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JeanFrançois Lyotard estética y política
La política, tiene por función buscar consensos y normas generales para resolver las diferencias de intereses o visiones? O más bien, como en el caso del arte y la filosofía, tiene que ver con el desacuerdo, la pluralidad irreductible de perspectivas y las diferencias inconciliables?El pensamiento político de Lyotard se sitúa en el campo de fuerzas de lo que denominaba el différend, es decir, las disputas entre dos o más partes que se enfrentan en juegos de lenguaje diferentes ?diferencias que no se pueden resolver recorriendo a unos supuestos universales, compartidos y fundamentados. Y, sin embargo, hay que intentar siempre tender puentes en el archipiélago que es la sociedad.
Piedras blancas
En el siglo XIV el Papa Benedicto XII de Aviñón promulga las Constituciones para la reforma de las ordenes religiosas. A partir de este hecho, se inicia una confrontación entre la comunidad religiosa del monasterio de las Hermanas clarisas de Santa María de Petras Albas de la villa de Sarrià y el pontífice.La abadesa Sobirana Olzet y la comunidad de las Hermanas clarisas defenderán sus privilegios que fueron otorgados por la reina Elisenda de Montcada y de Pinós, donde se les reconocía la autogestión de su patrimonio económico y la libertad de movimiento del coenob?um.Una primera novela madura, reflexiva, construida con ingenio, que nos transportará a una época que la autora ambienta y transmite con cuidado y delicadeza, al lado de unos personajes que emocionan y se hacen cercanos a pesar de los siglos de distancia que nos separan de ellos.
Ediciones Abraxas El Tarot Adivinatorio
Classiques Garnier Maeterlinck, Le Theatre Du Poeme
Cle International Coup de coeur Polar Lectures Cle En Francais Facile
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Spatial Management of Risks
Spatial analysis is an increasingly important tool for detecting and preventing numerous risk and crisis phenomena such as floods in a geographical area. This book concentrates on examples of prevention but also gives crisis control advice and practical case studies. Some chapters address urban applications in which vulnerabilities are concentrated in area; others address more rural areas with more scattered phenomena.
Sophia Institute Press Forty Anti-Catholic Lies: A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight
Arcade Publishing Letters from an Unknown Woman
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry
Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry is a basic guide to foundational knowledge and skills and their application in clinical practice. More comprehensive than a procedural atlas and more accessible than a specialist reference, this text is an indispensable tool for dental students and clinicians beginning work with dental implants. Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry provides a concise yet comprehensive look at the basic background and science of implantology and includes practical, evidence‐based instruction on common procedures such as single implant crowns, bridges and overdentures. Well‐illustrated with clear line drawings and clinical photos, the book serves as the perfect introduction to this exciting area of dentistry.
Rowman & Littlefield Stone of Kings: In Search of The Lost Jade of The Maya
A book perfectly timed for the re-setting of the Maya calendar in 2012.... Part history, popular science, armchair travel, and real-life treasure hunt, this is the story of pre-Columbian jade—the precious stone revered by ancient Aztecs, Incans, and Maya—and the scientists, collectors, explorers and entrepreneurs who have been searching for the mythical jade mines for century.
Random House USA Inc Scottish Poems
Dielmann Axel Verlag Ein weiterer Tag im Leben des Buchhndlers Fortsetzung der Geheimen Aufzeichnungen des Buchhndlers
Klett Ernst /Schulbuch Des voisins mysterieux Nouvelle version 2 Lernjahr
Books on Demand Un café en terrasse
Dedalus Press The Sundays of Eternity
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide
In mid-2004 the Darfur crisis in Western Sudan forced itself on to the centre stage of world affairs. A formerly obscure 'tribal conflict' in the heart of Africa has escalated into what could be the first genocide of the twenty-first century. Its characteristics - Arabism, Islamism, African consciousness, famine as a weapon of war, mass rape, international obfuscation and a refusal to look evil squarely in the face - reflect many of the problems of the global South in general and Africa in particular. Because of the urgent need for knowledge about this humanitarian catastrophe, journalistic explanations of the unfolding crisis have often been rushed and given to hurried generalisations and inaccuracies. Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide explains what lies behind the conflict, how it came about, why it should not be over-simplified and why it is so relevant to the future of the continent. Prunier sets out the ethnopolitical make up of the Sudan and explains why the Darfur rebellion is regarded as a key threat to Arab power in the country, much more so than the secessionism of the Christian south. This, he argues, accounts for the government's deployment of 'exemplary violence' by the Janjaweed militias in order to cow other Black Muslims into subservience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Apps: From Mobile Phones to Digital Lives
Since the rise of the smartphone, apps have become entrenched in billions of users' daily lives. Accessible across phones and tablets, watches and wearables, connected cars, sensors, and cities, they are an inescapable feature of our current culture. In this book, Gerard Goggin provides a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the development of apps as a digital media technology. Covering the technological, social, cultural, and policy dynamics of apps, Goggin ultimately considers what a post-app world might look like. He argues that apps represent a pivowtal moment in the development of digital media, acting as a hinge between the visions and realities of the “mobile,” “cyber,” and “online” societies envisaged since the late 1980s and the imaginaries and materialities of the digital societies that emerged from 2010. Apps offer frames, construct tools, and constitute “small worlds” for users to reorient themselves in digital media settings. This fascinating book will reframe the conversation about the software that underwrites our digital worlds. It is essential reading for students and scholars of media and communication, as well as for anyone interested in this ubiquitous technology.
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. The Umbrella Academy Volume 1: Apocalypse Suite (deluxe Edition)
Pan Macmillan Legoland
A stunning new collection of stories from the Man Booker Prize and Whitbread Prize shortlisted author.Many of Legoland's stories begin with the seemingly every day, only for a turn of events to land them in an unsettling place where life's normal rules no longer apply. Whether he's writing about a child’s birthday party or the invasion of an unnamed country each story is full of Woodward's blacker-than-black humour, fearless surrealism, and poetic phrasing. Included here is his brilliant story 'The Family Whistle', shortlisted for the Sunday Times EFG Short Story Award.Legoland celebrates Woodward's trademark gift for wit and surprise: his lithe prose carrying us from comedy to tragedy and back again within a single tale. It confirms him as one of the most gifted and original writers of our time.‘Gerard Woodward falls squarely between the comic lunacy of American short-form virtuoso George Saunders and the everyday rhapsodies of Raymond Carver’ Time Out
John Wiley and Sons Ltd A Companion to Scottish Literature
A Companion to Scottish Literature offers fresh readings of major authors and periods of Scottish literary production from the first millennium to the present. Bringing together contributions by many of the world’s leading experts in the field, this comprehensive resource provides the historical background of Scottish literature, highlights new critical approaches, and explores wider cultural and institutional contexts. Dealing with texts in the languages of Scots, English, and Gaelic, the Companion offers modern perspectives on the historical milieux, thematic contexts and canonical writers of Scottish literature. Original essays apply the most up-to-date critical and scholarly analyses to a uniquely wide range of topics, such as Gaelic literature, national and diasporic writing, children’s literature, Scottish drama and theatre, gender and sexuality, and women’s writing. Critical readings examine William Dunbar, Robert Burns, Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, Muriel Spark and Carol Ann Duffy, amongst others. With full references and guidance for further reading, as well as numerous links to online resources, A Companion to Scottish Literature is essential reading for advanced students and scholars of Scottish literature, as well as academic and non-academic readers with an interest in the subject.
Gibb Memorial Trust Sanglax A Persian Guide to the Turkish Language Gibb Memorial Trust Persian Studies
Sanglax begins with a grammar of the variety of Turkish known as Catagay but the bulk of the work consists of a Turkish-Persian dictionary. Facsimile text in Persian and Turkish..
Taylor & Francis Inc Metabolism of Brain Peptides
Metabolism of Brain Peptides discusses neuropeptide metabolism in light of recent research. It describes the processing mechanisms in the production of biologically active peptides. It details distribution of the variety of neuropeptides in the brain and comprehensively reviews the effects of these neuropeptides on behavioral and physiological functions. The book also examines termination mechanisms for the biological activities of neuropeptides in light of recent knowledge of their distribution, their receptors and their possible inactivation enzymes in various functional regions of the brain and at the blood-brain barrier.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Social Theory in a Changing World: Conceptions of Modernity
This book provides a critical assessment of contemporary social theory for students in the social sciences. Delanty examines the writings of a number of key contemporary thinkers, including Habermas, Foucault, Bauman, Touraine, Giddens and Beck, and provides a clear account of the strengths and limitations of their work.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Queer Theology: Rethinking the Western Body
Queer Theology makes an important contribution to public debate about Christianity and sex. A remarkable collection of specially commissioned essays by some of the brightest and best of Anglo-American scholars Edited by one of the leading theologians working at the interface between religion and contemporary culture Reconceptualizes the body and its desires Enlarges the meaningfulness of Christian sexuality for the good of the Church Proposes that bodies are the mobile products of changing discourses and regimes of power.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Alien Sex: The Body and Desire in Cinema and Theology
Gerard Loughlin is one of the leading theologians working at the interface between religion and contemporary culture. In this exceptional work, he uses cinema and the films it shows to think about the church and the visions of desire it displays. Discusses various films, including the Alien quartet, Christopher Nolan's Memento, Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange, Nicolas Roeg's The Man Who Fell to Earth and Derek Jarman's The Garden. Draws on a wide range of authors, both ancient and modern, religious and secular, from Plato to Levinas, from Karl Barth and Hans Urs von Balthasar to André Bazin and Leo Bersani. Uses cinema to think about the church as an ecclesiacinema, and films to think about sexual desire as erotic dispossession, as a way into the life of God. Written from a radically orthodox Christian perspective, at once both Catholic and critical.
John Wiley & Sons Inc VSAT Networks
VSAT Networks: Second Edition covers all the important issues involved with the installation of VSAT systems.Since the first edition was published, the VSAT market has continued to expand steadily. VSAT technologies have advanced, prompting an increase in the take-up of VSAT services.Offering a comprehensive introduction to the topic followed by a detailed exploration of multiple access protocols, delay analysis and system dimensioning, this edition is a highly relevant update of VSAT Networks. Written by a well respected and established member of the satellite community, it will be welcomed be academics and engineers alike. Covers important issues of services, economics and regulatory aspects Provides a detailed technical insight on networking and radio frequency link aspects, therefore addressing the specific features of VSAT networks at the three lower layers of the OSI Reference Layer Model for data communications This timely second edition is fully updated with new figures, improvements and revised chapter on future developments This book will appeal to students of telecommunications, electronics and computer science. Practising telecommunications engineers and technical managers involved in the planning, design and operation of VSAT networks and systems will also find this book a valuable reference source.
Elsevier Science Handbooks in Financial Globalization
Fremantle Press Anatomy of a Secret
John Libbey Eurotext Coffee & Health
Editions Larousse Francoscopie 2030 Nous aujourdhui et demain
Peter Lang International Academic Publishers Resisting the Power of Mea Culpa: A Story of Twentieth-Century Ireland
This is both a memoir of childhood trauma and a searing work of social criticism. Through his own experience of clerical abuse and his struggle with the system that allowed it to happen, the author documents an important period of social change in Ireland. The aim of the study is to situate tough personal experiences in lifeworld contexts for the purpose of changing powerful beliefs and practices. The author contends that psychological disciplines seldom interface with regional histories in a convincing way. The book is critical of dominant ideologies which reinforce acquiescence and exaggerate the power to act in the face of multilevel disempowerment. The author also maintains that old ways of knowing are still replicated in the structure of dominant psychological frameworks. A constancy principle of micro-regulation engenders mindful quietude and/or robust notions of psychological invulnerability. This truncated worldview comes at too high a cost. The book will be of interest to historians, social commentators, psychologists and critical theorists, as well as those in the field of trauma, addiction and psychiatry.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Critical Thinking: Theories, Methods & Challenges
North Atlantic Books,U.S. Capoeira: The Jogo de Angola from Luanda to Cyberspace, Volume Two
McGill-Queen's University Press The Making of the Nations and Cultures of the New World: An Essay in Comparative History: Volume 211
A comparative, post-colonial exploration of how the collectivities of the New World became nations
Canongate Books The Doom List
Open University Press Social Science
What is social science? Does social scientific knowledge differ from other kinds of knowledge, such as the natural sciences and common sense? What is the relation between method and knowledge? This concise and accessible book provides a critical discussion and comprehensive overview of the major philosophical debates on the methodological foundations of the social sciences. From its origins in the sixteenth century when a new system of knowledge was created around the idea of modernity, the author shows how the philosophy of social science developed as a reflection on some of the central questions in modernity. Visions of modernity have been reflected in the self-understanding of the social sciences. From the positivist dispute on explanation vs. understanding to controversies about standpoint to debates about constructivism and realism, Delanty outlines the major shifts in the philosophy of social science. He argues that social science is an intellectual framework for the transformation of the social world.The new edition is updated and expanded throughout with the latest developments in the field, including a new chapter on feminist standpoint epistemology, and additional material on neo-positivism, pragmatism, and reflexivity. This is one of the most ambitious and wide-ranging texts in recent years on debates on method and the contemporary situation of social science. It is of interest to undergraduate students and postgraduates as well as to professional researchers with an interest in the philosophy of the social sciences and social theory.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide
Offering an up-to-date historical perspective which should enable readers to fathom how the brutal massacres of 800,000 Rwandese came to pass in 1994, this volume includes a new chapter that brings the analysis up to the end of 1996. Gerard Prunier probes into how the genocidal events in Rwanda were part of a deadly logic - a plan that served central political and economic interests - rather than a result of primordial tribal hatreds, a notion often invoked by the media to dramatize genocide.
Rowman & Littlefield Stone of Kings: In Search of The Lost Jade of The Maya
A book perfectly timed for the re-setting of the Maya calendar in 2012.... Part history, popular science, armchair travel, and real-life treasure hunt, this is the story of pre-Columbian jade—the precious stone revered by ancient Aztecs, Incans, and Maya—and the scientists, collectors, explorers and entrepreneurs who have been searching for the mythical jade mines for more than a century.
Faber & Faber Julius Winsome
Julius Winsome lives in a cabin in the hunting heartland of the Maine woods, with only his books and his dog for company. That is until the morning he finds that his dog has been shot dead - and not by accident. Gerard Donovan weaves an extraordinary tale of revenge that is also a tender and heartbreaking paean to lost love. Narrated by the unforgettable voice of Julius himself - at once compassionate, vulnerable and threatening - it reads like a timeless, lost classic.
Yale University Press Theory of Value: An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium
"[This] beautiful and austere book . . . [is] an important landmark of economic theory."—F.H. Hahn, Journal of Political Economy "An immortal classic of twentieth century economics. Every economist should own a copy."—Robert Lucas, University of ChicagoTheory of Value offers a rigorous, axiomatic, and formal analysis of producer behavior, consumer behavior, general equilibrium, and the optimality of the market mechanism for resource allocation.
Gill On Raglan Road
Life is an ocean and love is a boat, In troubled waters that keeps us afloat ...This lively collection uncovers for the first time how the best Irish love songs came to be. This is for anyone who ever wondered who the 'Galway Girl' was, or if there was a real-life 'Nancy Spain'. Learn the often surprising, sometimes bittersweet, but always absorbing stories of the real women who inspired some of the world's finest love songs.
O'Brien Press Ltd Rugby Flyer: Haunting history, thrilling tries
Merrion Press Liam Lynch: To Declare a Republic
Austin Macauley Publishers Within you Without you