Search results for ""brill""
Brill Sextus, Montaigne, Hume: Pyrrhonizers
This work invites us to view the Pyrrhonist tradition as involving all those who share a commitment to the activity of Pyrrhonizing and develops fresh, provocative readings of Sextus, Montaigne, and Hume as radical Pyrrhonizing skeptics: From the aspirationalism of Sextan Pyrrhonism, to Montaigne’s skeptical fideism and his unusual approach to the writing process, to the vexing interpretive issues surrounding Hume’s skepticism, each figure offers us new insights into what it can mean to Pyrrhonize.
Brill Music and Religious Education in Early Modern Europe: The Musical Edification of the Church
Exploring the nexus of music and religious education involves fundamental questions regarding music itself, its nature, its interpretation, and its importance in relation to both education and the religious practices into which it is integrated. This cross-disciplinary volume of essays offers the first comprehensive set of studies to examine the role of music in educational and religious reform and the underlying notions of music in early modern Europe. It elucidates the context and manner in which music served as a means of religious teaching and learning during that time, thereby identifying the religio-cultural and intellectual foundations of early modern European musical phenomena and their significance for exploring the interplay of music and religious education today.
Brill Multilingualism and Ageing: An Overview
Multilingualism and Ageing provides an overview of research on a large range of topics relating to language processing and language use from a life-span perspective. It is unique in covering and combining psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic approaches, discussing questions such as: Is it beneficial to speak more than one language when growing old? How are languages processed in multilingual persons, and how does this change over time? What happens to language and communication in multilingual aphasia or dementia? How is multilingual ageing portrayed in the media? Multilingualism and Ageing is a joint, cross-disciplinary venture of researchers from the Centre for Multilingualism in Society across the Lifespan at The University of Oslo and the editors of this publication.
Brill Commentaries on World Trade Law: Volume 5: Trade in Services (GATS)
In today’s global economy, services make up a significant part of trade flows between countries. These include particularly dynamic sectors such as finance and the digital economy. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) sets out the multilateral rules of world trade law for trade in services – the essential framework for understanding how international law liberalises the exchange of services between WTO Members. In this volume, renowned scholars and practitioners explain the rules of the GATS in detail, including a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of WTO jurisprudence and scholarship.
Brill The Deshima Diaries 1641-1660: The Dagregisters Kept by the Chiefs of the Dutch East India Company Factory in Nagasaki, Japan.
The present volume of The Deshima Diaries consists of the journals that were kept by the chiefs of the Dutch trading post in Japan during the first two decades of the so called seclusion period (1640-1868). The employees of the Dutch East India Company – from 1640 the only Europeans in Japan - had to give up their relatively free life in the port of Hirado and were forced to move to the tiny island of Deshima in the Bay of Nagasaki. Continually surrounded by Japanese guards, spies, cooks, concubines and interpreters they were eager to continue their trading activities with their Japanese hosts. Every year, with a few exceptions, the chief of the factory and two or three staff members travelled to Edo to pay obeisance to the Shogun. The diaries in this volume describe in detail how the Dutch merchants grappled with the severe restrictions that were imposed on them, but their writings also shed surprising light on social and economic life in Nagasaki and beyond.
Brill Hugo Grotius’s Remonstrantie of 1615: Facsimile, Transliteration, Modern Translations and Analysis
Grotius wrote the Remonstrantie around 1615 at the request of the States of Holland, to define the conditions under which Jews were to be admitted to the Dutch Republic. At that time, he was already an internationally recognized legal expert in civic and canonic law. The position taken by Grotius with respect to the admission of the Jews was strongly connected with the religious and political tensions existing in the Dutch Republic of the early 17th century. The Remonstrantie shows how Grotius’s views evolved within the confines of the philosophical and religious concepts of his time. It is an example of tolerance within political limits, analyzed by the author David Kromhout and made accessible through a modern translation.
Brill New Discourses in Medieval Canon Law Research: Challenging the Master Narrative
New Discourses in Medieval Canon Law Research offers a new narrative for medieval canon law history which avoids the pitfall of teleological explanations by taking seriously the multiplicity of legal development in the Middle Ages and the divergent interests of the actors involved. The contributors address the still dominant ‘master narrative’, mainly developed by Paul Fournier and enshrined in his magisterial Histoire de collections canoniques. They present new research on pre-Gratian canon collection, Gratian’s Decretum, decretal collections, but also hagiography, theology, and narrative sources challenging the standard account; a separate chapter is devoted to Fournier’s model and its genesis. New Discourses thus brings together specialized research and broader questions of who to write the history of church law in the Middle Ages. Contributors are Greta Austin, Katheleen G. Cushing, Stephan Dusil, Tatsushi Genka, John S. Ott, Christof Rolker, Danica Summerlin, Andreas Thier and John C. Wei.
Brill Revisioning John Chrysostom: New Approaches, New Perspectives
In Revisioning John Chrysostom, Chris de Wet and Wendy Mayer harness and promote a new wave of scholarship on the life and works of this famous late-antique (c. 350-407 CE) preacher. New theories from the cognitive and neurosciences, cultural and sleep studies, and history of the emotions, among others, meld with reconsideration of lapsed approaches – his debt to Graeco-Roman paideia, philosophy, and now medicine – resulting in sometimes surprising and challenging conclusions. Together the chapters produce a fresh vision of John Chrysostom that moves beyond the often negative views of the 20th century and open up substantially new vistas for exploration.
Brill International Institutional Law: Sixth Revised Edition
This sixth, revised edition of International Institutional Law covers the most recent developments in the field. Although public international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the African Union, ASEAN, the European Union, Mercosur, NATO and OPEC have broadly divergent objectives, powers, fields of activity and numbers of member states, they also share a wide variety of institutional characteristics. Rather than being a handbook for specific organizations, the book offers a comparative analysis of the institutional law of international organizations. It includes chapters on the rules and practices concerning membership, institutional structure, decision-making, financing, legal order, supervision and sanctions, legal status and external relations. The book’s theoretical framework and extensive use of case-studies is designed to appeal to both academics and practitioners.
Brill The Boxer Codex: Transcription and Translation of an Illustrated Late Sixteenth-Century Spanish Manuscript Concerning the Geography, History and Ethnography of the Pacific, South-east and East Asia
In The Boxer Codex, the editors have transcribed, translated and annotated an illustrated late-16th century Spanish manuscript. It is a special source that provides evidence for understanding early-modern geography, ethnography and history of parts of the western Pacific, as well as major segments of maritime and continental South-east Asia and East Asia. Although portions of this gem of a manuscript have been known to specialists for nearly seven decades, this is the first complete transcription and English translation, with critical annotations and apparatus, and reproductions of all its illustrations, to appear in print.
Brill Structure and Properties of Clusters: from a few Atoms to Nanoparticles
This volume on Clusters brings together contributions from a large number of specialists. A central element for all contributions is the use of advanced computational methodologies and their application to various aspects of structure, reactivity and properties of clusters. The size of clusters varies from a few atoms to nanoparticles. Special emphasis is given to bringing forth new insights on the structure and properties of these systems with an eye towards potential applications in Materials Science. Overal, the volume presents to the readers an amazing wealth of new results. Particular subjects include water clusters, Silicon, Iron, Nickel and Gold clusters, carbon-titanium microclusters and nanoparticles, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, chiral carbon nanotubes, boron nanoclusters and more.
Brill Stationary and Non-Stationary Kinetics of the Photoinitiated Polymerization: New Concepts in Polymer Science
The main focus in this monograph is on models of the kinetics of photo-initiated polymerization of mono- and bi-functional monomers up to the high conversion stage, their derivation, analysis and comparison with the experimental data. This monograph can be useful for scientists, engineers, post-graduate training students and students who are interested in problems both of the polymerization kinetics and general chemical kinetics.
Brill Particles on Surfaces: Detection, Adhesion and Removal, Volume 8
This volume documents the proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Particles on Surfaces: Detection, Adhesion and Removal held in Providence, Rhode Island, June 24–26, 2002. The study of particles on surfaces is extremely crucial in a host of diverse technological areas, ranging from microelectronics to optics to biomedical. In a world of shrinking dimensions and with the tremendous interest in various nanotechnologies, the need to understand the physics of nanoparticles becomes quite patent. With the interest in and concern with nanoparticles comes the need for new and more sensitive metrological and analysis techniques to detect, quantitate, analyze and characterize very small particles on a host of substrates. This volume contains a total of 21 papers covering many ramifications of particles on surfaces. All manuscripts were rigorously peer-reviewed and all were revised and properly edited before inclusion in this volume. The book is divided into two parts: Particle Analysis/Characterization and General Cleaning-Related Topics and Particle Adhesion and Removal. The topics covered include: nature and characterization of small particles; surface and micro-analytical methods for particle identification; haze as a new method to monitor nano-sized particles; particle transport and adhesion in ion-beam sputter deposition process; particle deposition during immersion rinsing; ice-air blast cleaning; rectangular jets for surface decontamination; factors important in particle adhesion and removal; mechanics of nanoparticle adhesion; particle adhesion on nanoscale rough surfaces; various techniques for cleaning or removal of particles from different substrates including wet cleaning, use of modified SC-1 solutions, use of surfactants, ozonated DI water, ultrasonic, megasonic, laser, energetic clusters; and post-CMP cleaning. This volume, together with its predecessors, will be of immense value to anyone interested in the world of particles on surfaces, and will serve as a resource for information on contemporary R&D activity in this extremely technologically important area.
Brill Polymers Derived from Isobutylene. Synthesis, Properties, Application
This monograph aims to give an overview of recent chemical and technological developments in the area of polymers and co-polymers derived from isobutylene, which have a wide range of (industrial) applications. The scientific basis for presenting the material – application of the acid-base theory with a view to the fundamental steps of isobutylene polymerization – is combined with the application of quantum-chemical calculations of catalysts, linked active centers, separate elementary stages of the process, and critical analysis of some experimental data. In addition, a number of problems, such as the macrokinetic description of isobutylene polymerization, description of the balanced scheme of industrial production of isobutylene polymers, and initiation of isobutylene polymerization with the help of immobilized cationic catalysts are discussed. Special attention is given to ecological aspects of synthesis and application of isobutylene polymers. This book will be of value and interest to researchers in the areas of chemistry and physics of high-molecular compounds, as well as engineers and technologists specialized in the area of olefins and polyolefins.
Brill Apparent and Microscopic Contact Angles
This book chronicles the proceedings of the International Symposium on Apparent and Microscopic Contact Angles, held in conjunction with the American Chemical Society meeting in Boston, August 24--27, 1998. The symposium provided an opportunity to discuss several controversial issues associated with interfacial phenomena that govern the behavior of the three-phase systems. This volume contains 28 papers --- previously published in 3 issues of the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. The book is divided into four parts: Nanoscopic and Molecular Effects on Contact Angles; Surface Forces and Surface Free Energy; Wetting of Heterogeneous, Rough and Curved Surfaces; Dynamic Effects in Contact Angle Measurements. Among the topics covered are: contact line tension measurement; liquid drop surface topography; molecular mechanisms of hydrophobic transitions; stereochemical and conformational aspects of polymer surfaces; determination of acid-base properties of metal oxides and polymers by contact angle measurement; van Oss--Good theory of acid-base surface free energies; AFM measurement of forces; thin liquid films; wettability of flat and curved surfaces; contact angle hysteresis; factors affecting contact angle meassurements; dynamic wetting behavior; and effect of surfactants on wetting.
Brill Adhesion Measurement of Films and Coatings
This book chronicles the proceedings of the International Symposium on Adhesion Measurement of Films and Coatings, held in Boston. The articles in this book were previously published in three special issues of the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. Films and coatings are used for a variety of purposes and their adequate adhesion to the underlying substrates is of cardinal importance from practical consideration. In the last two decades there has been brisk activity in devising new ways to measure adhesion or ameliorating the existing techniques.
Brill Polymer Biomaterials in Solution, as Interfaces and as Solids: A Festschrift Honoring the 60th Birthday of Dr. Allan S. Hoffman
The articles collected in this publication have previously been published in eight special issues of the Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, in honour of Dr. Allan S. Hoffman, who is known as a pioneer, a leader and a mentor in the field of biomaterials. The papers from renowned scientists from all parts of the world, representing the state-of-the-art in polymeric biomaterials today, have been rearranged into a logical order of sections, each having a distinct focus. The topics covered are: Surface Modification, Characterization and Properties; Protein Adsorption; Blood Interactions; Cell Interactions; Immobilized Cell Receptor Ligands and Immobilized Cells; Immobilized Biomolecules and Synthetic Derivatives of Biomolecules; New Polymers and Applications; Biodegradable Polymers and Drug Delivery; Water-Soluble Biomolecules, Sunthetic Polymers, and their Conjugates; Hydrogels.
Brill Ammianus Marcellinus From Soldier to Author
Ammianus Marcellinus composed a history of the Roman empire from 96 AD to 378 AD, focusing on the mid-fourth century during which he served in the army. His experience as a soldier during this period provides crucial realia of warfare, while his knowledge of literature, especially the genre of historiography, enabled him to imbue his narrative with literary flair. This book explores the tension between Ammianus’ roles as soldier and author, examining how his military experience affected his history, and conversely how his knowledge of literature affected his descriptions of the Roman army.
Brill Till God Inherits the Earth: Islamic Pious Endowments in al-Andalus (9-15th Centuries)
Till God Inherits the Earth deals with the origins and evolution of the Islamic institution of pious endowments in al-Andalus, analysing its juridical basis and its social-economic role. Evidence is primarily drawn from Andalusi Maliki jurisprudence and from narrative and biographical traditional sources as well. Separate chapters examine private and public donations and special importance is given to the analysis of the public goals of the institution, namely, charitative, religious (mosques, rabitas), educational and for the jihad. The book is completed with several appendices including complementary information, translations of Arabic texts and figures. This study provides us with a complete knowledge of several and important issues such as the relevance of Islamic jurisprudence as an historical source, the structure of economic property, the idea of charity, the Islamic concept of general or common interest and the social and juridical role of men of religion.
Brill Photodegradation and Light Stabilization of Heterochain Polymers
Photodegradation and light stabilization are very important aspects of polymer aging. Polymer degradation includes different types of processes: thermodegradation, oxidation, acting of ozone, photodegradation, radiation, hydrolysis, mechanical degradation, and biodegradation. It is very important to know the mechanism of polymer degradation in order to select stabilizers against the degradation. This volume presents the analysis of achievements in the field of photodegradation of polymers. It includes, first of all, data of Russian investigators who have decisively contributed in the development of this field of knowledge (the schools headed by academicians V.V. Korshak, N.M. Emanuel, N.S. Enikolopov, A.A. Berlin, and many others).
Brill Recent Progress in Computational Sciences and Engineering (2 vols)
This volume brings together selected contributed papers presented at the International Conference of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (ICCMSE 2006), held in Chania, Greece, October 2006. The conference aims to bring together computational scientists from several disciplines in order to share methods and ideas. The ICCMSE is unique in its kind. It regroups original contributions from all fields of the traditional Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine and all branches of Engineering. It would be perhaps more appropriate to define the ICCMSE as a conference on computational science and its applications to science and engineering. Topics of general interest are: Computational Mathematics, Theoretical Physics and Theoretical Chemistry. Computational Engineering and Mechanics, Computational Biology and Medicine, Computational Geosciences and Meteorology, Computational Economics and Finance, Scientific Computation. High Performance Computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Visualization, Problem Solving Environments, Numerical Algorithms, Modelling and Simulation of Complex System, Web-based Simulation and Computing, Grid-based Simulation and Computing, Fuzzy Logic, Hybrid Computational Methods, Data Mining, Information Retrieval and Virtual Reality, Reliable Computing, Image Processing, Computational Science and Education etc. More than 800 extended abstracts have been submitted for consideration for presentation in ICCMSE 2005. From these 500 have been selected after international peer review by at least two independent reviewers.
Brill Women, Gender and Language in Morocco
This volume deals with the complex but poorly understood relationship between women, gender, and language in Morocco, a Muslim, multilingual, multicultural, and developing country. The hypothesis on which the book is based is that an understanding of gender perception and women's agency can be achieved only by taking into account the structure of power in a specific culture and that language is an important component of this power. In Moroccan culture, history, geography, Islam, orality, multilingualism, social organization, economic status, and political system constitute the superstructures of power within which factors such as social differences, contextual differences, and identity differences interact in the daily linguistic performances of gender. Moroccan women are far from constituting a homogeneous group, consequently the choices available to them vary in nature and empowering capacity, thus ‘widening’ the spectrum of gender beyond cultural limits.
Brill Les méthodes du droit international privé à l'épreuve des conflits de cultures
Cet ouvrage est consacré à l’étude des relations qui se nouent entre les systèmes européens et les systèmes de tradition musulmane dans le domaine sensible du droit de la famille. Ces relations mettent à l’épreuve la théorie générale du droit international privé qui, construite en contemplation d’ordres juridiques unis par une communauté de droit, se révèle inadaptée au traitement des différences culturelles. Au moins dans le domaine du statut personnel, cette théorie n’est pas reçue dans les systèmes de tradition musulmane et, au sein même des systèmes européens, elle peine à atteindre ses objectifs dans les relations avec les ordres juridiques relevant de cultures différentes. Prenant acte des transformations récentes qui affectent la discipline, tant sur le terrain des méthodes que sur celui des valeurs, l’étude invite à dépasser l’impasse actuelle par la promotion d’un pluralisme des méthodes de réglementation adapté aux conflits de cultures.
Brill Meaning and Morality: Essays on the Philosophy of Julius Kovesi
Julius Kovesi's Moral Notions (1967) was a startlingly original contribution to moral philosophy and theory of meaning. After initial positive reviews Kovesi's book was largely forgotten. Nevertheless, it continued to have an enduring influence on a number of philosophers and theologians some of whom have contributed to this volume. The original essays collected here critique, analyze, deepen and extend the work of Kovesi. The book will be of particular interest to moral philosophers and those working on concept formation, while also having a broader appeal to social scientists grappling with the description/evaluation problem.
Brill A Biographical Dictionary of the Qin, Former Han and Xin Periods (221 BC - AD 24)
This is a unique and conclusive reference work about the 6,000 individual men and women known to us from China’s formative first empires. Over decennia Michael Loewe (Cambridge, UK) has painstakingly collected all biographical information available. Not only those are dealt with who set the literary forms and intellectual background of traditional China, such as writers, scholars, historians and philosophers, but also those officials who administered the empire, and the military leaders who fought in civil warfare or with China’s neighbours. The work draws on primary historical sources as interpreted by Chinese, Japanese and Western scholars and as supplemented by archaeological finds and inscriptions. By devoting extensive entries to each of the emperors the author provides the reader with the necessary historical context and gives insight into the dynastic disputes and their far-reaching consequences. No comparable work exists for this important period of Chinese history. Without exaggeration a real must for historians of both China and other cultures.
Brill Die Orationes Homeri des Leonardo Bruni Aretino: Kritische Edition der lateinischen und kastilianischen Übersetzung mit Prolegomena und Kommentar
Leonardo Bruni Aretino (c. 1370-1444) was one of the most gifted and prolific translators of Greek authors in the early Italian Renaissance and a bestseller whose works often circulated in more than a hundred manuscripts. Moreover, Homer ranks as the most admired Greek poet in the Renaissance. The 'Orationes Homeri', i.e. Bruni's translation of three speeches from the embassy scene, are of focal interest in the studies of Renaissance literature in its many aspects: survival of ancient authors and their influence on Renaissance literature and literary theory, translation theory and practice, knowledge of Greek poetic language. This first critical edition with an introduction and a systematic commentary presents the 'Orationes Homeri' in comparison with other works of Bruni and translations of Homer by other humanists. It includes the part of the Lorenzo Valla version corresponding to the 'Orationes Homeri' and the Castilian version of the 'Orationes Homeri', which is the first vernacular translation of Homer.
Brill Directions for Historical Linguistics: Reprint of the 1968 original
This book, a reprint of one of the classics of historical linguistics, contains five papers originally presented at a 1966 symposium at the University of Texas at Austin. The individual contributions cover a broad range of topics, from Ferdinand de Saussure’s influence on historical linguistics to the connection between inflectional paradigms and sound change to language change in contemporary linguistic communities. Each of the contributions has had a sizable effect on the development of linguistics; the final paper, by Uriel Weinreich, Marvin Herzog, and William Labov, for instance, laid the foundation for contemporary historical sociolinguistics. The volume has long been out of print; this new edition will make it accessible to a new generation of linguists.
Brill Conciliation in International Law: The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration
This volume collects the materials underlying the International Colloquium “Conciliation in the Globalized World of Today“, held on 11 and 12 June 2015 in Vienna under the auspices of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration within the OSCE. The aim of the Colloquium was to examine the merits and possible shortcomings of this method of conflict resolution, and it concluded that the pros heavily outweigh the cons.
Brill Kyoto in Davos. Intercultural Readings of the Cassirer-Heidegger Debate
What does it mean to be human? We invite the reader to discuss this most fundamental issue in philosophy and to do so in an intercultural framework. The question of the human was the starting point for a legendary discussion between two German philosophers who met in Davos in 1929. We return to this historical event and re-imagine the debate between Martin Heidegger and Ernst Cassirer from a global perspective. Generating twenty papers from elaborate discussions, our authors contribute to the thought experiment by inviting the Japanese philosopher Nishida Kitarō from Kyoto and other Japanese thinkers into the debate to overcome the challenge of Eurocentrism inherent to these historic days in Davos.
Brill Tail biting in pigs
Brill Tracking Changes in South African Reading Literacy Achievement: A Developing Context Perspective
Reading has been touted as the most crucial and lacking skill for young South African children. This book delves into the issues and measurement considerations surrounding reading literacy using the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) data. The contributors to this volume explore the complexities of measuring reading literacy with an international survey, curricula misalignment, and how the PIRLS framework can inform teaching and learning. Contributors are: Caroline Böning, Celeste Combrinck, Peter Courtney, Martin Gustafsson, Nompumelelo L. Mohohlwane, Nangamso Mtsatse, Elizabeth Pretorius, Karen Roux, Claudia Schreiner, Tobias Schroedler, Nick Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Surette van Staden and Hans Wagemaker.
Brill Property and the German Idea of Freedom: From the End of the Thirty Years’ War to the Eve of the French Revolution in Germany
This book offers a new interpretation of German law and politics during the era between the Thirty Years’ War and the French Revolution. Liberal ideas of freedom and equality were prototyped in Germany in property law: through the free disposition of estates, freedom from taxation and other extractions, and free use of paper money. Civil liberty, ideas about equality, and restrictions on arbitrary state power were real, recognized, and meaningful. These freedoms were enjoyed by all classes of Germans. They were thought to have been built atop Germans’ ancient heritage of freedom and a federalist imperial constitution which inspired Montesquieu and the American Founders. Driving these trends were ideas about political economy, enlightened reform, practical problem-solving, as well as forces of supply and demand in everything from the market for books to the market for justice. This book places the story of early modern German freedom close by the side of more familiar stories of England, North America, France, and the Netherlands.
Brill Teachers and Students, Reflections on Learning in Near and Middle Eastern Cultures: Collected Studies in Honour of Sebastian Günther
Teachers and Students: Reflections on Learning in Near and Middle Eastern Cultures. Collected Studies in Honour of Sebastian Günther contains essays on the developments, ideals, and practices of teaching and learning in the Islamicate world, past and present. The authors address topics that reflect – and thus honour – Sebastian Günther’s academic achievements in this particular area. The volume offers fresh insights into key issues related to education and human development, including their shared characteristics as well as their influence on and interdependence with cultures of the Islamicate world, especially in the classical period of Islam (9th-15th century CE). The diverse spectrum of topics covered in the book, as well as the wide range of innovative interdisciplinary approaches and research tools employed, pay tribute to Sebastian Günther’s research focus on Islamic education and ethics, through which he has inspired many of his students, colleagues, and friends.
Brill Clause Linkage in the Languages of the Ob-Yenisei Area: Asyndetic Constructions
The nine contributions collected in this volume deal with clause linkage, focussing on asyndetic constructions that have been little researched in the area of the Ob-Yenisei region. The approaches are in-depth studies of particular languages and mostly based on original data collected in recent fieldworks or from corpora. Differences can be observed, among other things, in a more verbal or nominal use of converbs which take an important role in clause linkage strategies.
Brill Ibn Juljul’s Generations of Physicians and Sages: Translated from the Arabic with an Introduction and Indices
In the present book, Oliver Kahl offers, for the first time, a complete, annotated English translation of Ibn Juljul’s Ṭabaqāt al-aṭibbāʾ wa-l-ḥukamāʾ, one of the earliest Arabic texts of its kind. Ibn Juljul’s work, completed in the year 987 CE in Córdoba, is essentially a collection of biographical essays on ancient and medieval physicians, scientists and philosophers, interspersed with numerous anecdotes and containing a highly instructive, relatively long section on ‘Andalusian sages’. The work represents a most crucial source for our understanding of the evolution and the development of medicine and philosophy in Muslim Spain, drawing also on a number of otherwise unattested Latin-into-Arabic translations, and abounding moreover in burlesque literary embellishments.
Brill Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Law: The Applicability of Rules of War and Human Rights
It is statistically unlikely that humans are the only intelligent species in the universe. Nothing about the others will be known until contact is made beyond a radio signal from space that merely tells us they existed when it was sent. That contact may occur tomorrow, in a hundred years, or never. If it does it will be a high-risk scenario for humanity. It may be peaceful or hostile. Relying on alien altruism and benign intentions is wishful thinking. We need to begin identifying as a planetary species, and develop a global consensus on how to respond in either scenario.