Search results for ""JOVIS Verlag""
JOVIS Verlag This is Chicago
JOVIS Verlag Metropole 2: Ressourcen: IBA Hamburg Entwürfe für die Zukunft der Metropole
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Half of mankind lives in cities and the tendency is on the increase. These people use the greater part of our energy and yet also produce the most pollutants – with far-reaching consequences for the world climate. The other way around, climate change has an impact on urban life, influencing living conditions in the city. These tremendous changes herald the departure into a new age. The International Building Exhibition Hamburg focuses on this theme, taking a detailed look at "The City in Climate Change". Volume 2 of the series "Metropolis" illuminates causes and examines previous efforts in architecture, town planning and urban development planning with the intention of reflecting on strategies and visions for a new, appropriate form of urban living.
JOVIS Verlag Tel Aviv:: The White City
A photographic guide to the 'White City' of Tel Aviv, which contains over 4000 white Bauhaus buildings. Celebrates the city's current state while placing it within its historical context. Over 4,000 white Bauhaus buildings give Tel Aviv its most famous name: 'the White City'. The city centre, created in the 1930s and '40s under the influence of international modernism, was declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 2003. Many architects, most of them emigrating from Europe, found opportunities here to realize their ideological principles and architectural ideas. Tel Aviv's modernism is characterised by a specific combination of functionality and elegance. While the buildings are adapted to the climatic conditions, many of them display highly specific stylistic features. Stefan Boness succeeds in capturing the particularities and unique atmosphere of the city in his photographs. By juxtaposing classical modernism with the contemporary architecture of the city, he demystifies it while simultaneously embedding it in its historical context. This book is published to celebrate the centenary of the Bauhaus movement in 2019. Text in English and German.
JOVIS Verlag Fagus: Industriekultur zwischen Werkbund und Bauhaus
Fagus is the story of a Gesamtkunstwerk and an early example of corporate identity: the Fagus factory in Alfeld an der Leine, built by Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer from 1911, is regarded as the founding structure of modernism. The architects succeeded in giving a medium-sized company a completely unusual face that was anything but traditional. This was possible because the client and architect formed an extraordinarily favorable constellation. The factory owner combined an affinity toward the life reform movement with American corporate philosophy. With its representative objectivity and extensive use of glass, the factory is also an expression of a new entrepreneurial self-confidence and a modern advertising strategy. The avant-garde further influenced the design of the company’s machines and its printed matter. The list of collaborators reads like a Who’s Who of international modernism: some of Fagus’s advertising, for instance, was designed by Johannes Molzahn, Theo von Doesburg, and Herbert Bayer. And with his series of photographs from 1928, the photographer Albert Renger-Patzsch created what can today be called a classic image of the Fagus factory and its products.
JOVIS Verlag Monuments of Everyday Life: Interplays of City, Infrastructure and Architecture in Sao Paulo
Monuments have fascinated human beings and enriched cities as keepers of memories and history, as places to spend time, as meeting points, and as points of orientation through various times and in various forms. However, as a major component of the discipline of architecture and urban design, the term monument and its relation to the city are in crisis. This book explores a rediscovery of the concept of monuments as essential and creative parts of cities. Based on the re-reading of four powerful urban interplays in Sao Paulo, the concept of 'Monuments of Everyday Life' is outlined, revealing specific spatial patterns that are understood as alternatives to places of instability, commercialisation and homogenisation of urban space. These interplays are relevant as reference points of collective life and material representatives of collective values. Monuments of Everyday Life draws conclusions from the past, but also addresses relevant questions and potentials for urban futures.
JOVIS Verlag Metabolism of an Emerging Town in Ethiopia: The Case of Amdework
The hallmark of Ethiopian urbanisation is the critical role played by the large number of emerging towns spread over the vast rural landscape where the greatest part of the Ethiopian population resides. Amdework is one of these towns. Transforming the huge potential of emerging towns for sustainable development into reality requires diagnostic, analytical, and planning capacities. These capacities have to be inclusive, spatially specific, and systemic. Dedicated to this endeavour, this book assembles cartographic, narrative-based, and metabolic approaches in a participatory and stakeholder-engaged way. The authors construct a profile that reveals a broader geographic view of the processes that underpin the functioning, growth, and development of Amdework.
JOVIS Verlag Recoding the City: Thinking, Planning, and Building the City of the 19th Century
In the nineteenth century, cities and urban societies were subject to enormous shifts of power: the founding of the nation states in Europe, industrialisation, and the increased mobility that went along with them were accompanied by tremendous social changes. New parties strove to participate in shaping society, as well as urban space. New functions not only promoted the physical expansion of the developing capitals and metropolises, but also required a new coding of existing urban structures to meet the changing requirements and expectations regarding urban life and society. Recoding the City asks about the intentions and claims of the protagonists who shaped the city of the nineteenth century. Under what conditions did they succeed in inserting themselves into, overwriting or, if necessary, even rewriting the existing urban structures? Against the background of the increasing competition between cities, public space increasingly became a medium that conveyed meaning, but also a battleground for ideas and demands. With an overview of international research initiatives, the authors examine whether and in what way this recoding of the city in the nineteenth century still has an influence on our everyday life today.
JOVIS Verlag Passion for the Built Environment
Our built environment is the result of multilayered and elaborate thought and design processes. Each of the architecture, landscape architecture, and civil engineering disciplines involved in this process has a wide range of design methods and their own disciplinary culture and history of ideas. New methodological approaches have emerged at the interfaces of these disciplines that require an interdisciplinary debate about designing. The focus of this publication is the current discussion about design, understood not only as the creation of a beautiful product, but as a task of building culture.Passion for the Built Environment provides new insights and perspectives and illuminates the array of methodological approaches and design options called for by our built environment—from the design to the realization and the finished property.
JOVIS Verlag Ethics in Aesthetics
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Can aesthetic concepts reflect and provide answers for ethical aspects and issues? Is “more ethics, less aesthetics” applicable, according to the motto of the Venice Biennial for architecture in the year 2000? Or isn’t “more aesthetics” in fact just what is required to encourage reflection about ethical responsibilities and dimensions in architecture, art, and design? This publication is a collection of reflections about the ethical and political dimensions of creations, presented from the point of view of art, architecture, design, and curatorial practice. The contributions range from historical reviews to future-oriented outlooks, illustrating interdisciplinary connections. Contributions by Stephan Bohle, Christian Demand, Raphie Etgar, Renate Flagmeier, Johan Holten, Leiko Ikemura, Derrick de Kerckhove, Césare Peeren, Michaela Ott, Rainer Leschke, Annett Zinsmeister.
JOVIS Verlag Chongqing Grand Theater in China
Exploration of the unique architectural design of the Chongqing Grand Theater in China. The Grand Theater is not a building with a typical façade with wall and window surfaces, but is contained within a well-positioned curtain of frosted glass panels. The magazine Baumeister comments: "The light penetrating from the inside to the outside, as well as the reflection of sun, clouds, and water on the multi-layered and staggered glass surfaces, present the building in ever-changing, mystical lighting moods." In this volume, the architects responsible present the design by means of texts, images, and plans, and there is an essay by the architecture journalist Dirk Meyhöfer in which he discusses the Grand Theater. Text in English and German.
Jovis Verlag Typen Good Bad and Ugly Houses
JOVIS Verlag Urban Design on the Move
With a Latourian Actor-Network Theory approach, Urban Design on the Move follows a young design team's transformative journey of implementing the Europan 4 winning project at Heraklion's old city waterfront in Crete, Greece. During the design trajectory, the team mediates several controversies that become decisive for the project's outcome. Together with Hercules, a fictional character and friend of the team, they accompany the transformation of the competition's design strategies into implemented urban practices. In a unique storytelling format, the author unpacks the team's design diplomacy skills in promoting their idea of an open and porous city welcoming heterogeneous publicslaying bare the informal and unsaid aspects of the design implementation process. With forewords by Didier Rebois and Albena Yaneva a compelling analysis of urban design in the making written in a unique storytelling format an inspir
JOVIS Verlag Are You a Model
Are You a Model? explores the model as architectural tool and practice. The volume approaches architectural models not as categorical objects but through questions such as: What determines a model's functions and agencies? When in the design process does it unfold its power and when has it served its purpose? Based on nine overarching questions, the book brings together interdisciplinary voices from architecture, art history as well as architectural and curatorial practice, and software engineering. 31 contributions interweave perspectives from various disciplines and geographies, and reveal surprising affinities rather than seeking conclusive answers. Models are thus not classified according to time of origin, genre, or material, but rather understood as an epistemologically diverse practice.
JOVIS Verlag Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst: Studienausgabe Band 2: Hofräume
Band 2 des vierbändigen Werks Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst enthält 5 Beispiele von Hofräumen als Anleitung zum Entwurf: den Gewerbehof, den Wohnhof, den Schulhof, den Eingangshof und den Hybridhof. Außerdem werden Hofräume aus Augsburg, Berlin, Bochum, Dresden, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Kiel, Köln, Leipzig, Lübeck, München, Nürnberg, Passau, Potsdam, Regensburg, Stuttgart, Weimar und Wiesbaden im Vergleich gezeigt. Mit Essays von Alexander Pellnitz und Wolfgang Sonne. Das Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst vermittelt grundlegendes Wissen für den städtebaulichen Entwurf und liegt nun auch als Studienausgabe vor. Stadträume, Hofräume, Platzräume und Straßenräume werden anhand von 150 Beispielen aus über 70 deutschen Städten maßstäblich dargestellt, analysiert und verglichen. Herausgeber Christoph Mäckler knüpft an die Lehrbücher von Cornelius Gurlitt, Raymond Unwin und Josef Stübben aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert an und liefert eine fundierte Anleitung zum Bauwerk Stadt. Die Studienausgabe ist als Set (Band 1 bis 4) erhältlich. Darüber hinaus können die einzelnen Bände separat erworben werden.
JOVIS Verlag Piazza Spinelli
How can city planners of the green building transition rethink and reuse what already exists, rather than perpetually looking for something new? What planning cultures does an open society need? What points of collaboration are missing between city officials and local stakeholders? This book highlights Mannheim-Käfertal as a compelling case study to explore these questions, given its exceptional transformation driven by the conversion of former military sites in the neighborhood. Through an experimental process, diverse stakeholders are working to establish a social and green center that combines old and new. Cross-agency partnerships, urban development, the creation of public spaces, and interventions at a 1:1 scale are being employed as part of a cooperative strategy for revitalizing existing urban spaces. Piazza Spinelli demonstrates how complex urban environments can be reimagined, developed, and anchored in the local community.
JOVIS Verlag Kirche Raum Gegenwart
Open churches are valuable public spaces that embrace new possibilities while continuing to fulfill their liturgical function. The focus of Kirche Raum Gegenwart is the sustainable transformation of these locations in a way that goes beyond purely architectural intervention. Using four case studies from dioceses in southern Germany, the book and traveling exhibition of the same name provide concrete examples of what these changes might look like. Together with relevant stakeholders from the local communities, artists and architects have taken widely varying approaches to the supplementary uses of church spaces. The designs presented in the volume are complemented by fourteen particularly successful church transformations that have already been implemented in southern Germany. In addition to this, written contributions provide deeper insights into the changes occurring within the two largest Christian denominations and the unique requirements of these increasingly frequent spatial transformations.
JOVIS Verlag Narcotic Cities: Counter-Cartographies of Drugs and Spaces
With debates about the decriminalization of drugs on the rise, an exploration of drug maps is long overdue. Narcotic Cities traces the complex entanglements of drugs, institutions, activities, and the way they are represented with spaces and places, shedding new light on our cities. Through the medium of graphic essays, this book explores urban stories, as well as the histories, policies, communities, digital spaces, and pleasures associated with drugs, gathering together more than forty contributors working with Geographic Information Systems, hand drawings, satellite images, and memories. By experimenting with different graphic languages, this volume assembles a rich mosaic of multi-scalar urban perspectives on drugs, sharing little-known knowledge as well as reflections on the pitfalls, omissions, and failures of drug cartographies.
JOVIS Verlag Disembodiment
KNOBS (Knowledge Based System) focuses on architectural design on all scales: furniture, interiors, buildings and urban design. It argues that architectural design is the augmentation of interactive environments shaped by external machinist systems of information that transform and generate new topological configurations. This books is about the work, ideas and teaching of Jose Salinas.
JOVIS Verlag Beyond the Institution: Transforming the Learning Environment in Architectural Education
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) New and cutting-edge forms of pedagogy such as distance learning, design-build, collaborative learning, and peer-to-peer practices are increasingly calling conventional teaching and learning environments, in architecture and other design disciplines, into question. Academic institutions in Western Europe, in particular, are faced with the challenge of rethinking standardized spatial structures and institutional hierarchies and adapting them to unconventional and radical teaching and learning concepts. GAM.18 explores anew the area of conflict between architecture teaching in universities and the teaching environment. It calls for spatial structures and working environments that enable the contemplation and design of architecture, and investigates teaching and learning methods that include critical consideration of the spaces and institutions in which the teaching takes place. With contributions from Hélène Frichot, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, Lucia Pennati, Jean-Louis Violeau, and others
JOVIS Verlag Die Tankstelle: Ein Bautypus im Wandel seiner Symbolhaftigkeit
From early modernist designs like Hans Poelzig’s archetypal gas station to the Stuttgarter Schule standardized filling stations on the Reichsautobahn, and through to Lothar Götz’s modular post-war constructions—which paved the way for the standardized corporate designs that flourished later—gas stations have been a key element of our surroundings since the 1920s. While the design and construction of gas stations has since become a significant area of work for well-known architecture and engineering firms, this type of building has thus far received barely any attention in academic discourse. Franz Arlart examines and systematizes the development of gas stations in Germany with reference to the architects that designed them. Taking into account functional, technical, and symbolic considerations, this book presents the architectural development of the building type from 1920 to 2020 and outlines the trends that will shape gas station design going forward.
JOVIS Verlag Slow Urban Planning: The Future of Tribsees
Although public spaces in the former East Germany were elaborately refurbished after reunification, many small towns and villages continue to suffer from population exodus and high vacancy rates. One of those towns is Tribsees in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, where 70 of the 240 houses in the downtown area are currently unoccupied. In 2020, a team of artists and students led by Ton Matton engaged with a number of these buildings, sounding out possibilities and concepts for the future of the town in collaboration with residents. This resulted in new narratives of co-existence—involving large amounts of improvisation and not always in adherence to the letter of the law—based on individual responsibility, self-sufficiency, and local production. Slow Urban Planning does more than document this project and its artistic interventions, some of which were implemented in the context of the Tribsees Centenniale. It also illuminates how urban planning processes tend to proceed in general, and how regulatory structures can be adapted in order to better integrate performative processes.
JOVIS Verlag Stadtraum im digitalen Wandel: Räumliche Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien auf Umwelt und Mobilität
Weltweit werden in Städten unter dem Vorzeichen der digitalen Transformation neue Technologien eingesetzt, um den aktuellen Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Umweltverschmutzung und Ressourcenknappheit zu begegnen. Dieser Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz, Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Echtzeitinformation und Big Data beeinflusst maßgeblich die Form des Stadtraums und schafft damit neue Ansprüche an ihn.Das Buch stellt die spezifische und kritische räumliche Dimension von urbanen Digitalisierungsprozessen auf Quartiersebene dar. Anhand dreier Beispiele aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, arbeitet Radostina Radulova-Stahmer die Notwendigkeit einer gemeinwohlorientierten Ausrichtung der Stadtentwicklung im Kontext des digitalen Wandels heraus.
JOVIS Verlag HOCHWEIT 2022: Jahrbuch der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) The HOCHWEIT yearbook provides an insight into current teaching and research across the nine institutes of the highly regarded Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences at Leibniz University Hannover. The yearbook focuses on student projects both in Germany and abroad: numerous design and teaching events, research activities, lectures, excursions, workshops, exhibitions, and expert discussions provide an overview of teaching and research and demonstrate the enriching power of interdisciplinary cooperation.Newly appointed professors Jochen Hack (Digital Environment Planning) and Ann-Katrin Kößler (Behavioral Aspects of Environmental Planning), are introduced in personal profiles. An essay on timeless architecture by Hilde Léon rounds out the volume.
JOVIS Verlag Städtische Wohnquartiere in Venedig (1918–1939): Urbane Gestalt zwischen modernen Anforderungen und lokaler Bautradition
In Venedig steht der Bau neuer Wohnquartiere seit jeher vor besonderen Herausforderungen. Als zwischen den Weltkriegen neuer Wohnraum benötigt wurde, trafen die Anforderungen einer modernen Stadterweiterung auf die besondere Urbane Gestalt der Lagunenstadt. Bedingt durch die geografische Lage entstanden in der internen Peripherie Venedigs kleinteilige Quartiere, die sich in ihrer Gestaltung mit den lokalen Besonderheiten auseinandersetzen mussten. Der vorliegende Band untersucht die Entstehung acht dieser Quartiere, die in einer Zeit der zunehmenden Industrialisierung der Bauproduktion errichtet wurden. Wie in Venedig eine traditionelle, durch das Handwerk geprägte Gestaltung mit den Anforderungen des modernen Wohnungsbaus in Einklang gebracht wurde, ist auch im zeitgenössischen Fachdiskurs von Relevanz.
JOVIS Verlag Produkte reflexiven Entwerfens
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) Research-related design and design-related research in architecture, urban design and landscape architecture promote, structure and generate products of specific figuration and quality. The contributions in this book use examples in a variety of forms to explore diverse, interconnected modes of knowing and designing products and their creation in design and research activities in an insightful way, placing them in relation to reflexive design and providing impulses for future-oriented action. With contributions from Tom Bieling, Margitta Buchert, Andrea Canclini, Diana Gouveia Amaral, Valerie Hoberg, Susan Jebrini, Andreas Lechner, Gennaro Postiglione, Martin Prominski, Sarah Wehmeyer.
JOVIS Verlag Circular Design: Towards Regenerative Territories
Wenn es um den Klimawandel geht, sind Kreisläufe zu einem entscheidenden Thema geworden. Geschlossene Kreisläufe, Wiederverwendung, Recycling und erneuerbare Materialien sind viel diskutierte Ideen in der Architektur und im Produktdesign. In diesem Buch weiten die Autor*innen das Konzept des Circular Design auf die territoriale Dimension aus, mit der Absicht, Lebensräumen durch den Einsatz von entwurfsgeleiteter Forschung und Entwurfsdenken zu mehr Resilienz und Nachhaltigkeit zu verhelfen. Anhand von Fallstudien aus ganz Europa, die neue Narrative im Städtebau mit sozialer Innovation und Kreativwirtschaft verbinden, zielt Circular Design darauf ab, dynamische Felder und Netzwerke von Ideen, Menschen und Räumen zu aktivieren.
JOVIS Verlag Planung für Morgen: Zukunft Stadt und Raum
The future of cities and their spaces lies in the redevelopment of existing housing stock and its associated transformation tasks. The discipline of urban planning needs to reposition itself, and—at the intersection of climate change and the mobility revolution—seek to champion the cause of increased participation and greater resilience. How can challenges be overcome in the face of more stringent planning requirements, faster implementation times, and limited resources? Renowned experts from the fields of urban policy, city management, and both practical and academic urban planning discussed the future of cities and urban planning at three symposia hosted by the Professor Albert Speer Foundation. Their arguments encourage us to leave behind established patterns of thinking and approach the tasks of the future with visionary ideas.
JOVIS Verlag Gelebte Utopie: Die Terrassenhaussiedlung der Werkgruppe Graz
The Werkgruppe Graz designed the terraced housing estate in Graz-St. Peter in 1965, during a period of societal upheaval. The complex was eventually built between 1972 and 1978. The planning group—members of the avant-garde artists’ association Forum Stadtpark—took a stand against the established system of residential construction, which was characterized by monotone design and the urban sprawl of single-family homes. Instead, they championed the utopian approach of involving residents in the planning process, which was reflected in the development’s basic structuralist framework with adaptable living units. Comprised of four terraced housing blocks in exposed concrete at the edge of Graz, the estate’s sculptural, brutalist appearance received international acclaim. Gelebte Utopie is the first book to provide a collection of texts of architectural commentary and context on the settlement. It additionally offers insights into the inhabitants’ living spaces and is enriched with artistic projects.
JOVIS Verlag Technical Lands: A Critical Primer
Technical lands are spaces united by their "exceptional" status—their remote locations, delimited boundaries, secured accessibility, and vigilant management. Designating land as "technical" is thus a political act. Doing so entails dividing, marginalizing, and rendering portions of the Earth inaccessible and invisible. An anti-visuality of technical lands enables forms of hypervisibility and surveillance through the rhetorical veil of technology. Including the political and physical boundaries, technical lands are used in highly aestheticized geographies to resist debate surrounding production and governance. These critical sites and spaces range from disaster exclusion and demilitarized zones to prison yards, industrial extraction sites, airports, and spaceports. The identification and instrumentalization of technical lands have increased in scale and complexity since the rise of neoliberalization. Yet, the precise theoretical contours that define these geographies remain unclear. Technical Lands: A Critical Primer brings together authors from a diverse array of disciplines, geographies, and epistemologies to interrogate and theorize the meaning and increasing significance of technical lands.
JOVIS Verlag Bauakademie Berlin
Armin Linke’s night photography reveals the vacancy of the Bauakademie as a trace of Schinkel in Berlin’s urban fabric. The rudimentary replica of the corner construction raises questions about the future use and form of this centrally located site. Despite current majority support in Parliament for a reconstruction of the historical envelope―analogous to the recently completed Humboldt Forum―there are clearly more differentiated ideas among architects and urban society in Berlin about the future of the Bauakademie building. There is strong resistance to the appropriation of this important institution and building task by representational politics, that actually threaten to obscure more historical traces than they are supposed to make visible with the motto “As much Schinkel as possible”. At this important moment, Bauakademie Berlin offers conceptual perspectives for a contemporary Bauakademie in the form of texts, architectural drawings, and artist’s photographs. With texts by Sandra Bartoli, Stefanie Endlich, Philipp Oswalt, Tanja Scheffler, Dubravka Sekulić, Axel Sowa, Stephan Trüby, and Andreas Zeese. Photographs by Armin Linke and Gili Merin
JOVIS Verlag HOCHWEIT 2021: Jahrbuch der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) / Bilingual edition (English/German) Das Jahrbuch HOCHWEIT gibt einen Einblick in die aktuelle Lehre und Forschung der vielfach ausgezeichneten Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft der Leibniz Universität Hannover. Im Zentrum stehen dabei studentische Projekte und Entwürfe im In- und Ausland: Zahlreiche Entwurfs- und Lehrveranstaltungen, Forschungsaktivitäten, Vorträge, Exkursionen, Workshops, Ausstellungen und Fachdiskussionen vermitteln ein Bild vom Lehren und Forschen, auch unter den besonderen Bedingungen der Pandemie.HOCHWEIT ist ein Schaufenster der Fakultät mit ihren neun Instituten und spiegelt die bereichernde Kraft der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit. Mit einem Essay von André Kempe und Oliver Thill zum „Klassizismus im 21. Jahrhundert".
JOVIS Verlag Cosmopolitan Habitat: A Research Agenda for Urban Resilience
Cosmopolitan Habitat promotes a research agenda for urban resilience, understanding cities as global avant-garde dealing with the planetary challenges of climate change, migration, and social fragmentation. Within the framework of the Green Deal, Europe is advancing ideas and innovations aimed at manifesting change and long-term strategies for our cities in order to achieve the aims of resilience and sustainability. At the same time, we are facing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on our cities and on our ways of imagining and constructing urban futures. How can cities become new, concrete places to invent, explore, experiment, and live in open communities that are able to face global challenges while also enhancing liveability, inclusivity, and urban economies? Cosmopolitan Habitat presents conceptual models, urban strategies, and spatial practices for the Open City, combining urbanism, architecture, humanities, culture, economy, and politics.
JOVIS Verlag Polylemma (Deutsche Sprachausgabe)
For a quarter of a century, the architectural collective raumlaborberlin has been pioneering new spaces for action, charting unique paths in cooperative urban development, and creating places to foster encounters. Together with experts across various fields, they explore forms of urban practice, participation, and the joint production of space. Polylemma tells the story of this work: its nine members visit the sites of their work, come together with long-standing colleagues and critics, dissect the mechanisms behind their actions, and reflect on the tools and methods of their research-based practice. Topics discussed across numerous projects include strategies for learning together, experimental building, and radical recycling. Polylemma challenges us to open up our notion of space. How do we want to live together in the future? The book is a plea for the city as a sphere of action.
JOVIS Verlag Berlin & Berlin: Stadtplanung nach dem Mauerfall
Nach dem Mauerfall waren in Berlin völlig neuartige Planungsaufgaben zu bewältigen. Die Teilung war zu überwinden, und in kürzester Zeit mussten Konzepte für die noch ungewisse Zukunft der Stadt entwickelt und in die Tat umgesetzt werden. Welche Konzepte entstanden, wie die Entscheidungsprozesse organisiert, welche Konflikte (nicht) gelöst wurden und wie sich zentrale Beschlüsse seither bewährt haben, daran erinnern sich fünfzehn damals verantwortliche Planer*innen aus Ost- und West- Berlin. In Interviews über die herausfordernde Aufbruchszeit vermitteln die Zeitzeug*innen ein lebendiges Bild von der Stimmung der ersten fünf Jahre und berichten von Zusammenhängen und Hintergründen. Abbildungen von teils noch unveröffentlichten Planungen erlauben einen neuen Blick auf das Berlin der frühen 1990er. Mit Beiträgen von Dorothee Dubrau, Bruno Flierl, Volker Hassemer, Bernd Hunger, Urs Kohlbrenner, Ulla Luther und anderen sowie Stadtfotos von E.-J. Ouwerkerk
JOVIS Verlag Unterwegs in die Moderne: Friedrich Pützers Bauten, Straßen, Plätze in Darmstadt
Through his buildings and city planning work, Friedrich Pützer (born 1871) shaped Darmstadt’s cityscape far more significantly than is generally known. His buildings are evidence of the Grand Duchy of Hessen’s period of flourishing and reformation around 1900—particularly in its capital, Darmstadt. Pützer’s works are comprehensively represented in this volume. They include the modern and highly functional central station, which connected the city to the constantly growing rail network, and various parts of the chemical company Merck’s headquarters. Competing with the Darmstadt Artists’ Colony, he planned residences in Mathildenhöhe that proposed independent concepts for a new way of living, and designed innovative institutional buildings and lecture theatres for the city’s technical university. Pützer also conceived and realised the Paulusviertel neighbourhood, with its Pauluskirche church ensemble. This work is recognised as one of the major examples of the painterly style in city planning. In 2020, Darmstadt’s twelfth city photographer Vitus Saloshanka set out to document Pützer’s impact. His photographs illustrate the sophisticated creativity, environmental sensitivity, and technical accomplishment of the Aachen-born architect’s buildings.
JOVIS Verlag Hasenheide 13 (Deutsche Sprachausgabe)
After its careful renovation by David Chipperfield Architects, the ballroom Hasenheide 13 will serve as an exhibition venue for the Sammlung Wemhöner from 2025 onwards. Reason enough to review the eventful and lively history of the place in order to respectfully continue its history as a meeting place: a history that already began before the construction of the ballroom at the end of the nineteenth century, and in a certain way also exemplarily reflects the development of Berlin over the past 150 years. This publication invites you to follow Lothar Uebel’s research and embark on a voyage of discovery that tells of fascinating episodes of an institution that deserves to continue to be a witness to Berlin’s constantly changing face. Monograph on a famous Berlin ballroom soon to be remodeled by David Chipperfield Architects and turned into an arts venue Extensive historic images, contemporary book design
JOVIS Verlag Mapping the Croatian Coast: A Road Trip to Architectural Legacies of Cold War and Tourism Boom
This book, conceived as a road trip, leads through the fascinating architectural heritage from the time of the tourism boom and of the Cold War in Croatia. Along the Adriatic high way, the picturesque coastal road from the 1960s, impressive hotel complexes and secret military posts emerged at the same time, which today share a similar fate: as ruins with a sea view. The authors from the research department of housing and design of TU Vienna outline routes to these hidden architectures, describe their development, their role in the non-aligned state of Yugoslavia, their decline, and their transformation. Eight removable folding maps examine special phenomena of the coastal area and make the book a practical guide on the journey to the hidden gems of the Croatian Adriatic coast.
JOVIS Verlag Bodies. Between Space and Design
The European tradition of urbanism has two main lines. The more influential of these clearly addresses the “place” as the limit of architectural and urban design. We cannot conceive of life without profound roots in places. The other traditional line in urbanism gravitates around the “body”. Although not as influential, it suggests a different approach to modern urbanism. The perspective developed here questions what happens in-between the “body” and “space”. To do this, the “body” is understood as a transit channel between space and the urban project.The book unfolds a critical reading of contemporary architectural design and urbanism and criticises the way design refers to “space” using the “body”. In doing so, it delves into the debates of architecture and urban planning of the eighties, as well as their ambiguous relationship with politics.
JOVIS Verlag The Big Asian Book of Landscape Architecture
This book provides one of the first comprehensive discussions of contemporary landscape architecture practice across the Asian region. Bringing together established designers, writers, and thinkers with those of the new generation, Jillian Walliss and Heike Rahmann explore emerging Asian perspectives on urbanism, modes of engagement, design thinking, and construction in a field that has traditionally been dominated by North American and European influences. The Big Asian Book of Landscape Architecture is divided into three thematic sections—Continuum, Interruption, and Speed—as characteristics that simultaneously influence an Asian practice of landscape architecture. Each section presents an interweaving of theoretical writing, reflection on practice, photo essays, and design projects to explore issues such as the shared cultural, philosophical, and physical understandings of landscape, the impact of modernity, and the effects of speed on Asian design and cities. This dynamic structure allows readers to dip into sections, rather than progress in a linear manner.
JOVIS Verlag Make City: A Compendium of Urban Alternatives
Contemporary cities are in thrall to rocketing real estate prices, climate change, and relentless growth. Make City brings together highly diverse positions on urban change: architects, urban planners, municipal decision-makers, landscape designers, makers, and civic entrepreneurs. Key juxtapositions shed new light on the strategies and coalitions needed for city making: new social contracts are forged at every level of urban life. The circular economy begins in cities. Local production - of food, materials, and spaces - is at the heart of urban life cycles, overcoming the current patterns of planned obsolescence that govern our linear economic system. Make City lays out urban alternatives for new architecture, typologies, material flows, and integrative and community-based planning, all grounded in the notions of reusing, densifying, and optimising existing structures. By exploring projects and propositions for making city differently, the what if gives way to the how. Contributors include AFF Architects, Anupama Kundoo, Michel Bouwens/P2P Foundation, Francesca Bria SESC, Tessy Britton, Bureau SLA, Frauke Burgdorff, Marco Casagrande, Deadline, Eva de Klerk, De Urbanisten, FAR frohn&rojas, Kraftwerk 1, Wolf Lotter, PPAG, Refunc, Eike Roswag-Klinge, Tina Saaby, Florian Schmidt, Topotek 1, Jean Philipp Vassal, Vestas, Zanderroth Architekten. Text in English and German.
JOVIS Verlag Neues Palais: Photographs by Friederike von Rauch
A hundred years ago, the baroque Neues Palais in the Sanssouci park, Potsdam, Germany, became a museum. Today's visitors are almost completely unaware that beyond palatial interiors, the rooms continue, hidden from sight, and have long served as workshops, offices, or depots. As part of a comprehensive restoration of the castle, this activity has now been moved elsewhere. This represents a major turning point for the Neues Palais.
JOVIS Verlag Denkmal Ost-Moderne II: Denkmalpflegerische Praxis der Nachkriegsmoderne
Architecture and urban development of the 1960s and 1970s have now become part of everyday heritage protection and the subject of an interdisciplinary discourse. It is redevelopment practices that have emerged as the actual hurdle with regard to responsible and careful approaches to this heritage. It is not the basic heritage worthiness of this construction era that is questioned, but the possibilities to preserve it successfully. Therefore examples and evidence have to be found to show whether and how these heritage buildings can be adapted to present-day economic, safetyrelated and ecological requirements. Denkmal Ost-Moderne II is based on the conference of the same name and presents current viewpoints and examples from heritage protection practice, including inventorization: how can one make and justify a selection from the enormous range of buildings available? The credibility of heritage protection with regard to post-war modernity depends on this to a significant extent.
JOVIS Verlag On Stage!: Women in Landscape_ Architecture and Planning
Vol. 5 of the series WEITER_DENKEN, gender_archland The volume documents the first state of an international project that addresses and presents women as personalities between professional and family responsibilities. Conceptualized as a continuous, follow exhibition, the exhibition has already been shown in Hanover 2011, in Valencia 2012, and in Vienna 2014. It reveals the complex life realities and displays a variety and range of personalities but also specific challenges for women in planning and engineering professions. It is the aim of the research project to take in a gender-spective in order to make women in engineering disciplines visible as well as position them stronger as characters of planning, design and construction. The 34 portrayed women come from Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Spain and out of Europe from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, India, and Iran, among them Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, known as inventor of the Frankfurt Kitchen.
JOVIS Verlag Grün in der Stadt: Innovativ und nachhaltig planen mit der urbanen Flora
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) From historic gardens and private gardens to parkland, botanical gardens and roadside greenery: the structuring presence of greenery in the city is playing an ever greater role in planning practice today. Areas of greenery within urban space are not only very important ecologically and socially. Green spatial elements also play an important role in master planning on a municipal and regional level and are subject to participatory processes.This book examines new approaches to the planning of greenery in various European countries (Germany, England, Finland, France, and the Netherlands). Ten selected cases highlight various geographical aspects in each of the national contexts and show the influences on spatial, ecological, economic, and socio- political transformations.The aim of this publication is to observe innovative processes in nature and housing and to present insights that can be applied to new approaches to planning.
JOVIS Verlag Städte für Menschen
Seit mehr als 40 Jahren befasst sich der Architekt und Stadtplaner Jan Gehl damit, Plätze, Straßen, ja ganze Stadtviertel zum Wohle der Bewohner neu oder umzugestalten. Er stützt sich dabei auf Erkenntnisse, die er durch langjährige Untersuchungen von Großstadtsituationen in verschiedenen Ländern gewonnen hat. Indem Gehl selbst Millionenstädte kleinmaßstäblich und im Detail betrachtet, entwickelt er Mittel und Wege, dysfunktionale und unwirtliche Stadtlandschaften entscheidend zu verändern. Dabei finden demografische Entwicklungen und sich wandelnde Lebensstile ebenso Berücksichtigung wie gestalterische Prozesse. Wichtigster Grundsatz für Jan Gehls Stadtplanung nach menschlichem Maß: Der Stadtraum muss mit der Geschwindigkeit eines Fußgängers erlebt werden statt aus einem Fahrzeug heraus. Nur so kann es gelingen, sowohl traditionelle Metropolen wie die schnell wachsenden Städte von Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern zu Städten für Menschen zu machen. Das Buch präsentiert Jan Gehls Arbeit im Bereich Neubau sowie der Umgestaltung städtischer Räume und Verkehrsflächen. Darstellungen seiner Planungsmodelle in Text und Bildern sowie Planungsprinzipien und Methoden veranschaulichen, wie einfach lebendige, sichere, nachhaltige und gesunde Städte in Zukunft entstehen können.
JOVIS Verlag Tianjin Grand Theater in China
Bilingual edition (English/German) / Zweisprachige Ausgabe (deutsch/englisch) A new culture park has been created in recent years in the Chinese harbor city of Tianjin. The Tianjin Grand Theater occupies a key position on this site, entering into a dialog with its architectural surroundings. The circular form of the roof construction relates to that of the Natural History Museum there in such a way that it creates a connection between the earthbound museum and the seemingly floating theater building.In this volume, the responsible architects illuminate the Grand Theater by means of texts and images, and show how syntheses can be created between western and eastern traditions in a highly modern building. The architecture critic Jürgen Tietz discusses the building in a detailed critique.