Search results for ""verlag barbara budrich""
Verlag Barbara Budrich Contested Social and Ecological Reproduction
Verlag Barbara Budrich Higher Education Research – What Else?: "The Story of a Lifetime In Conversations with Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott"
The founder of higher education research in Germany, Ulrich Teichler, looks back on more than five decades of higher education research. The economic miracle and university expansion, the student movement, experiments and crises of the 1970s, organisational breakdown, reunification, internationalisation, ranking and management cult – all these are historical stages that are reflected in higher education and science. Ulrich Teichler, directly involved, reports with openness and humour, presenting clever analyses.. Higher education research and Ulrich Teichler – one is not conceivable without the other. Anyone involved in German and European higher education research – that is, research that has higher education as its subject matter – will not be able to avoid his name. Ulrich Teichler was the founding director and for many years the director of the International Center for Higher Education Research at the University of Kassel, one of the first higher education research centers at a German university. The student protest of the late 1960s is only one of the drastic events that Ulrich Teichler reports on. Other upheavals in higher education, politics and society are also remembered, recounted and – this is his great strength – analyzed by Ulrich Teichler as a contemporary witness. Readers experience exemplarily how a research field is established, how international impulses have an effect, how a research scene emerges and how it deals with the economic cycles of its research field. Since the beginnings of university research in the late 1970s, the research scene has grown enormously and has changed considerably – not least due to a change of generations. As before, however, the observation remains that Ulrich Teichler has had a strong influence on higher education research over all these years. This constellation was the reason for two scientists of the successor generation – Anna Kosmützky and Christiane Rittgerott – to look back on more than five decades of university research together with Ulrich Teichler and to talk to him about his life as a scientist, about research strategies, managing a research center and much more. He answered the questions posed to him with his typical openness, enthusiasm for providing information, and humour.
Verlag Barbara Budrich The Role of Local Political Elites in East Centr – A Descriptive Inquiry into Local Leadership in Six Transitional Democracies of the Region
How does the elite continue to affect the evolution of local communities in the developing region of former Sovietized Europe? This book is concerned with the issue of local leadership in the countries of East-Central Europe. It is an attempt to examine, with a comparative method, the profile and the role of the local political elites (members of the Municipal Councils) in six towns in six transitional democracies of the region.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Chinese Migrant Parents and Complementary Schooling in Germany: A Sociolinguistic Ethnography
How do parents cooperate with each other, what value do they attach to their interaction and how is the degree of cooperation related to social status? The study takes a close look at the social relationships among various groups of Chinese parents at a Chinese Mandarin language school in a metropolitan city in Germany. Taking an ethnographic approach, it captures a vivid picture of the parental social interactions in and outside the Chinese school setting. The study reveals the significance of social interactions, discussing it in relation to the parents' socioeconomic backgrounds and individual migrant trajectories.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Enterprise Social Policy as a Means of Development of Social Work
Since its professional beginnings, social work has been a major actor and instrument of social policy. This study is a reconstruction of the development of social work in enterprises implemented as part of enterprise social policy in the territory of Bohemia and Moravia between the years 1876-1989. Using a hermeneutical approach based on historical research, the author explores the transformation of societal institutions, communities and structures.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Managing Ownership and Succession in Family Firms
Verlag Barbara Budrich Engendering Transformation: Post-socialist Experiences on Work, Politics, and Culture
Gender relations in post-socialist countries Even more than 20 years after turning away from socialism, Eastern European and Central Asian states are still characterized by the regime change in the fields of work, politics, and culture. What are the effects and implications that this change has produced for gender relations in post-socialist countries? And what does this mean for the situation of women and men living there today? In this context gender relations are especially interesting since gender equality was perceived as a political goal and, moreover, a given reality in socialism. The articles in this volume show the changes as well as the stability of gender relations and power structures during the transformation process and in post-socialist times. They shed light on topics like labour market policies, fertility, political representation of women or male artists concerned with gender issues covering the geographical space from Hungary and Poland over Bulgaria and Romania to Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Beyond that, some of the descriptions and analyses challenge understood certainties about how to create gender equality and about the women and men living in post-soviet regions today.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Science in Central-East Europe: Diversity and Convergence
The book will survey the recent development and current “state of the art” of political science in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. It will comprise (a) three comparative overviews: Political Science and Regime Change in East-Central Europe from the 20th to the 21st Century; Analytical and Normative Elements in Political Science Approaches: Is there a Specific Central-East European Pattern?; Political Science Associations in East-Central Europe: How Important, how much International Cooperation?; (b) 20 detailed and comparable country reports: Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine; (c) a chapter on the European Confederation of Political Science Associations. The country reports will include tables on political science faculty, students with political science as a major, and sub-fields taught at both state and private universities (as per the end of 2008). They will cover the following topics: Institutionalization of the discipline; achievements, deficits, prevailing approaches, and funding of research in the discipline’s sub-fields; curricula, admission regulation, and degree system in political science teaching; national representation and international cooperation (major journals and published books, political science associations, international links); public impact of the discipline, labor market, challenges and opportunities.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Youth on Globalised Labour Markets: Rising Uncertainty and its Effects on Early Employment and Family Lives in Europe
Following the repercussions of the recent financial market crisis, both academic as well as public interest in the phenomena of transnationalisation, globalization and Europeanization has continued to rise. Increasing ly, the three terms have become central reference points for media, politicians, academics, and policy-makers to explain social change in the modern societies of contemporary Europe. From the Contents: Introduction and Theoretical Background International Comparison National Case Studies France Italy Austria Estonia Czech Republic Poland Political initiatives
Verlag Barbara Budrich Gendered Career Trajectories in Academia in Cross-National Perspective
Gender Equality in Academia Schulleiterinnen in Europe? What are the career options for women in various Europ ean countries? What has changed? Does the glass ceiling still exist? The contributors give answers from different countries and in a comparative perspec - tive. The contributions of this volume take a closer look at career achievements, perspectives and trajectories primarily at European universities, putting straightforwardly into question the widely held opinion that women are strategically excluded from gaining access to top positions in academia. There is no simple evil or male-dominated mechanism for hindering the advancement of women in academia. However, there are many pitfalls and difficulties that still stand in the way of female academics and render their lives and professional advancement in academia more difficult compared to their male colleagues. The articles aim at investigating the interrelationship bet ween strategy and structure, thus focusing on the interconnectedness between the institutional environment of the systems of higher education and the strategic behavior, the aspirations, hopes and desires of female academics in particular who either were looking back upon their career path, had just started to think about a career in academia, or were on their way to applying for a leading position at a university. The book is published as a joint venture by Barbara Budrich and Scholar, Poland.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Business and Government: Methods and Practice
This volume reviews current debates on the role of business in politics and it assesses emerging methodological approaches to its study. The book brings together leading scholars to assess various qualitative and quantitative methods, network analysis, historical context and positive rational choice modeling, and detailed research case studies in the study of Business- Government relations.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Transferring Professional Knowledge and Skills: The Case of Central and Eastern European Migrant Physicians in German Hospitals
Due to the current shortage of medical doctors in Germany, hospital administrations increasingly recruit physicians from abroad to meet their demand. Relaxed migration policies and access regulations to the medical profession enable the formal recognition of these physicians’ qualifications. However, the question remains whether these measures suffice to ensure a smooth transfer of professional knowledge and skills. Research on the migration of highly skilled migrants has thus far predominantly focused on macro-structural aspects, whereas their actual integration at the workplace remains largely unexplored. The author investigates such micro processes of integration into the work environment in the case of Central and Eastern European migrant physicians in German hospitals, and attempts to understand the relationship between formal and informal aspects of integration and recognition.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Public Childcare Provision and Fertility Behavior: A Comparison of Sweden and Germany
The author analyzes the relationship between the availability of public childcare for children under age three and the decision to have a first child. One would expect that providing women with the option of returning to work soon after childbirth would reduce the anticipated negative effects of having a child on a woman’s career. However, existing research results on this relationship are inconsistent.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Professional-Scientific Education: Discourses, Perspectives, Implications, and Options for Science and Practice
There is a growing need for professional-scientific education in science, the labour market and society. However, many key players remain in traditional silo thinking with regard to professional and scientific education and strong social forces maintain their institutional separation in the education system.The volume intends to reflect and to enhance the discourse on the relation and integration of professional and scientific education. In a series of contributions by well-known educational scientists from Germany and other countries, the theoretical, conceptual and practical design questions for a qualification are discussed, which sets the connectivity of scientific and professional education within and between courses into an integrative perspective.
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Perspectives on School Settings, Education Policy and Digital Strategies: A Transatlantic Discourse in Education Research
An exchange on education ideas has shaped the transatlantic discourse in education for a long time. Over the past two decades education science has increasingly become networked internationally. Since 2015, the Office for International Cooperation in Education at DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education has organized international sessions on education research at the Annual Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, thus providing a floor for transatlantic exchange on current research topics. The volume gives an overview of the transatlantic activities in education research with regard to these sessions representing a collection of topics ranging from school development over the use of large scale assessment and digital data in education to questions related to migration and public education or the economization of education. At the same time the volume offers a reflection on the assets and obstacles of international exchange.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Syrian Female Refugees in Turkey – Intersectional Marginalization
In recent years, migration has become one of the most discussed phenomena, both within and outside the academic world. This book takes into account how Syrian female refugees are socially, economically, culturally, ethnically and sexually marginalized. The author analyzes how discourses produced in the Turkish host society affect Syrian female refugees and local women. What do these women think about the ongoing events, their status and the steps the Syrian government and NGOs as well have taken so far in order to produce solutions for women's invisibilization in the public sphere?
Verlag Barbara Budrich Vocational Education and Training in the Age of Digitization: Challenges and Opportunities
The increasing digitization of the world of work is associated with accelerated structural changes. These are connected with changed qualification profiles and thus new challenges for vocational education and training (VET). Companies, vocational schools and other educational institutions must respond appropriately. The volume focuses on the diverse demands placed on teachers, learners and educational institutions in vocational education and training and aims to provide up-to-date results on learning in the digital age.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Leadership in Early Education in Times of Change: Research from five continents
The collection brings together the latest work of researchers from Australia, Africa, Asia, and Europe focusing on early childhood leadership matters. It covers different aspects of leadership in early education: professional education and development, identity and leadership strategies as well as governance and leadership under different frame conditions.
Verlag Barbara Budrich India
The title is part of the International Handbook of Vocational Education and Training, the standard reference for comparative research in vocational education in German. It is intended for an academic audience as well as vocational education and training practitioners. Selected titles are translated to make them available to the much broader English readership.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Trends, Challenges and New Directions
This book focuses on current trends, potential challenges and further developments of teacher education and professional development from a theoretical, empirical and practical point of view. It intends to provide valuable and fresh insights from research studies and examples of best practices from Europe and all over the world. The authors deal with the strengths and limitations of different models, strategies, approaches and policies related to teacher education and professional development in and for changing times(digitization, multiculturalism, pressure to perform).
Verlag Barbara Budrich Fathers in Work Organizations: Inequalities and Capabilities, Rationalities and Politics
This book is dedicated to the role of work organizations when it comes to the realization of an active fatherhood. Firstly, it deals with barriers for active fatherhood and its correlating mechanisms of inequality: Which aspects of discrimination and social closure do fathers face today if they assert a claim for active fatherhood, and with what kind of barriers are they confronted? Secondly, capabilities of fathers are addressed: Which is their possible scope of action, who are relevant actors, what is the effect of policies and programs on change and organizational learning with respect to fatherhood?
Verlag Barbara Budrich Parliamentarism and Democratic Theory: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
The authors deal with the place of parliamentary politics in democracy. Apparently a truism, parliamentarism is in fact a missing research object in democratic theory, and a devalued institutional reference in democratic politics. Yet the parliamentary culture of politics historically explains the rise and fall of modern democracies.In the early twentieth century political thought the relationships between democracy and parliamentarism were at the focus of the agenda. In the postwar era the study of politics has taken the parliament for granted, meaning its analysis has been on the whole limited to concomitant factors, such as elections, party systems or the government-opposition divide. Even rhetorical studies have largely dealt with historical and linguistic aspects of argumentative reasoning, and parliaments have been merely considered institutions producing speeches and texts to be studied.By exploring democracy from the vantage point of parliamentary politics, the book advances a novel research perspective. Aimed at revising current debates on parliamentary politics, democratization and democratic theory, the authors argue the role of the parliamentary culture of politics in democracy, highlighting the argumentative, debating experience of politics to recast both some of democratic theory’s normative assumptions and real democracies’ reform potential.
Verlag Barbara Budrich International Social Work and Forced Migration: Developments in African, Arab and European Countries
The book focuses on Social Work with refugees in African, Middle East and European countries. Published as a follow-up to the ‘International Social Work Week’ in Würzburg/Germany with professionals and experts from all over the globe, this book intends to share insights into country-specific developments, challenges and potentials of Social Work in forced migration contexts. The objectives are to map Social Work in this field of action across several countries, to bring into sharper focus an International Social Work in forced migration contexts as well as to contribute in connecting Social Work scholars and experts around the globe.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Managing Expatriates: Success Factors in Private and Public Domains
This volume provides in-depth examinations of a variety of individual, social, and environmental factors that contribute to the success of expatriate employees. Using data from numerous large-scale studies from both the public and private sectors, this volume provides valuable insights into expatriate success with implications for both theoretical understanding and practical management. The authors explore factors that influence employees to pursue expatriation, contribute to expatriate adjustment and satisfaction, and ultimately drive expatriate performance, well-being, and success. The chapters in this book consider the role of sociodemographic characteristics, personality and individual differences, training and preparation, and social and organizational support in contributing to each of these outcomes. Using findings from diverse countries and sectors and data-focused analytic techniques, this volume provides novel insights into factors promoting expatriate success.
Verlag Barbara Budrich Political Science in the Digital Age – Global Perspectives
Digitalization is not only a new research subject for political science, but a transformative force for the discipline in terms of teaching and learning as well as research methods and publishing. This volume provides the first account of the influence of digitalization on the discipline of political science including contributions from 20 different countries. It presents a regional stocktaking of the challenges and opportunities of digitalization in most world regions. The digital transformation is an example of technological change that will have massive implications for politics and society. It involves a sweeping set of changes that many have likened to the Industrial Revolution. The digital revolution has generated extraordinary opportunities for political scientists, but it also raises serious questions about politics, issues like privacy, regulatory oversight, international conflicts and democracy. Many of these problems are old, but digitalization has magnified their difficulties and importance. The ambivalence of digitalization not only includes multiple aspects for political processes, for communication and for interaction in the political realm, but likewise for our discipline. Digitalization is both a research subject as well as a transformative force for our discipline in terms of teaching and learning, research methods, data collection and management, but also influencing publishing and consultancy.