides a better understanding of the humanitarian and cultural dilemmas in the face of violent death episodes, and the unresolved needs of the dignity of the deceased during armed conflicts, disasters, migration crises, including everyday homicides Anthropology of Violent Death: Theoretical Foundations for Forensic Humanitarian Action is an indispensable resource for forensic scientists, humanitarian workers, human rights defenders, and government and non-governmental officials.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Future of Forensic Science
Offers a diverse, interdisciplinary, and eye-opening view of the future direction of forensic science This one-of-a-kind book is a collection of content from the Past and Current Presidents of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences—providing readers with all of their forensic science experience, knowledge, insight, and wisdom. It envisions where forensic science will be a decade from now and the impact of these emerging advances on the law (along with our place in it), emphasizing theoretical advances, innovative leads from the laboratory, and emerging technologies. Filled with information from some of the greatest forensic minds of their generation, The Future of Forensic Science covers all of the eleven sections that comprise the AAFS. It discusses new directions in forensic anthropology, and looks at the future of such disciplines as criminalistics, forensic engineering science, forensic psychiatry and behavioral science, forensic toxicology, and forensic document examination. It also touches on the current and future state of digital and multimedia sciences. Contains contributions from an eminent group of forensic science experts Presents a valuable repository of forensic science experience, knowledge, insight, and wisdom Offers an insightful interdisciplinary look at the future of forensic science and how it is changing forensic science for the better Timed to coincide with the NIST forensic science initiative and the OSAC process The Future of Forensic Science is a must-have book for practicing forensic science professionals, academics, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students in forensic science. This book is published as part of the AAFS series ‘Forensic Science in Focus’.
University of British Columbia Press Capturing Hill 70: Canada’s Forgotten Battle of the First World War
In August 1917, the Canadian Corps captured Hill 70, a vital piece of ground just north of the French industrial town of Lens. The Canadians suffered some 5,400 casualties and defeated three days of determined German counter attacks. This spectacularly successful but shockingly costly battle was as innovative as Vimy, yet only a handful of Canadians have heard of it or of subsequent attempts to capture Lens, which resulted in nearly 3,300 more casualties. In Capturing Hill 70, leading military historians mark the centenary of this triumph by dissecting different facets of the battle, from planning and the conduct of operations to long-term repercussions and commemoration.This richly illustrated and thought-provoking book reinstates Hill 70 to its rightful place among the pantheon of battles that helped forge the reputation of the famed Canadian Corps during the First World War, and it sheds new light on the key role played by Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur Currie, who fought his first major action as commander of the Canadian Corps.
Edinburgh University Press The Tale of Old Mortality
The Tale of Old Mortality describes the lives - and often violent deaths - the hopes, and the struggles, of the Covenanters in late seventeenth-century Scotland. A tale of extremism, bigotry and cruelty, it is redeemed by its characters' courage and loyalty, and their passionate belief in religious and civil liberty. Considered to be one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century, its influence pervades European writing from Stendhal to Tolstoy.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Pre-Kindergarten through Middle School
Designed to support teachers as they build mathematical understanding, strengthen students’ abilities to think, help students make sense of mathematics, and assist students in attaining computational fluency. Emphasizes problem posing and problem solving, and encourages teachers to invite children to use their own higher-level thinking processes, including mental calculation and estimation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety
This new edition of the critically acclaimed Handbook of LaboratoryHealth and Safety was designed to help safety officers, laboratorymanagers, principal investigators, and laboratory workers bring labhealth and safety into the twenty-first century. It does this bypresenting a timely, complete, and easy-to-implement approach toensuring a workplace that is safe for its workers as well as thesurrounding community. Further, the handbook lays out guidelines tohelp laboratories comply with the requirements set by OSHA, theEPA, FDA, DOT, DEA, and other relevant regulatory agencies. While the overall philosophy that made the first edition sosuccessful has remained the same, the book has been extensivelyrevised and updated to reflect all new regulations and technicaladvances that have occurred in the field over the past five years.In addition, this Second Edition now features a multitude of sampleforms, checklists, protocols, and other valuable documents thatwill become an indispensable part of any laboratory health andsafety management program. A valuable reference tool for those seeking detailed informationand guidance on specific safety and health issues, Handbook ofLaboratory Health and Safety, Second Edition is also much more. Byproviding a set of clear, easy-to-follow guidelines that serve as arational framework for creating site-specific health and safetyrequirements, it, in effect, arms laboratory managers with a solidfoundation upon which to build--or reengineer--a comprehensiveprogram for identifying, managing, and controlling health andsafety hazards in the laboratory. All of the authors' recommendedguidelines are clearly presented in the section entitled "SuggestedLaboratory Health and Safety Guidelines." Each chapter of thehandbook refers to the relevant sections of the SuggestedGuidelines, explains the basis for the recommendations, andprovides guidance on how to comply. Offering a feasible, easilyimplemented approach to designing and maintaining a safe workplace,Handbook of Laboratory Health and Safety is an indispensable toolfor all those responsible for safeguarding the health and safety oflab workers and the residents of the ambient community. "R. Scott Stricoff...and Douglas B. Walters...have assembledinformation from a variety of sources that is not easily availableelsewhere....This is a useful book." -- Chemical & EngineeringNews "...provides a useful contribution and will be a welcome additionto the laboratory safety adviser's library....the authors' breadthof knowledge and expertise gives a genuine sense of authority tothe information given." -- Chemistry and Industry "...useful for laboratory managers and safety officers who are incharge of the safety of workplaces, but it is also useful forlaboratory architects and designers, supervisors, and others incharge of planning safe laboratories. Employees will also findinformation on the handling of toxic samples andchemicals....Although the book follows American standards andregulations, its interest may be considered worldwide. The book isespecially useful in practical safety work because it explainsthoroughly how to build a safe and pleasant laboratory and how tomaintain its safety." -- Scandinavian Journal of Work Environmentand Health
John Wiley & Sons Inc To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development
An annual publication of the Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD), To Improve the Academy offers a resource for improvement in higher education to faculty and instructional development staff, department chairs, faculty, deans, student services staff, chief academic officers, and educational consultants.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease
Up-to-date, authoritative and comprehensive, Heart Failure, 4th Edition, provides the clinically relevant information you need to effectively manage and treat patients with this complex cardiovascular problem. This fully revised companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease helps you make the most of new drug therapies such as angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs), recently improved implantable devices, and innovative patient management strategies. Led by internationally recognized heart failure experts Dr. G. Michael Felker and Dr. Douglas Mann, this outstanding reference gives health care providers the knowledge to improve clinical outcomes in heart failure patients. Focuses on a clinical approach to treating heart failure, resulting from a broad variety of cardiovascular problems. Covers the most recent guidelines and protocols, including significant new updates to ACC, AHA, and HFSA guidelines. Covers key topics such as biomarkers and precision medicine in heart failure and new data on angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs). Contains four new chapters: Natriuretic Peptides in Heart Failure; Amyloidosis as a Cause of Heart Failure; HIV and Heart Failure; and Neuromodulation in Heart Failure. Covers the pathophysiological basis for the development and progression of heart failure. Serves as a definitive resource to prepare for the ABIM's Heart Failure board exam. 2016 British Medical Association Award: First Prize, Cardiology (3rd Edition). Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Gnepp's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck
Offering the most comprehensive collection of head and neck pathology specimens available in one reference, Gnepp's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology of the Head and Neck, 3rd Edition, is a must-have resource for pathologists in training and practice. This abundantly illustrated volume covers both common and rare disease entities of the entire head and neck area, with particular emphasis on differential diagnosis and diagnostic problems and pitfalls. Detailed text and a highly visual format help you improve turnaround time when diagnosing a specimen and facilitate clear communication of prognosis and therapeutic management options to surgical/medical colleagues. Covers key topics such as molecular aspects of disease, especially in reference to targeted therapy and personalized medicine; the latest classification and staging systems for head and neck diseases and disorders; and immunohistochemical features that help ensure diagnostic accuracy. Discusses new diagnostic biomarkers and their utility in differential diagnosis, as well as newly described variants and new histologic entities. Includes a new chapter on eye pathology. Incorporates new criteria as established by the 2017 World Health Organization classification of Head and Neck tumors and the 2017 World Health Organization classification of Endocrine organ tumors. Provides clinicopathologic correlations throughout to give you all the information you need to formulate a complete diagnostic report. Features more than 1700 full-color illustrations that capture the pathologic appearance of the full range of common and rare neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Nova Science Publishers Inc LEDs & Solid-State Lighting: Energy Savings Potential & a Manufacturing Roadmap
American Society of Overseas Research Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the Other in Antiquity - Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers, AASOR 60-61
What distinguishes an individual or a group in ancient society? How do issues of gender, ethnicity, social stratification and the view of the 'other' impact individuals, groups, and societal attitudes? Foucault in his classic work, The Archaeology of Knowledge, observes that layers of information embedded in language and society often elucidate the unspoken assumptions that individuals, groups or societies hold most dear. What is perceived to distinguish one group can carry such symbolic power that whole societies structure their laws, gender roles, ethnic identities, and views toward the "other" in the light of perceived differences. The ancient world was dominated by such differences. Clothing, hair, costume, housing, gender, religion, set apart one from the other. Ascertaining the rules governing difference in antiquity is challenging. Such rules were generally assumed, not clearly delineated. To determine "the archaeology of difference" the studies in this volume draw on textual and material culture. How does archaeological data illuminate gender or ethnicity or interactions and views of the "other"? What in the archaeological evidence elucidates the attitude toward women's role in society or Jewish perspectives on the Gentiles or attitudes toward the dead? What in texts illuminates the "other" especially as it relates to the writer's or narrator's perception?
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Providing a solid foundation in current ECG technology as well as the newest diagnostic applications, Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography, Thirteenth Edition, delivers the information you need to quickly improve your ECG interpretive skills. Authors Dr. David G. Strauss and Dr. Douglas D. Schocken offer medical students, residents and fellows a detailed explanation of the ECG, rhythm analysis, and how to rapidly and accurately interpret ECG results. Helpful diagrams, tables, animations, and videos, plus new ECG quizzes online, improve your understanding and skills. Includes new, interactive and topical ECG quizzes available online through the eBook bundled with this text. Offers extensive content updates throughout, including substantial updates to the abnormal rhythms section of the book along with chapters on chamber enlargement, drugs and electrolytes, a new chapter on adult congenital heart disease, and more. Contains summary illustrations with each chapter to that allow you to quickly grasp concepts in an easy-to-understand, telegraphic style. Numerous animations throughout to help illustrate cardiovascular disease processes, their effects on the heart muscle, and their clinical manifestations on ECG readings. Uses ECG recordings, anatomical drawings, glossary terms, and animations, and tables to provide comprehensive guidance on ECG interpretation, with convenience glossaries at the end of each chapter that reinforce key terminology. Pairs diagnostic images with corresponding ECGs to enhance understanding. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Crossway Books The Song of Solomon: An Invitation to Intimacy
Exploring the poetry, themes, and wisdom of this song from a Christocentric perspective, O’Donnell elucidates on the greatest subject of all time—love.
LEG Inc. (dba West Academic Publishing Statutory Supplement to Law of Business Torts and Unfair Competition: Cases, Materials, and Problems
This supplement includes all of the Restatement provisions, uniform acts, and statutes needed for the casebook, The Law of Business Torts and Unfair Competition: Cases, Materials, and Problems (2016), by Professors Colin Marks and Douglas Moll. Among other provisions, the supplement includes material from the Second and Third Restatement of Torts, the Third Restatement of Unfair Competition, the Lanham Act, and the Uniform Trade Secrets Act.
Texas A & M University Press Kennewick Man: The Scientific Investigation of an Ancient American Skeleton
Almost from the day of its accidental discovery along the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State in July 1996, the ancient skeleton of Kennewick Man has garnered significant attention from scientific and Native American communities as well as public media outlets. This volume represents a collaboration among physical and forensic anthropologists, archaeologists, geologists, and geochemists, among others, and presents the results of the scientific study of this remarkable find. Scholars address a range of topics, from basic aspects of osteological analysis to advanced research focused on Kennewick Man’s origins and his relationships to other populations. Interdisciplinary studies, comprehensive data collection and preservation, and applications of technology are all critical to telling Kennewick Man’s story.Kennewick Man: The Scientific Investigation of an Ancient American Skeleton is written for a discerning professional audience, yet the absorbing story of the remains, their discovery, their curation history, and the extensive amount of detail that skilled scientists have been able to glean from them will appeal to interested and informed general readers. These bones lay silent for nearly nine thousand years, but now, with the aid of dedicated researchers, they can speak about the life of one of the earliest human occupants of North America.
Aspen Publishing Problems and Materials on the Sale and Lease of Goods: [Connected eBook with Study Center]
Timber Press Nature's Best Hope (Young Readers' Edition): How You Can Save the World in Your Own Yard
History Press Murder at Breakheart Hill Farm: The Shocking 1900 Case That Gripped Boston's North Shore
John Wiley & Sons Inc Discrete Mathematics: Mathematical Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles, Patterns, and Games
These active and well-known authors have come together to create a fresh, innovative, and timely approach to Discrete Math. One innovation uses several major threads to help weave core topics into a cohesive whole. Throughout the book the application of mathematical reasoning is emphasized to solve problems while the authors guide the student in thinking about, reading, and writing proofs in a wide variety of contexts. Another important content thread, as the sub-title implies, is the focus on mathematical puzzles, games and magic tricks to engage students.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Visualizing Everyday Chemistry
Visualizing Everyday Chemistry is for a one-semester course dedicated to introducing chemistry to non-science students. It shows what chemistry is and what it does, by integrating words with powerful and compelling visuals and learning aids. With this approach, students not only learn the basic principles of chemistry but see how chemistry impacts their lives and society. The goal of Visualizing Everyday Chemistry is to show students that chemistry is important and relevant, not because we say it is but because they see it is.
West Academic Publishing The Law of Business Torts and Unfair Competition: Cases, Materials, and Problems
This is the first book to comprehensively integrate business torts (also known as economic torts) and unfair competition actions. The book covers all of the major tort causes of action that one might see in a commercial litigation practice, including the economic loss rule, fraud, negligent misrepresentation, tortious interference with contract and prospective contract, breach of fiduciary duty, insurance torts, breach of the duty of good faith, deceptive marketing, commercial disparagement, misappropriation, trade secrets, trademark infringement, antitrust, and civil RICO. The book also covers important state, federal, and model provisions, including the Second and Third Restatement of Torts, the Third Restatement of Unfair Competition, the Lanham Act, and the Uniform Trade Secrets Act. The authors have included numerous questions and problems to further students' thinking on more complex topics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc To Improve the Academy: Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development
An annual publication of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, this 25th anniversary edition of To Improve the Academy focuses on contributing to and expanding the scholarship of educational development. Each chapter of this volume provides context and strategies for faculty and organizational development that advances student learning. To Improve the Academy, Volume 25, offers a resource for innovating and meeting new challenges in higher education to faculty and instructional development staff, department chairs, deans, student services staff, chief academic officers, and educational consultants. Divided into five sections, the book covers topics such as POD's ethical guidelines for educational developers Educational development and sociological imagination, or the ability to connect individual experience to social structure Paradigms for readers to consider, including critical theory and chaos theory Educational development and the scholarship of teaching and learning Specific practices and issues related to improving curriculum and instruction Faculty development, vitality, and reward at different stages of the faculty career The aim of the book—and POD as an organization—is to instill in educational developers a sense of responsibility for improving the quality of teaching and learning. This anniversary edition not only celebrates this value but also guides readers to a workable understanding of how to contribute to improvements in higher education.