Search results for ""author francis"
Saturnalia Books Ing Grish 02 ArtistPoet Collaboration
Yau's comic and cutting poetry collides with the work of Nozkowski, whom the New Yorker has termed the Chardin of contemporary abstraction. The end result is a dazzling and vibrant concoction of visual and written imagery. All the poems in Ing Grish are new, as are Nozkowski's paintings and illustrations, which he created expressly for this collection. Ing Grish was namedBook of the Year by Small Press Traffic in San Francisco.
Cinebook Ltd Lucky Luke 25 - The Stagecoach
Plagued by constant bandit attacks, Wells Fargo is falling on hard times. To restore public trust in their services, the company sends one well-publicised stagecoach from Denver to San Francisco. It will have the best whipA" as driver, a motley crew of daring passengers, and-to escort them and a precious cargo of gold-none other than Lucky Luke. A wise precaution, because every desperado in the country will be waiting on the coach's planned route -
Peeters Publishers "Bedudinghe Op Cantica Canticorum". Vertaling En Bewerking Van "Glossa Tripartita Super Cantica": I. Teksthistorische Studies
Tot voor kort was "Bedudinghe op Cantica Canticorum" niet meer dan een omvangrijk Middelnederlands commentaar op het Hooglied, een anonieme vroeg-vijftiende-eeuwse tekst van onbekende herkomst, die verbazend rijk is overgeleverd. "Bedudinghe" werd ten onrechte gezien als een originele Middelnederlandse compilatie. "Bedudinghe" is echter een van de talrijke vruchten van volkstalige Hoogliedcommentaren aan een boom die stevig wortelt in de vruchtbare grond van een Latijnse commentaartraditie van Origenes tot Bernardus, van Gregorius tot Bonaventura. "Bedudinghe" kan opmerkelijk exact in tijd, plaats en spirituele cultuur worden verankerd. Analyse van inhoud en overlevering doet vermoeden dat de tekst in de Noordelijke Nederlanden is ontstaan en dat Latijnse bronnen de basis vormen voor het Middelnederlandse commentaar. Dit vermoeden is op uiterst gelukkige wijze bevestigd door de vondst in de Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht van de Latijnse brontekst: "Glossa tripartita super Cantica"."Glossa tripartita super Cantica - 'Drieledig commentaar op het Hooglied' - is een franciscaanse exegetische tekst uit de vroege veertiende eeuw. "Glossa tripartita" is in de loop van vele jaren ontstaan, vindt haar oorsprong aan de universiteit van Parijs en is mogelijk voltooid in het epicentrum van de franciscaanse wereld: Assisi.In de vroege vijftiende eeuw is deze scholastiek-exegetische tekst getransformeerd tot "Bedudinghe op Cantica Canticorum", waarbij de tekst van alle scholastieke elementen werd ontdaan. "Glossa tripartita" geeft een drieledig allegorisch commentaar op het Hooglied: bruid en bruidegom zijn respectievelijk God en de Kerk, Christus en Maria, God en de minnende ziel. "Bedudinghe" laat de ecclesiologische interpretatie achterwege. De "Bedudinghe"-vertaler schiep een tekst die uitsluitend bedoeld is voor meditatie en contemplatie. "Bedudinghe" levert de brandstof voor de oven 'der vuerigher begheerten', die brandt in het hart van de minnende ziel. De getransformeerde tekst verwierf een onmiddellijk en blijvend succes in de Noordelijke Nederlanden.Ook de plaats van "Bedudinghe" in de vijftiende-eeuwse culturele, tekstuele, spirituele en institutionele context kan tamelijk exact worden bepaald. Het geintendeerde publiek bestaat uit contemplatief gestemde vrouwen, in de eerste plaats in de huizen en kloosters van het Utrechts Kapittel en het Generaal Kapittel (Kapittel van Sion). In dit milieu, in het westen van de Noordelijke Nederlanden, vond de primaire receptie van "Bedudinghe" plaats; een secundaire, goeddeels gelijktijdige receptie op kleinere schaal, vond plaats in Windesheimse kloosters in het oosten.Tekstinterne en tekstexterne gegevens kunnen tenslotte in een zin worden samengevat: de "Bedudinghe"-vertaler en -bewerker schreef in de vroege vijftiende eeuw een tot meditatie en contemplatie stemmend Hoogliedcommentaar voor vrouwelijke religieuzen in het westen van de Noordelijke Nederlanden met sterke bruidsmystieke verlangens.
El Giro de la Familia
Este libro recoge 10 artículos preparados para hacer un homenaje, con motivo de su jubilación, al profesor Francisco Chacón Jiménez
The Catholic University of America Press Ignatius of Loyola and Thomas Aquinas: A Jesuit Ressourcement
Though the relationship between Jesuits and Dominicans has historically been marked by theological controversy, Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, shows remarkable affinity for the Thomistic tradition, the tradition advanced above all by the Dominican order. When writing the Jesuit Constitutions, in fact, Ignatius made Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae the primary textbook for Jesuit theological formation. The contributions to this volume--originating from Jesuits, Dominicans, and lay scholars alike--explore different aspects of the complex yet illuminating relationship between Ignatius and Thomas. The themes range from the general relationship between the early Jesuits and scholastic theology to the attempts by Francisco de Toledo, the first Jesuit cardinal, to apply Thomistic reasoning to the religious and legal status of Jewish converts to Christianity. Other contributions compare Ignatius and Thomas on topics of significant interest for dogmatic, sacramental, and spiritual theology: spiritual experience, the ordering of the passions, the use of the imagination, prudence and discernment of spirits, frequent communion, Mariology, the ""hierarchical church,"" and the limits of obedience.Students of Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas Aquinas, second scholasticism, Christian-Jewish relations, and spiritual theology in general will find this volume an invaluable contribution.
Liverpool University Press Maritime Men of the Asia-Pacific: True-Blue Internationals Navigating Labour Rights 1906-2006
Winner of the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society (ANZLHS) Prize for 2023 Maritime workers occupy a central place in global labour history. This new and compelling account from Australia, shows seafaring and waterside unions engaged in a shared history of activism for legally regulated wages and safe liveable conditions for all who go to sea. Maritime Men of the Asia-Pacific provides a corrective to studies which overlook this region’s significance as a provider of the world’s maritime labour force and where unions have a rich history of reaching across their differences to forge connections in solidarity. From the ‘militant young Australian’ Harry Bridges whose progressive unionism transformed the San Francisco waterfront, to Australia’s successful implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, this is a story of vision and leadership on the international stage. Unionists who saw themselves as internationalists were also operating within a national and imperial framework where conflicting interests and differences of race and ideology had to be overcome. Union activists in India, China and Japan struggled against indentured labour and ‘coolie’ standards. They linked with their fellow-unionists in pursuing an ideal of international labour rights against the power of shipowners and anti-union governments. This is a complex story of endurance, cooperation and conflict and its empowering legacy.
Investigaciones en pensamiento numérico y algebraico Seminario de Investigación en Pensamiento Numérico e Historia de las Matemáticas celebrado en 2018 en Almería
Francisco Gil Cuadra fue miembro activo de La Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática (SEIEM) y del grupo Pensamiento Numérico y Algebraico (PNA). Después de su inesperado fallecimiento, el grupo PNA decidió celebrar en Almería su seminario nacional Investigaciones en Pensamiento Numérico y Algebraico, en marzo de 2018 y rendirle un homenaje póstumo. Este libro incluye colaboraciones de autores invitados y las aportaciones más relevantes del seminario. Organizado en cuatro bloques coincidentes con las principales líneas de investigación que desarrolló el profesor Gil Cuadra, el Bloque I, Contribución de Francisco Gil Cuadra y Conferencias, presenta un trabajo inédito del Dr. Gil y las dos conferencias invitadas, respectivamente del Dr. Rico Romero y Dr. Gómez Alfonso. El Bloque II presenta cuatro investigaciones relacionadas con Motivación, actitudes y creencias. El Bloque III incluye tres trabajos vinculados con la Formación del profesorado. Concluye el libro con el
Chronicle Books For Love: 25 Heartwarming Celebrations of Humanity
From Alice Yoo and Eugene Kim, curators of leading art and photo blog My Modern Metropolis, comes a collection of highly creative and incredibly inspirational visual stories from twenty-five contemporary photographers. These stories capture magnificent displays of ordinary people--parents and children, husbands and wives, grandparents, friends, siblings, and pet owners--doing extraordinary things for love. From Batkid's mission to save San Francisco, to the husband who wore a pink tutu all over the country to bring his sick wife joy, to a collection of portraits of people 'happy at 100'--these inspirational photographs will warm your heart and restore your faith in humanity.
Nightboat Books Century of Clouds
This edition restores to print a central text of the New Narrative movement, founded in San Francisco by Boone and Robert Gluck in response to the stagnation of contemporary experimental poetry of the late 1970s. Wishing to bring the vigor and energy of the gay rights and feminist movements, Bruce Boone's writing of the late 1970s is as fresh, funny, witty, and self-reflexive as it was thirty years ago. First published in 1980, Century of Clouds, based on Boone's experiences at the summer meeting of Marxism and Theory Group in St. Cloud, Minnesota, takes up issues of sexuality, political and theoretical identity, religion, and friendship in the characteristically rich and varied writing of the New Narrative movement.
Chronicle Books Cross Country: A 3,700-Mile Run to Explore Unseen America
In 2017, professional runner Rickey Gates ran 3,700 miles across the continental United States with just a small backpack and an anthropologist's curiosity to discover the divided America in which we live. In the book Cross Country, Gates documents this epic experience from South Carolina to San Francisco, sharingfirst-person essays, interviews, and over 200 photographs of the ordinary and extraordinary people and places he saw along the way. While Gates delivers unparalleled insight into the extreme athletic and mental challenge of this transcontinental run, running is not the core focus of Cross Country -it is a story of the remarkable people across the United States who we would otherwise never meet. • A photographic travelogue that follows along Rickey Gates's run across the country, and the individuals who live in it • Filled with portraits, landscapes, and collages of towns and communities that most people have never seen • From South Carolina to San Francisco, the five-month-long run covers 3,700 miles of hiking trails, rivers, and roads. Gates slept in the rain, carried meager possessions on his back, ran through the night, endured mental and physical challenges, and survived on a staple of gas station hot dogs and Pop Tarts. Delivering a patchwork portrait of America, Gates's captivating story captures the spirit of our country-that grit, determination, and compassion are qualities that can unite us all. • Perfect gift for runners, hikers, and lovers of the outdoors, as well as fans of travelogues, photography, and photo-journalism • A great pick for those who loved Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton, The Oregon Trail: A New American Journey by Rinker Buck, and A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson. • A unique perspective of the United States
Princeton University Press Goya: A Portrait of the Artist
The first major English-language biography of Francisco Goya y Lucientes, who ushered in the modern eraThe life of Francisco Goya (1746–1828) coincided with an age of transformation in Spanish history that brought upheavals in the country's politics and at the court which Goya served, changes in society, the devastation of the Iberian Peninsula in the war against Napoleon, and an ensuing period of political instability. In this revelatory biography, Janis Tomlinson draws on a wide range of documents—including letters, court papers, and a sketchbook used by Goya in the early years of his career—to provide a nuanced portrait of a complex and multifaceted painter and printmaker, whose art is synonymous with compelling images of the people, events, and social revolution that defined his life and era.Tomlinson challenges the popular image of the artist as an isolated figure obsessed with darkness and death, showing how Goya's likeability and ambition contributed to his success at court, and offering new perspectives on his youth, rich family life, extensive travels, and lifelong friendships. She explores the full breadth of his imagery—from scenes inspired by life in Madrid to visions of worlds without reason, from royal portraits to the atrocities of war. She sheds light on the artist's personal trials, including the deaths of six children and the onset of deafness in middle age, but also reconsiders the conventional interpretation of Goya's late years as a period of disillusion, viewing them instead as years of liberated artistic invention, most famously in the murals on the walls of his country house, popularly known as the "black" paintings.A monumental achievement, Goya: A Portrait of the Artist is the definitive biography of an artist whose faith in his art and his genius inspired paintings, drawings, prints, and frescoes that continue to captivate, challenge, and surprise us two centuries later.
Distributed Art Publishers Betye Saar: Serious Moonlight
Rarely seen installation works that exemplify this pioneering artist’s critical focus on Black identity and Black feminism Showcasing a lesser-known aspect of Saar’s art, Betye Saar: Serious Moonlight provides new insights into her explorations of ritual, spirituality and cosmologies, as well as themes of the African diaspora. Featured here are significant installations created by Saar from 1980 to 1998, including Oasis (1984), a work that will be reconfigured at ICA Miami’s Saar exhibition for the first time in more than 30 years. With compelling scholarship and rich illustration—combining new installation photography and archival material—the monograph provides a fresh look at this significant artist’s critical and influential practice. Betye Saar: Serious Moonlight reinforces and celebrates Saar’s standing as a visionary artist, storyteller and mythmaker, and the ongoing significance and relevance of her work to the most pressing issues in America today. Betye Saar (born 1926) is renowned for pioneering Black feminism and West Coast assemblage in her visionary artistic practice, through dense, complexly referential objects. For over six decades, Saar’s work has led dialogues on race and gender, reflecting changing cultural and political contexts. Most recently, solo presentations have been hosted by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Saar’s work was prominently featured in We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85 at the Brooklyn Museum, New York, and in Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power at Tate Modern, London, which traveled to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, Arkansas; Brooklyn Museum; The Broad, Los Angeles; and the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Impact of Comparative Education Research on Institutional Theory
This volume of "International Perspectives on Education and Society" explores how educational research from a comparative perspective has been instrumental in broadening and testing hypotheses from institutional theory. Institutional theory has also played an increasingly influential role in developing an understanding of education in society. This symbiotic relationship has proven intellectually productive. In light of the impact that comparative education research has had on institutional theory, the chapters in this volume ask where the comparative and international study of education as an institution is heading in the 21st century. Chapters range from theoretical discussions of the impact that comparative research has had on institutional theory to highly empirical comparative scholarship that tests basic institutional assumptions and trends. Two pioneers in the field, John W. Meyer and Francisco O. Ramirez, contribute the Forward and the concluding chapter. In addition to the editors, other contributors to this volume include M. Fernanda Astiz, Janice Aurini, Jason Beech, Edward F. Bodine, Karen Bradley, Claudia Buchmann, Scott Davies, Gili S. Drori, David H. Kamens, Jong-Seon Kim, Hyeyoung Moon, Hyunjoon Park, Emilio A. Parrado, Lauren Rauscher, John G. Richardson, David F. Suarez, and Regina E. Werum.
Acantilado A mí señoras me parece treinta y un relatos del palacio de Fontainebleau
En las treinta y una prosas que componen este libro Delay reconstruye la historia del palacio de Fontainebleau desde Francisco I a Enrique IV de Francia, y da vida y voz a todas las damas imaginarias?las diosas, dianas cazadoras y otras ninfas desnudas?y reales que un día adornaron las paredes o las fiestas del palacio,así como a los reyes que lo habitaron y los pintores que lo decoraron.
Tusquets Editores Obra en prosa Volumen Independiente Spanish Edition
Clásico del siglo XX y una de las voces más rigurosas de la generación del 27, Jorge Guillén no sólo nos ha dejado una obra poética excepcional, recogida bajo el título genérico de Aire nuestro, sino una de las prosas más elegantes e incisivas, precisas y refinadas de su tiempo. En efecto, pocos lectores saben que es autor de una considerable obra crítica, que trazó semblanzas e indagó en la literatura y el arte en general con una maestría que los años han convertido en ejemplar.Con el propósito de recuperar y reunir sus textos en prosa, en su gran mayoría mal conocidos o de dificil acceso, el catedrático de literatura española de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares Francisco Díaz de Castro los ha agrupado bajo seis epígrafes que, en realidad, definen las cuestiones que han preocupado a Guillén a lo largo de su trayectoria literaria: a los dos volúmenes que se publicaron en vida del autor,Hacia CánticoyLeng
Coffee House Press Expect Delays
Praise for Bill Berkson: "A serene master of syntactical sleight and transformer of the mundane into the marvelous."--Publishers Weekly "That was Bill through and through, still curious and receptive after a lifetime of glamorous soldiering through the fields of art and poetry." --City Lights, "Homage to Bill Berkson" Wide-ranging and experimental, Expect Delays confronts past and present with rare equilibrium, eyeballing mortality while appreciating the richness and surprise, as well as the inevitable griefs, inherent in the time allowed. Dress Trope Critics should wear white jackets like lab technicians; curators, zoo keepers' caps; and art historians, lead aprons to protect them from impending radiant fact. Bill Berkson is a poet, critic, and professor emeritus at the San Francisco Art Institute.
Little, Brown & Company The Jury Master
David Sloane is the best wrongful death attorney in San Francisco. He's a lawyer who can make juries do anything. But despite his professional success, he's plagued by a naightmare of a childhood he annot consciously remember. When he receivesa package from a White House confidant who then turns up dead by apparent suicide the contents reveal a history he never could imagined. Now, in search of justice, Sloane must depend on two men he's never met: Charles Jenkins, a former CIA agent turned recluse who suffers the same nightmare; and Tom Molia, a police detective willing to take on just about anyone - including the US Department of Justice. Together these men must expose a 30-year conspiracy so insidious that it may reach as far as the Oval Office and topple a presidency - if they can stay alive.
Titan Books Ltd Frank Lee, After Alcatraz
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of his incredible escape from Alcatraz prison, this thrilling graphic novel imagines what Frank Lee did next... Bank Robber. Escape Artist. Genius. But on June 11th 1962, Frank Lee Morris performed the most daring feat of them all: escaping from Alcatraz. He was never found, presumed to have drowned in San Francisco Bay. The FBI's case remains open to this day. But what if he survived that fateful night? A free man. A second chance. What did he do then? Immortalised by Clint Eastwood in the 1979 film, Escape From Alcatraz, writer David Hasteda and artist Ludovic Chesnot imagine just what Frank's life might have been like after performing one of the most dangerous escapes of all time.
Little, Brown & Company Circle in the Water
In this twisting mystery in a New York Times bestselling series, pranks escalate into a deadly scheme that Private Investigator Sharon McCone must unravel—before they claim her life. San Francisco is home to more than 200 privately owned streets. Most are alleyways, but a select few are lined with mansions and elaborate gardens. When several luxury estate homes are targeted in a series of so-called pranks, Sharon is hired by a coalition of concerned owners to investigate. But as things escalate—an attempt on Sharon’s life, an explosion at a meth lab, and a shocking murder—Sharon realizes far more is at play than a few misdemeanors gone wrong. The case takes a sudden turn when one of McCone & Ripinsky’s most trusted employees is implicated, and Sharon will have to dig deep to save her agency—and her life.
Titan Plague World Ashley Parker Novel An Ashley Parker Novel
The thrilling conclusion of the zombie apocalypse begun in PLAGUE TOWN and continued in PLAGUE NATION! The zombie plague has gone airborne, and the conspiracy that began it all reaches the boiling point. Having been ambushed in San Francisco, which is now fully engulfed in the zombie plague, Ashley and the wild cards must pursue the enemy to San Diego. There they will discover a splinter of their own organization, the Dolofónoi tou Zontanoús Nekroús, which seeks to weaponize the plague. But that isn't the worst news. The plague has gone airborne, making it transferable without physical contract. It cannot be controlled by anyone, so reports of the zombie swarm are coming in from across the United States - and across the world.
Faber & Faber Private Life
Margaret Mayfield is nearly an old maid at twenty-seven when she marries Captain Andrew Jackson Jefferson Early. He's the most famous man their Missouri town has ever produced: a naval officer and an astronomer-a genius who, according to the local paper, has changed the universe. Margaret's mother calls the match "a piece of luck." Yet Andrew confounds Margaret's expectations from the moment their train leaves for his naval base in San Francisco, and soon she realizes that his devotion to science leaves little room for anything, or anyone, else. She stands by him through tragedies both personal and those they share with the nation. But as World War II approaches, Andrew's obsessions take a darker turn, forcing Margaret to reconsider the life she'd so carefully constructed.
Penguin Putnam Inc Zodiac Unmasked: The Identity of America's Most Elusive Serial Killer Revealed
Robert Graysmith reveals the true identity of Zodiac—America's most elusive serial killer.Between December 1968 and October 1969 a hooded serial killer called Zodiac terrorized San Francisco. Claiming responsibility for thirty-seven murders, he manipulated the media with warnings, dares, and bizarre cryptograms that baffled FBI code-breakers. Then as suddenly as the murders began, Zodiac disappeared into the Bay Area fog.After painstaking investigation and more than thirty years of research, Robert Graysmith finally exposes Zodiac’s true identity. With overwhelming evidence he reveals the twisted private life that led to the crimes, and provides startling theories as to why they stopped. America’s greatest unsolved mystery has finally been solved.INCLUDES PHOTOS AND A COMPLETE REPRODUCTION OF ZODIAC’S LETTERS
Vintage Publishing The Name of the Rose
Read the enthralling medieval murder mystery. The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. William collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey where extraordinary things are happening under the cover of night. A spectacular popular and critical success, The Name of the Rose is not only a narrative of a murder investigation but an astonishing chronicle of the Middle Ages.'Whether you're into Sherlock Holmes, Montaillou, Borges, the nouvelle critique, the Rule of St. Benedict, metaphysics, library design, or The Thing from the Crypt, you'll love it' Sunday Times
University of Texas Press William Gedney: Only the Lonely, 1955–1984
Mysterious, introspective, fiercely private, and self-taught, street photographer William Gedney (1932–1989) produced impressive series of images focused on people whose lives were overlooked, hidden, or reduced to stereotypes. He was convinced that photography was a means of expression as efficient as literature, and his images were accompanied by writings, essays, excerpts from books, and aphorisms. Gedney avoided self-promotion, and his underrepresented work was largely unknown during his short lifetime. He died at the age of fifty-six from AIDS.William Gedney: Only the Lonely, 1955–1984 is the first comprehensive retrospective of his photography. It presents images from all of his major series, including eastern Kentucky, where Gedney lived with and photographed the family of laid-off coal miner Willie Cornett; San Francisco and Haight-Ashbury, where he attached himself to a group of disaffected youth, photographing them as they drifted from one vacant apartment to the next during the “Summer of Love”; early photo-reportage of gay pride parades in the eighties; Benares, India, Gedney’s first trip abroad, during which he obsessively chronicled the concurrent difficulty and beauty of daily life; and night scenes that, in the absence of people and movement, evoke a profound universal loneliness. The most complete overview of Gedney’s work to date, this volume reveals the undeniable beauty of a major American photographer.
Entre marzo y mayo de 2020 una pequeña capilla en la parroquia San Francisco de Borja en Madrid se convirtió en sede de una gran comunidad virtual. En medio del confinamiento, se abrió un espacio de celebración. Era parte de #encasaconDios, la propuesta de la pastoral de la Provincia de España de la Compañía de Jesús para ayudar a vivir desde la fe estas largas semanas.
University of Illinois Press Chinese American Transnational Politics
Born and raised in San Francisco, Lai was trained as an engineer but blazed a trail in the field of Asian American studies. Long before the field had any academic standing, he amassed an unparalleled body of source material on Chinese America and drew on his own transnational heritage and Chinese patriotism to explore the global Chinese experience. In Chinese American Transnational Politics, Lai traces the shadowy history of Chinese leftism and the role of the Kuomintang of China in influencing affairs in America. With precision and insight, Lai penetrates the overly politicized portrayals of a history shaped by global alliances and enmities and the hard intolerance of the Cold War era. The result is a nuanced and singular account of how Chinese politics, migration to the United States, and Sino-U.S. relations were shaped by Chinese and Chinese American groups and organizations.Lai revised and expanded his writings over more than thirty years as changing political climates allowed for greater acceptance of leftist activities and access to previously confidential documents. Drawing on Chinese- and English-language sources and echoing the strong loyalties and mobility of the activists and idealists he depicts, Lai delivers the most comprehensive treatment of Chinese transnational politics to date.
Editorial Iberia, S.A. Elisabeth la emperatriz enigmática
En este libro se nos presenta la vida de la emperatriz, desde su adolescencia y cuando empieza su noviazgo con el emperador Francisco José de Austria. Luchó sin resultado contra su timidez y soledad. Al no confiarle sus hijos, se convierte en viajera entusiasta de las bellas artes. Más tarde, a causa de la trágica muerte de su hijo y de la separación de su hija, vuelve a caer en la melancolía. Errante por el mundo, va al encuentro del acero criminal, que puso fin a vida tan agitada.
Triumph Books Kingdom: How Andy Reid, Patrick Mahomes, and the Kansas City Chiefs Returned to Super Bowl Glory
After 50 years of waiting, Kansas City Chiefs fans were hungry for a return to Super Bowl glory. In 2020, their patience was rewarded in dramatic, exuberant fashion with a second-half comeback for the ages against the San Francisco 49ers. ESPN's Adam Teicher expertly retraces the team's unforgettable championship season as well as the moves and moments that made it all possible—the hiring of head coach Andy Reid in 2013, drafting future-MVP Patrick Mahomes, the heart-wrenching AFC Championship loss to the Patriots in 2019 that lingered in the mind of every player, and more. Teicher captures the mood of the team week by week, every step of the way, profiling numerous players, coaches, and key figures. This revised and updated paperback edition also features new writing on the Chiefs' victory in Super Bowl LVII and their status as a modern NFL dynasty.Featuring an unforgettable cast of characters both on the field and in the front office, this is the story of how the Lombardi trophy returned to Chiefs Kingdom
Regal House Publishing LLC Changing Tides
Pact Press brings you Changing Tides, the fourth anthology in a series designed to spark conversation, promote awareness, and generate funds to advance social and environmental justice and amplify the voices of the marginalized. The poems, essays, and personal reflections in Changing Tides detail moving accounts of the human impact on our ocean environment and demonstrate the heightened need for individual, community, and global action in addressing what has become a collective crisis for life on this blue planet. Pact Press is proud, through the sale of this anthology, to support the work of the Coral Restoration Foundation™, a 501 3 (c) non-profit organization that was founded in 2007 in response to the widespread loss of the dominant coral species on the Florida Reef Tract. Coral Restoration Foundation™ (CRF) now manages the largest coral restoration program in the world. The contributors include Jared Benjamin, Susan Bruce, Kersten Christianson, Lorraine Jeffrey, Olivia Kingery, Liberty Lawson, Jayne Marek, Anthony Panegyres, Gerard Sarnat, Christina Stefan, Franciszka Voeltz, Tonya Wiley, Juliet Wilson, Sheree Winslow, and Mandy-Suzanne Wong.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Atelier Crenn: Metamorphosis of Taste
The debut cookbook from the first female chef in America to earn two Michelin starsAtelier Crenn is the debut cookbook of Dominique Crenn, the first female chef in America to be awarded two Michelin stars—and arguably the greatest female chef in the country. This gorgeous book traces Crenn’s rise from her childhood in France to her unprecedented success with her own restaurant, Atelier Crenn, in San Francisco. Crenn’s food is centered around organic, sustainable ingredients with an unusual, inventive, and always stunning presentation. To put it simply, Crenn’s dishes are works of art. Her recipes reflect her poetic nature with evocative names like “A Walk in the Forest,” “Birth,” and “The Sea.” Even the dishes that sound familiar, like Fish and Chips, or Broccoli and Beef Tartare, challenge the expected with their surprising components and her signature creative plating. This impressive and beautiful cookbook by a chef who is often the only woman to be mentioned in the same breath with other culinary giants is bound to captivate the food world.
Johns Hopkins University Press Emerging Illnesses and Society: Negotiating the Public Health Agenda
How do new diseases become part of the public health agenda? Emerging Illnesses and Society brings together historians, sociologists, epidemiologists, public health experts, and others to explore this vital issue. Contributors describe the processes by which patients' groups interact with medical researchers, public health institutions, and the media to identify and address previously unknown illnesses, including multiple sclerosis, Tourette syndrome, AIDS, lead poisoning, Lyme disease, and hepatitis C. The introductory chapter develops a general theoretical model of the social process of "emerging"illness, identifying critical epidemiologic, social and political factors that shape different trajectories toward the construction of public health priorities. Through case studies of individual diseases and analyses of public awareness campaigns and institutional responses, this timely volume provides important insights into the medical, social, and economic factors that determine why some illnesses receive more attention and funding than others. Contributors: Deborah Barrett, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Steven Epstein, University of California, San Diego; Phyllis Freeman, University of Massachusetts, Boston; Diane E. Goldstein, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Peter J. Krause, University of Connecticut School of Medicine; Howard I. Kushner, Emory University; Lawrence D. Mass, Beth Israel Medical Center, New York; Michelle Murphy, University of Toronto; Lydia Ogden, Global AIDS Program, CDCR; Sandy Smith-Nonini, Elon University; Ellen Griffith Spears, Southern Regional Council; Andrew Spielman, Harvard School of Public Health; Colin Talley, University of California San Francisco; Sam R. Telford III, Harvard School of Public Health; Christian Warren, New York Academy of Medicine.
B (Ediciones B) Chapeau el esmirriau
Una nueva entrega de Top Cómic Mortadelo con dos aventuras completas de la serie más popular de Francisco Ibáñez: Chapeau, el esmirriau, donde Mortadelo y Filemón han de enfrentarse a un conocido delincuente, que tiene la habilidad de extraer todo tipo de aparatos de su sombrero, y Safari callejero, en la que un ladrón entra en la casa del profesor Bacterio y provoca que los animales del laboratorio se escapen.El profesor ha cambiado las costumbres de los animales y Mortadelo y Filemón tendrán que buscarlos por toda la ciudad. Además, con las secciones habituales: La cinemateca de la T.I.A., Los archivos secretos... y muchas cosas más!
Disney Book Publishing Inc. Gaijin American Prisoner Of War
With a white mother and a Japanese father, Koji Miyamoto quickly realises that his home in San Francisco is no longer a welcoming one after Pearl Harbor is attacked. And once he''s sent to an internment camp, he learns that being half white at the camp is just as difficult as being half Japanese on the streets of an American city during WWII. Koji''s story, based on true events, is brought to life by Matt Faulkner''s cinematic illustrations that reveal Koji struggling to find his place in a tumultuous world-one where he is a prisoner of war in his own country.
Editorial Universitaria Ramón Areces Fsica
Esta obra constituye el tercer número de la colección GRANDES VIDAS DE LA ESPAÑA DE NUESTRO TIEMPO, cuyo objetivo es recoger la vida y obra de los pensadores españoles a partir del siglo XIX.El tercer volumen recoge las conferencias impartidas por cuatro prestigiosos profesores sobre la trayectoria profesional y personal de cuatro grandes científicos: Antonio Moreno González, Antonio Hernando Grande, Francisco González de Posada y Fernando Rico Rodríguez.
Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd The Candle People
'Catherine suffers from amnesia brought about by post-traumatic stress. Desperate to recover details of her former life she travels to meet the inauspiciously named John Smith, an abrasive yet charismatic artist who professes to be the reincarnation of the great Spanish Romantic painter Francisco de Goya. Their emotional meeting is interrupted by a Spanish art historian investigating John Smith's claims and searching for a lost Goya masterpiece. Catherine's quest is further complicated by an ominous presence that results in her subsequent disappearance.'
University of California Press Phoenix Kingdoms: The Last Splendor of China's Bronze Age
This stunning exhibition unveils the remarkable art and historical legacy of two mysterious kingdoms of ancient China. Phoenix Kingdoms brings to life the distinctive Bronze Age cultures that flourished along the middle course of the Yangzi River in South Central China about 2,500 years ago. With over 150 objects on loan from five major Chinese museums, Phoenix Kingdoms explores the artistic and spiritual landscape of the southern borderland of the Zhou dynasty, featuring remarkable archaeological finds unearthed from aristocratic tombs of the phoenix-worshipping Zeng and Chu kingdoms. By revealing the splendid material cultures of these legendary states, whose history has only recently been recovered, Phoenix Kingdoms highlights the importance of this region in forming a southern style that influenced centuries of Chinese art. This exhibition catalogue includes six essays that contextualize the stylistically rich material—mythical creatures, elaborate patterns, and elegant forms—and introduces readers to the technologically and artistically sophisticated cultures that thrived before China’s first empire. Lavishly illustrated with over 240 images, Phoenix Kingdoms showcases works from the exhibition across six categories—jades, bronze ritual vessels, musical instruments and weapons, lacquerware for luxury and ceremony, funerary bronze and wood objects, and textiles and unique objects featuring distinctive designs—many of which are considered national treasures. Published in association with the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco.
Herder Editorial La vida interior
Encuadernación: CartonéJoseph Tissot fue superior general de los Misioneros de San Francisco de Sales cuando esta obra le fue entregada por un escritor anónimo, con la confianza de hacer con ella lo que quisiera. Tissot la adaptó, le dio el título y desde su primera edición en París en 1894, se ha convertido en un clásico de la espiritualidad.Es una obra escrita con clara sencillez que destaca que no puede haber vida cristiana sin unión con Dios; la razón es la primera servidora de la fe; no debe exagerarse la importancia de los medios, los cuales deben ser acciones para conseguir lo que realmente importa, la unión con Dios. Una obra de la que brota una cálida cordialidad y una firme persuasión que inclina la razón y orienta la voluntad hacia la amistad con Dios.
Dalkey Archive Press Idea of Home
In Curtis White's first novel, The Idea Of Home, he attempts to imagine "a place in which humans can live." This utopia is definitely not San Lorenzo - a post-war, prefabricated suburb in California - where White grew up and which is the basis for this novel. From the vantage point of anoff-kilter adulthood, White spins recent American history together with personal observations and investigations into the dark heart of American suburbia. Shocking, yet very funny and always learned, The Idea Of Home is a mix of the personal and the philosophical in an energetic collage that would resemble the biographies of Nietzsche and Mark Twain if they had grown up in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1950s and '60s.
Scribner Let Us Descend
OPRAH’S BOOK CLUB PICK • Instant New York Times Bestseller • Named one of the best books of 2023 by The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, The Boston Globe, Time, The New Yorker, and more. “Nothing short of epic, magical, and intensely moving.” —Vogue • “A novel of triumph.” —The Washington Post • “Harrowing, immersive, and other-worldly.” —People From “one of America’s finest living writers” (San Francisco Chronicle) and “heir apparent to Toni Morrison” (LitHub)—comes a haunting masterpiece about an enslaved girl in the years before the Civil War that’s destined to become a classic.Let Us Descend describes a journey from the rice fields of the Carolinas to the slave markets of New Orleans and into the fearsome heart of a L
University of Nebraska Press Little Britches: Father and I Were Ranchers
A most appealing book . . . Its genuineness and its simplicity will build up a large audience of enthusiastic readers.—San Francisco ChronicleRalph Moody was eight years old in 1906 when his family moved from New Hampshire to a Colorado ranch. Through his eyes we experience the pleasures and perils of ranching there early in the twentieth century. Auctions and roundups, family picnics, irrigation wars, tornadoes and wind storms give authentic color to Little Britches. So do adventures, wonderfully told, that equip Ralph to take his father's place when it becomes necessary. Little Britches was the literary debut of Ralph Moody, who wrote about the adventures of his family in eight glorious books, all available as Bison Books.
City Lights Books In the Heart of the Heart of Another Country
A mosaic of lyrical vignettes, at once deeply personal and political, set against the turbulent backdrop of Arab/Western relations. Adnan writes, "Contrary to what is usually believed, it is not general ideas and grandiose unfolding of great events that impress the mind during times of heightened historic upheavals, but rather the uninterrupted flow of little experiences, observations, disturbances, small ecstasies, or barely perceptible discouragements that make up day-to-day living." Etel Adnan, a Lebanese American poet, painter, and essayist, lives in Paris, Beirut, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Among her books, the novel Sitt Marie Rose is considered a classic of Middle Eastern literature. She has been a powerful voice for compassion and empowerment in feminist and antiwar movements.
Vintage Publishing The Joy Luck Club
'The Joy Luck Club is an ambitious saga that's impossible to read without wanting to call your Mum' StylistDiscover Amy Tan's moving and poignant tale of immigrant Chinese mothers and their American-born daughters.In 1949 four Chinese women, recent immigrants to San Francisco, meet weekly to play mahjong and tell stories of what they left behind in China. United in loss and new hope for their daughters' futures, they call themselves the Joy Luck Club. Their daughters, who have never heard these stories, think their mothers' advice is irrelevant to their modern American lives - until their own inner crises reveal how much they've unknowingly inherited of their mothers' pasts.'Pure enchantment' Mail on Sunday
University of Pennsylvania Press The Faith of Remembrance: Marrano Labyrinths
In a series of intimate and searing portraits, Nathan Wachtel traces the journeys of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Marranos—Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were forcibly converted to Catholicism but secretly retained their own faith. Fleeing persecution in their Iberian homeland, some sought refuge in the Americas, where they established transcontinental networks linking the New World to the Old. The Marranos—at once Jewish and Christian, outsiders and insiders—nurtured their hidden beliefs within their new communities, participating in the economic development of the early Americas while still adhering to some of the rituals and customs of their ancestors. In a testament to the partial assimilation of these new arrivals, their faith became ever more syncretic, mixing elements of Judaism with Christian practice and theology. In many cases, the combination was fatal. Wachtel relies on inquisitorial archives of trials and executions to chronicle legal and religious prosecutions for heresy. From the humble Jean Vicente to the fabulously wealthy slave trafficker Manuel Bautista Perez, from the untutored Theresa Paes de Jesus to the learned Francisco Maldonado de Silva, each unforgettable figure offers a chilling reminder of the reach of the Inquisition. Sensitive to the lingering tensions within the Marrano communities, Wachtel joins the concerns of an anthropologist to his skills as a historian, and in a stunning authorial move, he demonstrates that the faith of remembrance remains alive today in the towns of rural Brazil.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Effects of Estrogen on Brain Function
This timely volume reviews current data on the effects of estrogen on the central nervous system, highlighting clinical aspects of this topic. Experts from the fields of psychiatry, pharmacology, neurology, and geriatrics collaborate to clarify the known risks and benefits of hormone therapy and explore questions that remain to be elucidated. Among the topics discussed:" Preclinical data on estrogen's effects on cognitive performance" The short-lived effects of hormone replacement therapy on cognitive function" Structural and functional brain imaging data regardingestrogen's effects on the central nervous system " Preclinical efforts to develop effective NeuroSERMs for the brain " The effects of estrogen on mood Citing the ongoing confusion over the risks and benefits of estrogen therapy, the contributors emphasize the need for additional research on medication, doses, preparations, methods of administration, alternative therapies, and supplements. This volume educates researchers, clinicians, and students on the current knowledge-including the effects of estrogen on mood, cognition, and brain metabolism-and provides guidelines for clinical practice and future research. Contributors: Roberta Diaz Brinton, Ph.D., University of Southern California; Cheri L. Geist, B.A., David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles; Robert B. Gibbs, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy; Eva Hogervorst, Ph.D., University of Loughborough and University of Oxford; Pauline M. Maki, Ph.D., Neuropsychiatric Institute, University of Illinois-Chicago; Peter J. Schmidt, M.D., National Institute of Mental Health; Daniel H. S. Silverman, M.D., Ph.D., David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles; Katherine E. Williams, M.D., Stanford University School of Medicine; Kristine Yaffe, M.D., University of California, San Francisco, and San Francisco VA Medical Center; Laurel N. Zappert, B.A., Stanford University School of Medicine; Liqin Zhao, Ph.D., University of Southern California
La otra cara del Caudillo mitos y realidades en la biografía de Franco
Las biografías de Francisco Franco siguen difundiendo mitos que nos ocultan la realidad del personaje y de su actuación. Basándose en nueva documentación, Ángel Viñas destroza algunos de los mitos que sigue difundiendo un pretendido revisionismo histórico y nos ofrece nuevas perspectivas sobre temas tan fundamentales como la naturaleza real del poder dictatorial -asentado no sólo en las leyes publicadas, sino también en los decretos reservados-, sobre la base militar en que se apoyó el modelo de disuasión del régimen, sobre la querencia nazi de Franco y la gravedad de su compromiso con Hitler o sobre un tema tan vital, y tan ignorado, como el oscuro origen de la fortuna del Caudillo. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con buena parte de la historiografía neofranquista, en las páginas de este libro cada afirmación está apoyada por la correspondiente documentación.
Ediciones Cátedra Las novelas de Torquemada
Las novelas de Torquemada (1889-1895) son una obra maestra del lenguaje y una de las mejores creaciones de Galdós. Cuentan la historia del usurero Francisco Torquemada y su prodigioso ascenso económico y social; y son asimismo la narración de sus enormes padecimientos. El miserable usurero del comienzo se eleva a los puestos más altos de las finanzas y de la política, todo esto mientras se somete a un divertidísimo aprendizaje del lenguaje y de las costumbres de la buena sociedad. En esta serie de cuatro novelas, el autor trató de representar al personaje mediante su habla. El resultado es un soberbio ejercicio de estilo que integra estas novelas en la renovación del género de finales del siglo XIX y comienzos del XX. Las novelas son muestra del humor inigualable y de la superioridad del genio galdosiano en la creación de personajes.
Alhena Fábrica de Contenidos, S.L. Oporto responsable
Hay muchos Oportos en Oporto y esta guía ha de ser una ayuda para su descubrimiento: de ese Oporto deliciosamente atrasado que vio Mayol, el personaje de Vila-Matas, pero también del Oporto monumental reflejado en la talla dorada de la iglesia de San Francisco o en las fachadas de granito de algunos edificios. Después, el Oporto donde se come bien y se bebe mejor, y el Oporto de los jardines románticos, de las plazas amplias y recientemente remodeladas, y también del Oporto contemporáneo del Museu de Serralves y del metro más moderno de Europa, y el Oporto de Alvaro Siza Vieira y Souto Moura, y el Oporto cosmopolita de la Casa da Música diseñada por Rem Koolhaas. Y así sucesivamente, un Oporto detrás del otro ?dependiendo del tiempo que se tenga para descubrir la ciudad y sumergirse en ella con mayor o menor profundidad?.
Siruela Libro de la experiencia
El Memoriale o Libro de la experiencia de Ángela de Foligno (ca. 1242-1308) constituye una de las obras más importantes de la mística europea medieval, además de que nos permite conocer, casi por primera vez en la historia, el mundo interior femenino. A pesar de no haber sido escrito por esta mujer analfabeta, una terciaria franciscana de la Umbría, sino dictado a su guía espiritual, resuena su voz potente para expresar una experiencia inefable, una peregrinación que se inicia con su desnudamiento ante la cruz, según el ideal de pobreza de las nuevas corrientes espirituales, para concluir en el punto sublime de conciliación de los contrarios.Precursora de los grandes maestros de la mística renana como el Maestro Eckhart, su relato cautivó, entre otros muchos, a Georges Bataille que la bautizó como Dama de la Noche.