Search results for ""Verlag Peter Lang""
Verlag Peter Lang Moegliche Leben: Zur Formalen Integration Von Fiktiven Und Faktischen Elementen in Der Literatur Am Beispiel Der Zeitgenoessischen Fiktionalen Biographie
Verlag Peter Lang La Métaphore Dans l'Oeuvre de Paul Valéry
Verlag Peter Lang Intégration Des « Minorités » Et Nouveaux Espaces Interculturelsÿ
Verlag Peter Lang Chivalric Festivals at the Ferrarese Court of Alfonso II d'Este
Verlag Peter Lang Cultures of Exile and the Experience of Refugeeness
Verlag Peter Lang Cultura Popular: Studies in Spanish and Latin American Popular Culture
Verlag Peter Lang Inventer Les Arriérés Pour Créer l'Intelligence: L'Arriéré Scolaire Et La Classe Spéciale- Histoire d'Un Concept Et d'Une Innovation Psychopédagogique- 1874-1914
Verlag Peter Lang Die Goldschmiede Der Tang- Und Song-Zeit: Archaeologische, Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Materialien Zur Goldschmiedekunst Chinas VOR 1279
Verlag Peter Lang Enlightenment and Romance: Gender and Agency in Smollett and Scott
Verlag Peter Lang Schule Und Umwelterziehung: Eine Paedagogische Analyse Und Neubestimmung Umwelterzieherischer Theorie Und Praxis
Verlag Peter Lang Construction de l'Intelligence
Verlag Peter Lang L'Escroquerie À l'Assurance Privée: Etude Pénale Et Criminologique
Verlag Peter Lang Saint Augustin Et La Bible: Actes Du Colloque de l'Université Paul Verlaine-Metz- (7-8 Avril 2005)
Verlag Peter Lang Ford Madox Ford: Vision, Visuality and Writing
This book spans the most significant phases of Ford’s literary production, from his art criticism to his main modernist novels: The Good Soldier, Parade’s End, The Rash Act and Henry for Hugh. The aim is to explore the uncharted territory of Ford’s interest in the scopic field, claiming that his investigation of the optical unconscious is his most original contribution to the modernist concern for the stream of consciousness. This is the first in-depth study of Ford’s interest in the gaze and how it is related to writing, painting, music, sculpture, visual technologies and forms of popular entertainment. Undermining the clichéd critical vision of Ford as the last Pre-Raphaelite or proto-Futurist, this study analyses Ford’s fascination with the visual avant-garde and his response to the revolution of photography and (proto-) cinematographic forms from the specific angle of the scopic drive. Part history, part theoretical discussion embedded in the close reading of the texts, this book is also concerned with Ford as a great stylist whose writing strives to project an image of itself and its structures in the reader’s eye. Drawing inspiration from psychoanalysis and art criticism, the author capitalises on the theories of Jacques Lacan, Rosalind Krauss, Hal Foster, Jonathan Crary, and Norman Bryson to disclose the fascinating and baffling universe of Ford’s gaze. This is a revised and extended English translation of the original book Ford Madox Ford: Visione/visualità e scrittura.
Verlag Peter Lang Les Lois Du Sens: La Sémantique Marriste
Verlag Peter Lang L'Expatrié Un Acteur Social de la Mobilité Internationale: Cadres Entre La Suisse Et La France
Verlag Peter Lang A Changing Role for the Composer in Society: A Study of the Historical Background and Current Methodologies of Creative Music-Making
Verlag Peter Lang Welfare Peripheries: the Development of Welfare States in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Europe