Search results for ""JOVIS Verlag""
JOVIS Verlag ICC Berlin
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) The ICC Berlin is a Gesamtkunstwerk, a giant time capsule that has been waiting for a new usage concept for almost a decade. Planned in the 1960s and opened in 1979, the exhibition building—designed by Ursulina Schüler-Witte and Ralf Schüler, and encompassing Frank Oehring’s incomparable wayfinding system—remains an attentiongrabbing structure. While the building’s brutalist exterior overwhelms the viewer, its interior conveys an air of calm, offering a view of the suddenly quieted traffic through its panoramic windows. This volume of photographs by Zara Pfeifer is dedicated to documenting the interior of the building. Taking an unsentimental approach, Pfeifer records the largely unchanged inner appearance of the building that has been variously dubbed the Giant of Witzleben, the Battleship Charlottenburg, or the Hall of Megalomania. Her images develop a sense for the building’s noteworthy elements and capture the liminal condition in which it has been suspended for years.
JOVIS Verlag Sanfte Stadt: Planungsideen für den urbanen Alltag
The reality of urban life can be rather banal. We all have to wait for the bus on cold winter days, do the washing up, take out the bins, or spend long commutes in the car. David Sim believes that life in the city could be made easier and more pleasant through simple, cost-effective measures and by focusing on the human scale. He demonstrates that the solution is finding a balance between density and diversity in order to create proximity and to make urban assets more accessible. The goal is to design comfortable neighborhoods that are easy to live in and adapt to our ever-changing needs. David Sim paints a picture of the good life in cities that are slower, better apportioned, quieter, and—simply put—softer.
JOVIS Verlag Sakralität im Wandel: Religiöse Bauten im Stadtraum des 21. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland
Die sakralen Räume deutscher Städte haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten an Vielfalt gewonnen. Neben etablierten Institutionen erheben neue Stimmen Anspruch auf Partizipation im Neben- und Miteinander religiöser Ideen wie auch im architektonischen Ausdruck.Sakralität im Wandel dokumentiert diese sakraltopografischen Veränderungen seit 1990 sowohl in quantitativer als auch in qualitativer Hinsicht am Beispiel jüdischer, christlicher und muslimischer Sakralbauten. Es thematisiert das Ringen um die urbane Sichtbarkeit und leistet damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur übergeordneten Fragestellung, wie Architektur einerseits Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Ordnungen und andererseits zugleich sozial wirksam sein kann.
JOVIS Verlag Architectures of Weaving: From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins
Architectures of Weaving bridges architecture and textile by exploring fiber architectures from the micro scale of biological systems to the macro scale of textile and built structures. Selected case studies, essays, and interviews reflect on cultural practices and materials research through the lens of textile thinking. In the quest for sustainable and resilient approaches that meet the challenges of our time, the book presents fascinating approaches heralding a paradigm shift by working with fibrous materiality: structures become flexible and adaptive, they interact with their environment. As a source of inspiration, the book assembles exceptional contributions from the fields of architecture, art, material science, cultural history, design, engineering, mathematics, microbiology, and textile technology.
JOVIS Verlag Datenspeichergebäude: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung und räumlicher Präsenzlosigkeit
Die baulichen Ausprägungen digitaler Daten bleiben meist im Verborgenen. Katharina J. Neubauer hat alle Datenspeichergebäude von Google und Facebook in Europa bereist und leistet eine architektonische und räumliche Annäherung an diese Bauten. Durch die direkte Konfrontation mit den Gebäuden wird man sich ihrer Existenz, ihrer Ausmaße und zugleich ihrer Präsenzlosigkeit bewusst. Gebäude, die eine enorme gesellschaftliche Bedeutung haben, aber nicht dafur gedacht sind, betrachtet und verstanden zu werden – die Autorin hat sie beobachtet und in Form von Fotos und Zeichnungen festgehalten.
JOVIS Verlag Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses: Expanding Planning Culture Perspectives
According to a recent American study, sexism and racism are so widespread in architecture that there is a distaste for these topics within the branch itself. What are the reasons for this exclusionary working culture? Even in Germany, most architecture graduates since the turn of the millennium have been female—but a large number of conventions and assumptions within the discipline make it difficult for women to remain in the profession. As a result, a great deal of highly trained talent is lost. Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses uses an intersectional feminist perspective to examine the structural causes that push women—and anyone else who isn’t a white cis man—out of the field. How can architectural teaching and discourse, as well as the industry’s self-image, become more diverse? Where are the experiences of a pluralistic society missing from the built environment? How can we bring about cultural change in planning and architecture? Featuring an interview with the Dutch architect Afaina de Jong
JOVIS Verlag RFKLX: Ein Architektur-Magazin von und über Knerer und Lang
„Schon während der ersten Redaktionssitzungen wurde uns klar, dass wir unsere Herangehensweise an Architektur nicht in einer einfachen Werkschau und mit einer Aneinanderreihung von Fotos vermitteln wollen. Uns hat immer auch der – gelegentlich durchaus kritische – Blick von außen auf unsere Bauten interessiert." Thomas Knerer und Eva Lang Seit der Gründung des Büros Knerer und Lang im Jahr 1993 hat sich die Wahrnehmung von Architektur verändert. Der Stellenwert von Entwurf und Funktionalität gerät zugunsten scheinbarer Kostenreduzierung immer mehr in den Hintergrund. RFKLX thematisiert die beiden Aspekte Rezeption und Relevanz in einer diskursiven Momentaufnahme. Kritische Stimmen finden dabei ebenso Raum wie die Auseinandersetzung mit der realen Arbeitswelt von Architekt*innen, die sich immer neuen Herausforderungen stellen müssen.
JOVIS Verlag METAPOLIS. TOPOI. SCENARIOS: For Urban-Rural Sustainability in Lower Saxony
Urban and rural areas alike witness severe dynamics. Moreover, understandings of what constitutes the urban and the rural are changing, too. Metapolis conceptualizes the network of urban and rural settlements interconnected by flows of people, goods, and information. How can this Metapolis be understood and evolve in a more sustainable manner? By example of two study regions in Lower Saxony—a federal state of Germany consisting of few large cities, mostly mid-sized and small towns, suburbs, and villages—this volume presents an innovative analytical framework called Topoi, offering a new perspective on urban-rural development. Different scenarios explore innovative solutions for sustainable planning and design along the urban-rural gradient.
JOVIS Verlag Topographie des Widerstands in der Steiermark. 1938–1945: Eine Ausstellung
Anlässlich des 75. Jubiläums der Befreiung Österreichs vom NS-Regime forschten Lehrende und Studierende am Institut für Architekturtheorie, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften der TU Graz ein Semester lang intensiv zur Geschichte des Widerstands gegen den Nationalsozialismus in der Steiermark. Vier ausgewählte Case Studies – in Deutschlandsberg, Leoben, Eisenerz und Graz – bilden den Ausgangspunkt der umfangreichen Recherche mit den Mitteln der forensischen Architektur. Die aus den Archivrecherchen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurden im Sommer 2020 in einer Ausstellung im öffentlichen Raum der jeweiligen Städte präsentiert, visuell aufbereitet in Form von 3D-Visualisierungen, Plandarstellungen, Diagrammen und Graphen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Forschungs- und Gestaltungsarbeit werden in der vorliegenden Publikation zu den Ausstellungen durch Beiträge facheinschlägiger Wissenschaftler*innen ergänzt, die die vier behandelten Case Studies in einen nationalen und internationalen Forschungszusammenhang einordnen und kontextualisieren. Mit Beiträgen von Janika Döhr, Lisa-Marie Dorfleitner, Ema Drnda, Florian Eichelberger, Christian Fleck, Flora Flucher, Max Florian Frühwirt, Daniel Gethmann, Nicole-Melanie Goll, Heimo Halbrainer, Georg Hoffmann, Matthias Hölbling, Thomas Hönigmann, Waltraud P. Indrist, Thomas Lienhart, Lung Peng, Anna Sachsenhofer, Alice Steiner, Milan Sušić, Katharina Url, Viktoriya Yeretska, Armin Zepic Die Grafik dieses Bandes stammt von SOYBOT – Marie Fegerl, Gerhard Jordan
JOVIS Verlag The Language of the Becoming City: Making Spatial Justice from Conflicts, Commons, Networks and Hybridity
Languages are constantly transforming as humans interact, change habits, and ways of doing things. This is not a radical observation. More intriguing to ponder is whether languages also transform us and the world in which we exist. Does it matter what words we use about the world? Could we, by shaping a language, also shape the world? Would the world look different if other words had been used? This work is about the urban environment, and how it is transformed by people interacting with the world that surrounds them by evoking more just living conditions. It is also an effort to demonstrate how the urban environment could be imagined in ways that differ from the neoliberalist view. Other imaginations, arising from different perspectives on and incentives for development, such as equity and inclusiveness, might produce another city entirely. From urban practices in four different contexts in Sweden, South Africa, India, and Brazil, this book investigates four dynamics of change: conflicts, commons, networks, and hybridity. From this framing, new concepts and radical imaginaries emerge, presented here as a Language of the Becoming City.
JOVIS Verlag Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei 2
Nine years after the first major monograph on the work of the architectural office Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, a second volume marks the tentative culmination of many years of harmonious collaboration between the three partners. From the outset, the office committed to the guiding principle: “First the city, then the house.” A second principle: “Inside is different from outside,” is also reflected in its buildings. The external form of a house, as part of the public realm, is committed to the city, whereas the interior of a house is dedicated to the private needs and lifestyle of its residents. Buildings are not industrial products, but individuals in which the creative influence of hand and intellect are manifest.
JOVIS Verlag Urban Open Space+: Strategies in between Architecture and Open Space Planning
Gemeinschaftlich genutzte und gestaltete Freiräume sind Ankerpunkte in der Stadt und eine mögliche Antwort auf die Folgen von Urbanisierung und Klimawandel sowie auf soziale und kulturelle Unterschiede. Das Buch untersucht die Rolle von Add-ons in urbanen Freiräumen: spezifischen Nutzungskomponenten zur Produktion von Nahrungsmitteln, Wasser, Energie und Materialien sowie von wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Ressourcen. Es fragt, inwieweit diese hinzugefügten Bestandteile urbane Räume resilienter und nachhaltiger machen können, indem sie auf die Bedürfnisse und Vorlieben der Nachbarschaft reagieren und mit dem umgebenden Stadtraum Verknüpfungen eingehen. Wissenschaftliche Texte und Stellungnahmen internationaler Expert*innen bilden einen einzigartigen interdisziplinären Diskurs ab, der die Vielfalt an Add-ons in unterschiedliche Mikro- und Makroperspektiven darstellt und Strategien für kollaborative, multicodierte Stadträume an der Schnittstelle von Architektur und Freiraumplanung aufzeigt.
JOVIS Verlag Ein neuer Typus Kirche: Hybride öffentliche Räume
Bildeten Kirchen früher noch das Zentrum des Dorf- und Stadtlebens, führen kontinuierlich schwindende Mitgliederzahlen heute dazu, dass sie immer häufiger leer stehen oder sogar schließen müssen. Wie können Kirchengebäude wieder mit Leben gefüllt werden? In Thüringen haben sich seit 2016 unter der Schirmherrschaft der Evangelischen Kirche in Mitteldeutschland und der Internationalen Bauausstellung IBA Thüringen engagierte Bürger*innen zusammengeschlossen, die mit solidarischen Projekten ihre Kirchen als Orte der Gemeinschaft reaktivieren. Der zweite Band der Reihe StadtLand:Kirche stellt diese ambitionierten Projekte vor, erzählt von ihrem Fortschritt, von Erfolgen und Schwierigkeiten. Sei es die Her(r)bergskirche am Rennsteig oder die Bienen-Garten-Kirche in Roldisleben: Die vorgestellten Projekte zeigen auf, wie lebensnahe weltliche Nutzungen das ursprüngliche Angebot der Kirche ergänzen können. Mitten im Dorf entsteht so ein neuer Typus Kirche als hybrider Ort.
JOVIS Verlag Interstitial Hong Kong: Exploring the Miniature Open Spaces of High-Density Urbanism
Enmeshed in Hong Kong’s densely woven urban fabric, wedged between its towering mixed-use complexes and perched along its steep hillsides, sits a network of more than 500 miniature public parks comprising the smallest unit of the city’s public open space network. Though plentiful, these so-called Sitting-out Areas – referred to locally as 三角屎坑 (literally: a “three-cornered shit pit”) – have never been considered in terms of the collective resource they have the potential to be. This book presents a series of critical essays revealing the city’s Sitting-out Areas in relation to Hong Kong’s planning histories and shifting terrains, while also tracking how these spatial fragments have been shaped by concepts of publicness, accessibility and regulation. The second half of the book presents 44 richly illustrated case studies revealing the variety and idiosyncrasies of Hong Kong’s smallest open spaces. Ultimately, the book argues that we can understand the high-density city not only through its buildings, but through the character and potency of its interstitial landscapes.
JOVIS Verlag Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin: Refurbishment of an Architectural Icon
The Neue Nationalgalerie on the Berlin Kulturforum is an architectural icon as well as the crowning conclusion of architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s life work. An outstandingly successful and sensitive refurbishment and modernization project was carried out for the building’s most significant overhaul since its opening in 1968. It complies with the requirements of a contemporary museum exhibition facility, as well as monument-preservation guidelines. David Chipperfield Architects developed the renovation concept under the motto of "As much Mies as possible." This publication provides deep insight into the planning, execution, monument preservation, and restoration from the perspective of those involved. The exemplary handling of the historical fabric is presented in design documents and numerous large-format photographs that impressively illustrate the design stage, the construction site, and the refurbishment results. With articles by David Chipperfield, Bernhard Furrer, Gunny Harboe, Joachim Jäger, Dirk Lohan, Fritz Neumeyer, Alexander Schwarz, Gerrit Wegener, and some 30 project managers
JOVIS Verlag The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework
Embedded in politically and economically charged sites in the Pearl River Delta, Mongolia, and the European Union, 51N4E (Johan Anrys and Freek Persyn) and Rural Urban Framework (Joshua Bolchover and John Lin) operate in expanded ecologies of architectural practice, questioning the role of the architect today. By collaborating with policymakers, local contractors, and NGOs, and by engaging their respective labs at ETH Zürich and the University of Hong Kong as key research locations, both offices investigate new forms of cooperation and dialogue as crucial strategies for design.51N4E and RUF work at the seams of urbanization, with projects situated in transitional settlements in Ulaanbaatar, the rural regions of China, the transforming neighborhoods of Brussels, and Albania’s shifting public spaces. This publication compares their research and design processes in order to question the extents and certainties of architecture against backdrops of indeterminate notions of citizenship, unstable stages of urbanization, and insecure economies and ecologies. The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework is co-published with the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal.
JOVIS Verlag Ich bin ganz von Glas: 7. Internationaler Marianne Brandt Wettbewerb
The topic of the 7th international Marianne Brandt Award—“I am all of glass”—quotes a poem by the Bauhaus member, designer and artist. This bilingual volume does more than merely present the sixty competition entries: accompanying texts convey the utopian charge held by glass as a material in Modernism. Linda Pense, for example, writes about historical “glass states” that continue to be inspiring today. Freyja Hartzell reflects on the ways in which fantasies of glass shaped the foundational vision of Bauhaus. Using the artist Josef Albers as an example, Jeannette Redensek illustrates the metaphorical and functional importance of glass in Bauhaus design. The tension between poetry and functionality, which also characterizes the competition entries, demonstrates that glass remains a fascinating concept and material to this day.
JOVIS Verlag Entwerfen gestalten / Shaping Design: Medien der Architekturkonzeption / Media of Architectural Conception
Shaping Design presents a wide range of creative design documents from architectural practice. Following the processes from analysis to final design, these manifestations form continuities. In many cases, the tools, ways of thinking, and approaches used are deeply interrelated. Overarching features, as well as the specific characteristics of individual instruments and methods of interaction, are introduced and exemplified. In doing so, the authors explore the potentials of hand drawing, language, geometry-based representation, model, diagram, mapping, photography, collage, and tableau for investigative creative analysis, as well as for generating, evolving, and transmitting design and knowledge. The publication opens up new perspectives on the (un)common media involved in architectural work.
JOVIS Verlag All The Queens Houses: An Architectural Portrait of New York’s Largest and Most Diverse Borough
The borough of Queens has long been celebrated as the melting pot of America. It was the birthplace of North American religious freedom in the seventeenth century, hosted two World’s Fairs in the twentieth, and is currently home to over a million foreign-born residents participating in the American experience. In 2013, Spanish-born artist and architect Rafael Herrin-Ferri began to paint a portrait of the “World’s Borough”—not with images of its diverse population, or its celebrated international food scene, but with photographs of its highly idiosyncratic housing stock. While All the Queens Houses is mainly a photography book celebrating the broad range of housing styles in New York City’s largest and most diverse county, it is also a not-so-subtle endorsement of a multicultural community that mixes global building traditions into the American vernacular, and by so doing breathes new life into its architecture and surrounding urban context. With an introductory essay by Joseph Heathcott.
JOVIS Verlag Zentralitäten 4.0: Raumpolitiken und neue Mobilität auf dem Lande
In the 1930s, Walter Christaller used new media to work out his central place theory by counting telephone lines to identify centralities that connected multiple spaces: Today, digitization has a formative effect on space—on cities, the countryside, and mobility. Or when it is lacking, disruptions are the result. The contributions to the book offer an introductory examination of the effects of digitization on space and deal with the topicality of Christaller’s central place theory. The book does so both theoretically and practically, by examining spatial policies of current regional development programs, different conceptions of public services, and the tasks medium-sized centers in urban and rural areas. The second part of the book discusses which structural changes are to be expected in the course of digitization, especially through new mobility, and how this might affect the attractiveness of rural areas and the tasks of medium-sized towns. Finally, it examines the causes of populist tendencies and experiences of loss produced by processes of globalization and social division, as well as right-wing extremist developments in rural areas.
JOVIS Verlag The Improvisation of Space
This volume investigates one of the most significant shifts in contemporary urban research: the shift from an object- to an action-related perspective on the city. Outlining a critical urban theory from an improvisational perspective, the book shows why this transition might change our understanding of the city at large and make us reconsider the role of architecture and urban design, as well as their representations. German theorist, composer, and musician Christopher Dell, widely known for his performances and teaching in urban design, explores the question of making in a constellation of matter, things, embodiment, active living, and discourse. Insightful and engagingly written, this extraordinary volume offers, for the first time in English, a far-reaching narrative that examines the improvisation of space and reflects multifaceted aspects of the city today. The book assembles a unique collection of images and essays, providing a substantial new contribution and advancement in the field of urban research.
JOVIS Verlag Building Berlin: Developers Who Shaped the Emerging Metropolis
Viewing architecture and city planning from the perspective of developers is a significantly neglected theme in histories of art and architecture. If mentioned at all, developers often figure as adversaries of architects—their actions taken to be driven by profit alone, with little regard for aesthetic or social factors. Yet it was often developers—with their resolute entrepreneurial spirit and creative drive—who made it possible for architectural ideas to be realized at all. This book is dedicated to the multifaceted actions of six selected developers who made decisive and indispensable contributions to Berlin as it flourished to become a world city. The compact essays about these men’s life and work aim to illustrate their far-reaching though largely unknown impact on the cityscape and architecture of Berlin.
JOVIS Verlag Urban Asias: Essays on Futurity Past and Present
Home to more city dwellers than any other region, and the locus of many of the world’s most populous metropolitan areas, Asia is moving to centre stage in popular and academic debates about planetary urban futures. Among diverse urban Asias are landscapes, images, visions and aspirations that conjure new forms of the future. This volume comprises essays examining intersections of the urban and futurity. While attentive to emergent forms of urban Asia, contributors also examine futures past, the afterlives of historical projects, and archaeologies of the future. While authoritative forms of future city-making feature in several essays, others focus on everyday engagement with futurity. Many essays provide ethnographic and field-based empirical insights into urban lifeworlds that are coming into being, while others explore the theoretical and political implications of urban futures from Asia.
JOVIS Verlag A History of Thresholds: Life, Death and Rebirth
Thresholds are an—often overlooked—anthropological constant found in every era and every culture. From the spatial understanding of Greek antiquity to the establishment of the private sphere in the eighteenth century and the transparency of modern architecture, the threshold has always been a central architectural element. Like a visual symbol of a boundary or a transition, thresholds divide spaces, but are also a connecting element, opening up ways through and across, which have a subtle influence on one’s own perception of space.It is only in recent decades that thresholds have lost significance as part of our everyday experience with architecture. What remains is a growing emptiness between people and the spaces in which they live.Sensual City Studio not only provides an inspiring overview of this important architectural stylistic feature from all eras and cultures, but also shows in particular: thresholds can and must be rethought and rebuilt. In this respect, this book is a plea for the renaissance of the threshold and therefore also a manifesto for a human architecture.
JOVIS Verlag JSWD – Ensembles
Bilingual edition (English/German)One of the Cologne architecture office JSWD’s strong points is working in the area of tension between large-scale city planning and the construction of individual tall buildings. Many designs are based on the interplay of several buildings, which together—as a campus or neighborhood—form ensembles of different sizes. The spectrum of projects ranges from the sensitive integration of new buildings within historical contexts to the architectonic placement of new corporate head offices. All projects are developed using the location as a starting point, and are based on creative discussions with the client. JSWD’s planners do not consider the restrictions, fixed reference points, and constraints of assignments within a developed city context to be limitations; rather, they see them as a challenge and a source of design inspiration. This monograph presents a selection of constructions and competition designs in Germany and the rest of Europe. Some of these were developed through long-standing cooperation with various partner agencies.
JOVIS Verlag Parks entwerfen: Berlins Park am Gleisdreieck oder die Kunst, lebendige Orte zu schaffen
Landschaftsarchitektur kann mehr als ästhetisch innovativ sein: Sie kann zu gesellschaftlicher Integration, sozialer Stabilität und einem vitalen öffentlichen Leben beitragen. Wie aber wird ein Park zur intensiv bespielten Bühne, zum gut besuchten Alltagsort? Was führt zur „Wohltat der Lebendigkeit“ (Jane Jacobs)? Und was macht einen Park urban?Der Park am Gleisdreieck in Berlin – entstanden zwischen 2007 und 2014 – wurde von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern initiiert und im Dialog mit ihnen realisiert. Diese Publikation stellt die Prinzipien vor, die der Gestaltung des Parks zugrunde liegen. Sie bietet damit einen Werkzeugkasten für vielfältig nutzbare, zur Interaktion animierende und sinnlich ansprechende Großstadtparks. Darüber hinaus verortet das Buch den Park im zeitgenössischen Schaffen der Landschaftsarchitektur und zeigt, wie Besucher den Park am Gleisdreieck und seine Atmosphären wahrnehmen. Erkennbar wird in der Zusammenschau der Typus eines Bürgerparks des 21. Jahrhunderts: vielstimmig entwickelt, gestalterisch komplex und offen für Veränderung und Aneignung.
JOVIS Verlag June Young Yang Jun Tun Yang
Volumes 1-3 of the 6 volume monograph on Jun Yang - the architecture echoing the name changes over the years.
JOVIS Verlag Neue Moscheen: Entwürfe und Visionen
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/english) The realization is gradually dawning in Europe that many immigrants from Muslim countries are here to stay and are seeking to be naturalized— and therefore have the right to build buildings in which to practice their religion. The current building activities frequently cause tension, also for esthetic reasons, within society well into the mosque associations. The question of how the structure and appearance of a mosque can gain acceptance by society is a subject of heated debate especially in Western Europe.14 interior architect students from RheinMain University have pursued this question and studied the traditional spatial concepts of mosques creatively. The range of ideal-typical designs shows not only the rich design potential harbored by this construction task, but also how contact between Islam and a western context could lead to a new, intercultural architecture, which reflects the reality of our living environment, without compromising commitment to tradition.
JOVIS Verlag Urbane Transformationslandschaften
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Our living space is subject to permanent flux, with far reaching changes in the areas of mobility, the environment, demography, energy, and not least the climate, which increasingly require new strategies and concepts with regard to spatial planning and the transformation of our urban landscapes.This publication presents viable, innovative, and holistic approaches and solutions for the development of such landscape transformations, put forward by six renowned universities as part of the International Doctoral College ”Spatial Research Lab“. The range of subjects comprises spatial planning, urban development, and district planning, as well as new usage and building development typologies and the role of infrastructures in design processes. Scientific experiments show the impact of actions and decisions on the transformation of urban landscapes.
JOVIS Verlag Norihiko Dan and Associates
Monograph on the architect Norihiko Dan showcasing his extraordinary range of work.
JOVIS Verlag Tokyo Void: Possibilities in Absence
Tokyo's urban landscape is full of contradictions: as a densely packed megalopolis it affords thousands of vacant spaces. While creative design practices and informal appropriations activate the urban voids in European and Northern American cities, an understanding of integrating this spatial capital in to the public realm remains largely overlooked in Tokyo. Tokyo Void describes Tokyo's void spaces through their distinct morphology and explores possibilities for rethinking these spaces in creative practice such as space agencies and design interventions. Tokyo Void questions the notion of a finished ideal in the urban landscape and aims to establish an understanding of a continuous and dynamic landscape that could renew the urban discourse with an appreciation of the imperfect and flexible.
JOVIS Verlag Zollverein: World Heritage Site and Future Workshop
Since the instigation of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Emscher Park (1989-1999), the Ruhr area has been a pioneer for the transformation of large industrial areas. The beacon for this process is the disused coal mine and cokery Zollverein in Essen, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. The most significant industrial monument in Germany is now a tourist attraction, an economic hub, and at the same time an educational campus. This success is based on continuous urban planning that brings together listed existing structures and new ideas. The specially developed master plan by Rem Koolhaas (OMA) and the principle of 'preservation through reutilisation' form the basis for all construction activities on the site. The developments of the last thirty years on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein are an answer to the question of how heritage protection can be aligned with the diverging aims of urban development, the creative industry, and architecture. This volume presents the individual projects that will be largely realised by 2018, and documents through text and images the successful metamorphosis of the former industrial site into an international best practice model for handling industrial heritage.
JOVIS Verlag Handmade Urbanism: Mumbai – São Paulo – Istanbul – Mexico City – Cape Town From Community Initiatives to Participatory Models
People have always been interested in the cities in which they live. With the world‘s stark urbanization, the engagement of citizens to improve their urban environments is also growing. Far from the traditional urban planning culture, they make use of limited resources, offering solutions to face the challenges these cities offer. They focus on the provision of social infrastructure aiming to improve the living conditions of the residents at the local scale. Handmade Urbanism showcases 15 projects realized mostly in less favored areas of five major cities in emerging countries, examining the potential of urban transformation embedded in community initiatives. What is the basis for such initiatives? Which are the instruments and tools they use? Illustrations depict their operational modes, reveal the actors involved and trace the steps they made in the organization of the initiatives. Interviews with experts, actors and different stakeholders clarify their meaning towards the local challenges. At a global level, common threads and differences are made clear. Handmade Urbanism drafts a possible urban vision of the city impacted by those processes and organizes a discussion that promotes participatory initiatives while exploring their potential to impact on the city at large – to the benefit of all. The publication includes the documentary "Urban Future", which provides the reader with further information from the ground.
JOVIS Verlag Material Culture: Assembling and Disassembling Landscapes
Landscript 5 examines Material Culture in landscape architecture theory and design. Designed landscapes are temporal assemblages of extant and introduced materials, constructed and maintained through the efforts of human labor, mediated through non-human forces, and shaped by constantly changing cultural relations. Sites are bounded by property lines, yet their material relationships—from the transport of construction commodities to global water cycles—extend to untold limits. Designed landscapes are models of human-nature relations, at the same time they are human-nature relations, simultaneously representing and actualizing the co-production of the world. Landscript 5 looks at the aesthetic implications and design opportunities engaging landscape’s extended Material Culture.
JOVIS Verlag Nature Modern: The Place of Landscape in the Modern Movement
Nature is not simply “green” or the “opposite of culture.” Essentially, it is an intellectual construct. The relationship between man and Nature, for instance, articulates itself architectonically. Now what could one see as the possible role of Nature in projects of architects representative of the International Style (including successive echoes in postwar modernity), and how does Nature itself only become “visible” through the built environment? Based on key architecture projects, this fourth volume of the Landscript series attempts to instigate a change of perspective. In series of investigations, renowned researchers analyse architecture through the lens of its own inherent understanding of Nature. Their essays try to gain insights both into concepts of Nature in modernity, whose entire range of characteristics have yet to be explored, and into an architecture, whose relationship to Nature is usually only negotiated in disciplines like garden history. How does this finally relate to our present condition?
JOVIS Verlag Home Stills
The home is often the perfect stage for domestic bliss and self-observation. The award-winning artist Bastienne Schmidt challenges this domestic utopia in her new series Home Stills, in which she photographs herself in the role of a 'Housewife'. Schmidt gives a visual interpretation of Virginia Woolf's idea of 'a room of one's own'. She follows the Highway 27 on Long Island, from Patchogue to Easthampton, recreating interiors from cheap motel rooms to upscale Hamptons mansions as imaginary rooms of her own. The sense of quiet meditation reminds one of Vermeer's interiors and the melancholy and empty spaces of Edward Hopper. The light casts long and clear shadows, dense with rich colour. In this world, the silhouetted female figure walks seamlessly from open landscape into suburbia. She seems to be stepping out of a film of Wim Wenders, only instead of a lonely cowboy she is a lone housewife walking out of the picture and away from her family, into the sunset. This is Bastienne Schmidt's fourth photography book. Her most recent book was ShadowHome, published in 2005, which won the award for the best photo book in Germany.
JOVIS Verlag Update!: 90 Jahre Bauhaus – und nun?
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) After its foundation in Weimar in 1919, the Bauhaus developed into an exemplary and internationally known teaching model. Despite its brief existence and a changeable profile, it acquired world-wide influence. It is still possible to discern the basic approaches of the Bauhaus model in fine and applied art practice and teaching today. As an interdisciplinary but also contentious model of training, the Bauhaus prompts a discussion of its current relevance from various perspectives.Including essays by Gerd de Bruyn, Jeannine Fiedler, Sokratis Georgiadis, Kai-Uwe Hemken, Hans Dieter Huber, Nils Emde/niko.31, Philip Ursprung, Karin Wilhelm and Annett Zinsmeister
JOVIS Verlag Specific Landscapes
What goes into forming a sense of place? In what way is a place specific? How can the hidden potentials of a place be revealed and celebrated? In this erudite essay containing a host of plans, drawings and photographs the architects Hutterreimann + Cejka demonstrate their unconventional response to these questions.
JOVIS Verlag Berliner BDA Architekten v 2
JOVIS Verlag High Society Contemporary Highrise Architecture and the International Highrise Award 2006
Edited by Christina Grawe and Peter Cachola Schmal.
JOVIS Verlag Die Bodenfrage: Klima, Ökonomie, Gemeinwohl
We live on the ground and with the ground. It feeds us and it cools the earth’s atmosphere. We need it for housing, we use it for leisure and for work: without free access to land our economic model would not work. But this has changed significantly since the global financial market crisis. Since conservative investments lost their economical appeal, our land has become an international asset in high demand. Rising rents are one of the main symptoms. But essentially, this affects far more: Our social market economy, our community, and a successful approach to climate change are at stake. The main part of the book is a manual covering 36 different aspects of the land issue, featuring clear graphics and categorized into the three sub-areas of climate, economy, and the common good. Five essays and one interview by well-known authors provide references and possible solutions for one of the most pressing questions of our time.
JOVIS Verlag Sketch for Green
The era of analog drawing is coming to an end. Computer-generated visualizations are pushing sketches and drawings increasingly into the background and are fundamentally changing the representation of landscape architecture. For the Berlin-based landscape architect and sculptor Udo Dagenbach, sketches are not only a universal communication medium but also an essential design tool.Sketch for Green invites the reader to take a stroll through analog works and internationally realized projects from the last 40 years. The focus is on topics related to landscape architecture and sculptures made of wood, stone, and plants, rounded off by portraits, furniture, and jewelry designs.
JOVIS Verlag Housing the Family: Locating the Single-Family Home in Germany
The suburban, detached single-family home is a major legacy of the Fordist decades of the twentieth century. In 2011, two-thirds of German households occupied such single-family houses. These buildings have embodied the political support for a way of life and type of living arrangement since the 1950s, and continue to symbolise dreams of home, prosperity, and social status. West German suburbs today consist mainly of single-family homes built between the fifties and eighties. However, municipal administrations and politics at the local level are now faced with the emptying of single-family housing areas at the edges of villages and small towns. At the same time, young families in particular are calling for building plots in the countryside. Whilst remaining aware of critiques of the single-family home in urban planning and architecture, this interdisciplinary volume offers fresh insights into these dwellings - from their place in everyday life and popular culture, to changing welfare regimes and demographic change, and to the implementation of ecological frameworks in the construction industry.
JOVIS Verlag Historical versus Modern:: Identity through Imitation?
All around the world, new city districts are being realized that draw on historical typologies and form languages. In inner cities, new buildings in a historical style are increasingly replacing established existing buildings, in order to bring back long-lost historical ensembles or sought-after images. The phenomenon of retro districts is complex, with different motivations, constellations of involved parties and forms of expression. Apart from the reconstruction of lost buildings, historical structures are simply copied and placed in a completely new spatial and socio-cultural context. This publication examines the phenomenon of historicizing construction, based on 14 international case studies, including the Dom-Römer area in Frankfurt, the Elbing old town in Poland, Hallstatt in China, Poundbury in England, or the Old Town in Dubai. It presents the developmental history and status quo of the projects, as well as the socio-political backgrounds and the debates sparked by the conflicting interests of those involved. Renowned experts define key terminology in a glossary section, supplementing the book that has numerous plans and illustrations.
JOVIS Verlag Building Platforms
How can an urban community revitalise dormant empty spaces in the long term? Since 2009, the ZwischenZeitZentrale (ZZZ) in Bremen has been opening windows of opportunity. They explore experimental space usage through short-term collaborations that serve as trial runs for the development of longer-term projects. Interim usage, which makes use of the shortcomings of urban planning, can therefore become an effective urban development tool. Building Platforms creates an overview of factors for success, to be taken into consideration when implementing interim usages. Based on illuminating examples, the process of an interim usage is explained from the first vague enquiry to its successful realisation. Building Platforms is therefore a handbook for doers and decision-makers, as well as an encouraging appeal for communities to participate in urban development.
JOVIS Verlag Kulturpalast Dresden
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) After refurbishment and restructuring as a house with an open concept, the Kulturpalast Dresden in the center of the city has been given a new lease of life. gmp devised a holistic architectural principle for the new fusion of culture, education, and entertainment, based on a confident redevelopment of a traditional civic meeting place. A respectful and exciting dialog unfolds between the façade, renovated in accordance with its listed status, and the new concert hall of international standing at the core of the building, with carefully designed spaces and transitions.In this volume, the responsible architects present the architecture of Kulturpalast Dresden in detail with plans, images, and texts. An essay by the architecture critic Falk Jaeger about the eventful history of the building and photographs by Christian Gahl complete the comprehensive presentation of the project.
JOVIS Verlag Science and the City:: Hamburg’s Path into an Academic Built Environment Education
Hamburg’s early starting point for a higher education of the built environment professionals was the initiation of a building and engineering drawing class (Bauzeichenklasse). Brought to life back in May 1767, for the following 250 years the organization and academic professionalization of the built environment education in Hamburg has undertaken a long and sometimes winding road through several organizations, times, policies. This book is drawing a bow from this first initiative to today’s HafenCity University Hamburg with its pronounced interdisciplinary strategic profile, combining all built environment related disciplines together with a socio-cultural reflection on cities and urban society under one roof. Science and the City links three perspectives: It shows Hamburg’s organization of the built environment education from a retrospective, provides insights into institutionalized interdisciplinarity at various institutions and underlines the interdisciplinary approach at the HafenCity University Hamburg in particular.
JOVIS Verlag Haus Ideal–The Making of: Von der Idee zur Idee. Bemerkungen zur Entwurfslehre
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) The search for the right architectural form could scarcely be presented more convincingly and clearly than it is in The Making of Haus Ideal. The design process is illuminated using examples of preliminary and working models, which change and develop constantly through subtle shifts in requirements. This performative form-finding process continuously generates interrelated, alternative solutions in eight progressive sequences, from the preliminary model to the final form. It provides interesting insights into the continual refinement of the design, as well as the sometimes sculptural and sometimes narrative originality of the objects that emerge in the early stage of the process. It comes as no surprise that the last, final form is ultimately not always ideal. However, in Haus Ideal all the original possibilities are shown.