Search results for ""author manus"
Nova Science Publishers Inc Adult, Continuing and Lifelong Education and Development in Africa
This book addresses current and pertinent issues in adult, community, and lifelong education and development presenting a distinctive and timely focus on Africa. Drawing from a variety of theoretical, methodological, and personal experiences from astute researchers from different parts of the continent, this book re-conceptualises adult, community and lifelong education from a western perspective to a more Afrocentric and indigenous approach to understanding and solving problems in the field. It attempts to fill that gap by placing emphasis on the history of adult, lifelong and community education, its organization and management, and the philosophical and socioeconomic context within which adult, community and lifelong education is provided. This edited book is a comprehensive collection of cutting edge research and analyses of various concepts in the field and offers in-depth explanations from diverse viewpoints. For ease of reference, this book is organized into 17 chapters with each chapter covering a topical issue in a diverse, multifaceted field. All the chapters were subjected to a rigorous review process. Firstly, by the editors before those that met the initial pre-screening were sent to two other reviewers. These steps were taken to ensure that the chapters were within the scope of the book as well as meeting the set standards. The submissions which did not meet the set standards and/or did not fall within the scope of the book were rejected. The ones that were recommended for inclusion by the reviewers were sent to the authors to correct and resubmit. The corrected chapters from the authors were put together as the manuscript which was submitted to an accredited language editor for editing before finally submitting to the publisher. The contributions are on five African countries with all the contributors from Africa. Consequently, this book differs from many publications about African countries written by non-Africans." Although all the chapters focus on African countries, the scholarly and rigorous discussion by the authors may appeal to international audiences in the field of adult, lifelong and community education.
Ra-Ma S.A. Editorial y Publicaciones NominaPlus 2013 manual oficial
Este manual se presenta como un material complementario para la comprensión y aprovechamiento óptimo de la herramienta de trabajo NominaPlus 2013.En este caso, la aplicación que tenemos entre manos está equipada con una tecnología sofisticada en lo que se refiere a seguridad, bases de datos y manejabilidad, adecuándose con los valores que caracterizan a Sage: sencillez, agilidad, integridad, confianza e innovación.Las características de este manual son:- Se manejan desde el inicio conceptos básicos de la herramienta, que serán el pilar fundamental a la hora de profundizar en temas más complejos.- Se consolidan las bases del área laboral para poder moverse con seguridad en el desempeño que le demande cualquier puesto de trabajo relacionado con los recursos humanos.- Se trata el método tradicional de aprendizaje con el de las nuevas tecnologías, realizando las prácticas en una aplicación real de trabajo.- Se llevan a cabo los conocimientos laborales adquiridos en la par
Ediciones Ekaré Guillermo Jorge Manuel José
Guillermo Jorge Manuel José vive al lado de una residencia para ancianos. Cuando descubre que la señora Ana Josefina Rosa Isabel, que tiene un nombre tan largo como el suyo, ha perdido la memoria, emprende una búsqueda para recuperar los recuerdos de su amiga. Un libro inolvidable de Mem Fox y Julie Vivas, destacadas figuras de la sobresaliente literatura infantil australiana.- Los Mejores del Banco del libro 1989- ALA Notable Children's Book
Obelisco Manual Practico de Higienismo
Ediciones Robinbook, S.L. Manual bsico del hogar
Editorial CEP, S.L. Manual de contabilidad general
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Formación para el empleo. Administración y gestión empresarial.FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010CONTENIDOEste manual incluye un material dirigido favorecer el aprendizaje teórico-práctico del programa docente "Contabilidad General", el cual está desarrollado en profundidad mediante una estructura modular y adecuada para su aplicación en actividades de Formación para el Empleo.Se trata contenidos propios de acciones formativas transversales para el reciclaje, recualificación o reinserción laboral:- Planes de formación Intersectoriales y Sectoriales dirigidos a cualquier trabajador ocupado (cursos gratuitos), tanto a nivel estatal como autonómico.- Cursos de formación a trabajadores desempleados no basados en la obtención de Certificados de Profesionalidad.- Cursos de Formación Bonificada para Empresas.
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Manual técnico de sonido
En este libro se revisan los conceptos fundamentales del sonido y la electroacústica presentando especial interés a los equipos y las configuraciones de audio. En esta edición se ha incluido un capítulo especial en el que se presenta una visión de las nuevas tecnologías digitales. Incluye más de 100 fotografías y figuras y 3 anexos con diagramas técnicos muy visuales e intuitivos.
Ediciones Omega, S.A. Insectos manuales de identificación
Este manual de identificación describe más de 300 familias de insectos y otros artrópodos. Su texto es conciso, claro y bien documentado. De interés tanto para estudiosos como para aficionados, cada entrada combina una concreta descripción con la fotografía del insecto en la que se detallan sus características principales.
Herder Editorial Manual de teologa dogmtica
Editorial Acribia, S.A. Manual de charcutería artesanal
Prólogo - Agradecimientos - Origen de los embutidos - Clasificación de los embutidos - Embutidos frescos - Pastas finas y jamones cocidos - Crudo curados y salazones - Ahumado de la carne - Aditivos - Etiquetado y envasado (presentación) - Modelo guía de planta industrial pequeña - Maquinaria y accesorios - Transporte de productos elaborados - Costos y ventas - Índice alfabético.
Almuzara Manual Urgente de Comunicacion
Haupt Verlag AG The Manual of Braiding
DK The Complete Golf Manual
Covering every possible aspect the game, from tee shots, iron play, pitching and chipping to coping with bunkers and putting, The Complete Golf Manual works is the ultimate self-improvement guide to playing better golf. With a series of exercises designed to develop your technique, routines to help you think more decisively on the course, and a section on the top 10 most common faults, Steve Newell offers a fast track to a lower handicap for all-from the novice to the experienced club golfer.
Lauren Keiser Music Publishing The Other Flute Manual
Wooden Boat Publications Clinker Plywood Boatbuilding Manual
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Jazz Philharmonic Teachers Manual
Penguin Random House Group The Real Body Manual
Fysionair V.O.F Medical Taping Concept manual
FISCHER Taschenbuch Die Manufaktur der Dfte
The Crowood Press Ltd The Complete Caving Manual
The irresistible appeal of caves is obvious from the enduring popularity of commercialized show-caves: dark, mysterious and beautiful, the hidden world of caves draws the visitor ever deeper. However, although it is 'one small step' from the concrete path to the rugged cave floor and from tourist to caver, it is a step that most are reluctant to take. Those few who do venture into the wild cave discover a world of spectacular halls, grottoes, rivers and waterfalls.
Little, Brown Book Group The DIY Wedding Manual
This book will show you that with a little bit of planning and preparation, it is possible to have the day of your dreams without starting married life in debt. The average cost of a wedding is about as much as a deposit on a house, but one thing the 'credit crunch' taught us all is that there are many areas in our lives where we can save money by doing things ourselves. So why should weddings be an exception? Whether it's boom or bust you don't have to spend a fortune. You really can create your own special day by doing it yourself and having fun along the way. This book is packed with top tips and money saving ideas for: Stationery, Venues, Flowers, Transport, Hair and Make-up, Photographs, Food and Drink, the Reception and much more - including tips from live brides and over 100 budget busting ideas.
Kogan Page The Revenue Operations Manual
Sean Lane is a Founding Partner at BeaconGTM, host of the "Operations with Sean Lane" podcast, and is based in Boston, Massachusetts. He has spent more than a decade building Revenue Operations teams at fast-growing B2B software companies, including Drift and Upserve. Laura Adint is currently a partner and operations executive for a financial services company in Los Gatos, California. With over 25 years of experience, her prior roles included Vice President of Field Operations at Drift, and Vice President of Sales and Services Operations at Adaptive Insights (a Workday company).
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Minor Illness Manual
Haynes Publishing Group Haynes Manual on Brakes
Complete coverage for your Brakes
TFM Publishing Ltd The back pain manual
Back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide; the World Health Organization regards back pain as a condition for which the greatest number of people may benefit from rehabilitation. It is estimated that low back pain alone affects 619 million people globally and this is estimated to rise to 843 million people by 2050. Up to 60% of the adult population will have low back pain at some point in their lifetime; 5-7% of adults over 45 years of age are estimated to have chronic low back pain.Healthcare professionals see people with back pain routinely in their clinical practice and so education and awareness of back pain and the various treatment options are vital for an effective outcome in these situations. Research has shown that healthcare professionals have a considerable and enduring influence upon the attitudes and beliefs of people with back pain. This book will help clinicians to positively influence the outcome of people suffering from back pain.Th
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manipal Manual of Orthopaedics
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Practical Medicine
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Clinical Surgical Case Manual
Clinical Surgical Case Manual is the second edition of this extensive handbook, providing invaluable guidance on the management of various surgical conditions, and tips for medical students on theory, clinical and viva voce examinations. The book is organised by disorder type, with 92 chapters presenting various surgical cases, their presentation and management options. This edition is fully revised and updated, with two new chapters on ‘Perforation of Hollow Viscus’ and ‘General Oncology for Surgeons’. Frequently asked questions are included at the end of some chapters, as well as a checklist at the beginning of the book to aid medical students with exam revision. 151 illustrations and images enhance readers’ understanding of each condition. Clinical Surgical Case Manual is a comprehensive and versatile resource, useful for teaching sessions by professors in surgery, preparation for surgical examination for postgraduates, and as a reference guide for medical practitioners. Key Points 92 chapters covering the management of various surgical conditions 2 new chapters on ‘Perforation of Hollow Viscus’ and ‘General Oncology for Surgeons’ FAQs and checklist to aid exam revision 151 images and illustrations Fully revised, new edition First edition published 2009
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Manual de fisioterapia pediátrica
Manual de fisioterapia pediátrica proporciona una perspectiva contemporánea de la fisioterapia pediátrica en un formato de esquema ideal para la consulta diaria. Esta referencia actualizada ayuda tanto a estudiantes como a profesionales de la terapia física y la rehabilitación a localizar con rapidez la información esencial para evaluar, diagnosticar y planificar de manera eficaz las intervenciones. La 3.ª edición refleja los últimos avances en el campo. Cada apartado incluye etiología de la afección, consideraciones importantes durante la evaluación, tratamiento y toda la información relacionada con la atención contemporánea de la fisioterapia pediátrica.
PHI Learning Engineering Practices Laboratory Manual
Dorling Kindersley Ltd Complete Horse Care Manual
At DK, we understand that your pony or horse probably means the world to you, and that's why we bring you a practical tried-and-tested guide to every aspect of equine care!It's no secret that horses are supremely beautiful and intelligent beings. With the right care, they can form an incredibly rewarding bond with you!The Complete Horse Care Manual is written by experienced vet and horse specialist, Colin Vogel. It offers a guide to horse anatomy and shows you how to interpret their body language and prevent them becoming frightened or bored, explaining how to deal with common problems and unwanted behaviours.Dive straight in to discover: -Full-colour illustrations with over 650 specially- commissioned diagrams-Step-by-step photography demonstrating every aspect of horse care from grooming to mucking out-Revised feeding sections to reflect the latest thinking on equine dietary requirements-Up-to-date advice on horse shoes, microchipping and identification-Reviewed medical information providing latest guidelines on immunization and horse healthcareThis horse care book will show you step-by-step how to catch, handle and groom horses, and how to keep them well-fed and watered. It advises you on the correct kit to buy, and how to keep all your tack and equipment in top condition. When a horse is ill, we understand that it's a worrying time, but this indispensable manual offers reassuring advice, including when to call the vet, and how to administer first aid. Featuring suggested daily routines and tips on shoeing and hoof care, The Complete Horse Care Manual has everything you need to keep a horse healthy, safe and happy!A must-have volume for both new and experienced owners, this indispensable guide to horse care proves the perfect gift for the horse-lover in your life, with an easy-to-use format for quick reference and beautifully-coloured illustrations throughout. Jam-packed with practical suggestions for daily, monthly and annual routines, this handy horse manual features tonnes of tips and tricks that can help keep your horse healthy and comfortable throughout the year.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd Primary Clinical Care Manual
A comprehensive practical reference guide for medical, nursing, and para-medical personnel that sets out guidelines for the diagnosis and management of primary clinical conditions.
Haynes Publishing Group Haynes Manual On Carburettors
Complete coverage for your Carburettor
Menoscuarto Ediciones Manual para enamorarse
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. Manual de redaccin
Ma Non Troppo Manual del Actor
Weldon Owen, Incorporated Total Emergency Manual
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Juan Manuel Studies
Published by Boydell & Brewer Inc.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Geoscience Laboratory Manual
This inquiry-based lab manual offers real-world case studies of topical events with activities and Google Earth images appropriate for an introductory geology or physical geology course. Instructors can select individual lab activities from this text in Wiley Custom Select, an online platform that allows you to tailor Wiley lab manuals to your course, and save students money. Visit us online at
McGraw-Hill Education / Australia Westmead Anaesthetic Manual
The Westmead Anaesthetic Manual has been assisting anaesthetists,and perioperative nurses to provide safe anaesthetic care and appropriatemanagement of emergency situations for more than 20 years. This compact,comprehensive and user-friendly manual is an essential and powerful tool tohelp you manage any difficult and unanticipated situations that may confrontyou in your anaesthetic practice.Thoroughly updated and revised, this fifth edition features: Alphabetically ordered content, enabling topics to be accessed in seconds Step-by-step management of more than 120 emergency situations More than 250 drugs of importance to anaesthetists, descriptions of over30 core anaesthetic procedures and more than 20 ultrasound-guided blocks Anaesthetic management of special medical and surgical conditions such asmediastinal mass syndrome, placenta accreta spectrum and quadriplegia Important physiological concepts like clotting pathways Investigations of prime importance to anaesthetists includingthro
Austin Macauley Publishers Manuals of Life
Haynes Publishing Holley Carburetor Manual
Charisma House Prophet's Manual, The
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Superyacht Manual
Reeds Superyacht Manual, published in association with Bluewater Training, is the first and the best reference manual for everyone involved with yachts large and small, under sail or power, from deckhands to skippers and owners. There is extensive coverage for leisure and professional yachtsmen including: - key information for all required courses at all levels from STCW crew basic training through RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore to MCA Officer of the Watch (Yacht) - comprehensive treatment of: safety, sea survival, first aid, fire fighting, navigation, seamanship, meteorology, marine radio and general ship knowledge - additional section on marine law including international and flag state requirements - easy guide to the Collision Regulations as well as their full text Well illustrated and user-friendly, this is the complete reference for all those involved with private or commercial yachts worldwide.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Counter Insurgency Manual
World-renowned expert in the fields of counter-terrorism, hostage rescue and VIP protection, Leroy Thompson has produced a comprehensive guide to counter-insurgency. His experiences both in the field and in training showcase the latest methods and technologies available and this fully illustrated book reveals many of the secrets of his trade. Counter-insurgency is fast becoming one of the most important aspects of police and military work around the world, with forces often deployed at short notice to fight against an ill-defined enemy. With this in mind, Leroy Thompson describes the techniques best employed in a variety of situations, all illustrated with pictures and explained with examples of their use. He stresses that the primary concern in every situation ought to be a 'Hearts and Minds' style operation comprising an attempt to achieve objectives without the use of force - it is only after all such possibilities have failed that the use of force should be considered, and then only by highly trained special forces operatives. The very political nature of counter-insurgency operations means that operatives are often working under extremely tense and delicate circumstances.The operations are often violent and short-lived, but Thompson emphasises that they must be part of a wider political, social or economic goal for success to be achieved. This well-informed and accessible account will have significance for anyone with an interest in world security and special operations.
Los Libros de la Catarata Manual del candidato electoral
Editorial Universidad de Sevilla-Secretariado de Publicaciones Manual de materiales odontolgicos
El "Manual de Materiales Odontológicos" es un texto básico de estudio para los alumnos de la Licenciatura de Odontología. En su primera parte se describen las propiedades generales de los materiales, así como las estructuras y comportamiento de los distintos tipos de éstos. A continuación se pasa a describir la composición, fraguado, estructura, propiedades, manipulación y usos clínicos de los materiales utilizados en la clínica dental.