Search results for ""Author MANUS"
Paperblanks Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (Embellished Manuscripts Collection) Ultra Lined Hardcover Journal
A man as tormented as he was beloved, Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) overcame a life of extraordinary ups and downs to become a world-renowned playwright, author and poet. He stands as one of the most influential writers of the Victorian era.Wilde’s work is fraught with the insights of a man who possessed a deep understanding of both the positives and perils of society. Criticized for what was perceived as an “effeminate nature” and oppressed by a largely homophobic world, Wilde remained resilient. He used his experiences to form brilliant, if controversial, literary works.The comedy The Importance of Being Earnest, a draft of which is reproduced here, was a great success upon opening but saw its run cut short when Wilde was imprisoned for “gross indecency.” This represented one of the first famous celebrity trials but was, sadly, only one of many persecutions of a member of the LGBTQ community for a consensual act. We first released this Embellished Manuscript in 2010, and this season we bring it back in celebration of Wilde’s literary legacy and personal perseverance.
Right Book Press The Authority Guide to Writing & Implementing a Marketing Plan: A step-by-step manual to make you a smarter marketer and maximise your business profits
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Illuminated Manuscripts
Illuminated manuscripts are among the most beautiful, precious and mysterious works of Western art. Before the printing press was invented, books were produced by hand and their illustration using brightly coloured pigments and gold embellishments was a labour of love and an act of piety in itself. The results are stunning. The works emanating from the scriptoria of monasteries were mainly religious texts, including illuminated bibles, psalters, and works for private devotion known as books of hours. Illuminated Manuscripts describes the origin and history of illumination in the Middle Ages, covering the artists and their techniques, and the patrons who commissioned them. It explains the subject matter found in medieval works, such as saints and Bible stories and the use of ornamental flourishes, and is illustrated with many fine examples of the genre including the Lindisfarne Gospels and the Book of Kells.
University of Washington Press The Look of the Book: Manuscript Production in Shiraz, 1303-1452
The Look of the Book assesses the role of the city of Shiraz in Iranian book production between the early fourteenth and mid-fifteenth centuries. It is the first detailed analysis of all aspects of the book--illumination, codicology, illustration, calligraphy, and binding--during this significant era when the "look of the book" was transformed. Four periods of change are identified: the years following 1340, until the end of Injuid rule in Shiraz; the later 1350s and the 1360s, during Muzaffarid rule; the years from 1409 to 1415, when the Timurid prince Iskandar Sultan was governor of Shiraz; and the decade (1435-45) following the death of Ibrahim Sultan, Iskandar's cousin and successor as governor. Although the focus is Shiraz, the author’s comparative and chronological approach to the material means production elsewhere in Iran is also considered, while the results of the study increase our understanding of the history and development of the arts of the book not only in Shiraz, or even Iran as whole, but also in other centers of the Islamic world that followed the Iranian model. Highlights of this book, which is heavily illustrated with exquisite illuminated manuscript pages, are its examination of illumination, an overlooked area of book production; the codicological aspects of the manuscripts, including paper and text layout; and the development of nasta‘liq script. The manuscripts studied are held in more than fifty collections, primarily those in Dublin (Chester Beatty Library), Istanbul (Topkapi Palace Library and Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts), London (British Library), Oxford (Bodleian Library); Paris (Bibliothèque Nationale de France); and Washington, DC (Freer and Sackler Galleries of the Smithsonian Institution).
Edinburgh University Press James Boswell's 'Life of Johnson': An Edition of the Original Manuscript, in Four Volumes; Vol. 4: 1780-1784
This edition of Boswell's "Life of Johnson" details how Boswell's original words were changed during the publication process, and offers a fresh reading of Boswell's work. Marshall Waingrow charts the changes made during composition and at the proof stage, and corrects and explains the printer's misreadings and author's errors which crept into the final edition. This edition of the manuscript is a companion work to the standard scholarly edition of the "Life of Johnson", known as the "Hill-Powell" version.
Suhrkamp Verlag AG konomischphilosophische Manuskripte
Aakar Books Mathematical Manuscript
Liverpool University Press The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript: Pearl, Cleanness, Patience, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
For students of Middle English, Andrew and Waldron’s The Poems of the Pearl Manuscript has been the key edition of the four Pearl poems (the best-known of which is Gawain and the Green Knight) for 30 years. Now, with the changing needs of today’s student in mind, the editors have undertaken the most comprehensive revision of the book since its inception.The revised edition includes a new introduction providing historical, literary and cultural contexts for the poems. It also incorporates a revised and updated bibliography, minor changes to the text and glossary, and significant revision and updating of the explanatory notes. In addition the authors have provided for the first time a complete prose translation of the four poems for students to use as a working tool. Access to a digital copy of this translation, conceived as a complement and companion to the new edition, is included with this book.
Manchester University Press The Burley Manuscript
The Burley manuscript is a miscellany compiled in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century, unique in size and variety. In this study, annotated transcriptions are given of all of the private letters in English and all the English verse. Incipit transcriptions and identification are provided for each of the other items, including those in foreign languages. The history and provenance of the collection are described in detail, with lengthy notes on memorial transcription of verse and prose, and the clandestine interception of letters. The book makes available texts, annotations and commentary that will have an impact on a wide range of scholarship. It will be found useful to literary scholars, editors, and social historians, illuminating such diverse subjects as the circulation of verse, the correspondence of John Donne, the self-fashioning of English gentlemen after the classical Romans of their class and the government's paranoiac spying on its own citizens.
Paperblanks Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest (Embellished Manuscripts Collection) Midi 12-month Day-at-a-Time Dayplanner 2024
A man as tormented as he was beloved, Oscar Wilde (1854–1900) overcame a life of extraordinary ups and downs to become a world-renowned playwright, author and poet. Oppressed by a largely homophobic world, Wilde remained resilient. He used his experiences to form brilliant, if controversial, literary works, including The Importance of Being Earnest. Today, he is remembered as one of the most influential writers of the Victorian era.
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Geschwister Tanner: (Manuskript)
Persephone Books Ltd The Hopkins Manuscript
Brepols N.V. Classical Manuscript Illustrations
University of Texas Press The Entablo Manuscript: Water Rituals and Khipu Boards of San Pedro de Casta, Peru
A unique study of an Andean community’s water rituals and the extraordinary document describing how they should be performed In the dry season in the Andes, water from springs, lakes, reservoirs, and melting glaciers feeds irrigation canals that have sustained communities for thousands of years. Managing and maintaining these water infrastructures is essential, and in 1921, in the village of San Pedro de Casta, Peru, local authorities recorded their ritual canal-cleaning duties in a Spanish-language document called the Entablo. It is only the second book (along with the Huarochirí Manuscript) ever seen by scholars in which an Andean community explains its customs and ritual laws in its own words. Sarah Bennison offers a critical introduction to the Entablo, a Spanish transcription of the document, and an English translation. Among its other revelations, the Entablo delves into the use of khipu boards, devices that meld the traditional knotted strings known as khipus with a written alphabet. Only in the Entablo do we learn that there were multiple khipu boards associated with a single canal-cleaning ritual, or that there were separate khipu records for men and women. The Entablo manuscript furnishes unparalleled insights into Andean rituals, religion, and community history at a historical moment when rural highland communities were changing rapidly.
Tyndale House Publishers The Marus Manuscripts
Atico de Los Libros Grandes Manuscritos Medievales
Penguin Books Ltd The Posthumous Papers of the Manuscripts Club
Exquisite... intelligent, illuminating, mischievous delightful The TimesThe acclaimed author of Meetings with Remarkable Manuscripts introduces us to the extraordinary keepers and companions of medieval manuscripts over a thousand years of historyThe illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages are among the greatest works of European art and literature. We are dazzled by them and recognize their crucial role in the transmission of knowledge. But we generally think much less about the countless men and women who made, collected and preserved them through the centuries, and to whom they owe their existence.This entrancing book describes some of the extraordinary people who have spent their lives among illuminated manuscripts over the last thousand years. A monk in Normandy, a prince of France, a Florentine bookseller, an English antiquary, a rabbi from central Europe, a French priest, a Keeper at the British Museum, a Greek fo
Getty Trust Publications Italian Illuminated Manuscripts
This is a stunning tour through eight centuries of manuscript illumination. Known for their stunning displays of artistry and technique, Italian illuminated manuscripts have long been coveted by collection around the world. The J. Paul Getty Museum holds the most recently formed institutional collection of its kind in the United States, yet it spans more than eight centuries and reflects many of the extraordinary achievements of the Italian tradition. Made up of whole manuscripts as well as leaves and cuttings, the Getty collection of Italian illumination contains nearly sixty works and includes the Montecassino Breviary, the Ferrarese Gualenghi-d'Este Hours, and the Roman gradual illuminated by Antonio da Monza for Santa Maria in Aracoeli. Other important acquisitions are one of the finest Bolognese Bibles of the thirteenth century; three leaves from the Laudario of Sant'Agnese, the most ambitious Florentine manuscript from the first half of the fourteenth century; and a missal once owned by the antipope John XXIII. This beautifully illustrated volume presents many splendid examples of Italian painting and illumination. Some are by noted artists such as Girolamo da Cremona, Pacino de Bonaguida, and Pisanello; others are attributed to artists known only by their works, such as the Master of Gerona, who is credited with one of the finest miniatures in the collection.
Harvard University Press Manuscript Essays and Notes
When William James died in 1910 he left a large body of manuscript material that has never appeared in print. Much of it is of biographical interest only, but the largest part is concerned with James's work. The present volume, the first of two that will bring The Works of William James to completion, includes the manuscripts devoted to work in progress on philosophical and psychological subjects. The last volume will bring together the manuscripts relating to James's public lectures and teaching.The most important of these manuscripts are those of the years 1903 and 1904 called "The Many and the One." This was material for the book that James hoped would be the full technical exposition of his philosophy of radical empiricism. It contains discussions of problems and concepts that are not found in his published work. Closely related to this are his responses to the so-called Miller-Bode objections, which charged that his philosophy of pure experience could not solve the problem of the many and the one or the question "How can two minds know the same thing?" James's notes record his offers to work his way out of the impasse, which eventually led to his formulation of radical empiricism and his total rejection of the mind-body dualism that had dominated Western philosophy since Descartes.The manuscripts in the rest of the volume contain James's reflections over a period of forty years in the form of drafts, memoranda, and notebook entries. The diverse subjects are arranged under the headings of Philosophy, Psychology, Aesthetics, Ethics, and Religion. Of special interest are the early notes in which James began to work out his own philosophical point of view.
El manuscrito de niebla
Salamanca, siglo XVI. Un asesinato, el robo de unos manuscritos de Nebrija y una guerra inquisitorial abierta.25 de noviembre de 1506. Un tipógrafo aparece muerto de forma violenta en una imprenta de Salamanca. El taller está revuelto y han desaparecido varios originales del célebre humanista Antonio de Nebrija. Este le encarga a su antiguo alumno, el pesquisidor Fernando de Rojas, que averigüe quién mató al cajista y recupere los manuscritos robados. La tarea no va a ser fácil, pues Nebrija cuenta con muchos detractores dentro del Estudio salmantino por sus numerosos enfrentamientos con otros catedráticos. Para colmo, el humanista será objeto de un proceso inquisitorial por haber osado enmendar la traducción latina de la Biblia. Esto hará que Rojas tenga que defenderlo ante el Santo Tribunal y plantar cara a los enemigos de la imprenta y de las nuevas ideas.Ambientada en el fascinante mundo de las imprentas y librerías de comienzos del siglo XVI, con ella su aut
Dr Ludwig Reichert Catalogue Des Manuscrits Conserves Dans La Bibliotheque de l'Archeveche Grec-Catholique d'Alep (Syrie): Manuscrits Arabes-Chretiens de l'Archeveche Grec-Catholique d'Alep
Bodleian Library Making Medieval Manuscripts
Many beautiful illuminated manuscripts survive from the Middle Ages and can be seen in libraries and museums throughout Europe. But who were the skilled craftsmen who made these exquisite books? What precisely is parchment? How were medieval manuscripts designed and executed? What were the inks and pigments, and how were they applied? This book looks at the work of scribes, illuminators and book binders. Based principally on examples in the Bodleian Library, this lavishly illustrated account tells the story of manuscript production from the early Middle Ages through to the high Renaissance. Each stage of production is described in detail, from the preparation of the parchment, pens, paints and inks to the writing of the scripts and the final decoration and illumination of the manuscript. This book also explains the role of the stationer or bookshop, often to be found near cathedral and market squares, in the commissioning of manuscripts, and it cites examples of specific scribes and illuminators who can be identified through their work as professional lay artisans. Christopher de Hamel’s engaging text is accompanied by a glossary of key technical terms relating to manuscripts and illumination, providing an invaluable introduction for anyone interested in studying medieval manuscripts today.
Grolier Club of New York Voices of Scotland – A Catalogue of an Exhibition of Scottish Books and Manuscripts from the 15th to the 20th Centuries
Highlighting the Grolier Club’s large holdings in Scottish literature, this catalogue, which accompanied a 1992 exhibition at the Club, features Scottish books and manuscripts from the fifteenth to the twentieth centuries. With more than 130 items described, the catalogue demonstrates the breadth and vitality of the Scottish achievement in lyric poetry, fiction, and historical and philosophical writings that were written or published during five centuries. Organized chronologically by author, it includes works by George Wishart, Allan Ramsay, David Hume, Hugh Blair, Adam Smith, and James Boswell.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Samaritan Scribes and Manuscripts
"This book aims to provide the critical tools to help scholars in their use of Samaritan manuscripts. The basic codicological tools is a series of complementary data-bases compiled from typological studies of the physical properties of manuscripts. Each typology is in effect a diachronic profile created by painstaking comparison and analysis of the physical properties of manuscripts of known provenance and/or date. Using these typologies or diachronic profiles it is possible to evaluate the chronology of the physical characteristics of any manuscript - the quire or gathering structure, ink, ruling, spacing of the text on the folio, sewing of the sections ... Naturally, the more information available about the physical properties of any manuscript the better the chance of making correlations between the typologies of different properties.The basic rule in palaeography and codicology is that the researcher works on an inductive basis from as wide a sample as possible of dated manuscripts. It is hoped that in the studies in this volume, evidence has been provided which will serve as a guide both to the appearance and the nature of Samaritan manuscripts and to the evaluative process that one would employ in examining them for codicological purposes. The reader should be able to apply the criteria provided here to the evaluation of whatever data can be retrieved from any undated Samaritan manuscripts with which he is confronted." Alan D. Crown in the preface
Penguin Books Ltd The Hopkins Manuscript
The funny and moving story of the apocalypse - as seen from one small village in England'I loved this book, by turns funny and tragic ... It moves between abject despair and good old-fashioned British stoicism with ease. Magical' Jeff Noon, Spectator, Books of the Year 2018Retired teacher Edgar Hopkins lives for the thrill of winning poultry prizes. But his narrow world is shattered when he learns that the moon is about to come crashing into the earth, with apocalyptic consequences. The manuscript he leaves behind will be a testament - to his growing humanity and to how one English village tried to survive the end of the world... Written in 1939 as the world was teetering on the brink of global war, R. C. Sherriff's tragicomic novel is a masterly work of science fiction, and a powerful warning from the past.'Spectacular, skilled and moving. It is supremely and alarmingly relevant' Fay Weldon'Intensely readable and touching' Sunday Telegraph
Les Belles Lettres Moi, Un Manuscrit
British Library Publishing Dogs in Medieval Manuscripts
Throughout the Middle Ages, medieval manuscripts often featured dogs, from beautiful and loving depictions of man's best friend, to bloodthirsty illustrations of savage beasts, to more whimsical and humorous interpretations. Featuring stunning illustrations from the British Library's rich medieval collection, Dogs in Medieval Manuscripts provides - through discussion of dogs both real and imaginary - an astonishing picture of the relationship of dogs to humans in the medieval world.
Undena Publications,U.S. Persian Medical Manuscripts at the University of California, Los Angeles: A Descriptive Catalogue
This catalogue contains descriptions of Persian medical manuscripts in the collection at UCLA; Persian texts in predominantly Arabic MSS are also listed, without descriptions. “Numerically, UCLA’s collection of Persian medical manuscripts ranks among the first in Western countries. In this catalogue, 135 Persian and two Arabic titles are discussed [ . . . ] Nearly the whole period during which the Persian language has been used for writing on medical subjects is covered by the collection [ . . . ] The earliest author represented is the oculist ‘Zarrindast’ of the late fifth/eleventh century, approximately 100 years after the first appearance of medical writing in Neo-Persian.” [from the Preface]
Yale University Press Revise: The Scholar-Writer’s Essential Guide to Tweaking, Editing, and Perfecting Your Manuscript
A helpful, engaging guide to the revision of scholarly writing by an editor and award-winning author “Pamela Haag has been called ‘the tenure whisperer’ for good reason. Any scholar who hopes to attract a wider audience of readers will benefit from the brilliant, step-by-step guidance shared here. It’s pure gold for all aspiring nonfiction writers.”—Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America Writing and revision are two different skills. Many scholar-writers have learned something about how to write, but fewer know how to read and revise their own writing, spot editorial issues, and transform a draft from passable to great. Drawing on before and after examples from more than a decade as a developmental editor of scholarly works, Pamela Haag tackles the most common challenges of scholarly writing. This book is packed with practical, user-friendly advice and is written with warmth, humor, sympathy, and flair. With an inspiring passion for natural language, Haag demonstrates how to reconcile clarity with intellectual complexity. Designed to be an in-the-trenches desktop reference, this indispensable resource can help scholars develop a productive self-editing habit, advise their graduate and other students on style, and, ultimately, get their work published and praised.
Atrium Verlag Das elfte Manuskript
Pocket Le manuscrit inacheve
Mystic Seaport Museum Manuscript Collection Guide
Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies,US Manuscripts in Italy
El manuscrito de aire
El manuscrito de aire nos traslada a los primeros años de la colonización de América, un tiempo de luces y sombras, ambiciones y sueños, horrores y contradicciones, que marcará un antes y un después en la Historia de España y de Occidente.La Española, día de la Epifanía de 1515. Una aldea de indios taínos cercana a la ciudad de Santo Domingo sufre un devastador incendio, en el que mueren sus habitantes poco después de ser bautizados. Los frailes dominicos le piden al rey Fernando el Católico que envíe a Fernando de Rojas para que lleve a cabo las pesquisas del caso e informe sobre la situación de los nativos de la isla.Así comienza una compleja trama en la que se mezclan la intriga detectivesca y la pasión amorosa, la búsqueda de la justicia y el descubrimiento del otro. A lo largo de su investigación, Rojas se encontrará con un Nuevo Mundo, repleto de misterio y de belleza, en el que tendrá que afrontar numerosas dificultades, hasta adentrarse en lo más recó
Acantilado Manuscrito encontrado en Zaragoza
Alfonso van Worden, oficial de la guardia Valona, viaja a Madrid para ponerse al servicio del Rey de España. En una de las etapas de su periplo debe atravesar Sierra Morena. Allí le espera un misterio laberíntico que deberá desentrañar y que le embarcará en una aventura sin precedentes en la que encontrará alquimistas, astrólogos y cabalistas, poseídos, demonios, bandidos, gitanos y anacoretas. Lo que en un principio no iba a ser más que otro tramo del camino se torna viaje iniciático, repleto de sorpresas. A caballo entre la novela gótica y el saber enciclopédico, Potocki construye una historia mágica, con un irresistible atractivo, que ha cautivado a miles de lectores desde su primera publicación. La versión que hoy presentamos se basa en un manuscrito hasta hace poco inédito de la obra, que ofrece una visión notablemente distinta de la precedente, preparada a partir de fragmentos: más terminada, quizá más melancólica, pero en cualquier caso mucho más lista para su edición.
Manohar Publishers and Distributors Conceptualizations in the Manusmrti
Booket El manuscrito de fuego
Hendrickson Publishers Inc Jesus and the Manuscripts
Hal Leonard Corporation Guitar Tab Manuscript Paper
York Medieval Press Piers Plowman and its Manuscript Tradition
The first full survey of crucial witnesses to the reception of Piers Plowman. The fifty-plus surviving manuscripts of William Langland's Piers Plowman cast important light on the early public life of this central Middle English work, but they have been relatively neglected by scholarship. This first full study of the subject examines the textual variants, marginal rubrics and companion texts in the manuscripts. It illuminates a reception quite distinct from the reformist poems written by Langland's imitators in "the Piers Plowman tradition". It reveals how the earliest scribes devised various traditional forms of presentation that proved remarkably durable in the poem's subsequent reception, even surviving into the age of print. Exploring Piers Plowman's appearances in the manuscripts, paired unexpectedly with such genres as romance, hagiography and travel literature, the book demonstrates the surprisingly affective responses of medieval readers to the represented lives of the narrator Will and the title figure Piers the Plowman. At the same time, it shows that the evidence for individual scribal agendas in particular copies is more ambiguous than often assumed, with each book reflecting the activities of an unknown number of hands and an uncertain mixture of design and accident. By drawing on evidence from textual scholarship as well as codicological and literary approaches, the author offers fresh insight into Piers Plowman's place in literary history and proposes new ways of understanding the late medieval manuscript as a multi-layered, collaborative product. Sarah Wood is Associate Professor of Medieval English Literature at the University of Warwick
Thorndike Press a Part of Gale a Cengage Company The Lost Manuscript
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc The Godwulf Manuscript
Hal Leonard Corporation Kermit Manuscript Paper
Hal Leonard Corporation Mickey's Manuscript Paper
Oxford University Press Inc Chants, Hypertext, and Prosulas: Re-texting the Proper of the Mass in Beneventan Manuscripts
The liturgical chant sung in the churches of Southern Italy between the ninth and thirteenth centuries reflects the multiculturalism of a territory in which Romans, Franks, Lombards, Byzantines, Normans, Jews, and Muslims were all present with various titles and political roles. Chants, Hypertext, and Prosulas examines a specific genre, the prosulas that were composed to embellish and expand pre-existing liturgical chants. Widespread in medieval Europe, prosulas were highly cultivated in southern Italy, especially by the nuns, monks, and clerics of the city of Benevento. These texts shed light on the creativity of local cantors to provide new meanings to the liturgy in accordance with contemporary waves of religious spirituality, and to experiment with a novel musical style in which a syllabic setting is paired with the free-flowing melody of the parent chant. In their representing an epistemological 'beyond', and in their interconnectedness with the parent chant, these prosulas can be likened to modern hypertexts. In this book, author Luisa Nardini presents the first comprehensive study to integrate textual and musical analyses of liturgical prosulas as they were recorded in Beneventan manuscripts. Discussing general features of prosulas in southern Italy and their relation to contemporary liturgical genres (e.g., tropes, sequences, hymns), Nardini firmly situates Beneventan prosulas within the broader context of European musical history. An invaluable reference for the field, Chants, Hypertext, and Prosulas provides a new understanding of the phonetic and morphological transformations of the Latin language in medieval Italy, and clarifies the use of perennially puzzling features of Beneventan notation.
Debolsillo Los manuscritos de Magdala
Benjamin Messer se encuentra ante el reto profesional más importante de su vida: descifrar unos manuscritos en arameo.El paleógrafo Benjamin Messer se encuentra ante el reto profesional más importante de su vida: descifrar unos manuscritos en arameo, datables en los inicios de la era cristiana, que han sido hallados en un lugar próximo a la Magdala bíblica. Los manuscritos parecen una autobiografía, en forma de confesión, de un tal David Ben Jonah, un hombre que vivió acontecimientos históricos bajo el peso de la culpa por las repercusiones de su flaqueza espiritual. Como ese remoto escritor, Benjamin es un escéptico. Pero un escéptico progresivamente invadido por el espíritu de David, embarcado sin quererlo en un doloroso camino de iniciación que le llevará a una nueva plenitud.
Editorial Sexto Piso Can el ltimo manuscrito
En "Caín" nos reencontraremos con personajes ya conocidos: con Aristides Subicz ?obsesionado con su novela imposible, que se disgrega en un marasmo de fragmentos, recuerdos, esbozos.? y su ristra de tíos a la cabeza. Y también hallaremos, cómo no, la misma ira implacable y virtuosista hacia las fucking middle classes, el nazismo ?sus causas y su persistente herencia?, las ruinas físicas y morales de Europa, el capitalismo salvaje y la americanización del mundo, la progresiva pérdida de protagonismo de la belleza en nuestra existencia. "Caín", en mitad de tanto escombro y de tantas cenizas, también nos transmite la sed de una vida más plena y verdadera, alejada de farsas y automatismos; es un réquiem y a la vez una defensa de la cultura, del humanismo, del placer y la alegría.
York Medieval Press Medieval Manuscripts Readers and Texts
Examines manuscripts of Langland, Chaucer, Gower, Nicholas Love and Arthurian tales, alongside other devotional works and archival evidence.