Search results for ""JOVIS Verlag""
JOVIS Verlag A History of Thresholds: Life, Death and Rebirth
Thresholds are an—often overlooked—anthropological constant found in every era and every culture. From the spatial understanding of Greek antiquity to the establishment of the private sphere in the eighteenth century and the transparency of modern architecture, the threshold has always been a central architectural element. Like a visual symbol of a boundary or a transition, thresholds divide spaces, but are also a connecting element, opening up ways through and across, which have a subtle influence on one’s own perception of space.It is only in recent decades that thresholds have lost significance as part of our everyday experience with architecture. What remains is a growing emptiness between people and the spaces in which they live.Sensual City Studio not only provides an inspiring overview of this important architectural stylistic feature from all eras and cultures, but also shows in particular: thresholds can and must be rethought and rebuilt. In this respect, this book is a plea for the renaissance of the threshold and therefore also a manifesto for a human architecture.
JOVIS Verlag JSWD – Ensembles
Bilingual edition (English/German)One of the Cologne architecture office JSWD’s strong points is working in the area of tension between large-scale city planning and the construction of individual tall buildings. Many designs are based on the interplay of several buildings, which together—as a campus or neighborhood—form ensembles of different sizes. The spectrum of projects ranges from the sensitive integration of new buildings within historical contexts to the architectonic placement of new corporate head offices. All projects are developed using the location as a starting point, and are based on creative discussions with the client. JSWD’s planners do not consider the restrictions, fixed reference points, and constraints of assignments within a developed city context to be limitations; rather, they see them as a challenge and a source of design inspiration. This monograph presents a selection of constructions and competition designs in Germany and the rest of Europe. Some of these were developed through long-standing cooperation with various partner agencies.
JOVIS Verlag June Young Yang Jun Tun Yang
Volumes 1-3 of the 6 volume monograph on Jun Yang - the architecture echoing the name changes over the years.
JOVIS Verlag Neue Moscheen: Entwürfe und Visionen
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/english) The realization is gradually dawning in Europe that many immigrants from Muslim countries are here to stay and are seeking to be naturalized— and therefore have the right to build buildings in which to practice their religion. The current building activities frequently cause tension, also for esthetic reasons, within society well into the mosque associations. The question of how the structure and appearance of a mosque can gain acceptance by society is a subject of heated debate especially in Western Europe.14 interior architect students from RheinMain University have pursued this question and studied the traditional spatial concepts of mosques creatively. The range of ideal-typical designs shows not only the rich design potential harbored by this construction task, but also how contact between Islam and a western context could lead to a new, intercultural architecture, which reflects the reality of our living environment, without compromising commitment to tradition.
JOVIS Verlag Urbane Transformationslandschaften
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Our living space is subject to permanent flux, with far reaching changes in the areas of mobility, the environment, demography, energy, and not least the climate, which increasingly require new strategies and concepts with regard to spatial planning and the transformation of our urban landscapes.This publication presents viable, innovative, and holistic approaches and solutions for the development of such landscape transformations, put forward by six renowned universities as part of the International Doctoral College ”Spatial Research Lab“. The range of subjects comprises spatial planning, urban development, and district planning, as well as new usage and building development typologies and the role of infrastructures in design processes. Scientific experiments show the impact of actions and decisions on the transformation of urban landscapes.
JOVIS Verlag Norihiko Dan and Associates
Monograph on the architect Norihiko Dan showcasing his extraordinary range of work.
JOVIS Verlag Tokyo Void: Possibilities in Absence
Tokyo's urban landscape is full of contradictions: as a densely packed megalopolis it affords thousands of vacant spaces. While creative design practices and informal appropriations activate the urban voids in European and Northern American cities, an understanding of integrating this spatial capital in to the public realm remains largely overlooked in Tokyo. Tokyo Void describes Tokyo's void spaces through their distinct morphology and explores possibilities for rethinking these spaces in creative practice such as space agencies and design interventions. Tokyo Void questions the notion of a finished ideal in the urban landscape and aims to establish an understanding of a continuous and dynamic landscape that could renew the urban discourse with an appreciation of the imperfect and flexible.
JOVIS Verlag Zollverein: World Heritage Site and Future Workshop
Since the instigation of the International Building Exhibition (IBA) Emscher Park (1989-1999), the Ruhr area has been a pioneer for the transformation of large industrial areas. The beacon for this process is the disused coal mine and cokery Zollverein in Essen, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2001. The most significant industrial monument in Germany is now a tourist attraction, an economic hub, and at the same time an educational campus. This success is based on continuous urban planning that brings together listed existing structures and new ideas. The specially developed master plan by Rem Koolhaas (OMA) and the principle of 'preservation through reutilisation' form the basis for all construction activities on the site. The developments of the last thirty years on the UNESCO World Heritage Site Zollverein are an answer to the question of how heritage protection can be aligned with the diverging aims of urban development, the creative industry, and architecture. This volume presents the individual projects that will be largely realised by 2018, and documents through text and images the successful metamorphosis of the former industrial site into an international best practice model for handling industrial heritage.
JOVIS Verlag Handmade Urbanism: Mumbai – São Paulo – Istanbul – Mexico City – Cape Town From Community Initiatives to Participatory Models
People have always been interested in the cities in which they live. With the world‘s stark urbanization, the engagement of citizens to improve their urban environments is also growing. Far from the traditional urban planning culture, they make use of limited resources, offering solutions to face the challenges these cities offer. They focus on the provision of social infrastructure aiming to improve the living conditions of the residents at the local scale. Handmade Urbanism showcases 15 projects realized mostly in less favored areas of five major cities in emerging countries, examining the potential of urban transformation embedded in community initiatives. What is the basis for such initiatives? Which are the instruments and tools they use? Illustrations depict their operational modes, reveal the actors involved and trace the steps they made in the organization of the initiatives. Interviews with experts, actors and different stakeholders clarify their meaning towards the local challenges. At a global level, common threads and differences are made clear. Handmade Urbanism drafts a possible urban vision of the city impacted by those processes and organizes a discussion that promotes participatory initiatives while exploring their potential to impact on the city at large – to the benefit of all. The publication includes the documentary "Urban Future", which provides the reader with further information from the ground.
JOVIS Verlag Material Culture: Assembling and Disassembling Landscapes
Landscript 5 examines Material Culture in landscape architecture theory and design. Designed landscapes are temporal assemblages of extant and introduced materials, constructed and maintained through the efforts of human labor, mediated through non-human forces, and shaped by constantly changing cultural relations. Sites are bounded by property lines, yet their material relationships—from the transport of construction commodities to global water cycles—extend to untold limits. Designed landscapes are models of human-nature relations, at the same time they are human-nature relations, simultaneously representing and actualizing the co-production of the world. Landscript 5 looks at the aesthetic implications and design opportunities engaging landscape’s extended Material Culture.
JOVIS Verlag Nature Modern: The Place of Landscape in the Modern Movement
Nature is not simply “green” or the “opposite of culture.” Essentially, it is an intellectual construct. The relationship between man and Nature, for instance, articulates itself architectonically. Now what could one see as the possible role of Nature in projects of architects representative of the International Style (including successive echoes in postwar modernity), and how does Nature itself only become “visible” through the built environment? Based on key architecture projects, this fourth volume of the Landscript series attempts to instigate a change of perspective. In series of investigations, renowned researchers analyse architecture through the lens of its own inherent understanding of Nature. Their essays try to gain insights both into concepts of Nature in modernity, whose entire range of characteristics have yet to be explored, and into an architecture, whose relationship to Nature is usually only negotiated in disciplines like garden history. How does this finally relate to our present condition?
JOVIS Verlag Home Stills
The home is often the perfect stage for domestic bliss and self-observation. The award-winning artist Bastienne Schmidt challenges this domestic utopia in her new series Home Stills, in which she photographs herself in the role of a 'Housewife'. Schmidt gives a visual interpretation of Virginia Woolf's idea of 'a room of one's own'. She follows the Highway 27 on Long Island, from Patchogue to Easthampton, recreating interiors from cheap motel rooms to upscale Hamptons mansions as imaginary rooms of her own. The sense of quiet meditation reminds one of Vermeer's interiors and the melancholy and empty spaces of Edward Hopper. The light casts long and clear shadows, dense with rich colour. In this world, the silhouetted female figure walks seamlessly from open landscape into suburbia. She seems to be stepping out of a film of Wim Wenders, only instead of a lonely cowboy she is a lone housewife walking out of the picture and away from her family, into the sunset. This is Bastienne Schmidt's fourth photography book. Her most recent book was ShadowHome, published in 2005, which won the award for the best photo book in Germany.
JOVIS Verlag Update!: 90 Jahre Bauhaus – und nun?
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) After its foundation in Weimar in 1919, the Bauhaus developed into an exemplary and internationally known teaching model. Despite its brief existence and a changeable profile, it acquired world-wide influence. It is still possible to discern the basic approaches of the Bauhaus model in fine and applied art practice and teaching today. As an interdisciplinary but also contentious model of training, the Bauhaus prompts a discussion of its current relevance from various perspectives.Including essays by Gerd de Bruyn, Jeannine Fiedler, Sokratis Georgiadis, Kai-Uwe Hemken, Hans Dieter Huber, Nils Emde/niko.31, Philip Ursprung, Karin Wilhelm and Annett Zinsmeister
JOVIS Verlag Specific Landscapes
What goes into forming a sense of place? In what way is a place specific? How can the hidden potentials of a place be revealed and celebrated? In this erudite essay containing a host of plans, drawings and photographs the architects Hutterreimann + Cejka demonstrate their unconventional response to these questions.
JOVIS Verlag The Icelandic Concrete Saga: Architecture and Construction (1847–1958)
“Many would consider a country without building materials uninhabitable.” With these words, Minister of Industry Gylfi Þorsteinsson Gíslason opened Iceland’s first and only cement plant in 1958. More than a century before, Portland cement was first used as plaster on the walls of the Reykjavík cathedral. At the time, most rural and urban dwellings were still being built from local turf or expensive imported timber. Just a few decades later, Icelandic architects, engineers, and masons were building their country exclusively in concrete. How did this material become so popular that the first decades of the twentieth century are referred to as “the age of concrete”? The Icelandic Concrete Saga focuses on over one hundred years of Icelandic architecture, construction, and technology. It traces the history of an architecture in constant struggle with material scarcity and the natural elements, its outcomes intertwined with Icelandic politics, culture, and society.
JOVIS Verlag kosukeuchimuraberlinandtokyo
JOVIS Verlag Magic Square
Gerhard Trieb's minimalist orientated sculpture and prints on the theme of "The Magic Square" confront the traditions of modern art. The confrontation between nature and art, the natural and sculpted stone, and his occupation with space and landscape are recurring themes in his work.
JOVIS Verlag Making Cities Smarter: Designing Interactive Urban Applications
In a world in which already more than half of the population lives in cities and that has seen a digital revolution, new ideas are needed for the rapidly growing field of smart cities from a user-experience perspective. More people than ever before will share the same urban infrastructure in future, leading to a plethora of challenges. In order to prepare for this, governments around the world are heavily investing in smart city technologies. At the same time thought leaders and scholars argue for a movement towards smart citizens and more participatory approaches to city making. A frequently overlooked aspect within the smart city discourse is the design of the interface between citizens and smart city systems. In Making Cities Smarter, Martin Tomitsch dedicates himself to this issue: he translates principles from user-experience design and their application into the urban environment to tackle challenges that are unique to this environment, such as designing for a wide range of uses and users and integrating physical and digital experiences. The handbook is the first comprehensive publication to unpack the experience design of smart city applications that focus on the citizens as the end users.
JOVIS Verlag Planning Projects in Transition: Interventions, Regulations and Investments
Modern urban development is a complex process involving many parties. Self-organizational practices raise new questions with regard to urban space, the adaptation of legal regulations to new conditions, and the reorganization of the financial planning of investments in the real estate sector. Planning Projects in Transition is a roadmap for urban professionals, planners, and urban researchers who face these challenges. Through an extensive set of in-depth case studies and a comparative framework of analysis, the book explores cooperative processes and addresses the key aspects of urban transformations: interventions, regulations, and investments.The book is the result of an internationally funded research project coordinated by the University of Amsterdam and comprises a collection of urban projects from Turkey, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Finland.
JOVIS Verlag Kongresshalle am Zoo Leipzig Hpp Architekten
JOVIS Verlag Self-induced Shocks: Mega-Projects and Urban Development
Die Geschichte der jüngsten Großprojekte in Deutschland ist in weiten Teilen eine Geschichte von Misserfolgen. Hinlänglich bekannte Beispiele wurden zum Sinnbild für Planungsfehler, kostspielige Mehrausgaben und übermäßige Verzögerungen. Trotz dieser systembedingten Risiken, die den massiven, hierarchisch gesteuerten Eingriffen in die urbane Struktur innewohnen, haben Großprojekte seit jeher einen entscheidenden Anteil an der Entwicklung von Städten. Als „selbstinduzierte Schocks“ schaffen sie einen Ausnahmezustand, der äußerst effektiv zu einer konzentrierten Bündelung von Finanzen, Expertise und öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit führt. So können Ziele verwirklicht werden, die in der alltäglichen Praxis nicht erreichbar wären. Diese Publikation untersucht mit internationalem Fokus den inhärenten Zwiespalt von Großprojekten als Motor der urbanen Transformation einerseits und als potenzielle Auslöser unkontrollierbarer Dynamiken andererseits. Sie beleuchtet verschiedene Formen und Facetten von Großprojekten: als Mittel zur Stadtentwicklung, als temporäre Großereignisse, als organisatorische Herausforderungen und als Elemente einer sich wandelnden Stadtentwicklung im Kontext von „Eco-Cities“ und „Smart Cities“.
JOVIS Verlag JSWD Architekten
Trilingual edition (English/German/French) / Dreisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch/französisch) The Cologne architecture firm JSWD demonstrates the long-term benefits of an international presence. JSWD Architekten are currently involved in major projects in Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria, in some cases with European partners. An understanding of building quality, urban design, and competence in the field of sustainable construction are always central aspects of these. JSWD are involved in a wide range of building projects—from a school to a research institute, from a residential building to a museum—and each project is conceived from scratch. “Architecture and urban development have to reflect diversity”—this credo underpins the designs by JSWD. They have shown on many occasions that they are not afraid of size, nor do they have any reserve about designing the smallest of details within their particular context. The common feature of all their work is the search for homogeneity with regard to the building volume, form, materials, and color. This harmonious architecture by JSWD is therefore multifaceted and coherent at the same time.
JOVIS Verlag Ensemble: Atelier ww Max Dudler
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Oerlikon, a district in the north of Zurich, marks the start of a linear city parallel to Zurich, which is in the process of becoming the most populous conurbation in Switzerland. This interface is also the location of the largest high-rise ensemble in Switzerland, which represents a radical feature of this new urban formation and was designed jointly by atelier ww and Max Dudler. The four high-rises surround a square and form an urban quad, which was intended to be the catalyst for the development of the surrounding district. “Finally there is a square again”, was how Raymond Hood described the Rockefeller Center in 1929, and both back then and now in this case it was about importing a very particular urban vision. The high-rise ensemble in Oerlikon is a consequential and emblematic group of buildings, a city within a city. This publication documents the complex design and planning history of this building complex through texts, photographs, plans, and sketches.
Jovis Verlag Cornelia Schleime Zungenschlaf Works on Paper
JOVIS Verlag Photographers: Porträts von Birgit Kleber
Artists who make photographic portraits of celebrated colleagues engage in something rather special: arguably the most existential form of artists’ portraits. Birgit Kleber has portrayed international photographers who have decisively shaped the history of photography and whose images have changed the way we see. Her portraits are always carefully orchestrated; she gives stage directions and asks her artist subjects to assume static postures, making close-ups of their faces and demanding their full attention over the course of several minutes. In doing so, she looks for precisely the moment at which her portrait subjects begin to resist, allowing her to emphasize and reinforce the sense of suspense of the existing photographic setting while carrying this concept to its extreme: since both sides are familiar with all the tricks of the trade, evasion becomes impossible, resulting in artists’ portraits that are unsparingly frank and impressively human. Foreword by Klaus Honnef.
Jovis Verlag West Arch A New Generation in Architecture v 1
JOVIS Verlag Wingårdhs
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Gert Wingårdh is already recognised as the most successful Swedish architect of all time, but he is not representative of a genuinely Swedish architecture. The outgoing architect’s work on the national and international stage is too cosmopolitan and his architectural solutions are too varied for that, demonstrating a wealth of ideas and frequent surprises. Because he is untrammelled by a predefined style or a fixed theoretical or conceptual orientation, with every new design he succeeds in finding the most suitable architectural language and the ideal expression for the task in hand. In the interests of its users, he places great emphasis not only on the functional but also on the aesthetic and atmospheric qualities of architecture—and regards the ecological sustainability of his buildings as quite indispensable.
JOVIS Verlag HOCHWEIT 2023: Jahrbuch der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Das neue Jahrbuch HOCHWEIT gibt einen Einblick in die aktuelle Lehre und Forschung der vielfach ausgezeichneten Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Im Zentrum stehen dabei studentische Projekte und Entwürfe im In- und Ausland, die sich auch mit den aktuellen Themen der Nachhaltigkeit und Resilienz im Städtebau, in der Baukunst sowie in der Landschaftsarchitektur befassen. Zahlreiche Entwurfs- und Lehrveranstaltungen, Forschungsaktivitäten, Vorträge, Exkursionen, Workshops, Ausstellungen und Fachdiskussionen vermitteln ein Bild vom Lehren und Forschen und zeigen die bereichernde Kraft der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit.
JOVIS Verlag WohnWissen
WohnWissen: 100 Begriffe des Wohnens is dedicated to one of the most multi-layered conversations of our time: the question of land and housing. Short, incisive texts by numerous experts explain key concepts related to the concept of housing. From basic terms such as single-family home, vacancy, and loneliness to specialist terminology such as the brownfield dilemma and new concepts of non-profit housing, this interdisciplinary glossary addresses discourses within the field, political debates, and different housing needs, considering topics that have thus far received little attention in the process. In this way, WohnWissen offers a multi-faceted overview of the topic of housing as a basic need.
JOVIS Verlag BOB CAMPUS – Transformation einer stillgelegten Textilfabrik
Die Transformation einer ehemaligen Textilfabrik zum BOB CAMPUS in Wuppertal-Oberbarmen zeigt, wie aus einer urbanen Brache ein offener Ort der Stadtteilgesellschaft wird. In zwei Bänden werden die Gestaltungsabläufe des preisgekrönten Areals sichtbar. Der zuerst erscheinende Band 1 widmet sich dem Bauprozess und den sich nach und nach entwickelnden Raumqualitäten: Durch das Zusammenspiel aus innovativen Lösungen für architektonische Herausforderungen, dem wertschätzenden Umgang mit dem historischen Ort und der vorhandenen Bausubstanz sowie einem kontinuierlich koproduktiven Prozess vieler Akteur*innen entsteht eine einzigartige Nutzungsmischung aus Kita, Schulräumen, Büros, Wohnungen und Gemeinschaftsflächen. Starke Bilder veranschaulichen, wie es gelingen kann, Gemeinwohl zu bauen – und welche Chance für die Gesellschaft darin liegt. Eine Anregung zum Nachahmen.
JOVIS Verlag Idyll and Ideology
This first English-language biography of Hermann Mattern (19021971), one of Germany's principal twentieth-century landscape architects, critically assesses the idiosyncrasies of his organic-functionalist position while offering a new reading of German garden culture of his time. Mattern's work embodies several themes of the German landscape discourse as well as the central ambivalence of his generation: a life spanning the artistic avant-garde of the 1920s and an apparently apolitical career under the Nazi regime and in the postwar period. Based on comprehensive archival research, Hopstock's richly illustrated study uncovers the professional networks, debates, and rivalries that shaped the profession of landscape architecture in Germany during its formative decades. First English biography of landscape architect Hermann Mattern A new reading of German garden culture since 1900 Formerly unpublished archival material and illustrations from rar
JOVIS Verlag UNStudio
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Architects Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos from the Amsterdam office UNStudio are undeniable stars on the international architectural scene. In their interdisciplinary united net of experts they promote creative and integral design processes, aiming to further the progressive path of contemporary architecture. The outcome is dynamic buildings like the Magnet Resonance Institute at the University of Utrecht or the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart; buildings of extreme conceptual and technical complexity and conviction that also offer a rare level of architectural experience. Surely one of the office’s most outstanding qualities is the fact that a sense of atmosphere and beauty is never neglected in these buildings and objects designed with such artistic fervour.
JOVIS Verlag Sensing Space: Technologien für Architekturen der Zukunft Future Architecture by Technology
Arguably the future of architecture has increasingly more to do with technology: tiny sensors woven almost invisibly into materials, buildings which interact with their surroundings via the facades, or 'intelligent' houses that adapt to fit their inhabitants. "Sensing Space" investigates the potentials of interactive technologies and to the response by architects and designers to the needs of a mobile, globally networked society.
JOVIS Verlag Taking Action: Transforming Athens’ Urban Landscapes
English edition with Greek abstracts / Englische Ausgabe mit griechischen Abstracts Taking Action brings into focus the sustainable design of urban transformation and the preparation of densely-structured urban spaces for future challenges. How can climate change and spatial inequalities be tackled under crisis conditions and in view of limited spatial and other resources? How can we relate our ambitious and broadly defined goals to the reality of local conditions and everyday spaces? How can knowledge be translated into action? While basic spatial relations are currently being renegotiated in cities throughout Europe, it is in Athens that some of the most pressing urban problems have been crystallized in order to establish unique spaces of experimentation. Approaching these multi-dimensional questions from different perspectives, the authors seek to identify possible sites of intervention, suggest new models of transformation, and unleash the potential in urban landscapes as a means of stimulating positive urban change.
JOVIS Verlag Die grüne Stadt
The Deutsches Institut für Stadtbaukunst argues that small, dense cities offer the best conditions for long-term functioning as eco-friendly green cities. In order to plan the necessary sustainable revegetation of urban parks, streets, and courtyards, we must first answer the overarching question of how climate protection and resilience measures can integrated into beautiful, livable cities. For over a decade, the Konferenz zur Schönheit und Lebensfähigkeit der Stadt has dedicated itself to fundamental questions in urban development. The contributions in this volume present discussions of integrated approaches to the green city from experts in both theory and practice across a range of different disciplines, as well as from the heads of various German city planning departments.
JOVIS Verlag Urbanizing Suburbia: Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing and the Remaking of the Outer European City
Urbanizing Suburbia erforscht die Beziehung zwischen drei aktuellen Prozessen in globalen Städten: Hyper-Gentrifizierung der Innenstädte, Finanzialisierung des Wohnens und strukturelle Veränderungen in Vororten. Die explodierenden Wohnungspreise in Großstädten haben zu einer enormen Abwanderung von Einwohner*innen aus den Innenstädten geführt, von denen sich viele in den Speckgürteln niedergelassen haben. Dieser demografische Wandel führt in Verbindung mit den spezifischen Sanierungsstrategien der Kommunen zu einer Neustrukturierung der Vorstädte. Die Publikation untersucht diese Veränderungen am Beispiel von vier europäischen Großstädten: Amsterdam, Berlin, London und Stockholm. Es ist ein erster Versuch, diese drei Prozesse innerhalb eines umfassenden Rahmens zu betrachten.
JOVIS Verlag Vertauschte Köpfe: Konrad Mühe, Andreas Mühe
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Vertauschte Köpfe erscheint begleitend zur ersten gemeinsamen Ausstellung der Brüder Andreas Mühe und Konrad Mühe im KUNSTWERK Sammlung Klein. Wie können sich zwei Brüder, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten, auf Augenhöhe begegnen und ihre Arbeiten in Einklang bringen? Was sie eint, ist die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit der Familiengeschichte. Unterschiede ergänzen sich: Während sich der eine mit der Verwobenheit von Familiengeschichte und deutscher Geschichte beschäftigt, bearbeitet der andere das Verhältnis von menschlichen und technologischen Körpern sowie deren politische Subtexte in der Gegenwart. Gleich einer Familie, die sich unterschiedliche Geschichten übereinander erzählt, greift der Katalog die verschiedenen Zeitebenen und Erzählstränge auf. So enthält Vertauschte Köpfe gleich mehrere Bücher, die sich aufeinander beziehen und gegenseitig herausfordern: Die Arbeiten von Andreas und Konrad Mühe treten in Wechselbeziehung mit Texten von Valeria Waibel, Karsten Ehlers, Monika Maron, Kito Nedo und einem Comic von Gregor Hinz. Es schwebt die Frage im Raum: Wie fest ist der Untergrund des gemeinsamen Fundaments?
JOVIS Verlag Bibliothek
„Gibt es denn ein schöneres Bild für den Frieden unter den Menschen als den Lesesaal einer großen Bibliothek?“, fragt Peter von Matt in seinem Beitrag für dieses Buch. Mit dem Bau der Bibliothek der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin hat Max Dudler einen ebenso modernen wie zeitlosen Ort für die Bücher und das Lesen geschaffen. Seine Architektur hat weit über Berlins Grenzen hinaus aufmerken lassen und erlebt eine bis heute anhaltende Begeisterung vonseiten der Nutzer*innen.Bibliothek dokumentiert die Ideen, die diesen Bau prägen, widmet sich aber auch allgemein der Rolle von Bibliotheken und insbesondere der Architektur, die den Büchern und ihren Leser*innen einen adäquaten Raum schafft. Die Schwarzweißfotografien von Barbara Klemm verdeutlichen dies auf geradezu magische Weise. Sie fangen die intensive und zugleich lebendige Arbeitsatmosphäre in den Räumen der Bibliothek ein. Einen spannungsvollen Kontrast schaffen die ruhigen, strengen Farbfotografien von Stefan Müller, indem sie sich ganz auf die Architektur des Gebäudes konzentrieren. Mit Texten von Jörg Baberowski, Hartmut Böhme, Milan Bulaty, Max Dudler, Martin Mosebach, Peter von Matt sowie Fotografien von Barbara Klemm und Stefan Müller „‚Bibliothek‘ ist ein zauberhafter Bildband und klug gemacht dazu, setzt er doch Dudlers Anspruch auf eine ‚allgegenwärtige Dialektik von Innen und Außen‘ auch für das Bild um, das wir uns jetzt von der Bibliothek machen können.“ Andreas Platthaus in der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung zur 2010 im Berlin Verlag erschienenen Erstauflage des Buchs
JOVIS Verlag Mobility Design: Shaping Future Mobility. Volume 2: Research
Climate change, increasing resource scarcity, and rising traffic volumes are forcing us to develop new environmentally friendly and people-oriented mobility options. With the expansion of digital information systems, we will soon be able to reconfigure different modes of transport to suit our needs. These developments represent a significant challenge for designing a wide range of different mobility spaces. While Volume 1 of this series focused on practical aspects, Volume 2 collects research methods and findings from the fields of design, architecture, urban planning, geography, social sciences, traffic planning, psychology, and communication technologies. The book’s consideration of the possibilities and prospects of usercentred mobility design offers an important contribution to the ongoing debate concerning the mobility revolution.
JOVIS Verlag Unter den Linden Ecke Charlottenstraße: Geschichte eines traditionsreichen Berliner Bankhauses
Die Berliner Architekturhistoriker Wolfgang Schäche und David Pessier untersuchen die bewegte Geschichte des an der prominenten Ecke Unter den Linden / Charlottenstraße gelegenen Gebäudekomplexes, der heute von der Deutschen Bank genutzt wird. Sie rekonstruieren die Herausbildung und Entwicklung dieses im 19. Jahrhundert von der Disconto- Gesellschaft begründeten, traditionsreichen Bankenstandorts im Kontext der Quartiersgeschichte der Dorotheenstadt, wobei der Fokus vor allem auf die architekturhistorische Bedeutung des raumgreifenden Ensembles gerichtet ist. Durch die chronologisch aufgebaute, vielschichtige Betrachtung vermittelt sich auch ein zentrales Kapitel der Berliner Bankengeschichte.
JOVIS Verlag Designing Modernity: Architecture in the Arab World 1945–1973
Bilingual edition (English/Arabic) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (englisch/arabisch) Designing Modernity: Architecture in the Arab World 1945–1973 is the result of a fascinating investigation by international experts into the influences of modernist architecture in the Arab world. Ten case studies provide the foundation for a thorough exploration of the relevant cultural-historical, sociopolitical, climatic and demographic aspects. Questions concerning the region’s reciprocal relationship with modernist architecture in the period from 1945 to 1973 are investigated through the biographies of selected buildings and building complexes from Iraq, Lebanon, Kuwait, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco. Texts, contemporary images, architectural drawings and archival material are used to document the process from commissioning and design through to completion and building use.
JOVIS Verlag The Depth of The Landscape
Throughout history, the relationship between landscape and architecture has formed the basis of culture and the development of human settlements. The unfolding of a site, its transformation through the construction of buildings or of entire cities, translates into this basic idea: that history extends geography. In recent decades, generic architecture has increasingly homogenized the appearance of different territories, resulting in a profoundly different understanding of nature and landscape. Within his work, french architect and urban planner Jean-Pierre Pranlas-Descours continuously articulates the relationship between landscape and architecture. This book traces his line of thought by reflecting on 16 projects and their specific conditions.
JOVIS Verlag Räume in Veränderung: Ein visuelles Lesebuch
Wie verändern die Digitalisierung, die enorme Zirkulation von Menschen und Dingen sowie die durch Globalisierung und Transnationalisierung verstärkte Verknüpfung von Orten über weite Distanzen hinweg unsere Vorstellungen von Raum und unser Handeln in Alltagsräumen? Wissenschaftler*innen aus Soziologie, Geographie, Kultur- und Medienwissenschaften, Stadtplanung, Architektur und Kunst sind dieser für unsere Zeit wesentlichen Frage im Rahmen einer einzigartigen Kollaboration nachgegangen. Ihre Ideen, Konzepte und Antworten werden im vorliegenden Band nicht nur in Textform, sondern auch durch den Blick von Grafiker*innen und Künstler*innen in zeichnerischer Form vermittelt. So entsteht ein informativer und humorvoller Band, der bewusst etablierte Formate des Wissenschaftsdiskurses durchbricht und kritische Gesellschaftszusammenhänge durch grafisches Erzählen sichtbar macht.
JOVIS Verlag ReHab: Living, Inhabitants, Houses
At the beginning of the economic crisis in 2007, housing became a central commodity in the short-circuit system of mortgages granted to private individuals and businesses. In the aftermath of the crisis, and in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic, housing—as a right, in its most radical form—re-emerged due to local housing, migration, and health emergencies. In light of an eclipse of a general discourse on housing, a new secular and international ethics arose, both foreign and superior to nation states. This book returns to a broader notion of housing: using metaphors of sanitary and salvific reinstatement, it retrieves case studies from the 1950s for re-conceptualizing the housing question in contemporary architecture and visual arts.
JOVIS Verlag Celebrating Public Architecture: Buildings from the Open Call in Flanders 2000–21
The Open Call in Flanders (the Dutch-speaking, northern part of Belgium) is more than just another architecture competition: any governmental agency or public institution can choose to work with an Open Call for any given construction project. Since its invention by the first Flemish Government Architect bOb Van Reeth in 2000, more than 700 assignments have been published in this procedure, resulting in almost 350 completed public architectural and infrastructural projects so far. This volume compiles 70 of these, from all over Flanders—from its west coast to the Dutch border in the east—to illustrate the astounding quality of these projects. They prove that public architecture can be daring, thought-provoking, cooperative, and well-done at the same time. The book takes an extensive look at how this procedure works, how it is received by architects, politicians, and clients—and ultimately, at the outstanding public architecture in Flanders as an example for other countries to study closely. Including buildings by 51N4E, Bovenbouw Architectuur, Compagnie O, Dierendonckblancke, KAAN, Ney & Partners, noAarchitecten, NU architectuuratelier, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen, RCR Arquitectes, Robbrecht en Daem, Sergison Bates, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Xaveer de Geyter, Zaha Hadid, among others
JOVIS Verlag Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin: Sanierung einer Architekturikone
Die Neue Nationalgalerie am Berliner Kulturforum ist eine Architekturikone von Weltrang sowie der Schluss- und Höhepunkt im Lebenswerk des Architekten Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Mit der ersten Grundinstandsetzung seit ihrer Eröffnung 1968 ist ein herausragendes Projekt gelungen, das die behutsame Sanierung ebenso umfasst wie die denkmalgerechte Modernisierung gemäß den Anforderungen an einen zeitgemäßen Museums- und Ausstellungsbetrieb. David Chipperfield Architects entwickelten unter dem Leitsatz „So viel Mies wie möglich" das Sanierungskonzept. Die Publikation vermittelt tiefe Einblicke in die Planung, Ausführung, Denkmalpflege und Restaurierung aus der Sicht der Beteiligten. Die Darstellung des beispielhaften Umgangs mit der historischen Substanz wird von Planungsunterlagen und zahlreichen großformatigen Fotografien begleitet, die die Entwurfsphase, die Baustelle und die Ergebnisse der Sanierung eindrucksvoll bebildern. Mit Beiträgen von David Chipperfield, Bernhard Furrer, Gunny Harboe, Joachim Jäger, Dirk Lohan, Fritz Neumeyer, Alexander Schwarz, Gerrit Wegener sowie rund 30 weiteren Projektakteur*innen