Search results for ""author r"
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Scribal Cultures in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Linne R. Mooney
Essays bringing out the richness and vibrancy of pre-modern textual culture in all its variety. Linne R. Mooney, Emeritus Professor of Palaeography at the University of York, has significantly advanced the study of later medieval English book production, particularly our knowledge of individual scribes; this collection honours her distinguished scholarship and responds to her wide-ranging research on Middle English manuscripts and texts. The thirteen essays brought together here take a variety of approaches - palaeographical, codicological, dialectal, textual, art historical - to the study of the English medieval book and to the varied environments (professional, administrative, mercantile, ecclesiastical) where manuscripts were produced and used during the period 1300-1550. Acknowledging that books and readers are no respecters of borders, this collection's geographical scope extends beyond England in the east to Ghent and Flanders, and in the west to Waterford and the Dublin Pale. Contributors explore manuscripts containing works by key writers, including Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, John Wyclif, and Walter Hilton. Major texts whose manuscript traditions are scrutinized include Speculum Vitae, the Scale of Perfection, the Canterbury Tales, and Confessio Amantis, along with a wide range of shorter works such as lyric poems, devotional texts, and historical chronicles. London book-making activities and the scribal cultures of other cities and monastic centres all receive attention, as does the book production of personal miscellanies. By considering both literary texts and the letters, charters, and writs that medieval scribes produced, in Latin and Anglo-French as well as English, this collection celebrates Professor Mooney's influence on the field and presents a holistic sense of England's pre-modern textual culture.
Special Interest Model Books Radio Controlled Helicopters: The Guide to Building and Flying R/C Helicopters
Radio controlled helicopters is a huge and growing market, and the recent developments in the design and manufacture of new models have resulted in wide range of choice which can bewilder newcomers to the hobby - a dazzling array of helicopters, radio equipment and accessories. This book guides the beginner through the maze. If you are considering taking up this fascinating aspect of model flying, it provides all the essential information you need to take the right decisions. It takes you through all the stages from choice of model and radio control, elementary flying and basic aerobatics, routine maintenance, legal aspects of the hobby and joining a local club. In these pages you will find everything you need to know to choose, build and fly a radio-controlled helicopter.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handlungskompetenz im Ausland.: Trainingsprogramm fÃ"r Manager, Fach- und FÃ"hrungskräfte
Savas Beatie The National Tribune Civil War Index, Volume 3: A Guide to the Weekly Newspaper Dedicated to Civil War Veterans, 1877-1943, Volume 3: Author, Unit, and Subject Index
The National Tribune was the premier Union veterans’ newspaper of the post-Civil War era. Launched in 1877 by a New York veteran to help his comrades and sway Congress to pass better pension laws, a short time later the National Tribune began publishing firsthand accounts penned by the veterans themselves, and did so for decades thereafter. This rich, overlooked, and underused source of primary material offers a gold mine of eyewitness accounts of battles, strategy, tactics, camp life, and much more. From generals to privates, the paper printed articles and long serials on everything from major battles such as Gettysburg and Antietam, to arguments about which battery fired the shot that killed General Leonidas Polk, whether Grant’s army was surprised at Shiloh, and just about every topic in between. Unbeknownst to many, a number of Confederate accounts were also published in the paper. Decades in the making, Dr. Rick Sauers’ unique multi-volume reference work The National Tribune Civil War Index: A Guide to the Weekly Newspaper Dedicated to Civil War Veterans, 1877-1943 lists every article (1877-1943). The first two volumes are organized by author, his unit, title, and page/column location. The third volume—the main index—includes a subject, author, and unit guide, as well as a “Unit as Sources” index that lists articles that mention specific commands but are written by soldiers who were not members of that unit. As an added bonus, this reference guide includes the contents of both the National Tribune Scrapbook and the National Tribune Repository, two short-lived publications that included articles by veterans, and a listing of the major libraries that have National Tribune holdings. Thanks to Dr. Sauers, Civil War researchers and writers worldwide now have easy access to the valuable contents of this primary source material.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handlungskompetenz im Ausland.: Trainingsprogramm fÃ"r Manager, Fach- und FÃ"hrungskräfte
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handlungskompetenz im Ausland.: Trainingsprogramm fÃ"r Manager, Fach- und FÃ"hrungskräfte
Deutschland ist fër Peru der wichtigste Handelspartner fër die Einfuhr hochwertiger technischer Produkte sowie Abnehmer peruanischer Rohstoffe sowie landwirtschaftlicher Erzeugnisse. Seit Jahrzehnten ist Peru zudem ein Empfängerland im Rahmen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit.Peru ist kulturell, politisch und gesellschaftlich einerseits stark von der kolonialen Vergangenheit - beginnend mit der Landung des spanischen Eroberers Francisco Pizarro im Jahre 1532 an den Kësten Perus -, geprägt, andererseits von den wechselhaften politischen Entwicklungen in Sëdamerika und den Beziehungen Perus zu seinen großen Nachbarländern Argentinien und Brasilien. Die Peruaner haben im Laufe ihrer Geschichte eine sehr eigenständige Kultur entwickelt, die ihr Denken und Verhalten sowie ihre Wahrnehmung und Empfindungen in einer Art und Weise geprägt hat, die sich deutlich von der ihrer deutschen Partner unterscheidet. So geraten Deutsche in der Begegnung, in der Kommunikation und Kooperation mit Peruanern immer wieder in Situationen, in denen sie auf unerwartete Reaktionsweisen treffen, die sie nicht nachvollziehen können und auch nicht verstehen. Dies fëhrt zur Verunsicherung, zum Orientierungsverlust und im Endeffekt zu erheblichen Stressreaktionen.Dieses Buch basiert auf einer Fëlle von Erfahrungen, die Deutsche in mehrjähriger Zusammenarbeit mit Peruanern gewonnen haben. Das Trainingsprogramm bereitet anhand kulturell bedingter kritischer Interaktionssituationen auf den Arbeitsaufenthalt in Peru vor.
Chicago Review Press Break These Rules: 35 YA Authors on Speaking Up, Standing Out, and Being Yourself
If you’re a girl, you should strive to look like the model on the cover of a magazine. If you’re a boy, you should play sports and be good at them. If you’re smart, you should immediately go to college after high school, and get a job that makes you rich. Above all, be normal.Right? Wrong, say 35 leading middle grade and young adult authors. Growing up is challenging enough; it doesn’t have to be complicated by convoluted, outdated, or even cruel rules, both spoken and unspoken. Parents, peers, teachers, the media, and the rest of society sometimes have impossible expectations of teenagers. These restrictions can limit creativity, break spirits, and demand that teens sacrifice personality for popularity. In these personal, funny, moving, and poignant essays, Kathryn Erskine (Mockingbird), Matthew Quick (The Silver Linings Playbook), Gary D. Schmidt (The Wednesday Wars), Sara Zarr (Story of a Girl), and many others share anecdotes and lessons learned from their own lives in order to show you that some rules just beg to be broken.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Risk Forecasting: The Theory and Practice of Forecasting Market Risk with Implementation in R and Matlab
Financial Risk Forecasting is a complete introduction to practical quantitative risk management, with a focus on market risk. Derived from the authors teaching notes and years spent training practitioners in risk management techniques, it brings together the three key disciplines of finance, statistics and modeling (programming), to provide a thorough grounding in risk management techniques. Written by renowned risk expert Jon Danielsson, the book begins with an introduction to financial markets and market prices, volatility clusters, fat tails and nonlinear dependence. It then goes on to present volatility forecasting with both univatiate and multivatiate methods, discussing the various methods used by industry, with a special focus on the GARCH family of models. The evaluation of the quality of forecasts is discussed in detail. Next, the main concepts in risk and models to forecast risk are discussed, especially volatility, value-at-risk and expected shortfall. The focus is both on risk in basic assets such as stocks and foreign exchange, but also calculations of risk in bonds and options, with analytical methods such as delta-normal VaR and duration-normal VaR and Monte Carlo simulation. The book then moves on to the evaluation of risk models with methods like backtesting, followed by a discussion on stress testing. The book concludes by focussing on the forecasting of risk in very large and uncommon events with extreme value theory and considering the underlying assumptions behind almost every risk model in practical use – that risk is exogenous – and what happens when those assumptions are violated. Every method presented brings together theoretical discussion and derivation of key equations and a discussion of issues in practical implementation. Each method is implemented in both MATLAB and R, two of the most commonly used mathematical programming languages for risk forecasting with which the reader can implement the models illustrated in the book. The book includes four appendices. The first introduces basic concepts in statistics and financial time series referred to throughout the book. The second and third introduce R and MATLAB, providing a discussion of the basic implementation of the software packages. And the final looks at the concept of maximum likelihood, especially issues in implementation and testing. The book is accompanied by a website - – which features downloadable code as used in the book.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The 123s of ABC in SAP: Using SAP R/3 to Support Activity-Based Costing
Incorporate the Benefits of Activity-Based Costing into the Efficiencies of Your SAP R/3 System Given SAP's dominance in the enterprise resource planning (ERP) market, many companies and their managers encounter SAP AG applications in some form or another. Many of these organizations have recognized the value of utilizing Activity-Based Costing/Management concepts to perform more accurate cost assignments or drive performance initiatives. Managers are then faced with trying to determine how Activity-Based Costing can be incorporated into the SAP environment. The 123s of ABC in SAP is the first book of its kind designed to help business managers understand the capabilities of the SAP R/3 business application to support Activity-Based Costing, Management, and Budgeting. Divided into three parts-the conceptual foundation, the capabilities of SAP ABC, and integration with other tools-the book provides readers with the following: * An explanation of how Activity-Based Costing can be used with SAP * Helpful hints for implementing ABC into SAP * Insights into the most common difficulties and potential solutions when implementing ABC into SAP * Summary tables that highlight key decisions to be made, implementation hints, and organizational challenges * Detailed descriptions of SAP software applications to support the Activity-Based Costing approach as well as the integration of SAP R/3 with Oros software * Examples of the tandem usage of Resource Consumption Accounting with Activity-Based Costing
Pen & Sword Books Ltd L N E R 4-6-0 Locomotives: Their Design, Operation and Performance
L N E R 4-6-0 Tender Mixed Traffic Locomotives covers the design, construction, operation and performance of all 4-6-0 locomotives that ran on the London & North Eastern Railway between 1923 and 1947 and the LNER designed engines that ran on BR's Eastern Region until the end of BR steam in 1968\. This includes the former Great Central 4-6-0s of classes B1 - B9 (the B1 and B2 later reclassified B18 & B19); the North Eastern Railway B13 - B16s; the Great Eastern B12s; and the LNER B17s, the Thompson B1s and rebuilds (B2 and B3/3). The book has over 60,000 words and 400 black and white and coloured photographs, many previously unpublished from the archives of the Manchester Locomotive Society at Stockport. It will be of particular interest to railway modellers and enthusiasts of locomotive running and performance as well as those seeking more general locomotive history. The book is designed and written in the same style as David Maidment's previous Locomotive Portfolio books on engines of the Great Western and Southern Railways, and includes where possible his own experiences, seeing and travelling behind engines of these classes in the 1950s and early 1960s, especially the B1s, B12s and B17 'Sandringhams'.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd China Horse Marine: John R. Angstadt U.S.M.C. American Legation, Peiping China, 1934-1937
Every Marine has heard stories about the legendary “China Marines” who served in China before the Second World War. Many of these stories feature the small group of Horse Marines stationed at the American Legation in Peiping who patrolled the city streets and the surrounding Chinese countryside. Riding small, tough, Mongolian ponies and armed with their Model 1913 Patton sabers, these Horse Marines protected American missionaries and businessmen from bands of roving Chinese bandits. The Horse Marines, known as the Mounted Detachment, were considered to be the elite of all China Marines. Illustrated with over 420 rare and previously unpublished Horse Marine items and photographs, including drawings and watercolors by Col. John W. Thomason, this book offers a unique perspective into the life of John R. Angstadt, one China Horse Marine.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Quantile Regression for Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data: Applications in Energy Markets Using R
This brief addresses the estimation of quantile regression models from a practical perspective, which will support researchers who need to use conditional quantile regression to measure economic relationships among a set of variables. It will also benefit students using the methodology for the first time, and practitioners at private or public organizations who are interested in modeling different fragments of the conditional distribution of a given variable. The book pursues a practical approach with reference to energy markets, helping readers learn the main features of the technique more quickly. Emphasis is placed on the implementation details and the correct interpretation of the quantile regression coefficients rather than on the technicalities of the method, unlike the approach used in the majority of the literature. All applications are illustrated with R.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Entspannt durch den Schulalltag: Selbst- und Stressmanagement fÃ"r Lehrerinnen und Lehrer
Random House USA Inc Tupac Shakur: The Authorized Biography
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Veröffentlichungen des Instituts fÃ"r Europäische Geschichte Mainz: Akteure und Rezipienten
Peeters Publishers Intercultural Relations and Religious Authorities: Muslims in the European Union
The permanent presence of Islam and Muslims in the countries of the European Union implies many different forms of intercultural relations at different levels of society, as for instance, between Muslims and other religious or philosophical groups, within the framework of social and health care, in city life and within the sector of education. Furthermore, the relations between Muslim religious authorities and society at large may be seen as forms of intercultural relations. All these types of intercultural relations are influenced by the images fostered by various groups and individuals about the "Others". The chapters comprising of this volume each contribute to the elucidation of some aspects of these processes of intercultural relations. They have been grouped into four main categories: - the image-formation about Islam and Muslims and its impact on their position in the countries of the European Union, especially in the press, in schoolbooks and in local politics; - the intercultural relations between Muslims and other groups and institutions in the countries concerned, as stereotypes and prejudices can exercise a detrimental effect upon intercultural relations within many different sectors of society; - religion and education, and especially the Islamic Religious Education as well as the religiousness of Muslim and non-Muslim pupils; - the religious authorities of the Muslim communities in the countries of the European Union and their contribution to the formation of a "European Islam". In this context special attention is paid to the role Muslim religious authorities play in the discussions concerning political participation by Muslims in the West.
Lerner Publishing Group The Clown in the Gown Drives the Car with the Star Diphthongs R-Controlled
Crossway Books Matthew: All Authority in Heaven and on Earth
Deftly guiding us through the Gospel of Matthew, O’Donnell shows us how Jesus’ kingly authority is central to the book and has profound implications for how we live in God’s kingdom.
Modern Humanities Research Association MHRA Style Guide. A Handbook for Authors and Editors. Third Edition.
Legal Action Group Children in Need: Local Authority Support for Children and Families
Children are in need of support not due to any fault on their part but due to their circumstances. Local authorities have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and provide services to those 'in need'. Children in Need is a comprehensive and accessible handbook that sets out the statutory obligations of local authorities to support vulnerable children and families, including children in, and leaving, custody, disabled children, migrant children and families, trafficked children and children leaving care. Taking a rights-based approach, it analyses domestic and international law and sets out the entitlements to services and support that are all too often denied. Uniquely focused on the often-neglected Part 3 of the Children Act 1989, Children in Need combines authoritative guidance on the law with practical advice from a team who routinely act for children and their families in the court. Children in Need is up to date to include: * detailed coverage of the new guidance, Working together to safeguard children (2013) and its impact * analysis of recent key cases, including R(KO) v Lambeth LBC and R(VC) v Newcastle City Council * Case-law developments in respect of duties to migrant children and their families, following the judgment in Clue * details of the new National Standards for Youth Justice Services (2013) Children in Need is essential reading for claimant lawyers, advocates, voluntary and statutory sector advisers, local authority lawyers and frontline staff, social workers and academics. It is intended to assist all those who work with and for children 'in need' and their families to understand and apply the law to the benefit of vulnerable children.
Indiana University Press Religious Television and Pious Authority in Pakistan
In Pakistan, religious talk shows emerged as a popular television genre following the 2002 media liberalization reforms. Since then, these shows have become important platforms where ideas about Islam and religious authority in Pakistan are developed and argued. In Religious Television and Pious Authority in Pakistan, Taha Kazi reveals how these talk shows mediate changes in power, belief, and practice. She also identifies the sacrifices and compromises that religious scholars feel compelled to make in order to ensure their presence on television. These scholars, of varying doctrinal and educational backgrounds—including madrasa-educated scholars and self-taught celebrity preachers—are given screen time to debate and issue religious edicts on the authenticity and contemporary application of Islamic concepts and practices. In response, viewers are sometimes allowed to call in live with questions. Kazi maintains that these featured debates inspire viewers to reevaluate the status of scholarly edicts, thereby fragmenting religious authority. By exploring how programming decisions inadvertently affect viewer engagements with Islam, Religious Television and Pious Authority in Pakistan looks beyond the revivalist impact of religious media and highlights the prominence of religious talk shows in disrupting expectations about faith.
Oxford University Press The Bible: Authorized King James Version
The Bible is the most important book in the history of Western civilization, and also the most difficult to interpret. It has been the vehicle of continual conflict, with every interpretation reflecting passionately-held views that have affected not merely religion, but politics, art, and even science. This unique edition offers an exciting new approach to the most influential of all English biblical texts - the Authorized King James Version, complete with the Apocrypha. Its wide-ranging Introduction and the substantial notes to each book of the Bible guide the reader through the labyrinth of literary, textual, and theological issues, using the most up-to-date scholarship to demonstrate how and why the Bible has affected the literature, art and general culture of the English-speaking world. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Hodder & Stoughton All The Lonely People: From the Richard and Judy bestselling author of Half a World Away comes a warm, life-affirming story – the perfect read for these times
'Hubert Bird stole my heart' Beth O'Leary, author of The Flat-Share and The Switch'Lovely, emotional, uplifting' Libby Page, author of The Lido In phone calls to his daughter in Australia, widower Hubert Bird paints a picture of the perfect retirement, packed with fun and friendship. But Hubert Bird is lying. Something has made him turn his back on people, and he hardly sees a soul. So when his daughter announces she's coming to visit, Hubert faces a race against time: to make his real life resemble his fake life before he's found out.Along the way Hubert renews a cherished friendship, is given a second chance at love and even joins an audacious community scheme. But with the secret of his earlier isolation lurking in the shadows, is he destines to always be one of the lonely people? 'It is the kind of book you will want to press into the hands of everyone you know and tell them to read immediately' Press Association 'Flits between the present day and Hubert's early life as one of the Windrush generation. Heartbreaking, yet also uplifting' i Paper'Tender, humorous and uplifting - reading this is the uplift we all need' Women's Weekly
Little, Brown Book Group I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness: A bestselling Reese's Book Club pick by 'a leading voice on racial justice' LAYLA SAAD, author of ME AND WHITE SUPREMACY
A REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICKA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'An example of how one woman can change the world by telling the truth about her life with unflinching, relentless courage' GLENNON DOYLEAustin Channing Brown's first encounter with racism in America came at age seven, when she discovered her parents named her Austin to deceive future employers into thinking she was a white man. Growing up in majority-white schools and neighbourhoods, Austin 'had to learn what it means to love Blackness,' a journey that led to her becoming a writer, speaker and expert helping organisations practice genuine inclusion. In this bestselling memoir, she writes beautifully and powerfully about her journey to self-worth and how we can all contribute to racial justice. 'A leading new voice on racial justice' LAYLA F SAAD, author of ME AND WHITE SUPREMACY'Most people say, "that books has legs"; I measure the impact of a book by how often I throw it across the room. [Austin's book] has serious wings. It broke me open' BRENE BROWN'A deeply personal celebration of blackness that simultaneously sheds new light on racial injustice and inequality while offering hope for a better future' SHONDALAND
Little, Brown Book Group I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness: A bestselling Reese's Book Club pick by 'a leading voice on racial justice' LAYLA SAAD, author of ME AND WHITE SUPREMACY
A REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICKA NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'An example of how one woman can change the world by telling the truth about her life with unflinching, relentless courage' GLENNON DOYLEAustin Channing Brown's first encounter with racism in America came at age seven, when she discovered her parents named her Austin to deceive future employers into thinking she was a white man. Growing up in majority-white schools and neighbourhoods, Austin 'had to learn what it means to love Blackness,' a journey that led to her becoming a writer, speaker and expert helping organisations practice genuine inclusion. In this bestselling memoir, she writes beautifully and powerfully about her journey to self-worth and how we can all contribute to racial justice. 'A leading new voice on racial justice' LAYLA F SAAD, author of ME AND WHITE SUPREMACY'Most people say, "that books has legs"; I measure the impact of a book by how often I throw it across the room. [Austin's book] has serious wings. It broke me open' BRENE BROWN'A deeply personal celebration of blackness that simultaneously sheds new light on racial injustice and inequality while offering hope for a better future' SHONDALAND
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Things We Leave Unfinished: TikTok made me buy it: The most emotional romance of 2023 from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Fourth Wing
'This book had me day dreaming, crying, sobbing... all the emotions'Reader ReviewTwo sworn enemies. One unfinished manuscript. The love story of a lifetime...When Georgia Stanton discovers that her late grandmother, Scarlett, the infamous romance author, didn't get the chance to finish her last book, she is determined to share her story. But first, it needs to be written.Enter Noah Harrison, the bestselling and most charismatic romance author of his generation. When Georgia meets him, she is distraught - athough he's charming and handsome, there's nothing beneath the surface. But as they start working together, Georgia begins to see that there might be more to Noah than meets the eye.Together, they realize that Scarlett was saving the greatest love story of all until last - her own. While serving in World War Two, she fell in love with the handsome and enigmatic pilot, Jameson. But are Georgia and Noah about to discover that not all love stories have a happy ending...?Perfect for fans of Colleen Hoover and Nicholas Sparks, The Things We Leave Unfinished is an epic and sweeping romance about the sacrifices we make for love and the endings we don't want to see coming...Readers have fallen in love with The Things We Leave Unfinished, the perfect romance that will make you cry'I'm all cried out. Rebecca Yarros shook me with that twist I didn't see coming''I've never read anything like this and I don't think I ever will again. This is a love story for the ages''Scarlett and Jameson have my entire heart, I love them'
Princeton University Press To See with a Better Eye: A Life of R. T. H. Laennec
Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec (1781-1826) is best known for his invention of the stethoscope, one of medicine's most powerful symbols. Histories, novels, and films have cloaked his life in hagiography and legend. Jacalyn Duffin's fascinating new biography relies on a vastly expanded foundation of primary source material, including thousands of pages of handwritten patient records, lecture notes, unpublished essays, and letters. She situates Laennec, the scientist and teacher, within the broader social and intellectual currents of post-Revolutionary France. Her work uncovers a complex character who participated actively in the dramatic changes of his time. Laennec's famous Treatise on Mediate Auscultation was his only published book, but two lesser known works were left in manuscript: an early treatise on pathological anatomy and a later set of lectures on disease. The three parts of Duffin's biography correspond to these books. First, she examines Laennec's student research on the emerging science of pathological anatomy, the background for his major achievement. Second, she uses his clinical records to trace the discovery and development of "mediate auscultation" (listening through an instrument, or mediator, to sounds within the human body). The stethoscope allowed clinicians to "see" the organic alterations inside their living patients' bodies. Finally, she explores the impact of auscultation on diagnostic practice and on concepts of disease. Analyzed here for the first time in their entirety, Laennec's College de France lectures reveal his criticism of over-enthusiastic extrapolations of his own method at the expense of the patient's story. Originally published in 1998. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Notes on R. Saadya Gaon's Translation of the Torah, Part I - Genesis
Springer Nature Switzerland AG A Course on Small Area Estimation and Mixed Models: Methods, Theory and Applications in R
This advanced textbook explores small area estimation techniques, covers the underlying mathematical and statistical theory and offers hands-on support with their implementation. It presents the theory in a rigorous way and compares and contrasts various statistical methodologies, helping readers understand how to develop new methodologies for small area estimation. It also includes numerous sample applications of small area estimation techniques. The underlying R code is provided in the text and applied to four datasets that mimic data from labor markets and living conditions surveys, where the socioeconomic indicators include the small area estimation of total unemployment, unemployment rates, average annual household incomes and poverty indicators. Given its scope, the book will be useful for master and PhD students, and for official and other applied statisticians.
Harvest House Publishers Come into My Heart Lord Jesus The Power of a Praying R Kid
Stormie Omartian shares what it means to ask Jesus into your heart. As children learn about the great gift of salvation and the wonder of living forever with God, they realize that, as one of God’s special kids, Jesus is always listening and ready to help them.
Cornerstone No Plan B: The unputdownable new 2022 Jack Reacher thriller from the No.1 bestselling authors
Brought to you by Penguin.The gripping new Jack Reacher thriller from the No.1 bestselling authors Lee Child and Andrew Child.Gerrardsville, Colorado. One tragic event. Two witnesses. Two conflicting accounts. One witness sees a woman throw herself in front of a bus - clearly suicide. The other witness is Jack Reacher. And he sees what really happened - a man in grey hoodie and jeans, swift and silent as a shadow, pushed the victim to her death, before grabbing her bag and sauntering away.Reacher follows the killer on foot, not knowing that this was no random act of violence. It is part of something much bigger...a sinister, secret conspiracy, with powerful people on the take, enmeshed in an elaborate plot that leaves no room for error. If any step is compromised, the threat will have to be quickly and permanently removed.But when the threat is Reacher, there is No Plan B...© Lee Child & Andrew Child 2022 (P) Penguin Audio 2022
Save the Cat Press Save the Cat!(r) Beat Sheet Workbook: How Writers Turn Ideas Into Stories
Break out your favourite pencil and roll up your sleeves! The Save the Cat! (R) Beat Sheet Workbook provides key writing prompts and asks all the important questions-but you bring the story, filling out the pages that walk you step-by-step through the Save the Cat! process. The official hands-on companion to the best-selling Save the Cat! and Save the Cat! Writes for TV, this interactive workbook helps you dig deep into every aspect of your story. It's inspiring, easy to manage, and your guide to: * Idea and Concept Brainstorming - Unlock your idea engine with a series of exercises and prompts geared to help you find your best story idea. * Meaningful Themes - Explore yourself, matching your story to something that speaks to your soul and represents your tastes and personality. * Story Genre Identification - Nail down that pesky question of ""What is your story?"" with the Save the Cat! Story Genres. * Create Fully Developed Characters - Give life to main characters who have wants, needs, and flaws. Surround them with a supporting cast that provides opportunities for conflict and thematic tension. * The Save the Cat! Beat Sheet - Discover the tools and detailed exercises to give your story the structure to succeed
Transworld Publishers Ltd Land Girls at the Wartime Bookshop: Book 2 in the uplifting WWII saga series about a community-run bookshop, from the bestselling author
The residents of Churchwood have never needed their bookshop, or its community, more. But when the bookshop comes under threat at the worst possible time, can Alice, Kate and Naomi pull together to keep spirits high?Kate has always found life on Brimbles Farm difficult, but now she is struggling more than ever to find time for the things that matter to her - particularly helping to save the village bookshop and seeing handsome pilot Leo Kinsella. Can two Land Girls help? Or will they be more trouble than they're worth?Naomi has found new friends and purpose through the bookshop and is devastated when its future is threatened. But when she begins to suspect her husband of being unfaithful, she finds her attention divided. With old insecurities rearing up, she needs to uncover the truth.Alice has a lot on her plate. Can she fight to save the bookshop while also looking for a job and worrying about her fiancé Daniel away fighting in the war?Land Girls at the Wartime Bookshop is the second novel in the uplifting Wartime Bookshop series, perfect for fans of Donna Douglas and Elaine Everest.-------------------------------**Real readers are LOVING The Wartime Bookshop series**'BRILLIANT''Oh I loved this book... please carry on the good writing''Wow what a brilliant start to a new series''Outstandingly fabulous, warm and inviting... so glad there is going to be a follow-on''I was only two pages in when I knew this would be a 5 star read... I honestly can't put my excitement into words at the thought of reading the next one'
Transworld Publishers Ltd Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop: Book 3 in the feel-good WWII saga series about a community-run bookshop, from the bestselling author
**Available for pre-order now**Alice, Kate and Naomi want to keep the magic of Christmas alive in their village of Churchwood but a thief in the area and a new family that shuns the local community are only the first of the problems they face.Naomi is fighting to free herself from Alexander Harrington - the man who married her for her money then kept a secret family behind her back. It could be the start of a whole new life for her, but after years of Alexander controlling - and draining - her finances, two questions remain to be answered: how much of her money is left, and will she be able to achieve the independence she craves?Alice's dreams came true when she married sweetheart Daniel. Now he has returned to the war and Alice misses him terribly, but she is delighted to discover that she's carrying his child. Will she, Daniel and the baby make it through the war unscathed?For Kate, life with her dysfunctional family on Brimbles Farm has never been easy but she now has Land Girls Pearl and Ruby to help, giving her more time for her friends. She's also in love with pilot Leo. But what sort of shadow will be cast over the lives of all at Brimbles Farm when her brother returns from the war with terrible injuries? And why has Leo stopped writing?As ever, the Wartime Bookshop is a source of community and comfort. But disaster is about to strike...Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop is the third novel in the uplifting Wartime Bookshop series, perfect for fans of Donna Douglas and Elaine Everest.**Real readers are LOVING The Wartime Bookshop series**'BRILLIANT''Oh I loved this book... please carry on the good writing''Wow what a brilliant start to a new series''Outstandingly fabulous, warm and inviting... so glad there is going to be a follow-on''I was only two pages in when I knew this would be a 5 star read... I honestly can't put my excitement into words at the thought of reading the next one'
Transworld Publishers Ltd Land Girls at the Wartime Bookshop: Book 2 in the uplifting WWII saga series about a community-run bookshop, from the bestselling author
The residents of Churchwood have never needed their bookshop, or its community, more. But when the bookshop comes under threat at the worst possible time, can Alice, Kate and Naomi pull together to keep spirits high?Kate has always found life on Brimbles Farm difficult, but now she is struggling more than ever to find time for the things that matter to her - particularly helping to save the village bookshop and seeing handsome pilot Leo Kinsella. Can two Land Girls help? Or will they be more trouble than they're worth?Naomi has found new friends and purpose through the bookshop and is devastated when its future is threatened. But when she begins to suspect her husband of being unfaithful, she finds her attention divided. With old insecurities rearing up, she needs to uncover the truth.Alice has a lot on her plate. Can she fight to save the bookshop while also looking for a job and worrying about her fiancé Daniel away fighting in the war?Land Girls at the Wartime Bookshop is the second novel in the uplifting Wartime Bookshop series, perfect for fans of Donna Douglas and Elaine Everest.**The fourth novel, Evacuees at the Wartime Bookshop, is available to pre-order now!**-------------------------------**Real readers are LOVING The Wartime Bookshop series**'BRILLIANT''Oh I loved this book... please carry on the good writing''Wow what a brilliant start to a new series''Outstandingly fabulous, warm and inviting... so glad there is going to be a follow-on''I was only two pages in when I knew this would be a 5 star read... I honestly can't put my excitement into words at the thought of reading the next one'
Transworld Publishers Ltd Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop: Book 3 in the feel-good WWII saga series about a community-run bookshop, from the bestselling author
Alice, Kate and Naomi want to keep the magic of Christmas alive in their village of Churchwood but a thief in the area and a new family that shuns the local community are only the first of the problems they face.Naomi is fighting to free herself from Alexander - the man who married her for her money, then kept a secret family behind her back. But will she be able to achieve the independence she craves?Alice's dreams came true when she married sweetheart Daniel. Now he has returned to the fighting, but Alice is delighted to discover that she's carrying his child. Will the family make it through the war unscathed?While Kate's life on Brimbles Farm has never been easy, she now has help from land girls Pearl and Ruby. But what will it mean for them all when Kate's brother returns from the war with terrible injuries? And why has pilot Leo, the man she loves, stopped writing?As ever, the Wartime Bookshop is a source of community and comfort. But disaster is about to strike...Christmas at the Wartime Bookshop is the third novel in the uplifting Wartime Bookshop series, perfect for fans of Donna Douglas and Elaine Everest.**The fourth novel, Evacuees at the Wartime Bookshop, is available to pre-order now!**----------------------------Real readers are LOVING The Wartime Bookshop series:'BRILLIANT''Oh I loved this book... please carry on the good writing''Wow what a brilliant start to a new series''Outstandingly fabulous, warm and inviting... so glad there is going to be a follow-on''I was only two pages in when I knew this would be a 5 star read... I honestly can't put my excitement into words at the thought of reading the next one!'
Oxford University Press Inc Dignity and Judicial Authority
University of Wales Press Hegel on Freedom and Authority
Hegel's concept of civil society endorses a market economy and a liberal outlook. But his concept of state culminates in an authoritarian prince who is protector of the constitution. The tensions and contradictions that plague Hegel's liberal society that cannot be resolved by its own civil institutions, motivate his conservative authoritarianism.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Politics of Possession: Property, Authority, and Access to Natural Resources
The Politics of Possession investigates how struggles over access to resources and political power constitute property and authority recursively. Such dynamics are integral to state formation in societies characterized by normative and legal pluralism. Includes some of the latest theoretical work on the dynamics of access and property and how they are joined to questions of power and authority Explores how access to resources is often contested and rife with conflict, particularly in post-colonial and post-socialist countries Offers a thought-provoking approach to the study of everyday processes of state formation Shows how the process of seeking authorization for property claims works to legitimize the authorizers, and the efforts undertaken by politico-legal institutions to gain legitimacy underpin and undermine various claims of access and property Contributors explore from a wide empirical compass of original research spanning Latin America, Africa, South-East Asia, and Eastern Europe
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Advances in Fisheries Economics: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Gordon R. Munro
A true landmark publication, Advances in Fisheries Economics brings together many of the world’s leading fisheries economists to authoritatively cover the many issues facing the field of fisheries economics and management today. Compiled in honour of the work and achievements of Professor Gordon Munro of the University of British Columbia, Canada, this exceptional volume of research serves as both a valuable reference tool and fitting tribute to a man whose work has shaped the discipline. Divided into four sections, the text includes coverage of: • Property Rights and Fisheries Management • Capital Theory and Natural Resources • Game Theory and International Fisheries • Applied Fisheries Economics and Management The book is an important addition to the resources of all fisheries economists, managers, scientists and fish biologists. Libraries in universities and research establishments where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies on their shelves. About the Editors Dr. Trond Bjørndal is Professor of Economics, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway and Director, CEMARE, University of Portsmouth, England. Dr. Daniel V. Gordon is Professor of Economics, University of Calgary, Canada and Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway Dr. Ragnar Arnason is Professor of Economics and the Chairman of the Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland. Dr. U. Rashid Sumaila is Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia.
Edinburgh University Press Female Religious Authority in Shi'i Islam: Past and Present
Case studies of women exercising religious authority in Shi?i Islam from the classical period to the present Islamic religious authority is conventionally understood to be an exclusively male purview. Yet when dissected into its various manifestations leading prayer, preaching, issuing fatwas, transmitting hadith, judging in court, teaching law, theology, and other Islamic sciences and, generally shaping the Islamic scholarly tradition nuances emerge that hint at the presence of women in the performance of some of these functions. This collection of case studies, covering the period from classical Islam to the present, and taken from across the Shi?i Islamic world, reflects on the roles that women have played in exercising religious authority across time and space. Comparative reflection on the case studies allows for the formulation of hypotheses regarding the conditions and developments whether theological, jurisprudential, social, economic or political that enhanced or stifled the flourishing of female religious authority in Shi?i Islam.
HarperCollins Publishers Ghosts in the House: Tales of Terror by A. C. Benson and R. H. Benson (Collins Chillers)
A collection of rare ghosts and horror stories by the brothers of one of the finest writers of the genre, E. F. Benson. The Benson brothers – Arthur Christopher, Edward Frederic and Robert Hugh – were one of the most extraordinary and prolific literary families, between them writing more than 150 books. Arthur alone left four million words of diary, although his most lasting legacy is the words to Elgar’s Land of Hope and Glory, while Fred is acknowledged as one of the finest writers of Edwardian supernatural fiction: the name E. F. Benson is mentioned in the same breath as other greats such as M. R. James and H. R. Wakefield. In fact, all three brothers wrote ghost stories, although the work of Arthur and Hugh in this field has long been overshadowed by their brother’s success. Now the best supernatural tales of A. C. and R. H. Benson have been gathered into one volume by anthologist Hugh Lamb, whose introduction examines the lives and writings of these two complex and fascinating men. Originally published between 1903 and 1927, the stories include A. C. Benson’s masterful ‘Basil Netherby’ and ‘The Uttermost Farthing’, and an intriguing article by R. H. Benson about real-life haunted houses.
Rowman & Littlefield Challenging Authority: How Ordinary People Change America
Challenging Authority argues that ordinary people exercise extraordinary political courage and power in American politics when, frustrated by politics as usual, they rise up in anger and hope and defy the authorities and the status quo rules that ordinarily govern their daily lives. By doing so, they disrupt the workings of important institutions and become a force in American politics. Drawing on critical episodes in American history, Frances Fox Piven shows that it is precisely at those seismic moments when people act outside of self-restricting political norms that they become empowered to their full democratic potential.
The Catholic University of America Press Festal Letters 1-12: Translated by Philip R. Amidon, Vol. 118
St.Cyril of Alexandria is best known for his role in the Christological disputes of the fifth century. In recent years, however, scholars have turned their attention to Cyril the exegete. Cyril wrote extensive commentaries on nearly every book of the Bible; in fact, two-thirds of his extant corpus is devoted to biblical interpretation. Yet, despite this strong interest in Cyril as theologian and biblical interpreter, his activity as the Patriarch of Alexandria remains obscure. Doctrinal treatises and biblical commentary reveal little of the daily pastoral duties that occupied Cyril during his years as leader of one of ancient Christianity's most important sees. This new translation of Cyril's ""Festal Letters"" will help fill these gaps. Twenty-nine in all, these letters cover all but three of Cyril's years as bishop. In Alexandria, festal letters functioned primarily as a vehicle for announcing the beginning of Lent and the proper date for the celebration of Easter. They also served an important catechetical purpose by providing the patriarch with an annual opportunity to present his flock with a pastoral version of the theological issues that found more formal and complex expression elsewhere. Thus, Cyril's ""Festal Letters"" offer the modern reader a glimpse into the issues that Cyril himself considered important enough to proclaim to the entire diocese and a sample of how he prepared these ideas for reception by a less sophisticated audience. These letters illuminate other aspects of the ancient church in Alexandria, including that church's complex relationship with the Jews and other religious groups, as well as the ways in which the ascetical movement wound its way into the patriarch's pastoral program. In short, Cyril of Alexandria's ""Festal Letters"" provides modern readers with a rare opportunity to enter the daily reality of the church in ancient Alexandria.
Hodder & Stoughton All The Lonely People: From the Richard and Judy bestselling author of Half a World Away comes a warm, life-affirming story – the perfect read for these times
DON'T MISS MIKE'S NEW NOVEL A SONG OF ME AND YOU - AVAILABLE TO ORDER NOW!Shortlisted for the British Book Awards Book of the Year: Pageturners. The 2021 recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Romantic Novelists' Association.A heart-warming novel about family, friendship and human connection.'Hubert Bird stole my heart' Beth O'Leary, author of The Flat-Share and The Switch'Lovely, emotional, uplifting' Libby Page, author of The Lido'A heartbreaking and ultimately uplifting look at isolation' GuardianIn phone calls to his daughter in Australia, widower Hubert Bird paints a picture of the perfect retirement, packed with fun and friendship.But Hubert Bird is lying.Something has made him turn his back on people, and he hardly sees a soul.So when his daughter announces she's coming to visit, Hubert faces a race against time: to make his real life resemble his fake life before he's found out.Along the way Hubert renews a cherished friendship, is given a second chance at love and even joins an audacious community scheme. But with the secret of his earlier isolation lurking in the shadows, is he destines to always be one of the lonely people?Readers love All The Lonely People:'Best book of 2021 so far' 5*'I absolutely adored every page' 5*'Wonderful, moving, emotional and very thought provoking' 5*'An emotional journey' 5*'A beautiful book' 5* 'Heartbreaking and heartwarming' 5*
University of Illinois Press Who Can Speak?: AUTHORITY AND CRITICAL IDENTITY
For women, for lesbians and gays, for African Americans, for Asians, Native Americans, or any other self-identified and -identifying group, who can speak? Who has the authority to speak for these groups? Is there genuinely such a thing as "objectivity," or can only members of these groups speak, finally, for themselves? And who has the authority to decide who has the authority? This collection examines how theory and criticism are complicated by multiple perspectives in an increasingly multicultural society and faces head on the difficult question of what qualifies a critic to speak from or about a particular position. In different formats and from different perspectives from various disciplines, the contributors to this volume analytically and innovatively work together to define the problems and capture the contradictions and tensions inherent in the issues of authority, epistemology, and discourse.