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Bloomsbury Publishing PLC RSPB Spotlight Woodpeckers
Woodpeckers are fascinating birds, filling our forests with their unmistakable drumming, and capturing our imaginations with their incredible ability to drill holes in trees and their bright, colourful plumage. Three species of woodpecker are resident in the UK: the Green Woodpecker, often seen on lawns and in fields; the Great Spotted Woodpecker, a frequent visitor at garden bird-feeders; and the tiny Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, sadly now in decline. The Wryneck – which twists its neck ‘like a snake’ when threatened – also passes through the UK on its yearly migration and has captivated people throughout the ages. Gerard Gorman provides a close-up look at the lives of these birds, from their anatomy, diet and nesting habits to their iconic drumming behaviour. He also explores the relationship that humans have enjoyed with woodpeckers for centuries, in folklore, myth and conservation, and gives tips on how to observe these wonderful birds in the wild. The Spotlight series introduces readers to the lives and behaviour of our favourite animals with eye-catching colour photographs and informative expert text.
McGraw-Hill Education Current Diagnosis and Treatment Surgery
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Evidence-based, point-of-care information on the full scope of surgical diseases CURRENT Diagnosis& Treatment Surgery delivers to-the-point information on more than 1,000 diseases anddisorders that surgeons are most often required to treat. Concise yet thorough,the book covers both general surgery and the surgical subspecialties, including neurosurgery, otolaryngology, plastic and reconstructive surgery, gynecology, orthopedic surgery, urology, and pediatric surgery. This Fifteenth Edition has been updated throughout to reflect the latest research and discoveries. The consistent presentation, headings, and accessible text makes it easy to find answers quickly. • An outstanding review for the USMLE and shelf examinations• The best introductory text to the field of surgery• More than 600 photographs and illustrations• Detailed treatment algorithms• Updated throughout with the latest research and discoveries• Intuitively organized to help you find answers quickly and easily• More than 200 chapter review multiple choice questions
Association for Scottish Literary Studies Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Master of Ballantrae and The Ebb-tide: (Scotnotes Study Guides)
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Rebel: Discovering History - Uncovering Mystery
Four Courts Press Ltd Workers, Politics and Labour Relations: in Independent Ireland, 1922-46
O'Brien Press Ltd The Guns of Easter
Wooden Books Evolution: A Little History of a Great Idea
Why did Darwin find tortoises so interesting? Are humans really descended from ancient apes? How did the peacock get its tail? What might life look like elsewhere in the universe? In this fascinating and highly-illustrated book, science writer Gerard Cheshire tells the story of evolution, and plots the various devices by which we have all become the organisms we are today. With sections on convergence, sexual selection, epigenetics, and full appendices showing the tree of life. WOODEN BOOKS are small but packed with information. "Fascinating" FINANCIAL TIMES. "Beautiful" LONDON REVIEW OF BOOKS. "Rich and Artful" THE LANCET. "Genuinely mind-expanding" FORTEAN TIMES. "Excellent" NEW SCIENTIST. "Stunning" NEW YORK TIMES. Small books, big ideas.
Cornell University Press Outsourcing the Polity
Outsourcing the Polity offers a new account of social outsourcing in post-independence Myanmar, demonstrating how the bankrupt post-socialist junta mediated market reform in the 1990s and 2000s and forced private and non-state actors to take the burden for social welfare. Informed by research during Myanmar''s decade of partial civilian rule (20112021), Gerard McCarthy examines how ideals and practices of non-state welfare can both sustain democratic resistance and undermine social reform over time. Rather than expand government-led social action funded by direct taxation, grassroots activists and democratic leaders after 2011 variously framed government social action as ineffective, undesirable, and even corrosive of civic norms. They instead encouraged citizens to be self-reliant and support each other, including during disasters. Powerful tycoons filled the social gap, using public philanthropy to remake their reputations and to defend their ongoing ex
Peeters Publishers La Version Ethiopienne de la Vie de Schenoudi: T.
Campgrafic Editors Qu ocurre mientras lees tipografa y legibilidad
Descripción: 24x17 cm.Encuadernacion:Rustica con solapa.El autor recoge en este libro muchas de las preguntas que neurólogos, tipógrafosy editores llevan años planteándose y resolviendo de modo individual. No es esta una respuesta más. Pero que nadie piense en un libro sobre lingüística cognitiva. Nada más lejos de la realidad. El lector, hoy amenazado por mil crisis, entre ellas la del libro o la lectura, encontrará en estas páginas muchas y nuevas razones para continuar leyendo y disfrutando de la lectura...en letra y, por qué no, en imágenes.
Valparaíso Ediciones Grard de Nerval
Onestar Press Gérard Traquandi: Dessins & Peintures 2001-2006
Editions Heimdal Avions De Combat De L'Otan: Depuis 1949
Created in 1949 by ten European countries, joined later by Canada and the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was originally intended to federate the defence means of the signatories, in the context of the beginning of the Cold War, just after the Berlin blockade. Setting up this alliance meant the weapons of the member countries and especially their air forces were very rapidly modernised, especially under the aegis of the United States, the only country at the time to have a nuclear weapon, the indispensable prerequisite for all dissuasion. In the following decades several nations joined NATO, whereas France decided to go it alone and, on the contrary, leave NATO and ensure its own defence. The disappearance of the USSR then the Warsaw Pact in the 1990s meant the role of the Alliance had to be reviewed, because it had lost its main adversary and raison d’être. Meanwhile it started to take part in various external operations, and a certain number of countries from the former Eastern Bloc gradually began joining it. In this 300+ page book, the fighting planes of each NATO country’s air force, be they a founder member or a new member, are presented in detail, the nations being classified by alphabetical order, which gives a very complete panorama of the machines in operation and the camouflage systems and markings used, notably thanks to more than 600 profiles and about 300 period photographs.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Les Ages Du Monde de Schelling: Une Traduction de l'Absolu
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Le Temps Messianique: Temps Historique Et Temps Vecu
Klincksieck A French Forum
American Medical Publishers Recent Developments in Dental Biomaterials
Stackpole Books Florida Breweries
The craft brew revolution has spread south. This all-new guidebook profiles the Sunshine State's 66 breweries and brewpubs. Entries include each brewery's story, styles of beer brewed, tours, food served, and special features Author's "Pick" on the best beer to try at each site Special features on beer chains, beer in theme parks, container sizes, and beerfests and beerwebs"Gerard is the authority on Florida breweries. Immersed in the craft beer culture, he's traveled far and wide to put together a definitive text chronicling the craft movement in the Sunshine State. Grab the book, drop the top, and hit the road to great beer in Florida!"--Mike Halker, founder of Due South Brewing Co. and president of Florida Brewers Guild"
Knesebeck Von Dem GmbH Drauen unterwegs Der OutdoorSurvivalGuide
btb Taschenbuch Ein bitterkalter Nachmittag Roman
Dedalus Press Drifting Under the Moon
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Data Analysis
The first part of this book is devoted to methods seeking relevant dimensions of data. The variables thus obtained provide a synthetic description which often results in a graphical representation of the data. After a general presentation of the discriminating analysis, the second part is devoted to clustering methods which constitute another method, often complementary to the methods described in the first part, to synthesize and to analyze the data. The book concludes by examining the links existing between data mining and data analysis.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Rescue Law – An Anglo-American Perspective
This book offers an unprecedented and detailed comparative critique of Anglo-American corporate bankruptcy law. It challenges the standard characterisation that US law in the sphere of corporate bankruptcy is 'pro-debtor' and UK law is 'pro-creditor', and suggests that the traditional thesis is, at best, a potentially misleading over-simplification. Gerard McCormack offers the conclusion that there is functional convergence in practice, while acknowledging that corporate rescue, as distinct from business rescue, still plays a larger role in the US. The focus is on corporate restructurings with in-depth scrutiny of Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code and the UK Enterprise Act, and offers other comparative oversights.Integrating theoretical and practical insights, this book will be of great interest to academics and practitioners, and also to policymakers in the DTI, Insolvency Service and regulatory bodies.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Country That Does Not Exist: A History of Somaliland
The Somali people are fiercely nationalistic. Colonialism split them into five segments divided between four different powers. Thus decolonisation and pan-Somalism became synonymous. In 1960 a partial reunification took place between British Somaliland and Somalia Italiana. 'Africa Confidential' wrote at the time that the new Somali state would never be beset by tribal division but this discounted the existence of powerful clans within Somali society and the persistence of colonial administrative cultures. The collapse of parliamentary democracy in 1969 and the resulting army—and clanic— dictatorship that followed led to a civil war in the ‘perfect’ national state. It lasted fourteen years in the ‘British’ North and is still raging today in the ‘Italian’ South. Somaliland ‘re-birthed’ itself through an enormous solo effort but the viable nation so recreated within its former colonial borders was never internationally recognised and still struggles to exist economically and diplomatically. This book recounts an African success story where the peace so widely acclaimed by the international community has had no reward but its own lonely achievement.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Matrix and Tensor Decompositions in Signal Processing, Volume 2
The second volume will deal with a presentation of the main matrix and tensor decompositions and their properties of uniqueness, as well as very useful tensor networks for the analysis of massive data. Parametric estimation algorithms will be presented for the identification of the main tensor decompositions. After a brief historical review of the compressed sampling methods, an overview of the main methods of retrieving matrices and tensors with missing data will be performed under the low rank hypothesis. Illustrative examples will be provided.
ECW Press,Canada Character
Character is something intrinsic to us all; it forms and reveals who we are. Unbeknownst to many, character is foundational to our judgment, behavior, and leadership. As we tackle the grand challenges of our time, strength of character guides us to make better decisions, creates greater well-being, and contributes to human flourishing. For those who lead — whether in the public, private, not for profit, or education sectors — a greater understanding of character will challenge your thinking, inspire new ideas, and elevate your personal and professional performance. Character: What Contemporary Leaders Can Teach Us about Building a More Just, Prosperous, and Sustainable Future provides an exceptional opportunity to become a better leader by applying the extraordinary yet down-to-earth insights from the authors’ accessible scholarship and interviews with truly distinguished leaders whose lessons on building stronger societies through character-base
John Wiley & Sons Making Sense of Myth Conversations with Luc Brisson
The University of Chicago Press The Lucretian Renaissance: Philology and the Afterlife of Tradition
With "The Lucretian Renaissance", Gerard Passannante offers a radical rethinking of a familiar narrative: the rise of materialism in early modern Europe. Passannante begins by taking up the ancient philosophical notion that the world is composed of two fundamental opposites: atoms, as the philosopher Epicurus theorized, intrinsically unchangeable and moving about the void; and, the void itself, or nothingness. Passannante considers the fact that this strain of ancient Greek philosophy survived and was transmitted to the Renaissance primarily by means of a poem that had seemingly been lost - a poem insisting that the letters of the alphabet are like the atoms that make up the universe. By tracing this elemental analogy through the fortunes of Lucretius' "On the Nature of Things", Passannante argues that the philosophy of atoms and the void reemerged in the Renaissance as a story about reading and letters - a story that materialized in texts, in their physical recomposition, and in their scattering. From the works of Virgil and Macrobius to those of Petrarch, Montaigne, Bacon, Spenser, and Newton, "The Lucretian Renaissance" recovers a forgotten history of materialism in humanist thought and scholarly practice and asks us to reconsider one of the most enduring questions of the period: what does it mean for a text, a poem, and philosophy to be "reborn"?
Old Street Publishing The Effect of Her
Old Street Publishing Unspoken
O'Brien Press Ltd Football Fiesta: Sports Academy Book 1
Oxford University Press Inc Oceans Rise Empires Fall
A powerful explanation of why geopolitical competition makes implementing effective climate change policies so difficult. As the Russia-Ukraine war has shown, great-power competition drives states to prioritize fossil fuel acquisition over working toward a zero-carbon future.In the last few years, it has become abundantly clear that the effects of accelerating climate change will be catastrophic, from rising seas to more violent storms to desertification. Yet why do nation-states find it so difficult to implement transnational policies that can reduce carbon output and slow global warming? In Oceans Rise, Empires Fall, Gerard Toal identifies geopolitics as the culprit. States would prefer to reduce emissions in the abstract, but in the great global competition for geopolitical power, states always prioritize access to carbon-based fuels necessary for generating the sort of economic growth that helps them compete with rival states. Despite what we now know about the long-term impacts of
De Gruyter Pandemics, Politics, and Society: Critical Perspectives on the Covid-19 Crisis
This volume is an important contribution to our understanding of global pandemics in general and Covid-19 in particular. It brings together the reflections of leading social and political scientists who are interested in the implications and significance of the current crisis for politics and society. The chapters provide both analysis of the social and political dimensions of the Coronavirus pandemic and historical contextualization as well as perspectives beyond the crisis. The volume seeks to focus on Covid-19 not simply as the terrain of epidemiology or public health, but as raising fundamental questions about the nature of social, economic and political processes. The problems of contemporary societies have become intensified as a result of the pandemic. Understanding the pandemic is as much a sociological question as it is a biological one, since viral infections are transmitted through social interaction. In many ways, the pandemic poses fundamental existential as well as political questions about social life as well as exposing many of the inequalities in contemporary societies. As the chapters in this volume show, epidemiological issues and sociological problems are elucidated in many ways around the themes of power, politics, security, suffering, equality and justice. This is a cutting edge and accessible volume on the Covid-19 pandemic with chapters on topics such as the nature and limits of expertise, democratization, emergency government, digitalization, social justice, globalization, capitalist crisis, and the ecological crisis. Contents Notes on Contributors Preface Gerard Delanty1. Introduction: The Pandemic in Historical and Global Context Part 1 Politics, Experts and the State Claus Offe2. Corona Pandemic Policy: Exploratory Notes on its ‘Epistemic Regime’ Stephen Turner3. The Naked State: What the Breakdown of Normality Reveals Jan Zielonka4. Who Should be in Charge of Pandemics? Scientists or Politicians? Jonathan White5. Emergency Europe after Covid-19 Daniel Innerarity6. Political Decision-Making in a Pandemic Part 2 Globalization, History and the Future Helga Nowotny7. In AI We Trust: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Pushes us Deeper into Digitalization Eva Horn8. Tipping Points: The Anthropocene and COVID-19 Bryan S. Turner9. The Political Theology of Covid-19: a Comparative History of Human Responses to Catastrophes Daniel Chernilo10. Another Globalisation: Covid-19 and the Cosmopolitan Imagination Frédéric Vandenberghe & Jean-Francois Véran11. The Pandemic as a Global Total Social Fact Part 3 The Social and Alternatives Sylvia Walby12. Social Theory and COVID: Including Social Democracy Donatella della Porta13. Progressive Social Movements, Democracy and the Pandemic Sonja Avlijaš14. Security for Whom? Inequality and Human Dignity in Times of the Pandemic Albena Azmanova15. Battlegrounds of Justice: The Pandemic and What Really Grieves the 99% Index
Nova Science Publishers Inc Islamic State: Financial Aspects & U.S. Policy
Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd The Eskimo in the Net
Signal Books Ltd Reykjavik
Founded by Viking adventurers around AD 870, Reykjavik, the most northerly capital city in the world, is paradoxically a young city. Though it is home to the Althing, one of the oldest existing democratic institutions in the world, it was not until the eighteenth century that it developed from an isolated fishing village into a small town. It survived natural disasters and famine, a harsh climate and foreign meddling. Impoverished and marginalized under Danish rule, it was only with the Second World War, occupation by Allied forces and independence that Reykjavik grew into an important commercial and cultural centre. More recently Reykjavik has witnessed a dramatic cycle of boom and bust as its short- lived financial industry collapsed, creating unprecedented social friction in this most consensual of cities. As the city and country recover from the crash of 2008, Iceland has reassessed its role in the world economy and embraced new forms of tourism. Reykjavik's rapid growth and modernization stand in contrast to the resilience and permanence of its traditions. In art, literature and many forms of popular culture the city's people look back to a not-so-distant past of farming and fishing villages. Despite the advent of modernity, the city retains the feel of a small town, where family and community remain important. The modern and the traditional intersect in a city which is famous for its nightlife yet which is still strongly attuned to medieval sagas. Long-time resident and journalist Gerard Lemarquis plots the history of Reykjavik, its episodes of foreign domination and its trajectory towards independence. He explores Iceland's distant past and myths and legends as well as its often troubled relationship with Britain. Looking at the capital's major landmarks, he traces the changing phases of Icelandic architecture and its distinctive districts. He surveys the country's literary and artistic heritage, the idiosyncrasies of its social conventions and the importance of religion in everyday life. Not forgotten are the 'dark side' of Reykjavik and the spectacular surrounding natural scenery, which is easily accessible. Written by an outsider with deep roots in Reykjavik, this is both a clear- sighted and affectionate portrait of a unique city.
University of California Press The Art of War in World History: From Antiquity to the Nuclear Age
This engrossing anthology gathers together a remarkable collection of writings on the use of strategy in war. Gerard Chaliand has ranged over the whole of human history in assembling this collection - the result is an integration of the annals of military thought that provides a learned framework for understanding global political history. Included are writings from ancient and modern Europe, China, Byzantium, the Arab world, Persia, and the Ottoman Empire. Alongside well-known militarists such as Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Walter Raleigh, Rommel, and many others are 'irregulars' such as Cortes, Lawrence of Arabia, and even Gandhi. Contrary to standard interpretations stressing competition between land and sea powers, or among rival Christian societies, Chaliand shows the great importance of the struggles between nomadic and sedentary people, and of the conflicts between Christianity and Islam. With the invention of firepower, a relatively recent occurrence in the history of warfare, modes of organization and strategic concepts - elements reflecting the nature of a society - have been key to how war is waged. Unparalleled in its breadth, this anthology will become the standard work for understanding a fundamental part of human history - the conduct of war. 'This anthology is not only an unparalleled corpus of information and an aid to failing memory; it is also and above all a reliable and liberating guide for research...Ranging 'from the origins to the nuclear age', it compels us to widen our narrow perspectives on conflicts and strategic action and open ourselves up to the universal' - from the Foreword.
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Heroes: Ghostly Ground, Deadly Danger
Hebrew Union College Press,U.S. Lobbying for Equality: Jacques Godard and the Struggle for Jewish Equality during the French Revolution
The French Revolution brought the promise of equality to many oppressed groups living in France. French Jews, long persecuted and considered to be a separate nation, sought to benefit from the new freedoms promised by the Revolution. The inspiring story of Jacques Godard, set during the dramatic years of the Revolution, shows how one determined individual can be a catalyst for lasting and meaningful change. Jewish leaders engaged the services of Jacques Godard, a 27-year-old Catholic lawyer, who had previously defended a slave seeking his freedom, a Protestant defending his property rights, and other disadvantaged individuals. As the official lawyer and lobbyist for the Ashkenazi French Jewish community, Godard ultimately persuaded the Paris Municipal Assembly to become an important advocate in favour of equal rights for Jews, and, within two tumultuous years, the campaign for Jewish equality achieved its goal: Jews became equal citizens of France. Gerard Leval has performed an important service by describing the life of a young man who lived more than two hundred years ago and fought for causes for which we still struggle today.
Ediciones Cátedra Crisis de valores en el cine posmoderno más allá de los límites
Hablar de valores es interesarse por la relación del sujeto con el mundo: el mundo objetivo (los objetos materiales), el mundo social (el otro, la realidad humana) y el mundo subjetivo e inmaterial (la conciencia: el cómo percibo el universo de valores en el que vivo). Indica nuevos " modos de sentir " , con su reverso, lo que he llamado el " sin sentir " .El cine actual exacerba estas mutaciones porque da cabida a todos los imaginarios, abre la puerta a los deseos, hasta a veces los más inconfesables, es a menudo un instrumento de cuestionamiento y refleja una profunda crisis de valores: el " presentismo " (el volcarse en el inmediato presente), el miedo al futuro que se traduce en visiones postapocalípticas, el redescubrimiento del cuerpo y su exploración extrema, los cambios en lo que respecta a la pareja, el " neo-existencialismo " que se manifiesta mediante estados de supervivencia, resistencia pasiva, crisis de los treinta, la revisión de valores y mitos colectivos que sirvie
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Brief Atlas of The Skeleton and Surface Anatomy to accompany Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 14e
This 14th edition of the phenomenally successful A Brief Atlas of The Skeleton and Surface Anatomy continues to set the standard for the discipline. Written and superbly illustrated for two-term, introductory Anatomy and Physiology students, this text offers a rich and complete teaching and learning environment. WileyPLUS sold separately from text.
Penguin Random House LLC Revenge of the Kremlin
Penguin Random House LLC Chaos in Kabul: A Malko Linge Novel
Die Gestalten Verlag The Carousel of Animals
Rodale Press Inc. The Gut Balance Revolution: Boost Your Metabolism, Restore Your Inner Ecology, and Lose the Weight for Good!
Gut flora imbalance is why so many people can't lose weight. Research shows that gut microflora play a pivotal role in weight maintenance through its influence on metabolism, appetite regulation, and insulin resistance. In this paperback conversion of The Gut Balance Revolution, which netted more than 15,000 copies in hardcover, Dr. Gerard Mullin - the foremost authority in gastroenterology and nutritional medicine - explains how to rebalance the microbiome using a simple three-step method: Reboot. Weed out fat-forming bad bacteria by eliminating foods that make them grow. Rebalance. Reseed your gut with goods bugs and fertilise these friendly flora to establish a healthy gut ecology. Renew. Carry this lifestyle adjustment forward and maintain your weight. The book will feature step-by-step meal plans, shopping lists, restaurant guides, recipes, recommendations on dietary supplements, and exercises for each phase so readers can easily reboot, rebalance, and renew their health.