Search results for ""author flores"
Ediciones Alpha Decay, S.A. Florescencia
Chronicle Books Floret Farm's A Year in Flowers
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER Learn how to buy, style, and present seasonal flower arrangements for every occasion. With sections on tools, flower care, and design techniques, Floret Farm's A Year in Flowers presents all the secrets to arranging garden-fresh bouquets. Featuring expert advice from Erin Benzakein, world-renowned flower farmer, floral designer, and bestselling author of Floret Farm: Cut Flower Garden, this book is a gorgeous and comprehensive guide to everything you need to make your own incredible arrangements all year long, whether harvesting flowers from the backyard or shopping for blooms at the market. • Includes an A–Z flower guide with photos and care tips for more than 200 varieties. • Simple-to-follow advice on flower care, material selection, and essential design techniques • More than 25 how-to projects, including magnificent centerpieces, infinitely giftable posies, festive wreaths, and breathtaking bridal bouquets Floret Farm's A Year in Flowers offers advice on every phase of working with cut flowers—including gardening, buying, caring for, and arranging fresh flowers. Brimming with indispensable tips and hundreds of vibrant photographs, this book is an invitation to live a flower-filled life and the perfect gift for anyone who loves flowers. • The definitive guide to flower arranging from the biggest star in the farm-to-centerpiece movement • Perfect to gift for flower lovers, avid and novice gardeners, floral designers, wedding planners, florists, small farmers, stylists, designers, crafters, and those passionate about the local floral movement • For those who loved Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden by Erin Benzakein, The Flower Recipe Book by Alethea Harampol
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Endless Florescence: Transformative Contemporary Dried Floral Design
A celebration of the renewing powers of creativity, this striking dive into contemporary dried floral design shares inspiration and insight from a star floral designer. Jenny Thomasson (AIFD, PFCI, EMC) showcases 26 stunning, cutting-edge dried floral arrangements that show the artistic potential of the medium. Conceptual sketches for each, as well as detailed lists of materials used, give a deep look into the pieces from idea to finished product. Along with the finished compositions, 12 fragment studies show up-close, texturally focused alternate constructions, delving deeper into technique and potential uses of the materials. Thomasson also shows how dried pieces are a form of interior sculpture that can transform your space. Both an innovative lookbook and a meditation on the highly personal, emotional process of floral design, this guide will draw in all who see the beauty in making something new.
East European Monographs General Ioan Emanoil Florescu – Organizer of the Romanian Army
General Ioan Emanoil Florescu modernized the Romanian army in the second half of the 19th century, following the union of the Romanian principalities but predating the war for Romanian independence. This title stresses the role of General Florescu, whose model for modernization was primarily the French army.
Tulipan Verlag Floras Dschungel
Northsouth Books Floras Magic House
Chronicle Books Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden List Ledger
Brimming with magnificent blooms and the natural beauty of Floret Farm, these floral notes will brighten every list, plan, and idea.
Brepols N.V. Francesco Bocchi'S Beau City Floren
Bohem Press Ag Floras Atelier
Moritz Verlag-GmbH Floris und Maja
Chronicle Books Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden: Garden Journal
This gorgeous journal brings the beauty of beloved Floret Flower Farm to every note and memory. With seasonal photographs of glorious blooms and inspiring quotes about the natural world throughout, this is the perfect companion for any flower lover.
Scholastic Inc. Diario de Una Lechuza #1: El Festival Florestástico de Eva (Eva's Treetop Festival): Un Libro de la Serie Branches Volume 1
Educaula Viatges i flors
Viatges i flors (1980, premi Crítica Serra d'Or i Premi Ciutat de Barcelona) reuneix els reculls Viatges a uns quants pobles, escrit a Romanyà de la Selva, i Flors de debò, escrit durant l'exili de Mercè Rodoreda a Ginebra. El llibre, que mostra l'absurd i la desolació que envolta l'existència humana, s'inscriu en la línia de dues de les seves novelles més imaginatives i simbòliques, la inacabada La mort i la primavera i Quanta, quanta guerra...
Chronicle Books Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden 100 Postcards
These lush postcards featuring beautiful blooms from Floret Farm are a lovely way to share and celebrate the beauty of flowers while keeping in touch with friends and loved ones.
Paramon Floris und Lauris Abenteuer
Ediciones 19 Álvaro Flórez Estrada y la desamortización un análisis crítico
La fórmula que Flórez Estrada propuso para desamortizar las tierras eclesiásticas (tomó como ejemplo lo que se hizo en Toscana) hubiera favorecido a los labradores arrendatarios. Realmente serían ellos quienes se habrían quedado con las tierras en un sistema de enfiteusis o de arrendamiento indefinido. Con este planteamiento, como recordó Tomás y Valiente, "se volvía a enlazar con el enfoque de los ilustrados: desamortizar para reformar la estructura agraria". Germán Rueda analiza las propuestas de Flórez en sus términos y las compara con los resultados de algunos procesos que habían aplicado teorías semejantes a las propuestas por Flórez (por ejemplo, las colonizaciones del entorno de Sierra Morena). Se pueden también estudiar los resultados de la desamortización en su conjunto y compararlos con las propuestas y previsiones de Álvaro Flórez Estrada. Vista la historia como un proceso de larga duración, las consecuencias de un fenómeno a medio o largo plazo adquieren una dimensión mucho
Galison Mudpuppy Floret Farms Cut Flower Garden 2Sided 500 Piece Puzzle
Chronicle Books Floret Farm's Discovering Dahlias: A Guide to Growing and Arranging Magnificent Blooms
A stunning guide to growing, harvesting, and arranging gorgeous dahlia blooms from celebrated farmer-florist and New York Times bestselling author Erin Benzakein, founder of Floret Flower Farm. World-renowned flower farmer and floral designer Erin Benzakein reveals all the secrets to growing, cultivating, and arranging gorgeous dahlias. These coveted floral treasures come in a dazzling range of colors, sizes, and forms, with enough variety for virtually every garden space and personal preference, making them one of the most beloved flowers for arrangements. In these pages, readers will discover: - Expert advice for planting, harvesting, and arranging garden-fresh dahlias - A simple-to-follow overview of the dahlia classification system - An A–Z guide with photos and descriptions of more than 350 varieties - Step-by-step how-to’s for designing show-stopping dahlia bouquets that elevate any occasion Expert Author: Erin Benzakein’s gorgeous flowers are celebrated throughout the world. Her book Floret Farm’s A Year in Flowers was a New York Times bestseller and her first book, Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden, won the American Horticultural Society Book Award. Filled with Wisdom: Overflowing with hundreds of lush photographs and invaluable advice, DISCOVERING DAHLIAS is an essential resource for gardeners and a must-have for anyone who loves flowers, including flower lovers, avid and novice gardeners, floral designers, florists, small farmers, stylists, and designers. Beautiful Present: This book is a beautiful present for Mother’s Day and a thoughtful gift for nature lovers, flower enthusiasts, and gardeners. The colorful, flower-forward package pairs perfectly with a bouquet of flowers, seeds, or a vase.
Chronicle Books Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden: Dahlia Notes: 20 Notecards & Envelopes
The lush beauty of Floret Flower Farm is captured in these beautiful cards featuring photographs of magnificent dahlia blooms. A lovely greeting for birthdays, a thank you, or a cheerful hello to a friend, these garden-fresh cards are sure to brighten any recipient's day.
Les Belles Lettres Florus, Oeuvres: Tome I: Livre I
Inventari illustrat de les flors
Al món hi ha unes 230.000 espècies de plantes i de flors. On n?hi ha més és a les selves tropicals. A Europa hi ha unes 12.000 espècies, de les quals a la Península Ibèrica se n?observen unes 5.000... Les pàgines de l?Inventari illustrat de les flors? són un festival de colors -i d?aromes suggeridores- que, a través de 62 tipus de flors, ens porten de viatge per tot el món: des de les regions de l?Àfrica del Sud a on viu l?ocell del paradís, fins a l?illa de Sumatra d?on és originari l?efímer arum tità, tot passant per les praderes pròximes, a on creixen les margarides.
Schneiderbuch Der Dodo in Oma Floras Garten
Editorial Empúries El sol i les seves flors
Un llibre de poemes emocionant i fascinador, profundament femení i feminista. El llibre estàestructurat en cinc parts (pansir-se, caure, arrelar, créixer i florir), jugant amb la idea de renaixementdesprés de la caiguda. Comença explorant el trauma, la violació, el desamor, lasolitud i segueix amb el procés de superació i d?aprenentatge que et porten a florir amb totala plenitud. Amb senzillesa i una gran sensibilitat, l?autora parla d?autoestima contraposadaa l?autoodi, de la cerca impossible de la bellesa física quan una està acomplexada, del creixementque implica adonar-se que casa teva ets tu mateix, un cant a l?autoacceptació davant elscànons de bellesa imposats i autoimposats. També reflexiona sobre els orígens i la maternitat.Ella és canadenca filla d?immigrants indis, i fa una preciosa reflexió i una profunda valoraciósobre el que implica ser mare immigrada, el pes de la cultura ancestral i l?amor incondicionalmatern. Una reivindicació fe
Chronicle Books Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden: Grow, Harvest, and Arrange Stunning Seasonal Blooms
The Cut Flower Garden: Erin Benzakein is a florist-farmer, leader in the locaflor farm-to-centerpiece movement, and owner of internationally renowned Floret Flower Farm in Washington's lush Skagit Valley.A stunning flower book: This beautiful gardening book and guide to growing, harvesting, and arranging gorgeous blooms year-round provides readers with vital tools to nurture a stunning flower garden and use their blossoms and cut flowers to create show-stopping arrangements. It makes a beautiful gift for any occasion, for friends, loved ones and gardening lovers alike!Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden: Cut Flower Garden is equal parts instruction and inspiration—a flower gardening book overflowing with lush photography of magnificent flowers and breathtaking arrangements organized by season. Find inspiration in this lush flower book: Irresistible photos of Erin's flower farm that showcase exquisite blooms Tips for growing in a variety of spaces and climates Step-by-step instructions for lavish garlands, airy centerpieces, and romantic florist design and décor for every season If you liked Paris in Bloom, you'll love Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden.
Les flors perdudes de lAlice Hart
La petita Alice Hart, angoixada per un pare violent i desequilibrat, crema el cobert de casa.Òrfena després de l?incident, anirà a viure amb la seva àvia June, fins aleshores una donatotalment desconeguda per a ella, a la granja de flors que regenta i on dona refugi a altresdones que, com l?Alice, necessitaven ajuda. Dones fortes que es tenen les unes a les altres. Elssilencis, les veritats del passat i la protecció i l?ajuda d?aquestes dones que seran les claus de lavida de l?Alice. En la tradició victoriana cada flor té un significat i l?Alice utilitza el llenguatge deles flors per expressar el que més li costa. Les flors, aparentment mudes, acompanyaran l?Aliceen aquest camí cap a l?edat adulta.
Harvard University Press Minor Latin Poets, Volume II: Florus. Hadrian. Nemesianus. Reposianus. Tiberianus. Dicta Catonis. Phoenix. Avianus. Rutilius Namatianus. Others
A miscellany of mostly imperial verse.This two-volume anthology covers a period of four and a half centuries, beginning with the work of the mime-writer Publilius Syrus who flourished ca. 45 BC and ending with the graphic and charming poem of Rutilius Namatianus recording a sea voyage from Rome to Gaul in AD 416. A wide variety of theme gives interest to the poems: hunting in a poem of Grattius; an inquiry into the causes of volcanic activity by the author of Aetna; pastoral poems by Calpurnius Siculus and by Nemesianus; fables by Avianus; a collection of Dicta, moral sayings, as if by the elder Cato; eulogy in Laus Pisonis; and the legend of the Phoenix, a poem of the fourth century. Other poets complete the work.
Chronicle Books Floret Farm's Cut Flower Garden: Sweet Pea Notes: 20 Notecards & Envelopes
The lush beauty of Floret Flower Farm is captured in these beautiful cards featuring photographs of glorious sweet pea blooms. Perfect for a lovely birthday greeting, a thoughtful thank-you, or a cheerful hello, these garden-fresh cards are sure to brighten any recipient's day.
labutxaca El llenguatge secret de les flors
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: LabutxacaEl llenguatge secret de les flors recrea una història de coratge i esperança, d'abandonament i d'increïbles ganes de viure. Una novella amb una protagonista extraordinària que ens mostra la força i la feblesa de l'esperit humà i de l'amor autèntic: un sentiment real i sincer ple d'imperfeccions i sense arrels, el que ho dóna tot sense esperar res a canvi.
Engelsdorfer Verlag Floris und Lauris Abenteuer Zelten im Dschungel
£10.00 publishing Floras Blüten. Life is a Story
University of California Press Worlds of Gray and Green: Mineral Extraction as Ecological Practice
The Anthropocene has arrived riding a wave of pollution. From "forever chemicals" to oceanic garbage patches, human-made chemical compounds are seemingly everywhere. Concerned about how these compounds disrupt multiple lives and ecologies, environmental scholars, activists, and affected communities have sought to curb the causes of pollution, focusing especially on the extractive industries. In Worlds of Gray and Green, authors Sebastián Ureta and Patricio Flores challenge us to rethink extraction as ecological practice. Adopting an environmental humanities analytic lens, Ureta and Flores offer a rich ethnographic exploration of the waste produced by Chile's El Teniente, the world's largest underground mine. Deposited in a massive dam, the waste—known as tailings—engages with human and non-human entities in multiple ways through a process the authors call geosymbiosis. Some of these geosymbioses result in toxicity and damage, while others become the basis of lively novel ecologies. A particular kind of power emerges in the process, one that is radically indifferent to human beings but that affects them in many ways. Learning to live with geosymbioses offers a tentative path forward amid ongoing environmental devastation.
University of California Press Worlds of Gray and Green: Mineral Extraction as Ecological Practice
The Anthropocene has arrived riding a wave of pollution. From "forever chemicals" to oceanic garbage patches, human-made chemical compounds are seemingly everywhere. Concerned about how these compounds disrupt multiple lives and ecologies, environmental scholars, activists, and affected communities have sought to curb the causes of pollution, focusing especially on the extractive industries. In Worlds of Gray and Green, authors Sebastián Ureta and Patricio Flores challenge us to rethink extraction as ecological practice. Adopting an environmental humanities analytic lens, Ureta and Flores offer a rich ethnographic exploration of the waste produced by Chile's El Teniente, the world's largest underground mine. Deposited in a massive dam, the waste—known as tailings—engages with human and non-human entities in multiple ways through a process the authors call geosymbiosis. Some of these geosymbioses result in toxicity and damage, while others become the basis of lively novel ecologies. A particular kind of power emerges in the process, one that is radically indifferent to human beings but that affects them in many ways. Learning to live with geosymbioses offers a tentative path forward amid ongoing environmental devastation.
Floris Books Pathways from Pain to Meaning
A sympathetic and enlightening exploration of physical, emotional and spiritual pain and what we can learn from it, written by experienced psychologist and author of Bridges Between Life and Death, Iris Paxino.
Floris Books Holonomics: Business Where People and Planet Matter
Businesses around the world are facing rapidly changing economic and social situations. Business leaders and managers must be ready to respond and adapt in new, innovative ways.The authors of this groundbreaking book argue that people in business must adopt a 'holonomic' way of thinking, a dynamic and authentic understanding of the relationships within a business system, and an appreciation of the whole. Complexity and chaos are not to be feared, but rather are the foundation of successful business structures and economics.Holonomics presents a new world view where economics and ecology are in harmony. Using real-world case studies and practical exercises, the authors guide the reader in a new, holistic approach to business, towards a more sustainable future where both people and planet matter.
Floris Books Spectacular Scottish Women: Celebrating Inspiring Lives from Scotland
Meet some of Scotland's most spectacular women in this inspiring collection of biographies written for young people. From authors to athletes, scientists to singers, queens to campaigners, this diverse collection of women have influenced the world in incredible ways.Read the eye-opening life stories of many amazing Scottish women you know, and many you won't believe you hadn't heard of:-- Feel the rhythm with ground-breaking deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie-- Rock the runway with model Eunice Olumide-- Command the country with iconic monarch Mary, Queen of Scots-- Pen a literary gem with poet and author Jackie Kay-- Campaign for change with schoolgirl activist Roza Salih-- Step on set with actor Karen Gillan-- Race to the finish line with para-athlete Kayleigh Haggo-- Discover a new planet with scientist Mary SomervilleScottish author and former journalist Louise Baillie presents empowering stories of persistence, achievement, ingenuity and innovation while bestselling Scottish illustrator Eilidh Muldoon captures the essence of each extraordinary woman with her vibrant and dynamic illustrations.This fascinating and uplifting celebration of iconic women from Scotland's past and present is essential reading for children aged seven and up and a perfect gift for the spectacular Scots of the future.
Estrella Polar La llegenda de les flors de foc Tea Stilton 15
Al bell mig de l'Oceà Pacífic hi ha un arxipèleg meravellós: Hawaï! Es allò on les Tea Sisters viatgen i s'enfronten a un misteri... explosiu! Aconseguiran resoldre el misteri del gos blanc abans que el volcà Mauna Loa exploti?
Floris Books Halima Superhero Princess
Halima is a young Black girl who overcomes her self-doubt, rooted in feeling different from her white friends, and discovers her inner superhero princess. An empowering story about inner belief and self-expression from the author of I Will Swim Next Time.
Floris Books And There Was Light: The Autobiography of a Blind Hero in the French Resistance
'Light is in us even if we have no eyes.'It is a rare man who can maintain a love of life through the infirmity of blindness, the terrors of war, and the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp. Such a man was Jacques Lusseyran, a French underground resistance leader during the Second World War. This book is his compelling and moving autobiography.Jacques Lusseyran lost his sight in an accident when he was eight years old. At the age of sixteen, he formed a resistance group with his schoolfriends in Nazi-occupied France. Gradually the small resistance circle of boys widened, cell by cell. In a fascinating scene, the author tells of interviewing prospective underground recruits, 'seeing' them by means of their voices, and in this way weeding out early the weak and the traitorous.Eventually Jacques and his comrades were betrayed to the Germans and interrogated by the Gestapo. After a fifteen month incarceration in Buchenwald, the author was one of thirty to survive from an initial shipment of two thousand.
WW Norton & Co Wild New World: The Epic Story of Animals and People in America
In 1908, near Folsom, New Mexico, a cowboy discovered the remains of a herd of extinct giant bison. By examining flint points embedded in the bones, archeologists later determined that a band of humans had killed and butchered the animals 12,450 years ago. This discovery vastly expanded America’s known human history but also revealed the long-standing danger Homo sapiens presented to the continent’s evolutionary richness. Distinguished author Dan Flores’s ambitious history chronicles the epoch in which humans and animals have coexisted in the “wild new world” of North America—a place shaped both by its own grand evolutionary forces and by momentous arrivals from Asia, Africa, and Europe. With portraits of iconic creatures such as mammoths, horses, wolves, and bison, Flores describes the evolution and historical ecology of North America like never before. The arrival of humans precipitated an extraordinary disruption of this teeming environment. Flores treats humans not as a species apart but as a new animal entering two continents that had never seen our likes before. He shows how our long past as carnivorous hunters helped us settle America, initially establishing a coast-to-coast culture that lasted longer than the present United States. But humanity’s success had devastating consequences for other creatures. In telling this epic story, Flores traces the origins of today’s “Sixth Extinction” to the spread of humans around the world; tracks the story of a hundred centuries of Native America; explains how Old World ideologies precipitated 400 years of market-driven slaughter that devastated so many ancient American species; and explores the decline and miraculous recovery of species in recent decades. In thrilling narrative style, informed by genomic science, evolutionary biology, and environmental history, Flores celebrates the astonishing bestiary that arose on our continent and introduces the complex human cultures and individuals who hastened its eradication, studied America’s animals, and moved heaven and earth to rescue them. Eons in scope and continental in scale, Wild New World is a sweeping yet intimate Big History of the animal-human story in America.
WW Norton & Co Wild New World: The Epic Story of Animals and People in America
In 1908, near Folsom, New Mexico, a cowboy discovered the remains of a herd of extinct giant bison. By examining flint points embedded in the bones, archeologists later determined that a band of humans had killed and butchered the animals 12,450 years ago. This discovery vastly expanded America’s known human history but also revealed the long-standing danger Homo sapiens presented to the continent’s evolutionary richness. Distinguished author Dan Flores’s ambitious history chronicles the epoch in which humans and animals have coexisted in the “wild new world” of North America—a place shaped both by its own grand evolutionary forces and by momentous arrivals from Asia, Africa, and Europe. With portraits of iconic creatures such as mammoths, horses, wolves, and bison, Flores describes the evolution and historical ecology of North America like never before. The arrival of humans precipitated an extraordinary disruption of this teeming environment. Flores treats humans not as a species apart but as a new animal entering two continents that had never seen our likes before. He shows how our long past as carnivorous hunters helped us settle America, initially establishing a coast-to-coast culture that lasted longer than the present United States. But humanity’s success had devastating consequences for other creatures. In telling this epic story, Flores traces the origins of today’s “Sixth Extinction” to the spread of humans around the world; tracks the story of a hundred centuries of Native America; explains how Old World ideologies precipitated 400 years of market-driven slaughter that devastated so many ancient American species; and explores the decline and miraculous recovery of species in recent decades. In thrilling narrative style, informed by genomic science, evolutionary biology, and environmental history, Flores celebrates the astonishing bestiary that arose on our continent and introduces the complex human cultures and individuals who hastened its eradication, studied America’s animals, and moved heaven and earth to rescue them. Eons in scope and continental in scale, Wild New World is a sweeping yet intimate Big History of the animal-human story in America.
Floris Books Little Tomte's Christmas Wish
Little Tomte makes a special wish that Christmas will come. He sings carols, tries to bake tasty treats, and builds a snow tomte, but nothing makes it feel like Christmas. Can Little Tomte find a way to share his Christmas spirit?This is a beautiful new edition of the heart-warming festive tale about hope, community and friendship created by an acclaimed Finnish author and illustrator.
Floris Books Goldilocks and the Three Bears
When Goldilocks gets lost in the woods, she discovers a pretty house where everything comes in three sizes; big, medium and very little! Who could live here? And what will happen when they find Goldilocks sleeping in their house?This classic tale about curiosity and respect is given a lively twist by renowned author and illustrator Gerda Muller, creator of USBBY-honoured A Year in Our New Garden, and is bursting with detail and character on every page.
Floris Books The Story of King Lion
King Lion is having a feast. All his animal subjects bring their favourite meal -- saltwater lemonade from the fish, snail sausages from the hedgehog and thistle salad from the donkey. But which dish will King Lion like the best?From the author of The Story of the Root Children, this tale from the animal kingdom is told in lively rhyming verses, and beautifully illustrated in classic art nouveau style.This is the first time this book has been published in English.
Floris Books Around the Year
A Wall Street Journal Holiday Gift Books Recommendation 2023A mini edition of Elsa Beskow's classic picture book.A delightful collection of rhymes and verses which celebrate the special joys of each month of the year, from icy February to the green shoots of April, the red poppies of July, September's rosy apples and the delights of December. Each verse is accompanied by artwork from the world-renowned Swedish author--illustrator Elsa Beskow which includes joyful children and magical little folk.
Floris Books Parenting a Path Through Childhood
Introduces an understanding of parenting by asking, what is a child, what is a parent, and why does a child need a parent. This book leaves dogma behind and brings the reader to the reality of daily living.Combining her experience as a mother and grandmother with her studies in psychology and social work, the author presents a warm and human way of understanding the nature and needs of children. Parents and professionals working with children will find this a helpful book for understanding children, developing an awareness of their individual differences and observing how behaviour is learned.
Floris Books Genesis: Creation and the Patriarchs
The biblical author of Genesis wrote in great cosmic images. The dramatic figures of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph pass before our eyes, each in turn revealing hidden mystery knowledge.Emil Bock's gift is to interpret these majestic events for our modern-day understanding, without diminishing them. He brings his wide reading of the occult and mythological traditions, as well as the spiritual investigations of Rudolf Steiner, to bear on the texts, deepening our appreciation of Genesis as an outstanding work of art, relevant to the world of today.
Floris Books Children and Their Temperaments
Drawing on an ancient tradition, Rudolf Steiner referred to four fundamental 'types' or 'temperaments' in the human personality, each of which, he said, has different personal needs and ways of relating socially.From her experience of working with children of all ages, Marieke Anschütz provides a guide to children's different temperaments and their role in child character, health and personality development.The book includes illustrations from home and school, in the context of the Steiner-Waldorf classroom. The author discusses how these ideas may be used to manage, and relate to, groups and individuals.
Damiani The Other World: Animal Portraits
This spectacular collection of photographs is a follow-up to Wilson’s very successful book, Wild Life, which was published in 2014. With 80 percent new work, stunning landscape format design, a new introduction by Wilson about his philosophy and process, and an essay by Dan Flores, author of the New York Times-bestseller Coyote America, The Other World: Animal Portraits will be a welcome sequel and a strong contender in the popular wildlife photography genre. Although he shoots in the studio, Wilson is inspired by the notion of the “authentic encounter,” that is, allowing the animal to reveal itself to us rather than imposing our subjective notions on it or on the portrait.