Search results for ""author francis"
University Press of America Utopia on Wheels: Blundering Down the Road to Reality
Utopia on Wheels is a readable, interesting, and accessible introduction to contemporary social issues and theories. Through an exploration of the Green Tortoise, a San Francisco travel company that is dedicated to counter-culture adventures, McGettigan uses three separate journeys as a means to examine the relationship between self and society. In this manner, he provides an entry-point for mass audiences to consider important sociological issues including the nature of social power, the problem of social order, and the ways in which individuals may produce change in a global society.
Penguin Books Ltd The Bridge of San Luis Rey
An ancient bridge collapses over a gorge in Peru, hurling five people into the abyss. It seems a meaningless human tragedy. But one witness, a Franciscan monk, believes the deaths might not be as random as they appear. Convinced that the disaster is a punishment sent from Heaven, the monk sets out to discover all he can about the travellers. The five strangers were connected in some way, he thinks. There must be a purpose behind their deaths. But are their lost lives the result of sin? ... Or of love?
University of Pennsylvania Press The Faith of Remembrance: Marrano Labyrinths
In a series of intimate and searing portraits, Nathan Wachtel traces the journeys of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Marranos—Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were forcibly converted to Catholicism but secretly retained their own faith. Fleeing persecution in their Iberian homeland, some sought refuge in the Americas, where they established transcontinental networks linking the New World to the Old. The Marranos—at once Jewish and Christian, outsiders and insiders—nurtured their hidden beliefs within their new communities, participating in the economic development of the early Americas while still adhering to some of the rituals and customs of their ancestors. In a testament to the partial assimilation of these new arrivals, their faith became ever more syncretic, mixing elements of Judaism with Christian practice and theology. In many cases, the combination was fatal. Wachtel relies on inquisitorial archives of trials and executions to chronicle legal and religious prosecutions for heresy. From the humble Jean Vicente to the fabulously wealthy slave trafficker Manuel Bautista Perez, from the untutored Theresa Paes de Jesus to the learned Francisco Maldonado de Silva, each unforgettable figure offers a chilling reminder of the reach of the Inquisition. Sensitive to the lingering tensions within the Marrano communities, Wachtel joins the concerns of an anthropologist to his skills as a historian, and in a stunning authorial move, he demonstrates that the faith of remembrance remains alive today in the towns of rural Brazil.
Rowman & Littlefield Archy Lee's Struggle for Freedom: The True Story of California Gold, the Nation’s Tragic March Toward Civil War, and a Young Black Man’s Fight for Liberty
In San Francisco, CA, in 1858, a young African American man was freed from the claims of a white man who sought to return him to slavery in Mississippi. This was one year after the Supreme Court’s notorious Dred Scott decision and during the California Gold Rush, which saw the population of the state rise from 7,000 to more than 60,000 in a few short years. Archy Lee was the name of the man who, with the aid of anti-slavery lawyers and determined opponents of human bondage, had just won his freedom from the claims of Charles Stovall. With the aid of pro-slavery lawyers and equally determined supporters, Stovall had sought to capture him and carry him back to a far-away slave plantation. Yet the book is not solely about Archy Lee. It is also about the travel routes that the gold-seekers followed to California in the 1850s, some by land over the Great Plains, some by sea around Cape Horn, yet others by sailing from the east coast of North America to the isthmus of Panama, where they crossed over the land there by train and continued on by sea to San Francisco. It is about the efforts of the racially motivated lawmakers to suppress the rights of all of California’s residents except whites, and to subject people of African, Asian, Hispanic, and Native American descent to second-, third-, or even fourth-class citizenship. It is about the residents of the state—including many whites—who fought back against those efforts, seeking to ameliorate or repeal the discriminatory laws and introduce a measure of fairness and justice into California’s civil life. It is about the lawyers and judges who participated in Archy Lee’s legal struggles in 1858, some supporting his claims for freedom while others ferociously opposed them and, in the process, elevated their own political and professional profiles.
Duke University Press Ethnopornography: Sexuality, Colonialism, and Archival Knowledge
This volume's contributors explore the links among sexuality, ethnography, race, and colonial rule through an examination of ethnopornography—the eroticized observation of the Other for supposedly scientific or academic purposes. With topics that span the sixteenth century to the present in Latin America, the United States, Australia, the Middle East, and West Africa, the contributors show how ethnopornography is fundamental to the creation of race and colonialism as well as archival and ethnographic knowledge. Among other topics, they analyze eighteenth-century European travelogues, photography and the sexualization of African and African American women, representations of sodomy throughout the Ottoman empire, racialized representations in a Brazilian gay pornographic magazine, colonial desire in the 2007 pornographic film Gaytanamo, the relationship between sexual desire and ethnographic fieldwork in Africa and Australia, and Franciscan friars' voyeuristic accounts of indigenous people's “sinful” activities. Outlining how in the ethnopornographic encounter the reader or viewer imagines direct contact with the Other from a distance, the contributors trace ethnopornography's role in creating racial categories and its grounding in the relationship between colonialism and the erotic gaze. In so doing, they theorize ethnography as a form of pornography that is both motivated by the desire to render knowable the Other and invested with institutional power. Contributors. Joseph A. Boone, Pernille Ipsen, Sidra Lawrence, Beatrix McBride, Mireille Miller-Young, Bryan Pitts, Helen Pringle, Pete Sigal, Zeb Tortorici, Neil L. Whitehead
La otra cara del Caudillo mitos y realidades en la biografía de Franco
Las biografías de Francisco Franco siguen difundiendo mitos que nos ocultan la realidad del personaje y de su actuación. Basándose en nueva documentación, Ángel Viñas destroza algunos de los mitos que sigue difundiendo un pretendido revisionismo histórico y nos ofrece nuevas perspectivas sobre temas tan fundamentales como la naturaleza real del poder dictatorial -asentado no sólo en las leyes publicadas, sino también en los decretos reservados-, sobre la base militar en que se apoyó el modelo de disuasión del régimen, sobre la querencia nazi de Franco y la gravedad de su compromiso con Hitler o sobre un tema tan vital, y tan ignorado, como el oscuro origen de la fortuna del Caudillo. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con buena parte de la historiografía neofranquista, en las páginas de este libro cada afirmación está apoyada por la correspondiente documentación.
Ediciones Cátedra Las novelas de Torquemada
Las novelas de Torquemada (1889-1895) son una obra maestra del lenguaje y una de las mejores creaciones de Galdós. Cuentan la historia del usurero Francisco Torquemada y su prodigioso ascenso económico y social; y son asimismo la narración de sus enormes padecimientos. El miserable usurero del comienzo se eleva a los puestos más altos de las finanzas y de la política, todo esto mientras se somete a un divertidísimo aprendizaje del lenguaje y de las costumbres de la buena sociedad. En esta serie de cuatro novelas, el autor trató de representar al personaje mediante su habla. El resultado es un soberbio ejercicio de estilo que integra estas novelas en la renovación del género de finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Las novelas son muestra del humor inigualable y de la superioridad del genio galdosiano en la creación de personajes.
Alhena Fábrica de Contenidos, S.L. Oporto responsable
Hay muchos Oportos en Oporto y esta guía ha de ser una ayuda para su descubrimiento: de ese Oporto deliciosamente atrasado que vio Mayol, el personaje de Vila-Matas, pero también del Oporto monumental reflejado en la talla dorada de la iglesia de San Francisco o en las fachadas de granito de algunos edificios. Después, el Oporto donde se come bien y se bebe mejor, y el Oporto de los jardines románticos, de las plazas amplias y recientemente remodeladas, y también del Oporto contemporáneo del Museu de Serralves y del metro más moderno de Europa, y el Oporto de Alvaro Siza Vieira y Souto Moura, y el Oporto cosmopolita de la Casa da Música diseñada por Rem Koolhaas. Y así sucesivamente, un Oporto detrás del otro ?dependiendo del tiempo que se tenga para descubrir la ciudad y sumergirse en ella con mayor o menor profundidad?.
Siruela Libro de la experiencia
El Memoriale o Libro de la experiencia de Ángela de Foligno (ca. 1242-1308) constituye una de las obras más importantes de la mística europea medieval, además de que nos permite conocer, casi por primera vez en la historia, el mundo interior femenino. A pesar de no haber sido escrito por esta mujer analfabeta, una terciaria franciscana de la Umbría, sino dictado a su guía espiritual, resuena su voz potente para expresar una experiencia inefable, una peregrinación que se inicia con su desnudamiento ante la cruz, según el ideal de pobreza de las nuevas corrientes espirituales, para concluir en el punto sublime de conciliación de los contrarios.Precursora de los grandes maestros de la mística renana como el Maestro Eckhart, su relato cautivó, entre otros muchos, a Georges Bataille que la bautizó como Dama de la Noche.
Rare Bird Books Substantial Justice: A Novel
"A deftly composed and highly enjoyable crime story." —Kirkus ReviewsSubstantial Justice chronicles the 1985 misadventures of Spider Lacey, a laconic Citroen mechanic, and Siobhan Mollenkopf, a lawyer who has reappeared in Spider’s life after a ten-year hiatus. Things start well, then devolve when Spider’s best friend, a marijuana grower and controversial talk-show host, is murdered. Spider and Siobhan spiral into a world of white supremacists, political activists, lumber tycoons, motorcycle gangs, early online geeks, tree-spikers and law enforcement. The terrain is San Francisco, Mendocino County, New York City, and Arizona. A cross between Carl Hiaasen and E. L. Doctorow, Substantial Justice is a comic thriller and a surprising love story that delights in the vicissitudes of the era.
University of Nebraska Press The Aimless Life: Music, Mines, and Revolution from the Rocky Mountains to Mexico
In early March of 1915 news broke in El Paso that Leonard Worcester Jr., a leading mining executive in the border region, was being held in a Chihuahua jail without trial or release on bond. Officials loyal to Francisco “Pancho” Villa had accused Worcester of defrauding a Mexican company related to a shipment of zinc, a charge without merit. While struggling to convince Mexican officials of his innocence, Worcester found himself in the middle of a maelstrom of economic interests, foreign diplomacy, and revolution that engulfed the U.S.-Mexico border region after 1910. Worcester’s 1939 memoir of his “aimless” life describes an important period in U.S. and Mexican history from the perspective of an American miner, musician, and entrepreneur—running counter to the bombast of boosters promoting Manifest Destiny. Introduced, edited, and annotated by Andrew Offenburger, Worcester’s first-person account details the expansion of the American West, mining and labor in Colorado, the formation of reservations in Indian Territory, the Great Depression, and the everyday nature of the Mexican Revolution in Chihuahua. Worcester’s memoir, one of the few written by an American living in the Mexican borderlands during this important historical era, provides a snapshot of the capitalist development of the American West and borderlands regions in the second half of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century.Published in cooperation with the William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University.
University of Notre Dame Press Unearthing Franco's Legacy: Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain
Unearthing Franco's Legacy: Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain addresses the political, cultural, and historical debate that has ensued in Spain as a result of the recent discovery and exhumation of mass graves dating from the years during and after the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). The victor, General Francisco Franco, ruled as a dictator for thirty-six years, during which time he and his supporters had thousands of political dissidents or suspects and their families systematically killed and buried in anonymous mass graves. Although Spaniards living near the burial sites realized what was happening, the conspiracy of silence imposed by the Franco regime continued for many years after his death in 1975 and after the establishment of a democratic government. While the people of Germany, France, and Italy have confronted the legacies of the repressive regimes that came to power in those countries during the 1920s, '30s, and '40s, the unearthing of the anonymous dead in Spain has focused attention on how Spaniards have only recently begun to revisit their past and publicly confront Franco's legacy. The essays by historians, anthropologists, literary scholars, journalists, and cultural analysts gathered here represent the first interdisciplinary analysis of how present-day Spain has sought to come to terms with the violence of Franco's regime. Their contributions comprise an important example of how a culture critiques itself while mining its collective memory.
Simon & Schuster Waiting for Bojangles
An “oddball fairy tale” (The New York Times)—shortlisted for one of France’s highest literary prizes—a dark, funny, and wholly charming novel about a young boy and his eccentric family, who grapple with the realities of mental illness in unique and whimsical ways.A young boy lives with his madcap parents, Louise and George, and an exotic bird in a Parisian apartment, where the unopened mail rises in a tower by the door and his parents dance each night to Nina Simone’s mellifluous classic “Mister Bojangles.” As his mother, mesmerizing and unpredictable, descends deeper into her own mind, it is up to the boy and his father to keep her safe—and, when that fails, happy. Fleeing Paris for a country home in Spain, they come to understand that some of the most radiant people bear the heaviest burdens. Told from the perspective of a young boy who idolizes his parents—and from George’s journals, detailing his epic love story with his wife—Waiting for Bojangles is a “lighthearted and yet sorrowful tale” (San Francisco Chronicle) that will stay with you long after the final page.
Hirmer Verlag Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys: The Motif of the Circus in Contemporary Art
Clear the ring: The motif of the circus in contemporary art. The circus presents a deliberate staging of attractive illusions, hard struggle, success and failure as part of human existence. The volume assembles works by international contemporary artists who make use of the motif of the circus in order to examine current social circumstances and to question cultural and political structures. The circus originated in London towards the end of the 18th century and has long been a subject of fascination. Today this place of sensuous experiences seems like a relic from the past. The circus is a cosmos which with its entertaining and humorous as well as dark sides provides the basis for an examination of art, cultural history, animal ethics, feminism and racial criticism and also for the exposure of structures of cultural dominance, marginalisation and political and historical filters. ARTISTS: Kathryn Andrews | Miriam Bäckström | Istvan Balogh | Beni Bischof | Mona Boschàr | Barbara Breitenfellner | Michael Dannenmann | Zilla Leutenegger | Dieter Meier | Yves Netzhammer | Tal R | Augustin Rebetez | Boris Rebetez | Ugo Rondinone | Niklaus Rüegg | Francisco Sierra | Norbert Tadeusz | William Wegman et. al.
Skyhorse Publishing Sherlock Holmes in America: 14 Original Stories
The world’s greatest sleuth makes his American debut in this groundbreaking collection of never-before-published mystery stories set in the US. The world’s greatest detective and his loyal sidekick Dr. Watson are on their first trip across the Atlantic—to nineteenth-century America! From the bustling neighborhoods of New York City and Boston to sinister locales like Salt Lake City and fog-shrouded cities like San Francisco, the beloved British sleuth faces the most cunning criminals America has to offer, while meeting some of her most famous figures along the way, such as Teddy Roosevelt and Harry Houdini. A groundbreaking anthology, Sherlock Holmes in America features original short stories by award-winning American writers, each in the extraordinary tradition of Conan Doyle, and each with a unique American twist that is sure to satisfy and exhilarate both Sherlock Holmes purists and those who wished Holmes could nab the nefarious closer to home. There is: “The Adventure of the Missing Three Quarters” by Jon L. Breen “The Adventure of the Coughing Dentist” by Loren D. Estleman “The Case of Colonial Warburton’s Madness” by Lyndsay Faye “The Minister’s Missing Daughter” by Victoria Thompson “The Adventure of the White City” by Bill Crider And more!
Marquette University Press Interfaith Engagement in Milwaukee: A Brief History of Christian-Muslim Dialogue
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the fall of 1980, two Franciscan Sisters teamed up with a Muslim professor of a local university to begin a journey of dialogue, friendship, and activism that had a lasting effect on their group and the community. They launched one of the first “Islamic Christian” dialogues in the country, which soon became internationally known. This book brings together their stories of encounter and collaboration alongside those of other interfaith actors. The initial Christian-Muslim dialogue inspired the next generation of leaders to continue the work of building trust and mutual understanding through educational programs and social activism. The narratives presented here are based on qualitative data and scholarly research. They are accompanied by representative examples of the efforts aimed at cultivating spaces for interfaith dialogue and interaction between and among people from different faith traditions and backgrounds. This book offers an overview and history of those interfaith efforts and relationships.
Avalon Publishing Group Moon San Miguel de Allende Fourth Edition
Immerse yourself in San Miguel's baroque architecture, thriving art scene, and local flavors with Moon San Miguel de Allende. Inside you'll find: Flexible, strategic itineraries, from a week covering the best of San Miguel de Allende to three days exploring the art and architecture of the city The top sights and unique experiences: Admire colonial architecture and browse contemporary art galleries and streetside markets. Soak in a hot spring, sample mezcal, and snack on gorditas. Stroll the Franciscan missions of the Sierra Gorda or enjoy the mariachis serenading diners on the sidewalks. Celebrate Mexico's independence at the colorful parades of the fiestas patrias, or indulge in handmade tamales before siesta time Focused advice from expat Julie Doherty Meade, who shares her passion for the vida mexicana In-depth coverage of San Miguel de Allende and the vicinity, Guanajuato, and Qu
El secreto de Narciso Reyes el escultor fantasma
Narciso Reyes es un escultor imaginero que desaparece junto con sus obras entre el 18 y el 19 de julio de 1936, en los primeros días de la desafortunada Guerra Civil. Años después, al trasladarse a casa de su abuela, un joven de doce años llamado Francisco, descubre la historia de este extraño personaje que ha permanecido oculto en el tiempo, entre la leyenda y lo real, y decide comenzar a investigar sobre él y sobre el misterio que envuelve la desaparición del conocido como El escultor fantasma.
University of Minnesota Press Politics at the Airport
Few sites are more symbolic of both the opportunities and vulnerabilities of contemporary globalization than the international airport. Politics at the Airport brings together leading scholars to examine how airports both shape and are shaped by current political, social, and economic conditions. Focusing on the ways that airports have become securitized, the essays address a wide range of practices and technologies—from architecture, biometric identification, and CCTV systems to “no-fly lists” and the privatization of border control—now being deployed to frame the social sorting of safe and potentially dangerous travelers. This provocative volume broadens our understanding of the connections among power, space, bureaucracy, and migration while establishing the airport as critical to the study of politics and global life.Contributors: Peter Adey, Colin J. Bennett, Gillian Fuller, Francisco R. Klauser, Gallya Lahav, David Lyon, Benjamin J. Muller, Valérie November, Jean Ruegg.
Headline Publishing Group Violets are Blue
Two joggers have been found dead in San Francisco - bitten and hung by their feet to drain the blood. Further murders in California, and then on the East Coast as well, completely baffle Alex and the FBI. Is this the work of a cult, or role players, or even of modern-day vampires? Desperate to stop the deaths, Alex teams up with Jamilla Hughes, a savvy woman detective, and the FBI's Kyle Craig. But Alex has never been closer to defeat, or in greater danger. He must survive a deadly confrontation - only to learn at last the awful secret of the Mastermind.
"Heller once again comments on all of society and history with this whirlwind tour through the minds of Aristotle and Rembrandt. . . . History as told by Heller is so comic and heartbreaking that you wonder why anyone would want to live there."--"San Francisco Chronicle."
Getty Trust Publications Ruth Asawa
This graphic biography chronicles the genesis of Ruth Asawa as an artist--from the horror of Pearl Harbor to her transformative education at Black Mountain College to building her life in San Francisco, where she would further develop and refine her groundbreaking wire sculptures--
Ediciones del Genal El marxismo sin ismos de Paco Fernández Buey
El marxismo sin ismo de Francisco Fernandez Buey no es un trabajo de investigación. Es un homenaje, un reconocimiento, una muestra de admiración, una aproximación didáctica y más que incompleta a algunos de los nudos esenciales de su rico,culto,original,
Guías Azules de España, S.A. EEUU Oeste
Un recorrido largo y detallado por una tierra de pioneros y cow-boys, por los míticos escenarios del Far West, desde los desiertos de Nuevo México, hasta las montañas de Montana, y desde las playas californianas, a los casinos de Las Vegas. Visitando ciudades como San Francisco, Los Ángeles, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Pórtland? o la pujante Seattle, uno de los secretos mejor guardados por los estadounidenses. Y es que en esta enorme extensión de terreno, se encuentran algunos de los principales destinos turísticos de todo el país: El Gran Cañón del Colorado, Hollywood, el Parque Nacional de Yosemite? etc. Un viaje por el oeste de Estados Unidos es siempre una experiencia interesante y que a nadie deja indiferente
Atlantic Books We Run the Tides
'Smart, perceptive, elegant, sad, surprising and addictive. And it's also FUNNY.' Nick Hornby'What We Run the Tides probes so poignantly is the volatility of female adolescence... Knowing and powerfully enigmatic.' ObserverTeenage Eulabee and her magnetic best friend, Maria Fabiola, own the streets of Sea Cliff, their foggy oceanside San Francisco neighbourhood. They know Sea Cliff's homes and beaches, its hidden corners and eccentric characters - as well as the upscale all-girls' school they attend. One day, walking to school with friends, they witness a horrible act - or do they? Eulabee and Maria Fabiola vehemently disagree on what happened, and their rupture is followed by Maria Fabiola's sudden disappearance - a potential kidnapping that shakes the quiet community and threatens to expose unspoken truths.Suspenseful and poignant, We Run the Tides is Vendela Vida's masterful portrait of an inimitable place on the brink of radical transformation. Pre-tech boom San Francisco finds its mirror in the changing lives of the teenage girls at the centre of this story of innocence lost, the pain of too much freedom, and the struggle to find one's authentic self. Told with a gimlet eye and great warmth, We Run the Tides is both a gripping mystery and a tribute to the wonders of youth, in all its beauty and confusion.'We Run the Tides is hypnotic, knowing, and propulsive as it examines girlhood, friendship, and the strong pull of the past.' Meg Wolitzer
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Are You This? Or Are You This?: A Story of Identity and Worth
When Madian Al Jazerah came out to his Arab parents, his mother had one question. ‘Are you this?’ she asked, cupping her hand. ‘Or are you this?’ she motioned with a poking finger. If you’re the poker, she said, you aren’t a homosexual. For Madian, this opposition reveals not who he is, but patriarchy, power, and society’s efforts to fit us into neat boxes. He is Palestinian, but wasn’t raised in Palestine. He is Kuwaiti-born, but not Kuwaiti. He’s British-educated, but not a Westerner. He’s a Muslim, but can’t embrace the Islam of today. He’s a gay man, out of the closet but still living in the shadows: he has left Jordan, his home, three times in fear of his life. Madian has searched for acceptance and belonging around the world, joining new communities in San Francisco, New York, Hawaii and Tunisia, yet always finding himself pulled back to Amman. This frank and moving memoir narrates his battles with adversity, racism and homophobia, and a rich life lived with humour, dignity and grace.
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group Cotton Comes to Harlem 7
From “the best writer of mayhem yarns since Raymond Chandler” (San Francisco Chronicle) comes a hard-hitting, entertaining entry in the trailblazing Harlem Detectives series about two NYPD detectives who must piece together the clues of the scam of a lifetime. Flim-flam man Deke O’Hara is no sooner out of Atlanta’s state penitentiary than he’s back on the streets working a big scam. As sponsor of the Back-to-Africa movement, he’s counting on a big Harlem rally to produce a massive collection—for his own private charity. But the take is hijacked by white gunmen and hidden in a bale of cotton that suddenly everyone wants to get his hands on. As NYPD detectives “Coffin Ed” Johnson and “Grave Digger” Jones face the complexity of the scheme, we are treated to Himes’s brand of hard-boiled crime fiction at its very best.
Editorial Seix Barral A flor de piel
Una mujer. Dos adversarios. Veintidós niños. Una aventura que cambió el rumbo de la Historia.En una época de superstición y de inestabilidad política, un hombre persigue una obsesión: erradicar una terrible enfermedad que amenaza a la población mundial. Enfrentándose al poder religioso, que no ve con buenos ojos el avance de la nueva ciencia, el 30 de noviembre de 1803 Francisco Xavier Balmis emprende una campaña sanitaria sin precedentes que lo llevará hasta el Nuevo Mundo y el Lejano Oriente. Con él viajan su ayudante, el joven Salvany, con quien comparte una intensa vocación por la medicina, e Isabel Zendal, hija de una familia humilde de campesinos gallegos encargada del cuidado de los veintidós huérfanos que deberán mantener la vacuna activa durante la travesía. A flor de piel cuenta la mayor proeza humanitaria de la Historia, una ambiciosa expedición que fue posible gracias al valor de los más frágiles, a la fortaleza de una mujer apasionante, y a dos hombres que disputaron su am
Alhena Fábrica de Contenidos, S.L. Córdoba impresiones de viaje
Córdoba es un extracto del libro De París a Cádiz, que se inscribe dentro del interés que despierta nuestro país entre los literatos y artistas románticos, que ven España como un lugar exótico e insólito.Alejandro Dumas padre visitó España entre octubre y noviembre de 1846 (dos años después de la publicación de Los tres mosqueteros y El conde de Montecristo) como cronista de las bodas reales entre Isabel II y su primo Francisco de Asís, y el duque de Montpensier y la infanta Luisa Fernanda, hermana de la reina Isabel II. Le acompañan su hijo, su secretario, el poeta Auguste Maquet, los pintores Adolphe Desbarolles y Eugène Giraud y Eau Benjoin, su criado etíope. Como resultado de este viaje surgieron tres libros: De París a Cádiz, escrito por Dumas, Dos artistas en España, firmado por Desbarolles y Giraud, y un tercero posterior sobre cocina española.Esta no es una novela de viajes al uso; allá donde no llega la realidad, Dumas da rienda suelta a su imaginación. Y esta es la que
El mundo en llamas la larga guerra 19141945
Si con "El color del tiempo" Marina Amaral y Dan Jones han revolucionado la maneraen que miramos ?y entendemos!? la historia contemporánea, con su segundolibro, "El mundo en llamas. La larga guerra 1914-1945", consiguen narrar como nunca se ha hecho la épica, sobrecogedora y terrible época que va desde el asesinatodel archiduque Francisco Fernando en Sarajevo a la aniquilación de Hiroshima, una larga guerra que no solo comprendió las dos tremendas conflagraciones quefueron la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sino todos los conflictos que salpicaron el periodo de entreguerras, como la Guerra Civil española. Para ello,Marina ha creado doscientas impactantes imágenes, restaurando digitalmente el colora fotografías de época, lo que junto con los vívidos y agudos textos de Dan componeun conmovedor ?y, a menudo, aterrador? relato coral, en el que podemos mirar a losojos a sus protagonistas, fuesen estos líderes como Churchill, Stalin, Mussolini o Hitler, f
El 60 aniversario
Número 182 de la colección Magos del humor.Una nueva aventura de Francisco Ibáñez dedicada al sexagésimo aniversario de sus populares personajes Mortadelo y Filemón.La T.I.A. continúa en acción, pero los años pasan para todos y los miembros de la organización están viejos y achacosos. A pesar de ello, Mortadelo y Filemón continúan luchando contra el crimen y las injusticias, y el Súper, con motivo del sesenta aniversario de los agentes, les encarga una nueva misión que los llevará a un lejano país.Allí tendrán que enfrentarse a un tremendo personaje, pero no dudamos de que saldrán airosos de su misión con valentía y buen humor.Sobre la colección:La colección Magos del Humor nació en la editorial Bruguera en el año 1984 recuperando títulos que ya habían sido publicados en su antecesora Ases del Humor (1969). Debido al cierre de Bruguera en 1986, en esta etapa solo llegaron a ver la luz los primeros 12 volúmenes de la serie, pero en 1987
Penguin Putnam Inc Desolation Angels
The classic autobiographical novel by Jack Kerouac featuring "one of the most true, comic, and grizzly journeys in American literature" (Time)—now in a new edition Originally published in 1965, this autobiographical novel covers a key year in Jack Kerouac's life—the period that led up to the publication of On the Road in September of 1957. After spending two months in the summer of 1956 as a fire lookout on Desolation Peak in the North Cascade Mountains of Washington, Kerouac's fictional self Jack Duluoz comes down from the isolated mountains to the wild excitement of the bars, jazz clubs, and parties of San Francisco, before traveling on to Mexico City, New York, Tangiers, Paris, and London. Duluoz attempts to extricate himself from the world but fails, for one must "live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry." Desolation Angels is quintessential Kerouac.
Amazon Publishing Exhume
Dr. Annabelle Schwartzman has finally found a place to belong. As the medical examiner for the San Francisco Police Department, working alongside homicide detective Hal Harris, she uncovers the tales the dead can’t tell about their final moments. It is a job that gives her purpose—and a safe haven from her former life at the hands of an abusive husband. Although it’s been seven years since she escaped that ordeal, she still checks over her shoulder to make sure no one is behind her. Schwartzman’s latest case is deeply troubling: the victim bears an eerie resemblance to herself. What’s more, a shocking piece of evidence suggests that the killer’s business is far from over—and that Schwartzman may be in danger. In this pulse-pounding thriller from award-winning writer Danielle Girard, a woman must face her worst nightmare to catch a killer.
Amazon Publishing Cold Moon
The hunt for mass murderer Cara Lindstrom is over. FBI Special Agent Matthew Roarke has been working for this moment: the capture of a killer who savagely hunts the worst of humanity. But Roarke remains traumatized by his own near-death at the hands of the serial killer who slaughtered Cara’s family…and haunted by the enigmatic woman who saved his life. Then the sixteen-year-old prostitute who witnessed Cara’s most recent murder goes missing, and suddenly pimps are turning up dead on the streets of San Francisco, killed with an MO eerily similar to Cara’s handiwork. Is a new killer on the loose with a mission even more deadly than hers? In the pulse-pounding third Huntress/FBI Thrillers book, Roarke will have to go on the hunt…and every woman he meets, even those closest to him, may prove deadly.
Pushkin Press The Mirror of Simple Souls
'A remarkable evocation of hidden aspects of the medieval world... Kiner blends unfamiliar history with a compelling account of women struggling in a society determined to shackle them' - Sunday Times, Historical Fiction Book of the MonthIt's 1310 and Paris is alive with talk of the trial of the Templars. Religious repression is on the rise, and the smoke of execution pyres blackens the sky above the city. But sheltered behind the walls of Paris's great beguinage, a community of women are still free to work, study and live their lives away from the domination of men.When a wild, red-haired child clothed in rags arrives at the beguinage gate one morning, with a sinister Franciscan monk on her tail, she sets in motion a chain of events that will shatter the peace of this little world-plunging it into grave danger...
WW Norton & Co The Lives of Isaac Stern
No single American could personify what Henry Luce called the American Century but Isaac Stern came closer than most. Despite modest origins as the child of Jewish immigrants in San Francisco, by the early 1940s talent and practice had brought him a Carnegie Hall debut, critical acclaim and the attention of the legendary Sol Hurok. As America came of age, so too did Stern. He would go on to make music on five continents, records in formats from 78 rpm to digital, friends as different as Frank Sinatra and Isaiah Berlin, and policy from Carnegie Hall to Washington, Jerusalem and Shanghai. He also loaned instruments to young players, brokered gigs for Soviet emigrés and replied in person to inquiring fans. Wide-ranging yet intimate, The Lives of Isaac Stern is a portrait of an artist and musical statesman who left a profound musical and cultural legacy.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Ambassador Dogs
Dogs are ambassadors to the world and our own local communities. They come to serve and love us as only they know how. Accompanied by 175 color images, discover the remarkable connection between dogs and humans through the inspiring stories of 24 dogs and the owners whose lives they have made better. Meet Paddington, the official greeter at Thorncroft Equestrian Center, and Cody, a search and rescue dog. Learn the story behind Pals for Life, an organization that provides therapy animal visits, and Francisvale, a safe haven for abandoned dogs. The stories range from service dogs that make life easier for those in need to much-loved household pets that offer love and companionship each day for family members. Dog lovers everywhere will delight in these wonderfully witty and entertaining stories.
University of Texas Press Sonata
"I believe every sunrise and I remember the smell of wet grass, the color of robins, and rustle of leaves on the big oaks that outlive nations, all this comes with each sunrise."Sonata marks the sixth and final installment of Charles Bowden’s towering “Unnatural History of America” series. While his earlier volumes were suffused with violence and war, Bowden offers here a celebration of rebirth and regrowth. Rendered in Bowden's inimitable style, more prose poetry than reportage, he evokes panoramas that contain the potential for respite and offer a state of grace all but lost in the endless wars of man.Bowden travels back in time to the worlds of artists Francisco Goya and Vincent van Gogh, the latter painting furiously against encroaching madness. “Van Gogh tries to dream a life of color,” writes Bowden. “Powder blue sheds, yellow stubble, pink skies—but the fears and dark things drag him down.” As Bowden’s vivid prose wrestles with the madness of the world, van Gogh’s paintings represent an act of resistance, ultimately unsuccessful, against depression and suicide.Moving from the vibrant hues of van Gogh’s painted gardens to America’s southern border, Bowden returns once more to the Mexican asylum run by "El Pastor," Jose Antonio Galvan, who was first introduced to readers of the sextet in Jericho. Here, too, is the dream of a garden that will be planted in the desert, a promise of regeneration in a world gone mad. Poetic, elegiac, and elliptical, Sonata is the final, captivating book of Bowden’s monumental career.
Duke University Press Images at War: Mexico From Columbus to Blade Runner (1492–2019)
“If colonial America was the melting pot of modernity, it was because it was also a fabulous laboratory of images. . . . Just as much as speech and writing, the image can be a vehicle for all sorts of power and resistance.” So writes Serge Gruzinski in the introduction to Images at War, his striking reinterpretation of the Spanish colonization of Mexico. Concentrating on the political meaning of the baroque image and its function within a multicultural society, Gruzinski compares its ubiquity in Mexico to our modern fascination with images and their meaning.Although the baroque image played a decisive role in many arenas, especially that of conquest and New World colonization, its powerful resonance in the sphere of religion is a focal point of Gruzinski’s study. In his analysis of how images conveyed meaning across linguistic barriers, he uncovers recurring themes of false images, less-than-perfect replicas, the uprooting of peoples and cultural memories, and the violence of iconoclastic destruction. He shows how various ethnic groups—Indians, blacks, Europeans—left their distinct marks on images of colonialism and religion, coopting them into expressions of identity or instruments of rebellion. As Gruzinski’s story unfolds, he tells of Aztec idols, the cult of the Virgin of Guadalupe, conquistadors, Franciscans, and neoclassical attempts to repress the baroque. In the final chapter he discusses the political and religious implications of contemporary imagery—such as that in Mexican soap operas—and speculates about the future of images in Latin America. Originally written in French, this work makes available to an English audience a seminal study of Mexico and the role of the image in the New World.
Park Books Neri and Hu Design and Research Office - Works and Projects 2004 - 2014
Founded in 2004 and based in Shanghai and London, neri & hu design and research office works internationally providing architecture, interior, master planning, graphic, and product design services. They work on projects in many countries with a multi-cultural staff. This diversity emphasises the firm's vision to respond to a global worldview incorporating overlapping design disciplines. This first ever book on neri & hu design and research office documents a selection of their work in architecture and product design. With a lavishly illustrated beautiful design concept, it is structured in three sections: Buildings features seven renovation projects in Shanghai, complete refurbishments as well as interior redesigns. Products presents four designs for household goods and furniture. Projects documents ongoing and unrealized architectural work in Florida, London, Shanghai, and Kuala Lumpur. An introduction and a topical essay on renovation as well as an overview of neri & hu design and research office's projects to date round out the book. Lyndon Neri studied architecture at University of California, Berkeley, and Harvard Graduate School of Design. Before founding his own firm with Rossana Hu he has been working for more than ten years with Princeton-based Michael Graves & Associates and various architectural firms in New York. Rossana Hu studied architecture and music at University of California, Berkeley, and Princeton University. She worked with Michael Graves & Associates and Ralph Lerner Architect in Princeton; Skidmore, Owings & Merrill in New York; and The Architects Collaborative (TAC) in San Francisco before founding neri & hu design and research office.
Little, Brown & Company The Night Searchers
When new clients Jay and Camilla Givens come to Sharon McCone with Camilla's stories of devil worshippers performing human sacrifices in San Francisco, the detective is skeptical, to say the least. However, when she discovers that Jay is involved with the treasure hunting group The Night Searchers, she starts looking into what exactly he and the other participants are up to after dark. As she digs deeper into the Searchers, Sharon joins their ranks in order to find out more-while someone is searching for her.
Faber & Faber Blackbird
Fifteen years ago Una and Ray had a relationship.They haven't set eyes on each other since.Now, years later, she's found him again.Blackbird premiered at King's Theatre as part of the Edinburgh International Festival, in August 2005, and transferred to the Albery Theatre in London's West End in 2006. The production received the 2007 Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play. In 2007, the play opened simultaneously at the Manhattan Theater Club in New York and and at American Conservatory Theatre, San Francisco.
Phaidon Press Ltd Peru: The Cookbook
The definitive Peruvian cookbook, featuring 500 traditional home cooking recipes from the country's most acclaimed and popular chef, Gastón Acurio.One of the world's most innovative and flavorful cuisines, Peruvian food has been consistently heralded by chefs and media around the world as the "next big thing." Peruvian restaurants are opening across the United States, with 20 in San Francisco alone, including Limon and La Mar.Acurio guides cooks through the full range of Peru's vibrant cuisine from popular classics like quinoa and ceviche, and lomo saltado to lesser known dishes like amaranth and aji amarillo. For the first time, audiences will be able to bring the flavors of one of the world's most popular culinary destinations into their own kitchen.
Penguin Books Ltd Martin Eden
The semiautobiographical Martin Eden is the most vital and original character Jack London ever created. Set in San Francisco, this is the story of Martin Eden, an impoverished seaman who pursues, obsessively and aggressively, dreams of education and literary fame. London, dissatisfied with the rewards of his own success, intended Martin Eden as an attack on individualism and a criticism of ambition; however, much of its status as a classic has been conferred by admirers of its ambitious protagonist. Andrew Sinclair's wide-ranging introduction discusses the conflict between London's support of socialism and his powerful self-will. Sinclair also explores the parallels and divergences between the life of Martin Eden and that of his creator, focusing on London's mental depressions and how they affected his depiction of Eden.
Rowman & Littlefield Understanding Principia and Tractatus: Russell and Wittgenstein Revisited
A. P. Rao is considered to be one of India's leading, modern philosophers. In this compelling new monograph, he discusses the unique philosophical energies and synergies between Russell and Wittgenstein's seminal works and re-interprets the logical-positivist thrust of language and mathematical philosophy in this century and into the next. '...a thorough display of Rao at his brilliant best... an important addition to any research library of philosophy worth its salt.' -Andrew Woznicki, University of San Francisco.
Triumph Books The Greatest Game Ever Pitched: Juan Marichal, Warren Spahn, and the Pitching Duel of the Century
The incredible performances of Juan Marichal and Warren Spahn on July 2, 1963, would forever link their names together in baseball history, and this dual biography of these athletes weaves that 1963 contest throughout the narrative in a book that is sure to be a home run with baseball fans everywhere. Even before their epic pitching duel, Marichal and Spahn already had a lot in common. Future Hall of Famers with high-kicking deliveries, they were shaped into winners by character-building experiences in the military. Spahn had been baseball's most winning pitcher in the 1950s, and Marichal would be equally dominant in the 1960s. The Braves' Spahn and the Giants' Marichal began their duel in San Francisco's cold and windy Candlestick Park. Four hours later, the two pitching legends were deadlocked in a scoreless tie when Willie Mays hit a walk-off home run to end the greatest game ever pitched. In between, Marichal and Spahn each threw more than 200 pitches and went 16 innings without relief. Considering today's culture of pitch counts and coddled arms, it proved to be a legendary night that won't be repeated ever again.
Prestel Breguet: Art and Innovation In Watchmaking
Abraham-Louis Breguet invented many of the standard components of today's most prestigious watches, earning the title "The Father of Modern Horology." The self-winding watch, the gong spring, the first shock-protection device and the enameled dial-all were created by Breguet. In addition, he invented the first travel clock, sold to Napoleon Bonaparte in 1798 and the first wristwatch, delivered to Caroline Murat, queen of Naples in 1812. Perhaps Breguet's most famous timepiece is the "Marie-Antoinette" pocket watch, which took forty years to make and was the most complex watch of its time. This fascinating, elegantly designed volume features more than seventy watches and clocks that were constructed by the Breguet company, and it contains many insights into the inner workings that made these objects so innovative and valuable. Engaging essays explore Breguet's personal history, the technologies he perfected and his vast international reputation-which survives to this day. This beautiful overview of Breguet's achievements will speak to anyone who treasures their watch-whether as an indispensable daily accessory, or as a prized piece of jewellery.Published in association with the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
University of Pennsylvania Press A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy: The Life of Clare of Rimini
This book centers on a fascinating woman, Clare of Rimini (c. 1260 to c. 1324–29), whose story is preserved in a fascinating text. Composed by an anonymous Franciscan, the Life of the Blessed Clare of Rimini is the earliest known saint’s life originally written in Italian, and one of the few such lives to be written while its subject was still living. It tells the story of a controversial woman, set against the background of her roiling city, her star-crossed family, and the tumultuous political and religious landscape of her age. Twice married, twice widowed, and twice exiled, Clare established herself as a penitent living in a roofless cell in the ruins of the Roman walls of Rimini. She sought a life of solitary self-denial, but was denounced as a demonic danger by local churchmen. Yet she also gained important and influential supporters, allowing her to establish a fledgling community of like-minded sisters. She traveled to Assisi, Urbino, and Venice, spoke out as a teacher and preacher, but also suffered a revolt by her spiritual daughters. A Female Apostle in Medieval Italy presents the text of the Life in English translation for the first time, bringing modern readers into Clare’s world in all its excitement and complexity. Each chapter opens a different window into medieval society, exploring topics from political power to marriage and sexuality, gender roles to religious change, pilgrimage to urban structures, sanctity to heresy. Through the expert guidance of scholars and translators Jacques Dalarun, Sean L. Field, and Valerio Cappozzo, Clare’s life and context become a springboard for readers to discover what life was like in a medieval Italian city.