Search results for ""Author Don""
Ohio University Press The Birth of Sense: Generative Passivity in Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy
In The Birth of Sense, Don Beith proposes a new concept of generative passivity, the idea that our organic, psychological, and social activities take time to develop into sense. More than being a limit, passivity marks out the way in which organisms, persons, and interbodily systems take time in order to manifest a coherent sense. Beith situates his argument within contemporary debates about evolution, developmental biology, scientific causal explanations, psychology, postmodernism, social constructivism, and critical race theory. Drawing on empirical studies and phenomenological reflections, Beith argues that in nature, novel meaning emerges prior to any type of constituting activity or deterministic plan. The Birth of Sense is an original phenomenological investigation in the style of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and it demonstrates that the French philosopher’s works cohere around the notion that life is radically expressive. While Merleau-Ponty’s early works are widely interpreted as arguing for the primacy of human consciousness, Beith argues that a pivotal redefinition of passivity is already under way here, and extends throughout Merleau-Ponty’s corpus. This work introduces new concepts in contemporary philosophy to interrogate how organic development involves spontaneous expression, how personhood emerges from this bodily growth, and how our interpersonal human life remains rooted in, and often thwarted by, domains of bodily expressivity.
Thomas Nelson Publishers What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook: Eat Well, Feel Great, and Live Longer
Most Christians truly want to understand what Jesus would do, and we want to follow His example in any given situation: we want to love and honor our heavenly Father as Jesus did, we want to obey the Ten Commandments as He did, and we want to learn how to love other people as He did. But do we want to eat as Jesus ate?Jesus cared about the health of people. After all, many of his healing miracles are a testimony to that fact. In the What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook, Dr. Colbert combines excerpts from his bestseller, What Would Jesus Eat? with new research and data that will help you find balance in body, mind, and spirit.Join Dr. Colbert, a board-certified family practice doctor for more than 25 years and a board-certified practitioner through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine as he shares: 90+ simple yet healthy recipes that anyone can make Key takeaways at the end of each chapter that provide answers to frequently asked questions Information about anxiety, autoimmune disorders, cancer, diabetes, fatigue, food allergies, inflammation, insomnia, Lyme disease, memory loss, migraines, thyroid disease, and weight loss Helpful advice to help you choose organic options and eat clean Tips on freezing foods, baking pan suggestions based on cups/servings, and easy ingredient substitution suggestions If you want to live a healthier lifestyle that aligns with your faith, let the What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook be your guide along the way. With life-changing information designed to improve every aspect of your well-being, this isn't just a cookbook--it's a resource you'll turn to time and time again.
Edinburgh University Press Get Set for Teacher Training
This is a guide to getting the most out of a teacher training course in the United Kingdom. It covers both primary and secondary teaching and is suitable for students following undergraduate, postgraduate or alternative routes. The book gives a clear idea of what to expect from such courses, how to succeed on them and so make the best possible start to a career in teaching. It covers: *studying education and teaching * learning from placements * professional study skills The guide will enable readers to get to grips quickly with curriculum planning, teaching and class management, applying developmental psychology, writing assignments, making presentations, managing priorities and time, and meeting the challenge of being assessed on teaching competence - all essential to professional confidence and success in teaching today. Written by an experienced, innovative teacher educator it reflects up-to-date policy and research, highlighting new ideas about assessment, learning styles and subject understanding.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd New Media, Development and Globalization: Making Connections in the Global South
New media, development and globalization are the key terms through which the future is being imagined and performed in governance, development initiatives and public and political discourse. Yet these authoritative terms have arisen within particular cultural and ideological contexts. In using them, we risk promoting over-generalized and seemingly unchallengeable frameworks for action and knowledge production which can blind us to the complex global patterns and promise of social reality.This compelling book forces us to look at these terms afresh. Drawing on more than ten years of ethnographic fieldwork in Latin America, West Africa and South Asia, Don Slater seeks to challenge these terms as voicing specific northern narratives rather than universal truths, and to see them from the perspective of southern people and communities who are equally concerned to understand new machines for communication, new models of social change and new maps of social connection. The central question the book poses is: how we can democratize the ways we think and practise new media, development and globalization, opening these terms to dialogue and challenge within North-South relations? Rooted in sociological debates, New Media, Development and Globalization will also be a provocative contribution to media and cultural studies, studies of digital culture, development studies, geography and anthropology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Consumer Culture and Modernity
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues, concepts and theories through which people have tried to understand consumer culture throughout the modern period, and puts the current state of thinking into a broader context. Thematically organized, the book shows how the central aspects of consumer culture - such as needs, choice, identity, status, alienation, objects, culture - have been debated within modern theories, from those of earlier thinkers such as Marx and Simmel to contemporary forms of post-structuralism and postmodernism. This approach introduces consumer culture as a subject which - far from being of narrow or recent interest - is intimately tied to the central issues of modern times and modern social thought. With its reviews of major theorists set within a full account of the development of the subject, this book should be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the many disciplines which now study consumer culture, including communications and cultural studies, anthropology and history.
Pluto Press Sex-Life: A Critical Commentary on the History of Sexuality
'Desire, sexuality and biology appear to be inextricably linked. Not simply because we exist "as", "with" and "in" our bodies , but because our sexual feelings ... continue to be represented and understood as expressions of our biological constitution. Yet somehow the idea that sexuality is an "ideological imposition upon the body" - that is, a social construction - has taken firm root in the academy and among the political opponents of phallocentric sexuality. The dissonance between the theory of sexuality - the history of sexuality - and its lived practice continues unabated.' In Sex Life, Don Milligan explores the variety of ways in which sexuality has been theorised in the twentieth century - from Freud to the modern critical theorists such as Derrida, Foucault, Lyotard and Lacan. He examines the conflicting claims of biological essentialism and social determinism, and argues, the the course of a lucid critical review of the history of ideas about sexuality, that the apparent contradiction between these two extremes is misleading, simplistic and ultimately unhelpful. Milligan's controversial and provocative study provides the grounding for new developments in the debates over sexuality.
Princeton University Press Cunning
Want to be cunning? You might wish you were more clever, more flexible, able to cut a few corners without getting caught, to dive now and again into iniquity and surface clutching a prize. You might want to roll your eyes at those slaves of duty who play by the rules. Or you might think there's something sleazy about that stance, even if it does seem to pay off. Does that make you a chump? With pointedly mischievous prose, Don Herzog explores what's alluring and what's revolting in cunning. He draws on a colorful range of sources: tales of Odysseus; texts from Machiavelli; pamphlets from early modern England; salesmen's newsletters; Christian apologetics; plays; sermons; philosophical treatises; detective novels; famous, infamous, and obscure historical cases; and more. The book is in three parts, bookended by two murderous churchmen. "Dilemmas" explores some canonical moments of cunning and introduces the distinction between knaves and fools as a "time-honored but radically deficient scheme." "Appearances" assails conventional approaches to unmasking. Surveying ignorance and self-deception, "Despair?" deepens the case that we ought to be cunning--and then sees what we might say in response. Throughout this beguiling book, Herzog refines our sense of what's troubling in this terrain. He shows that rationality, social roles, and morality are tangled together--and trickier than we thought.
Penguin Putnam Inc Corduroy Book and Bear
Now children can cuddle up with an adorable Corduroy plush bear as they listen to his story. A small edition of the classic Corduroy book is included in this handsome package?just the right size to carry along in the car or in a stroller. Right in time for holiday gift-giving, theCorduroy Book and Bear boxed set is a must-have for this popular character?s legions of fans.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bank Marketing for the 90's: New Ideas from 55 of the Best Marketers in Banking
Having spent 38 years in banking, including 21 as a CEO, the author believes that marketing is the foundation of the banking business and the key to its survival. Profound changes have occurred in the use and influence of marketing in the banking industry. Contains the best marketing ideas for financial institutions in the 1990's, developed by some of the top and most respected marketers in banking.
HarperCollins In the Shadow of the Fallen Towers The Seconds Minutes Hours Days Weeks Months and Years after the 911 Attacks
Yale University Press Defaming the Dead
Do the dead have rights? In a persuasive argument, Don Herzog makes the case that the deceased’s interests should be protected This is a delightfully deceptive works that start out with a simple, seemingly arcane question—can you libel or slander the dead?—and develops it outward, tackling larger and larger implications, until it ends up straddling the borders between law, culture, philosophy, and the meaning of life. A full answer to this question requires legal scholar Don Herzog to consider what tort law is actually designed to protect, what differences death makes—and what differences it doesn’t—and why we value what we value. Herzog is one of those rare scholarly writers who can make the most abstract argument compelling and entertaining.
Penguin Young Readers Group A Pocket For Corduroy Picture Puffin
Corduroy the bear goes to the launderette with Lisa. He overhears her mother warn her about taking things out of her pockets before washing her clothes. When Corduroy discovers he does not have a pocket, he begins his search to find one.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Border
North Star Editions Civilizations of the World: Ancient Egypt
Explores the history and culture of Ancient Egypt. Eye-catching photos, fascinating sidebars, and a "Contributions" special feature guide readers through the rise and fall of this great civilization, focusing on the people and accomplishments that made it unique.
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S. Strong as Sandow: How Eugen Sandow Became the Strongest Man on Earth
University of Nevada Press The Powell Expedition: New Discoveries about John Wesley Powell's 1869 River Journey
John Wesley Powell's 1869 expedition down the Green and Colorado Rivers and through the Grand Canyon continues to be one of the most celebrated adventures in American history, ranking with the Lewis and Clark expedition and the Apollo landings on the moon. For nearly twenty years Lago has researched the Powell expedition from new angles, traveled to thirteen states, and looked into archives and other sources no one else has searched. He has come up with many important new documents that change and expand our basic understanding of the expedition by looking into Powell's crewmembers, some of whom have been almost entirely ignored by Powell historians. Historians tended to assume that Powell was the whole story and that his crewmembers were irrelevant. More seriously, because several crew members made critical comments about Powell and his leadership, historians who admired Powell were eager to ignore and discredit them.Lago offers a feast of new and important material about the river trip, and it will significantly rewrite the story of Powell's famous expedition. This book is not only a major work on the Powell expedition, but on the history of American exploration of the West.
Charisma House New Bible Cure For High Blood Pressure, The
Quirk Books Jokes Every Man Should Know
Writer and humorist Don Steinberg was not interested in compiling a thousand gags into a giant paperback, because he knew most of the content would be bland. Instead, he set out to compile the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the "Jokes Every Man Should Know". Here are jokes for business trips, blind dates, and family get-togethers. Here are seven jokes that will make kids laugh and nineteen jokes that are definitely not suitable for children. Here are three jokes about doctors, two jokes about gorillas, eight jokes about heaven, and the world's only truly funny knock-knock joke. When applicable, Steinberg has included history about the origin of the joke and/or alternate versions, along with a visual rating system to indicate the best audience for the joke.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Large Hadron Collider: The Extraordinary Story of the Higgs Boson and Other Stuff That Will Blow Your Mind
Since 2008 scientists have conducted experiments in a hyperenergized, 17-mile supercollider beneath the border of France and Switzerland. The Large Hadron Collider (or what scientists call "the LHC") is one of the wonders of the modern world-a highly sophisticated scientific instrument designed to recreate in miniature the conditions of the universe as they existed in the microseconds following the big bang. Among many notable LHC discoveries, one led to the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics for revealing evidence of the existence of the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle. Picking up where he left off in The Quantum Frontier, physicist Don Lincoln shares an insider's account of the LHC's operational history and gives readers everything they need to become well informed on this marvel of technology. Writing about the LHC's early days, Lincoln offers keen insight into an accident that derailed the operation nine days after the collider's 2008 debut. A faulty solder joint started a chain reaction that caused a massive explosion, damaged 50 superconducting magnets, and vaporized large sections of the conductor. The crippled LHC lay dormant for over a year, while technical teams repaired the damage. Lincoln devotes an entire chapter to the Higgs boson and Higgs field, using several extended analogies to help explain the importance of these concepts to particle physics. In the final chapter, he describes what the discovery of the Higgs boson tells us about our current understanding of basic physics and how the discovery now keeps scientists awake over a nagging inconsistency in their favorite theory. As accessible as it is fascinating, The Large Hadron Collider reveals the inner workings of this masterful achievement of technology, along with the mind-blowing discoveries that will keep it at the center of the scientific frontier for the foreseeable future.
The Merlin Press Ltd No Justice Without a Struggle
Pustak Mahal Become a Successful Speaker
Tangent Books Don Pedro Presents Politics & Protest: Bristol: subvertising, graffiti, stickers, posters
NeWest Press Incident at Willow Creek
NeWest Press Big Rig 2: More Comic Tales From A Long Haul Trucker
Canongate Books No Second Chances
Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ultimate Forgiveness
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Cuban Health Care: The Ongoing Revolution
Quiet as it’s kept inside the United States, the Cuban Revolution has achieved some phenomenal goals, reclaiming Cuba’s agriculture, advancing its literacy rate to nearly 100 percent—and remaking its medical system. Cuba has transformed its health care to the extent that this “third-world” country has been able to maintain a first-world medical system, whose health indicators surpass those of the United States at a fraction of the cost. Don Fitz combines his deep knowledge of Cuban history with his decades of on-the-ground experience in Cuba to bring us the story of how Cuba’s health care system evolved and how Cuba is tackling the daunting challenges to its revolution in this century. Fitz weaves together complex themes in Cuban history, moving the reader from one fascinating story to another. He describes how Cuba was able to create a unified system of clinics, and evolved the family doctor-nurse teams that became a model for poor countries throughout the world. How, in the 1980s and ‘90s, Cuba survived the encroachment of AIDS and increasing suffering that came with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and then went on to establish the Latin American School of Medicine, which still brings thousands of international students to the island. Deeply researched, recounted with compassion, Cuban Health Care tells a story you won’t find anywhere else, of how, in terms of caring for everyday people, Cuba’s revolution continues.
Lone Pine Publishing,Canada Fraser River Delta: The Discoverer's Guide
This book explores 42 sites along the Fraser River from Boundary Bay to the Pitt River. Maps and full-color photographs make this book a pleasure to read and use.
Rowman & Littlefield Schwinn: The Best Present Ever
For many children of the sixties, the gift of a Schwinn was a ticket to freedom, a chance to feel the wind on their face and the steady rotation of rubber at their feet. The Schwinn took many through their childhood adventures, with memories filled of after school, free-range bike rides around the neighborhood with friends, the late afternoon sun shining off of the gleaming painted frame and stainless steel fenders. The 1960s and 70s saw a boom of Schwinn Sting-Rays, which appealed to young riders who had to have the hottest “muscle” bike in town, and sold like hotcakes to parents everywhere scrambling to get the best Christmas present ever for their kids. From its early years dominating the youth market with Sting-Rays to the teen-friendly Varsity and Continental models to its most recent parent-friendly iterations of the Easy-Steer and Roadster Trikes, the Schwinn weaves itself through 120 years of American history. For many, the Schwinn will be forever tied to the memories of their childhood, to a simpler time of freedom, laughter, and endless wonder. Schwinn: The Best Present Ever is a visual celebration of this American icon, with a complementary narrative throughout that tells the Schwinn story.
Millivres-Prowler Group Ltd Comfort of Dreams
Pearson Education MCSA 70410 Cert Guide R2
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Nashville Steeler: My Life in Country Music
This true account of the rise of country music is told by a 1940s' band musician, Don Davis, who became a music business executive and worked with all the Grand Ole Opry stars. Johnny Cash, the Carter family, Waylon Jennings, Minnie Pearl, Roy Acuff, and many others were his friends and appear throughout the book. They played from Mobile to Nashville and back again to his beloved Alabama. This masterful storyteller recalls colorful songwriters, record personalities, and fans with real incidents over his sixty-year career, that will move readers from laughter to tears. View 100 photographs showing real people, places, and instruments that have become country music legends. The stories will inform the fans and inspire current musicians to keep to their roots and enjoy the music.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Segmented Bowls for the Beginning Turner
This book is designed for the beginning wood turners ready to take up the challenge of turning segmented bowls and platters. Each step of the process is explained in both straightforward instructions and over 200 clear color photos and patterns. The hallmark of a segmented bowl is the design incorporated into the body. While these designs appear to be complicated and difficult to make, this book simplifies the process. Key to making these apparently complex designs is using a combination of different wood colors and varying lengths and segment alignments. The problem of cutting the segments accurately is also solved with instructions for making simple fixtures for your table saw that cut segments with enough precision to avoid complicated sanding and fitting. Using the methods described here, wood turners will successfully create segmented salad bowls, decorator bowls, and serving platters. While written with the beginner in mind, this book is a must for all wood turners.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Imperial Japanese Army Flying Schools 1912-1945
The book details the history of Imperial Japanese Army Flying Schools from 1912 to 1945, covering not only the formation of the schools, but also evolution of the training aircraft and the training of pilots, other aircrew, and ground crew maintenance personnel. Includes numerous photographs, many of which have not been seen before in any English language publication. In addition the wide variety of aircraft types used and the different markings they carried add much colour interest to inspire modellers in a completely new field and are illustrated by some 400 colour art profiles.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Classic American Diners: Collectible Postcards and Matchcovers
The classic diner is an icon of the American roadside. As cars were mass-produced, so were these aluminum gems, whose metal bodies and neon signs came to characterize modernity in the mid-twentieth century. From the 1920s to the 1950s, these eye-catching eateries promoted themselves on many giveaway matchcovers and postcards. Today, these highly collectible pieces of ephemera provide a colorful visual record of diners from all over the country. Nearly 450 examples are included here, along with a history of the diner and related information about postcards and matchcovers of the era. Enjoy a nostalgic, state-by-state tour of architecturally unique, vintage American diners.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd War Hawgs: A-10s of the USAF
Don Logan's all-new pictorial book is intended as both a complementary and supplementary volume to his first A-10 book (see page 20). This book bridges the gap between 1997, when his first A-10 book was published, and summer 2006 with 550 current action A-10 photographs and updated Squadron information, including the effect of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) 2006 on A-10 units. All twelve continental U.S. bases operating A-10s are covered, as well as A-10s on the Nellis AFB range complex, Bollen Range at Fort Indiantown Gap near Harrisburg Pennsylvania, Razorback Range at Fort Chaffee near Fort Smith Arkansas, and Claiborne Range at Fort Polk near Alexandria, Louisiana. The three bases outside the forty-eight contiguous United States bases - Eielson AFB in Alaska, Spangdahlem AB in Germany, and Osan AB in South Korea - are also represented.
Penguin Putnam Inc Tom Clancy Flash Point
Little, Brown & Company This Is the Fire: What I Say to My Friends About Racism
The host of CNN Tonight with Don Lemon is more popular than ever. As America's only Black prime-time anchor, Lemon and his daily monologues on racism and antiracism, on the failures of the Trump administration and of so many of our leaders, and on America's systemic flaws speak for his millions of fans. Now, in an urgent, deeply personal, riveting plea, he shows us all how deep our problems lie, and what we can do to begin to fix them.Beginning with a letter to one of his Black nephews, he proceeds with reporting and reflections on his slave ancestors, his upbringing in the shadows of segregation, and his adult confrontations with politicians, activists, and scholars. In doing so, Lemon offers a searing and poetic ultimatum to America. He visits the slave port where a direct ancestor was shackled and shipped to America. He recalls a slave uprising in Louisiana, just a few miles from his birthplace. And he takes us to the heart of the 2020 protests in New York City. As he writes to his young nephew: We must resist racism every single day. We must resist it with love.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Lab 1b, Student Record Book (Pkg. of 5), Levels 1.4 - 4.5
Add your students' names to the list of 100 million who have used SRA Reading Labs to become fluent readers. The leveled approach of this program helps you get the most from every minute of learning time. This versatile program contains: A range of reading levels that enable all students to learn independently and at their own pace Self-directed readings that serve an entire classroom of readers at different levels Choose the edition that best fits your budget and the time you have to teach: Reading Lab Deluxe Editions feature a comprehensive range of materials. Reading Lab Economy Editions are more streamlined and affordable.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Lab 2c, Student Record Book (5-pack), Levels 3.0 - 9.0
A truly effective program evolves to meet changing classroom needs. With Reading Labs 2a, 2b, 2c, students build crucial skills through reading selections in a wide range of topic areas. Your students will build strong reading and comprehension skills.
Random House USA Inc The End of the World
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Last Viking: The True Story of King Harald Hardrada
'The Last Viking reads like the sagas on which it is based. It's Beowulf on steroids, laced with purple prose...This book is great fun. '- Gerard DeGroot, The Times Harald Sigurdsson burst into history as a teenaged youth in a Viking battle from which he escaped with little more than his life and a thirst for vengeance. But from these humble origins, he became one of Norway’s most legendary kings. The Last Viking is a fast-moving narrative account of the life of King Harald Hardrada, as he journeyed across the medieval world, from the frozen wastelands of the North to the glittering towers of Byzantium and the passions of the Holy Land, until his warrior death on the battlefield in England. Combining Norse sagas, Byzantine accounts, Anglo-Saxon chronicles, and even King Harald’s own verse and prose into a single, compelling story, Don Hollway vividly depicts the violence and spectacle of the late Viking era and delves into the dramatic events that brought an end to almost three centuries of Norse conquest and expansion.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Quantum Frontier: The Large Hadron Collider
The highest-energy particle accelerator ever built, the Large Hadron Collider runs under the border between France and Switzerland. It leapt into action on September 10, 2008, amid unprecedented global press coverage and widespread fears that its energy would create tiny black holes that could destroy the earth. By smashing together particles smaller than atoms, the LHC recreates the conditions hypothesized to have existed just moments after the big bang. Physicists expect it to aid our understanding of how the universe came into being and to show us much about the standard model of particle physics-even possibly proving the existence of the mysterious Higgs boson. In exploring what the collider does and what it might find, Don Lincoln explains what the LHC is likely to teach us about particle physics, including uncovering the nature of dark matter, finding micro black holes and supersymmetric particles, identifying extra dimensions, and revealing the origin of mass in the universe. Thousands of physicists from around the globe will have access to the LHC, none of whom really knows what outcomes will be produced by the 7.7 billion project. Whatever it reveals, the results arising from the Large Hadron Collider will profoundly alter our understanding of the cosmos and the atom and stimulate amateur and professional scientists for years to come.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Lancaster County: A Keepsake: A Keepsake
The rudimentary beauty of black-and-white cows, weathered barns, workhorses, and agricultural patterns makes Lancaster County remarkably photogenic. In nearly 100 images, including historic sites and rolling hills along the Susquehanna River, lifetime resident Don Shenk captures the simplicity and striking scenery of this agrarian-based county, home to the world's largest Amish population, as it changes from season to season. From sleepy snow-coated fields in winter to the colorful bounty of summer being sold at market, from the re-awakening of orchards in spring to a crisp buggy ride through autumn's dappled light, Lancaster County showcases its natural beauty and charm in this compact book. This is a wonderful gift for a friend, keepsake to remember a visit, or token of home for all who love Lancaster County.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Turning Modified Slimline Pens: Beyond the Basics
Learn how to make unique pen designs using the Slimline pen kit and its strongest attributes with clear, step-by-step instructions and 291 clear color photos. The designs and techniques used in this book include: changing the lengths of the pen’s barrels, eliminating the center band, adding accent rings and center bands made from various materials. Also included are building blanks from sections of contrasting woods, recessing the clip and finial, using rifle shells and shaft sections of hunting arrows for pen barrels, making a one-piece barrel for the Slimline pen, and many other interesting and impressive modifications. Other topics covered include coloring pen barrels with wood dye and using cyanoacrylate glue and boiled linseed oil together to produce a superb and brilliant finish for pens made on the wood lathe.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd USAF F-15 Eagles: Units, Colors & Markings
After twenty-five years of service with the USAF, the F-15 is still the most effective air superiority fighter in the world today. In addition, the F-15E Strike Eagle has taken over the F-111’s role as the USAF’s Strike Fighter. This book chronicles, with over 750 color photos, the story of the F-15A, B, C, D, and E. The book includes F-15 program history, prototype and operational aircraft paint schemes, and unit markings of all USAF and Air National Guard units operating the F-15. A section on USAF F-15 MiG killers in both Operation Desert Storm and Operation Allied Force, with photos of all USAF F-15 MiG killers, is included. Over 130 colorful official and unofficial unit patches involving the F-15 are included. The book also includes a description of the aircraft, its systems, and weapons.