Search results for ""Verlag Peter Lang""
Verlag Peter Lang Les Français Au Service de la Société Des Nations
Verlag Peter Lang Roberti Crikeladensis Defloratio Naturalis Historie Plinii Secundi
Verlag Peter Lang Exploring Evil
Verlag Peter Lang Politiques Et Stratégies Éducatives: Termes de l'Échange Et Nouveaux Enjeux Nord-Sud
Verlag Peter Lang L'Expérience Chez Aristote: Aux Confins Des Connaissances Sensible Et Intellectuelle En Perspective Aristotélicienne
Verlag Peter Lang Aspects of Diaspora: Studies on North American Chinese Writers
Verlag Peter Lang De La Competence a La Dynamique Interculturelles
Verlag Peter Lang Intermediate French for Diplomats
Verlag Peter Lang Zola: The History of Capitalism
Verlag Peter Lang Los Aires Fijos: Edición Crítica de José Cebrián
Verlag Peter Lang La Vraie Patrie, c'Est La Lumière¿: Correspondance Entre Annette Kolb Et Romain Rolland (1915-1936)- Documents Réunis Par Anne-Marie Saint-Gille
Verlag Peter Lang Errance Et Points de Repère Chez Wim Wenders
Verlag Peter Lang Visions of Empire and Other Imaginings: Cinema, Ireland and India 1910-1962
This book was shortlisted for the ESSE Junior Scholars book award for Cultural Studies in English, 2012 Since its inception cinema has served as a powerful medium that both articulates and intervenes in visions of identity. The experiences of British colonialism in Ireland and India are marked by many commonalities, not least in terms of colonial and indigenous imaginings of the relationships between colony or former colony and imperial metropolis. Cinematic representations of Ireland and India display several parallels in their expressions and contestations of visions of Empire and national identity. This book offers a critical approach to the study of Ireland’s colonial and postcolonial heritage through a comparative exploration of such filmic visions, yielding insights into the operations of colonial, nationalist and postcolonial discourse. Drawing on postcolonial and cultural theory and employing Bakhtin’s concept of dialogism, the author engages in close readings of a broad range of metropolitan and indigenous films spanning an approximately fifty-year period, exploring the complex relationships between cinema, colonialism, nationalism and postcolonialism and examining their role in the (re)construction of Irish and Indian identities.
Verlag Peter Lang Horace in Dialogue: Bakhtinian Readings in the "Satires"
Horace’s Satires have a distinctly dialogic quality – not for nothing does Horace himself choose to call these poems sermones, ‘conversations’. Even when formally presented as monologues, the Satires seem to be speeches actively addressed to their recipients, cognisant of their audiences, and full of the ‘voices’ of others. This book applies theories on dialogue by the twentieth-century Russian thinker Mikhail Bakhtin to Horace’s Satires. Bakhtinian key concepts such as polyphony, heteroglossia, addressivity and authoritative discourse are investigated and found to be useful in understanding Horace’s work. Far from getting bogged down in theory, however, this is a book which uses some of Bakhtin’s ideas to tease out fresh insights into Horace’s Satires. The author reads Horace’s poems as ‘little dramas’ – interactions between speakers, interlocutors, addressees, and audiences. What is Horace’s real motive for lecturing on miserly greed in his first satire? Who is the modern Hollywood star whom Horace most closely resembled? What is Horace doing while Damasippus rattles on, recounting the words of his guru Stertinius, in Satires 2.3? The answers to these and other questions are suggested in this book.
Verlag Peter Lang Textual Healing: Studies in Medieval English Medical, Scientific and Technical Texts
The studies presented in this volume concentrate on different aspects of the medical, scientific and technical varieties of early English used in a wide range of medieval manuscripts. As the growing body of research published in recent years has shown, analysing the language of specialised texts is an opportunity to obtain access to the early history and vernacularisation of learned writing styles. It is an area of study in which all the contributors have considerable expertise, which affords them to present data findings while discussing important methodological issues. In addition, in most cases data derive from specially-designed ‘second-generation’ corpora, reflecting state-of-the-art approaches to historical linguistics, discourse analysis and pragmatics. Theoretical issues concerning the digital edition of medical and scientific texts, their role in social network analysis, and their value in the identification of dialectal specific traits are highlighted by the authors.
Verlag Peter Lang Der Wald ALS Romantischer Topos: 5. Interdisziplinaeres Symposion Der Hochschule Fuer Musik Und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt Am Main 2007
Verlag Peter Lang Institution Globale Et Marchés Financiers: La Société Des Nations Face À La Reconstruction de l'Europe, 1918-1931
Verlag Peter Lang Transitional Nabokov
This collection of original essays is concerned with one of the most important writers of the twentieth century: Vladimir Nabokov. The book features contributions from both well-established and new scholars, and represents the latest developments in research. The essays all address the possibility of reading Nabokov’s works as operating between categories of various kinds – whether linguistic, formal, historical or national. In doing so, they explore exciting new paradigms for approaching Nabokov’s oeuvre. The volume brings together a diverse range of critical voices from around the world, to respond to some of the most urgent questions raised about Nabokov’s work. Topics covered include the relationship between his artistic and scientific work, his influences on contemporary fiction, and the development of his aesthetics over his career. Drawing variously on archive research, alternative readings of key texts, and fresh theoretical approaches, this book injects new impetus into Nabokov studies as it continues to evolve as a discipline.
Verlag Peter Lang Pratiques Et Représentations de l'Écrit
Verlag Peter Lang Herméneutique et bricolage: Territoires et frontières de la Tradition dans le judaïsme- Actes du colloque de Bucarest, 27-28 octobre 2006
Le volume réunit les Actes du colloque de Bucarest ayant eu pour thème la notion de Tradition dans le judaïsme (27-28 octobre 2006). Ce choix fédérateur a été également lesté d’un défi théorique marquant l’originalité de ce colloque : la valorisation des outils de l’anthropologie culturelle à la française et, plus particulièrement, la mise à l’épreuve du concept de bricolage par rapport à celui d’herméneutique. Dans cette perspective, l’acception du terme Tradition est empruntée à l’anthropologie sociale. Cette acception touche à la définition de l’identité, tout en mettant l’accent sur les aspects d’héritage, d’habitus et de mémoire. Les contributions réunies ici traitent entre autres de la distinction entre trou de mémoire et oubli ou entre ré/invention et bricolage de la Tradition. De même, on s’interroge sur le corps comme support de la mémoire collective dans une Tradition dite « du livre ». Enfin, nombre d’auteurs examinent les rapports du judaïsme à la modernité, à la sécularisation et à l’Etat, réalités qui sont autant de « matières à bricoler ». L’ouvrage rassemble 10 contributions en français et 6 en anglais.
Verlag Peter Lang La Question Nationale En Europe Du Sud-Est: Genèse, Émergence Et Développement de l'Identité Nationale Albanaise Au Kosovo Et En Macédoine
Verlag Peter Lang «Lógica Subjetiva» Y Sistema de Relaciones: Posibilidad de la Intersubjetividad a Partir de la Ciencia de la Lógica de Hegel
Verlag Peter Lang Pluralisation Religieuse Et Logique de Marché
Verlag Peter Lang Le Mouvement Kurde de Turquie En Exil: Continuités Et Discontinuités Du Nationalisme Kurde Sous Le Mandat Français En Syrie Et Au Liban (1925-1946)
Verlag Peter Lang A S. Byatt: Essays on the Short Fiction
Verlag Peter Lang Theatre and Relationships in Shakespeare’s Later Plays
Shakespeare’s plays present the dynamics of personal relationships in a way that is direct and unambiguous, and with unparalleled forcefulness. This book concentrates on three of Shakespeare’s last plays, King Lear, Pericles and The Tempest, allowing them to demonstrate the underlying dynamic of theatre as it is embodied within the work of a master craftsman. The three plays are widely dissimilar from one another at the surface level, yet they all concentrate on a particular relationship – that between fathers and daughters – working outwards from the centre of human experience and using the fundamental relational paradigm as it is enshrined in theatre, especially Shakespeare’s. As a professional actor as well as an academic, the author combines an actor’s understanding with psychodynamics and literary criticism.
Verlag Peter Lang Struggling for Health in the City: An Anthropological Inquiry of Health, Vulnerability and Resilience in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Verlag Peter Lang Surrealism: Crossings/Frontiers
Verlag Peter Lang Baustelle Religion: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zum Schulischen Religionsunterricht Im Kanton Bern
Verlag Peter Lang Identités Fragmentées: Eléments Pour Une Grammaire de l'Identité
Verlag Peter Lang Trinity and Inter Faith Dialogue: Plenitude and Plurality
Verlag Peter Lang Aradhakamurti/Adhisthayakamurti - Popular Piety, Politics, and the Medieval Jain Temple Portrait
Verlag Peter Lang La Notion de Gradation: Applications Aux Adjectifs
Verlag Peter Lang Shifting Frontiers of France and Francophonie
Verlag Peter Lang Aletheia: An International Yearbook of Philosophy
Verlag Peter Lang Migration, Minderheiten Und Kulturelle Vielfalt in Der Europaeischen Jugendliteratur Migration, Minorities and Multiculturalism in European Youth Literature
Verlag Peter Lang Yvan Goll: A Bibliography of the Primary Works
Verlag Peter Lang La Formation Des Enseignant(e)S Primaires- Die Ausbildung Von Primarlehrerinnen: Histoire Et Réformes Actuelles- Geschichte Und Aktuelle Reformen
Verlag Peter Lang Reich Christi Und Obrigkeit: Eine Studie Zum Reformatorischen Denken Und Handeln Martin Bucers
Verlag Peter Lang Eine Schule Fuer Die Demokratie: Zur Entwicklung Der Volksschule in Der Schweiz Im 19. Jahrhundert
Verlag Peter Lang Philipp Albert Stapfer- Eine Biographie: Im Alten Bern Vom Ancien Régime Zur Revolution (1766-1798)
Verlag Peter Lang Symbole Im Dienste Der Darstellung Von Identitaet
Verlag Peter Lang «Ich Beswer Dich Wurm Vnd Wyrmin...»: Formen Und Typen Altdeutscher Zaubersprueche Und Segen
Verlag Peter Lang Hermynia Zur Muehlen: Eine Biographie
Verlag Peter Lang Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne: Towards a Rereading of the "War of the Jews"
Verlag Peter Lang Des Savoirs En Jeu Aux Savoirs En « Je »: Cheminements Réflexifs Et Subjectivation Des Savoirs Chez de Jeunes Enseignants En Formation